Short children's tales to read online. Short bedtime stories for toddlers

A woman took a glass of oil to the city to sell; time something went to maslenoy. Two soldiers are catching up with her: one remains behind, and the other runs ahead and asks the woman:

Hey, aunty, gird me up, please.

Baba got down from the cart and began to gird.

Pull up tight!

The grandmother went to the forest for firewood. Suddenly he hears: in the swamp it crackled, in the forest it knocked - the bear is coming.

Grandma, grandma, I'll eat a filly.

Don't touch the filly, I'll give you a strong man for that.

The bear did not touch the filly.

Here's another time the grandmother went for firewood. There was a crackle in the swamp, a knock in the forest - a bear is coming.

Grandma, grandma, and I'll eat a filly.

Don't eat, I'll give you a caravan for that.

An old grandmother lived in a village. And the village was small, with ten households. And on its very edge stood grandmother's hut. Just as old as grandma.

Found some kind person, put props to the grandmother's hut and overlaid it with a mound. And she stands, not knowing which side to fall on. The grandmother collects wood chips, melts the stove and warms herself by the fire. It is clear that the old man is cold even in summer. If there is something, then he will eat, but if he doesn’t, it will be fine.

And once I passed through that village, sir. He saw a familiar grandmother and was surprised.

I wanted to build a black grouse house.


"There is no ax, no blacksmiths - there is no one to forge an ax."

There is no one to build a black grouse house.

“What do I need to start a house? One night went anywhere!”

Bultykh in the snow!

He spent the night in the snow, got up early in the morning, flew around the free world, shouted loudly, very loudly, looked for his comrades. He went down to earth, met with a friend.

How in our village Luka argued with Peter, the water was confused with sand, the daughter-in-law had a big fight with her sister-in-law; at that battle they wounded the porridge-goryukha, the jelly-goryun was completely captivated, they took turnips with carrots, they bowed the cabbage under the sword. But I didn’t get to the fight, I sat on the bench. At that time we lived six brothers - all Agathons, the father was Taras, and mother - I don’t remember what she was called; what about the name? Let there be Malanya. I was born smaller, but big in mind. So people went to plow the land, and we, six brothers, waved our hands. People think: we plow and wave our hands at the horses, but we manage between ourselves. And the priest tied a grain of buckwheat on the whip, waved it once or twice and threw it far away.

Any fairy tale is a story invented by adults in order to teach a child how to behave in a given situation. All edifying tales give the child life experience, are allowed to understand worldly wisdom in a simple and understandable way.

Short, instructive and interesting tales allow the child to form harmonious personality. They also make children think and reflect, develop fantasy, imagination, intuition and logic. Fairy tales usually teach children to be kind and courageous, giving them the meaning of life - to be honest, to help the weak, to respect elders, to make their own choice and be responsible for it.

instructive good tales help kids understand where is good and where is evil, distinguish truth from lies, and also teach what is good and what is bad.

About the squirrel

One little boy bought a squirrel at the fair. The squirrel lived in a cage and no longer hoped that the boy would carry it into the forest and let it go. But once the boy was cleaning the cage in which the squirrel lived and forgot to close it with a loop after cleaning. The squirrel jumped out of the cage and first jumped to the window, jumped onto the windowsill, jumped from the window into the garden, from the garden to the street and galloped into the nearby forest.

The squirrel met her friends and relatives there. Everyone was very happy, hugging the squirrel, kissing and asking where she disappeared, how she lived and how she was doing. The squirrel says that she lived well, the owner-boy fed her deliciously, groomed and cherished her, looked after, stroked and took care of his little pet every day.

Of course, other squirrels began to envy our squirrel, and one of the girlfriends asked why the squirrel left such a good owner who took care of her so much. The squirrel thought for a second and replied that the owner took care of her, but she lacked the most important thing, but we didn’t hear what, because the wind rustled in the forest and the last words of the squirrel were drowned in the noise of foliage. And you guys, what do you think, what did the squirrel lack.

This short tale has a very deep subtext, it shows that everyone needs freedom and the right to choose. This fairy tale is instructive, it is suitable for children 5-7 years old, you can read it to your kids and have short discussions with them.

for children, Forest Tale cartoon about animals

Russian tales

About a playful cat and an honest starling

Once upon a time there lived a kitten and a starling in the same house. Somehow the hostess went to the market, and the kitten played out. He began to catch his tail, then he chased a ball of thread around the room, jumped onto a chair and wanted to jump onto the windowsill, but broke the vase.

