Toasts for the New Year corporate party. A selection of the best toasts for the New Year: don’t be banal

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! In the new year, I wish you unquenchable “fuse” and enthusiasm in work and deeds. Let everything be given to you easily, with a smile, without nerves and extra effort, and brings not only profit, but also pleasure. Let work not be a burden to you, but a joy!

Colleagues, Happy New Year,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish each of you,
May everyone's dreams come to life!

So that everyone is always happy,
Wealth to you, kindness, warmth,
For all your wishes to come true,
You and I must drink to the bottom!

In the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, friendly and responsible team, as well as the charge of positive and cheerfulness with which we are now seeing off old year.

We celebrate the New Year
And we walk with colleagues,
I wish everyone miracles
Don't gain excess weight.

Surprises and goodness
And so that there is work,
So that all your dreams come true,
We'll have a drink together!

Let the corporate party be bright,
And next year will be smooth,
May our dreams come true
We will all raise our glasses to this!

I wish us peace, good luck, goodness,
So that profit flows like a river to us,
So that the New Year surprises us all,
And he gave us a lot of success!

Let's drink to our corporate party,
So that it will be easy for us in the morning,
And so that they don’t know regrets,
And so that everything will be fine!

So that we can rock together with you,
To have fun from the heart,
And let miracles come to life,
And we didn’t argue with you!

May the New Year bring happiness,
And it will bring goodness to us all,
And let everything be fine
Easy, successful, good!

They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another sage said, whoever works is how he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' no less wonderful ability to do great work!

Our corporate party is in full swing,
Congratulations to us on this,
And for the New Year,
I raise my glass!

Let him bring us money,
Let everything be alright
And magic awaits everywhere
And we all can live in abundance!

On the New Year's holiday, all people, regardless of age and position, become children again who believe in miracles. Everyone has their own miracle and their own dreams, but you and I, dear colleagues, have one common desire: that our work be easy and fruitful. So let this wish come true in the coming year! Happy New Year!

My beloved team, I wish us to celebrate today’s corporate event fun and usefully. Let your faces shine with happiness, like New Year's lights on a Christmas tree, and next year life will not show a single needle. Let's raise a glass to success in the coming year.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and beloved celebrations by many. As a child, New Year's holidays are perceived as a magical event, with gifts under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus and cheerful matinees in kindergarten or school. For adults and the “sophisticated” life experience The end of the year is most likely associated with the completion of work begun and the hope that the coming year will be successful and fruitful. However, despite our age, in the soul of each of us there lives a childish feeling of expectation of a miracle - on New Year’s Eve one so wants to believe in a fairy tale! So, in anticipation New Year's holidays Enterprises and organizations organize fun corporate parties - with songs, dances and competitions. Extremely popular today themed parties in the style of “Masquerade Ball”, “Hollywood” or “Greetings from the 60s”. Be that as it may, any New Year's corporate party involves a feast with many delicious dishes and drinks. And where there are drinks, there is toast! After all, an appropriately pronounced toast gives a festive banquet a unique “zest” of fun and warmth, which contributes to a good mood and spiritual “unity” of all those present. What toasts should you prepare for the New Year 2017? We have made a selection of the funniest toasts for the New Year of the Rooster - such short funny “parables” will fit perfectly into the script New Year's corporate party, and are also suitable for a friendly party or a home feast with the family. Of course, the main character of most toasts will be Red Fire Rooster, symbol of 2017. With the help of such funny congratulatory “speeches” you can defuse the atmosphere of tension that sometimes arises between unfamiliar people. Having learned a few cool toasts, raise a glass of sparkling champagne to happiness, good luck and health in the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - undoubtedly, the rest of the event participants will support you and, in turn, will “show off” their oratory skills.

