The most unpretentious small dogs. A dog with the appearance of a monkey is a cheerful Affenpinscher. Pay attention to the dog's fur

A dog has been living next to a person for thousands of years, following him everywhere. With the advent of cities, these animals adapted to live in urban environments. However, some breeds did not succeed. We will tell you which dog is best to have in an apartment.

Very often, when choosing a pet, people pay attention not to the size and length of the coat, but to its communication capabilities and ability to get along with children. After all, dogs are often purchased specifically for younger family members.

Some dogs have a lot of energy and need a lot of exercise, while others are more prone to apartment life. Other - good friends children or cats, but other breeds do not. Meanwhile, some dogs need a thorough cleaning, while others only need a bath every now and then.

Even within the same breed, each dog will have its own personality, but the following guide will give you an idea of ​​the breeds that may be best suited for you. The best dogs for families with children. The best dogs for beginners. The best dogs for people with allergies.

In this case, various factors should be assessed - the size of the home, the presence or absence of allergies in the child, age. And of course, it’s worth deciding who is needed – a security guard or a toy dog. But, be that as it may, there are breeds that get along well with children and should be considered as a four-legged friend for a child:

Benefits of Choosing a Mixed Breed Dog

Best dogs for older adults. The best dogs for people living in apartments. Purebred dogs aren't the only ones that deserve the best comments. Mixed breed dogs can be incredibly intelligent, loyal, and also social. They have unique personalities and tend to be very quiet, often with best features, such as stability, friendship, shyness, aggression and protection than purebred dogs.

Mixed breed dogs may be a mixture of only two breeds or may be the product of several. Despite this, mixed breeds actually have various differences, including. It may have a purebred ancestor in its pedigree, or it may be a dog of several races. These dogs are usually identified by the breed or species to which they bear the closest resemblance. These dogs are the product of unidentified breeds for several generations. An example of a dog in this category is the Pariah dog. Pariah dogs are usually yellow or light brown in color and of medium height and weight. Functional races. These dogs are bred for a specific purpose based on their ability to perform certain tasks.

  • Dogs with attributes of two or more races.
  • Wild or feral dogs.
Although it has recently been discovered that while mixed breed dogs do not necessarily have health advantages in terms of genetic issues, they do tend to be a reliable group.

  • The Golden Retriever is an ideal companion dog; it is a cheerful and kind dog, flexible and easy to train.
  • The Basset Hound is a rather colorful breed, whose representatives are optimistic, loudly barking hulks. One of the qualities of Basset Hounds is stubbornness, but at the same time they are immensely kind and loyal.
  • Scottish Sheepdogs (collie and sheltie) - given their herding origins, it is easy to assume that they will guard their new “herd” perfectly, special attention addressing the younger members. They are excellent, caring nannies, but it is worth considering that these dogs are quite “loud”.
  • Welsh Corgis are also shepherds, but of a compact size; They are active, agile and always ready to play; in addition, they are very brave and capable of protecting their owner.

Pets belonging to hunting breeds are great for older children. Spaniels and beagles have an active, cheerful disposition; they are excellent companions for joint fun. Working breed dogs are ideal for teenagers - German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Doberman. These dogs need education and training, and their intelligence allows them to learn new skills without professionals. That is, even a child can train his pet.

One study found 10 conditions that were most common in purebred dogs, including dilated cardiomyopathy, elbow dislocation, cataracts and hypothyroidism, while only one problem was found in Crossbred dogs.

Keep in mind that more than half of the dogs in shelters have behavioral problems that cause their previous owners to take them into the shelter. It's not the dogs' fault. However, be prepared to adopt a mixed dog as they require extra attention, training and love. Finally, almost all dogs have the potential to become the next favorite or social media sensation. Being the next sensation has nothing to do with the breed of dog, but rather with the marks left on your heart.

You should not take decorative breed puppies into a family with children. Firstly, careless handling of small animals can lead to injury to the latter, and, in addition, their nervous system requires a calm atmosphere, which is almost impossible when there are small children. And most importantly, caring for a dog bought for a child will still fall on the shoulders of the parents, it is advisable that they are prepared for this.

