Recommended books for a 3 and a half year old child. What should a child read at three years old? Russian folk tales

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning...

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A short fairy tale for the little ones about three fidgety kittens and their funny adventures. Little children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev’s fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a Hedgehog, how he was walking at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play...

    4 - About the mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language... Read about a mouse from a book...

    5 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not divide the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and everyone got a piece of the treat... Apple read It was late...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black Whirlpool read Once upon a time there was a Hare...

    7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

    Stewart P. and Riddell K.

    The story about how the Hedgehog hibernation ask the Rabbit to save him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece...

    8 - About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Luckily, he was taken to the hospital and treated. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of his behavior... About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid...

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


It is difficult to definitively answer the question of which books are best to read with a three-year-old child, because even at this age children not only have different interests, but also differ from each other intellectual development. Some people are already able to assimilate fairly long stories and novellas, while others are not even interested in short tales and poetry.

How do children perceive books at 3 years old?

As a rule, the different perceptions of books by three-year-old children depend on several factors:

  • How accustomed is the child to spending time with his parents and what are the benefits of joint activities with mom and dad for the baby?
  • How psychologically ready is the child to perceive books?
  • How much parents tried to instill in their child a love of reading.

Situations vary, as does the degree to which a child is ready to read together. The main thing for parents do not compare your child with others(“Zhenya already listens to “Pinocchio” and mine is not even interested in “Turnip””), but remember that each child has his own pace of development. But this does not mean that parents should give up and just wait until the child wants it. In any case, you need to work with your baby, starting with short poems, funny fairy tales. At the same time, the main goal should be not to “master” a certain volume of literature, but do everything to instill in your child an interest in reading.

Why should you read to your child?

With the development of modern technology, you can often hear the question: “Why read to a child?” Of course, a TV and a computer with educational programs are not a bad thing. But they still cannot be compared with a book read by their parents, primarily for the following reasons:

  • Educational moment: Mom or dad, while reading a book, focus the child’s attention on episodes that are educationally important for their baby;
  • Communication with parents, in which not only the child’s attitude to the world around him is formed, but also the ability to communicate with other people;
  • Formation emotional sphere : the reaction to the intonations of the voice of the reading parent helps to develop in the child the ability to empathize, nobility, and the ability to perceive the world on a sensory level;
  • Development of imagination and competent speech, broadening your horizons.

What do psychologists say?

Of course, each child is individual, and his perception of reading books will be individual. However, psychologists highlight several general recommendations that will help parents make shared reading not only enjoyable, but also productive:

  • Reading books to the baby special attention pay attention to intonation, facial expressions, gestures: at the age of three, a child is not so much interested in the plot as in the actions and experiences of the characters; the child learns to react correctly to life situations.
  • Clearly define good and bad deeds in a fairy tale, highlight good and bad heroes. At the age of three, a child clearly divides the world into black and white, and with the help of a fairy tale, the child now understands life and learns to behave correctly.
  • Poems are an important element in shared reading. They develop speech, expand vocabulary child.
  • Among the huge variety of books in stores, not all are suitable for a baby. When choosing a book, pay attention to does the book carry a moral message, does the book have an instructive subtext. It is best to buy already tested, well-proven books.

10 best books for children aged 3 years

1. Collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time...”
This is a wonderful colorful book that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. The book includes not only fifteen of the most beloved Russian fairy tales by children, but also folk riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, tongue twisters.
The world that a child learns through relationships fairy-tale heroes Russian folklore becomes for him not only more understandable and colorful, but also kinder and fairer.
The book includes the following tales:“The Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot”, “Geese-Swans”, “Snow Maiden”, “Verlioka”, “Morozko”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” , “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Fear Has Big Eyes”, “Three Bears” (L. Tolstoy), “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.
Reviews from parents about the collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time”


This book is the best edition of famous Russian fairy tales that I have come across. The eldest daughter (she is three years old) immediately fell in love with the book for its wonderful colorful illustrations.
The tales are presented in the most folklore version, which is also attractive. In addition to the text of fairy tales, there are nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles and sayings. I highly recommend it to all parents.


