The best gift for an 8 year old boy. What to give a boy for his birthday? Let's start with educational toys and gadgets

Boys at the respectable age of eight are no longer kindergarten tomboys, they bear the proud title of second graders, becoming more serious and thoughtful. Now you can’t surprise them with cars. The world around us is very large, and computers, the Internet and televisions provide ever new information and food for thought. However, the holiday is approaching, and we are racking our brains over what to give our son, grandson, brother, nephew, or just good friend. Let's try to make a list of what a young researcher might like.


A long time ago there was a common expression: “a book is the best gift.” Maybe your future birthday boy can't imagine his day without a good book? Below is a list of the best works for this age.


At the age of eight, a boy is still a child. And all children, without exception, love toys.

If you want to please the birthday boy, give him one of the following toys:

Educational games

Your child's intelligence and curiosity should be encouraged, so give him one of the following options:

Board games

Assiduous, thoughtful children love to sit and play board games.

These include:

Gift for creativity

Perhaps your future birthday boy really likes to make something? Then please him by giving him one of the following:

  • Origami;
  • Kits for creating magnets and frames for photographs and other souvenirs;
  • Sets paints and brushes, plasticine and felt-tip pens;

Sports goods

A birthday is a great occasion to give a tomboy exactly what he has been dreaming of for so long! For example:

Electronic goods

IN modern world people simply cannot live without gadgets, and schoolchildren are no exception. You can give your child:

The gift does not have to be material. If you haven’t found anything suitable in all the options, give your eight-year-old boy tickets to the circus, to the planetarium, to the theater for a children’s performance, show soap bubbles, balloons, paper show. Suitable pool membership.

Whatever you decide to buy for your future eight-year-old, do it with care and attention, and remember that the main gift is your endless love!

I, as well as many parents, once faced the question - what to give a first-grader for his birthday? How to choose a gift that is guaranteed to make your child happy?

After I asked my friends, searched for information on the Internet and made an optimal list on the topic “what to give a 7-8 year old boy”, I learned from this the main rule - when choosing a gift you should be guided not so much by pricing policy, but by desires and interests child.

In addition, an approximate list has been compiled that you should focus on when choosing.

Let's start with educational toys and gadgets

I give them first place, because both the child and the mother, who wants to quickly see the genius in the baby, will like them:

  • themed puzzles,
  • electronic tutorials and interactive textbooks,
  • smart pens,
  • children's tablets and laptops.

Board games

They are perfect for children who like to spend time in a big company.

Choose good games that are age-appropriate - lotto, dominoes, twister, checkers, chess. A fun time is guaranteed with Cat and Mouse, Ali Baba and his Naughty Camel, Hey That's My Fish, Hockey and Football.

Do not give board games to a large number of people if the child prefers to play alone.

Designers - sleight of hand and no boredom

Don't limit your choice to just the famous " Lego", the merits of which no one denies!

Manufacturer Ausini proposes to assemble robots, planes, rockets from small plastic parts. The boys will definitely love this.

Italian company Quercetti offers a variety of construction sets with “running balls”. From them you can assemble air and roller coasters with an elevator, suspended structures along which balls “slide.”

From the same company - a dynamic labyrinth construction set Over & Again from a Belgian manufacturer Marbutopia or many construction sets from the “perpetual motion machine” series from Executivity.

Take a closer look at wooden and metal construction sets from which you can assemble houses, castles and garages for cars.

Radio controlled toys

A child of 7-8 years old does not yet fully understand the value of a toy, so if you decide to give radio-controlled models as a gift, buy ones that are not too expensive: small cars, motorcycles, trains...

Choose ground vehicles - cars, tanks or, as an option, boats. At this age, it is still difficult for a boy to cope with the control of something that flies through the air. Although you can try simple gyroscopic helicopters.

A spare set of batteries for the model will also come in handy.

We give books and not only fairy tales

Entertaining grammar, cheerful English, interesting arithmetic - manufacturers offer to teach your child in a playful way.

In books, the content is not so important (the meaning, of course, must be present), but bright and colorful illustrations.

Parents also have the opportunity to order personalized book about the child himself, on the pages of which he will meet his favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters.

The service appeared recently and such books cause great delight among children. In my opinion, this is the perfect gift!

And other toys

For example, collectible models of transport or figurines of cartoon characters.

