Maslenitsa sports festival at school. Scenario of the sports festival “Broad Maslenitsa”

Celebration in elementary school.

The effectiveness of the educational process at school largely depends on the proper organization of physical education health work. It is especially important to rationally alternate educational activities children with active recreation.

Very popular among students junior classes They use physical education holidays and health days, which are important components of children's active recreation. Varied student activities, rich emotional games, exercises carried out in the fresh air in the form of entertainment, contribute to the physical recreation of children, relaxation of the body after mental stress, and strengthen their health.

The emotional background, interesting actions in outdoor games and exercises give rise to positive emotions, a cheerful, cheerful mood, and create a certain emotional mood in primary school students. Physical education holidays promote inclusion junior schoolchildren To physical culture and sports, improving movements, instill in children such important character traits as collectivism, discipline, and respect for opponents. Physical education holidays can be held in summer and winter.

Winter is our people's favorite time of year. Let us remember the lines about winter by our great poet A.S. Pushkin: Useful for Russians


Our fortifying


Lanits are brighter than spring ones


They play in the cold

and blood

To carry out physical education holiday in the fresh air in winter I use the rule, which is expressed in folk proverb: “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell me to stand.” Consequently, all entertainment is designed so that there are no spectators, so that the participants do not stand and freeze, but constantly move.

I. Goals and objectives: 1. Harmonious development of students. 2. Creation of a worldview in the sphere of moral, aesthetic and physical culture.

3.Creating positive motivation for a conscious attitude towards the traditions and holidays of Russian culture.

4. Propaganda healthy image life.

5. Development of abilities to perform physical exercises in varying complexity and changing conditions.

6. Fostering feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance, collectivism and discipline.

Holiday scenario

"Wide Maslenitsa"

Skomorokh 1: Hey people, leave the languor,

Drive away the melancholy and go to sleep!

Wake up from your sleep

Spring is fast approaching us!

Skomrokh2: Get ready, people!

Red spring is coming!

We need to get rid of the winter,

Let's celebrate Maslenitsa together!

Skom.1: Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit! We celebrate Maslenitsa, say goodbye to winter, and conjure spring.

Skom.2: Guys, let's all call Maslenitsa together:

“Maslenitsa come, bring Spring to us!”

(Everyone unanimously calls Maslenitsa.)

Baba Yaga is running around on a broomstick.

B.-Y.: Hello, kids, Manka and Grishka, Svetka and Tanka, Egorka and Vanka! Well, why don't you say hello? They say hello to you! The spectators say hello. How well-fed you all are! Oh, that is, “well-mannered.” I could have eaten them all! Oh, I could just look at you and look at you! What, are you celebrating Maslenitsa? But here she is - I’m here!

Skom.1: What kind of Maslenitsa are you? You are the real Baba Yaga!

B.-Y.: Where did you get this from?

Skom1: Look at yourself in the mirror and guess.

B.-Y.: What is there to see here? Beautiful granny, killer whale swallow! Corrects her hair.

Skom1: What about the broom? Where have you seen Maslenitsa riding a broom?

B.-Y.: Haven't you heard? new decree: from this year Maslenitsa without a broom is invalid.

Skom1: I don’t know such a decree! But I know you, Yaga! Get out of here, don't spoil the holiday!

B.-Y.: Yes, I am Baba Yaga! And now I’ll call my friend Purga. It will wrap everyone around, spin around, and spare no one!

The snow will pile up in drifts and send thorns down on you!

Winter will not leave here! This miracle will be eternal!

Skom.1: So what should we do? Who knows?

Skom.2: And I know!

There is a custom, a very old one,

Honored by all in Rus':

Winter doesn't want to leave?

Come out for some fun!

B.-Y.: Oh, how I love nursery rhymes! Take me with you?

Skom.2: Aren’t you going to scare the guys? What about mischief?

B.-Y.: No I won’t! Maybe I'm the best helper during the holidays! I'll show you all how to have fun at the holiday!

