How old were the wives of the Prophet Muhammad? Male Arabic names

The Prophet is closer to the believers than they are themselves [to each other], and his wives are their mothers. Surah Al-Ahzab

The Prophet Muhammad had - according to various sources - from nine to fifteen wives, while Islam allows only four legal wives. This fact is still the cause of theological controversy and attacks from those who want to present Muhammad as a loving and lustful man. However, in the case of the prophet, everything was not so simple: firstly, he entered into his numerous marriages even before the so-called Koranic ban came into force. Secondly, there is a lot of evidence that his wives were widows of deceased companions - therefore, these marriages were more likely to provide women with social protection. One way or another, some of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad deserve a separate story.

The very first, beloved and most important for both the prophet himself and for all of Islam was a woman named Khadija. Muhammad married her at the age of 25, while Khadija herself was already forty years old at the time of their marriage. At the time of her meeting with the prophet, the woman was twice a widow and had four children: two boys and two girls. Khadija bint Khuwaylid was one of the most noble and wealthy women of the Quraish tribe. She was engaged in trade - more precisely, she provided her money to merchants who traded with it.

Muhammad became one of these woman’s “sales representatives”: having heard about his honesty and reliability, she sent the young man to Syria, entrusting him with a very impressive amount of money. The trip turned out to be successful, and Khadija's servant Maysara, who accompanied Muhammad, told the hostess about the merits and high qualities of the new merchant, whose personality impressed Khadija so much that she decided to marry her new subordinate. The wedding took place two months after the fateful trip to Syria - and a long, truly happy married life began.

Muhammad loved his wife not only as a woman, he highly appreciated her role in his prophetic mission. His statement is known, which says: “The best woman [of the time of Christ’s mission] was Mary [that is, the Mother of God]. And the best woman of the time of my mission is Khadija.” It is also known that during her lifetime, Muhammad’s wife was promised eternal bliss: “One day Gabriel appeared to the prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah, Khadija brought seasoning for bread. When she comes to you, greet her in the name of Allah and on my behalf and make her happy her good news that in paradise a house of hollow pearl awaits her, where there will be no noise and where she will not know fatigue.”

If you do a thorough psychoanalysis, you can assume that what bothered Khadija most during her life was noise and fatigue, which is not surprising. The woman’s huge fortune was spent on preaching Islam, and she herself was the first to accept the new teaching - and, accordingly, the first persecutions also fell on her.

The couple had six children, but all the boys died in infancy, only the girls lived to adulthood. (It is worth noting that all the prophet’s children, except Ibrahim, were born in marriage with Khadija.) Khadija received the promised paradise at the age of 64 - that is why the prophet called the year 619 “the year of sorrow,” because he lost not only his beloved wife, but faithful friend and associate. Only after the death of his first wife did Muhammad allow himself to take new wives, but he kept the memory of Khadija all his life.

The second beloved wife of the prophet, Aisha, said: “I was jealous of the Prophet only for Khadija, whom I did not find. When the prophet, for example, cut a lamb for meat, he [sometimes] said: “Send this to Khadija’s friends!” One day I could not stand it and exclaimed: “Khadijah again?!” The Prophet did not like this very much, and he said: “The Almighty has endowed me with strong love to her." None of Muhammad's new wives could take the place of Khadija in his heart - an intelligent, strong and devoted woman.

The second wife of the Prophet Muhammad was Sauda bint Zama, the widow of his companion, one of the first Muslims. Saida was older than the prophet and had neither beauty nor fortune. She became the keeper of the hearth, and it was with her that Muhammad performed the Hijra - he moved from Mecca to Medina.

The next wife after Sauda was Aisha bant Abu Bakr. Muhammad wooed the girl when she was only seven years old, and when she reached the age of nine, he married her. It must be understood that this was not a marriage in the physiological sense from the very first years - it was politically important for Muhammad to commit this marriage in order to strengthen the connection with his two closest companions. Having been in the care of the prophet since childhood, Aisha was the most devoted Muslim and the most knowledgeable woman about the life of Muhammad; it was she who passed on to her descendants the largest number of hadiths (sayings, descriptions or actions) about the prophet. Somehow Aisha was unfairly accused - but Allah himself revealed verses that speak of the woman’s innocence. Moreover, it is believed that a testament to her piety is the fact that Allah sent revelations to Muhammad when he was alone with Aisha - but this never happened with the other wives. It was in her arms that Muhammad died.

The fourth wife of the prophet was Hafsa bin Umar, the widow of his companion who died in the Battle of Badr. The girl at that moment was 18 years old, she had neither beauty nor positive character, often bothered Muhammad with her scandals. Due to her age, Hafsa became friends with Aisha, but she was unable to influence the behavior and character of her friend.

Zainab bint Humayza died just a few months after her marriage, so very little is known about her life - only that for her kind heart and concern for the unfortunate, she received the popular name "Ummul-masakin" - the mother of the poor.