Very good fairy tales in a wonderful presentation. Before this book I couldn’t get my son to listen to Russian folk tales until I bought this book.

2. V. Bianchi “Fairy tales for kids”

Three-year-old children really like the stories and fairy tales of V. Bianchi. There is hardly a child who does not love animals, and Bianca’s books will therefore not only be interesting, but also very educational: the child will learn a lot interesting facts about nature and animals.

Bianca's tales about animals are not just interesting: they teach goodness, teach how to be friends and help friends in difficult situations.

Reviews from parents about the book by V. Bianchi “Fairy Tales for Kids”


My son really loves all kinds of spider bugs. We decided to try reading him a fairy tale about an ant who was hurrying home. I was afraid that he wouldn’t listen - he’s generally a fidget, but strangely enough he listened to the whole fairy tale. Now this book is our favorite. We read one or two fairy tales a day, he especially likes the fairy tale “Titmouse’s Calendar”.


A very successful book in my opinion - good selection fairy tales, wonderful illustrations.

3. Book of fairy tales by V. Suteev

There is probably no person who does not know the fairy tales of V. Suteev. This book is one of the most complete collections ever published.

The book is divided into three sections:

1. V. Suteev - author and artist (his fairy tales, pictures and fairy tales written and illustrated by him are included)
2. Based on the scripts of V. Suteev
3. Fairy tales with illustrations by Suteev. (K. Chukovsky, M. Plyatskovsky, I. Kipnisa).
Parents' reviews of Suteev's book of fairy tales


I spent a long time choosing which edition of Suteev’s fairy tales to choose. I finally settled on this book, primarily because the collection includes a lot different fairy tales, not only Suteev himself, but also other authors with his illustrations. I was very pleased that the book included Kipnis’s fairy tales. Wonderful book, wonderful design, highly recommend it to everyone!

4. Korney Chukovsky “Seven” best fairy tales kids"

The name of Korney Chukovsky speaks for itself. This edition includes the most famous fairy tales of the author, on whom more than one generation of children grew up. The book is large in format, well and colorfully designed, the illustrations are very bright and entertaining. It will definitely appeal to the little reader.

Reviews from parents about the Seven best fairy tales for kids by Korney Chukovsky


I have always liked Chukovsky’s works - they are easy to remember, very bright and imaginative. After two readings already, my daughter began to quote entire sections from fairy tales by heart (before this, they had never wanted to learn them by heart).

5. G. Oster, M. Plyatskovsky “A kitten named Woof and other tales”

The cartoon about a kitten named Woof is loved by many children. It will be all the more interesting for kids to read this book.
The book combines under its cover fairy tales by two authors - G. Oster (“A Kitten Named Woof”) and M. Plyatskovsky with drawings by V. Suteev.
Despite the fact that the illustrations differ from the cartoon images, children will enjoy the selection of fairy tales.
Reviews from parents about the book “A Kitten Named Woof and Other Tales”


We love this cartoon very much, which is why the book was a great success for us. Both daughter and son love fairy tale heroes. Short stories they love to quote by heart (my daughter loves “The Secret Language”, my son prefers “Jump and Jump”). The illustrations, although different from the cartoon, also appealed to the children.


Plyatskovsky's fairy tales about the duckling Kryachik and other animals became a revelation for children; we read all the fairy tales with pleasure. I would like to note the convenient format of the book - we always take it on the road.

6. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s Tales”

A bright and colorful book will introduce your child to children's classics. The artistic language of Mamin-Sibiryak’s fairy tales is colorful, rich and figurative.

The collection includes four fairy tales from the cycle “The Tale about Kozyavochka”, “The Tale about the Brave Hare”, “The Tale about Komar-Komarovich” and “The Tale about Voronushka-Black Head”.