Cool toasts for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

It is known that we spend most of our time at work, and many employees and colleagues have long become friends and even friends. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year 2017, I want to get together, have a lot of fun and take a break from the “endless” workdays. In many companies, management meets the “wishes of the workers” and last days December holds a New Year's corporate party. As a rule, for this purpose, they rent a banquet hall in a restaurant or cafe in advance, draw up a holiday script and think through entertainment. Gathered at a generously laid table, they begin to cool toasts- for the New Year 2017, these could be short congratulations and parting words to colleagues with wishes in a comic form of all the best. What should a good toast be like? Soulful, short, meaningful and not beyond the bounds of decency. For the New Year of the Rooster 2017, we have collected several cool short toasts - you just have to learn their words on the eve of the festive corporate party. Each participant in the entertainment event can prepare his own toast for the New Year 2017, and then say it at the common table.

The glasses in which the champagne is splashing are clinking. Is it possible at this wonderful time not to wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish them happiness and goodness? May everything be great in your life. I hope that we will work with such a friendly and cheerful team for a long time.

I wish that with the advent of the new year 2017, the innovations that he is waiting for will appear in the life of every person. For some it is a car or an apartment, for others it is new meetings and love. Let only friends and beloved colleagues remain old.

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on our homes. I hope it brings joy and good luck to everyone. At least, I sincerely wish this to everyone. So that there is money through the roof, so that there are no mice in the house, so that health flows over the edge. I only have one planned word left to say: “pour.”

A collection of short funny toasts for the New Year 2017 - sincere funny wishes to family and friends

It is traditional to celebrate the New Year with family and friends, at a generously laid table and to the sounds of a festive concert on TV. Indeed, such an idyllic picture family gatherings for “Olivier” against the backdrop of the New Year’s “Blue Light” resonates in the hearts of many people. In such a cozy atmosphere, short funny toasts would be appropriate, conveying the unique atmosphere of the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - the best solution will choose an original, cheerful toast in advance and “perform” with it at the festive table. And since the symbol of 2017 is the Red Rooster, this bright, vocal bird can be mentioned in the toast. Let the feathered patron of the coming year bestow his favor on you - raise a glass in his honor, complementing this “popular” gesture with a short funny toast from our collection. Such sincere toasts for the New Year 2017 with wishes of goodness and happiness will definitely be appreciated by your family and friends.

Even as a child, I realized that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, and do not suffer from depression. And despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, they always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a sophisticated New Year's toast, I will say briefly and banally - may we live like this! For health, youth of soul and financial stability.

Year of the Red Rooster
Not a blemish on the table
Olivier and fur coat
It will be a fertile year!
We fill our glasses
To become even richer
So that it rustles in your pockets
The houses were thriving!

New Year is a holiday of contrasts. While it’s cold, frost, snow outside, the house is warm, cozy, a bright Christmas tree, festive table and the love of loved ones. So let’s drink to the fact that the house will always be warm and comfortable, even if there are hurricanes and severe frosts outside.

Funny New Year's toasts 2017 for corporate events and friendly parties - in poetry and prose

The festive event in honor of the New Year is distinguished by a special atmosphere of carefree and fun. After all, at a corporate event or a friendly party in honor of the New Year 2017, all participants are greatly brought together not only by a generously laid table with delicious dishes and drinks, but also by a unique feeling of magic. In the company of colleagues or close friends, you can wonderfully celebrate the imminent arrival of the New Year of the Rooster - it is clear that everyone will celebrate it on December 31 with family and friends. In the meantime, you can enjoy the conversation and raise a glass with wishes of all the best for the New Year 2017. For a corporate event or a party of close friends, funny New Year's toasts in verse and prose would be appropriate, which would be equally well received by everyone present at the table. With the help of such a cool short toast for the New Year of the Rooster, a cheerful mood is guaranteed - it is only important to “present” the words beautifully, choosing the right intonation and timing. Of course, if you don’t have the skills of a toastmaster, you’ll have to practice a little. However, your efforts will not be in vain - your speech will be greeted with loud applause!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to a home where there is fun and continuous laughter. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish everyone present that there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes in the New Year!