The kitten was frightened, let's collect the pieces of the vase in a heap, I wanted to collect the vase back, but you just can’t return what you did. The cat says to the starling:

- Oh, and I get from the hostess. Starling, be a friend, don't tell the hostess that I broke the vase.

The starling looked at this, and said:

“I won’t tell, but only the fragments will say everything for me.

This instructive fairy tale for children will teach kids 5-7 years old to understand that they need to be responsible for their actions, as well as think before doing anything. The meaning behind this story is very important. Such short and kind fairy tales for children with an unambiguous meaning will be useful and informative.

Russian fairy tales: Three woodcutters

Folk tales

About Helper Bunny

In the forest thicket, in a clearing, together with other animals, the Helper Hare lived. Neighbors called him that because he always helped everyone. Either the Hedgehog will help bring the brushwood to the mink, then the Bear will help the raspberry to collect. Zaika was kind and cheerful. But misfortune happened in the clearing. The Bear's son, Mishutka, got lost, went in the morning to the edge of the clearing to collect raspberries, and went into the bowl.

Mishutka did not notice how he got lost in the forest, ate a sweet raspberry and did not notice how he went far from home. Sits under a bush and cries. Mother Bear noticed that her baby was not there, and it was already evening, she went to the neighbors. But there is no child anywhere. Then the neighbors got together and went to look for Mishutka in the forest. They walked for a long time, called, right up to midnight. But no one answers. The animals returned to the edge of the forest and decided to continue the search tomorrow morning. They went home, had dinner and went to bed.

Only the Helper Bunny decided to stay up all night and continue searching. He walked with a flashlight through the forest, calling Mishutka. He hears someone crying under the bush. I looked in, and there, crying, shivering, Mishutka was sitting. I saw a Helper Bunny and was very happy.

Bunny and Mishutka returned home together. Mom-bear was delighted, thanks Bunny-helper. All the neighbors are proud of the Bunny, after all, he was able to find Mishutka, the hero, did not give up halfway through.

This interesting fairy tale teaches children that they need to insist on their own, not to give up what they started halfway through. Also, the meaning of the fairy tale is that you can’t be led by your desires, you need to think so as not to get into such a difficult situation as Mishutka. Read such short fairy tales for your children 5-7 years old at night.

Fairy tale wolf and seven kids. Audio fairy tales for children. Russians folk tales

Bedtime stories

About the calf and the rooster

Once a calf was nibbling at the grass near the fence, and a cockerel came up to him. The cockerel began to look for grain in the grass, but suddenly he saw a leaf of cabbage. The cockerel was surprised and pecked at a leaf of cabbage and said indignantly:

The cockerel did not like the taste of a leaf of cabbage and he decided to offer his calf. The rooster tells him:

But the calf did not understand what was the matter and what the cockerel wanted and said:

The cockerel says:

— Ko! - and points to a leaf with its beak.

- Moo??? - the calf will not understand everything.

So the cockerel and calf stand and say:

— Ko! Moo! Co! Moo!

But the goat heard them, sighed, came up and said:


Yes, I ate a cabbage leaf.

Such a fairy tale will be interesting for children 5-7 years old, it can be read to kids at night.

Little fairy tales

How the fox got rid of nettles in the garden.

Once a fox came out into the garden and sees that a lot of nettles have grown on it. I wanted to pull it out, but I decided that it was not even worth starting. I already wanted to go to the house, but here comes the wolf:

"Hi, mate, what are you doing?"

And the cunning fox answers him:

- Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful ones I have ugly. Tomorrow I will clean and store it.

- What for? the wolf asks.

“Well, then,” says the fox, “he who smells nettles is not taken by a dog’s fang.” See godfather, do not come close to my nettle.

She turned and went into the house to sleep the fox. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, and her garden is empty, not a single nettle is left. The fox smiled and went to cook breakfast.

Fairy tale Hare Hut. Russian folk tales for children. Bedtime story

Illustrations for fairy tales

Many of the fairy tales that you will read to kids are accompanied by colorful illustrations. When choosing illustrations for fairy tales to show them to children, try to make the animals look like animals in the drawings, they have the correct body proportions and well-drawn clothing details.