If reading is one of your favorite activities to do together with your baby and if your child is over 3 years old, then you have probably already seen my collections with, as well as. Finally, I pulled myself together and wrote a logical continuation - a selection of our favorites and simply liked works by foreign authors. I won’t bore you, let’s get straight to it

So, best books for children 3-4 years old(foreign authors):

1. Jacob Martin Strid "The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear" (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

I don’t like loud phrases, but, nevertheless, I just want to say that this book will definitely be a hit with your child! I recommended it to almost all my acquaintances, mothers of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children, everyone repeats one thing - the child cannot tear himself away. We ourselves re-read “pear” at least 10 times. And considering the book’s size is not small, you must agree that this is serious confirmation

So why is it a hit:

  • The book has an unusual and incredibly exciting adventure plot. For children 3-4 years old, I generally find it difficult to name any analogue of the adventure genre, and even more so of such quality. Unexpected turns of events, unusual situations in which the heroes find themselves - all this is simply fascinating.
  • All the characters involved in this adventure are very funny, they evoke a lot of feelings and make you laugh.
  • The book has a HUGE number of illustrations. I understand that there will be those who will say that the pictures are not highly artistic, and the characters are depicted in caricatures, but there are so many interesting small details in these pictures, so much emotion and humor!

I think that you and your child will re-read the book more than once, and then after another couple of years you will slip it to him for independent reading (the ratio of text and pictures is ideal for this), and the child will read avidly again.

2. J. Delais, M. Marlier “The Adventures of Marusya” (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

This wonderful series of books deserves close attention mothers of girls (although I think boys will be curious too). The author knew exactly what interests and what touches the souls of little girls the most, because his stories about Marusya concern the most “topical” topics. Well, what girl doesn’t dream of being on the theater stage, at a real carnival, or trying herself as a ballerina? And who would be indifferent to listening about how Marusya takes care of horses? Every novice housewife wants to go to the store on her own, without her mother, make cookies, or take care of her younger brother/sister on her own... All this is in the kind, gentle stories of Delae Gilbert!

Interestingly, the books were written in France more than 50 years ago, but reading them, you are amazed that they have not lost their relevance at all, unlike some of our Soviet works.

The books in the series have a lot of beautiful, well-drawn illustrations that will not leave either the growing “Marus” or their parents indifferent

3. (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

I have already mentioned some books by this author in my article about. Here I would like to draw your attention to a few more of her wonderful fairy tale poems: “ Zog», « Chelovetkin», « The most best wedding " I didn’t include them in the previous selection, because I think that a child still needs to grow up a little in order to try to feel the meaning that the author put into his poems. And not all wording in the text will be understandable to a 2-year-old child.

« The best wedding» ( Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop) is a story about love, fidelity and how to distinguish real relationships from empty words

In the book " ZOG» ( Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop) the baby will meet the cutest dragons and learn that in life appearances are often deceiving. A young, fragile girl can tame a whole company of dragons, and evil-looking dragons, if you find them the right approach, may turn out to be the kindest creatures.

Touching story " Chelovetkin» ( Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop), main character with which an ordinary stick will teach a child to be attentive to all living things and to think about the feelings of his neighbors. Using the example of a stick, it is clearly shown that everyone has the right to freedom, their own opinion and family; of course, I have already written about this book.

« Snail and Whale» ( Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop), by the way, is also perfect for reading after 3 years. This is a fairy tale about friendship, courage and the fact that even small creatures are capable of great deeds.

4. S. Nordqvist. A series of books about Petson and Findus (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

Another popular series that will be of interest to children aged 3 years and older are stories about old man Petson and his cat Findus. The work of Sven Nordqvist has a lot of ardent fans, I can’t say that I’m one of them, but the books are definitely good. I’ll tell you about all the pros and cons from my subjective point of view.

What attracts you in the book? An undoubted advantage is the bright, rich and very detailed illustrations. True, I (as a mother) sometimes had the impression that this detail and brightness was even a bit too much. If the author, for example, wants to depict a cat in dynamics, then he will draw it many, many times in one picture. Taisiya, it seems to me, had no such complaints about the book; she greedily examined all the smallest details

As for the text and plot, they can be called interesting, but, as is often the case with authors who combine the positions of illustrator and writer, they are rather mediocre.

Once again, I repeat that all these quibbles are visible only from my adult (and subjective) point of view. As for the daughter, she listened to the stories with great pleasure and laughed constantly. After all, how many children's books do you find where the main character is an old man? It's all mostly children and little animals. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to involve the child in the older generation with their economic problems.

