School portal of public services. How can parents access the electronic diary - virtual school

The Internet constantly simplifies our lives. Without leaving your home, you can no longer only order movie tickets and sushi. At home, you can view your favorite child’s grades and monitor his successes and failures at school, and communicate with teachers.

Good news for parents - you no longer need to go to school after work to listen to teachers’ comments, and your child will no longer bother bad rating and will not tear out a page from the diary. The reason for this is the transition of schools to electronic diaries.

What is an electronic diary?

This is software that combines school diary, Teacher's Journal and Report Card.

Its benefits for parents:

  • Allows you to see the entire learning process, the child’s progress, almost online.
  • Grades, comments, and absenteeism are issued on the same day.
  • You can interact with the teacher and respond to his comments.
  • Monitor homework completion in all subjects.
  • Monitor overall school attendance and the most frequent absences from the first and last lessons - parents have access to the schedule.
  • See all tasks. This eliminates questions about missed material when the child was sick or absent from class for other reasons.
  • Monitor your child's grade point average.
  • See the dynamics of success in each subject and overall on the graph.
  • The ability to resolve current educational and organizational issues with teachers without visiting school, through correspondence.

Benefits for the student:

  • An up-to-date schedule with lesson replacements is always available.
  • Availability of vision and control of your overall performance in subjects and periods.
  • Monitor your GPA.
  • Opportunity to receive additional information on the subject in electronic form.

Benefits for teachers:

  • the opportunity to convey more information about students to parents through direct communication;
  • automated reports that make the teacher’s work easier;
  • the ability to conduct testing and surveys.
  • Login electronic diary simple – you need to enter your username and password, just like on a social network or email.

  • Why can't you log into your diary - common mistakes?

    • You are entering your username and password incorrectly. It is necessary to clarify with the teacher the input font - Cyrillic or Latin.
    • Not registered.
    • Numbers must be entered from the numeric keypad, do not confuse zero with the letter O.
    • Do not take into account the case of letters - large and small letters are not only capital letters, but sometimes also appear in the text of the password.
    • The temporary password has expired. You need to contact your teacher for help. After logging in using the password issued by the school, you need to replace it with your own.
    • Forgot your password or login. You can restore them via email or phone number. As a last resort, contact your administrator.

    The electronic diary is an easy-to-use program. It's easy to learn on your own. Entry errors are often mechanical and related to haste. Parents, as a rule, sit down for it in the evening, after work. If you can’t log in or figure it out, leave it for a while or try in the morning. And you will succeed.

    Let's consider what MRKO electronic diary is , who can access this resource, and how to register on it. The main purpose of the electronic student diary of the MRKO portal of the Moscow State Services is to ensure parental control over the student’s progress. By tracking his achievements during his studies. Regular supervision and full information of parents about all school events and grades of the child can take his academic performance to a higher level.

    Previously, when only paper diaries existed, the control process became significantly more complicated. The child could enter false information there, delete information that, in his opinion, should not be shown to his parents, etc. Moreover, daily grades were not always included in the diaries; many teachers neglected this action and simply entered the scores in the class journal. Parents could only take their children’s word for it, and this was not always a justified action and often had a negative impact on academic performance. Now you can watch your child’s grades online every day, which will be recorded on the website. MRKO electronic diary is a full-fledged diary in which all grades are indicated for the entire period of study.

    The introduction and popularization of this innovation is actively replacing paper diaries. It is predicted that they will be completely replaced by a more advanced electronic version in the near future. The innovation makes it easier for parents to communicate with teachers, helps them keep abreast of school events, and take a more active part in their child’s school life.

    MRKO electronic diary – how to connect?

    You should first check to see if your child's school is connected to this option. For example, in Moscow, most educational institutions already have such a connection. This area is actively developing and in the near future all schools in Russia, not just Moscow, will keep an electronic diary for schoolchildren, which requires registration through the State Services portal.

    You can get a login and password for a student’s diary on MRKO from class teacher. To do this, you need to come to the school and make a request to provide the information of interest. As a rule, the head of the educational institution is usually appointed as the person responsible for connecting the service. The manager must have all the necessary information about the connection, which is available in full on the official website of the State Services.

    Terms of use of the MRKO service.

    The information contained in the diary is personal, so access to it is limited to a narrow list of persons. No one has the right to invade your child’s personal data and use it for any purpose without his and your consent. There are special conditions using a diary that involves:

    • Providing access to the resource only to the student’s parents or his legal representatives. The login and password are issued to the persons listed above personally. The password is issued by the class teacher or other responsible official.
    • Parents do not have access to grades and personal information of other students besides their own children. But the diary also contains publicly available information about upcoming events and so on.
    • Information about the electronic diary and its operation, as well as the possibility of using the service itself, is provided free of charge.
    • To register an account, you do not need to provide documents other than those requested by the website during authorization and user identification. If you were registered with State Services earlier, then you do not need to provide any documents.
    • The validity period of the electronic diary lasts until the end of the student’s studies at the educational institution.