The time has come to let go of the Monkey, who has helped us so much all year, leading us to a bright future... And what do I see? There's a new addition to our farm! It's the Rooster! Well, the fact that he is Fiery is such a breed! Happy New Year 2017! Smile more often, and for a reason, I wish that in the coming year you will always have a reason for this!

I raise a glass to the New Year,
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give you joy and kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!

Let him give everyone magic,
May everything always be fine
Let there be miracles everywhere.
That's what I'll drink to tonight!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017 - funny table speeches with best wishes

The New Year comes unnoticed, bringing with it bitter frost and snowdrifts, the smell of pine needles and tangerine. It would seem that just recently the wind was blowing dry streets through autumn leaves, and winter was so far away... Every day the most beloved and happy holiday– New Year of the Rooster! In connection with the upcoming corporate events and holiday parties, we decided to collect the best for the New Year 2017 short toasts, which will lift your spirits and cause cheerful, approving laughter. It’s so nice to listen to well-rehearsed poetic congratulations or a beautiful speech in prose, with best wishes for the New Year 2017. A cool short toast is perceived much better than a long speech, during which listeners sit with filled glasses and patiently wait for the end of the “monologue.” Therefore, it is better to select toast phrases that are short and understandable, without unnecessary verbiage - such toasts for the New Year 2017 will be better remembered and will convey the full depth of your feelings and wishes.

A year goes by
Taking away sorrows
Well, let him go
Us New Year will not let you down!
The main thing is to pour it on time,
Wine for the New Year,
So that he can be happy
And drink it all down!

Be rich!
Live in abundance!
And may your salary
Doesn't play hide and seek with you!
Get more money in the new year!
Spend wherever you want!
We'll drink to you for this -
So that everyone has income!

Happy New Year, happy new happiness” - it is customary to congratulate each other. But let happiness not be new, as long as it is stable with us. Let's drink to the kindness of Fate to all of us in this New Year.

New Year of the Rooster 2017 - cool short toasts for the festive feast

The ability to make toasts beautifully is a real art. Therefore, for the New Year 2017, it is better to prepare a few simple, cool toasts in advance and practice their pronunciation properly. Of course, improvisation at a festive feast is welcome, but not everyone is able to “immediately” come up with and beautifully “serve” a toast for the New Year. So we suggest using our options for cool short toasts - you just need to choose and learn the words for the holidays. After all good toast They give confidence, put you in a positive mood and lift your spirits for a long time. The Year of the Rooster brings us bright positive changes, so along with toasts you “program” your listeners for future happiness and good luck. May your wishes come true in the New Year 2017!

I want to raise a glass,
So that no one gets bored on New Year's Day,
So that the holiday reigns everywhere,
Spun with joyful snowflakes!
So that there are happy children on the street,
She was happy about the snow and shouted: “Hurray!”

Let's raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings!

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are a great opportunity to truly unite people and create a truly magical festive atmosphere. So, for a New Year's corporate party you will find on our pages a collection of short funny toasts that your colleagues will be delighted with. At a friendly party or family feast, funny toasts with wishes in a humorous form will lift everyone’s spirits - you can prepare for the Year of the Rooster different options in poetry and prose. So, let's raise a glass to the New Year 2017!

When the most magical time comes New Year's Eve, all worries or troubles fade into the background. It's time to relax, enjoy communication with friends and loved ones, a delicious feast and gifts. And of course, not a single holiday is complete without beautiful solemn words and wise wishes that must come true! And they will come true - because we sincerely believe and hope in it!

Today we have prepared for you a selection of New Year's toasts and wishes so that you can please your dear people with beautiful and kind words.

To the clink of New Year's glasses

Under the splash of champagne wine,

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and goodness.

Let's start with this toast:

The year of the rooster is knocking on the house,

There is a lot of joy in it!

I wish you, friends,

Be happy like me!