The next wife was Umm Salama bint Abu Umaya, another widow whom Muhammad took upon himself to care for. Umm Salama outlived her husband by fifty long years.

Zeinab bint Jahsh deserves special words. Firstly, she was originally the wife of Muhammad Zayd's adopted son. Secondly, Zayd divorced her, and the prophet took her as his wife, causing a storm of indignation - both for divorce and for “incest.” However, Allah immediately informed Muhammad of a new revelation that justified these actions. Not only men were dissatisfied - the new marriage also caused unpleasant moments for women - Muhammad's wives Aisha and Hafsa.

The girls decided to act together - this is what Aisha says about this: “The Messenger of Allah used to drink honey in the house of Zainab, the daughter of Jahsh, and stayed with her there. Hafsa and I secretly agreed that if he came to one of us, then we should say to him: “It looks like you ate magafir (a type of foul-smelling resin), when I sniffed, you smelled of magafir. We did so, and he replied: “No, but I drank honey in the house of Zainab, the daughter of Jahsh, and more.” I will never do this. I will swear to this, and you will not tell anyone about it."

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith was the daughter of the Banu Mustalaq chief who was captured. Marriage with a girl was another political device for Muhammad: after the wedding, the rest of the Muslims freed all the captives and captives of this tribe, because now they had become relatives of the prophet’s wife.

For a woman named Rayhana bint Zeid, the Prophet Muhammad was also not the first husband - but, unlike the others, Rayhana was at first only a concubine. She was offered the status of a legal wife if she converted to Islam, but the woman refused. Despite the fact that Raihana later became a Muslim, she actually died in the status of a slave.

Safiya bint Huyai was the daughter of a Jewish leader. In her youth, she lived in Medina and attracted many admirers with her striking beauty. Her first husband was a famous poet, her second was a high-ranking “official” of one of the tribes. During one of the battles, Safia's husband and father were killed, and she herself was captured. Seeing the woman, Muhammad was captivated by her and first made her his concubine, and then completely freed her from slavery. Like Rayhana bint Zeid, Safiya was offered the opportunity to convert to Islam and become the legal wife of the prophet - or she could maintain her religion and, becoming free, leave Muhammad. Safiya remained with Muhammad, becoming his legal wife.

Prophet Muhammad had several wives. Some sources write about nine, others even give the number 15. But no matter how many there were in reality, almost all the women with whom the Messenger of Allah connected his life were widows. These marriages were concluded so that girls would gain social security. The great preacher of Islam also had beloved women. Among them is the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, who deserves special attention. Her name is Khadija.

Muhammad: birth, childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad is unknown. Many scientists agree that he was born in 571 in the month of April. Immediately after birth, the future preacher of Islam was given to the nurse Halima bint Abi Zu'ayb. For several years he stayed with her family, who were part of the Bedouin tribe Banu S'ad. When the boy turned 4 years old, he was returned to his parents. 2 years later his mother died. At the age of six, Muhammad went with her to his father’s grave, which was located in Medina. On the way home, the woman became seriously ill and died. The Prophet's mother's name was Amine. The boy was sad, having lost himself loved one so early.

After the incident, his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took up the upbringing of Muhammad. But 2 years later he also died. Among the boy's close relatives, his paternal uncle Abu Talib remained. He took him into his family. At the age of 12, Muhammad began herding his uncle's sheep, and later began to take part in his trade deals.

When the Prophet was still a child, something happened to him interesting case. A Nestorian monk, whose name was Bakhira, predicted a great future for the boy. The monk saw a white cloud above Muhammad's head. His shadow fell on the trees, and they bowed their branches in front of the boy. Bakhir realized that this was a sign from above. The monk saw the seal of prophecy on Muhammad's shoulders and warned his uncle Abu Talib to protect his nephew from hostile Jews.

Wives of the Prophet

There were several of them. What was the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad? Her name is Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She was 15 years older than her fiancé. This was a wealthy and noble woman from the Quraish tribe. Khadija carried out trade and often hired men to help her run her business. Before Muhammad, she was married 2 times. All of her previous spouses have passed away. And she remained a widow. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was his most beloved woman. He respected and praised her.

After the death of Khadija, the second legal wife of the Prophet became the widow of one of his religious associates. Her name was Saida bint Zama. She was older than Muhammad, not beautiful, and had no money. But she became a real keeper of the family hearth.

The third wife of the Islamic preacher was Aisha bant Abu Bakr. Muhammad wooed her when she was a 6-year-old girl. And when the girl turned 19 years old, they entered into a marriage. The connection was beneficial to the Prophet. It made it possible to strengthen the relationship between two religious ascetics. Muhammad's first wife was the most devoted Muslim. After her death, Aisha took this place. An interesting fact is that revelations were also sent to the Prophet at moments when he was alone with his young wife. This did not happen with other wives. It was in the arms of Aisha that the Prophet died.

