The best ditties, for an anniversary, for a wedding, for a birthday, text. Funny, funny congratulatory ditties for adults on birthdays and anniversaries Ditties for the hero of the day, women 50 years old

Or a birthday for everyone: a woman and a man on their 50th anniversary, 55th anniversary, 60th anniversary, and so on... Funny ditties for an anniversary or birthday will perfectly cheer up the hero of the day, decorate the holiday and help give interesting gifts. To ensure that ditties for a round anniversary are appropriate for a holiday, choose the texts of the ditties in such a way that among them there are no ditties with obscenities or vulgar ditties. After all, among the guests there will be not only adults, but also children! Have a wonderful atmosphere on your anniversary!

Anniversary ditties for men

1. We will sing ditties
And let's go squat,
I'll love the anniversary
Well, we will become famous!

2. I am ditties for the anniversary
I've been writing all week!
And now I’ll sing them to you,
Don't judge as best I can!

3. Anniversary, anniversary,
Come to me quickly!
I'm not afraid of the anniversary!
I'll be rejuvenated again!

4. To the young hero of the day
Girls make eyes
Look at him
Well, what kind of grandfather is he?

5. In this anniversary year
I'm approaching fifty dollars.
I decided not to be bored
I'll go look for my wife!

6. Our hero of the day is sad,
He looks sad
Don't be sad, dear,
You're still young!

7. Oh, the table is rich today,
Noble treats
Feed us, hero of the day,
Do me a favor!

8. Oh, the ditties are good,
To the hero of the day for the soul,
You give up on everything,
Age, truly, is golden!

9. Anniversary, anniversary,
Our hero of the day is younger,
Be healthy and don't be sad
Love your wife!

10. In this anniversary year,
Only luck awaits you
Have fun with your friends
By us, the boys.

11. All the relatives gathered,
It's your celebration!
Eh, let's walk until the morning,
To the point of white heat!

12. Today is your day
Your birth
It is named after a round date
In honor of the round belly!

13. The hero of the day is young,
The girls are following you!
Don't frown your eyebrows
Warm up the girls!

Ditties for a woman's anniversary

1. Oh, the ditties are good,
I will sing them from the heart.
Sing along with me,
Praise the hero of the day!

2. They say, they say,
That they grow old at fifty,
Bullshit, nonsense,
If the soul is young!

3. Your anniversary has arrived,
Don't regret mistakes.
Think only about the good
About the young gentleman!

4. Such a beautiful woman,
I won't give you even thirty
Behind her is a noisy crowd
The grooms are walking briskly!

5. The anniversary will come suddenly,
Just don't be sad, friend!
We'll cry, we'll sing,
And let's start life again!

6. Come and dance,
The hero of the day is with us,
You are our beauty
So what, grandma!

If you need more ditties for your anniversary, then the ditties are further divided into categories by date:

50 years

At fifty, at fifty,
It's all just beginning
And girlish beauty
It just shows up!

Don't be sad that it's 50
But experience and charge,
You can do everything, you know
Make your dreams come true!

At 50, please don’t be sour,
You're not a grandma at all
You are a beautiful girl
Smile for the joy of everyone!

55 years old

Two A's - yes!
Years well spent!
Now come on, go for it
Make all your dreams come true!

You went into retirement
And left things behind
Rest now like a king!
Well, don't forget us!

Do nonsense
The hero of the day does not want
He is a business man
And very solid!

Fifty and five again
We have a reason to rock!
The anniversary year will pass,
The hero of the day will be lucky!

Comic ditties for a woman’s 55th birthday

1. We respect you
Our hero of the day,
Can't live a day without you
It's even impossible.

2. Two A's - no problem,
This age is nonsense
My neighbor is one hundred and five,
Try to overtake her!

3. You are so beautiful today
And the hairstyle is just classy!
And men's eyes are burning,
They'll take you away, it's not even an hour.

4. Let from today
Life will be sweet
You will have skin
Smooth like a baby's.

5. May health and good luck
Don't pass by
Two A's for good luck
You always carry it with you.

6. You are a great specialist
According to my work,
Ready to move mountains
In any weather.

7. You are cultured and diligent,
And confident in myself
You're probably not afraid
Any work on Earth.

8. Fifty and five is not much
According to the clock of the universe
You're still at the doorstep
Life is very long.

9. Let your health not fail you
And love comes to your home.
Grandchildren make children happy too,
And our gift is in an envelope!