    How to enter the electronic diary?

    Parents whose children are studying in educational institutions that maintain an electronic diary of MRKO have the right to enter the site through the Moscow government services portal . But please note that this site requires mandatory registration. Accordingly, the use of MRKO will begin with registration on the website (if the user has not been registered there previously).

    Registration on State Services

    To complete this stage, follow these steps:

    • On the main page of the site, select “Register”.

    • Fill out all the fields provided; you must enter only accurate information. Confirm your registration.

    • After completing the first stage, go to the site. Log in using your username and password that you received during the registration process.

    Submit files of all scanned documents that the site requests. Don't worry: it's confidential and completely safe. You will be sent a registered letter with a password by mail. Enter your password; this will mean complete authorization on the site. Now you are registered and can use MRKO under general conditions.

    Next steps

    Advice! If the main page does not display the “Electronic Diary” link, you can find this menu in the “Education and Study” section. You can find this section on the right side of the screen.

    • In the “Account Name” field that appears, enter any name you like. It is advisable to remember it or write it down in a notepad.

    Reference. Accounts are designed to allow parents with many children the opportunity to create several pages, one for each student. If you have more than one child, then it is better to do just that.

    • After all the data has been entered, click “Continue”. Check the accuracy of the entered data in the window that appears; if everything is correct, confirm the information by clicking the “Finish” button.
    • Now you have fully logged into the MRKO electronic diary .
    • If you have additional questions about the operation of the resource, you can look for answers on the forum, which is accessible to everyone.

    How to use the service?

    After you log into your personal account, you will be able to view your diary. Outwardly, it looks like a standard school diary, as we are used to seeing them in paper form. The pages contain days, dates and fields for ratings and comments. All grades that are put in the journal are transferred to the website and are visible in the electronic diary.

    In addition, the electronic diary has additional functions:

    • Gives you the opportunity to look at homework in all subjects. The child will not be able to avoid doing homework, will not be able to say “Nothing was asked.”
    • There is an option to view all ratings for a specific day or period of time. To view, you need to go to the “All ratings” tab.
    • There is an option to view final grades for all subjects. Final grades are given at the end of each study period. To view, you must select the “Final grades” menu item.
    • There is an option to view homework, grades and other information for the entire year. You can also view your class schedule using the diary.

    Advantages of an electronic diary:

    • Your child will not be able to tear out sheets with bad grades and comments. You can always check if he has completed his homework.
    • Now you can see what your child has been assigned online.
    • You will know all the child’s grades, information about the nearest parent meetings and other important events will no longer escape you.
    • Now it’s easier to keep statistics and predict a student’s academic performance and GPA. Together with you, he will be able to more effectively achieve his goal, correct his grades and show better results in his studies.
    • Sharing information with teachers will be greatly simplified

    To use the service, you do not need to own good level computer ownership. Therefore, control over children’s progress is available to every parent. The diary is quite easy to manage. Its design is made as familiar as possible and adapted for the eyes of people who do not have much experience working with a computer. Currently, the program is available only for Moscow and the Moscow region, but active distribution throughout the country is planned soon.

    To monitor a child’s progress at school, previously it was necessary to regularly review a paper diary and number the pages in it so that he could not tear out pages with bad grades. The Moscow State Services portal decided to make this task easier for parents and created an electronic version of the diary. Now you can view the information in it in any place where there is Internet, and the child himself will not even know how often you look into it. In this article we will look at detailed instructions on using an electronic student diary.

    To use this service, you will need to fill out information about yourself. We have already considered these instructions in more detail, so we immediately go to the Moscow government services website. We are taken to the page of the most popular services, among which there is an electronic diary, but do not rush to click on the desired service. We need to enter your login and password for your personal account. To do this, in the upper right corner, find the “login” button and click on it.

    On the page that opens, go down a little and find the option to log into the site using a government services account. (underlined in red in the image).

    If, after entering your login and password, you receive an authentication error message (but you definitely entered the correct data), then simply open the main page of the site with the most popular services. In the upper right corner, instead of the “log in” button, there should be the inscription “personal account”. If you see the “login” button again, check the correctness of the data entered and the keyboard layout (perhaps you are simply entering your login and password in a different language). In popular services, find the item “Electronic student diary” and click on it.