For money through the roof,

So that there are no mice,

So that health is overflowing,

Now pour everyone a drink!

The New Year is about to arrive.

He's probably standing on the threshold.

And the champagne is already playing in the glass,

Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.

So let's raise our glasses

For the past year, for past affairs.

Together we will drink to the future,

May everyone's dreams come true!

Many people, congratulating everyone on the New Year, wish everyone to start with a blank slate, but I want to wish that in the coming year your life continues in brighter colors, that you overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes!

Once upon a time there were three women - the first had a husband, the second had a lover, and the third had both a husband and a lover. The first woman did not complain about life, because her husband constantly took care of her. The second one was also happy, because her lover spent everything free time with her. But the third, oddly enough, felt lonely and unhappy, because the two men constantly relied on each other. So let's drink to everyone being happy in the New Year! And you don’t have to rely on someone else - learn to fulfill your responsibilities yourself conscientiously =) Happy New Year, with new happiness!

Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! =) And you can’t celebrate the same New Year twice... So let’s drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this wonderful holiday! Here's to the New Year!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that it is already behind. And what to do so as not to miss the moment of happiness? The most important thing is to enjoy every day you live, this is exactly what I wish for you in the coming year. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company on this wonderful New Year's holiday.

In Georgia they say this - if you want to be happy for a day, get drunk, if you want to be happy for a week, then get sick. If you want happiness within a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a whole year, get a mistress. And if you want happiness for the rest of your life, then be healthy! Let's raise our glasses so that in 2017 we will all be healthy, and therefore happy!

I want to get drunk to the sound of fireworks,

And find a couple in the new year,

I wish to find millions in envelopes,

And may Santa Claus make your dream come true!

May your wishes come true in the new year,

May everyone in the world find happiness,

Don't let them give you empty promises,

And may your wishes come true all year long.

New Year is not only a Christmas tree, toys, gifts, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, but also a cheerful festive feast at home, in a restaurant or at a corporate party. Gathering together, family members, relatives, work colleagues, friends and acquaintances cordially congratulate each other on the winter celebration and say nice things to loved ones, good wishes. Of course, this event is not complete without toasts. It is thanks to these short speeches, funny and cool or beautiful and touching, a home banquet, friendly party or a solid corporate event turns from a standard holiday into a bright, joyful and very sincere event, imbued with warmth, cordiality and mutual understanding.

Solemn and inspired short toasts pronounced at the festive table have a special effect on everyone present, automatically set the mood for positivity and evoke only the most pleasant emotions. At this moment, each person firmly believes that all the words of the toast will certainly come true and gladly raises a glass for this to happen as soon as possible.

If you have not yet decided what toasts you will say during the meeting of the Year of the Rooster and the Old New Year, use our collection. In it we have collected the most interesting short toasts, suitable for a cozy family feast, a New Year's work corporate party and a cool friendly party. Choose toasts that you like and please your family and friends with the most beautiful, pleasant and kind words. And may all the good things that are said at the New Year’s table in the form of toasts and wishes come true as quickly as possible.

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party in the Year of the Rooster

A corporate holiday is a special moment, very important for every employee. On the one hand, there is a great opportunity to express yourself in an informal setting, show off your wit in front of colleagues and attract the attention of your superiors, but on the other hand, you want to maintain the necessary balance and not lose face by uttering too provocative, cheeky and ambiguous phrases. A kind of “golden mean” in such a situation will be short, cool and funny toasts dedicated to the coming of the New Year of the Rooster 2017. They have everything you need for a good, and, at the same time, tactful and respectful dinner speech: bright, memorable congratulations, pleasant, touching wishes, kind, understandable humor and extraordinary presentation. A short, original and funny toast, said at the right moment at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2017, will pleasantly defuse the festive atmosphere and make the most favorable impression on everyone. Colleagues will not think that you are trying to curry favor with your superiors by any means, and management will appreciate your ability to joke creatively without crossing the acceptable boundaries of decency.

