Magic under the dome or how to make New Year's candlesticks from glasses. DIY New Year's candlesticks made from glasses DIY crafts from glasses and wine glasses

You can decorate a festive table and create a New Year's atmosphere in your home without a live Christmas tree. You can do this by creating very simple elements with your own hands. Today I’ll tell you how you can create fabulous candlesticks from glasses for the New Year 2020 in 15 minutes. The symbol of the coming year can be changed to the one whose year is coming, or you can get by with just beautiful Christmas tree decorations. A step-by-step master class with photos will demonstrate how to quickly, easily and simply make a New Year's candlestick from a glass.

To work you will need:

  • wine glass;
  • foam ceiling tiles;
  • figurine of a dog or any other;
  • spruce branch;
  • gold ribbon;
  • beads or rhinestones;
  • glue gun

How to make candlesticks from glasses for the New Year 2018

With a glass I outline a circle of the required diameter.

I cut out the base with a utility knife.

If the animal figurine you are using requires additional decoration, then do it right away. I additionally attach a Christmas ball to my dog.

I glue the dog figurine onto the foam base using hot glue. I decorate with a spruce branch and a bow made of gold ribbon with rhinestones.

I insert the composition into an inverted glass goblet.

What is good about using polystyrene foam for the base? It is soft, obedient and fits tightly to the walls of the glass. Due to this, it doesn’t fall out, and you don’t even have to secure it additionally if you want to keep the glass. I glue the base around the entire circumference of the glass with hot glue.

My decorative New Year's candlestick is ready. Similarly, you can make a candlestick with figurines of any other animals or bright elements of New Year’s decor.

It could be a Christmas tree, pine cones or small Christmas balls. By the way, you can also do it yourself. 🙂

Ordinary glasses can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to create incredibly beautiful candlesticks from them. We have selected for you design options for candlesticks made from glasses and will tell you how to make them.

To create a candlestick you will need a glass with a stem; there are options where a candlestick can be made from an ordinary glass.

You can decorate not only wine glasses, but also any objects that serve as a good basis for creativity (jars, transparent glass vases, saucers, glasses). It’s quite easy to make New Year’s candlesticks from glasses with your own hands. You need to familiarize yourself with the basic technologies and give free rein to your imagination.

To magically transform simple dishes into real works of art, the simplest components are used. The decor can be found in any home or purchased for pennies in a store.

DIY candlesticks made from glasses for the New Year: simple decor on glass

We select glasses or cups. Clean and wipe dry. Using a brush and regular PVA glue, we draw patterns. These can be ornate curls, snowflakes, inscriptions, funny figures and more. Fantasy should not be limited.

Now traces of glue are covered with ordinary kitchen salt. Pour salt into any container and carefully roll the glass. After removing the excess loose decor, the glass is sent to dry.

You can coat the glass entirely with glue and roll it in coarse salt.

Using different types of salt, from coarse Epsom salt to colored sea salt, you can get very unusual and colorful examples of candlesticks:

If the soul requires brilliance and luxury, the ornament on the glass is complemented with buttons, rhinestones, pebbles or quilling snowflakes.

Another option to brightly decorate a glass is to use paints. You should be extremely careful, especially with bright, intense colors, since one extra stroke can ruin the whole idea. Using a brush and any type of paint, we gradually paint all the details.

Not a bad idea: paint the glass surface with fir branches. Emerald lines with a textured salt coating will look very impressive.

The easiest way to make New Year's candlesticks with your own hands is to coat them with glue and dip them in glitter. It turns out very beautiful and original.

Selecting the appropriate filler for homemade candlesticks

DIY New Year's candlesticks made from wine glasses can be decorated not only outside, but also inside. After all, the original filler will look original, meeting practical needs.

