Transporting children in a car on December 1. All motorists will have to buy child seats. By train, by plane on the territory of the Russian Federation, how to transport children?

March 15. A meeting of the Presidium of the State Council chaired by Vladimir Putin took place in Yaroslavl. This meeting was devoted to security issues traffic in Russia. At the meeting, issues of improving road safety in Russia, as well as what awaits motorists, were discussed.

Rules for transporting children in a car

A few days after your baby is born, your first major journey from the hospital to your home. The case is simple, if you return from the hospital - the child must ride in a special car seat. What to do if you don't have a car? How to bring your child home safely?

The child must travel in a special car seat, this is a matter of safety and also the law of the road, and there are no exceptions to this rule. You cannot hold your newborn in your arms, even if you are attached. In the event of forceful braking, the child may fall out of your hands and go forward. Also, don't put the belt on yourself - if you're in an accident, you might be able to restrain your child.

Between 2006 and 2012, thanks to the implementation of the Federal Program to Improve Road Safety, the number of road accidents decreased by 11.8%. However, over 10 years, more than 3 million people were injured in road accidents, and 350 thousand people died. Ways to improve the program were discussed at the meeting.

What to do when you don't have a car? Taking the bus back or walking around the city is a bad idea due to germs, noise and fumes. You don't have to worry after birth either. Here too, regulations require newborns to travel in a child seat, and it is difficult to find a corporation that has them on their equipment. Maybe you can borrow it - ask your friends, advertise on a forum for young mothers. Think about your purchase too. This good idea, because this car seat serves as a child's pocket and a comfortable child's bed for babies for at least one year.

President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin emphasized that fostering a driving culture should go in parallel with. Vladimir Putin noted that it was the punitive measures that helped solve a number of problems in stabilizing the situation on the roads, which is fully reflected in the statistics. The number of deaths and injuries as a result of road accidents has decreased.

Child seat

This is also useful when your baby gets sick and you need to take a taxi to the clinic. Under no circumstances should you drive a car - you are still too weak to do so. Just in case, take your baby's wipes, wet wipes and, if you are not breastfeeding, eat baby food. Don't buy rashly - look at at least five or six models before making a decision. Make sure the one you choose fits your vehicle and is easy to install. If you need to remove it from your car several times a day, it is better to buy a lighter model. Very practical are seats that have a plastic base, i.e. a solid foundation. It is mounted permanently in the car and then simply inserts the seat. The padding on the straps helps keep the straps from rubbing against your skin and protecting you from the sun.

  • Give help to your husband, mother or friend.
  • Plan to return during peak hours so you don't get stuck in traffic.
  • For the youngest children there are two types of car seats - group 0 and 0.
  • Consider how often you will use it.
It is good to have the child seat as snug as possible, because the baby should not travel in a reclined position, which is hard on the thin spine.

Due to the fact that the number of accidents at pedestrian crossings is not decreasing, in 2016 it is planned to introduce stricter liability for drivers for traffic violations at zebra crossings.

To improve the situation in this area, it is planned first in the capital region, and then in the regions, to introduce special ones that will record violations at pedestrian crossings and departures beyond the stop line.

There are special cribs, but they are difficult to buy in Poland. You can then use the infant child and what is called a carrier baby to bring the newborn home from the hospital. reduction insert, thanks to which the child’s head does not fly out sideways. If your child is in a very curved child seat, it is also a good idea to place soft pillow under the back to slightly reduce the depth of the seat. The reduction insert can be purchased separately, but some seats come pre-installed.

These models are best suited for newborns because the depth and width of the seat can then be adjusted to fit the smallest passengers. As the child grows, the insert can be removed. Remember that regardless of model, the seat must be secured with a seat belt and the child must be secured with a seat belt. The newborn can also be carried in the back seat of the gondola of the car - obviously, if it is not permanently attached to the rack, but in the middle it has a special wide belt that we can safely attach to the child.

The most common traffic accident with serious consequences is driving into the oncoming lane. Punishment and deprivation of rights did not change the situation. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to develop an action plan for a comprehensive solution to this problem.

Traffic fines for improper transportation of children

The seat is placed in the rear seat, always behind the direction of travel, because in the event of an accident this position is the safest. It is strictly forbidden to drive a child in the front seat of a car with a passenger airbag installed.

Note: the gondola must also be secured to the seat - with car seat belts, movable side handles or a special fastening system. This is a good decision if you are sure about the past of the place. It must be in excellent condition. Even minor damage reduces the guarantee of its safety. So before you decide to buy a used car seat.

First of all, it is planned to strengthen preventive measures. Secondly, it is possible that the powers to administer fines for traffic violations may be transferred to municipal and regional authorities.

The third problem is road work. Due to the continuing accident rate at repair work sites, it is planned to change the procedure for carrying out repair work.

Look closely; Not all defects are visible from the outside, so remove the cover and check that the case is not cracked. Make sure that the child seat has an instruction manual and is completed, and therefore all belts and attachments check the condition of the belt fastening system; Don't buy a seat that can't adjust the length of the seat belt. Some of the requirements have been tightened and some have been relaxed. When should a child go into a car seat and when is it enough to secure it with a belt?

