Recommendations for older people. Old age is a joy

With the onset of autumn, the weather less and less often pleases us with sunny, warm days. During this period, the risk of developing colds and autumn depression. You can avoid this if you follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Dress appropriately for the weather. It is necessary to monitor the weather forecast and choose things that correspond to the autumn season;
  2. Choose the right shoes. To avoid foot problems, as well as falls and injuries, when choosing shoes, give preference to comfortable orthopedic options with a small heel;
  3. Take vitamin complexes. As recommended by your doctor, take vitamins, and do it regularly, without skipping;
  4. Stay physically active. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, do physical exercises, develop fine motor skills;
  5. Follow your doctor's recommendations. You should not ignore even a slight deterioration in your health, much less self-medicate. If you have any doubts regarding your health, you should consult a doctor;
  6. Follow a daily routine. This point is especially important for older people! By sticking to a daily routine, you can get rid of insomnia, and healthy, long sleep will give you a feeling of calm and stability;
  7. Try to communicate more with friends and relatives. Find common interests and hobbies, for example, Nordic walking or swimming, and spend time with health benefits;
  8. Eat right. The autumn menu must include seasonal vegetables and fruits, honey, berries, and herbal infusions. By saturating your diet with vitamins and beneficial microelements, you will improve your health and prepare for winter. In the boarding house for the elderly “Away as at Home”, not only chefs, but also nutritionists monitor the balance of the menu. The dishes are prepared using environmentally friendly products grown in our own garden or greenhouse. Eggs, meat of chickens, turkeys, rabbits come from our own mini-farm;
  9. Rehabilitation after a serious illness or injury should be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists. In the boarding house “Away as at Home” in the Moscow region, all conditions have been created for high-quality and quick recovery after illnesses, there are all kinds of devices and exercise equipment. If necessary, a rehabilitation doctor will develop an individual health program.
  10. Communicate more and enjoy life. Make new acquaintances and feel the joy of communication! Board games, drawing, group viewing of TV programs, handicrafts, concerts and other events - our boarding house has all the conditions for an interesting leisure time!

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12 tips for staying healthy as you age

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factors that help maintain normal mental and physical health in older adults.

What you need to stay healthy

  1. Physical activity - The first factor is physical activity, which is so lacking in modern society. To increase activity, specially selected exercises are used that can provide the necessary payload to all muscle groups. This helps counteract the signs of the aging process. Exercises are selected individually, depending on the age and condition of the body;
  2. Proper nutrition - varied, which allows you to receive the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body, and also not to overload it with harmful foods that lead to the formation of excess weight;
  3. Stop smoking - Many older people believe that they may no longer care about their health if they previously smoked, since the damage to the body has already been done. In fact, at any age, there will still be noticeable improvements in the body’s condition;
  4. Do not drink coffee and alcohol - Limit or completely eliminate the consumption of coffee and alcohol, as all this affects the cardiovascular system and is harmful at any age;
  5. No stressful situations - You should also try to control your emotions, protect yourself from negative events, listening to bad news that has nothing to do with the person personally, and so on;
  6. Active brain activity - We recommend reading and discussing information more, learning something new. Even doing crossword puzzles helps keep your mind sharp;
  7. Proper sleep - Rest and sound sleep should become a constant part of the regime, since without these elements the body will go to exhaustion, and as a result, degradation of health. After exercise, it is recommended to rest well and get enough sleep every day;
  8. Social and sexual activity - Regular implementation of your desires, as well as emerging ideas, helps maintain psychological and physical health;
  9. Pouring and rubbing - Various types of hardening help improve health and resistance to emerging negative factors;
  10. Communication - Maintaining good relationships with loved ones, being more surrounded by people with common interests; *There are weekends where older people can spend a weekend surrounded by people of the same age.
  11. Sanitation - Safety guidelines for the elderly must also be maintained. This includes living in a dry and warm environment, walking in fresh air and maintaining a good sanitary environment;
  12. Hygiene - Follow all rules of personal hygiene


The main rule here is that the person has personal motivation, so that he wants to stay healthy and make the necessary efforts to do so. For most people, this means changing their daily routine and introducing certain routines.