This is very important for children 4-7 years old, since at this age an aesthetic taste is formed and the child makes his first attempts at other heroes of fairy tales. At 5-7 summer age the kid must understand what proportions animals have and be able to schematically depict them on paper on their own.

short tales - total of 12 little short bedtime stories for children.

There were two girls in the world.
One girl was called Masha, and the other was Zoya. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself.
Oika herself does not want to do anything and only says:
- Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!
All "oh" yes "oh"! So they began to call her not Zoika, but Oika.

Masha and Oika built a house out of cubes. The Mouse came running and said:
- Which beautiful house! Can I live in it?
“Get out of here, Little Mouse!” said Oika in a rough voice. Masha was upset:
- Why did you drive the Mouse away? The mouse is good.
- And you go too, Masha! Oika said. Masha was offended and left. The sun peeked through the window.
- Shame on you, Oika! - said the Sun. - Is it possible for a girlfriend to say: “Go away!”? Oika ran to the window and shouted to the Sun:
- And you go too!
The Sun said nothing and left the sky somewhere. It became dark. It's completely, completely dark. Oike was scared.
- Mom, where are you? Oika screamed.
Oika went to look for her mother. I went out onto the porch - it's dark on the porch. I went out into the yard - it's dark in the yard. Oika ran along the path. She ran and ran and ended up in a dark forest. Oika got lost in a dark forest.
“Where am I going?” Oika was frightened. - Where is my house? I'll go straight to the Gray Wolf! Oh, never again will I say “go away!” to anyone.
The Sun heard her words and went up into the sky. It became light and warm.
And here comes Masha. Oika rejoiced:
- Come to me, Masha. Let's build a new house for the Mouse. Let him live there.

Masha went to bed and asked:
- Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier. Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.
- Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier.
The Owl Machine grabbed a nipple and carried it far, far - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.
“I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after the Owl.
Masha ran to Zaichikha and asked:
- Did the Owl fly here with my pacifier?
- Arrived, - replies the Hare. - We just don't need your pacifier. We have hares without nipples sleeping.

Masha ran to the Bear:
- Bear, did the Owl fly here?
- Arrived, - the Bear answers. - But my cubs don't need nipples. They sleep like that.

Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And the chicks in the nests, and the ants in the anthill. Masha came to the river. Fish sleep in the water, frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.

Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.
- Here's your pacifier. Masha, - says Owl. - Nobody wants her.
And I don't need it! Masha said. Masha threw the pacifier and ran home - to sleep.

Masha and Oika made sand cakes. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:
- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me a cake!
Papa Oika helped. Oika began to tease Masha:
- And my cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And you have some bad and small ones.
The next day my dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stem in her beak. And on the stalk are two berries. The berries glow like red lanterns. - Whoever makes the Easter cake better, I will give these berries to him! - said the Forest Bird.
Masha quickly made an Easter cake out of sand. And Oika, no matter how hard she tried, nothing came of it.
The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.
Oika was distressed and wept.
And Masha says to her:
- Don't cry, Oika! I will share with you. You see, there are two berries. One is for you and the other is for me.

Oika went into the forest, and the Bear cub met her.
- Hello, Oika! - said Little Bear. And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Bear cub. He cried and went behind a large bush. I met Oika Hare.
- Hello, Oika! - said the Hare. And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Hare. He cried and went behind a large bush.
Here sit under a large bush the Bear cub and the Hare, and both are crying. Leaves, like handkerchiefs, wipe the tears.
A bee flew in in a furry coat.
- What happened? Who offended you? asked the Bee.
- We said “hello” to Oika, and she showed us her tongue. We are very sorry. Here we are crying.
- Can't be! Can't be! - Bee buzzed. Show me this girl!
- There she is sitting under a birch. The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:
- How are you, Oika? And Oika showed her tongue too. The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. Oike hurts. Swollen tongue. Oika wants to close his mouth and cannot.
So Oika walked until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening my father and mother came home from work. They anointed Oikin's tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth.
Since then, Oika has not shown her tongue to anyone else.

Oika went to the forest. And mosquitoes in the forest: wow! Oyka pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sits on a stump, brushes off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes flew to their swamp.
“I don’t need you anymore,” Oika said and threw the oak tree on the ground.
Belchonok came running. I saw a torn oak tree and cried:
- Why did you do it, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make a house for myself in it ...
Little Bear came running and also cried:
- And I would lie on my back under it and rest ... Birds cried in the forest:
- We would build nests on its branches ... Masha came and also cried:
- I planted this oak tree myself ... Oika was surprised:
- Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. There are only two leaves on it. Here the old oak creaked angrily:
- I was too small. If an oak tree grew, it would become tall and powerful, like me.

