Knitting different patterns of elastic bands. French elastic with knitting needles and other “foreign” elastic bands...

Knitting an elastic band with knitting needles is definitely one of the top ten of all such training lessons. And this is correct, since this method is used for finishing a wide range of products. Socks, sleeves, stand-up collars, the bottom and neck of pullovers or sweaters - this is not a complete list of clothing items where elastic is used.

But in fact, there are a huge number of variations of the rib pattern, many of which are so beautiful in themselves that sweaters, hats and scarves knitted with them look simply wonderful.

The main feature of any elastic pattern is its elasticity and ability to stretch well, which is how it got its name.

Simple knitted elastic band

A simple elastic band is a fabric consisting of alternating sets of knit and purl loops. As a result of knitting, continuous vertical columns are formed, convex due to the facial loops and concave due to the purl stitches.

Knitting elastic with knitting needles is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the effect of fitting the figure with the fabric of the product: cuffs, necklines, fitted parts, etc. - it is advisable to knit all this with an elastic band. Interesting patterns can be achieved by combining a simple elastic band with braids, crossed loops, openwork and other patterns.

Designations for a simple elastic band

As a rule, simple elastic bands are indicated by the formula N x M, where N and M are the number of knit and purl loops, respectively. Most often N=M. For example, 1x1 and 2x2 elastic bands are very common.

But in fact, knitting an elastic band with knitting needles is possible using almost any combination of basic stitches, the main thing is to maintain proportions that allow the fabric to be elastic and also to be in harmony with the rest of the patterns of the product.

Knitting a simple elastic band

For everyone who is interested in how to knit an elastic band with knitting needles, we offer a universal technique.

  1. Select the N and M values ​​​​necessary for your product (the number of front and back loops), which will form vertical columns.
  2. Calculate “rapport” - a repeating combination of loops to create a pattern using the formula R=N+M.
  3. Cast on a number of stitches that is a multiple of R and add 2 more edge stitches. Circular elastic with knitting needles does not require entering edge loops.
  4. Knit the first row and all odd rows according to the following sequence of stitches: N knit, M purl, N knit... etc. Do not forget about the rules of edge loops when knitting in a non-circular manner.
  5. Even rows in circular knitting are similar to step 4. When knitting fabric, it is necessary to follow the pattern by knitting purl stitches over all purl stitches, and knit stitches above the knit stitches, respectively.

Double elastic knitting

This elastic band is used in cases where it is necessary for the fabric to fit as tightly as possible to the figure and keep its shape. These can be scarves, hats, as well as product elements such as belts, necklines or cuffs.

Knitting method

Creating a double elastic band is almost as easy as knitting an elastic band with knitting needles in its simple version:

  1. Cast on loops on the knitting needles in multiples of four and add two edge loops (this is not done when knitting in the round).
  2. We knit the first row (and all subsequent odd rows) to the very end, alternating between each other a knit stitch, knitted behind the front wall and re-knitted without knitting, and a loop with preliminary movement of the working thread in front of the fabric.
  3. In the second (and all even rows) when knitting the fabric, we alternate one purl loop with one unknitted one, first placing the working thread behind the product. In a circular pattern, we alternate the cast stitch with the knit stitch. This is a double elastic band.

English gum

English, or pearl, is the most popular among all rubber bands. It has a lush relief and soft texture, thanks to which it is widely used in knitting such bulky items as jumpers, hats, scarves, etc.

This type is not suitable for knitting cuffs and edges of products, since the pattern of the fabric is soft and not very elastic. Basic loops and yarn over loops - these are the elements with which English elastic is knitted with knitting needles. The process is described in detail below.

Knitting English rib

  • An odd number of loops and two edge stitches are cast on the knitting needles.
  • We knit the first row according to a repeat of three loops: one yarn over, an unknitted loop with the working thread wound behind the fabric, one knit stitch.
  • The second row consists of a yarn over, one unknitted loop and two loops knitted together with one knit stitch.
  • In the third row, two loops are knitted together with the front one, then the yarn over goes and one loop is thrown over without being knitted.

It is important to close the loops of the English elastic correctly. To make the edge look neat and even, closing the loops should be done after the row knitted, according to point 2, in the usual way.

English rib for circular knitting

In the slightly circular version, the English rib is knitted differently with knitting needles; the knitting pattern for the 1×1 set has the following explanation:

  • Row 1. Knit stitch, yarn over, unknitted stitch over.
  • Row 2. Yarn over, unknitted loop over, purl loop.
  • Row 3: Two stitches knitted together, then an unknitted stitch.