5. R. Scarry “Thank you and please. A book about good behavior" (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

This book is dedicated to all fans of Richard Scarry with simple and useful stories about funny animals. Everyone who read" City of good deeds", will definitely recognize them

There are illustrations for almost every sentence. They are funny and amusing, causing not only positive emotions in the child, but also a desire to think about their behavior. Short stories in a completely unedifying manner, they will tell the child how important it is to say “thank you” at the right time, throw garbage in the trash bin and cross the road correctly.

6. A. Beti " Hector the Architect», « Ada Twist, experimenter», « Rosa Rivera, engineer» (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

A wonderful series of books that simply captivated my husband and me. In general, it seems to me that reading the works of Andrea Beti is even more interesting for an adult than for a child. This is because they touch on a very important topic for all of us - the topic of every person’s dreams and calling. Either we listen to the dictates of our heart and go ahead towards our dreams, or we listen to those around us who always advise, condemn and stop us. All this, of course, is presented in a form understandable to a child, written in verse, and even seasoned with a fair amount of humor.

The moral in all three stories is the same, so to save money you can limit yourself to one book from the series (In this case, I would probably choose “ Hector the Architect"), but fans like me probably won’t get away with one purchase

7. B. Potter “Uhti-Tukhti” (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

I remember my childhood feelings from this book. She seemed somehow dull and overly calm to me. I didn't want to buy it at first, but good reviews still bribed. I re-read the book with my daughter. Yes, the characters are really peaceful and the plot is not too dynamic, but overall I liked the book. Well, the main criterion for me is that my daughter liked the book, we re-read the book several times. Perhaps I just came across it as a child at the wrong age, but at a time when I wanted more action

Tasya was obviously attracted to the book by the unusual magical situation. After all, a girl comes across a secret door in the forest. Behind this door lives a good-natured hedgehog. Her profession is also unusual - she washes and irons clothes. And among this linen the girl finds her handkerchiefs, which she had just lost.

8. G. Yuhanson “Mulle Mek” (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

“Mulle Mek - a skilled man” is the name of a series of fiction books that tell a child how everything works in our lives - how houses, planes, cars, etc. are built. The books are not overloaded with unnecessary terms, and allow the child to understand exactly the main essence. Very well written accessible language, for children 3-4 years old - ideal.

The heroes of the book, Mulle and Buffa, immediately endear you to yourself. Like any person, for Mulle not everything goes smoothly right away, something has to be redone, something is remembered at the last moment. In general, everything is very natural, lively and, most importantly, useful for broadening your horizons.

9. AnnieM.G.Schmidt"SashaAndMasha» (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

I've read a lot conflicting reviews about this book and, of course, doubted whether it was worth buying. But now, after my daughter and I read the book 3 times in a row, I want to express my (subjective, please note!) opinion that it’s worth it!

So, when you receive the book, the first thing you will think about are its shortcomings: 1. black and white illustrations 2. very simple stories that sometimes seem meaningless. And when the child receives the book, he will simply experience the pleasure of reading! There are no moral teachings here about what to do and what not to do. These are simple and funny stories about ordinary life ordinary children. And this is precisely why children like them so much.

DESPITE the lack of bright color illustrations, the book attracts the attention of children, and DUE to the fact that there are few pictures, the book opens up space for imagination.

I would like to note that 3-4 years is the ideal age for reading this book. And I think most of the negative reviews are caused by late reading.

10. A. Abitan “How the mouse learned to read” (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

A good book with a simple plot. It can be an excellent assistant for parents who have decided to introduce their child to letters, reading and the learning process in general. Using the example of a small but very stubborn mouse, a child is shown how a thirst for knowledge can overcome all obstacles and lead to good results.

11. A. Kopish “Magic Helpers” (Labyrinth, Ozon, My-shop)

I (and not only me) have noticed that all children really like various gnomes, midgets and other small creatures that secretly live somewhere under the rug and help people. So this book by August Kopisch is just about such helpers. The assistants that each of us actually dreams of - so that you can fall asleep, and get up in the morning, and all your affairs will be redone.