Will everything be fine in the apartment? What are the most featured races? It is estimated that 20% of the urban population in Spain, and if we add those who want it and don't do it because they do not dare to take a step, this figure will grow rapidly. Recent statistics confirm that not only is society aware of the responsibility of owning a pet, but more than 90% of those who have a dog or cat at home consider it part of the family. The ideal profile of a dog that will live in an apartment or apartment, which is now considered normal, is generally a small, obedient, calm and educated animal.

Pets with great personalities

If for a private home, in most cases, dogs are bought that have protective qualities and some aggression, then for an apartment, as a rule, a companion dog is needed - friendly and sociable. However, other character traits of both the dog and the owner should be taken into account.

Pets for sports and active pastime

Breed makes a big difference, but mixed-breed dogs can also be very adaptable. Calmer puppies will be without you, but don't deprive them of their ride. If you decide on one of these copies at the time of adoption, the most important thing is to ask the protection staff to talk about the identity of the available songs and guide you through their criteria. Obviously, the breed includes size, hair type, required grooming, temperament, etc.

There are some quieter dogs. Breeds that are generally considered ideal for apartment living include: Bichon, Western Highland Terrier, Shih Tzu, Carlino, Bulldog, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Schnauzer and Teckel.

In this case, in addition to a good character, the animal must have genetic health, mobility and endurance. Representatives of the following breeds meet these requirements:

  • beagles;
  • schnauzers (Riesen, Zwerg and Mittel);
  • collie and ;
  • all varieties of pinschers (both large and small dogs are very active);
  • retrievers;
  • setters;
  • terriers (without adding dog blood for baiting);
  • Fox Terriers.

The peculiarity of such breeds is the need for regular, active walking - with games and training. Otherwise, the dog can turn the house into ruins and will do this not out of malice, but out of boredom.

Beware of the most dangerous and troubled ones. As for these, it must be borne in mind that the first are the gentlest and least necessary exercises; and the latter are races that require extra effort to train them as they are often particularly rebellious and have strong personalities, so you have to correct certain behaviors more firmly than in other races.

Just as you will not be comfortable in a house where you are alone most of the time. Some large dogs are perfectly adapted to the city. What about big races? Obviously, within the dimensions that we have, there must be several meters characteristic of each of the members of the house, including the animal. The fact that everyone who lives in this house has their own space in every way is also fundamental, not only in the physical aspect, but also in the psychological aspect, as well as in terms of learning and setting limits.

If you need a calm, phlegmatic dog

Sometimes you need a dog that will accompany you on walks, not react to possible hunting objects and not show aggression towards strangers and animals. In this case, it is better to get a dog of the following breeds:

  • bulldog (or English);
  • Pekingese;
  • pug;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan;
  • Welsh Corgi (Pembroke and Cardigan);
  • Chinese Crested Dog.

These dogs are distinguished by emotional stability and strong psyche. Moreover, some large representatives of the above breeds are better suited for small-sized housing than smaller, but hyperactive dogs.

Labradors and Golden Retrievers are examples of great dogs that are phenomenal for apartment living, but also for greyhounds. Against those who believe they need a lot of activity, they are very calm and like to sleep peacefully when they have sufficient time for sports. There are other possibilities as you can see if you go to forums or dog parks, but the key at this stage is to know your dog's personality.

Caring for dogs is an opportunity not to spend a lot of time. The dog's calmness is important to be a good candidate for living in the city. Although there are people who increasingly prefer to take their dog to boarding kennels, where they will do activities and interact with other dogs and people, as well as other activities, so as not to spend so much time alone. There are many factors when choosing our ideal partner, and one of them is our type of housing. That's why in this article we teach you 10 dog breeds that are ideal for gender.

Active dogs for games and long walks

Dogs get along well with children in the house; they can play, run, and take part in various fun activities. If parents don’t mind a little chaos and can afford to spend 2-3 hours a day walking their pet, then you should pay attention to small hunting breeds:

  • spaniels;
  • fox terriers;
  • Jack Russell Terriers;
  • Airedale Terriers;
  • dachshunds

If there is a park or playground near your home where the dog can burn off excess energy, then you can get a Labrador or poodle puppy. Representatives of these breeds are playful and not dirty.