Skom.2: Well, if you don’t want to be mischievous, stay! Here's your first task: distribute route sheets to the guys!

Baba Yaga distributes route sheets.

Everyone leaves for the competitive games.

After game program everyone gathers on the site.

B.-Y.: The time has come to say goodbye to our Maslenitsa. Wide Maslenitsa,

We boast about you.

We ride in the mountains

We gorge ourselves on pancakes.

Skom.1: Goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa,

Goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide.

You came with goodness

Cheese, butter and egg,

With pancakes, with pies,

Yes with pancakes.

Skom.2: For Maslenitsa to return next year, let’s all say the magic words together: “Maslenitsa, farewell, come back next year!”

An effigy of winter is installed and set on fire.

B.-Y.: And now for the treat

It's time for us to accept

I see that my patience has run out,

Help yourself, kids!

Parents and teachers treat children with pancakes and sweets

Buffoons: We stuffed ourselves with pancakes.

We drank honey and tea.

We rode on a sled.

And we threw snowballs.

It's time for us to go our separate ways

Goodbye kids!

Game program.

1.Sled racing.

Relay. 2 teams. Boys give girls rides. Distance 10m. (2 sleds).

2.Score a goal.

2 sticks, 2 pucks (balls). Use a stick to hit the puck (ball) into a given target.

3. Competition “Continue the proverb.” 1.You can’t eat the same pie twice. 2.Whoever you hang out with, you look like him look like him.

3. Without tasting the bitter, you won’t know…sweet.

4Brewed the porridge yourself, and... disentangle it.

5. Oil won’t… ruin porridge.

6. If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on…the stove.

7.Whoever wants to eat a fish must...go into the water.

8. I made the porridge, so don’t waste… butter.

9. You can’t make... scrambled eggs without breaking eggs.

10. Don’t promise me a bull, but give me a glass...of milk.

11.Pancakes...get boring.


13. From a black hen comes a white... egg.

14. From a black cow comes white... milk.

15. A lot of snow means a lot of...bread.

16.As you sow, so shall you reap.

17. As it comes back, so will it... respond.

18. No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest...

19. The hut is red not with its corners, but... with its pies.

20. The word is silver, and

21. If you’ve done the job, go for a walk... boldly.

22. Time for business - fun... an hour.

4. Throwing a broom.

And witches since ancient times

Everyone was flying on a broom.

Which one of you, now we ask,

Range throw. (2 brooms).

5. Cock fight.

A circle is drawn. There are two participants in a circle jumping on one leg. One hand behind the back, scolding, holds the foot of the tucked leg. Task: push the opponent with your shoulder. The one who loses his balance or leaves the circle loses.

6. Tug of war. (rope).

Now I ask for your attention!

New competition!

Who wants it - old and young

Tug of war.

7. Throwing snowballs at a target.

Participants throw snowballs at the target (skittles). The winner is the one who made the best throw (knocked down the pin). 2 skittles. Distance 3-4m.

8. Roll a snowball.

Relay. Distance 5m. Roll the ball on the ground. The team that finishes the relay faster wins

Scenario “Farewell to Maslenitsa”

(in the kindergarten area)

Children go to the sports area, stand up, forming 2 circles.

Leading: Gather together people!

Fun awaits you -

Celebrate Maslenitsa,

Welcome the red spring.

Presenter: Maslenitsa – farewell to winter and welcome to spring. “The Russian people have long arranged a magnificent farewell to winter, calling this ritual “Maslenitsa.” Our ancestors celebrated Maslenitsa generously, cheerfully and satisfyingly! There was no holiday in the year equal to Maslenitsa in scope and generosity.

During the holiday, they invited people to visit Maslenitsa, made a straw doll, put on a caftan and a hat, girdled it with a sash, and put on bast shoes. The Maslenitsa doll was carried through the streets with honor and songs, put in a sled, taken to the mountain, and then placed on the highest place.

Maslenitsa is brought in to music and placed in a place of honor.