Don't worry, the moral of the book is not that you should wait for someone else to do everything for you. The main moral here is that you shouldn’t poke your nose where it’s not supposed to, and it’s important to respect the feelings of every creature, even a very small one.

It will be very interesting for your child to look at the pictures and watch the activities of the magical helpers.

The home library of 3-4 year old children does not have a wide variety of books. Kids, as a rule, are interested in one or two books that they are ready to listen to every day. However, read dozens of times, learned by heart by both mother and child, your favorite book still gets boring. The search begins for something new, still unknown. Mom is looking, of course. I would like to take into account the interests of the child. Some kids love stories about animals, others may be captivated by children's educational encyclopedias, and for others, bright pictures are enough. However, among huge list Children's literature contains works that captivate all children from three to five years old. Let's talk about them.

Poems by different authors

Poems are fertile material that perfectly develops a child’s ability to speak and feel the rhythm of words. Funny and instructive, they are close to 3-year-old children, and are well remembered by both 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds. Among the authors of poems are such greats of our literature as Agnia Barto, Yunna Moritz, Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Valentin Berestov, Boris Zakhoder. Here is just a small list of the best works:

  • the fairy tale “The Ignorant Bear”, a collection of poems under the general title “The Grimy Girl”, “Mashenka” by Agnia Barto;
  • the book "Mustachioed and Striped", a wise tale about a stupid mouse, "Children in a Cage", "The Tale of smart mouse", the moralizing "Cat's House" by Samuil Marshka;
  • the exciting “Aibolit”, the funny “Tsokotukha Fly”, the instructive “Moidodyr”, the funny “Confusion” by Korney Chukovsky;
  • the well-known “What do you have?”, the famous “Uncle Styopa”, about “Foma” and “My Puppy” by Marshak.

Many of these poems were read to today's mothers. Well-remembered, with an interesting plot, they are loved by many generations. A.S. also wrote for three-year-olds and older children. Pushkin. Kids respond well to the “Golden Fish” by the great Russian poet. Later, you can offer the little treasure other tales of the Russian classic, for example, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

Russian and foreign fairy tales

The main literature of childhood is fairy tales. Folklore and stories invented by professional writers are always instructive and deep in content, even if it is the familiar “Kolobok” to everyone. Parents should choose the “right” fairy tales to read to 3-4 year old children.

Such, for example, as about “Masha and the Three Bears”, “Teremok”, about “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Puss in Boots”, “Turnip”. It is better to read unfamiliar works to adults first. Russian and foreign fairy tales are not always easy to understand for children. They are replete with outdated words that are incomprehensible to little ones and may carry dubious morals. Choose fairy tales that you know well yourself, or those that are recommended by children's reading experts. Study the contents of the book carefully.

Modern writers for children

Eduard Uspensky can be considered the undisputed leader among modern children's writers. Many of his works served as the plot for famous Soviet cartoons. The world famous “Cheburashka”, who won millions of little hearts, the sensible Crocodile Gena and the playful monkey Anfisa - children adore them. Children 4-5 summer age be sure to read about the trio from “Prostokvashino”.

We offer a video review of my mother’s 3 favorite books: “Three from Prostokvashino”, “ Winnie the Pooh”, “Kid and Carlson”.

Stories by Victor Suteev with colorful illustrations, which doubles the children's interest in this book. The simple but instructive stories of “Magic Sticks”, “Who Said Meow”, “Bag of Apples” carry a huge social connotation. They teach you to act fairly, do good, and respect others. Excellent material that helps in developing the main qualities of a person. The story about the chicken and the duckling clearly shows why you shouldn’t be a “repeater” and you should always have your own opinion. Books by other authors:

  1. Grigory Oster - “38 Parrots”, or a touching story about a kitten named Woof, “The Adventures of Pif”.
  2. Alan Milne - “Winnie the Pooh and Everything.”
  3. Nikolai Nosov - a series of stories about “Dunno and His Friends”, “The Living Hat”, “Mishkina Porridge”.
  4. Galina Aleksandrov is a funny epic about Little Brownie Kuzya.
  5. D. C. Harris, who gave the world of childhood the fairy tales of Uncle Remus.
  6. Vsevolod Nestaiko – “Forest School”.
  7. Sergey Kozlov – “The Lion Cub and the Turtle” and “Shake!” Hello!".
  8. Vitaly Bianki - “Forest Houses”, “How the Ant Was in a Hurry Home.”
  9. Alexander Volkov has written many interesting books, but perhaps only “The Wizard of the Emerald City” is suitable for children over three years old.