As a filler for candlesticks you can use:

  • Any natural materials, the texture of which will be combined with the main idea of ​​the design (sand, clay, pebbles, expanded clay or even crushed stone);
  • Any types of cereals (buckwheat, wheat, millet, flakes, peas). To create a “perfect white” or “snowy” candlestick, rice is suitable because of its natural texture and color. An original idea is to choose interestingly shaped pasta and paint it white. Such a “flour” filling will look simply amazing;
  • Coffee beans will “play well” in compositions with spruce branches (they will repeat the texture of wood);
  • Beans, pumpkin seeds and other seeds can be effective fillers for individual design ideas;
  • Peels from grapefruit, lemon, tangerines and oranges can be an excellent fragrant base for a candlestick. In addition to the magical aroma and pleasant appearance, such a filler will also create a unique New Year’s atmosphere;
  • Filling with beads, beads, pebbles, pearls and other similar decor will look completely original and “rich.” In this case, the ornament on the glass should be minimalist so that the “glamorous” contents of the glasses and wine glasses can be clearly seen.

The base of the candlestick is filled with the selected filler and the candle is placed. Spectacular and original candlesticks made from glasses with your own hands are ready for the New Year.

Original candlesticks made from inverted glasses

In any home you can find old wine glasses and glasses that have lost their “marketable” appearance. They will be the ideal base for a future hand-made masterpiece.

The dishes are thoroughly washed and dried. The large glass is turned over. Any decor can be placed inside the glass cap. For example: Christmas tree decorations or candies, cookies, nuts.

Using double-sided tape we decorate the edges of the structure. At a minimum, the adhesive strip frames the top, bottom edge and “waist” of the glass. We attach a New Year's snowball to the indicated zones. Add a little glue to the top of the glass (in our case, the stem) and carefully place the candle and tablet. In principle, candlesticks made from glasses with your own hands are ready.

You can make your home candlestick more colorful and original by combining technologies. For example, areas free from New Year's sparkles can be decorated with salt patterns or a scattering of beads and rhinestones can be glued on.

The decor will turn out more delicate if you use other materials instead of “snowball”. Here are some options:

  • Textured lace. It is possible with uneven edges, but be sure to have a clear outline and distinct texture;
  • Paper garlands. They should be miniature and neatly executed. A scattering of cut out snowflakes should cover the entire adhesive surface, but not stick out in different directions;
  • Satin or silk ribbons. The decoration will be bright and quite elegant;
  • Natural decor. For example, rose petals, dried leaves.

If you put stones in a glass and add a little essential oil, then when heated, a pleasant aroma will emanate from the candle.

New Year's candlesticks made from glasses, photos of which flooded the Internet on the eve of the holiday, allow you to breathe life into old obsolete elements. And the variety of shapes of wine glasses and sizes of glasses guarantees the embodiment of the most daring ideas into reality.

Look at our gallery of New Year's candlesticks made from glasses, choose one of the ideas for the New Year's table or create your own version and this decoration will definitely not go unnoticed.

Make an unusual candlestick from a glass with your own hands? Nothing could be simpler! A candlestick made from a glass can serve you for the New Year, or it can become a decoration for a summer feast. And autumn too :) We have collected more than 20 inspiring options - and you can use them as ideas to create beauty in your home.

Let us first show you the winter options, just in honor of the approaching “old”.

My favorite:

And if you paint a glass using acrylic (or oil) paints, you will get...

for example - a penguin!

or deer...

In general, painting glasses gives you a wide range of possibilities - look! Do you want Santa Claus candlesticks, do you want snowmen, everything is limited only by your imagination.

And another winter option - with a floating candle. Or you can do it with a regular one, but placed on spruce (any coniferous) branches.

And now I propose to move from winter to summer! Look how wonderful the glass candlesticks with fresh flowers look!

A very beautiful option for romantic summer evenings - with shells and sand.

And here is a glass candle holder for autumn.

And also, I suggest you look at another option for turning a glass into a beautiful candlestick - using a paper “lampshade”. At the same time, you can change the “lampshades” according to your mood and the color scheme of the table decoration.