The English 2×2 elastic band also looks very good. To implement it, you need to cast on a multiple of 4 loops and two edge loops. Then:

  • Row 1. We knit a row similar to knitting a simple elastic band - we alternate two knits and two purls. We knit the last two loops of the row with facial loops.
  • Row 2. Repeat the following repeat: yarn over, slip over without knitting the next two loops, knit two. Before the last two loops of the row we make a yarn over, but do not knit them themselves.
  • Row 3. Knit together the yarn over and the next loop. Then knit one, yarn over, do not knit two loops. We knit the penultimate stitch of the row with a knit crochet, and the last stitch is also knitted over.
  • Row 4. We knit according to rapport: yarn over, do not knit two loops, knit the next loop together with the yarn over, then knit again. We complete the row with two unknitted loops, before which we make a yarn over.

Further knitting of the fabric occurs in a cycle according to the pattern indicated for rows 3 and 4.

Polish gum

Polish gum, due to its loose texture, is excellent option for knitting snoods, collar scarves and children's clothes.

We hasten to reassure everyone who is interested in Polish elastic with knitting needles - its knitting pattern is very simple.

- - * - - - * -
- * * * - * * *
- - * - - - * -
- * * * - * * *

"*" - front loop on the front side of the product and, accordingly, purl on the back side;

"-" - purl loop on the front side and, accordingly, the front loop on the wrong side.


  1. Odd rows: alternate 3 knit stitches with 1 purl stitch.
  2. Even rows: 2 knit stitches, then 1 purl stitch and 1 knit stitch.

When knitting in a circular pattern, the pattern corresponding to point 2 is applied to all rows.

French gum

This type of elastic band has its own special “corrugated” structure. This knitting of an elastic band with knitting needles follows the same algorithm for both simple and circular knitting, and it is unusually easy:

  • We cast on a multiple of four loops and two edge loops.
  • Odd rows: alternate two knit stitches with two purl stitches.
  • Even rows: 1 purl stitch, then 2 knit stitches, then 1 purl stitch again.

- * * - - * * -
- - * * - - * *
- * * - - * * -
- - * * - - * *

As you can see, everything is simple. It's enough to start.

Every knitter knows that almost every thing begins with knitting an elastic band. Knitted elastic bands can be used not only as decoration, but also as the main pattern. The fully knitted product in this version also looks beautiful and original.

I want to bring to your attention 10 of the simplest and most interesting species. Alone knitted elastic bands knitting needles look the same on the face and on the back, while others form their own interesting pattern on the back, which can also be used. That's why the photo shows both sides so you can compare. When knitting samples, do not forget about the edge loops. For those who don’t know what this is, I’ll briefly explain: thanks to the edge loops, the edges of the product look more beautiful and even - the first loop of each row is simply removed unknitted, and the last loop is knitted purl-wise.

Elastic band 1×1

To knit a sample, cast on the knitting needles such a number of loops so that they are divided into 2 + 2 edge loops:
1st row: * K1, P1. *, repeat between stars until the end of the row.
2nd row: knit according to the pattern.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Elastic band 2×2

We cast on loops that are multiples of 4+2+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * K2, P2. *.
2nd row: knit according to the pattern.
Repeat from the 1st row.


Basically, this elastic is an imitation of factory elastic on things knitted with a machine. But it looks interesting on things made by hand. Moreover, its reverse side looks like a separate beautiful pattern. Therefore, it can be used in different ways.
We cast on loops that are multiples of 2+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * K1, P1*.
2nd row: * 1 slip (thread before work), 1 purl. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

English (patent)

1st row: * K1, 1 yarn over, slip 1 stitch without knitting *, k1.
Row 2: Yarn over 1, slip 1, * knit 2 together. (this is a slipped loop and yarn over from the previous row), 1 yarn over, slip 1 *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Semi-English (semi-patent)

We cast on loops that are multiples of 2+1+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * K1, 1 yarn over, slip 1 stitch *, K1.
Row 2: P1, * k2tog. behind the front walls, 1 purl. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Elastic band

We cast on loops that are multiples of 3+2 edge stitches:
1st row: *K2, P1*.
Knit the 2nd row and all even rows according to the pattern.
3rd row: * K2. cross to the right, purl 1. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.