60 years old

At sixty, don't hang your nose,
And work like a locomotive!
Always be on the move
And never be sour!

At 60, 60...
The anniversaries do not sit,
The head thinks -
The hero of the day is running!

(a ditty for the hero of the day in connection with her retirement):

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,
The hero of the day is 60,
Still young, it seems
Come back!

65 years old

That's what hit you
Sixty and five now
Hands to feet - and forward!
To work, to the garden!

Sixty plus five, believe me,
The anniversary is coming.
Dry your tears, pull yourself up,
Do something you need to do!

An anniversary comes once
Sixty and five.. Atas!
Just don't panic
Pamper yourself better!

70 years old

We'll sing ditties
On my seventieth birthday,
Wait for us in thirty years
On your centenary!

75 years old

Our dear hero of the day,
You're not old yet!
You are seventy+five,
You cucumber again!

80 years old

You are eighty years old
You're not a grandfather yet!
You are young at heart,
And the character is golden!

85 years old

You are eighty-five
Dry your tears again
Don't be sad, but dance,
Sing ditties for the soul!

90 years old

Ninety - respect
This is not an easy age!
And I wish you good health
On your golden anniversary!

95 years old

Ninety-five to you
Smile at your destiny
We'll come in five years,
For your centenary!

100 years

The hero of the day is exactly one hundred!
We are lucky to have you!
We love you with all our hearts,
For your good deeds!

Ditties for dad's 55th birthday (to order)

Exercise: The grandchildren (8 and 10 years old) will congratulate their grandfather on his 55th birthday, but I wanted to dress them up as the hero of the day’s grandfather and his wife – grandmother, and it’s as if they were singing ditties about each other (4 ditties from each).

A little about the hero of the day: Yurik (that’s what his wife calls him) is a fisherman, an avid hunter. A tank driver in the army. After school, I studied in Sasovo to become a pilot - I ran away and didn’t finish my studies. He worked as a Kamaz truck driver at LMMS, then as a fuel truck driver. Machine-Niva. They live in the village of Kriusha. He built a bathhouse, a greenhouse, and a gazebo. Often lies in the hospital with kidney stones. All my life with a mustache.

Wife-Tanya. Nurse at the Kriushinsky hospital (in three days). Two grandchildren. Daughter. Son-in-law. Matchmakers. He knows how to knit, bakes pies, bakes the meat he gets. She is from the village of Malinovka (he brought her from there after the wedding), her relatives live there now. This year I will retire on September 27 (also 55 years old)

Ditties for the anniversary

Yura sings:

1.) I brought it from Malinovka
I am my bride.
In a flash Tanyusha will knit a scarf
And knead the dough!

Tanya sings:

1.) Fishing and hunting
Yurik is always on the hunt.
Yura rushes into the forest on the Niva, -
The game itself runs towards him!

Yura sings:

2.) Kidney stones, that’s the problem,
What should I do, Tanyusha?
You're a super nurse
In the village of Kriusha.

Tanya sings:

2.) Yuri, I’ll give you advice,
There's no use for stones!
Go to the sea more often,
Better get pearls!

(Or alternatively:
Get rid of stones
Drink some water, don't regret it.
Go to the sanatorium
Get rid of pain.)

Yura sings:

3.) My dear wife,
Roasted game today.
The guests licked their fingers
They even ate the bones with the meat!

Tanya sings:

3.) Yurik flew to Sasovo,
He chased sparrows in the sky.
Yura thought: “Not mine!”
And he ran away. Well oh my!

Yura sings:

4.) Come on over me, Tanya,
Stop grinning!
We'll be 55 soon,
Celebrate with you!

Tanya sings:

4.) Yurik, dear, don’t be angry,
Celebrate your anniversary.
I love you all my life
And I adore mustaches!

We also write ditties to order about your hero of the day. Duration 1 day.


We, friends, have no doubts,
What ditties should be sung!
Once they came for a birthday -
There is no point in sitting silently!

I don’t know how old you are,
And why should I know this?
There are candles on a huge cake
You can take it and count it!

Steamships, steamships.
Oh, you steamboats.
Let them go back now
My friend, you are one year old.

Games, competitions, gifts
On your birthday for a reason!
Today is a holiday for you -
Red calendar day!

Oh, what our years -
We are alive by nature!
Why should we look at the passport?
Let's sing songs better!

We haven't eaten for ten days
And they didn’t drink for eight,
We'll eat everything at the table,
Let's ask for more!

