Ultrasonic facial cleansing at home using Gesatone devices. Devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing Procedure

Mechanical cleaning is not suitable in all cases. For example, if the epidermis is highly sensitive, a vacuum device can cause irritation and redness. You can carry out a gentle procedure using a professional device for ultrasonic cleaning faces. It solves several cosmetic problems simultaneously for complete care.

What problems can be solved with ultrasonic cleaning?

An ultrasonic facial cleansing device has a profound effect on the skin in several ways. The main one is soft peeling. Contaminants and dead cells are removed from the surface. The renewed top layer receives natural oxygen saturation and hydration. In addition to exfoliation, ultrasonic waves soften dirt and sebum in clogged plugs and gently remove them.

An ultrasound device for facial cleansing provides micromassage that normalizes lymph circulation and blood circulation. Wave oscillations help improve metabolic processes, which are directly related to the restoration of firmness and elasticity. The device tones aging skin and smoothes out wrinkles of varying depths. Thus, it can be used for comprehensive rejuvenation.

The ultrasonic peeling device has a therapeutic effect. It helps get rid of acne and pimples. Ultrasound vibrations normalize sebum production and tighten pores, solving the main problems of oily skin.

Benefits of ultrasonic facial cleansing

You can start using an ultrasonic facial cleansing device at any age. It is truly versatile as it is suitable for all skin types. Manufacturers of products for maintaining beauty and youth offer portable devices with a scrubber blade or other attachments. The compact device is very convenient for cleansing the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté area.

You can use an ultrasonic cleaning device even without special skills. It is very easy to use. On average, one procedure takes 20-40 minutes. In just a few steps, anyone can conduct a session at home that is no less effective than in a cosmetologist’s office.

The device removes only old cells, separating them from new ones. Regular sessions with its use help to even out the relief, improve the health of the face and improve its color. Unlike other methods ultrasonic cleaning does not cause discomfort and does not injure the surface of the skin.

How to buy ultrasonic cleaning devices in the online store website

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Ultrasonic facial cleansing is one of the most expensive procedures offered in beauty salons. How to provide your facial skin with decent care without spending your entire family budget? There is a way out of the situation. Today, safe compact Gezatone facial devices have appeared on sale, which provide effective cleaning facial ultrasound.

The equipment of the French company Gezatone is powerful, safe and allows you to quickly get the desired result. The cost of such devices is quite reasonable, at $30, which is comparable to one trip to an elite beauty salon. The company produces a wide range of equipment designed for facial skin care at home.

Gezatone devices are excellent quality, ease of use, efficiency and stylish design. Their purchase will save time and money, improve the condition problem skin and at the same time solve many more aesthetic problems. To understand the operating principle of the devices, let’s find out what ultrasonic facial cleansing is and how it is carried out.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a new direction in hardware cosmetology, based on treating the skin with high-frequency ultrasonic waves, which literally knock out dirt, makeup residues and sebaceous plugs from the pores. This effect narrows enlarged pores, improves cellular respiration and provides a kind of massage of the deep layers of the epidermis. As a result, blood circulation and lymph flow increase, swelling is eliminated, complexion improves, and deep cleansing skin.

The method has virtually no disadvantages, unlike other methods of facial cleansing. Manual cleaning, the use of scrubs or peeling with aggressive acids traumatize the skin, while ultrasonic waves act very gently and eliminate the risk of infection or chemical burns.

Before the procedure begins, a special healing gel is applied to the skin; its active substances, under the influence of ultrasound, penetrate deep into the skin and provide it with nutrition, hydration and cleansing. The composition of the gel and the mode of operation of the device are selected individually for each patient. The facial cleansing procedure takes only 15-20 minutes; after the manipulations, the skin becomes fresh and radiant, the complexion improves, fine wrinkles and enlarged pores disappear.


The procedure has no age restrictions. Ultrasonic cleaning can be done both by ladies of Balzac age and by young girls. In adolescence, such sessions will help get rid of sebaceous plugs and.

In older women, an ultrasound procedure activates the production of their own collagen and elastin and thereby delays the process of skin aging.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing has a number of limitations; it cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Acute inflammatory processes on the skin
  • Presence of cancer
  • Hypertension, conditions after a stroke or heart attack
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system
  • Mechanical damage to the skin at the treatment sites
  • Viral infections (ARVI, acute respiratory infections)
  • Presence of a pacemaker
  • Mental disorders
  • Pregnancy and lactation

The device should not be used in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, heart, eyes, in the presence of silicone implants, or in areas where wrinkle-smoothing gel filler has been injected.