We worked for a whole year,
They weren't lazy at all.
I want to drink to this
And wish you a new year,
So that the work gets done right away,
And everything was great for you!

I raise my glass
So that no one disappears at work,
And so that this new year,
You made it through without any hassle!
Don’t bury yourself in work,
And never be arrogant!
And then you will be successful!
I drink to the bottom for you, for everyone!

Work, work, and more work,
We stayed until the new year.
And now a short break,
To give everyone a little break.
To this I raise a glass,
May everything that each of you wishes come true.
Work is not a wolf - it won’t rush into the forest,
So let's celebrate the new year calmly!

Toasts for celebrating the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in the company of friends

Celebrating the New Year of the Rooster in the company of friends - great option have a good time and become a little closer and dearer to each other. You can gather in an ordinary city apartment, set a rich table and, to the sound of the chimes, make a beautiful toast, and then clink glasses of champagne. Or organize a party with one of your friends at the dacha, dance around a real Christmas tree, light a live fire, play snowballs and toast the New Year of the Rooster right in the open air. Of course, a festive feast would not be complete without beautiful speeches and toasts. If among the invitees there is only a very narrow circle of people who know each other very well, the toasts can be quite frank. However, it is still not worth dwelling in too much detail on some moments of a certain person’s life. You can mention them in passing, and devote the main part of the toast to congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster and kind, sincere wishes for health, happiness, financial well-being and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that these words are very simple and not very original, they always sound appropriate and evoke only the warmest, pleasant and joyful emotions.

When a group of friends gathers for the New Year in a restaurant or cafe, you should approach the choice of toasts with special attention, since there will be strangers sitting nearby who do not necessarily need to hear too intimate details from the life of your loved ones. It is better to stop at toasts of a more neutral content and raise a glass to the health of your family, to success in all your endeavors, to love and to good friends who are always there and ready to support you in difficult times.

Let's raise a glass to joy and happiness.
So that they are loved, bad weather disappears.
So that children are healthy and happy,
So that there is peace and joy on the whole planet.
So that the stars and the sun shine from the heavens.
So that the world is full of beautiful miracles.

We are in power with glorious traditions
The eternal search is akin to us in everything.
Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness,
Happy new toast at our table!

May success come to us with the New Year
And the days and nights will flow nicely.
Let's drink to us all,
So that you don’t get lost in life alone!

Funny toasts for the New Year 2017 in verses for home and corporate events

Cool and funny toasts in verse greatly decorate the feast on the occasion of the New Year and create a festive, bright and optimistic mood among those present. Yes, this is not surprising, because once again Absolutely all people like to smile and laugh at a good joke, regardless of age, gender and social status. However, tact and respect should not be forgotten, so too frivolous, frivolous toasts with ambiguous hints and too piquant words are best reserved for gatherings in a very close company of adults. And on New Year’s Day, when children are present at the table, despite the late hour, prepare only funny, cool toasts with simple, easy-to-understand humor.

If we are talking about a corporate party, you can memorize a toast praising the industry in which the company operates, or say a few rhymed lines wishing everyone present successful career growth and financial well-being. Such a toast will sound more than appropriate and will be greeted with a bang not only by colleagues, but also by management.

Let me raise my glass
Over the past year, over the past
And drain it to the bottom:
For happiness and good luck
For a new car, and money for a suitcase to boot!

Health, love and happiness,
I wish those gathered here,
For your success and joy,
I'm raising my glass now!

Champagne sparkles
Eyes sparkle with joy
The holiday is almost at your doorstep
Lots of health and happiness
may the road of next year bring!

Short beautiful toasts for the New Year 2017 for feasts and corporate events

When a large company gathers at the holiday table, it is not possible to say long and lengthy toasts, even of the most pleasant content. After all, everyone present wants to speak, but no one has any particular desire to spend the entire evening just talking. This is where short, funny New Year's toasts, consisting of literally 2-3 beautiful phrases. Of course, in such a small text of the toast it will not be possible to contain all the best impulses of the heart and emotional feelings, but each of the guests will have the opportunity to say a few nice words friends, relatives and colleagues gathered around the table.