I hope that you will find a suitable and inspiring glass candle holder, and making it yourself will not be the slightest difficulty.

Probably every home has old mismatched or unnecessary glasses for wine, whiskey or cognac? The New Year can give them new life! And you will get a pleasant feeling of economy and self-expression, and also make an exclusive New Year's interior decoration.

To work, you will need a glass, a decoupage card with New Year's motifs, rice paper, decoupage glue, varnish and a special paste with glass balls that imitates snow. If you don't have professional decoupage materials, this is not a reason to give up! Ordinary napkins, PVA glue, semolina and any varnish (preferably water-based) will do just fine.
The main thing is a festive mood and an inner feeling of beauty!

First, select 2 pictures that will decorate your work on both sides. It is best to attach the selected picture to the glass so as not to make a mistake in scale and understand how the product will look in the final version.
Do you use napkins? Prepare them for application by removing the bottom 2 layers of white paper. Only a thin top layer with a pattern should remain.
Do you have a decoupage card? Just cut out the motif you like.

Now prepare your glass. Wash it thoroughly and remove any existing labels.
You need to stick rice paper on the places where the pictures will be located so that the picture does not lie on the transparent glass. If you don't have rice paper, a regular white napkin or colored napkin base will do.
Tear the rice paper or napkin into pieces the size of your thumb. Stick them on the glass in the places intended for pictures until a uniform background is formed. If you take a napkin, then make several layers so that the background is denser. Be sure to dry each layer with a hairdryer or wait for them to dry on their own.
When the base is dry, take the pictures. To make them fit better on the rounded surface of the glass, make cuts. Carefully stick the pictures onto the glass, smoothing them with a brush.
After the pictures are pasted, dry them and coat them with varnish, preferably 2 layers (you need to dry them after each coating).
Look at the resulting product and sigh with satisfaction.

Apply decorative paste to the free spaces to obtain a general background and give integrity to the work. If there is no paste, spread them with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with semolina and glitter. You can simply paint frosty patterns with white acrylic paint.
Then wrap the stem of the glass with twine, decorate it with lace and attach small cones. Try to stick to the general style.

Interesting and beautiful items for interior decoration can be made from unnecessary old things. A familiar situation: there are a few glasses left from a set of glasses, they are now unsuitable for table setting, and it’s a pity to throw away good dishes. What can you make from unnecessary glasses? Don’t rush to put them away on the far shelf in the closet; we bring to your attention some interesting ideas on how to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands.

Miracles under the glass dome

If you still have one or several unnecessary glasses/glasses on the stem, you can make a very original candlestick. Turn the existing container upside down. Now its leg is on top - and it is on it that the candle will be installed. The bowl of the glass magically turned into a container for placing decor. Take a fairly thick piece of cardboard, draw a circle around the edges of the glass and cut it out. If desired, the “plug” can be painted or even painted. Now you can start the most interesting part - decorating. Degrease and rub the inside of the bowl well. You can place any small figurines, souvenirs and simply beautiful little things in it. These can be sea pebbles and shells, artificial flowers, multi-colored beads or buttons. Using this technique, you can make candlesticks from glasses. Just choose the desired decor - voluminous snowflakes, miniature Christmas trees, a Santa Claus figurine, or just a mountain of gifts.

Lace motifs

You can make an interesting romantic candlestick from a glass with your own hands using lace or openwork braid for decoration. Theoretically, any translucent or highly openwork fabric is suitable for such decor. In this case, the candle will be located in the bowl of the glass. Carefully cover the wine glass with the selected material. Start by trying it on and then glue on the lace. Theoretically, your candlestick is ready, but you can further decorate it with rhinestones and beads. Tip: using lace or fabric of different colors, you can make the craft more colorful and festive. To prevent a ready-made glass candlestick made using this technique from bursting during use, choose small candles that minimally heat the walls of the bowl.