The importance of this aspect is greater than you can imagine. Every breed of dog. and every Métis is different and has different needs for space and activity. But we know that, like us, you love puppies! And anyone who wants one and takes the responsibility to take care of it deserves one, regardless of your home. If you live in an apartment or apartment and are looking for the perfect hairy one, pay attention to this article.

The English Bulldog is our first gender-matched dog breed. This dog is very domestic and of medium size. They're a little lazy! These dogs much prefer to lie down in their beds at home than to play or walk around. If you feel identified with this lifestyle, this may be the dog you are looking for.

Sofa dogs

Often people need a companion who will happily lie next to the TV, without being intrusive and without demanding active games. “Lazy” breeds include:

But look! This doesn't mean you don't need or need to leave. Certainly! The English Bulldog is a bit lazy, but you will need to go for a walk a couple of times a day or three, just like any other dog. But this has the advantage that it doesn't have much energy to burn.

The Shih Tzu is another dog breed that is ideal for apartments because it is small in size and does not require too much effort in terms of exercise. Shih Tzus are quiet and do not need much space to move around the house. If caring for your dog's hair is not a problem for you and you are willing to give it your all, the Shih Tzu will charm you.

  • Shih Tzu;
  • Pekingese;
  • Neapolitan Mastiff;
  • Lhasa Apso;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • basset hound.

But, despite laziness, it is still worth noting that any dog ​​needs attention and care. In addition, a pet must be educated, even the most phlegmatic one.

Pet boy: pros and cons

Having decided to purchase a four-legged friend and having decided on the breed, future owners are faced with another, no less important question - whether it will be a female or a male. Pets of both sexes have advantages and disadvantages, you just need to evaluate them and prioritize them. If we talk about positive aspects male dogs, this includes the following:

The Cavalier is the most loving and lovable dog and gets along well with everyone, including strangers and other pets. That's why it's good choice if you already have other bugs moving around the house. But isn't the Great Dane a big dog? And at home he doesn’t get nervous or destroy, he also doesn’t bark and is super friendly.

The Great Dane is elegant and has a wonderful temperament that is suitable for all types of homes, including small ones. Not just in your apartment, your Chihuahua can put it in his wallet! Adult Chihuahuas weigh no more than 3 kg, they are very small! Therefore, they can live in confined spaces.

  • There are no heats and their consequences in the form of unwanted offspring. The owner will not have to walk the pet during critical periods, “dashing”, brushing off annoying gentlemen. In addition, you will not need to wear special panties or other devices.
  • If your plans include active exhibition activities, then males are also preferable - you will not have to refuse participation due to estrus, bearing or feeding offspring, or the recovery period. The same can be said about hunting and sports competitions.
  • Males are the larger and more colorful representatives of the breed.

As for who performs security and other functions better, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. But males also have their disadvantages, which should also be taken into account when choosing:

The downside to Hihuahuas is that they are natural barkers, so be prepared to tell them this. They will reward you for being affectionate, smart and gentle. We have reached one of the main heroes of the Internet. The rise in popularity of Carlin or Pugs dogs has been impressive in recent years.

These beautiful white beads are suitable for living in all types of homes, including apartments. Their temperament is perfect: they are affectionate, calm, quiet and sociable. And he has more energy than he might seem! You will need good doses of exercise every day. Their hair care is simple and the daily physical requirement is moderate. It usually doesn't bark.

  • Males, in most cases, are loving and can abandon their owner when they see a female in heat. There are two solutions to the problem - turn to specialists and train your pet well, or walk him exclusively on a leash (see).
  • Males are distinguished by a more stubborn disposition and desire for dominance. This makes it difficult to keep them with other dogs of the same sex, and in addition, they need an owner with leadership qualities. If you have a strong hand, then problems can be avoided.
  • Males need longer walks and this is due to their physiological characteristics. Males devastate bladder not immediately, but gradually, this will require at least 30 minutes, but the optimal time is 45 minutes.
  • An unpleasant feature of male dogs is that they mark their territory and can do this at home. In this case, castration is most effective; there are also methods for correcting behavior.
  • Males have a stronger odor than females.
  • During walks, you can expect an aggressive reaction from male dogs towards other males.
  • To become an enviable male sire you will have to work hard. Advantages are given to dogs with various championship titles and excellent standard qualities.