The language of works for children should be easy to understand for 3-5 years old. A text overloaded with incomprehensible words will quickly bore the child and will not be useful. For a 3-year-old child, choose books with short stories. As a rule, a fairy tale is read at night, but this can also be done during the daytime, because an eventful day makes the baby tired, and any information is poorly perceived by him.

Educational books for kids

Activity books (Robins)

Activity books, among which it is worth noting "The world around the baby" from the Robins series. The book consists of game tasks, complemented by coloring pages and stickers. By completing simple tasks, the child learns to compare the properties of animals, compare them with other representatives of the animal world, and recognizes new animals.

Designed for ages three and older. What skills does it help to develop: fine motor skills, perception, memory, imagination, logical thinking, attention.

The activity book includes: funny bright pictures, school paraphernalia and fauna, nature, first subjects.

Series “School of the Seven Dwarfs” (Mosaic-Synthesis)

For 3-4 year olds we choose the book “Speech Development”. The first collection is . Features a rich range of entertaining games with their detailed description. Allows you to teach your child to correctly and accurately express his thoughts out loud, helps to replenish his vocabulary. The texts of the tasks are complemented by many stickers in the form of cheerful gnomes. Gameplay captivates children, and the gnomes make it easier to assimilate educational materials.

The second collection is . Consists of 14 lessons teaching word formation. The manual introduces the baby to words that sound the same, but mean different actions and objects. Examples of antonyms and irreplaceable nouns are given, preparing little man to the rules and fundamentals of the Russian language. Materials submitted to game form, the most accessible for a child at this age.

“Count, shape, size” (3+ and 4+)– another collection in the series that prepares for mastering various mathematical operations. Teaches counting, helps to learn to distinguish and compare concepts such as “many” and “one”. Leads to the development of “equality” and “inequality”, sorting objects by size and shape. Enriches vocabulary with words such as “thicker”, “shorter”, “thinner”, “longer”.

My first discoveries (Klevr Media Group)

“Let's get acquainted with mathematics. 3-4 years.” The collection is intended for children's first acquaintance with the basics of arithmetic. Forms a correct understanding of numbers, sizes, quantities. Dry numbers appear before the child in the form of bright components of the surrounding world. Learning the basics of mathematics, the baby learns to choose and compare, think and group. The collection helps:

  • get a first idea of ​​mathematics;
  • learn counting with small numbers;
  • forms spatial and abstract thinking.

Also included in the “My First Discoveries” series from Clover Media Group. Consists of 4 sections: writing, reading, mathematics and the world around us. The sections are united by a common goal - to encourage the child to expand their knowledge of the world.

The tasks given in the notebook can be completed not in a row, but based on the interest of your son or daughter. To make it easier to master the materials, the sections are marked with different backgrounds, color indications, and a funny character. This design makes it easier for parents to work with notebooks.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

A review of works of fiction for children 3-4 years old will help parents when choosing books for children. And the list of educational books given in the article will guide mothers and fathers when purchasing educational aids for children 3-4 years old.

Books for children 3-4 years old: the best works of fiction

Poems by Agnia Barto

Cycle of poems “Younger Brother”

The collection includes 18 poems dedicated to little boy Andryusha, his two older sisters Marina and Sveta, as well as their parents. Barto shows how the world has changed with the advent of little Andrei, talks about the reverent attitude of his sisters towards him. All poems are imbued with love, kindness and care, but are not without a humorous touch.

Cycle of poems “Vovka is a kind soul”

In this collection of poems, the main character is the “fair-haired boy” Vovka. For many parents and other children, he is a role model. From the very morning, he greets passers-by from the window, making them smile, comes to the aid of a girl who does not have an older brother, babysits the kids that their grandmothers cannot handle. Poems about right and wrong actions, kindness, politeness, mutual assistance.