Short, sweet toasts for the New Year are also good because they don’t bore guests and don’t distract them from the meal. But, nevertheless, they contain the most kind words And best wishes Happy wonderful and good holiday. In addition, a toast of a small number of lines is very easy to learn by heart, so that at the right moment you can recite it with expression, without fear of forgetting the words or mixing up the sequence of phrases.

Happy New Year! Let's raise our glasses!
Let the champagne sparkle in them!
Let love reign between us!
And let life be simply royal.

The New Year is the most amazing
I want to drink only for the main thing,
For health, love and happiness,
May the celebration be glorious.

I wish you endless happiness for the new year!
I raise my glass from the bottom of my heart,
Let this toast be to your loved ones and relatives,
May everything be fine with our dear ones

Cool short toasts for the festive table for the New Year 2017

Cool, short toasts for the New Year 2017 are suitable for both a home feast and a respectable corporate party. The main thing is to choose the right moment to say funny lines in a toast. You should not do this right away, when those present have just sat down at the table. Let the first to sound beautiful and touching toasts with congratulations and kind, sincere wishes, which will be said by the owner of the house or one of the management employees, if we are talking about a corporate party.

When official and solemn speeches on the occasion of the New Year of the Rooster 2017 have been said, and those present have already imbued with the festive atmosphere and moved on to informal communication, it is quite appropriate to take the floor and make a short funny toast in poetry or prose. Hearing perky, funny phrases, guests will definitely smile and gladly raise their glasses to good mood, optimism and wishes to celebrate the New Year 2017 in such a way that the holiday will be remembered for a lifetime, but at the same time there will be strength for an equally grandiose celebration of the Old New Year.

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year we will have everything we dream of! So that we get what we plan, and the unplanned turns out to be our best expectations!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let him carry the bag of money.

May there be love and happiness,
Let the bad weather pass by.
Positive and kind.
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

Do you know why there are so many stars in the sky in winter? Begins to be born New star and everyone else comes to see this spectacle. The New Year is the New Star. So let's drink to the fact that this Year the New Star will illuminate the path to Happiness, Health, Peace and Success for each of us. And let's wash down the old year with the same old wine. Happy New Year!

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To amaze relatives, colleagues and friends gathered at the festive table with your eloquence and wit is worth a lot. You'll instantly earn status as the life of the party. But well-worn texts of congratulations and “bearded” jokes are not entirely suitable for this purpose. Better use the unique and latest funny and funny New Year's toasts that you will find in this article.

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Cool New Year toasts for friends



“Once Santa Claus made a snowman for himself and left him with a small snowball. “What else do you need to make, my friend? - asked Santa Claus. The snowman thought: he has arms, he has legs, he has a head, he even has a nose made of carrots. Then he said: “Make me happy!” But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone has their own happiness and said: “There is snow on you, make your own happiness.” So, in the coming year, may we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it.”

“Even as a child, I realized that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, and do not suffer from depression. And despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, they always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a sophisticated New Year's toast, I will say briefly and banally - may we live like this! For health, youth of soul and financial stability.”

“In Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys, there is a glorious tradition of seeing off the old year. On the eve of the holiday, residents of this country throw out of their windows all the things that they do not need or have become tired of over the past year. Of course, we are not wasteful Brazilians, but economical Russians. Therefore, I propose to throw out old grievances, bad thoughts, envy, ingratitude, and pride from your soul. And let’s raise our glasses so that the 2017 New Year will be lived no worse, but better than the previous one!”