Muhammad's fourth wife was the widow Hafsa bin Umar. Her husband died in battle when the girl was 18 years old.

The fifth wife of the Prophet was Zainab bint Humayza. Very little is known about her life. The girl died a few months after her marriage.

Muhammad's next wife, Umm Salama bint Abu Umaya, was another widow of a companion, whose material and spiritual care the Prophet took upon himself.

Zeinab bint Jahsh is the seventh wife of an Islamic preacher; the eighth is Juwayriyah bint al-Harith, the daughter of the leader of Banu Mustalaq. Marrying her became a political move. The union allowed the Muslims to be rescued from captivity.

The following wives of the Prophet: Rayhana bint Zeid, Safiya bint Huyai - the daughter of the leader of the Jews. What was the name of Muhammad's wife, who was sent to him as a gift? It was Maria al-Qibtiya. The girl was sent to the Prophet as an expensive gift from the Egyptian ruler. This is the only woman who did not recognize Islam and remained Christian.

First and most beloved wife

Khadija was born in 556 in Mecca. Her father's name was Khuwaylid, and her mother's name was Fatima. The girl's parents belonged to a noble and famous family. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad Khadija had with him family ties both on the maternal and paternal side. In her youth, the girl was often called Tahira, which translated meant “pure.” Khadija was married twice. But 2 of her husbands died and she became a widow. After that, other men tried to woo her, but she refused them all. After the death of her father, the woman inherited large trading caravans. She decided to continue her father's business and began to engage in corporate trading. She involved only serious and proven people in the business.

Dating history

The trading business required Khadija to travel constantly. She often went to Mecca and looked for people suitable for work there. On one of her trips, she fell in love with a handsome young man named Mohammed. Among people he was famous for his good character and honesty. His name was constantly heard. Khadija decided to meet the young man personally. Very soon Muhammad began working for her. He got his own servants. He traveled a lot for work. On one of his trips to Syria, a servant noticed that miracles were happening to Muhammad. During the entire journey, a bird fluttered above him, protecting his head from the scorching rays of the sun with its wings. And as soon as the young man stroked the camel’s legs, the animals quickly regained their strength and began to move faster. The servant told Khadija about what he saw. The woman realized that Muhammad was a special person chosen by God. The girl decided to take a serious step. She sent her friend to him, who conveyed to the young man an offer to marry her mistress. Muhammad could not believe what was said. It seemed to him that not a single girl would want to connect her fate with him, because he was not rich. The young man went to his uncle Abu Talib for advice. And he blessed the future union. The bride was paid mahr - 20 camels. And very soon Muhammad and Khadija got married. At that moment, the bride was 40 years old, and her chosen one was 25. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad became an exemplary wife and his best friend.

Love story

Immediately after the wedding, Khadija entrusted her large fortune to her husband. Her trading business continued to develop, bringing in a good income. The woman managed her money wisely, but never showed her superiority over her husband.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, always treated the Prophet with respect and gratitude. She considered her husband a great gift fate. For Muhammad, his wife became a source of inspiration and support. She was distinguished by generosity, kindness, and compassion. The woman always helped people in need. The sweet smile never left her face.

Muhammad idolized Khadija and always treated her with respect and affection. The woman was very quickly able to take the main place in the heart of the Messenger of Allah.

Muhammad and Khadija

Their love was strong, pure and sublime. Muhammad's first wife bore him two sons and four daughters. Unfortunately, the boys died as babies. Despite the grief she experienced, Khadija became a real support for her husband. She turned their house into a cozy paradise. The woman always helped her husband in everything and believed in his great purpose on earth.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was 15 years older than him. A significant difference in the age of the spouses is indicated in many sources. At the age of 65, the Prophet lost his beloved wife and true friend. Having lived with her husband for 15 years, she found the long-awaited paradise. During her earthly life, the woman was very tired of noise, constant problems and hardships. She was one of the first in a series of people to believe in Islam. Therefore, she was not spared from persecution for preaching the new faith. One day, the angel Jebrail appeared to the Prophet and asked him to tell Khadija that after death, paradise awaits her, in which she will live in a pearl palace in silence, tranquility and peace.

Prophetic activity

Khadija, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was his support in everything. Prophetic revelations began to come to young man a few years later living together. Things started out strange. Muhammad began to tremble for no apparent reason, and his face became covered with small drops of sweat. He began to experience unbearable melancholy. Later, the young man realized that this was how his prophetic revelations began.