    In addition, you can find this service in the section "Education - secondary general"

    We get to the page with detailed description services. Here we will learn about who can use the student’s electronic diary, the cost of the service and what data is required for this. The service can be used by parents or legal representatives of the child; it is absolutely free, and to view the diary you will need a login and password, which can be obtained from the class teacher. If you have already received them, then click on the red “receive service” button.

    If this is the first time you want to view your child’s diary, then select “new account”, come up with a name for it and enter your username and password.

    Now click on the “go to diary” button and you will see a form in front of you that is very similar to the old paper version of a school student’s diary.

    You can now view your child's grades for a specific subject, all grades for a specific date, or final grades for the quarter. As you can see, there is nothing complicated and you just need to spend a few minutes to initially enter the diary. If you still have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments and we will try to answer your questions.

    Where can a careless schoolchild go from the Internet technologies that are nipping at his heels? Either rely on the fact that parents are not aware of this most modern know-how, or study well. There is a third option in this situation, but it is fraught if the father’s patience runs out one day. And there it’s not far from the “whip”. What are we talking about? About electronic diaries on What do you want - it’s the 21st century, with all the ensuing consequences in the form global network, technology, digital textbooks, e-services and other benefits of scientific progress.
    Now parents don’t have to look for the diary hidden by their son or daughter in order to be curious. You just need to activate the service and always be aware of your student’s progress. At the same time, the schoolchild himself does not need to know that dad and mom also live in step with the times - everything happens without his knowledge.

    An electronic diary on the website of government online services is the same paper version, only presented in a convenient form and contains full information about all grades for the whole year (or all training). Here, the student cannot hide from the formidable parent: no matter how hard you try to get a bad grade on paper, it will manifest itself in the electronic version.

    So, in this review-instruction, we are on the side of parents who really want to know how their students actually study. We'll tell you about everyone characteristic features electronic diary service to make it easier to master its functionality.

    How to activate such a service

    Comrade parents, wait a minute to rejoice, perhaps Internet technology has not yet reached your school or class. If you live in Moscow, you can connect, and if in another locality, use similar services or wait until such a portal appears in your area. Judging by how rapidly everything is developing in our lives, services will soon appear where you can not only submit an electronic application, look at your grades, but also get married without going through the registry office.

    The resource is designed to make using various services as easy as possible. With its help, you can write electronic applications, pay utilities or other services, receive documents, make appointments with officials and much more. And all this in a convenient form, without queues and hassle.

    There is also an information and analytical system or the Moscow Register of Education Quality (abbreviated as MRKO). Parents cannot activate the service on their own; this must be done by the directors of schools and lyceums. Typically, managers are warned that their educational institution connects to the system, and specialists from the public services center resolve all organizational issues.

    In order to use electronic diaries of schoolchildren, the following conditions must be met::

    1. Only parents or guardians have access to the electronic diary. An outsider does not have the right to gain access to confidential information using a login and password. Authorization data is issued only by the teacher (class leader) or another person with authority.
    2. There is no subscription fee for using the online version of the student's diary. Connecting to the service is also free.
    3. The parent has the right to log in to the city information and analytical system only using a login and password. There is no need to provide documents.
    4. The electronic form of the diary is valid until the student graduates from the educational institution.


    If the institution where the child is studying is connected to the education quality register, parents can log in to the government online services website. But before authorization, of course, you need to register. Without creating an account, you cannot use any of the site's features. All users, both those who receive information and those who order services, must be registered and authorized participants in the system.

    So, as you understand, before looking at your student’s diary, you will have to put aside the valerian for a while and first go through registration. True, the process of creating an account on MRKO is somewhat drawn out, so don’t carry the drops too far. To register on the government online services website, you need to complete several steps:

    If something is not clear to you, take a look at the forum, where not only parents communicate, but also site employees provide assistance. Before you ask anything, check out our frequently asked questions. Usually this information is enough to understand how to use an online information and analytical system, in particular an electronic diary.

    About use

    You are in your personal account and in front of you is your student’s diary. As you can see, it is not difficult to understand, because it is very similar to the paper copy. Look clear example- screenshot 9.

    Subjects, homework, academic performance - everything is very clear. Each grade given by the teacher will be automatically displayed in the electronic version of the class journal and personal diary schoolboy.

    Everything seems to be like in a real diary, but not everything. The electronic version differs from the paper version in many ways:

    1. You can select a separate subject and find out your homework and grades. The student’s answer “nothing was asked” is no longer relevant - everything is written in the electronic diary.
    2. You can watch children's progress for a certain period - from a day, a week and a month to a quarter, a year, etc.
    3. You can see the final grades for individual subjects and a certain period.
    4. You can find out the necessary information even for the past period.