6 steps to longevity from Dan Beutner.

7 rules for long-livers from the Yancy Treasure.

Ten Commandments of Eternal Youth.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Advice for older people.

Aging slower.

1.Place the cell phone to your LEFT ear.

2. Do not drink coffee more than once a day.

3.Do not take the tablets with cold water.

4.Do not eat after 5 pm.

5. Consume fatty foods as little as possible.

6.Drink more water in the morning and less in the evening.

7. Do not stay near cell phone chargers.

8. The best time to sleep is from 10 pm to 6 am.

9.Do not immediately take a horizontal position before going to bed,

if you took medicine.

11.Do not use a cell phone

if charging shows only one division,

because in this case the radiation level

from the phone is 1000 times higher.

Send this message to those you DEAR.

... Drink water on an empty stomach.

WITHIt's very popular in Japan to drink water these days.

immediately after waking up every morning.

Moreover, scientific tests have confirmed this procedure.

Instructions for this method are included below.

The technique cures with a 100% guarantee

the following diseases:

headache, joint pain, heart disease,

arthritis, heart palpitations, epilepsy,

obesity, bronchial asthma, meningitis,

kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea,

hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye diseases,

diseases of the uterus, cancer and diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

Method of treatment.

1. In the morning after waking up, drink 4 glasses of water

160 ml (before brushing teeth)

2. Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes, you can have breakfast as usual.

4. After breakfast, lunch or dinner, do not drink anything

And don't eat for 2 hours.

5. For elderly or sick people who cannot

Drink 4 glasses of water at a time, you can start with

smaller dose and gradually increase to

number of days for major diseases:

1. High blood pressure - 30 days

2. Gastritis - 10 days

3. Diabetes - 30 days

4. Constipation - 10 days

5. Cancer - 180 days

6. TB - 90 days

7. Arthritis patients should follow this

The technique is 3 days in the first week, and starting

From the second, every day.

This technique has no side effects,

however, at the beginning of treatment the number of urinations

may increase. It will be better if you

continue this procedure after treatment,

and make it the norm of life.

Drink water and stay healthy and active.

Important detail. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot

tea with meals (not cold water).

It's time to adopt this habit from them.

We will only win.

6 steps to longevity from Dan Beutner

Forget the Fountain of Youth. "A few simple lifestyle changes can extend your life by 8 to 10 years," says Dan Beutner, in his best-selling book Blue Zones.

With a team of demographers and doctors, the researcher visited 4 corners of the globe: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California, USA), Costa Rica. There is a high percentage of centenarians here, people who smile, live and love until they are 100 years old. Here 6 the secrets of their super health and longevity.

Laugh out loud.

“What stood out about every group of centenarians I met was that there were no sullen faces among them,” says Beutner. “Laughter not only reduces anxiety, but also relaxes the blood vessels and lowers the risk of heart attacks.” he cites research from the University of Maryland.

Do simple exercises.

None of the centenarians that Buettner and his team met ran marathons or worked out in the gym. People who lived to be 100 years old did low-intensity exercise: long walks, gardening, playing with children - just going through a normal day. As a result, they were constantly training without even noticing it. Smoothly integrate exercise into your daily routine: hide the TV remote control, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from the entrance to the shopping center and, on occasion, ride a bike or walk instead of using up gas.

Eat wisely.

A Confucian phrase often used in Okinawan culture is "Hara Hachi Bu", which means "eat only 80%". Our stomach needs 20 minutes to tell our brain that we are satisfied, so if you prudently limit yourself in food, you can avoid overeating.

Another trick? Make your kitchen healthier by putting small plates in the cupboard and putting away the TV. "Eating in front of the TV, listening to music, or just browsing on the computer can lead to mindless food consumption," Buettner says. "Focus on the food. Eat slowly, consume less, and enjoy the flavors of your food more."

Where's your nutcracker? ?

Researchers who studied the Seventh-day Adventist community in Loma Linda, California, found that those who ate nuts 5 times a week had half the risk of heart disease and lived 2 years longer than others. "20 to 25 grams of nuts works wonders," says Buettner. Stash a bag of nuts in your desk for a snack. Add nuts to salads and main dishes.