“When we were children, our parents called us dreamers and maximalists. We have long since grown up into stern and boring adults. But today I propose to take a moment to plunge into that glorious time. And as the most avid maximalist and dreamer in our company, I propose to raise a toast to the fact that in the New Year all bottles will be endless, glasses will be bottomless, men will be generous, women will be supportive, bosses will be friendly, cars will be trouble-free, feelings will be sincere, and happiness is hopeless.”

“Every December, like in childhood, we dream of more snow falling. The weather does not always cooperate with us - lately, more and more often we have to pick up a rake rather than a shovel. But today I want to wish you that in the coming year, each of you will put aside as unnecessary the old rake, which you periodically step on (and some of us even dance on them non-stop), and pick up a big, big shovel, which It will not be snow that will be rowing, but money. For prosperity!



Funny New Year's toasts with family

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“Dear family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rooster. I hope that this proud bird will reward us with love for our neighbors, the ability to defend our interests and fighting spirit. I wish you the confidence of a rooster, the homeliness of a chicken, the tenderness of a chicken, the impeccable harmony of forms and contents that an egg, a symbol of life, can boast of!”

“Dear household members, I congratulate you on the New Year! And let everyone, on this magical night, receive what they miss most: the generosity of Father Frost, the cheerful disposition of Santa Claus, the slimness of the Snow Maiden, the hard work and diligence of the elves, the softness and fluffiness of the Snowman. A the best gift there will be the wisdom of reindeer, who in any situation find food, shelter and quite decent living conditions.!”

“Once upon a time, his students came to the sage and asked, looking at the horseshoe suspended above the entrance: “Teacher, do you really believe that some piece of iron can bring good luck?” To which the sage replied: “Personally, I don’t believe in it, but it brings good luck whether I believe in it or not.” I suggest you drink to good luck. If we suddenly lose faith in her in the New Year, let her still believe that she must come to our house!”

“I read the recommendations of a famous astrologer here. He writes that those who celebrate the Year of the Rooster in the family circle will be accompanied by success, luck and happiness throughout the New Year. I'm not an astrologer, but I also have something to say. Those who have the opportunity to celebrate the year of not only the Rooster, but also the Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, etc. surrounded by loved ones and relatives - they are already the most successful, lucky and happy. For our family! "

“The New Year plays on contrasts. When there is frost, snowfall and impenetrable darkness outside, the houses are warm and cheerful, the lights of decorated Christmas trees sparkle, and the festive table is set. I would like to raise a glass to the fact that in the coming year, no matter what storms rage outside the window, we will always be cozy and bright. Here’s to good weather in the house!”

“Patience and work once made a man out of a monkey. Much later, a saying began to circulate among people that patience and work will grind everything down. But today, on New Year's Eve, I want to paraphrase these historical facts and proverbs and say this. Patience and work are what we love our mothers and fathers for, because even when we grow up, they sometimes have to endure no less from us than when we were still little monkeys. Being a parent is real work. Here’s to you, dear mom and dad!”



Funny toasts for the New Year's corporate party

“Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming Year of the Rooster. The Monkey is leaving us, whose piquant features, an exposed butt and a rolled out lip, brought problems and unforeseen expenses. The Rooster has other priorities: the place for adventure has a bushy tail, the chickens don’t peck for money, and the principle “I crowed, but at least it won’t dawn” helps save nerves. Let's drink so that we can have it all. And may the Golden Cockerel fulfill your wishes!”

“So, colleagues, the New Year is coming. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; bonuses - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; success and achievements, like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion.”

“We all learned in school how, in time immemorial and unsullied by civilization, labor turned a monkey into a man. And today, as the year of this animal passes, let us raise our glasses to ensure that we remain human, even after the end New Year holidays neither of us turned back into monkeys. For a sense of proportion!

“It so happened that we work together and have already become one big family. We are united by one goal - the success of our company; everyone makes an important contribution to the achievement of each of us. But despite the fact that we are all small cogs of one big, well-coordinated mechanism, each of us remains an individual with his own interests, aspirations and cockroaches in his head. I would like to raise a glass to the fact that in the New Year, nothing is impossible for us together and for each individual. May our dreams and desires come true, and may those that have already come true be desired again!