There lived a Gray Wolf in the forest. He was very offended by hares.
Hares spent whole days sitting under a bush and crying. Once the Hare-daddy said:
- Let's go, to the girl Masha. Maybe she can help us.
Hares came to Masha and say:
- Masha! We are very offended by the Gray Wolf. What should we do?
Masha felt very sorry for the hares. She thought and thought.
- I have a toy inflatable hare, - said Masha. - Let's inflate this toy hare. The Gray Wolf will see him and get scared.
The first was to blow Hare-father. Blow-blow, and the rubber hare became big, like a lamb.
Then the Hare-mother began to blow. Dula-dula, and the rubber hare became as big as a cow.
Then Oika began to blow. She blew, blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a bus.
Then Masha began to blow. She blew, blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a house.
In the evening the Gray Wolf came to the clearing.
He looks, and a hare sits behind a bush. Big-very big.shoy, fat-very fat.
Oh, how frightened the Gray Wolf!
He tucked his gray tail and ran away from this forest forever.

Oika does not like to walk by herself. Every now and then he asks:
- Oh, dad, carry me! Oh, my legs are tired! So Masha, Oika, Bear cub and Wolf cub went to the forest for berries. Picked up berries. It's time to go home already.
“I won’t go myself,” says Oika. - My legs are tired. Let the Bear cub carry me.
Oyka village on Bear cub. There is a Little Bear, staggering. It is hard for him to bear Oika. Tired Little Bear.
“I can't take it anymore,” he says.
“Then let the Wolf Cub carry me,” says Oika.
Oika village on Volchonka. There is a Wolf cub, staggering. It is hard for him to bear Oika. Tired Wolf.
“I can't take it anymore,” he says. Then the Hedgehog ran out of the bushes:
- Sit on me. Oh, I'll take you home.
Oyka sat on the Ezhonok and how she screamed:
- Ouch! Ouch! I better go myself! The Little Bear and the Wolf cub laughed. Masha says:
- How are you going? Because your legs are tired.
“Not at all tired,” says Oika. -That's just what I said.

There lived one ill-mannered Mouse in the forest.
He didn't say good morning to anyone in the morning. And in the evening did not tell anyone " Good night».
All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. They don't want to play with him. Berries are not served.
The Mouse became sad.
Early in the morning the Mouse ran up to Masha and said:
- Masha, Masha! How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest?
Masha said to the Mouse:
- In the morning you should say “good morning” to everyone. In the evening, everyone should say “good night”. And then everyone will be friends with you.
The Mouse ran to the hares. He said good morning to all the rabbits. And dad, and mom, and grandma, and grandpa, and little Hare.
The hares smiled and gave the Mouse a carrot.
The Mouse ran to the squirrels. He said good morning to all the squirrels. And dad, and mom, and grandmother, and grandfather, and even little Belchonok.
The squirrels laughed and praised the Mouse.
For a long time the Mouse ran through the forest. To all the animals, big and small, he said "good morning."
The Mouse ran to the Forest Bird. The Forest Bird made its nest at the very top of a tall pine tree.
-Good morning! - shouted the Mouse. The Mouse's voice is thin. And the pine is tall. The Forest Bird does not hear him.
- Good morning! shouted the Mouse with all his might. All the same, the Forest Bird does not hear him. Nothing to do. The Mouse climbed onto the pine tree. It is difficult for the Mouse to climb. Clings to bark, branches. The White Cloud passed by.
- Good morning! - shouted the Mouse to the White Cloud.
-Good morning! White Cloud answered softly. The Mouse crawls even higher. The plane flew by.
- Good morning, Plane! - shouted the Mouse.
-Good morning! - loudly boomed the Airplane. Finally the Mouse reached the top of the tree.
- Good morning, Forest Bird! - said the Mouse. - Oh, how long it took me to get to you! The Forest Bird laughed.
- Goodnight. Mouse! Look, it's already dark. The night has already come. It's time to say "good night" to everyone.
The Mouse looked around - and it’s true: the sky is completely dark, and there are stars in the sky.
- Well then, good night, Forest Bird! - said
Little mouse.
The Forest Bird stroked the Mouse with its wing:
- What a good you have become. Mouse, polite! Get on my back, I'll take you to your mother.

