Silver face mask. Glamglow face mask: reviews

Silver has been used in medicine for a long time to heal wounds and disinfect water. Herodotus also mentioned that the Persian king always had water in silver flasks with him.

In Rus', they also knew about the healing properties of this metal - the tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon “for the tooth” appeared for a reason: it protected the child from bacteria when he was transferred to complementary foods.

It is believed that wearing silver jewelry helps relieve nervous tension, accelerates wound healing, and improves a person’s condition with VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). They also help with migraines, liver diseases, hypertension, etc.

You can find and purchase silver water at a pharmacy. But preparing the product at home will require a lot of effort.

Real silver water is made by electrolysis, and simply infusing the water in a silver bowl will give a weak concentration of ions.

If you still want to get this kind of water at home, it is better to use special devices - ionizers or buy a silver water filter.


To get rid of flaking and dry skin, it is recommended to wash your face with silver water every day.


To narrow pores and blood vessels, you can wipe your facial skin with pieces of ice made from healing water. The procedure helps prevent premature wrinkles and provides a rejuvenating effect.


Dryness and tightness of the skin will be eliminated by a simple compress. Take clean gauze, soak in heated silver water and apply to your face for 5-10 minutes. Repeat daily for 7-10 days.

Mask for oily skin

  • Dilute the bodyaga in concentrated silver water to a paste.
  • Apply an even, thick layer to your face.
  • Keep on for 15-20 minutes or until the mask dries.
  • Rinse with warm, preferably also silver water.

Mask for normal to dry skin

  • Take 1 tsp. raises oil, dilute with 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. water from silver.
  • Spread the mixture over your face with a cotton swab.
  • Leave for 3 minutes, then apply 2 coats.
  • Wait 20 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask with a cooled tea solution.

We hope you find these recipes helpful. If you know any interesting ways to use silver water, please share with us!

Get an appointment with a cosmetologist Zinaida Kudrina almost impossible. She only sees her old clients, with whom she is always strict: she does not allow lateness for sessions, and even considers missing them a crime. What is the secret of her popularity - a regular author of OK! found out. Yana Laputina, co-owner of the aesthetic medicine clinic “Time of Beauty”

Photo: DR

My dad always said that all accidents are natural. Time after time I am convinced that he is right: if fate persistently brings you together with some people, do not refuse it! A month ago I was introduced to Zinaida Nikolaevna Kudrina, a cosmetologist known in very narrow circles. Like a sorceress, she is able to erase traces of age and fatigue from the face, completely sculpting it anew. Kudrina developed her own massage technique and came up with special silver tools - ailerons, with which she performs massage. Zinaida Nikolaevna is going to sell her technique, which has fifteen patents, through a franchising system, but at the same time she is not ready to transfer her skills to every willing doctor. Over thirty years of practice, she has managed to work with the first ladies of our country, with TV presenters who have been on TV screens for decades, with many actresses and business women. After talking with Zinaida Nikolaevna, I turned from an interviewer into her patient, changing for the first time family business.

Zinaida Nikolaevna, tell us why you decided to focus on silver?

Much in my life happens according to metaphysical laws, and I know for sure that within me there is a mechanism for bringing everything to absolute aesthetics. During the Soviet Union, when the skincare line was limited to two products, I used at least five masks, all homemade ones. One day, silver with its excellent conductor and antiseptic properties came into the focus of my attention. I immersed myself in the study of metal, and somehow the massage technique appeared by itself, and then the ailerons. I define my technique as “facial sculpture.” Sometimes I manage to change the oval of my face, the expression of my eyes, but always the quality and color of my skin!

I heard that after your massage no cream is needed.

Any cream is an addition. However, I do not deny that when using good cream the result will be better, since silver is an ideal conductor, which means useful substances delivers to skin cells much faster! Someday I will create a silver based skincare line.

What happens to the skin when it comes into contact with silver?

As shown by clinical studies that I conducted in 2011 in Paris, using ailerons, we obtain hydration of the deep layers of the epidermis, exfoliation of dead skin cells, but the main thing that I manage to achieve is the structuring of the facial muscles. During the procedure, excellent lymphatic drainage occurs, psycho-emotional blocks are removed, as I work out the muscles and relieve tension, which is especially obvious during periods of stress and fatigue.

I know that you prefer to work with faces that have not been touched by a cosmetologist, without injections or fillers, but why?

My technique is able to activate its own production of hyaluronic acid, but most importantly, the muscles begin to work correctly and actively, which does not happen in conditions everyday life. Thus, I am absolutely sure that thanks to regular procedures we can avoid the manifestations of ptosis, which automatically means victory over the external signs of aging!

In other words, are you a facial fitness trainer?

To some extent, but this would be completely impossible without silver!

You say that you will not teach every doctor your technique. But is this the right approach from a market point of view?