Requirements for child car seats according to GOST

Significant increase, not the age of the child. Compared to the previous rules, the criterion of the child's age has disappeared, and only the criterion of height remains. Therefore, a child who has reached 12 summer age, but has not yet reached the required height, must be placed in a child seat or restraint.

To solve this problem, it is proposed to create a regulatory act regulating the organization of potentially dangerous sections of the road.

The fact is that in most areas where repair work is carried out, there is no proper number of signs, lighting and other elements that attract attention and help the driver navigate. Therefore, in many places, emergency areas come as a complete surprise to drivers.

There are also some exceptions to general rules transportation of children. In practice, this refers to the transport of a child in the above height compartment whose weight exceeds 36 kg, and thus the maximum value for restraint systems that children can use. The above exception does not apply to the carriage of a child in the front seat of a vehicle, in which case the child must always travel using a child restraint or restraint system.

Another exception to the general rules for transporting children in cars and small trucks allows a third child at least 3 years of age to be carried in the back seat, restrained by the seat belts of a vehicle where two children are carried in the rear seats and a third device cannot be installed. In practice, this provision applies to the transport of a typical passenger car that seats five people, including the driver. In passenger cars with 6-9 seats and two rows of rear seats, due to the large dimensions, installing a restraint system for each child is no longer a problem.

For comparison, the organization of repair work abroad occurs differently. Thus, in Thailand, traffic lights are installed in front of a dangerous area, which attract the driver’s attention in advance. Then, closer to the dangerous area, various large arrows are installed, blocks that glow brightly in the dark. Accordingly, the driver perfectly sees the danger in advance, knows on which side the detour is organized, etc.

In the front seat - straight in the direction of travel. The new rules prohibit the transportation of a child under three years of age in a car without seat belts and seats or seat belts and other restraint systems. It is currently prohibited to transport a child from the rear of the front seat of a vehicle, except that this position has been adapted to technological progress. It is no longer just the fact that the car is equipped with a passenger airbag, which until now excluded the possibility of transporting a child in this way, but whether it is active.

In a separate point, Vladimir Putin noted the need for a complete transition to minor road accidents without casualties.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Mironov assured that the department will be ready to completely switch to the “European protocol” from January 1, 2017.

Also - unlike the current wording - this provision allows a child to be carried in the front seat of a vehicle using either a child safety seat or another restraint system. Existing child-related exceptions such as taxis, specialized vehicles and a police vehicle, border guard or security guard are retained.

The exception for transporting a child by bus has been removed. What should parents know? In addition, a significant change - in addition to the responsibility to carry children to safe places or other restraint systems - is the need to adapt the device to body weight and height, compliance with appropriate specifications, and proper installation in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Failure to comply with one of the above obligations is punishable by a fine.

Reference! Currently, there is already a system in place for registering minor incidents in which only material damage was caused, and the vehicle received only mechanical damage, without traffic police officers (according to the traffic police protocol). The amount of compensation under the European protocol in most regions is limited to 50 thousand rubles. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the amount of compensation under the European protocol is limited to 400 thousand rubles.

Pediatricians recommend that children spend no more than two hours a day in a car seat. This is not a very advantageous position to ensure the correct development of the child's musculoskeletal system. Do not use a 0-13 kg seat above the minimum required for use as the primary seat for sitting, lying down and transferring your child out of the car.

Is a child safe in a used car as in a new car? We strongly discourage the use of space purchased from the so-called. Secondly, because he never knew what happened to him before. The car seat involved in the accident must be replaced. These can be dangerous due to damage because they are not always visible to the naked eye.

The next problem that was discussed at the meeting was fake insurance policies. Vladimir Putin emphasized that recently this problem has become widespread.

Where is a safe place to install a car seat? It provides better protection for a child in a side impact by distancing him from the impact zone. During an emergency stop on a busy street, a child can get out of the car or take child seat with a child. Is it possible to put a child in a car seat in front? As already mentioned, from the point of view of Polish law this is possible if the car seat is not installed at the rear in the direction of travel, in a place with an active front airbag. However, taking into account the biomechanics of collisions, if we must carry a child in front as much as possible, recline the front passenger seat and turn off the front airbag.

There were no clear plans to solve this problem at the meeting.

Let us recall that earlier.

The issue of childhood injuries was raised.

In this regard, it is planned to change the conditions for transporting children. In particular, it is planned to exclude from the traffic rules the concept of “other devices” in relation to restraint devices for organizing the transportation of children. Since due to the vague term, unscrupulous sellers have opportunities to sell counterfeit and low-quality products.

The cushion is a deadly hazard for children in the rear seats; Most 9-18 car seats are prone to breaking legs. As in any other case, here we come to legal standards, and in them we have many new things that the parent driver should know.

Changes in rules, be it roads or otherwise, always have their followers and opponents. The new rules are theoretically much better, but as life shows, this rule does not always work. It doesn't change the fact that we should treat them. At the same time, no one can forbid us to show common sense and care about the safety of our children more than the law says.