In the vicinity of Mecca there was a hill called Hira. Muhammad loved this place very much and often came there to be in solitude and silence. One day a young man fell asleep on a hill and had a dream: an angel appeared in human form and placed a paper scroll on his chest with the words “Read!” When the Prophet woke up and came down from the mountain, he heard a voice from above: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!” The young man raised his head and saw the image that appeared to him in a dream. The young man hurried home and told his beloved wife about his visions. Khadija knew that her husband was not lying. The woman decided to check whether good or evil forces had taken possession of the soul of her Muhammad. The image from the cave began to appear to her husband every night. One night, the Prophet again noticed his mysterious guest and woke up his wife. The woman could not see anything, but looked closely at the place where her husband was pointing. And the image immediately disappeared. Then Khadija said: “Rejoice! An angel came to you. Only a good spirit would be ashamed of female nudity. And the devil would stay and continue to watch.”

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad sincerely believed in his divine calling. She helped him in every possible way to convey to people the commandments of the Almighty.

The first woman to believe in Islam

The name of Muhammad's first wife is known to all people who profess Islam. But not everyone knows that Khadija was the first woman to convert to the religion of Islam. The Prophet felt the support of his wife and shared with her all the revelations that the angel Jebrail told him. Soon the couple began to perform namaz.

One day a boy named Ali saw Muhammad and his wife praying. After the Prophet's sermon, he also decided to become a Muslim. Ali was the third person on earth to convert to Islam.

Soon everyone around Muhammad learned about the new religion. The Prophet began to be condemned and ridiculed for his preaching. But Muhammad's first wife, Khadija, always remained nearby and supported her husband.

When people decided to isolate Muhammad from the rest of society, loving wife decided to transfer all her property to her husband. Accumulated for her for many years savings helped to resist the war with infidels and polytheists. The woman spent all her savings to help her husband open the path to Allah for people.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, was more than 10 years older than him. But this did not stop the couple from living together for 25 years. Both patiently and selflessly accepted all trials. The Prophet's wife is included in the list of “holy people” for patience, humility and trust in the Almighty.

Khadija died in the month of Ramadan in 620 at the age of 65. She was buried in Mecca (Hajun cemetery).


Every Muslim knows what the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was. Everyone knows the name of another beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah - Aisha. Their love story is unusual and beautiful.

Muhammad had a friend named Abu Bakr. The Prophet often came to visit him. With each visit, he watched his daughter Aisha grow up and become more beautiful. Soon the 6-year-old girl was married to the Messenger of Allah. She was able to heal his wounds after the death of her beloved Khadija. But Muhammad allowed intimacy with her when Aisha became a girl. Why did the Prophet choose such a young lady? The fact is that he had a prophetic dream. In it, Allah showed a portrait of a girl, saying that she would become his wife. The portrait was of Aisha.

The Prophet enveloped the young chosen one with love and tenderness and was always lenient towards her desires. The girl was generous, modest, unpretentious. She patiently endured all adversity. Aisha was extremely selfless. She often forgot about herself, trying to help people in need. One day she asked her husband which of his wives was worthy of Paradise. And the Prophet pointed to her. Muhammad's young wife accepted her husband's faith without doubt. She memorized all the sayings of the Prophet and admired his actions. Aisha recited the verses of the Koran perfectly. She achieved perfection in the study of Islam: many men recognized her superiority and followed her advice.

But Aisha could not come to terms with the fact that Khadija remained the most beloved woman of the Prophet. She knew the name of Muhammad's first wife, and constantly inquired about her biography from those around her. When the Prophet cut lamb, he asked to send a piece of meat to Khadija's friends. Aisha was annoyed that her husband did this and could not forget her. But the Prophet never tired of repeating that he loved Aisha, but Khadija would forever remain his most faithful friend and the best woman on earth. The Almighty endowed Muhammad with great love for her. She became his ally in preaching Islam.

  1. The Messenger of Allah was awarded the title of Prophet at the age of 40.
  2. The main “magic” of Muhammad is the splitting of the Moon into 2 halves. When he was 52 years old, representatives of the unbelievers asked the Prophet to prove his divine essence. Muhammad prayed, raised his hands up, and the Moon immediately split in half.
  3. The Prophet had amazing qualities. The smell of perfume always emanated from his mouth, his saliva was healing, and his voice was so loud that 124 thousand pilgrims could hear the Prophet’s sermon.
  4. Khadija is the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
  5. He became the last Prophet whom the Almighty sent to earth.
  6. The Messenger of Allah had 4 Muhammad, Ahmad, Mahmut.
  7. Being near death, he ordered to never forget about prayer and forbade offending female slaves.

For Muslims, the most significant religious figure is the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to whom the world saw and read the Koran. Many facts from his life are known, which gives a chance to understand his personality and significance in history. There is a prayer dedicated to him that can work miracles.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?

Preacher and prophet, messenger of Allah and founder of Islam - Muhammad. His name means "The Praised One." Through him, God transmitted the text of the holy book for Muslims - the Koran. Many people are interested in what the Prophet Muhammad was like in appearance, so, according to the scriptures, he differed from other Arabs in his lighter skin color. He had a thick beard, broad shoulders and big eyes. Between the shoulder blades on the body there is a “seal of prophecy” in the shape of a relief triangle.