Before using the Gezatone facial cleanser, you must remove makeup from your face and wash your face.
To enhance the effectiveness of ultrasonic waves, you can wipe your face with hydrogel or apply a non-greasy moisturizer. The skin should be well moisturized.

After preparation, they proceed directly to the procedure. Each device has special attachments that are designed to affect the skin. After turning on the device, they begin to move the nozzle over the face with light movements, and a slight tingling sensation may be felt. This is how it should be; such sensations indicate that an ultrasonic wave is being applied. The procedure can be compared to the safest and most gentle peeling option. At the end of the session, you need to do a light skin massage and apply a nourishing cream to your face.

is a universal device that allows you not only to cleanse pores and even out your complexion, but also to tone your skin through micromassage of the deep layers of the epidermis. Many devices are capable of simultaneously performing several cosmetic operations, including helping to eliminate age spots and freckles, narrowing enlarged pores, softening facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds, and moisturizing dry facial skin.

The range of devices from Gezatone includes not only devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing, but also a variety of body massagers. In addition, according to the intended purpose, the equipment is divided into devices designed for cleansing, combating cellulite and providing anti-aging care. Let's take a closer look at the most popular brands of Gezatone devices.

Popular Gezatone models

RF face lifting device m1603Gezatone. The device is designed for radiofrequency facial skin lifting. This is the safest and most effective innovative technology, which allows for three-dimensional skin rejuvenation by activating the production of its own elastin and collagen. The result of a course of procedures with this device is comparable to the effect of plastic surgery for a facelift.

The m1603 Gezatone rf lifting device will help tighten the skin and strengthen the facial contour. The unique technology on which the operating principle of the device is based is based on multipolar radio radiation, which provides local heating of the dermis without damaging the outer layers of the skin. This slight heating activates fibroblasts and causes them to increase the production of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the skin restores elasticity, tightens, and newly formed collagen fibers fill in facial wrinkles. After procedures using the device, the face looks much younger, becomes fresh and smooth.

Radio waves, due to a slight increase in temperature in the subcutaneous layers, are able to revive deformed and stretched collagen fibers. As a result, they contract and the skin is noticeably tightened, sagging cheeks and bags under the eyes disappear. In addition, the use of the m1603 Gezatone device allows you to eliminate traces of post-acne, age spots, narrow enlarged pores and reduce the double chin. The cumulative effect of the RF lifting course lasts up to six months, after which rejuvenation therapy sessions can be repeated in the comfort of your home.

The procedure for using the Gezatone device is carried out using special cosmetics. Before the session, it is recommended to apply Beauty Style gel to the skin, which will actively moisturize the skin and increase the effectiveness of the use of radio waves. At the end of the procedure, the face should be treated with a special Beauty Style restoring cream, which consolidates the results of the procedure.

Ultrasonic facial machineGezatone. Let's get acquainted with the operating principle of the devices using the example of such popular brands as BioSonic 2000 Kus-2K and GEZATONE HS2307.

BioSonic 2000 Kus-2K Provides effective cleansing and peeling of the skin, eliminates flaking, and lightens age spots. In addition, ultrasonic cleaning tones and refreshes facial skin, improves tissue metabolism and oxygen supply to the skin. The device was developed by a French company specifically for deep cleansing and toning the skin, improving complexion and tightening its contours.

– this device performs ultrasonic facial massage at the cellular level, removes excess sebum, impurities and keratinized particles of the epidermis. The device generates ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 25 kHz and transmits them to a metal plate-spatula, which is used to treat the surface of the face. This effect whitens the skin, evens out the complexion, saturates the tissues with oxygen and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Facial cleanserGezatone amg 106 equipped with 4 special nozzles. With their help, the procedure of brushing (delicate peeling) and facial massage is carried out. The peeling procedure removes dead cells, cleanses pores of impurities and sebum, and a delicate massage tones the skin and smoothes expression lines. The device is designed specifically for regular facial skin care at home and combines in one set brush attachments for cleansing the skin and massager attachments designed for rejuvenating and toning procedures.

The massage attachments have a gentle vibration effect and do not stretch or deform the skin. Facial massage improves metabolic processes by stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and activates the production of collagen fibers. After the procedure using massage attachments, you should apply a moisturizer or serum to the skin, which will consolidate the results of the procedure. The skin will look fresh and tightened, the complexion will improve, swelling and signs of fatigue will go away.