First, a consultation is required with the recipient himself - what is considered a cool gift in their company, what he is interested in, what he collects.

In a conversation with a child, it is easier to understand what gift he will like.

There is an opinion that soft toys It is not advisable to give them as gifts; as a rule, there are enough of them in every home, and parents call them the unflattering word “dust collectors.”

Don’t buy ordinary animals - look for something original, maybe even original.

Gifts for outdoor and recreation

There are nuances here too.

First, as already mentioned, be guided by the interests of the child.

If a 7-8 year old boy loves books and coloring books, then your desire to see him as an athlete can only be your desire. But it’s his holiday!

Second, consider the time of year in which you give the gift.

Skis in summer and a bicycle in winter are as inappropriate as “I’ll give it to you now, but consider it for your birthday.”

  • in winter We give away a snowboard, skis, skates, cool sleds, and hockey accessories.
  • In summer- bicycle, skateboard, roller skates, scooter, balls for volleyball, football, basketball, badminton, tennis.

Personal gifts

Many people ask whether it is appropriate to give clothes as gifts?

Appropriate. Only if it somehow reflects the interests of the child, is it personalized. T-shirts or sweatshirts with your favorite cartoon or computer game characters will not only be useful, but also pleasant for the birthday person.

If the boy is interested in sports, then the paraphernalia of his favorite club will also come in handy.

You can order a mug with a portrait of a child, stickers from his photo with a personal album (he will stick it on himself).

And even a book in which he will become the main character. And all the other favorite characters will act as his true friends in the story.

We remember Malysh and Carlson...

Some are against choosing as a gift animals- They don’t give you friends. But when else can a kitten, hamster or turtle bring more joy than on a birthday?

But if we are talking about someone else’s child, then all questions must be clarified with the parents of the birthday boy.

Double gifts for twins

There is no clear answer how to give a gift to twins for a birthday or for brothers and sisters on other holidays.

Many of them may have completely opposite interests.

On the other hand, it is undesirable to arouse children's jealousy with a gift. One will always think that the other has a more interesting and bigger present. But he was deprived.

Therefore, most often twins are given the same gifts, although taking into account the interests of each. That is, if we give T-shirts, then one with helicopters, and the other with cars. Coloring pages - cars and planes. Toys - green for one, purple for the other.

And don't forget about the games two people play. Table football and hockey are always “in fashion”.

Entertainment in addition

You can complement the gift by going with your child to some entertaining place:

  • children's performance in the theater, cartoon in the cinema, circus performance,
  • a family cafe where, in addition to delicious food, there are fun rides and slot machines,
  • zoo, water park,
  • planetarium,
  • aquarium,
  • dolphinarium

Perhaps the child himself has long asked to be taken to a certain place. Combine business with pleasure. Read more about where to hold a children's birthday.

The main gift can be given in a place that the boy will subsequently associate with joy.

In this case, it would be appropriate to give tickets for another visit. Let the holiday continue!

Please note that such a gift will bring pleasure not only to the child, but also to the accompanying parents.

Of course, all children are different, and everyone has different attitudes towards gifts.

But this list, compiled according to the opinion of the majority of parents and grandmothers, will help you choose a gift for a first-grader.

It just always seems like there is something to add. Is it true? Share your birthday gift recipe.

The birthday of an 8-year-old boy is a holiday that requires especially careful preparation and consideration of gifts. The birthday boy is no longer a preschooler or first-grader, he is now an adult who has a number of important responsibilities related to school, and also probably to some section or circle. Therefore, you need to choose what to give as a gift with all possible adult seriousness.

Features of eight years of age

The leading line of the life world of an eight-year-old is schooling. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to overwhelm your child with markers, pens and copybooks, because he still has quite standard hobbies for a child (for example, toys), but at the same time new ones have appeared (playing some kind of sport, dancing or playing on a musical instrument). So the usual set of gifts for intellectual or physical development and the hobby remains, but with significant additions and fashionable features.

At the age of eight, many boys are seriously interested in sports

Who gives

In principle, it doesn’t matter who the birthday boy is: son, godson, nephew or grandson. The main thing is that the gift is appropriate. And, of course, if you are not too close to the boy’s family, then you shouldn’t give pajamas with your favorite cartoon characters about the Barboskins (even when you know for sure that he is delighted with these characters) - it will be too intimate a gift. The same can be said about surprises from peers and classmates: it is better to choose a neutral souvenir related to hobbies or school life.