4:3762 4:9

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice... So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! Here's to the New Year!

A mother asks her adult daughter:
- What do you expect from the New Year?
- I don’t really know either. I want something... Either seeds, or...get married!
Let's drink to everyone having everything in the New Year!!! And even seeds!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time!
We congratulate you on this chic, impetuous, beautiful, powerful holiday and wish that after New Year's table Our main means of transportation did not fail us... legs!!!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives.”
Let's drink to the New Year bringing us real wealth!

Celebrating the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is interpreted, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!”
Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!



Toast to the Year of the Rooster!

Down and feathers in pillows are forgotten -
People celebrate the New Year.
Someone is drunk and well-fed at the table
Let's talk about symbolism,
They say someone came up with it in China
The fact that the year of the Rooster has come to us...
Sha! Tell me later! Celebrating
And let's pour another glass!

Let's drink, friends, to good luck,
New Year and new hour,
For the Dutch and Apaches,
So that they respect us
For the Rooster and the Monkey,
For both mother and father,
When drinking, we know when to stop
So as not to get drunk!

Let cockfighting be recognized as a barbaric pastime,
Let the fire warm everyone, but not burn down the home,
And despite enlightenment, let them believe that the evil one is fleeing,
When at dawn the rooster crows in his chicken coop!

We're happy to celebrate, haha,
The Year of the Rooster has begun!
So that the light in your gaze does not go out,
“Ku-ka-re-ku!” - the Rooster cries.
We wish everyone to peck the grain -
May it be with happiness,
With comfort, creative work
May peace and goodness enter the house!
In the year of the Rooster, a love toast -
And the toast will be extremely simple:
Was there a Chicken with you?
Il Cockerel at the appointed hour!

The Rooster is a proven fighter,
The Rooster is a famous singer.
He wears his crown proudly,
Well, no matter how you look at it - well done!
Being a Rooster is not that easy.
But let's get ready for the breakthrough.
And on New Year's there is no better toast,
What a cheerful cry: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

In the year of the Rooster, I disturb the sky.
I have at least two wishes:
So that the hen lays a golden egg,
So that a roasted rooster doesn't peck you in the ass!

I wish everyone healthy souls and bodies,
Cloudless and promising distance,
So that the Rooster only sings songs for you,
But bad luck and troubles didn’t bite.

A snowball is flying; like white fluff.
The Rooster spread his wings:
Now he is the boss here!
Promises wealth and success
For everyone, especially for those
Who is young and desperate!

Let in 2017
There will be joy and fun in every home!
Let smiles on the sunny snow
Your mood will sparkle in bright colors!
We wish you a sea of ​​fairy lights
And feasts near the New Year tree.
There will be many beautiful bright days,
And everyone lives happier and calmer!

Happy New Year
Congratulations from us!
And raise your glasses -
The long-awaited hour is near!
Fireworks will fly up again,
The President will speak.
Don't forget to smile
At this fabulous moment!



May the coming year cry from the Rooster
He will tell us that troubles are nonsense,
That the meaning of life is a crimson dawn,
So there’s no need to fuss,
We couldn’t even flap our wings or think.
Get up on the kochet, and only on the wrong leg;
Don’t look for adventures on your tail,
So as not to get caught like chickens in cabbage soup.
Don't give a damn about all your problems,
Having so much cash that the chickens can’t eat.

Happy New Year
And we wish you love!
Let's drink so that in any bad weather
Were happy days.
May the wind bring happiness,
A blizzard will sweep in the money,
Let the children be healthy
And beautiful - all years!

In the snow winter road
The monkey goes away...
Let everything you want come true
On New Year's moonlit night!

The Year of the Rooster has arrived
Let him crow for us.
We are looking for our doors,
Paths to your dreams.
And boldly we wish
Good luck, kindness.
Let good win
The path to it is simple.