Be picky about your friends.

Choose your friends carefully. "Gather around you people who contribute to improving your lifestyle," Buettner says. Okinawans, the longest living people in the world, have a tradition of not only forming strong social bonds (called moais), but also maintaining them. Kamada Nakazato, 102 years old, never goes a day without meeting his 4 close childhood friends. Once you've determined your inner circle, make sure it doesn't get smaller. Try to maintain relationships with close friends. Meet and spend time together more often.

Live with purpose.

In Costa Rica it is called plan de vida, in Okinawa it is called ikigai. “Everyone who lives a long time has had a clear sense of purpose,” says Beutner. “You have to know why you get up every morning.” Take time to determine your values ​​and reassess your desires and your own strengths. Find a business or special courses for yourself where you can do things that will make you happier.

7 rules of centenarians from the Yancy Treasure .

Every person has a 90 percent chance of becoming a centenarian, says American cardiologist Clyde Yancey and cites seven simple rules that will help maintain health into old age

Anyone can celebrate their 90th or 100th birthday, says cardiologist Clyde Yancey. According to him, to do this, it is enough to adhere to seven simple principles. You can achieve optimal health by:

1) Lead an active lifestyle. Physically inactive people are twice as likely to develop heart disease and stroke. In addition, the lack physical activity takes almost four years from a person’s life.

2) Control cholesterol levels. The cardiologist reminds that high cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3) Eat right. A healthy lifestyle starts with proper nutrition. For future long-livers, it is especially important to consume large amounts of fiber, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

4) Control blood pressure. High blood pressure is called the “silent killer” by cardiologists around the world. If you keep your blood pressure under control, you can prevent diseases in time and thereby reduce the risk of stroke by 40%, and the risk of heart attack by 25%.

5) Fight excess weight. Being overweight is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and obesity can reduce life expectancy by almost four years. According to experts from the World Health Organization, in four years there will be 2.3 billion people on the planet suffering from obesity and related diseases, so obesity can already be considered an epidemic.

6) Control blood sugar levelsand be aware of the risks associated with diabetes. In particular, diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke.

7) Don't smoke . Because of this addiction, tens of thousands of people die prematurely every year. By the way, if a person stops smoking, the risk of developing heart disease and stroke begins to decrease.

In advancing his theory of life extension, Clyde Yancey notes that turning people into centenarians would save the economy billions of dollars by reducing the cost of treating cardiovascular disease.

And people themselves will be able to save money if they take advantage of free advice and stop spending money on paid healthcare, writes RBC Daily.

Ten Commandments of Eternal Youth .

By various scientists' calculations different countries a person can live up to 120 years, but for some reason this does not happen en masse. The Japanese live on average up to 79 years, Australians, Greeks, Canadians and Swedes - up to 78, Germans and Americans - up to 76. Russians and Turks - 67 years. Nigerians and Somalis - approximately 47 years.

An international group of doctors, psychologists and nutritionists have developed the “ten commandments”, following which, in their opinion, we will be able to prolong and make our lives more enjoyable.

1st commandment: don't overeat! Instead of the usual 2500 calories, be content with 1500. Thus, you will relieve your cells and support their activity. Cells renew themselves faster and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases. Eat in balance: eat not too much, but not too little.

2nd commandment: the menu should be appropriate for your age. For 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat liver and nuts. People over forty years of age benefit from beta-carotene. After 50 years, calcium is in the form of bones, and magnesium is in the heart. Men over forty need selenium, found in cheese and kidneys. Selenium helps relieve stress. After fifty, eating fish will protect the heart and blood vessels.

3rd commandment: try to find a job that suits you! Work promotes youthfulness, the French say. Anyone who doesn't work looks five years older. Some professions, according to sociologists, help preserve youth. These include the professions of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

4th commandment: find your partner in life! Love and tenderness are the best remedy anti-aging. Having sex twice a week makes a person look fourteen years younger. During sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. It helps strengthen immune system.

5th commandment: have your own point of view on everything. A person who lives consciously is much less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who just passively goes with the flow.

6th commandment: move! Even eight minutes of exercise a day can prolong your life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years.