When was the prophet Muhammad born?

The birth of the future prophet occurred in 570. His family came from the Quraish tribe, who were the guardians of ancient religious relics. Another important point- where the Prophet Muhammad was born, and so the event took place in the city of Mecca, where modern Saudi Arabia is located. I didn’t know Muhammad’s father at all, and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised by his uncle and grandfather, who told his grandson about monotheism.

How did the prophet Muhammad get the prophecy?

Information about how the prophet received the revelations to write the Qur'an is minimal. Muhammad never spoke in detail or clearly on this topic.

  1. It was established that Allah communicated with the prophet through an angel whom he calls Jibril.
  2. One more interesting topic- at what age did Muhammad become a prophet, so according to legend, an angel appeared to him and said that Allah had chosen him as his messenger when he was 40 years old.
  3. Communication with God took place through visions. Some researchers believe that the prophet fell into a trance, but there are scientists who are sure that the reason was the weakness of the body due to prolonged fasting and lack of sleep.
  4. One of the proofs that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Qur'an is believed to be the fragmentary nature of the book and this, according to historians, is due to the inspiration of the preacher.

Parents of the Prophet Muhammad

The mother of the founder of Islam was the beautiful Amina, who was born into a wealthy family, which gave her the chance to receive a good upbringing and education. She got married at the age of 15, and the marriage with the father of the Prophet Muhammad was happy and harmonious. During the birth, a white bird descended from the sky and touched Aminu with its wing, which freed her from her existing fears. There were angels around who took the child into the world. She died of illness when her son was five years old.

The father of the Prophet Muhammad, Abdullah, was very handsome. One day his father, that is, the grandfather of the future preacher, made a vow before the Lord that he would sacrifice one son if he had ten of them. When the time came to fulfill the promise and the lot fell on Abdullah, he exchanged it for 100 camels. IN young guy many ladies were in love, and he married the most beautiful girl in the city. When she was two months pregnant, the father of the Prophet Muhammad died. At that time he was 25 years old.

Prophet Muhammad and his wives

There are different information regarding the number of wives, but official sources traditionally present 13 names.

  1. The wives of the Prophet Muhammad could no longer marry after the death of their spouse.
  2. They must hide their entire body under clothing, while other women can expose their face and hands.
  3. It was possible to communicate with the wives of the prophet only through a curtain.
  4. They received double reward for everything they did.

Prophet Muhammad married the following women:

  1. Khadija. The first wife to convert to Islam. She bore the Messenger of Allah six children.
  2. Sauda. The prophet married her a few years after the death of his first wife. She was devout and pious.
  3. Aisha. She married Muhammad at age 15. The girl told people many of her famous husband’s sayings related to her personal life.
  4. Umm Salamah. She married Muhammad after the death of her husband and lived longer than his other wives.
  5. Maria. The Egyptian ruler gave the woman to the prophet, and she became a concubine. They legalized the relationship after the birth of their son.
  6. Zainab. She was in the status of a wife for only three months, and then she died.
  7. Hafsa. The young girl was distinguished from others by her explosive character, which often angered Muhammad.
  8. Zainab. The girl was first the wife of the prophet's adopted son. The other wives did not like Zainab and tried to present her in a bad light.
  9. Maimuna. She was sister the wife of the prophet's uncle.
  10. Juwayriyah. This is the daughter of the leader of a tribe that opposed the Muslims, but after marriage the conflict was resolved.
  11. Safiya. The girl was born into a family that was at enmity with Muhammad, and she was captured. Her future husband freed her.
  12. Ramlya. This woman's first husband changed his faith from Islam to Christianity, and after his death she married a second time.
  13. Raihana. At first the girl was a slave, and after accepting Islam, Muhammad took her as his wife.

Children of the Prophet Muhammad

Only two wives gave birth to the Messenger of Allah and, interestingly, all his descendants died in early age. Many people are interested in how many children the Prophet Muhammad had, so there were seven of them.

  1. Qasim - died at the age of 17 months.
  2. Zainab - was married to cousin her father, gave birth to two children. She died young.
  3. Rukia - was married off early and died young, without surviving the illness
  4. Fatima - she was given in marriage to the prophet's cousin, and only she left the offspring of Muhammad. She died after the death of her father.
  5. Ummu Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam and died at a young age.
  6. Abdullah - was born after the prophecy and died at an early age.
  7. Ibrahim - after the birth of his son, the prophet made a sacrifice to Allah, shaved his hair and distributed donations. He died at the age of 18 months.

Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad

There are about 160 confirmed prophecies that were fulfilled both during his life and after his death. Let's look at a few examples of what the prophet Muhammad said and what came true:

  1. He predicted the conquest of Egypt, Persia and confrontation with the Turks.
  2. He said that after his death Jerusalem would be conquered.
  3. He argued that Allah will not give people a specific date, and they must understand that the Day of Judgment can come at any time.
  4. He told his daughter Fatima that she was the only one who would survive him.

Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims can turn to the founder of Islam using a special prayer - salavat. It is a manifestation of obedience to Allah. Regularly turning to Muhammad has its advantages:

  1. Helps to cleanse yourself of hypocrisy and save yourself from the fire of Hell.
  2. The Messenger Prophet Muhammad will intercede on the Day of Judgment for those who pray for him.
  3. Prayer requests are a way of cleansing and atonement for sins.
  4. Protects from the wrath of Allah and helps not to stumble.
  5. You can ask for fulfillment through it.

When did the prophet Muhammad die?

There are a huge number of versions related to the death of the Messenger of Allah. Muslims know that he died in 633 AD. from a sudden illness. At the same time, no one knows what the Prophet Muhammad was sick with, which gives rise to many doubts. There are versions that he was actually killed with poison, and this was done by his wife Aisha. Disputes on this matter continue. The preacher's body was buried in his house, which was located near the Prophet's Mosque, and over time the room was expanded and became part of it.

Facts about the Prophet Muhammad

A huge amount of information is associated with this figure in Islam, while some facts are little known to many.

  1. There is an assumption that the Messenger of Allah suffered from epilepsy. In ancient times he was thought to be possessed due to unusual seizures and clouding of consciousness, but these are common symptoms of an epileptic condition.
  2. The morals of the Prophet Muhammad are considered an ideal, and every person should strive for them.
  3. The first marriage was for great love and the couple lived in happiness for 24 years.
  4. Many people are interested in what the prophet Muhammad was doing when he began to prophesy events. According to legend, the first feelings were doubt and despair.
  5. He was a reformer because the revelations demanded social and economic justice, which the elite did not agree with.
  6. The merits of the Prophet Muhammad are enormous; it is known that throughout his entire life he did not offend or defame anyone, while he avoided dishonest people and gossip.

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad or mothers of the faithful(Arabic: أمهات المؤمنين‎) - women who married the prophet Muhammad. The famous historian Al-Masudi, in his book “Murujuz-zahab” notes that Muhammad had 15 wives. Another famous historian, Yaqubi, writes that Muhammad had 21 or 23 wives. Yaqubi notes that Muhammad had physical relations with only 13 wives, and the rest died either after marriage, before their wedding night, or he divorced them before their wedding night. The list of 13 wives includes 11 wives who are mentioned in the book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, as well as Maria the Coptic and Ummu Sharik Gaziyya. (Qaradawi indicates only the number nine, but without Khadija, that is ten; this is the number of wives who survived Muhammad (according to Ibn Hisham). Watt points out that many tribes claimed family ties to Muhammad, so the list of wives may be greatly exaggerated. He names only eleven wives (with Khadija), which is closer to traditional ideas (he also gives the names of two concubines). Muhammad married everyone before the Koranic ban, which prohibited having more than four wives. All wives, except Aisha, were married before him, that is, they were not virgins. All wives had the status of “mother of believers (or true believers).”

Muhammad's wives

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

Khadija was a respectable and virtuous woman. She was engaged in trade, and for this she hired people who conducted trade operations in Syria on her behalf. One of her sales representatives was Muhammad, who once traveled with Khadija's servant Maysara and brought her great profit. Maysara informed her about Muhammad's honesty, sanity and other virtues, after which Khadija, through her representative, invited Muhammad to marry her. He accepted the proposal and Muhammad's uncle Abu Talib wooed Khadija for him. At that time, Khadija was 40 and Muhammad was 25 years old. From this marriage were born their daughters Fatima, Umm Kulthum, Zainab and Ruqaiya and two sons Qasim and Abdullah.

According to legend, Khadija became the first person to believe in the prophetic mission of Muhammad. She always supported her husband in everything and Muhammad loved her, calling her the best woman. Until the end of his life, he kept a good memory of Khadija and until her death she remained his only wife.

Sauda bint Zama

There is also data from some historical chronicles, according to which she was fifteen or even seventeen years old. In Muslim sources and studies appears different ages Aishi. At the same time, Ibn Hisham and some other historians have information that Aisha was among the first people to convert to Islam, which means that she was 15 years old at the time of her marriage. In addition, some historians and researchers provide evidence that before Muhammad, Jubeir ibn Mutim wooed her, and she was over 17 years old. Also, many historical chronicles give information about Aisha's sister Asma, who died at the age of 100 in 73 AH. This means that at the time of the Hijra (Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Medina) she was 27 years old. At the same time, it is known that Aisha was 10 years younger than her. This, in turn, means that at the time of her marriage to Muhammad she was 17 years old.