What surprises would be inappropriate?

The list of inappropriate surprises is standard for children of primary school age, although there are some extenuating circumstances.

  1. Casual clothes and shoes. Boots, a jacket and other wardrobe items are what will please parents, who will be able to save the family budget. But such things will not make an impression on the boy. But if you give fashion sneakers or sneakers with spikes, like a real football player, then in the eyes of the birthday boy your gift will rise to unattainable heights.
  2. Bed sheets. The effect is the same as with clothes, if it is not a bedspread with heroes of computer strategy games that the boy is interested in.
  3. Hygiene products. There are no reservations here; it’s definitely a bad gift for an 8-year-old schoolboy.
  4. Sweets. Modern children cannot be surprised by sweets and cakes, so even the most intricate designer cake should be supported by a toy car or a board game.
  5. Everything for school. A backpack with a compartment for a lunch box is unlikely to delight a child with its practicality. But if the bag depicts the Star Wars heroes that he likes so much, delight is guaranteed. In this category of gifts, the main thing is originality.

Suitable gift ideas for 8 year olds

Undoubtedly, best way Don’t go wrong with a present - talk to the hero of the occasion about what he would like to receive. But even without this condition, it won’t hurt to find out about trendy gifts for modern boys if such an event is planned in your environment.


At the age of eight, children do not yet understand the sarcasm of the expression: “There is a good gift, a bad one and ... a book.” So you can safely give encyclopedias, reference books, and works of art. Moreover, they (if they correspond to the boy’s interests) stimulate a craving for reading - something that modern children clearly lack. Gift edition options:

  • reference book for young mechanics, electricians, biologists, etc.;
  • a series of books about mysterious events on Earth, historical facts that shook the world, etc.;
  • encyclopedias dedicated to specific sciences;
  • illustrated fiction(The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island and others).

Encyclopedias about space will be very appropriate, since at the age of 8 many boys are interested in the origin and development of the Universe

Board games

At 8 years old board game- This is not just entertainment, but an intellectual activity. If previously it was not the content that was important, but the development of fine motor skills (the child spins a roulette wheel, throws dice, etc.), now these are full-fledged applications for a boy’s education.


It trains not only the accuracy of movement, but also spatial thinking. The essence of the game is to create a tower of wooden blocks on a table or floor. Players take out elements of the finished building one at a time and place them on top. The one whose block was the last before the tower collapsed loses.

Boys enjoy playing Jenga not only in company, but also with themselves, actively delving into the process of rational rearrangement of elements.

The material from which the game is made is very important, since the child still strives to get to the very essence, that is, to take it apart, look, try to break it, etc. Wood in this case is practical and reliable.

Jenga variation - Jenga Boom. In it, the tower is built on a special stand. Moreover, this substrate is a kind of bomb that is about to explode, so you need to take out and place the bars as quickly as possible.

Jenga develops a child’s intelligence and spatial thinking


A game that develops attentiveness, memory and broadens a child’s horizons. 50 cards are laid out face down, players take turns turning them over and looking for pairs. Whoever finds more wins. The themes of the cards are very diverse: here are Russian cities and animals different parts light, and birds, etc.

Game of life

An absolutely amazing toy that teaches a child... to live. A kind of variant of the Monopoly strategy. The player needs to choose the direction of his life (family, study, work). During the game, participants study, stay at home, get married, have children and, ultimately, retire.

Table hockey or football

A toy that can captivate a representative of the stronger half of humanity at any age. And you definitely won’t have to complain that dad doesn’t spend time with his son after buying a table football.

Table football captivates men at any age

Battleship, Battlefield

A naval strategy with a set of boats, cannons, chips to indicate hits and misses, and second fields to control the number of victims of the opposing team teaches tactics, develops logic and fine motor skills, guarantees an exciting time.

Sports gifts for children

If the boy has specific sports hobbies, then a gift can be chosen accordingly (for example, a ball for a football player, a foil for a fencer, and so on). In addition, there is a well-defined list of gifts for sports and active recreation:

  • roller sneakers (shoes on wheels that combine two functions - rolling and walking);
  • skate (the board can be supplemented with drawings and engraving, making it the most original);
  • unicycle - one-wheeled bicycle;
  • a slingshot with a long-range sight that shoots real bullets made of rubberized materials;
  • darts, ring throw, flying saucer, etc.