We cast on loops that are multiples of 4+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * 1 yarn over, knit 2, yarn over both loops *.
2nd row: * P2, k2. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Corrugated elastic band

1st row: * K1, P3. *, 1 person.
Row 2: P1, * K1, P1. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.


We cast on loops that are multiples of 5+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * P1, k1, p1, k2. cross left *.
2nd row: * P2, k3. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Faceted gum

We cast on loops that are multiples of 4+1+2 edge stitches:
1st row: * K2, P2. *, 1 person.
2nd row: * P2, k2. *, 1 p.
Repeat from the 1st row.

I hope that this article about knitted elastic bands was useful to you and you can choose an elastic band to your liking.

For the sample, cast on an even number of loops. The elastic is knitted with knits and purls in the first (main) way. The first row is knitted alternating knit and purl stitches, then the knitting is turned over and the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle - knit with knit, purl with purl.

The recording of an elastic band with the designation of rapport can be represented in the following form:

  • 1st row: * 1 knit, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * 1 purl, 1 knit *.

Simple elastic band 3×2

Knit stitch on knit row or purl stitch on purl row.
Purl loop in the front row or front loop in the purl row.

For the sample, cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that are a multiple of 5, plus 2 edge loops. The first row is knitted like this: knit three, purl two. Then the knitting is turned over and the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle: knit with knit, purl with purl.

  • 1st row: * knit 3, purl 2 *;
  • 2nd row: *Knit 2, Purl 3*.

You can create your own ribbing by alternating the knit and purl stitches in different ways.

English elastic band for scarves

1st row:
* yarn over (before the first loop), remove 1 loop, knit 2 loops together, picking up the loops in front *; The pattern is double-sided, it is used for knitting hats, scarves and warm sportswear. English elastic is quite loose and voluminous, and stretches well. To knit a sample pattern on knitting needles, cast on a number of loops divisible by three.

  • 2nd row and all subsequent rows are knitted like the first, but together they no longer knit two loops, but a pair of yarn over loops.

Convex elastic band 2 x 2

Convex elastic bands look good on bulky items. Using circular knitting needles you can knit an original snood collar, as in the Missoni collection. Seamless scarves are especially popular right now.

Yarn over With the end of the right knitting needle, grab the working thread from below from right to left, towards you. The yarn over is made to form the openwork.
Knit two loops together with a knit stitch, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Slip the loop from the left to the right needle unknitted. The working thread is behind the knitting needle (at the back).
Lack of loop in the diagram.
  • 1st row: * yarn over, remove 1 loop, yarn over, slip 1 loop, knit 2 stitches together, knit 2 stitches together *;
  • 2nd row: * yarn over, remove 1 loop, yarn over, remove 1 loop, knit 2 loops together (yarn over and loop of the previous row), knit 2 loops together (yarn over and loop from the previous row) *.

French elastic for original scarves

Knit stitch on knit row or purl stitch on purl row.
Purl loop in the front row or front loop in the purl row.
  • 1 row: * knit 2, purl 2 *;
  • 2nd row: * 1 purl, 2 knit, 1 purl *.


Knit stitch on knit row or purl stitch on purl row.
Purl loop in the front row or front loop in the purl row.
Slip the loop from the left to the right needle unknitted. Working thread in front of the needle (in front).
  • 1 row : * knit 3, remove 1 loop unknitted, thread before work *, knit 3;
  • 2nd row: Knit 1, remove 1 loop unknitted, thread before work, knit 1, * knit 2, remove 1 loop unknitted, thread before work, knit 1 *.

Pearl gum

Knit stitch on knit row or purl stitch on purl row.
Knit two loops together with a knit stitch, picking up the loops from the front (behind the front wall).
Yarn over With the end of the right knitting needle, grab the working thread from below from right to left, towards you. The yarn over is made to form the openwork.
Slip the loop from the left to the right needle unknitted. The working thread is behind the knitting needle (at the back).
Lack of loop in the diagram.
  • 1st row: * yarn over, slip 1 stitch (thread at work), knit 1 *;
  • 2nd row : * Purl 1 loop, knit 1 loop together with the yarn over *.

Scotch gum

Knit stitch on knit row or purl stitch on purl row.
Purl loop in the front row or front loop in the purl row.
Yarn over With the end of the right knitting needle, grab the working thread from below from right to left, towards you. The yarn over is made to form the openwork.
A thrown loop. Use the end of the left knitting needle to grab a loop (or yarn over) and pull the next two loops into it.
Lack of loop in the diagram.
  • 1 row : * knit 2, purl 1 *;
  • 2nd row : * Knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over over the last two knit stitches *.