Thanks to these poems by Barto, the child gets an idea of ​​right and wrong, and from childhood he begins to form a clear position in life.

Sergei Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa"

Many parents remember and love this book from childhood, so they read it with pleasure to their children. Uncle Styopa is a real hero, a wonderful example to follow, a person always ready to help, he teaches children kindness, love for the Motherland, and mutual assistance between people.

Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (translation by Boris Zakhoder)

Many children are familiar with the cheerful, cheerful bear Winnie the Pooh, who loves to eat, from Soviet cartoons by Fyodor Khitruk. A good book for spending an evening with your child reading your favorite fairy tales.

The English writer introduces parents and young readers to amazing world his son Christopher Robin and his plush friends. It’s nice and cozy in this imaginary fairy-tale forest. The book teaches the ability to make friends and value your friends at any age. Gives joy and good mood. As you get older, you can discover new aspects in this book.

Works by G. Tsyferov for children 3-4 years old

"Locomotive from Romashkovo"

The engine was late because on the way he admired the first lilies of the valley, listened to the nightingale singing, and watched the sunrise. At first, all the passengers did not understand the cute little engine, because the most important thing for them was not to be late for the station, but then they realized that it was more important not to be late for the rest of their lives.

"Little Bear's Diary"

The story tells about one bear cub, who was very small and became acquainted with many things for the first time and was surprised at everything. He even learned that he was a bear cub only recently. This bear cub often gets into funny stories, so he writes them down in a diary, because when he grows up, only big and serious stories will happen to him, but he will open his diary and re-read his entries, remember his childhood and laugh at those funny stories.

"About the eccentric frog"

The main character of this book becomes a favorite of children from the first pages, although he is an eccentric, he is kind and sympathetic.

Lillian Moore "Little Raccoon and the One in the Pond"

The book is about the need to be kinder to others, to meet with a smile, and not with a stick and hostility, then in response to kindness there will be only goodness.

Alexey Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

A big book with stories about the naughty wooden boy Pinocchio and his adventures. It is difficult for a 3-4 year old child to listen to the entire book in one day or evening. It is better to read it in parts, several stories a day. They will not leave the child indifferent. Cheerful Pinocchio, sad Pierrot, moralizing Malvina and the brave dog Artemon “fight” against the doll oppressor Karabas-Barabas and his henchmen. And although Pinocchio is a rare prankster, he has a big heart. He has kindness, love and friendship on his side. Well, of course, the main result of the entire book is that good always triumphs over evil.

Works by V. Suteev for children 3-4 years old

Vladimir Suteev is a real children's wizard. His stories will not leave anyone indifferent. They are bright, cheerful, but at the same time instructive. All fairy tales are written in simple and accessible language, so that even a child can understand the moral of what they read. In addition, Vladimir Suteev is also an illustrator for his works.


Two friends Hedgehog and Hare are going home. The Hedgehog overcomes all the obstacles he encounters along the way with the help of a magic wand, thanks to which he manages to pull the Hare out of the swamp, save the chick, drive away the evil wolf and help the Hare get home. But, as it turns out, there are many such sticks in the world, but everyone should have a lifesaver, ingenuity in their heads.

"Skillful Hands"

The story is about a Needle, a Pencil, a Pen and a Ball, who argued among themselves which of them is better. It turned out that every item is good, but only in in capable hands, if you use them wisely.

"Christmas tree"

A fairy tale about the brave Postman Snowman and Bobik the dog. They went to the forest to Santa Claus to bring a beautiful New Year tree and give a gift to the children. Snowman and Bobik are helped by squirrels, hares, and a bear to cope with the fox and wolf and come to Santa Claus. Good triumphs over evil and cunning.

“About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations”

Using the example of a hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations, hid from the doctor and ran away home, as a result of which he fell ill with jaundice, children learn not to be afraid of doctors, in particular, not to be afraid of vaccinations.

Works by V. Chizhikov for children 3-4 years old

Many parents have known the children's writer Viktor Chizhikov since childhood. In addition, he is a famous illustrator who designed not only his own books, but also the books of his colleagues.