If the birthday boy doesn’t have a bicycle yet, then it’s time to give him this useful form of transport.

An eight-year-old boy can no longer only be an active participant in traditional family events, such as, for example, a tourist trip to the mountains, but also show interest in one or another activity. So a tent, an age-appropriate backpack, a fishing rod and similar things are a very good choice for a birthday.

What can you give a creative boy?

At the age of 8, many children attend clubs and sections that develop their musical abilities or the makings of an artist, sculptor, or dancer. If the birthday boy is a subtle, creative person, then you can present him with:

  • good headphones, speakers;
  • synthesizer with learning function;
  • guitar;
  • CDs with music that the boy likes;
  • a suit or shoes for dancing (although it is better to give a certificate for the purchase of these things);
  • easel (paint palette, watercolor sheets, albums of different formats, etc.).

Especially interesting option- 3D pen that creates three-dimensional paintings. It will not only captivate the child, but will promote creative development.

Video: how to draw with a 3D pen

As already mentioned, a boy at 8 years old is still playing with toys. But at this age they become complex, sometimes even incomprehensible for an adult.

  1. Set of cars. This could be a collectible option, for example, the HOT WEELS series.
  2. Radio controlled car.
  3. Silicone figures Trash Pack. The collection, consisting of a total of 100 characters, is a source of pride for a modern boy aged 7–10 years.
  4. Interactive pet Furby boom that eats, plays, dances and sings. Pay attention to the language of the version, as it is still quite difficult to find a Russified model.
  5. Nintendo video game console.
  6. Glowing in the dark and making sounds Jedi sword.
  7. Transformable robots that turn into space creatures, vehicles and weapons.
  8. Ball-labyrinth - modern version Rubik's cube. There are 100 steps in this puzzle.
  9. Constructors, including Lego. For eight-year-olds, choose sets with 500–1000 parts. Their theme should correspond to the hobbies of the birthday boy: transport, airfield construction, creation of residential areas and others.
  10. Model railways complete with stations. Trains in these versions not only completely copy the real ones, but also emit special signals. The most popular toys are Racing PRO and Woody.
  11. A home planetarium that will allow a boy to study a map of the starry sky, as well as the planets of the solar system.
  12. Anti-stress ball. The toy, of course, is more relevant for adults, but children also enjoy squeezing the mesh with gel-like filling in their hands so that many small bubbles appear.
  13. The grabber is a newfangled hobby for modern children.

Gallery: photos of modern fashionable toys

The Furby boom pet is an excellent training before buying a pet. Trash Pack Heroes are collected by many children, especially boys. Anti-stress balls are very popular with both children and many adults.

Video: how to play with Grabber

Useful gifts

These items not only bring joy to the owner, but also benefit the learning process. They awaken the spirit of a researcher and tester in a child. Such gifts include:

  • microscope with reagents for observations;
  • binoculars;
  • globe;
  • kit for growing crystals, etc.

Children enjoy conducting experiments in the fields of chemistry, physics, and biology.

It is worthwhile to dwell on such an important, status item for a man as a wristwatch. You can give an eight-year-old boy a stylish model with interesting technical additions (compass, flashlight, and others). The main thing is that it is of high quality and lasts for several years.


A completely separate class of gifts that requires the child, on the one hand, to have a creative approach, and on the other hand, to help him learn to work with both his head and his hands.

Impressions as a gift

If the birthday person has everything, then the best gift will be positive emotions. To do this, it is enough to present:

  • invitations to a new circus performance;
  • tickets to the museum to visit an exhibition dedicated, for example, to paleontology;
  • invitation to a master class (dance, cooking, music or other).

A trip to the water park will give your child unforgettable emotions

Pets for birthday

As for this gift, it must be agreed upon with the parents and other family members living in the same house as the birthday boy. Suitable options for a boy would be:

  • fish;
  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • parrot;
  • cat;
  • dog.

Of course, nothing develops a child’s sense of responsibility better than caring for his little brothers. But mom and dad should be prepared for the fact that their child’s patience may not be enough for a long time, and feeding, cleaning, and walking will fall on the shoulders of adult family members.