But screw you! It wasn’t here -
So the hostess fed
That we can’t dance yet,
We can only sing ditties!

The cook makes cutlets
The horse makes manure.
I came for my birthday
But he didn’t bring a gift!

The phone doesn't stop ringing
From calls and sms.
Birthday raises
Interest in the person!

Coal is needed to
Maintain combustion.
And you need friends for that
To drink at your birthday party!

We came for a birthday
Sing and have fun
To cheer you up
And forget yourself a little.

Who is closest to the bottle there?
Pour it for the birthday girl!
We drink to your health,
And drink to your friends!

We were all invited to the restaurant,
The birthday was celebrated.
Would you like to celebrate again?
Yes, health is of no use...

I ate and drank,
I almost gave birth!
I will eat and drink more
To repay the gift.

Don't worry if it's your birthday
You can't eat anymore on your own.
You are quietly jam
Put it in your pocket!

Ditties from the hero of the day

Hello, dear guests,
A feast awaits you all,
Eat, drink as much as you like,
For my health.

Oh, thank you mom -
She gave birth to me in July!
Get ready guys
To the forest with me for a barbecue.

Fifty or twenty five -
What's the difference?
Equally men
I fall in love with myself!

Congratulatory ditties with wishes

There is a mare standing on the mountain,
There is a harrow under the mountain.
Happy Birthday!
Pour some more wine!

The ship is sailing along the Volga,
And a motorboat along the Ob.
Happy Birthday
And we wish you love!

We all came from mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

I wish everyone a cutie,
And for you - a fashion model.
If you forget your key at home,
Then he will crawl through the crack under the door.

Be happy and safe
And live for a long time,
Our beloved, our dear,
The best person!

There's a picture hanging on the wall,
There is a sailboat in the picture.
May you need it less often
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.

Galoshes float down the river
Four pieces in a row.
May all horoscopes be with you
They promise only joy.

So that your heart doesn't hurt,
I didn't feel dizzy
Rest safely today
And quit what you're doing!

We wish you on your birthday,
So that fate does not bypass,
Gave me a lot of money
And she gave you a wife!

Forty years - what a date,
Only half my life has been lived.
We want to live richly
So that you want and can.

On your birthday we wish you
Lots of happiness and love!
If you need to drink vodka,
Just call us!

On your birthday we wish you
So that everything comes true.
Enough strength to work
Left for love.

There is a vegetable garden near the house,
There are beds in the vegetable garden...
Dear birthday boy.
Always be fine!

Birthday boy, take care
Body, soul, nerves.
Let them rustle in your pocket
Dollars and euros!

I make it public:
I want to wish you love
Well, and sex, in particular!

There are not many anniversaries in the life of every person. And not all of us celebrate them on a grand scale. But the 50th anniversary always stands apart. After all, it is for this anniversary, which, by the way, is half a century old, that everyone wants to gather all their friends and acquaintances, all their relatives and, in general, everyone they know. And when guests arrive, they will need to be entertained. This is exactly why we came up with funny ditties for a woman's 50th birthday. Each ditty is energy, good mood and just a funny mini story. So get acquainted with the ditties and give them to the hero of the day.

You've been living for half a century,
And you still won’t understand.
That years are not a problem,
The most important thing in life is friends!

You spent half a century
You have started a new path.
There's still half a century ahead
So live to be a hundred years old!

How to gather all the guests for your holiday? Send invitations to everyone. We have a whole section - anniversary invitations.
Check out the templates there and use them for free!

Exactly fifty grandchildren
We wish you.
We will help you
We promise it!

We came to congratulate you,
We came to tell you.
So that you don't grieve,
And, ugh, I don’t care about the years!

I will always be with you,
We will never be separated.
In sorrow, in joy with you,
You are my closest friend!

I'll give you flowers
Exactly according to my years!
Wow, the bouquet turned out great!
I haven’t forgotten how to know, how to count.

Quickly, quickly I rush to you,
After all, I'm already tipsy.
How can you not be tipsy here?
After all, you won’t forget your anniversary!

I'm ready for the anniversary
I bought you flowers.
And I'll bring you some chocolate,
And I’ll give you everything!

I don’t know what to give you
And I suffer from this.
I'll give you a smile
And I’ll wrap myself as a gift!

How I wake up in the morning
I immediately pick up the phone.
I'm sending you an SMS,
WITH good morning I say!

We're having fun today
We are all friends today.
Well, in the morning mineral water,
Hey, don't touch it, she's mine!