Children are the most vulnerable category of citizens, including when transported in a car. In 2016, transporting children in a car must comply with certain traffic regulations; we will talk about them directly in this article.

Children in the car, rules

According to new rules in 2016, vehicle drivers will face stricter penalties for transporting children without special equipment.

Until 2013, violations of transporting children in a car were punishable by a small fine of 500 rubles. In 2016, for this offense, we are talking about a very significant fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Important! The lack of child restraints is not a compelling argument or justification for traffic police officers!

A fine is imposed for transporting children under 12 years of age without special child safety equipment. The thing is that standard seat belts are designed for passengers with a height of more than 1.5 meters.

Important! In addition to the direct lack of special children's equipment for transportation, a fine is also imposed for its incorrect installation!

Transporting children in a car 2016

According to the 2016 traffic rules, transportation of children under 12 years of age must be carried out using special fastening equipment, namely:

  • Up to 6 months - a special infant carrier or child seat for the little ones.
  • Up to 12 years old – a special child seat.

The law also contains the wording “other means,” but we’ll talk about that later.

Transporting a child without a seat

Transporting children without a special restraint device is strictly prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation; for this offense the driver is punishable by a fine.

As mentioned earlier, the fine for transporting a child without a special restraint device is 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, prices for child seats range from 2-4 thousand rubles. As we can see from the above data, it will be much more profitable to buy a special restraint device and be confident about the safety of your child than to regularly pay this fine.

Important! Of course, when stopped by a traffic police officer, you can declare that the child has already reached 12 years of age. Traffic police officers do not have the right to demand a birth certificate. The child must at least look approximately 12 years old. But it should be remembered that the pursuit of savings very often leads to very sad consequences!

Child restraint

As mentioned earlier in the article, there are two types of child restraints. The first is infant carriers, used for the smallest passengers. The second is car seats intended for use up to 12 years.

Car seats are used for small children up to 6 months. Due to their dimensions and design features, they are installed transversely on the rear seats of the car. It is secured with the usual standard belts of the vehicle, and the child himself is securely fastened with the belts that come with the infant carrier.

A baby car seat takes up a lot of space in the car. On the other hand, it provides an optimal, safe and comfortable position for the baby. As an alternative, there is a car seat for small children.

Car seats are used for children up to 12 years old. The car seat is directly secured with standard seat belts, or with specially designed brackets that come with it. As a rule, child car seats have the ability to adjust the angle of the backrest.

Important! For the youngest passengers, special bolsters are used to properly secure their heads!

Children's car seats are divided by age and weight category into five main groups. Transporting a child in a seat of an inappropriate group is also punishable by law. When traveling in a car seat, the child should feel as comfortable as possible.

Seat belts for children

Children under 12 years of age can also be transported in a vehicle using special boosters and seat belt adapters.

In the law of the Russian Federation, they are precisely what is meant by the wording “other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts.”

So, let’s look at what an adapter and booster are:

  • An adapter is essentially a metal element that lowers the seat belt to the child’s chest. Is the cheapest and absolutely not in an efficient way protection. When the load occurs during a car collision, the adapter simply breaks.

  • A booster is the lower part of a car seat, that is, essentially a car seat without a backrest and belts. It is also not particularly effective.

Important! These child protection devices for transportation in a car do not provide adequate safety. Whatever you say, standard seat belts are designed for adults, not small children.

Boosters and adapters are still legal, but their use is only allowed in the rear seats.

Child in the front seat

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are no restrictions on transporting children in the front seat, but provided that proper safety of the child is ensured. So, for a child under 12 years old when transported in a vehicle in the front seat, it is necessary to use a special car seat.

In addition, to transport a child under 3 years of age in the front passenger seat, the car seat must be placed backwards, that is, facing the seat. In this case, you should turn off the airbag in advance, since if activated, it can cause significant harm to the child.

Children over 3 years old must be seated facing forward. The airbag must be turned on.

Important! According to all crash tests and studies, the front passenger seat is considered the most dangerous place in a car. For this reason, you should think twice before placing your child on it!

Carrying children in your arms in a car

Carriage of both infants and older children in arms is strictly prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation. For transportation infants You must use a special baby seat in the vehicle. Which is installed on the back seat.

Bottom line

  • Children under 12 years of age are the most vulnerable category of passengers in a vehicle. To transport them, it is necessary to use special devices, and the reason for this, first of all, should be the safety of the child, and not a fine.
  • To transport infants, it is necessary to use specially designed bassinets.
  • The fine for violation when transporting children is 3 thousand rubles. It is much more economical to purchase a special device than to regularly pay a fine, and in addition, you will ensure the proper safety of the child.
  • Adapters and boosters are not prohibited by law and by purchasing them you will save money. So the price of the adapter most often does not exceed 500 rubles. But you should remember when using them, first of all, you will endanger the child.
  • Research shows that the use of infant carriers and car seats reduces the risk of a child being injured in an accident by more than 60%.

This concludes our article. We hope you found it useful. And remember, safety is never too much, especially for children.