Cleansing procedures are carried out with brush attachments; they are made of hypoallergenic bristles and are not capable of irritating the skin. Before the procedure, it is recommended to apply special cosmetics (mousses, gels, foams) to the face to soften and moisturize the skin, and then treat with attachments. Such a complex effect will be the most effective, it will ensure deep cleansing of pores from impurities, refresh the skin of the face, and allow it to be intensively moisturized and oxygenated. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

The device is supplied with the following attachments:

Design features of the device Gezatone amg 106 ensure its moisture resistance and guarantee safety in the event of accidental splashes of water, so the device can be used in damp rooms, for example, during the procedure in the bathroom.

What parameters should you pay attention to when purchasing any Gezatone device to ensure the desired effect?

  • Power. This is an important parameter, pay attention to it first. The more powerful the device, the deeper the ultrasound will penetrate, and the result of the procedure will be better. A high-quality device should have a power of 0.6 to 2 W/cm2.
  • Size. During the procedure, you will have to hold the device at an angle of 45°, so it should fit comfortably in your hand, and its size should be compact and light. Buy a device whose dimensions are ideal for you.
  • Manufacturer. Branded devices from a French manufacturer are much more expensive than their counterparts assembled in other countries. But purchasing such a device guarantees its quality and service life. The device from Gezatone will last a long time and will not break after 2 weeks.
  • Price. An important factor when purchasing a quality product. Compact devices from Gezatone, intended for home use, cost on average from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. Such devices are quite powerful, made of high-quality materials and have a 1-year warranty. You can purchase devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing in specialized stores or on the manufacturer’s website on the Internet.

Watch the video: Facial device Gezatone m775 “Home electroplating”

Facial cleansing is one of the main regular procedures to ensure healthy and youthful skin. And today you can carry it out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home, for this it is enough to purchase a suitable device. For example, Gesatone ultrasonic facial cleansing device - good choice. Many simple and easy-to-use models allow you to choose the ideal solution for each user.

Company history

The Gezatone brand was developed and introduced by the French company Gezanne I.T.C. in 1992. The main direction of its activity is the production of professional and high-quality equipment for aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Devices are supplied to more than 70 countries around the world; the range includes models for face, body and hair care. Devices that operate on the basis of ultrasound, vacuum or galvanic current are used to clean the face. The most popular are ultrasonic devices.


The use of the Gezatone facial cleansing device is indicated for normal, mixed and oily skin. Regular procedures carried out at home contribute to:

  • Elimination of blackheads, sebaceous plugs, keratinized layer of skin consisting of dead cells.
  • Normalization of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, blood circulation.
  • Increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells, increasing their immunity, improving skin health.
  • Increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin by stimulating the activity of fibroblasts.

Operating principle of an ultrasonic cleaning device

The operating force of such a device is ultrasound - air vibrations inaudible to the ear, capable of penetrating into the depths of the dermis. All Gezaton models in this category differ only in technical characteristics and additional functions, but the principle of operation is almost the same. It consists of three methods of influence:

  • Mechanical(due to the movement of air, cells begin to contract and decompress, internal processes are activated, including the regeneration of soft tissues, and impurities are pushed out of the skin and destroyed).
  • Physico-chemical(affects the restoration and degeneration of cells, ensures healthy skin, promotes the dissolution of traffic jams and blackheads).
  • Thermal(occurs due to active friction of molecules against each other, enhances metabolic processes, prevents inflammation).

Operating principle of ultrasonic cleaning


Before using the device, you must study the factory instructions supplied with it and pay special attention to the list of contraindications. Any Gezatone product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, scratches).
  • Pathologies of the circulatory system, expressed in a tendency to form bruises and bruises.
  • Dermatological diseases in the acute stage (eczema, dermatitis and others).
  • Cuperosis, spider veins.
  • Inflammatory processes, suppuration.

Types of devices

Gezatone devices are divided according to the power of ultrasonic radiation and the number of operating modes. The most popular among professionals and ordinary users are the following models.