7th commandment: sleep in a cool room! It has been proven that those who sleep at a temperature of 17-18°C remain young longer. The reason is that the body's metabolism and manifestation age characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

8th commandment: Pamper yourself from time to time! Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tasty morsel. And if you really like your new dress or bag, you shouldn’t immediately think about saving!

9th commandment: You shouldn’t always suppress your anger! Someone who constantly reproaches only himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even arguing, exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any disease, including malignant tumors. According to the results of international testing, 64% of respondents suffering from cancer always suppress anger in themselves.

10th commandment: train your brain! Do crossword puzzles from time to time, play group games that require mental activity, teach foreign languages. Count in your head, not just on a calculator. By forcing the brain to work, we slow down the process of age-related degradation mental abilities; at the same time we activate the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle .

There are 10 tips developed by an international group of doctors, nutritionists and psychologists that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can extend and make our lives more enjoyable.

1 tip : by solving crosswords, studying foreign languages, doing mental calculations, we train our brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

Tip 2: work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

Tip 3: don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, get by with 1,500. This helps maintain cell activity and relieve stress. You should also not go to extremes and eat too little.

Tip 4: the menu must be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. Selenium contained in kidneys and cheese is useful for men after 40 years of age, it helps relieve stress. After 50 years, magnesium is needed, which keeps the heart in shape and calcium, which is good for bones, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 5 : Have your own opinion on everything. Living a conscious life will help you become depressed and depressed as little as possible.

Tip 7: It’s better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps preserve youth. The fact is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

Tip 8: move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life.

Tip 9: Pamper yourself periodically. Despite the recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself something tasty.

Tip 10: Don't always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

Tips for older people .

There is a milestone in the life of a middle-aged person, the onset of which some await with anxiety, apprehension and even fear, while others await it with joy and impatience. We are talking about retirement. There are probably people among us who dream of “living until retirement”, and then... not working, but living a long time. This is a misconception. Don't forget the wise proverb: “It’s not old age that makes you old, but idleness!” All long-livers are people of work!

Statistics have proven that without employment, a person dies in a year or two, maximum three, from the so-called “retirement illness.” There is a deterioration in well-being and health caused by a feeling of impending social inferiority or limited usefulness for society and loved ones, which leads to a change in the dynamic stereotype of a person. In this regard, you need to prepare yourself, your psyche five years before retirement, think through and choose a profession according to your health and age. For a pensioner, work is perhaps the most reliable moral and mental support. Medical statistics have established a much higher level of health among working pensioners. Long-livers work almost until the very end last days life. Their families are well aware of the benefits of work and do not interfere with the elderly doing what is pleasant and useful to them. So 118-year-old Tatyana Semyonovna Frolova says: “...When I work, I have an appetite, and I sleep better, feeling the joy that I can still benefit people.” A retired person, especially an urban one, simply needs to feel his connection with the land, at least occasionally experience the joy of knowing that the fruits of the earth, grown with his own hands, are on his family table.

Yes, ours is an age of urbanization, industrial and technological revolution, industrial and consumer services, bringing both well-being and inconvenience. The rhythm of time is tireless - you need to be on time everywhere, do everything, master a huge flow of information. Naturally, at such moments conflict situations arise more often, and the nervous system becomes more vulnerable. What “barriers” can be opposed to this, how to absorb unfavorable moments?

It has long been known that negative emotions: resentment, fear, melancholy, anger, rage, grief, envy, hatred - are “risk factors”, bring old age closer and shorten life, and vice versa, positive ones - pleasure, joy - cause an extraordinary increase in the vitality of the body . A rude, angry person is unpleasant to others. He is capable of extinguishing people’s smiles with just his appearance and ruining their mood for the whole day. Rudeness and hysterical antics do not improve a person’s relationship with the world around him; they return to him like a boomerang and are detrimental to the “discharged” person himself. An indicative example is given by T. Alexandrova: “Everyone is shocked by the hell that came in the house when my father retired. My wife and children are used to having a strong man nearby and being all about work. And suddenly the image fell apart. Now the father wanders restlessly around the house all day, makes ridiculous remarks to his wife, ridiculous instructions to his grandchildren, demanding immediate execution...” Horror! It is clear that such a person, who is not prepared for such serious changes either morally, mentally, or physically, will soon face serious illnesses: angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke.