“Ours for you with a brush”

In the book, funny characters (dogs, mice, cats) and funny illustrations make kids laugh and give them a great mood.

"Petya and Potap"

The book includes three fairy tales. The first is a retelling of the Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots" about how a smart man outwitted a bear twice. The other two are a continuation, invented by Chizhikov, about the friendship of the bear cub Potap and the boy Petya.

Grigory Oster "Fairy tales"

A book about the friendship of four friends Monkey, Elephant, Parrot and Boa. The stories are based on a paradox that friends solve in an unusual way. The book will teach children to be friends, despite the difference in character, to give in to each other, teach them to do good deeds and do something nice for friends.

Mikhail Prishvin “Falling Leaves”, “Woodpecker”

Short stories, notes from a naturalist writer, a singer of Russian nature teach us to notice even the most insignificant changes in nature and see its beauty.

Hans Christian Anderson "The Ugly Duckling"

None of the inhabitants of the poultry yard sees the inner beauty of the Ugly Duckling. Everyone looks at him and despises him only for his external ugliness. They treat him cruelly, constantly offending and laughing at him.

A truly stunning ending, when the Ugly Duckling becomes the beautiful Swan, beautiful not only on the outside, but also beautiful on the inside. He has a kind, sympathetic heart, which is free from various manifestations of pride, selfishness, and selfishness. This fairy tale teaches a child kindness, to choose not a beautiful outer shell, but with a dark soul, but good loving heart albeit not always with bright external manifestations.

Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

A good tale about friendship. Crocodile Gena did not even suspect that there are so many lonely people and animals in the world who, like him, need friendship. The book teaches goodness, teaches you to make a choice between right and wrong, bad and good.

Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanted eyes, short tail"

This interesting tale is part of a series of stories about animals written by the author for his daughter. The main characters, of course, are the Hare and the gray robber Wolf. The author shows children one of the most bad qualities- boasting. Shows that because of him you can find yourself in a stupid position.

Samuel Marshak "Cat's House"

An instructive work about how friends are known not only in joy, satiety and contentment, but also in trouble. And those who promised to be friends for centuries may not help in difficult times. And those whom main character pushed away, on the contrary, they came to the rescue. This book is also educational. She introduces the child to fire, shows how dangerous it can be and what it can lead to. An undoubted advantage is that the poetic lines are easy to remember, which will help the child develop memory.

Folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"

One cannot ignore Russian folk tales; they contain all the wisdom of the Russian people, accumulated over several generations. Everyone knows the fairy tale about how the cunning Fox deceived his grandfather and stole all his fish, then deceived his godfather the Wolf and got away with it. A fairy tale teaches a child to see good and bad deeds. Seeing that there can often be danger hidden behind flattering speeches. It also shows that achieving what you want through deception is not always the right way. We must try to follow the path of goodness, despite the fact that this path is much more difficult.

Educational books for children 3-4 years old: list and brief overview

Set of books “School of the Seven Dwarfs” from three to four years

The set includes 12 books aimed at comprehensive development child: learning to read and write and developing phonemic awareness, developing logic and thinking, learning to count, time and spatial concepts. The child also gets to know various types transport, professions, studies his native nature.

Each book has a page for parents where they are given brief recommendations on organizing classes, and also presents games that you can play with your child on a specific topic. There is a tab for a creative task or consolidation of the material covered in a playful way. There is a set of stickers that are given to the child after completing the task.

Workbooks for the program “From birth to school” (from the School of the Seven Dwarfs)

The set includes four workbooks. Each notebook contains several topics with tasks that the child needs to complete.

Series of books “Wonderful stickers” from the publishing house Mosaic Synthesis

It can be difficult for a 3-4 year old child to complete tasks in the traditional form, which is why the “Wonderful Stickers” series has been developed. In a fun playful way, completing tasks with the help of reusable stickers, the child will become familiar with the alphabet, learn to count, and complete tasks aimed at comprehensive development.

Primer by Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, speech therapist with more than 30 years of experience.

The primer combines traditional and original speech therapy methods for teaching a child to read.

And a review of books for children 4-5 years old on our website will help parents of children of the appropriate age when choosing children's books. literary works for reading.