Canadian gum

Canadian elastic is suitable for knitting hats, pullovers, sweaters, elastic bands for socks and mittens. The elastic is one-sided and can be knitted in the round in any combination of knit and purl stitches. In this video tutorial on knitting for beginners detailed instructions how to knit Canadian elastic correctly

Every needlewoman has at least once encountered the need to knit an elastic band to a product. This could happen when knitting patterns, sweaters, necklines and sleeves of products, scarves and so on. At the same time, many people have a question: “How to knit elastic quickly and easily using knitting needles?” This article will help you understand this issue and provide options that are easily suitable for beginners to knit.

How to knit an elastic band with knitting needles in a step-by-step MK with diagrams and descriptions

There are Polish, double, English, French and simple elastic bands.

Simple elastic bands:

  1. Elastic band 2x1. For this elastic band, you need to cast on a number of loops divisible by three. To the resulting chain, add two more loops for the edge. In the first row, we knit alternating two knit stitches and one purl stitch. Throughout the second row, alternate: one reverse and two front loops. And, starting from the third row, throughout the entire knitting, the patterns of the first and second row are knitted.
  2. Elastic band 2x2. IN in this case, the number of loops cast on should be divided by two. We tie two more edge loops to them and knit an elastic band using the following pattern:

In odd rows, two front and two reverse loops alternate, and in even rows, purl loops are knitted above the reverse loops of the bottom row; above the front ones are the facial ones.

  1. Elastic band 1x1. Throughout all the knit stitches, knit and purl loops are knitted alternately. At the same time, the front ones are located above the front ones, and the purl ones are located above the purl ones.
English elastic band (1x1 and 2x2):

Of all the types of rubber bands, the English one is the most popular. It has a lush, soft relief. That is why it is widely used in knitting scarves, hats and sweaters.

The 1x1 elastic band has the following pattern:

  • An odd number of loops is cast on;
  • First row: one yarn over, slip one unknitted loop, throw the working thread over the fabric and one front loop;
  • Second row: one cast, removing an unknitted loop, knitting two loops into one front loop;
  • Third row: knitting two loops into one knit stitch, throwing yarn over, throwing over one unknitted loop;
  • The hinges of the product are closed.

When knitting this elastic band in the round, the sequence of loops changes:

  1. First row: one front loop, yarn over, one open loop;
  2. Second row: cast, one unknitted loop, one reverse loop;
  3. Third row: two loops are knitted together and one loop is not knitted.

For an elastic band measuring 2x2, take the number of loops divisible by 4 and add two more edge loops to them. Next, we knit according to the pattern:

  • First row: alternate two front and two reverse loops;
  • Second row: one cast of thread, two loops are not knitted and thrown onto the right knitting needle, two knit stitches. We knit the entire row using this pattern. At the end, we make a yarn over and remove two unknitted loops;
  • Third row: we knit the cast and loop of the bottom row at the same time knit stitch, one yarn over, two unknitted loops. The penultimate and last loops are knitted with a cast with facial loops;
  • We knit the fourth row according to the pattern: one yarn over, two unknitted loops, a knit loop with a double crochet, one knit stitch.
  • All remaining rows are knitted using the patterns of the third and fourth rows.
Double elastic:

To knit, cast on an even number of stitches, divisible by four. Add to them two loops for the edge and knit the rows in the following way:

  • First row: one front loop is knitted behind the front wall, one loop is not knitted and removed, the working thread is shifted to the front of the fabric. Thus, we knit the entire row;
  • Second row: one purl loop, one loop is not knitted and removed, the working thread is thrown over the fabric.

Repeat knitting rows until the end of knitting.

Polish gum:

Method one

We cast on the number of loops that are a multiple of four and add two edge loops to them. Even rows are knitted according to the pattern: two front stitches and two back stitches. And odd rows are knitted as follows: one reverse loop, repeat two front and two reverse loops.

The rows must be knitted tightly so that the elastic does not stretch or wear out during washing.

Method two

We cast on the same number of loops and continue knitting in the following way. For knit rows: one knit stitch, one purl stitch, two knit stitches. For the reverse rows, alternate one reverse and three front loops.

French gum.