Device name Purpose Peculiarities Pulse frequencies Power supply Price (rubles)
Biosonic 3003 Deep cleaning, lifting, massage, restoration Professional device, used in salons. Up to 27 kHz Mains power 33000
Bio Sonic 2000 KUS -2k Cleaning, peeling, increasing skin elasticity and tone, phonophoresis. Four operating modes. Up to 25 kHz Used at home and in salons, powered by built-in battery 7500
HS2307I Cleaning, lifting, toning, phonophoresis. Up to 25 kHz 6000
HS3003D2 Cleaning, phonophoresis. Two operating modes: pulse and constant. Up to 22 kHz Used at home, powered by built-in battery 5000

Let's take a closer look at some of the products.

An affordable ultrasonic device designed to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin of the face. The cleaning effect is achieved directly due to ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of up to 22 kHz inclusive, destroying all types of contaminants. They are generated through a special spatula attachment made of metal. The device is equipped with a timer to increase the effectiveness of the procedure at home.

The main purpose of the device is cleaning. It is carried out using ultrasonic vibrations into the pores and onto the surface of the skin. Effectively copes with skin secretions, keratinized cells, accumulation of dead cells, and surface impurities. In addition, regular use of Gezatone HS3003D2 helps rejuvenate the skin and prevent early aging. Such changes are achieved due to mechanical action (micromassage), the possibility of introducing medicines without violating the integrity of the skin or transforming acoustic energy into thermal energy.

The device is ultrasonic, has a wide range of indications, and is recommended for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin of the face. According to the developers, its regular use contributes to:

  • Elimination of blackheads, surface impurities, accumulation of dead cells (stratum corneum).
  • Lightening pigment spots.
  • Additional hydration of the dermis.
  • Restoring the structure of the skin, increasing its elasticity, reducing sagging and wrinkles.

Gezatone Bio Sonic is used to care for the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté.

The device consists of a handle in which the working mechanism is concentrated, and a manipulator attachment made in the form of a thin rectangular plate. When it comes into contact with the skin, ultrasonic pulses with a frequency of 25 kHz are transmitted deep into the soft tissues, wash away impurities and have an additional massaging effect, which has a positive effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, supply of cells with nutrients and oxygen.

The cost of the device is about 7500-8000 rubles. To perform manipulations, the use of a special contact gel is required, which is applied to the skin to facilitate the sliding of the nozzle and improve the transmission of ultrasonic waves. The price is approximately 400-600 rubles.

Among modern cosmetological technologies, one can highlight Gezaton - an ultrasonic device for facial cleansing. Can this product eliminate all skin imperfections? And how to operate the device correctly?

Before using the device, you should carefully read the instructions for use. It looks like this:

  • 1st stage. Cleansing. For this purpose, the usual products based on your skin type (gels, foams, etc.) are suitable. They will help remove dirt, dust and cosmetic residue from the surface.
  • 2nd stage. Toning. Apply a little toner to a cotton pad. Rub the skin with gentle movements without stretching it.
  • 3rd stage. Peeling. Necessary for cleansing the dermis of dead cells and excess sebum. For this purpose, you should apply a special gel according to your skin type. It will ensure uniform ultrasound conduction and make cleaning more effective. After application, the device with the nozzle should be placed near the face at an angle of 45 degrees. Using smooth movements, the device is moved to the center of the face along the massage lines. Upon completion, remove any remaining gel from the face. Exposure time is 7-10 minutes.
  • 4th stage. Ultrasonic massage, phonophoresis. Using phonophoresis, you can introduce nutrients into the skin - the contents of special cosmetic serums or concentrates. They have a rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

Ultrasound micromassage restores metabolic processes and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The procedure is suitable for any skin type. Movements are carried out from the center to the periphery in the direction massage lines. The nozzle is located parallel to the surface of the face with its flat side. Exposure time is 5-6 minutes.

  • 5th stage. Completion of the procedure. Involves the use of masks to give the skin firmness, tone, smoothness, and elasticity.

The ultrasound procedure is completely safe and therefore does not cause irritation even on sensitive skin.

“I used to often visit salons and get ultrasonic cleaning done. At some point I realized that if you purchase the necessary device and use it at home, you can save a lot of time and money. This is how I got Gezaton - a device designed to cleanse the skin and eliminate skin problems. In particular, it copes well with acne spots and various areas. My skin is clean, even and smooth after use.”

Margarita, 27 years old

“A cosmetologist friend advised me to buy the device. According to her, you can carry out effective facial cleansing yourself at home. I bought the device and never regretted it. It is really high quality and also quickly cleanses the skin. Additionally, I purchased Ultraclean touch gel. It enhances the effect of ultrasonic radiation. I carry out cleaning according to the following scheme:

  1. I prepare the skin, do make-up removal: I use a regular cleansing gel.
  2. I steam the skin with a steam bath or apply a cleansing mask.