Spring is already rushing towards us,

Wakes the earth from sleep.

Girls, guys are ready,

Do round dances and play games?

To see off the cold winter,

To welcome the red spring

A merry round dance awaits,

Don't be timid, honest people.

Round dance “Now winter is passing” by P. Tchaikovsky.

Presenter: The holiday was always noisy and fun: with songs, dances, mummers and buffoons, with girls' round dances and youthful games.

A common worldly holiday,

Say goodbye to sadness people!

Let's take our friends' hands.

We invite everyone to the carousel

The game "Carousel" is played.

Leading: And now, and now, the game is just for you.

Don't yawn, don't yawn

Pass the broom around quickly.

Game “Pass the object in a circle” (Fun “Russian Broom” - passing a broom in a circle to the music; when the music stops, the child “with the broom” comes out of the circle to the center and dances).

Baba Yaga appears: This is who is playing with brooms here, saying goodbye to the evil winter. I also want to play and dance with you.

Dance game “If your life is fun, do it like this..... (do it like me).

Baba Yaga: And now only girls dance. Only boys. Those who have gloves on their hands today are now those who have mittens on their hands. Who has red caps? Who has green scarves? Who's in a good mood?

Baba Yaga: Oh, you dear children, guess the riddles.


And with caviar and sour cream

All kinds of them are delicious.

Nostrils and blush,

Our suns... (pancakes)

Leading: Like on oil week

Pancakes were flying from the chimney!

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You pancakes are mine!

Song “Pancakes” (teachers sing, children sing along).

Leading: How many of you guys know proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa and pancakes?


Leading : Now is another game of attention and endurance. While the music is playing you can laugh merrily, as soon as the music stops you should freeze. Anyone who can't stand it leaves the game.

The game “Laughter” is played (they laugh with music, they are silent without music).

Leading: Honest Maslenitsa!

It's fun to meet you

It's hard to see him out of the yard.

Guys, it's time to say goodbye to Maslenitsa.

Goodbye, goodbye Maslenitsa,

Goodbye, goodbye, broad one.

Let's say thank you to Maslenitsa!

All together : Maslenitsa, goodbye!

Come again next year!

Maslenitsa is taken outside the sports field and burned.

Competition games and attractions continue at the group sites:

"Collect snowballs." (snowballs, baskets) “Hit the goal” (snowballs, clubs)

“Feed the bun” (they throw snowballs at the hoops), “Collect the pieces of ice in baskets.”

Game "Stream", "Wattage", etc.

“Our guest is dear Maslenitsa”

Bochkova Svetlana Viktorovna,

physical education teacher

Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 7, Konakovo, Tver Region

Sports festival scenario

“Our guest is dear Maslenitsa”

Goals: Introducing students to folk traditions and forming communicative relationships, developing a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and strengthening the health of students, introducing them to physical education as an integral element of national culture.

Tasks: Involving students in joint activities when preparing the holiday, introduce students to the symbols and traditions of the “Broad Maslenitsa” holiday, improve health, improve motor skills during competitions

Time: 10 00 - 11 00 , 11 00 – 12 00 .

Venue: Sports hall of Municipal Educational Establishment Secondary School No. 7

Participants of the holiday: Pupils of 3rd – 4th grades

(Children enter the hall to the music)

Storyteller -1: Hello, good people! You are welcome! Should you sit at home today and look out the window?

Storyteller -2: We are glad to see you as our guest. Welcome, dear guests! Have fun and joy!

Storyteller-1: So that the old woman does not get angry and leaves in an amicable way and on time, it is necessary, according to the ancient folk custom, to see off the Mother Winter and welcome the Red Spring.

Storyteller-2: From distant pagan times a holiday has come to us, marking the farewell of winter - Russian Maslenitsa. The people loved her and affectionately called her: honest Maslenitsa, cheerful, orca, quail, perebrukha, yasochka.