Caring for a pet instills a sense of responsibility in a child

Homemade gifts

A very controversial category of gifts for the eighth birthday, since the boy is unlikely to appreciate the effort and time you spent on creating the present. The fate of such gifts is predetermined: the wild joy of adults, the chaotic impressions of the birthday boy, the preservation of the gift “until he grows up.” So it’s still better to back up a handmade item with something more understandable to a child at his age.

It is better if a homemade gift is an addition to the main one, and not vice versa

Money for an 8-year-old birthday boy

Money is a controversial gift for any age. Moreover, such a popular holiday gift option is considered impolite. However, they still give it. And not only for adults, but also for children. If we leave the ethical side of the issue aside and focus on the practical, then banknotes are a completely acceptable present, especially when a boy plans to use his savings to purchase a dream.

A gift for a boy's eighth birthday is an important part of the holiday. The best way to solve the problem of choice would be to ask the hero of the occasion what he wants, or consult with his parents. But anyway the list possible options gifts for a boy of this age will be useful.

The question of choosing a gift always arises “suddenly”, although we keep a schedule of birthdays of all relatives, friends and friends of our children for a year in advance. It seems so simple to choose a gift. But when it needs to be chosen for tomorrow (or even today), a stupor arises.

Today we are again choosing a gift for a child. More precisely - for a boy about 8 years old(a selection of gifts for a girl of the same age has already been published). “Approximately” - because the gift can be for a birthday or for any other holiday.

Gift for 8 year old boy should be interesting and useful. Eight years is a special age. Boys at this age begin to develop independence and responsibility, and their toys and activities become more “sophisticated.” They are open to new information, new knowledge, which they draw from the world around them and means of communication (computer, telephone with Internet access - this does not surprise anyone in our time).

A survey was conducted among first-graders about what they would like to receive as a gift for their birthday. And that's what they think a great gift.

Before you go to the store for any item, check to see if the boy already has this item, so as not to give it as a “repeat” gift.

So, the top 6 gift options for boys 7-8 years old.

1. Lego set

Boys may have different preferences in terms of the “theme” of the set - Star Wars, the adventures of Indiana Jones, a police station, a medieval castle with knights, and so on. In any case, the Lego set is considered to be theirs cool gift for a birthday or any other holiday.

2. New sports equipment

Some boys (future athletes and others) expressed a desire to receive something specific from sports equipment as a gift. This could be new skates or rollers, a skateboard, a boomerang, a basketball or soccer ball. At this age, boys are more often interested in sports that involve competitive team wrestling. They no longer go to sections just because their parents enrolled them there.

If you buy equipment as a gift, then, of course, you must first find out the sizes (clothes, shoes) of the person to whom this equipment will be intended.

If you're on a budget (and have plenty of free space in your kids' room), you might consider purchasing, say, a large table hockey set or mini golf set. A volleyball net or a small football goal can be an excellent gift if the family has a dacha or country house.

3. Games for game consoles (Wii or Nintendo DS)

Depending on the consoles that little gamers already have, eight-year-old boys were very interested in new video games. For the Wii console, in particular, multiplayer games are suitable, which can be played in the company of friends (from two to four). After all, playing with friends is much more interesting!

So if the birthday boy has a console, find out what games he already has in his arsenal and buy something new.

If it so happens that you don’t have the console yet, then maybe you can chip in with one of your relatives and buy it? Yes, the gift is not cheap, but imagine how much joy it will bring!

4. Bakugans

These toys are still popular among boys primary classes. Playing Bakugan is still “fashionable” (so to speak). The need to combine strategic skills and dexterity makes the gameplay exciting and interesting. In addition, the collection can always be expanded and supplemented with new “models” - and this also solves the issue of gifts for a boy for the next holidays. :)

5. Music player or IPOD

Yes, now even not all adults have a separate music player. Maybe partly because everyone is used to using multifunctional “mobile phones”. But some children are already early age are fond of music, and such a gadget would be a great gift for them.

6. Kits for “scientific research” and creativity

This category of gifts is quite extensive. Here you can come up with anything. Fortunately, manufacturers of goods for children have filled this niche quite well.

Boys at this age love to explore, study, and discover something new. And any researcher may find it useful, for example, pocket microscope, which you can take with you on walks and hikes. Or funny potato clock. Or electronic designer.

All of the gift ideas given may or may not be entirely suitable for your particular “occasion.” To reduce the likelihood of mistakes, I recommend unobtrusively asking the boy a few leading questions. “What would you like to play?”, “What would you like to do with your friends?” and so on. Having received a set of initial data, you will more easily cope with the task of selecting that very gift!