Machines dad made three boats.
One, small, for the Belchonok, another, larger, for the Bear cub, and the third, even more, for Masha.
Masha went to the river. She got into the boat, took the oars, but she could not row - she did not have enough strength. Masha is sitting in the boat very sad.
The fish took pity on Masha. They began to think how to help her. Old Yorsh said:
- Masha needs to drink fish oil. Then she will be strong.
Poured fish into a bottle of fish oil. Then the frogs were called.
- Help us. Take this fish oil to Masha.
“All right,” the frogs croaked.
They took a bottle of fish oil, pulled it out of the water, put it on the sand. And they themselves sat down and croaked.
- Why are you croaking, frogs? - asks Masha.
- And we didn’t croak in vain, - the frogs answer. - Here's a bottle of fish oil. This fish sent it to you as a gift.
- I will not drink fish oil, it is tasteless! Masha waved her hands.
Suddenly Masha sees - two boats are floating on the river. In one the Bear cub sits, in the other - the Squirrel. Boats are sailing fast, wet oars glitter in the sun.
- Masha, swim together! - shout Belchonok and Bear cub.
- I can’t, - Masha answers, - the oars are very heavy.
- These are not heavy oars, but you are weak, - said the Little Bear. Because you don't take fish oil.
- Do you drink? - asked Masha.
- Every day, - answered the Bear cub and the Squirrel.
- Okay. I will also drink fish oil - Masha decided. Masha began to drink fish oil. She became strong and strong.
Masha came to the river. Sat in the boat. I took the oars.
- Why are the oars so light? Masha was surprised.
“The oars are not light,” said Little Bear. You just got strong.
Masha rode the boat all day long. Even rubbed her hands. And in the evening she again ran to the river. She brought a large bag of sweets and poured all the sweets directly into the water.
“This is for you, fish!” shouted Masha. - And you, frogs!
It was quiet in the river. Fish swim, and each has a candy in its mouth. And the frogs jump along the shore and suck green candies.


One day, the Hare became capricious and said to his mother:

I do not love you!

The Hare-mother was offended and went into the forest.

And in this forest lived two wolf cubs. And they didn't have a mother. It was very bad for them without their mother.

One day the wolf cubs sat under a bush and wept bitterly.

Where can we take mom? - says one Wolf cub. - Well, at least a mother cow!

Or a mother cat! - says the second Wolf.

Or mother frog!

Or mother bunny!

Zaychikha heard these words and says:

Do you want me to be your mom?

The wolves rejoiced. They led new mom to your home. And the house of the wolf cubs is dirty, dirty. Mom Hare tidied up in the house. Then she heated the water, put the wolf cubs in a trough and began to bathe them.

At first, the cubs did not want to bathe. They were afraid that the soap would get into their eyes. And then they really liked it.

Mommy! Mommy! the wolves scream. - Rub your back! More on the head of the fields!

And so the Hare began to live with the cubs.

And the Hare without a mother completely disappears. It's cold without mom. Hungry without mom. It's very, very sad without my mother.

The Hare ran to Masha:

Masha! I offended my mother, and she left me.

Stupid Hare! Masha screamed. -Is it possible? Where will we look for it? Let's go ask the Forest Bird.

Masha and the Hare came running to the Forest Bird.

Forest Bird, have you seen the Hare?

I didn’t see it, - the Forest Bird answers. - But I heard that she lives in the forest with the cubs.

And in the forest there were three wolf houses. Masha and the Hare came running to the first house. We looked out the window. They see:

the house is dirty, dust on the shelves, garbage in the corners.

No, my mother does not live here, - says the Hare. They ran to the second house. We looked out the window. They see: the tablecloth is dirty on the table, the dishes are unwashed.

No, my mom doesn't live here! - says the Hare.

They ran to the third house. They see everything is clean in the house. Wolf cubs are sitting at the table, fluffy, cheerful. There is a white tablecloth on the table. A plate with berries. Frying pan with mushrooms.

That's where my mother lives! - Hare guessed. Masha knocked on the window. Hare looked out the window. The Hare pressed his ears and began to ask his mother:

Mom, come back to live with me ... I won't do it anymore.