After Hafsa became a widow, her father Umar tried to marry her to Uthman ibn Affan and then Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Having not received consent from any of them, Umar turned to Muhammad, to which he replied that he himself would marry Hafsa, and his daughter Umm Kulthum would marry Usman. The marriage between Muhammad and Hafsa took place in the 3rd year of the Hijri. At this time, Muhammad was already married to Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Sauda bint Zama. Hafsa was distinguished by her piety, spent a lot of time worshiping Allah and at the same time had a strong-willed character. There are about 60 hadiths reported by Hafsa. She also kept the first copy of the Koran, which was collected under Caliph Abu Bakr, and then, at the request of Caliph Uthman, was given to him and reproduced. Hafsa died at the age of 60 in Medina.

Zeinab bint Khuzaimah

In the 3rd year of the Hijra, the tribe of Amir ibn Sasa killed the representatives of Muhammad, because of which the relations of this tribe with Muslims deteriorated sharply. To prevent bloodshed, Muhammad decided to marry Zainab bint Khuzaima, who was also a representative of this tribe. Their marriage took place in the 4th year of the Hijra. A few months after the wedding, Zainab died. She was a virtuous and pious woman, spending much time in prayer and giving alms generously.

Zeinab bint Jahsh

Muhammad was very saddened by the breakup of this marriage. He tried to improve the situation by marrying Zainab, but the customs of the period of ignorance, which forbade marrying the ex-wife of his adopted son, did not allow him to do this. However, at this time, verses were revealed that abolished this custom, and at the same time prohibited calling adopted children by the name of their guardians. After this, in the year 5 AH, Muhammad married Zainab bint Jahsh. Zainab was a hardworking, virtuous and pious woman. She spent a lot of time in prayer and fasting. Zainab bint Jahsh died at the age of 53 in Medina. She was Muhammad's first wife to die after his death.

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

Safiya bint Huyai

After that, the Jewish tribes of Medina (Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza) violated the treaties with the Muslims, they were expelled and the Banu Nadir settled in Khaybar. After his expulsion from Medina, Safiya's father did not cease to quarrel with Muhammad and once agreed with the Arab tribes to attack Medina, but the Muslims learned about the plot and decided to get ahead of them by moving to Khaybar. During the Battle of Khaybar, Safiya's father and husband were killed, and Safiya herself, along with other representatives of her tribe, was captured. Seeing the captive Safiya, Muhammad took her as his concubine, and then freed her from slavery. After her release, she was given the choice of keeping her religion and going wherever she wanted, or staying with Muhammad, and Safiya decided to stay and live with Muhammad. On the occasion of Muhammad's marriage to Safiya, guests came to them and brought food with them. Safiya's age at the time of her marriage to Muhammad was 17 years old. During the turmoil that began at the end of the reign of Uthman ibn Affan, Safiya sided with the caliph and tried to protect him. Safiya bint Huyai died in 50 AH and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Medina.

Ramla bint Abu Sufyan

Umm Salamah bint Abu Umaya

After the death of Abdullah ibn Abdulasad at the Battle of Uhud, she became known as Ayyin al-Arab (Widow of the Arabs). She was left alone with small children, but received support from the Muhajirs and Ansars. After the end of the idda period (four months and ten days), Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab came to her to woo her, but she refused them. But she agreed to Muhammad’s marriage proposal. Umm Salama had three children, and the fourth child was born almost immediately after her marriage to Muhammad. Umm Salama asked Hussein ibn Ali not to go to Iraq, as she feared for his life. She died at the age of eighty-four in 62 AH in Medina and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery. Umm Salamah was the last living mother of the believers.

Rayhana bint Zeid

Rayhana bint Zeid bint ʿAmr(Arab. ريحانة بنت زيد بن عمرو ‎) - one of the wives of Muhammad. There are also reports that she was his concubine. Rayhana bint Zeid came from the Qurayza tribe of Judah. Her first husband was a certain Hakam. In 626, after the Muslim campaign against the Quraiza tribe, she was captured, after which she went to Muhammad. He invited Raihana to convert to Islam, but she refused. After some time, she declared her acceptance of Islam and after that Muhammad freed her. Raihana was a virtuous and pious woman. She died before Muhammad's other wives

Historians have different opinions regarding the number of wives the Prophet Muhammad had. The historian Masudi claims that the prophet had 15 wives, while the historian Yaghoubi gives a different figure. In his opinion, the prophet had 21 or 23 wives, but he had physical relations with only 13 of them. The remaining wives either died before the wedding or before the wedding night, or the Prophet Muhammad divorced them before entering into physical relations. Eleven of the thirteen wives mentioned by the historian Yaghoubi are also mentioned in the book Sirain-Ibn Hisham. According to Ibn Hisham, only ten wives survived the prophet.