Storyteller-1: The symbol of the holiday was the effigy of Maslenitsa. A female figure with a long braid, dressed in a girl’s outfit, was made from rags and straw.

Storyteller-2: In the hands of this figure is a shaving brush and a pancake - symbols of Maslenitsa. After all, the pancake, ruddy and round, resembled the sun.

(Maslenitsa doll is brought out)

All: Hello, dear Maslenitsa. How long have you come to us, Maslenitsa?

Carnival: Just for seven days!
My first day is a meeting, and the seventh is a farewell.

Winter: Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotyevna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is rosy,

The braid is long, three arshins long,

Scarlet ribbon, two-and-a-half pieces,

The scarf is brand new, newfangled.

Black eyebrows - pointed,

Blue fur coat, red patches,

The foot wraps are white - bleached.

Buffoon: Are you our soul Maslenitsa,

Come to our wide yard.

Ride in the mountains.

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your mind

Enjoy the speech.

Winter: Maslenitsa is coming,

Cheese is coming,

Reckless, not quiet!

Say goodbye with sadness, people!

A common, secular holiday!

Storyteller-1: And yet the most important -

Family holiday, home holiday.

It has been carried out in strict order for a long time

Not by us, but by smart people.

Storyteller-2: Maslenitsa was the most joyful, riotous holiday.

People said: “At least you should mortgage yourself, but Maslenitsa

Conduct". It was believed that if you celebrate it poorly, then

We will have to live in bitter misfortune.

Storyteller-1: Maslenitsa lasts a whole week, and it began with

cooking pancakes. This day was called"Meeting"

Every housewife has many recipes for making pancakes.

Mine. But in any case they had to be white,

Loose and tasty.

Presenter 1: Oh, you, Annushka,

Red sun,

Look at the stove-

Isn't it time to bake pancakes?

Presenter 2 : It's time! Oh, and this is a complicated matter!

I will dissolve the sauerkraut at the bottom,

I'll put the sauerkraut on a pole,

My sauerkraut will be full, full,

Full - full, with smooth edges.

Presenter 1: (pretends to bake a pancake and addresses the audience)

Well, guess what I'm doing?

I'll drop some oil on the bald man,

I'll slap the bald one with dough,

I’ll remove your baldness and restore it again.

Spectators: You're baking pancakes!

Presenter 2:Pancakes are being baked! With butter and sour cream...


Presenter 1: Wait! (to the hall) Come on, good people, tell me, what else?

Are the pancakes good?

(there is a game in the form of an auction with the viewer “What do they eat pancakes with?”,
winners are awarded medals-pancakes)

Buffoon: Second day of Maslenitsa"Flirting"

1. Come on in, hitch up,

Buy - don't hesitate.

Wooden spoons-

Resonant, like accordions.

If you want, eat bread soup,

If you want, play a waltz!

2. Here are the mushrooms, here are the mushrooms!

White - dried,

Ryzhiki - salty!

Here in Ryazan

Mushrooms with eyes -

They are eaten

And they are looking!

3.Like on our street

They make boxes

Mugs, crushers,

spindle toys,

The whole village is having fun making crafts.

Buy together what you need!

4. Who wants a doll? Show me!

The young lady is amazing!

Elegant, beautiful!

Would you like to buy?

I can give in.

5. Gingerbread, Tula gingerbread!

I sell gingerbread houses

Tower, clock, locomotives.

There are horses, cows, rams, shepherds,

Bears, hares, fish, lambs,

Soldiers and the whole alphabet.

Printed gingerbreads,

So elegant!

We won't eat them right away,

Let's take a look first.

6. We sell different products

For those who are smart and daring.

Who will solve the riddle?

Maybe he'll get some chocolate!

The peddlers take turns asking riddles.) (Riddles are selected by age)

1. Walks on a sleigh -

Doesn't go to the hut.


2. In our little stove -

Golden chicks.


3.In a small barn

They hold a hundred fires.


4. Two brothers went to the river to swim.


5. They don’t eat me alone,

And without me they eat little.