This type of elastic is usually used on socks, scarves and necklines.

We knit according to the pattern:

  • First row: alternating two purl and two knit stitches behind the back wall;
  • Second row: one purl, two front and one reverse loop. Alternate until the end of the row.

We continue knitting rows to the required width of the elastic band.

A more clear description of some types of rubber bands can be found in the video below.

Video on the topic of the article

Rib patterns are combinations of knit and purl stitches that form vertical stripes that promote stretch. In an elastic band, the front loops form convex lines, and the purl loops form concave lines. Products made with elastic are designed for a tight fit, special attention You need to pay attention to the choice of yarn. Wool will produce a bouncy, stretchy elastic, while a cotton elastic will be flat and even. A tight sweater made from the wrong yarn will not fit your body well.

The elastic bands are knitted with knitting needles one, two or three sizes smaller than for the pattern of the main fabric. Interesting patterns can be created by combining simple rubber bands with braids, openwork and crossed loops. Measuring the length of a product made with elastic can be difficult as they will vary depending on whether the product is stretched or compressed. As a result, unless the instructions advise otherwise, your best bet is to measure when the elastic bands are half-stretched.

A simple rubber band. A special feature of the elastic band is the alternation of knit and purl stitches, knitted one above the other, and in accordance with the pattern. Knitting description: Cast on an even number of loops, knit (K1, P1) to the end of the row. The second row is knitted like the first. If there is an odd number of stitches, knit the first stitch, then (p1, k1) to the end of the row. In the next row, purl the first stitch, then repeat (k1, p1) until the end of the row.

Double elastic band. A very elastic fabric with clear convex and concave lines is obtained by repeating the following repeat: knit 2, purl 2. For this elastic band, the number of loops required is a multiple of four; in each row, repeat (k2, p2) is repeated throughout the entire row. For balance, at the end of each row, knit a multiple of four stitches, plus two stitches. At the beginning of the first row, perform k2. loops, then (p2, k2) repeat until the end of the row. Start the second row with 2 purls. loops, then (k2, p2) repeat until the end of the row.

Different options for knitting elastic bands: Elastic band “Front reverse”.

The elastic band is made by alternating knit and purl stitches. It is also called a single or simple elastic band.

Knitting purl stitches on purl rows reduces the elasticity of the cut, resulting in a rather attractive texture.

An elastic band with a clearly defined structure, knit stitches in the knit rows and purl stitches in the purl rows are knitted from the back wall of the stitches of the previous row.

“Knit two, purl two.” Also called double elastic band or elastic band “2 x 2”. Classic pattern knitted, looking the same on both sides.

Knitting purl stitches on purl rows transforms the two-by-two rib into a dense fabric with vertical stripes of stockinette and garter stitch.

Interrupting the two-by-two rib with small strips of stockinette stitch adds an interesting variation to the familiar pattern.

By moving the elastic (2 lines, 2 purls) along the knitted fabric in alternating rows, clearly defined diagonals are formed.

The diagonal elastic panel is made using decreases and increases.

Wide elastic band. To perform wide elastic band Any number of loops can be cast on. In this pattern, six stitches in stockinette stitch are alternated with two stitches in reverse stockinette stitch.

Combining a simple elastic band with small blocks allows you to create a pattern with diagonals.

The removed loops make this weak elastic very tight and soft.

Tight knit. Knitting a knit stitch from the back of the stitch on the knit rows creates a small neat bump against the reverse stockinette stitch background.

Elastic for the heel of the sock. This type of elastic is used to strengthen the heel of a sock.

Skimmed loops and pearl knitting. Vertical stripes of pearl knit make the elastic with the loops removed very durable.

Elastic band "cartridge tape". The removed loops on both sides of the work give clear relief outlines to the knitted fabric, which has the same appearance on both sides.

Pearl gum. Another version of a double-sided knitting pattern, combined from a simple elastic band and pearl knitting.

Relief elastic band. Loops made from the back walls of the loops of the previous row are combined with a lumpy base of faces. and out. p.

Torn pearl elastic. Stripes of pearl knitting, made on stockinette stockinette, create a slight imitation of carving.

Although the design looks like a crossed elastic band, this effect is achieved by slipping a loop over an increase.

Knitting alternating knit stitches from the row immediately below the last row on the left needle is the secret to this fluffy, soft rib. Both sides look the same.

Brioche elastic band. This elastic band is similar to the English one, but it is knitted in a completely different way.