I am ready for a selective, albeit not at all market, approach. Today, all over the world, only me and my youngest daughter own my equipment. I dream of training other specialists, but they will face a strict selection process. I believe that aileron massage can only be performed by a specialist with the right energy. Silver conducts human energy, and if it is negative, then there will be no effect from the procedure.

Aren’t you afraid that, having trained the “right” specialists, you will no longer be able to control the further spread of your technique?

I already had experience when, after spying on them, they tried to use my technique. And nothing worked out for these people. It’s not for nothing that I talk so much about energy and about what a wonderful conductor silver is. This is truly mystical material!

A unique hydrogel mask with biosilver is made of the purest collagen in a solution of hyaluronic acid. The mask with biosilver has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizing and lifting effect, intended for oily, combination, combination skin with acne. Thanks to its active composition, the mask perfectly fights inflammation and irritation of the skin, intensively moisturizes it, restores skin elasticity and firmness, normalizes sebum secretion, reduces pore diameter, has a rejuvenating effect, and is an excellent prevention of skin aging processes.

Active components:

  • Included in the mask biosilver, is a product of the latest developments, including in the field of nanotechnology. A mask with biosilver is an innovative product for the care of oily, mixed and combination skin. Biosilver, used in a cosmetic mask, is perfectly absorbed when applied to the surface of the skin, and has all the properties of ordinary silver. Today, silver is one of the safest and most effective antiseptics of natural origin. Participating in metabolic processes in the human body, silver has an antibacterial effect, suppresses the proliferation of harmful bacteria, while being absolutely safe for humans. Silver does not provoke allergic reactions and does not form toxic compounds. This is why a cosmetic mask with biosilver is suitable even for the most sensitive skin, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes pore diameter, improves appearance and skin conditions. The active components of the mask with biosilver regulate the fat and water-salt balance of the skin, relieve irritation and redness, reduce the number of inflammatory processes, and most importantly, the mask with biosilver helps effective rejuvenation, improves the appearance and color of the skin, strengthens the skin and restores its elasticity.
  • Collagen, on the basis of which the mask is made, increases the elasticity and strength of the skin, activates metabolic processes in tissues, and helps increase the production of its own collagen and elastin in the dermis. Active absorption of collagen leads to smoothing of wrinkles and reducing their depth, has a lifting effect on the skin, and strengthens the oval of the face.
  • Collagen is found in hyaluronic acid solution, which effectively moisturizes the skin, forming a protective film on the surface of the skin. This effect helps prevent moisture loss from cells without preventing the skin from breathing.
  • Allantoin and witch hazel extract have anti-inflammatory properties, have an antibacterial effect, relieve redness and irritation on the skin. Active action plant extracts also include normalizing pore diameter, restoring the production of sebaceous secretions, regulating skin acidity, moisturizing and softening the skin.
  • Mulberry extract saturated with vitamin C, which helps restore normal functioning of blood vessels, strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels, and has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Thanks to vitamin C, the complexion is evened out, the production of your own collagen and elastin is activated, and the number and brightness of age spots is reduced.

Effective rejuvenation and moisturizing of the skin, combating inflammatory processes, normalizing sebum production, reducing the diameter of pores, getting rid of oily sheen - all these effects are combined in a mask with biosilver Beauty Style!!

Directions for use: Cleanse skin of makeup and impurities. Remove the mask from the package, unwrap it and apply it to your face, starting from the forehead. Smooth out the mask and press it to your face. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes. Carefully remove the mask. Apply cream.

Application frequency: To achieve a stable, long-term result, it is recommended to carry out 12-14 procedures with an interval of once every 2 days. Further, to maintain the achieved effect, it is recommended to use 1 – 2 masks per week.
Use as an “exit mask” allows you to get excellent results

Active components of the mask: silver ions, collagen, hyaluronic acid, witch hazel, mulberry extracts, allantoin.

  • 1 piece
  • pack of 6 pcs.

Made to order: Beauty Style Inc. Address: Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 (3500 South Dupont Highway, Dover) USA.
Country of origin: Korea.

Indications for use

A special colloidal silver mask designed for problem skin face, will help eliminate the following cosmetic problems:

  • acne, pimples, blackheads;
  • itching, peeling of the skin;
  • excessive oily skin;
  • wide pores;
  • age-related skin changes.

Problematic facial skin always requires special care. A special mask from the Altaispas series of the “Two Lines” brand, which contains colloidal silver and natural medicinal herbs collected in the Altai Mountains, will help you cope with acne, pimples, and blackheads on the face.

This product will help eliminate cosmetic blemishes and improve skin condition.

Useful properties

A caring face mask based on healing Altai herbs and colloidal silver has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reduces sebum production, eliminates various skin rashes and prevents their further appearance.