All long-livers are good-natured people, great optimists who can see joy even in small things. A smile and laughter transform a person. He will always be welcome in any company, in any society.

Laughter is a sign of joy , cheerful mood and mental health. Doctors have long included “laughter therapy” in their arsenal medicinal products. Laughter has a beneficial effect on lung function and regulates metabolism. Three minutes of laughter are healthier than 15 minutes of gymnastics. V. Shakespeare wrote: “If you haven’t laughed during the day, it means you’ve lived that day in vain.”

Optimism is not a natural quality . You need to cultivate your mood, be able to control yourself. An old Indian proverb says: “When you sow an action, you reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow character, reap destiny.”

So be sociable, sensitive, caring and attentive to each other. Try, especially with retirement, to streamline the rhythm of your life. Doable, varied work with reasonably organized rest and careful treatment of the nervous system is the key to health and a long life.

Much attention should be paid to sleep. A person sleeps for about a third of his life. What is this - inevitability? Yes. Sleep is a vital necessity for a person; he cannot live even a week without sleep. How much sleep do you need? The duration of sleep should be such that after waking up a person feels cheerful and energetic. Depending on age, the need for sleep is different: newborns sleep 20 hours a day, a child aged 6 months to a year - approximately 14 hours, at the age of 10 years 10 hours a day. For high school age and adults, the norm of sleep is 7-8 hours a day, in old age - sometimes less.

For healthy and sound sleep, the correct lifestyle is necessary: ​​go to bed at the same time, stop mental work an hour and a half before bedtime, have dinner without overeating no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, take a thirty-minute walk half an hour before bedtime. Eighteen degrees is the ideal temperature for sleeping.

It is advisable to sleep with the window open in winter. If this is not possible, then before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room, turn off the lights and radio, and, if possible, eliminate noise stimuli. Wash your feet (if you have insomnia, use hot water), change your underwear to a nightgown or pajamas. It's even better to sleep completely naked. It is recommended to sleep on your right side without covering your head.

You need to sleep on a separate bed. It is not recommended to sleep with children and grandchildren. High pillows make it difficult to relax your spine and muscles. The bed should not be very soft, the blanket should not overheat the body.

You should not engage in intense mental and physical work before going to bed, you should not watch too emotional television programs, read a lot, drink tonic drinks before bed - strong tea, coffee, cocoa. An unemptied bladder interferes with sleep.

Doctors advise drinking a glass of warm milk at night . This is especially useful for older people. You can add a dessert spoon of honey to hot milk.

Don't stay in bed. When you wake up, get up immediately and be sure to do some vigorous exercise.

For various nervous overloads, stress, various diseases and disorders nervous system Insomnia or short sleep may occur. Sometimes the patient, afraid of insomnia, thinks about it all the time and, of course, does not fall asleep. The fight against fear of insomnia syndrome should begin with a conversation with a psychotherapist, who should inspire that this pathology is completely surmountable.

Among centenarians there are practically no single or familyless people . Apparently, it is impossible to live to the age of one hundred without constant and reliable support in the family. In families of long-livers there are no quarrels or discord. The atmosphere there is always calm and friendly. Many cases have been described when a husband and wife crossed the 100-year mark together. This cannot be explained by genetic predisposition alone. Long-livers become widowed extremely rarely; most often, having lost their spouse, they marry again (sometimes for the fourth or fifth time) and again have children.

So, the aging process is not unambiguous; it is associated not only with the processes of extinction, but also with the emergence of adaptive mechanisms for their suppression and compensation. In old age, not only the activity of some genes fades, but others are stimulated, providing a high level of vitality for an elderly person. Old age is both an advance and a victory over decline. A healthy lifestyle helps stimulate these genes.

So now (no matter how old you are) try to do everything to ensure that your old age is healthy and active.

Aging slower.

1. Buy a bike

2. Fall in love. Nothing disciplines the body more than the desire to please.

3. Lose weight. With age, a person faces an inevitable choice - face orbody. Keeping your body in shape is possible, but your face is not, at least without

plastic surgery or cosmetology.