The English Arabist researcher Watt points out that many tribes claimed kinship with the prophet, and therefore the list of wives may be greatly exaggerated. In his opinion, the prophet had only 11 wives, and, in addition, he gives the names of two concubines. This presentation is closer to the traditional one. Muhammad was married to all of them, since this was before the Koran prohibited having more than four wives. All the wives, with the exception of Aisha, had physical relations with the prophet. All of Muhammad's wives are called mothers of the faithful.

The list of wives of the Prophet Muhammad is traditionally opened by Khadija bint Khuwaylid. This is the very first wife of the prophet, who was the only wife of the prophet during her life. The prophet took all subsequent wives after her death, and not one of them was able to take her place in the heart of the prophet. Khadija was the first to convert to Islam, she always supported her husband. Before her marriage to the prophet, Khadija was a rich widow; she had an impeccable character and before meeting the prophet she did not allow anyone to control her property and destiny. For her inherent qualities, Khadija was called the Princess of Quraish, the Purest, the Great. The year of her death is called the “year of sadness.”

After the death of his first wife, Prophet Muhammad married again at the age of 53 after he moved to Medina. His second wife was Sauda bin Zama, the former widow of one of the first adherents of Islam, al-Sakran bin Zama, who was 50 years old.

The third wife of the prophet was Aisha bint Abu Bakr. Aisha became Muhammad's wife, according to most versions, at an early age. So different sources claim that she was 6-7 years old, 12-13 years old, or even 17 years old. The girl was the daughter of Muhammad's closest companion. She, according to the memoirs of early Muslims, was distinguished by her intelligence, was well versed in poetry and calculations, and after Khadidija was considered the most beloved of wives.

There is a story connected with Aisha that has many interpretations. On one of the trips she went on with her husband, Aisha lost a necklace and fell behind the caravan, looking for it. Their caravan had already set off and moved a considerable distance away, but Aisha remained to wait until they returned for her in the same place. The prophet's companion Savfan, who walked behind the caravan, making sure that nothing was lost, had to go in pursuit along with Aisha. Such a journey with a man gave rise to ill-wishers to spread various rumors about her, which is why Muhammad avoided Aisha for some time and behaved very coldly towards her, after which verses were revealed about Aisha’s innocence. What happened was reflected in the Koran.

The fourth wife of the prophet is called Hafsa bint Umar, who was the daughter of a companion of the prophet and the widow of one of the early Muslims who died in the battle of Badr. At the time of her marriage, she was 18 years old (according to other sources - 22 years old), and she was not particularly beautiful. Being close in age to Aisha helped them become friends. Hafsa had a difficult character and could ruin the prophet’s mood for the whole day.

30-year-old Zainab bint Humayza was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad for just three months. She was distinguished by her generosity and generosity, for which she received the nickname “Mother of the Poor.”

Another widow whom the prophet married was Umm Salama bint Abu Umaya. At the time of her second marriage, she was 29 years old; her first husband died in the Battle of Uhud. Umm Salamah outlived the prophet by as much as 50 years.

The next marriage of the prophet caused a storm of indignation in the Arab world. Muhammad married the ex-wife of his adopted son Zayd ibn Harris, who granted her a divorce. Muhammad, having married Zainab bint Jahsh, threw a grand feast, and the entire Arab world initially considered such a marriage to be incest. After receiving the verse that in this marriage Muhammad was fulfilling the will of Allah, such conversations stopped. Already existing wives Aisha and Hafsa conspired with each other, trying to turn the prophet away from Zainab, but this was unsuccessful. But regarding the machinations of young wives, a disapproving statement appeared in the Koran.

Muhammad's new marriage with the captured daughter of the leader of the Banu Mustalaq, Juwayriyah bint al-Harith, served as the reason for the release of all the captives from her tribe, since they had become related to the prophet. At the time of the wedding, Juwayriyah was 20 years old.

The next wife is named Rayhana bint Zeid. Muhammad's tenth wife was Safiya bint Huyay, a Jewish woman whose husband and two brothers were killed by Muslims.

Following her, Muhammad married Ramlya bint Abu Sufyan, ex-daughter Abu Sufiana. Her family fled persecution by the Quraish to Ethiopia. There, Ramli's first husband converted to Christianity. After his death, the girl married the prophet (according to other sources, Ramlya divorced her first husband because of his adoption of Christianity).

The concubine of the Prophet Muhammad was the Christian Maria al-Kibitiya. The girl was a slave, a native of Egypt. The Egyptian ruler sent Mary as a gift to the prophet. Muhammad married her, making her a free woman. From her union with Muhammad, Maria gave birth to a son, Ibrahim, who died at the age of 18 months.

The thirteenth wife, Maimuna bint al-Harith, the sister-in-law of Muhammad's uncle, herself invited Muhammad to marry her.

The Koran calls the wives of the prophet the mothers of believers and speaks of their closeness to the prophet and their piety. The Koran gives advice to the wives of the prophet, mentions their actions and through this gives instructions for the behavior of all Muslim women.