6. Black, agile, shouts “krak”, enemy to worms.



8.Neither a lamb nor a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.


9. I lived in the middle of the yard,
Where the kids played
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream.


10. Someone is leisurely in the morning
Inflates a red balloon
And how will he let it slip out of his hands?
It will suddenly become light all around.


Spring: Do you know why pancakes are cooked on Maslenitsa? This ritual is associated with fire. The Sun has been deified since ancient times, and in order to speed up its awakening, people sought to help the Sun climb higher into the sky. To do this, Yarilo-Sun was appeased with pancakes shaped like a solar circle.

The most remarkable feature of the holiday is gluttony. This should symbolize a well-fed life throughout the year. The largest number of pancakes were eaten on Wednesday, which is why it is called"Gourmand"

Oil week has arrived,

Was at my godfather's for pancakes.

The godfather had a sister -

She's a master at baking pancakes.

I baked six piles of them

Seven can't eat them.

Four sat down at the table,

Give my darling space.

We looked at each other

And... everyone ate pancakes.

Lots of games and fun take place during the fun Maslenitsa week. Mostly it was on Thursday, that's why they call it“Revelry”, “Fracture”, “Wide”.

Usually these are snowball fights or fighting for a place on a sled, taking over a snow town, there were also fist fights and many other fun games.

(The games “Tug of War”, “Kettlebells”, Cockfight, troika riding, snowman, captains competition are held.)

Presenter 1: So the delicacy has passed,

She was good!

And on Thursday the big one

We weighed ourselves with all our hearts.

On "Walk - Thursday"

Don't spare your legs.

(games are held)

Presenter 1:

Now the strong men are entering the battle,

It doesn’t matter here: old or small,

If only he had the power.

To win it is very necessary

So that the team is friendly.(Tug of War)

Presenter 1:

We apologize in advance,

Which was not easy for everyone.

To you ( to the winners )-

Pancakes in sour cream.

To you ( losers )-

Milk is harmful

Presenter 1: (Game "Goldfish")

At the ends of the strings there are sticks,

They are called "winders"

In the middle of the string there is a fish,

You wind the string very fast.

The one who reels first

He gets the fish too

Not an ordinary fish,


Presenter 1: Everything is clear without question,

All questions are ahead.

Water carrier relay.

Water carriers come out!

(Pour water from one container to another with a spoon)

Presenter 1: Here the winner must

We'll give you Russian pancakes!!

(Game "Frying Pan")

5-10 participants should be approximately equal in strength. They stand in a circle and hold hands. A circle called a “frying pan” is drawn at the very feet. Then everyone walks around this circle to the music. At the leader’s signal, the players stop and begin to pull their neighbors to the right and left into the “frying pan”, while they themselves rest their feet. Whoever stepped on the “frying pan” was “baked.” Then everything is repeated until there are one or two “unbaked” ones left.

The one who lets go of his neighbor's hand is considered the loser.

Storyteller-1: . It is customary to visit people this week. The fifth day is associated with just such a tradition. On this day, the son-in-law goes to visit his mother-in-law for pancakes. This day is called"Mother-in-law's evening."

Storyteller-2 : The most fun day for young girls is Saturday, when... older sister My husband's youth were gathering for a get-together. That's what they called the day"Sister-in-law's get-togethers."

We're not bored today

We sing different songs.

We're not bored today

Let's talk about this and that!

Like on oil week

Pancakes were flying from the table,

And cheese and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold.

I rode on Maslenka -

He broke three sleds,

The crow tortured the horse,

I took all the girls for a ride!

Storyteller-2 : And the last day of Maslenitsa is special. It's called"Forgiveness Sunday" .On this day it is customary to ask each other for forgiveness for everything. What was bad?

(turn to each other “Please forgive me!”, then to everyone “Forgive me, good people!”)

Storyteller-1 : On this day, the effigy of Maslenitsa was taken outside the village, a fire was made at the highest place and the effigy was burned, and the ashes were buried in the ground.