The wolves cried:

Mom, don't leave us!

The hare thought. She doesn't know how to be.

Here's how to do it, - said Masha. - One day you will be a hare mother, and the next day - a wolf mother.

So we decided. The Hare began to live one day with the Hare, and the other day with the cubs.

Masha cried in the morning. The Cockerel looked out the window and said:
- Don't cry, Masha! In the morning I sing “ku-ka-re-ku”, and you cry, you prevent me from singing.

Masha cried during the day. Grasshopper climbed out of the grass and says:
- Don't cry, Masha! All day I chirp in the grass, and you cry - and no one hears me.

Masha cried in the evening.
Frogs jumped from the pond.
- Do not Cry. Masha! say the frogs. - We like to croak in the evening, and you interfere with us.

Masha cried at night. The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat down at the window.
- Don't cry, Masha! At night I sing beautiful songs, and you bother me.
- When should I cry? - asked Masha.
“Don’t you ever cry,” Mom said. - You're a big girl now.

Go to sleep. Adults can make babies go to bed on their own. After all, it’s good to lie down and listen to how mom tells interesting short bedtime stories. You can invent them yourself - there are so many objects around, and each of them can temporarily become a participant in a magical action. Ideas are just in the air. You can invent fantastic characters or endow forest animals and pets with magical powers.


If you have an aquarium, let its inhabitants provide inspiration for new history. Short bedtime stories can be about fish.

Tell your child that when everyone falls asleep, the light turns on in the aquarium - these are the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom who arrange funny dances.

You can start the tale with the fact that a small catfish (or other fish that is in the home aquarium) lived in an aquarium. Catfish was very fond of singing, but the owners of the aquarium did not hear him. The fish diligently opened its mouth to extract beautiful sounds and was very upset that no one praised it for this.

The owners saw that their catfish was sad and thought it was from loneliness. They bought him a girlfriend and planted her when the catfish was sleeping. After he woke up, he began to sing as always, and suddenly he heard someone praising him. He was surprised and saw another fish. Somik was glad that now they hear him, he began to try even harder.

The second individual was female and over time the catfish created a strong family, they had many children. And now, when people fall asleep, the fish begin to sing in their own language and dance merrily. From their joy, the aquarium is filled with light that streams in different directions.

Short bedtime stories can be dedicated not only to fish, but also to forest animals.

Hare with magic ears

When your baby goes to bed, surprise him. Ask if he knows that the magic hare has detachable ears. The beginning of the story will surely interest the child. Tell him if he wants to hear more, let him lie down in his bed. After that you will be able to continue. Short stories told to children at night will help them fall asleep faster and have good dreams.

So, there lived a bunny with magic ears in the forest. He woke up early, went for a walk and sang his cheerful song. This morning the animal, as always, fastened its ears and went for a walk. On the way, he met a hedgehog, they talked and the hare told him about his magic ears, which can hear what will happen the next day. Friends did not know that their conversation was heard by the evil wizard Mukhomor Muhorovich. He was the lord of three foxes and called them. The foxes have arrived. Mukhomor Muhorovich revealed a secret to them, telling them about the wonderful ears of a hare. The magician ordered the foxes to bring him ears.

They asked the forest dwellers where the hare could be found. But no one answered them, since everyone loved a kind animal, but no predators. But the foxes managed to deceive the squirrel. They said it was the hare's birthday and they were bringing him a present. The gullible squirrel showed the way to the foxes.

What happened next

They grabbed the hare and took it to the fly agaric. But he did not reward them, but turned chanterelles into mushrooms. He grabbed the hare by the ears, but he broke free and ran away. And the ears remained with Mukhomor Mukhorovich.

Meanwhile, the little squirrel told the animals that the hare had a birthday. Everyone went to him with gifts, but they found him weeping bitterly. Kosoy told the beasts what happened and how he lost his ears.

The animals found a wise old raven and asked him how to defeat Mukhomor Mukhorovich. He replied that he needed to say 3 times: "Be healthy." They uttered these words in chorus, and the evil wizard immediately turned into a simple fly agaric mushroom. The animals brought the bunny his ears, and everyone began to sing and have fun.

Such short bedtime stories will help the child fall asleep in good mood, and the next evening, too, quickly go to bed to hear another interesting story.