Yours Lady Antikrizis.

Birthdays are a favorite holiday for children of any age, so they usually start preparing for it long before it approaches. And the main reason for this attitude is, of course, the gifts that are given to the “hero of the occasion” in large quantities on this day. Moreover, they are especially desirable for children aged six to ten, who still believe in miracles and the fulfillment of desires. So, while the future birthday boy is looking forward to celebrating his next birthday, adults have to rack their brains over what to give an 8-year-old boy and how to best congratulate him.

At this age, the number of presents really matters. It’s so great to open beautiful, elegant boxes, freeing them from wrapping paper and taking out something special and interesting from them! And the price of the gift is in this case not at all important. The main thing is pleasant emotions and a joyful mood.

Fashionable gadgets and “cool things”

Despite the fact that buying too expensive and pompous gifts in this case is not very justified (most likely, the child simply will not appreciate their scale and significance), expensive gifts should not be discounted either. If a child is neat enough and is distinguished by seriousness and accuracy, for his 8th birthday you can give him quite “respectable” things, such as:

  • Pet. Well, this unusual and extraordinary gift, in general, can amaze anyone, especially a boy who loves animals and dreams of a pet. True, it has a lot of “buts”: of course, you can buy an animal, but the problem immediately arises of where and how to keep it. So, this gift option is suitable for people living in their own home or for those who love and keep animals at home. In principle, if you want to please your child by giving him a living friend, then it is better to limit yourself to a puppy or kitten, having first weighed the pros and cons of keeping it at home.
  • Laptops, tablets, computers. Also very useful thing necessary for any school-age child. By the way, if this gift has already been given to the boy for another reason, you can give him some original addition to this gadget: a computer mouse unusual shape, a gaming joystick or a good multimedia keyboard.
  • Bicycles. Any boy aged 8 will be truly delighted with such a wonderful gift! Especially if it is a stylish and fashionable teenage racing bike that you can show off to your friends. We assure you that when he receives it, he will be overjoyed.
  • Mobile phones. Naturally, you shouldn’t get too carried away and buy the latest model smartphone for an eight-year-old boy, which has a high price and many “sophisticated functions.” Firstly, he simply may not be able to handle it, and, secondly, he may drop it or lose it, so after such an expensive purchase you risk running into additional costs associated with repairs or purchasing a new device. So, let it be a fairly modest but reliable model that works without failures, so that, if necessary, the child can contact you at any time.

Games, toys, entertainment

8 years is a wonderful age at which children still continue to play, fantasize and devote a large amount of time to their hobbies with great pleasure. Therefore, they can and should be given toys. Such as:

Sports equipment and accessories

Most eight-year-old boys are real mischievous people who cannot sit still for a minute. They need to constantly move, run and jump. And that's right. After all, activity and mobility are the key good growth and child development. So it’s worth treating this “children’s peculiarity” with understanding. And give the boy some useful and original accessory, which will help him make sports activities even more fruitful and interesting. For example:

  • Skateboard or snowboard board. Nice gift for an active, active boy who spends a lot of time outside. At least now he will do it with more benefit and interest. Important point: buying something so “dangerous” sports equipment, do not forget about child protective equipment that will protect him from injury and injury.
  • Roller, hockey or figure skates. When buying this sports equipment, check with your child in advance whether he is ready to master this or that sport, so that the item you purchased is not thrown into the closet “until better times.”
  • A punching bag with a set of gloves. This gift will really appeal to a sports guy who dreams of improving his reaction and becoming truly strong and strong. Who knows, maybe with its help you will develop a new Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson?
  • Nice soccer ball. The future football star will be very happy with such a gift. And, since this sport is traditionally one of the most popular among boys, in his yard with a good ball any boy will become a real “center of the universe.”

Of course, you can make a gift for a boy with your own hands, for example, as in this video - no birthday boy will definitely refuse such a cute car!

On the occasion of a boy’s 8th birthday, you can give him many interesting, beautiful and useful things that will bring him satisfaction. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the things you buy be expensive: the main thing is that they should arouse interest and joy in the child. When presenting your gift, make sure that it has a beautiful and original packaging. And then your wonderful holiday the “hero of the occasion” will remember only with the best side and will be very pleased with it!