1. We say goodbye to Maslenitsa -

We welcome spring.

The guest stayed for a while,

I said goodbye to winter.

2. Goodbye, Maslenitsa - pinwheel,

Great Lent is coming.

Everyone in the village ate,

Serve herring tail!

3. Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,

Semyon's niece,

Deceived - deceived

She didn’t let me go for a walk.

In seven weeks

It will be a bright day

Let's celebrate Easter

Let's paint the eggs.

Drops from the roof

The sparrows are chirping

They are calling for spring.

The Maslenitsa effigy is thrown into the fire and the following sentence is said:

“Maslenitsa is a deceiver,
She brought me to the point of fasting - she ran away herself!
Maslenitsa, come back,
Show up in the new year!
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!!!”

Storyteller-1: Come, red spring!

Come, spring with joy,

With joy, with great mercy,

With large flax,

With deep roots,

With great bread!

(They take away the Maslenitsa doll)

Round dances are performed around the burning effigy.

Ay, ay, let's sing, Let's hear the spring: March, March - I'm glad to the Sun; April, April - Will open the door; May, May - Walk as much as you want! Ay, ay, let's shout!

Leading: We welcome guests and all loved ones
We are aromatic with our tea.
From all adversities, from all diseases,
What could be more useful than it?
Our guest today, don’t be bored,

All: Drink our Konakovo tea with all your heart!!!

(The holiday ends with tea and pancakes.)


(games can be used at the party)

A circle is drawn on the site.
Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends the other leg at the knee and supports it by the heel with one hand.
The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders.)

The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:
- Ding, ding, ding!
-Who's there?
- Mail!
- Where?
- From the city...
- What are they doing in the city?
The driver can say that people dance, sing, and jump in the city. All players must do what the driver says. And the one who performs the task poorly gives away a forfeit.
The game ends as soon as the driver collects five forfeits. Players whose forfeits end up with the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children read poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, and imitate the movements of animals.
Then a new driver is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Game "Zarya"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - “Zarya” - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

The rings are entwined,

Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a “dawn”. The game repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses whose shoulder to put the ribbon on.

Competition "Riding in Troikas".

Participants of the competition climb into the hoop in groups of three (one in the center, the other two on the sides), run to the counter, run around it and return back.

Competition "Snowman".

The 1st rolls his ball to the post, the 2nd does the same, the 3rd runs to the post, rolls the ball to the team, the 4th does the same, the 5th rolls to the post, runs back and so on until the last one , having rolled the ball to the post, puts the ball on the ball (makes a “snowman”) and runs back.

Riddles competition.

Into the frying pan - in a stream,
From the frying pan - the sun.

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me?

White carrot
It grows in winter.

Competition "Snowballs".

Tennis balls are placed in a basket 10 meters from each team, and a hoop is placed 5 meters from the basket. Team players take turns running to the basket, picking up a tennis ball, throwing a shot into the hoops and running back. For hitting the hoop - one point.

Captains competition.

Captains must eat a pancake (pancakes can be replaced with cookies, apple, banana, etc.)

Game "Golden Gate".

Half of the participants in the game form a circle, standing facing the center and raising their clasped hands up. A chain of other players runs through this “gate”, holding hands, running around each of those standing in a circle: one in front, the other behind. The players standing in a circle recite:

Golden Gate
Not always missed:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited,
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After the words “We won’t let you through!” those who form the “gate” give up. Those remaining inside the circle join hands with those forming the circle, increasing the size of the “gate”, i.e. the number of participants who need to be run around when passing through the “gate”. The children who are not caught in the circle restore the chain and run through the “gate” again. With each closing of the “gate” there are fewer and fewer people running. 3 – 5 players not caught are declared winners

Olga Gaiganova
Scenario of the sports festival “Broad Maslenitsa”

Scenario of the sports festival “Broad Maslenitsa”

On the playground, children are greeted by buffoons and cheerful music is played.