How the sun argued with the moon

One day, towards evening, the moon and the sun met in the sky. The luminary of the day and says to the night one: “Still, people love me more. In winter, they ask me to appear, then everyone’s mood improves. In the spring they look forward to me, they want me to melt the snow faster, bring warmth closer. I give people a golden tan, warm up the seas, rivers, lakes in which people love to swim so much. over the horizon."

The moon listened to the sun for a long time and replied that she had nothing to say to this, and it would be better for her to hide behind the clouds, since people do not need it. So the moon did. Meanwhile, a man was returning to his village. At first he walked joyfully along the road, but when the moon hid behind the clouds, it became dark, he lost his way.

Then he began to ask the moon to appear at least for a little while. She looked out, the man found his way home. Then the moon realized that people needed it too, and therefore tried not to hide behind the clouds, but to light the way for night travelers.

White bull and the like

If you want to tell your child very short bedtime stories, jokes will help you out. You can tell about the grandfather and the woman who ate milk porridge. Then tell about the fact that the old man was angry with his wife and slapped her on the stomach (lightly). And then adults know what happened.

When talking about a white bull, you simply repeat the words after the child, first saying the phrase: “Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about a white bull”? You can diversify the story by calling it gray or even black.

Funny bedtime stories

Short funny stories entertain both adults and children. If you need a fairy tale for an adult, tell me that there was a prince. One day he came to the princess and asked if she would marry him. She answered: "No." Therefore, the prince lived happily ever after - he did what he wanted, went wherever he wanted, no one forbade him anything, etc. Of course, after such a story, all that remains is to laugh.

At night, the guys themselves can compose. So, one boy came up with a story about a merchant who had everything. Once he bought a mirror box. When he opened it at home, he lost everything - both the house and wealth. Amuse your child with similar short stories that teach you not to want more than a person needs and be happy with what he has.

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime story! Short good stories calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

How Bunny Learned to Jump

Once upon a time there was a Bunny who couldn't jump. He, of course, moved, but in a different way, moving his paws like a cat. Because of this, the other rabbits, his brothers and sisters, made fun of him. The bunny was very worried about this and, finally, firmly decided to learn how to jump. One day he got up and walked into the forest, hoping to find someone who would teach him how to jump.

Zainka walked for a long time until he reached the pond. Then he saw the Frog.
- That's who will help me, - Zainka was delighted and ran up to her, - Frog, please teach me how to jump.
- Why not teach? - answered the frog, - Look! You stand on the shore near the water, sharply push off with your hind legs, once, and you are in the pond.
The frog said this and demonstrated how it jumped into the water.
Bunny went to the pond, touched the water with his paw and walked away. He thought that he couldn't swim either. After thinking a little, Zainka quietly slipped away until the frog emerged from his pond. He wandered on.

Suddenly, he saw a Kangaroo. The kid deftly jumped, trying to reach a branch with a bulk apple.
- Hooray, Kangaroo will definitely help me, - said Bunny and ran up to him. - Hello, Kangaroo, teach me how to jump as well as you.
- It's easy - you stand on your hind legs, lean on your tail and jump up - the kangaroo showed how it was and finally got a ripe apple. - Wow, you did it! Now you try!
The bunny stood up on its hind legs and tried to lean on its little tail. But he lost his balance and fell on his back, hitting the ground painfully.
- Oh-oh-oh, - groaned Zainka, - how painful! No, I can't jump like you, I'm sorry.

Bunny wandered on. Suddenly he heard a cheerful song and saw the girl Masha skipping along the path. The girl had a birthday today and she was given a lot of gifts and balloons. That's why Masha was in a great mood, she jumped on one or two legs. She had a beautiful blue ball in her hand.

Girl, - our Bunny dared to turn, - you are so great at jumping, but I don’t know how, teach me, please!
- With pleasure, - agreed Masha.

The girl picked up a sharp twig from the ground and pricked her blue ball. It burst with a deafening bang and echoed throughout the forest. Poor Zainka, hearing this terrible unfamiliar sound, jumped so high! And then he took off running. He ran fast, skipping like a real hare, until he reached the house. The hares began to torment him, where did he learn to jump like that. Finally, the Bunny calmed down, understood and was glad that he still learned to jump.

Since then, he often told this story to his brothers, then to his children, then to his grandchildren. True, since then the hares have become cowardly and have begun to be afraid of everything.

Author Elena Potapova

Let short bedtime stories become a good tradition and bring you closer to the baby.