If the owner does not see the need for knitting his pet, then it is best to subject the dog - this will improve behavior, reduce aggressiveness, and also reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and inflammation of the prostate.

If you like the Boston Terrier, check out the French Bulldog. This breed is not very popular, it may not even look like the most beautiful dog you have ever seen, but it is certainly worth considering. The Chinese Crested is incredibly affectionate, loyal and gentle and is well suited to small apartments. He loves to feel like he's part of the family and to be pampered.

The size of these dogs is similar to that of the Bichon we mentioned earlier, which is why they are a race of dogs that are ideal for genders for the same reason. In addition, the Yorkshire Terrier lives happily with any type of person, and its maintenance is not very demanding, no matter what kind of brush is needed for any long-haired dog.

Female dog: pros and cons

Bitches also have their own characteristics and can be considered as a family pet. They have quite a lot of positive qualities:

  • Females are calmer and more flexible; they show greater affection for the owner and home.
  • It is believed that bitches have more developed intelligence and high emotionality; it is easier to explain to them what can be done at home and what is punishable.
  • They are less aggressive.
  • It is easier to use them for breeding - even one exhibition rating allows you to do this.
  • A walk with your pet can be short-lived, since females do their “deeds” much faster.
  • Puppies are definitely a plus, despite the hassle, they are a source of joy and good humor.

The disadvantages of keeping a bitch in an apartment include the following:

If you give him love and company, you won't have any problems. Also, get along with other pets. Remember that adopting a new pet is a very important decision that you should not take lightly. It is important that you do previous research to know which one is right for you and your lifestyle. The fact that you have excellent compatibility is very important for both of you to be happy. If you'd like us to help you with this process, check out our article Tips Before You Own a Dog.

So, we assure you that you will find your ideal partner. And there, when we realize the great dilemma, we live in a small space and we don't know what to choose. If you are thinking about pleasing your child, here we present dog breeds that are ideal for apartments. The solution is as simple as knowing how to choose a small dog breed, benefits not only for the family but also for the animal.

  • In heat, this can definitely be a problem, especially if the female is not particularly clean. In addition, annoying gentlemen may appear at the door of the apartment, worrying the pet and irritating the owners. Naturally, during this period the dog needs more attention.
  • Despite their less aggressive nature, females can conflict and even fight with their own kind, and their fights are more brutal than those of males.

Another nuance is that females have a more modest appearance. However, when you choose a four-legged friend, all these pros and cons recede into the background and at first glance you can recognize “your” pet.

Pets with the best coat

In this case, it is not the showiness or beauty of the coat that is considered, but completely different qualities. Many people cannot decide to buy a pet because of the fur, which can fall off, especially during moulting, and also cause allergic reactions. But there are breeds that do not shed and emit low amounts of allergens. Moreover, they may have a luxurious fur coat or not have one at all. The following breeds belong to this category of dogs:

  • Maltese dog. A very charming little dog with beautiful fur - snow-white and silk-like. However, the pet does not leave it on carpets and furniture. In addition, the lapdog is playful, positive and very affectionate. This is an excellent apartment option.
  • Tibetan Terrier. Quite a rare breed in our country, the representatives of which look like large toys - shaggy and funny. They are hypoallergenic and shed hair, but require regular grooming, which can take a long time.
  • Yorkies. Yorkshire terriers are quite popular in Russia. These tiny cuties are ideal for an apartment, because they practically do not shed, take up little space and can go into the litter box. But it is worth considering that they can be very capricious.
  • Shih Tzu. Since the hair of representatives of this breed does not fall out on its own, it must be combed or cut. Otherwise, these chrysanthemum dogs are excellent companions, loving and very flexible.
  • Portuguese water dog. This great option for lovers of unusual, rare breeds (this dog can be found in the Guinness Book of Records), and in addition, this dog is larger than previous representatives. But, it is worth noting that this is a hunting breed, not a decorative one, and due to its rarity, it is not so easy to buy.
  • Brussels Griffon. They are also called small Belgian dogs - pets with a funny face that makes them look like monkeys. Not only do they not shed, but they are excellent companions for families with children.
  • Poodle. These curly dogs, all of their varieties - toy, mini and standard - are hypoallergenic, do not shed and do not have a specific odor. But the popularity of the breed is also influenced by their character - they are smart, quick-witted, very loyal and get along well with children and other animals.
  • Bichon Frize. Funny dogs with the appearance of plush toys - they are cheerful, playful and very sociable. They communicate well with everyone, but do not tolerate loneliness well and are not as smart as, for example, service dogs.
  • Chinese Crested Dog. All representatives of the breed, both hairless and powder coated, hardly shed. They are active, energetic, true companions and excellent family dogs. The downside is that they do not tolerate temperature changes well and need their own wardrobe.
  • Schnauzers. Representatives of all species do not shed, but Giant Schnauzers are large enough for an ordinary apartment. But mittel and zverg are quite suitable. But these dogs are very energetic, require long, active walks and can be very skittish.