Formation along the boundaries of the site in the letter “P”.

1st buffoon Hey! Cheer up, gather people!

Today Maslenitsa is coming to visit.

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Bring your friends with you!

2nd buffoon Tara-bars! Tara-bars!

Go out into the courtyards!

Let's start dancing

Let's celebrate Maslenitsa!

1st buffoon We open Maslenitsa wide,

Let's start the fun!

Maslenitsa is the most happy holiday! It lasts a week, but we wait for Maslenitsa for a whole year. And here is our Maslenitsa!

2nd buffoon Our dear Maslenitsa,

Our guest is a year old.

1st buffoon Our Maslenitsa you are wide,

IN kindergarten came to us

And it brought fun.

2nd buffoon Oh, Maslenitsa-wry neck,

We welcome you well.

1st buffoon Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg.

2nd buffoon Maslenitsa does not happen every day.

Those who have not visited will visit.

What can you hear here?

What you don't see here.

Everyone will be happy, no one will be offended.

1st buffoon You will remember our Maslenitsa

Motley, loud-mouthed, cheerful, daring!

2nd buffoon Now get ready

Go for a walk.

Fun rides await you,

The games are fun.

1st buffoon And so as not to get lost and miss the most interesting things, here are the route sheets for you. (Hands out its own route sheet for each group).

Buffoons (together) Have a nice trip! We wish you good luck!

While the children are studying the route sheets, all the characters go to their stages.

1 station. Outdoor games.

Winter Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I, Winter - white,

I, winter is snowy,

I, Russian beauty...

Do the guys like winter?

Yes, I know

How happy the children are about Winter!

Let's continue the celebration

Let's run and play!

At our games

Thousands of different games!

Don't open your mouth in games:

Show dexterity and courage!

Outdoor games: “I’ll freeze”, “Ice, wind and frost”.

Winter Come on, strong men, pull the rope!

Everyone is happy to test their strength.

Tug of war.

Winter praises the children and they leave for the next station.

2nd station. Sled.

1st buffoon Good afternoon to all good people,

Let there be a merry holiday.

There will be games, fun and laughter!

There is enough joy for everyone!


1. "Turtles" (sitting with their backs to each other, pushing off with their feet).

2. “Fast sled” (in pairs).

3. "Seals" (lying on your stomach, pushing with your hands).

3rd station. Relay races.

Snow Baba Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you all!

Oh! Oh! Oh! There are so many of you!

Yes, everyone is rosy and cheerful!

Today is a big holiday -

Spring meets winter.

We will welcome spring with games and fun,

Let us say a kind word of greeting.


1. “Move the snowballs from the hoop to the bucket” (in a spoon).

2. "Hockey" (driving the puck with your stick to the cone and back).

3. “Dexterous and accurate” (climbing through a hoop + throwing cones into a basket).

4 station. Skis.

2nd buffoon Hello, kids!

I've been waiting for you!

I want to tell you a riddle.

Who rushes quickly through the snow,

Aren't you afraid to fail?


Let's have a ski race with you.

Skiing Oh.

All groups gather on the sports ground.

1st buffoon From all doors!

From all gates!

Come quickly

Hurry up, people!

2nd buffoon Oh yes winter-winter!

It was a glorious winter!

But it's time to say goodbye!

Let's make friends with spring!

1st buffoon We say goodbye to Maslenitsa,

We welcome spring.

The guest stayed for a while,

I said goodbye to winter.

2nd buffoon And what would Maslenitsa be without hot and rosy pancakes!

1st buffoon Russian Maslenitsa has long been famous for its pancakes.

2nd buffoon Come on guys

Let's say goodbye to Maslenitsa

Let's treat ourselves to pancakes.

Adults hand out hot pancakes to children.

1st buffoon Goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa!

Goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide!

2nd buffoon You came with goodness

Cheese, butter and eggs!

With pancakes, with pies

Yes with pancakes.

1st buffoon And today, unfortunately,

Our fun will end.

Goodbye, goodbye