4. Don't eat after seven.

5. Don't envy and don't lie!

6. Sleep for at least eight hours (except for the cases specified in paragraph 13.

7. Spend money easily and fun. Saving is the same signold age is like hair in the ears..

8. Rest. At least twice a year.

9. Be curious. A man who is interested in himself will soon be ableenthusiastically talk only about their illnesses.

10. Learn to enjoy nonsense, at least good weather in bloomlilac or nightingale.

11. Don't confuse luxury and comfort with happiness.

12. Never say: "I'm afraid"

13. If you have the opportunity to go at night, go. Betteroversleep work than life.

14. Be generous.

15. Don't believe in conspiracy theories. They are wrong.

16. Be easy going. No need to weigh, think andreflect. Take action. “The main thing is to get involved in the battle, and then we’ll see,” said Napoleon. Yes, he ended badly - no one argues... But he lived so brightly.

17. Be like birds or live for today - not yesterday and not tomorrow.

18. Don't slouch.

19. Don't try to look younger - you'll look funny. Necessarylook good, but for your age.

20. Don't complain about life. Don't complain at all.

Healthy lifestyle in old age

Relevance is relevant at any age, although many They begin to pay attention to the “insufficient attention” to their lifestyle when they reach the so-called “third” period of their life.
The previous years and decades have undoubtedly taken a toll on health and well-being. Commitment healthy image life allows an elderly person to maintain vitality, get sick less often, and smooth out the symptoms characteristic of older people.
A natural pattern of decreased physical activity appears and intellectual activity. In old age, problems of loneliness, feelings of anxiety, fears of approaching death, depression appear, the number of contacts sharply decreases, and difficulties arise in relationships between relatives. With a decrease in the range of interests in older people, the concentration of attention gradually shifts to themselves and their own needs.

Adherence will ensure support for physical activity and mental, thereby extending your mature years, postponing the impending old age. You need to organize your leisure time in such a way as to maintain a full-fledged personality, faith in yourself and your strengths, to make maximum use of your potential of spiritual and physical strength, realize your aspirations and look for sources for improving yourself.
Life activity is maintained in the presence of two components: The work performed should be useful and the opportunity to satisfy various interests. These components irreplaceably complement each other, help maintain vitality, increase self-esteem, fill the voids of everyday life and loneliness, and even if accompanied by health activities, all this can change the social state of an elderly person and his psychophysical status.

Great value for older people has creative, meaningful leisure. Doing what you love, which brings an invaluable sense of satisfaction, delivers positive emotions, changes your attitude towards life, and is an environment for making new acquaintances and communicating with people with similar interests.
Any form of leisure for an elderly person prolongs his creative activity, preserves internal energy and optimism, allows him to find a way of self-expression, use life and professional experience.
Breaking the pattern of decrease motor activity By joining an active lifestyle, older people are able to prolong physical activity and optimism for many years.

Quality of life in mature age depends on many factors, not the least of which is heredity. However, recent studies show that genes are only one third responsible for longevity; the remaining 2/3 of living long and without disease is in our hands.

Science has collected a lot of data about what human behavior can prolong and improve the quality of life. We have collected for you the most significant expert advice that will help you not only age gracefully, but also with style.

1. Eat more potassium.

Potassium keeps you strong, so eat potassium-rich vegetables (potatoes, leafy greens) and fruits (bananas, papaya). Over the age of 65, its presence in the diet remains 3.6% more muscle mass than its absence. This is very important because, starting at this age, a person loses about 2 kg of muscle mass every 10 years. This leads to weakness and falls, which can cause further complications. It is recommended to consume at least 4.7 g of potassium daily, which corresponds to 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables. To achieve this, ensure that 1-2 servings are included in each of your meals. Also, carefully monitor the amount of salt in your diet. It reduces potassium levels in the body.