    Other similar services

    The website of government online services, as you understand, can only be used by Muscovites (residents of the capital and region). But life outside the Moscow Ring Road is also in full swing. And for teachers and parents living in other cities, similar, often even more functional online systems have been created. Using these services, teachers give grades in real time, and parents have the opportunity to monitor their children’s progress, learn about homework, etc.

    So, more details about the services:

    This is not just a service, it is a social network where teachers, students and parents interact. The main goal of the “” service is not to show the child’s academic performance, but to teach how to communicate with classmates and adults. Everything here is like on a social network: pages, pictures, posts, personal messages.

    But parents will be interested in the “School” section. This is where all the most interesting things are located, including the electronic version of the diary with grades. Here you can also get information about homework, see grades for a certain period, and communicate with teachers. Very convenient for those parents who always have no time.


    The electronic school magazine was created to help parents and students. The former have the opportunity, using the functions of their personal account, to always be aware of the progress of their children, and the latter - to receive complete information about the schedule and homework. Moreover, parents can not only see their children’s grades, but also write their remarks and comments. It is also convenient for teachers to work with an electronic journal. They have the opportunity to give grades, write homework and even control parents: the teacher sees whether mom and dad were interested in information about their student or not. As you can see, everything is in order with functionality in ElZhur.

    There is also " Electronic magazine Points.Net", but it is not as popular as the two above-mentioned services, although it is not much inferior to them in functionality. This online tool offers similar services to the teacher, student, and parent. Here you can also give and view grades, communicate with peers or adults, see homework and even receive educational literature.

    In a word, modern technologies Now it’s no surprise and it’s becoming easier for parents to control their children: look at grades, homework.


    First of all, determine on which resource you would like to create your diary. The Internet offers many options for this solution:,,, and so on. How to decide? See which of these resources is used by most of your acquaintances and friends? Where can you find the most information relevant to your interests? The convenience of the blog interface plays a fairly important role, but it is difficult to decide on this aspect without trying to use the resource.

    To create a blog, you need to register on the Internet resource of your choice. Find the "Registration" link and follow the instructions provided to you. To register a blog, you will need to indicate your email, choose a username and password, and also indicate the name of the future blog.

    After completing registration, in most cases, you need to wait for an email with a link to activate your account. If the letter does not arrive, check whether you entered your email address correctly. Or look in the Spam folder in your mailbox: the letter you were expecting may appear there.

    After activating your account, you can start creating your blog. As a rule, to do this, you need to look at the “Settings” menu and find the “Design” or “Diary Design” item there. There you can choose the background, font, and design style of your future blog. If you feel unsure as a web designer, use one of the ready-made templates. You can also seek help from any community dedicated to the design and layout of blogs on the resource of your choice.

    Choose your avatars (userpics) in accordance with your preferred online image and your interests. You can also use the most successful of your own photos. Try to keep your avatars in the same style. It is also desirable that they resonate with the overall design of the diary. A set of avatars can also be selected in a thematic community or on a forum.

    Create your favorites feed. If you have contacts of friends and acquaintances who blog on the same resource, use them. If you add their blogs to your favorites feed, you can follow their new posts as they appear. Using a search service or thematic catalog of your chosen resource, find communities that match your interests.

    “Electronic Diary” is a social network that provides various services for schoolchildren, teachers and parents. Only an employee can apply to connect to the Electronic Diary educational institution. With the help of applications, schools can optimize their work, store any data in electronic form, create a school website, and teachers can quickly contact parents.


    Connecting schools to services is free. Access for parents is also free. To connect an educational institution to the service, the director or an authorized employee of the school must submit an application by filling out a form on the website and wait for its confirmation. Before using the service, the director or authorized representative will need to import the school’s existing lists of students and parents into the system, and then receive an access code for each.

    A parent or legal representative of a student can register by obtaining a personal code and access code for the child from the school. On your personal PC, log into the website - you will find yourself on the authorization page.

    Before you start working with the service and using applications, read the rules of the electronic diary. To do this, click on the “About the project” button. To register in the project you will need an email. If you don't have one, get a new mailbox.

    Then return to the authorization page, enter the access code provided by the school, click the “Next” button. On the next page, fill out the form provided, indicating your full name, login and password. The login is your regular email, and create a password yourself. Once the procedure is completed, you will be prompted to go to your email. Confirm your registration on the resource by clicking on the link in the letter sent from the administration of the electronic diary.

    After entering your username and password, click on the “Login” button. Register your child/children on the Electronic Diary website. When registering, pay attention to the code that was given to you at school - it should be different for all users.

    An access code is only required for initial registration. For further use, simply enter your username and password. Each user’s personal page contains the tabs “Schedule”, “School”, “Dictionary”, “Translator”, “Diary”. All data entered by the teacher into the electronic diary is immediately available to both the parent and the student.