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Today there are a large number of original ways to congratulate the birthday person on the holiday. One of the most fun options for congratulations are mischievous, cheerful ditties. Small rhyming lines set good mood at any holiday.

Funny rhyming ditties will help lift the spirit of the hero of the day. These short poetic lines, which are one of the people's favorite genres oral creativity. The main task of these lines is not just to narrate some events in a person’s life, but to convey the emotional nature of the event. By narrating and singing ditties, their author conveys his attitude and feelings towards the addressee.


With the help of ditties, you can cheerfully congratulate the woman celebrating her anniversary. Short poems sung to cheerful music are great musical gift woman.

When choosing ditties for an anniversary, it is worth choosing those options that suit the birthday girl. Appropriately, correctly selected options will help you to cheerfully congratulate or give a gift in an original way.

In addition, you can choose a corresponding gift for the words of each ditty.

Ditties for a woman celebrating her 55th birthday

If your grandmother is celebrating her anniversary, you can pick up original ditties on behalf of her grandchildren.


It is necessary to select congratulation ditties for the hero of the day with soul. They should be easy to wear and easy to perceive.

Guests always want to wish the hero of the day good health.

Congratulations for male anniversaries are cheerful in nature. Since men perceive their age a little more easily than women, congratulation ditties for them often have a certain amount of sarcasm.

Examples of ditties for a man on his 55th birthday.

The main material gifts that are often included in wishes are a car, money.

More examples of congratulations for men

Ditties 50 years

The age of 50 is a certain milestone in a person’s life.

By this age, a person has already achieved a lot both at work and in the family.

Therefore, this age is a period of assessment: what a person has already achieved, what still needs to be done.

Congratulations-ditties for women on their 50th birthday

Ditties for men over 50 years old

Cool ditties for a wedding

Cheerful feasts, including traditional wedding, rarely do without drinking songs. Often among such songs you can hear ditties near the set tables. Funny, funny ditties are an attribute of table events. Short songs easily fit into any wedding scenario.

The main characters of such ditties are the heroes of the occasion - the bride and groom. In a humorous form, ditties tell about the virtues of a young couple.

Very often in such ditties, in a mischievous form, the household responsibilities of the newly-made husband and wife are distributed.

One of the obligatory ditties at weddings are ditties - wishes for the young couple from the guests.

Often, bridesmaids turn to their friend using ditties, talking about what changes in life now await her.

Those ditties that tell about the wedding on behalf of the youngest are also filled with a cheerful mood and a little self-criticism.

In such poems, the bride or groom himself describes his feelings, his new responsibilities and says goodbye to the old way of his life.

Ditty congratulations

Choosing words to congratulate loved one, you always want to find exactly the kind of congratulations that would be individual.

I would like them to be able to convey the whole gamut of feelings that the congratulator feels. On the other hand, congratulations are always a holiday, so I want the words to be cheerful and give a good mood.

In this case, humorous congratulation ditties come to the rescue. These short words of congratulations They will definitely not leave the hero of the day indifferent.
You can choose interesting cheerful congratulations for a friend

Men can find naughty funny ditties for their birthday friend

To convey your warm feelings to your mother, you can choose congratulations for her from the options presented

Examples of congratulations for a man

Examples of congratulation ditties for a woman

Funny ditties for a wedding

Funny ditties are sung at weddings, creating a cheerful mood for the guests, the heroes of the occasion.

Witty, funny congratulation ditties help not only to cheerfully congratulate the newlyweds, but also to give a gift in an original way.

Ditties about young people are always relevant. In such short poems, all the qualities of the bride and groom are described in a humorous manner.

With the help of ditties, guests can convey their wishes and describe their emotions. And the playful form gives the ditties a cheerful, catchy character.

Often in ditties there is an appeal to the parents of the young. Guests talk about their new social roles, about new family members who need to be accepted, respected, and loved.

You can see and hear wedding ditties on video

Short ditties

Short ditties are four-line couplets that can be timed to coincide with various events. Themes for ditties can be different.

Continuing the theme of love are ditties about the relationship between husband and wife.

Funny catchy ditties about friendship will tell you what the relationship between friends should be like.

In life there is time for relaxation, but we must not forget about work. Joking ditties about work will help convey your mood and attitude towards work.

There are many modern options ditties in which one can find a relation to the acquisitions of mankind and the achievements of progress.