2. Enjoy life.

An optimistic attitude increases life expectancy. Several dozen scientific studies have confirmed that a feeling of happiness is the prevention of disease. Moreover, it is so effective that it can be compared to quitting smoking. Another scientific study found that people who generally described themselves as happy and satisfied with life had good health and very rarely suffered from serious illnesses. Of course, you can parrot that you are happy, but not really feel it. And yet, optimism can be learned by using anti-stress techniques, meditation and surrounding yourself with cheerful people.

3. Wear sneakers.

If your sports shoes are gathering dust somewhere on the mezzanine, get them out of there immediately. Sports medicine experts assure that people who are in good physical shape delay biological aging by at least 10 years and remain independent and capable longer. Scientific studies conducted over 7 years with the same participants determined that exercise is inversely proportional to the date of death, meaning the more you exercise, the longer you will live. At the same time, it is better to exercise little by little, but every day, than to the point of exhaustion every few days.

4. Get culturally enriched.

Probiotics, which are human-friendly bacteria, help prevent a number of diseases. Their activity is associated with strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. By some coincidence, in those places where a large number of centenarians live, the population eats a large amount of fermented (i.e., fermented) food products, which contain probiotics. Supplement your diet with “live” yogurt, for example, or Korean kimchi. Consider supplementing with a probiotic such as Lactobacillus GG or Bacillus coagulans 30. Consult with your doctor and read dosage information carefully.

5. Take vitamin B.

The brain requires vitamin B12 to stay healthy, which is found in seafood and poultry. In people with low levels of this vitamin in the blood, the process of extinction of mental functions proceeds much faster. And those who, on the contrary, consume it in sufficient quantities are 6 times less likely to experience age-related loss of brain volume. Most people can get enough vitamin B12 from their daily diet. Vegetarians who avoid animal foods require vitamin supplements. The same applies to people over 65 years of age, since an age-related decrease in stomach acidity reduces the absorption of this vitamin from food. In these cases, it is necessary to take additional B12 in combination with other B vitamins or as a separate supplement.

6. Fish should become a familiar dish on your table.

Some types of fatty fish are high in omega-3 acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are vital for maintaining health, especially in old age. Numerous studies have confirmed their ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Eating fish high in omega-3 acids three times a week reduces the risk of stroke and brain diseases, including senility, by 26%. These same acids have a beneficial effect on vision. Just one serving of fatty fish per week can halve the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (damage to the central region of the retina), leading to blindness. The optimal amount is two servings of fatty fish per week, experts advise. Load up on herring, salmon, tuna and trout. Fresh sardines and other types of small fish are also good. They contain virtually no mercury, and they are also very tasty.

5. Don't forget your friends.

Don't put off communication until later. Loneliness increases blood pressure, increases the risk of depression, Alzheimer's disease and significantly reduces immunity. Social activity, on the contrary, improves health and increases life expectancy. What about those whose friends and relatives live far away? Chat online. Social networks and communication on the Internet have a similar effect.

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the body's main protectors against age-related diseases. People with low levels of vitamin D in the blood die faster from various diseases, this has been confirmed by numerous studies. The vitamin protects against cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, some types of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Found in fish, eggs and fortified milk. Our body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. The problem is that we still don't have enough of it. Doctors recommend taking additional D3, approximately 1000 IU. daily.

7. Practice Tai Chi.

This ancient gymnastics is also called “meditation in motion.” This is a set of exercises based on stretching and balancing, which helps to maintain health during for many, many years. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of Tai Chi in maintaining good health. physical fitness, in reducing high blood pressure, relieving chronic pain, reducing anxiety and slowing bone loss after menopause. Gymnastics also solves the problem of insomnia, which older people often complain about. This was also proven in studies conducted on people from 59 to 86 years old: those who practiced Tai Chi slept better and more soundly than those who did not practice. This gymnastics is not at all difficult, the main thing is to learn how to do it. So look for Tai Chi centers in your city or related classes at sports clubs.

8. Avoid red meat.

Allow yourself to it extremely rarely, no more than once a week, experts advise. The saturated fat it contains clogs arteries and increases the risk of heart disease. And cancer. Scientists estimate this risk to be 20-60% for those who eat large amounts of red meat (approximately 100 g per day). Red meat contains too much iron, an excess of which leads to cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Replace it with fish, poultry and whole organic soy products.