Candlestick using decoupage technique

Don't know how to turn an unnecessary glass into an interesting decorative item? Try to transform it using the decoupage technique. Choose three-ply paper napkins with beautiful designs. For the work you will also need acrylic paint, PVA glue, varnish and special contours at your request for the final part of the decor. Degrease the surface of the glass goblet and apply the first layer of acrylic paint as a primer. The most convenient way to do this is with a sponge; one layer is enough, but if you think that the result is not even enough, repeat the manipulation. While the paint is drying, it's time to choose the designs that you will stick on. Cut out the most interesting and beautiful motifs from a napkin. Think about their location based on. After the paint has dried, glue the selected elements to the bowl of the glass using PVA glue. Gently smooth the napkin with a brush, try to glue the designs without folds or wrinkles. When the glue dries, the craft can be tinted with paints and individual lines can be emphasized with a special outline. Finally, don't forget to coat your work with varnish.

in glasses

Do you want to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands, but you still don’t know whether you will need the selected container for its intended purpose? Original decor using cups or wine glasses can be made in a matter of minutes. And, best of all, the proposed method will allow you to disassemble the composition after some time and use the glasses again for drinks. So, you will need floating candles and decor to suit your mood. Fill the glasses half or 2/3 full with water. Place some decorations inside - small flowers, beads or something else. You can choose the decor according to your own wishes; solid small figures that sink under their weight to the bottom or simply a scattering of large figured sparkles that float on the surface are suitable for it.

Glass painting

If you are good at drawing, you can try painting an unnecessary wine glass. First, come up with a drawing, you can draw a sketch on paper. Some techniques, for example, are performed immediately on the object. Select the colors you need and get to work. It’s not at all difficult to make New Year’s candlesticks with your own hands from glasses, painting them with thematic designs. You don’t even need to be an artist to do this - anyone can draw frosty patterns, snowflakes or traditional Christmas symbols, like a Christmas tree and toy bells. Check out the application guidelines for your chosen paint. Some compositions do not require additional processing, while others require varnishing after drying.

Do-it-yourself candlestick from a glass: master class “drawing using stencils”

What to do if you like them, but you don’t know how to draw at all? Interesting painting on glass can be done using stencils. Come up with a design in advance and make a paper template. In order to get a painted silhouette against the background, you need to cut out the desired shape and leave paper around it. Another drawing technique involves cutting out a template of the shape we are interested in along the contour. Glue the finished figurine to the surface of the glass and apply paint on top. Using this technique, you can also make a candlestick from an inverted glass with your own hands. Try to experiment, combine several colors and layers of paint, draw different shapes and complement them with hand-made strokes. An interesting idea: you can use real plant leaves or flowers as stencils.

Glitter and chic

One of the simplest and most effective options for decorating candlesticks is to cover them with sparkles. To do this you will need clear glue and decorative glitter dust. You can buy these glitters at a craft store or cosmetics department. How to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands using this technique? It's very simple - rinse and degrease the wine glass or glass. Next, apply glue to the surface in patterns or a continuous layer and sprinkle with glitter. Gently shake off any excess and leave to dry. If desired, you can repeat this step. If you want your candlestick to remain beautiful for as long as possible and be washable, coat the product with a clear varnish.

How else can you decorate candlesticks made from glasses?

In fact, there are many more ways to turn boring dishes into accessories for setting candles than are described in our article. If you are seriously interested in some kind of creativity, try using it to decorate candlesticks. For example, glass glasses can be tied with beads or even beautiful yarn using a crochet hook. The outside of the glass can be covered with artificial flowers or rhinestones. What is the easiest way to make candlesticks from glasses with your own hands? You can see photos of various ideas in our article; choose those that seem most interesting and simple to you personally. Don't be afraid to use non-standard materials. Rejected beads, scrap jewelry and many other little things that can be found in every home are perfect for decoration.