These are not all breeds that are suitable for allergy sufferers, but many are quite rare. In any case, people who love dogs but have health problems always have a choice.

Relationship between dogs and other pets

Choosing a four-legged friend when there are other animals in the house becomes much more difficult. But if you take this issue seriously, then a solution can be found, the main thing is that you should take into account some subtleties:

  • If there are already rodents, birds and other small animals in the house, then the dog should not have a pursuit instinct; in this case, you should not choose a hunting breed, but they can get along with cats and other dogs.
  • Breeds that are friendly to cats and other animals include hounds, cocker spaniels, retrievers, bobtails, and Labradors.
  • But it is better to keep Jack Russell Terriers, Pit Bull Terriers, Greyhounds, Cairn Terriers, Weimar Pointers, Rottweilers, Welsh Terriers, German Pinschers and Border Collies separately from cats.

Of course, average data only speaks about general characteristics. In practice, it is rare, but there are situations when a pit bull is friends with a cat, and a spaniel does not chase a parrot... But still, instincts often win.

A dog in an apartment - for some this seems unacceptable, however, most people cannot imagine their lives without four-legged barking pets. At the right approach You can choose not just a dog, but a real friend, a family member.

Having decided to get a dog, every breeder must approach this issue with great responsibility, taking into account that a dog is a living being that needs love, attention, affection, systematic care and proper care. If your decision is unshakable, the first question that arises is what breed of dog should you get? It must be taken into account that each animal is individual, has its own character, habits, and temperament. When choosing a four-legged friend, you should not focus only on fashion or appearance dogs. When choosing a breed, it is still worth spending time studying specialized literature, talking with experienced breeders, and visiting exhibitions. Each breed is special in its own way, has a different level of ability to learn, train, temperament, disposition, specifics of maintenance and care. It is very important to choose exactly the breed that you can provide with comfortable maintenance and optimal care conditions, so in this section we will talk about which dog breeds are suitable for living in an apartment.

The best dog breeds for an apartment

As a rule, in most cases, when choosing a pet for apartment living, many people prefer dogs of small, dwarf or medium breeds. Which is, in principle, quite understandable. Small pets do not take up much space, you can always take them with you on trips, their cute appearance evokes tenderness in passers-by, rather than fear and horror, and, of course, compared to their large counterparts, they are much easier to maintain. In addition, if you really think about it, dogs of large and especially giant breeds require a lot of space, so keeping a Great Dane, Tibetan Mastiff, St. Bernard or Caucasian Shepherd in small apartments is at least not humane. Large dogs, even if the owner has the opportunity to walk the pet several times a day, will not be very comfortable in apartments. Some representatives of large breeds (Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Moscow Watchdog, South Russian Shepherd Dog) feel much better when kept in an open-air cage.

If you still don’t like miniature and decorative breeds, you can opt for medium-sized breeds. Such dogs are universal - they will happily play with children and will become excellent guards of your property. The main thing is to create all the necessary conditions for your pet and be sure to walk the dog at least two to three times a day. Only under such conditions will average dogs feel comfortable.

Medium and large dog breeds for apartments

There are a huge variety of medium-sized dog breeds, so you can always choose a pet that will suit your personal preferences.

Among the medium-sized dogs for apartment keeping are:

    English, American Cocker Spaniel, Russian Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel;

  • bloodhound;

In addition to the breeds listed above, if you live in large apartments, subject to long walks, physical activity, and having experience and skills in education and training, you can opt for such breeds as:

  • Airedale;
  • Irish Terrier;