The cosmetic product perfectly cleanses the skin, moisturizes dry skin, copes with flaking, itching, has a slight mattifying effect, gives the skin a natural color and healthy appearance.


The Altaispas series caring mask, designed specifically for problem skin, contains:

  • grape seed oil- saturates cells with essential vitamins, eliminates acne, gives a lifting effect, fights increased oily skin, moisturizes, tones the skin, and has a healing effect;
  • colloidal silver concentrate- has a noticeable rejuvenating effect, fights microbes and fungi that cause various rashes on the skin, relieves inflammation, eliminates dryness, flaking, restores injured tissue, provokes the production of collagen, tones the skin;
  • plant extracts: celandine, tea tree, pine, thyme, bergamot, cedar, cinnamon. Herbal extracts cleanse and mattify the skin, have anti-inflammatory properties, effectively treat acne, make the skin elastic, tightened, and protect the epidermis from various external influences;
  • biosulfur- regulates and normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, fights oily skin, dries out skin rashes, prevents the occurrence of blackheads and acne;
  • salicylic acid- relieves inflammation, reduces large pores, promotes cell renewal, activates the production of elastin and collagen, eliminates redness, irritation, and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • zinc oxide- protects the skin from drying out and exposure to the sun, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, disinfects, and moisturizes the skin;
  • sorbitol- helps preserve the necessary moisture in the deep layers of the skin, protects the epidermis from environmental influences.

Directions for use

Before applying a mask from the Altaispas series, it is recommended to remove makeup from your face and wash your hands. The cosmetic product must be applied in a thin layer to all areas of the face, except for the lips and the especially sensitive area around the eyes. The mask should be left for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm, clean water.

For a more pronounced effect, the product can be left on problem areas of the face for the whole night. For oily, problem skin, the mask can be used up to 5 times a week. Those with combination skin need to use a useful cosmetic product 2-3 times a week.


It is not recommended to use a mask with colloidal silver if you are intolerant to the components included in its composition.

Where to buy?

It is not always possible to purchase a face mask with colloidal silver in regular pharmacies. But in our online store“Russian Roots” you can order a healthy cosmetic product at any time. We are pleased to offer you a large selection of herbal products, medicinal cosmetics according to favorable prices. The order will be sent by mail to any remote location in Russia. Buyers from Moscow and the Moscow region will receive goods by courier.

You can also buy a face mask or our other products in branded herbal pharmacies in Moscow. We are waiting for your feedback about our products!

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Since ancient times, silver has been famous for its healing properties, restores health and gives beauty to facial skin. In cosmetology, the so-called colloidal silver is used - the purest liquid, purified from solid mineral particles using a special innovative technology.

Silver for facial skin has proven itself well in creams: LIFE FLO HEALTH, TWO LINES, MALAVTILIN, “SOS” FACIAL GEL and some other preparations.

Unique properties of silver for skin

In a colloidal solution, active metal particles are evenly distributed in the liquid, forming a kind of matrix, which enhances its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The solution is of exclusively natural origin and does not cause allergic reactions or addiction.

The colloidal solution is capable of destroying even such strong bacteria as staphylococcus, salmonella, E. coli, a very dangerous fungus of the genus Candida and other pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

It is very useful to add a colloidal solution to cosmetic skin care products, and simply to water for washing and bathing.

Silver for facial skin is extremely effective! Especially for problematic ones. Silver nanoparticles stimulate the regeneration of old cells and activate the growth of new ones at a deep cellular level. And for pimples and blackheads, acne and acne marks - healing water is a real salvation.

How to make silver water at home?

You can make this simple device:

It’s even easier to take a silver shot glass, here is a catalog of silver shot glasses, pour clean water into it and let it brew for 2-3 days. All! The healing water for washing and taking orally is ready!

IMPORTANT! Homemade silver water should be stored in light-proof glass containers (dark glass) in a cool place.

Skin masks with silver water

...for oily and problem skin

Buy badyagu at the pharmacy, dilute its powder with silver water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 2-3 drops to the mixture essential oil tea tree and mix everything thoroughly again. You only need to wash it off when the mask dries.

…for dry and combination skin

Beat three quail egg yolks into a stiff foam, add 0.5 teaspoon amaranth oil(if you don’t have it, you can replace it with olive or peach), plus 0.5 teaspoon of silver water.

The mask will be liquid, apply it to the skin in three stages: apply, wait until the first layer dries, then apply again. And so three times. It's better to use a cosmetic sponge.

... rejuvenating lotion for all skin types

Take 200 ml of silver water, squeeze in the juice of one lemon, add one teaspoon of glycerin, mix everything and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

IMPORTANT! The anti-aging lotion should be stored in the refrigerator. Can be used daily.

Silver for facial skin in these homemade cosmetics works great for rejuvenation! Use it, dear readers of PhotoElf magazine, and always remain beautiful.