Financial problems are also reflected in ditties

Short ditties are people's reactions to all the events that happen in life. And a humorous form helps to look at the situation differently.

Birthday ditties

Add to the celebration good mood, cheerful enthusiasm will be helped by congratulations in the form of ditties.

Adults, youth, children - everyone loves short, playful couplets for their funny content.

With the help of such short quatrains You can congratulate the birthday boy in an original way and cheer up the guests.
Moreover, to perform ditties you do not need to have great musical talent or be able to sing beautifully. It is enough to choose funny options for congratulations, gather a group of several people to perform verses. And to make your congratulations sound even more fun, you can dress up in colorful outfits or perform verses and act out situations live.
They often pick up such ditties to congratulate a work colleague.

For congratulations, such ditty couplets are selected to characterize the birthday person, show his merits, and express wishes.

To congratulate your friend, you can choose these options for ditties.

Men, congratulating a friend on his birthday, select ditties with cheerful wishes.

Options for birthday ditties for women

Examples of birthday ditties for men

Cool ditties for men

Cool ditties for men are small poetic lines in which friends, colleagues, and loved ones jokingly congratulate them on various holidays.

This could be congratulations on an anniversary

Cool ditties can be dedicated to just the birthday of the birthday person

Congratulations on any men's holidays can be performed in the form of funny ditties.

Ditties about children

Writing and then singing short little rhymes is fun. Such ditties tell in a funny, humorous form various events that happen or may happen in the lives of little children.

This genre appealed to many writers and poets. Thanks to the humor present and a little sarcasm, ditties always have a cheerful character, they are diverse and are so popular with representatives of the older and younger generations.

The main characters of these ditties are children of different ages.

Examples of ditties about children.

In addition, such ditties make you think about various events that happen in life. With the help of ditties, children can see what consequences their actions can lead to.

In fact such short poems have a positive effect on the baby, because adults can convey the information necessary for the child in an interesting way.

Chatushkas as a form, a genre of oral creativity, help children get acquainted with the creativity of the people in an easy way and arouse interest in studying other genres.

A cheerful ditty can also lift the mood if the child suddenly becomes bored.

School ditties

An important period in life that accompanies the process of growing up for every person is his schooling.

Therefore, there is always an opportunity for students to talk about the diary and how to avoid punishment for grading at home.

However, not only bad rating may ruin the student's diary. Blank sheets can be spoiled by a teacher’s remark due to bad behavior or tardiness. Therefore, children's logic will always find a way out of any situation.

At school, children's minds are occupied not only with lessons and grades, but also much attention is paid to issues of friendship.

But the school itself most often evokes pleasant, warm memories among mature students, which is why many pleasant, cheerful events are associated with its walls.

Granny hedgehog ditties

Finding an adult who has not seen the cartoon “The Flying Ship” is almost impossible. Cheerful, catchy ditties performed by Babok Ezhek captivated everyone with their melody and words that are quickly remembered and easily sung. Therefore, Babok Ezhek’s ditties, remade for special holidays, are still in demand.

Mother-in-law's ditties

At wedding events, the topic of mother-in-law-son-in-law relationships is always relevant. New family relationships require new responsibilities.

Often such ditties are composed on behalf of the son-in-law, who must now find common language with my wife's mother.

And the mother-in-law, like any mother, wants her daughter’s happiness, so she puts forward her demands on her son-in-law and advises him on how to arrange his life.

Funny, playful ditties will be good entertainment at any holiday. Author's ditties will help you congratulate the birthday person on the holiday in an unconventional way. Naughty ditties will amuse guests at the wedding.

If you want your anniversary to be fun and noisy, then you definitely need funny ones. Our authors offer you this version of ditties, which were written for a woman’s 50th birthday. Do them and have fun so that you only have a positive feeling about the holiday.

Our lady is fifty,
Lady berry again.
We'll sing ditties
Let's pour ourselves a shot.

Is it age fifty?
If only two were fifty!
One hundred, of course, is age,
Live a little longer.

They came to you for your anniversary,
Hurry up and pour a glass!
We congratulate you,
Health to you... Much!

The anniversary is in full swing here,
Everyone is dancing and singing.
I want to sing to you too,
Happy birthday to you!

Have a nice holiday,
Everyone came to congratulate you.
Please accept congratulations
Hurry up and get your gifts!

Fifty, so fifty,
This age is kindergarten.
Here's how you say one hundred and five
Then we will congratulate you.

Happy anniversary,
You my dear.
And with all my heart I wish
A young man!