3. I spread a special gel over the surface of problem areas. There is no need to spread it all over your face, as it is absorbed very quickly.

4 Cleaning procedure. I move the manipulator from the outside of the face to the inside. There is no need to press, movements should be soft and smooth. You need to do no more than 4 approaches in one place.

The whole procedure takes me about 10 minutes. The result obtained speaks for itself.”

Olga, 26 years old

“You can’t save on yourself, this is generally accepted wisdom. But if you save wisely and profitably, then it becomes clear that it is not only possible, but also necessary. For these reasons, I bought the Gezaton ultrasonic facial cleansing device. The kit includes:

  • the apparatus itself;
  • case;
  • network adapter;
  • user manual.

The effect of application is visible immediately. The skin becomes smooth and clean. The only downside I can note is that the device is unlikely to be suitable for eliminating deep and extensive acne lesions or pimples. In these cases, alternative means will be needed. But as a preventive measure and to combat minor problems, this device is excellent.”

Christina, 3 1 year

“I love taking care of my skin on my own. I usually used a Mary Kay brush or a Uno spoon for cleaning. Now I have switched to a more modern and high-quality method of facial cleansing using an ultrasonic device.Gezatone hs2307i. The main problems of my skin: clogged pores, dull complexion, hyperpigmentation caused by pregnancy.

The design of the device is quite simple, so understanding it will not be difficult. It is quite compact and fits comfortably in your hand. The manufacturer recommends purchasing a special gel, which is what I did. But later I tried the option with thermal water, I liked it better. After applying the special product, I begin cleaning, holding the device at an angle of 45 degrees. The procedure is completed by applying a mask. By the way, with the help of the device you can do a very useful ultrasonic massage.”

Alisa, 24 years old

“I clean with an ultrasonic facial cleanserGezatone approximately once every six months. my combination skin that's enough. The device is easy to use and copes with the assigned tasks perfectly. Immediately after use, the skin is very soft, clean, and soft. I have long forgotten what a beauty salon is. I definitely recommend the device to anyone with problem skin.”

Varvara, 29 years old

“After visiting a cosmetologist, I noticed significant positive changes in my skin. I wondered if it was possible to achieve the same effect on my own. It turned out that it is possible if you have Gezaton at hand. I cleanse my skin quite often with it, since my skin is oily, and therefore acne with inflammation appears often. It’s not difficult to learn how to use it – everything is more than clearly described in the instructions. You also need to purchase a special gel; you cannot work on dry skin. In general, I am now my own cosmetologist and recommend the device to everyone who has skin problems.”

Natalya, 33 years old

"Ultrasonic facial cleansing deviceGezatone hs2307i is a great solution for my problem skin. Ultrasound perfectly eliminates minor irritations, pimples and acne. Thanks to the device, I forgot what ugly black dots on my nose, forehead, and chin are. I cleanse my skin once a month, the procedure is painless, and there are no visible symptoms after it. side effects. I consider the device a worthy replacement for a beauty salon.”

Maria, 23 years old

“I fell in love with this wonderful prior with all my heart. It is not only an excellent skin cleanser, but also a great massager. About once a month, with the paddle at a 45-degree angle, I cleanse my face. And once a week I do a pleasant facial massage, placing the spatula parallel. I can say with confidence that my skin began to look much better and more well-groomed.”

Evgeniya, 27 years old

“Gesatone is an almost universal thing, in no way inferior to salon devices. With its help, I not only regularly cleanse my face, but also introduce my favorite anti-aging serum. Believe me, it is much more effective than applying products with your fingers. Ultrasound helps to insert faster useful substances into all layers of the epidermis. The result is not long in coming - I look much younger than my age. I definitely recommend this device for purchase!”

Olga, 43 years old

“I bought Gezaton 2 years ago. Since then, the condition of my skin has never ceased to please me - blackheads are practically invisible, small pimples are dissolving with a bang. It’s a pity that I didn’t know about this device earlier - I could have saved my skin a lot of problems.”

Marina, 31 years old

Gezaton is a new generation device that allows you to quickly, effectively and painlessly deal with skin imperfections. Before using the device, you must check the instructions. If used correctly, positive results will not be long in coming.

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