Program for the development of the educational component of the school. School educational work program Educational work program in a rural school



Federal State Educational Standard

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Mirolyubovskaya school"

for 2016-2019

Contents of the document

    Explanatory note.

    Relevance of the Program.

    Concept of educational program.

    The place and role of the class teacher in the implementation of the Program.

    Stages of the Program implementation.

    Implementation of the educational program.

Explanatory note

The most important component of the educational system is a pedagogically sound goal.

The purpose of the school : education of a moral, responsible, proactive, physically and spiritually healthy, competent citizen of Russia . Fostering love for the Fatherland and native land– Crimea, a value-based attitude towards society and the state, respect for people, parents, care for younger and older people, responsibility for another person.


    instilling love for one’s native school and native land;

    the formation of civic consciousness, responsibility for the fate of the Motherland;

    the formation of a humanistic attitude towards the surrounding world, an understanding of one’s organic unity with the environment, familiarization with universal human values, assimilation and appropriation of these values;

    development creativity, providing the opportunity to realize oneself in accordance with one’s inclinations and interests, identifying and supporting originality and individuality;

    developing a desire for a healthy lifestyle, awareness of health as one of the main values ​​in life;

    formation of a holistic and scientifically based picture of the world, development
    cognitive abilities;

    development of the desire to shape one’s environment, one’s actions according to aesthetic, ethical and cultural criteria, nurturing the sensory sphere, sensitivity and vision of beauty;

    organizing the participation of teachers and students in creative competitions, competitions, and competitive selections during the implementation of the priority national project “Education”.

In order for the tasks to be justified and included in the target space,
it is necessary to model the personality of a school graduate as the final product of the educational activities of the school. A school graduate must have the following qualities or areas of development:

Patriotism, citizenship,
- ecological culture;
- morality, spirituality,
- creativity, creativity;
- healthy lifestyle;
- aesthetic and cultural development;
- self-development.
Education is carried out through the organization of the child’s life.

Forms of organizing educational activities:
- education in the learning process;
- extracurricular activities:
a) intraclass,
b) interclass;
c) extracurricular;
d) participation in the work of creative associations;
e) extracurricular;
f) mass, school-wide;
g) work with family and community.

These forms are carried out in the form of various kinds of creative activities, educational activities, subject weeks, during which competitions, olympiads, quizzes, competitions are held. First of all, this is a system of school traditions. Traditions form the spirit of the school, determine its face, and are a unifying principle for children and teachers. Traditions are key to the school.

Management of the educational process

The purpose and objectives of the teaching staff’s activities are defined in the school’s Charter and in the school’s development program. The class teacher sets the goals of educational activities with his children based on the characteristics of the class, the specifics interpersonal relationships, classroom structure. The class teacher and teacher should remember that the immediate result of an educational event is not a mythical “increase in the level of education” of the class, but a real change in relationships in the team.

The purpose of the school management system is to improve the decision-making process at all levels of school management (parents - students - teachers).

Management of the educational process is built in the following areas:

    Collaboration with the educational and methodological center of the District Education Department.

    Administrative work:

    • familiarity with experience educational work schools of the region, republic;

      exchange of experience;

      the work of the school methodological association of class teachers;

      advanced training of class teachers (studies, seminars).

    Collection of information:

    pedagogical observation;

    questionnaires, diagnostics, monitoring;

    analysis of collected information.


    development of plans and programs aimed at developing students and increasing their level of education;

    selection of forms and methods in accordance with the collected and processed information.

    Control and correction: analysis and evaluation of plans and programs of educational work (pedagogical councils, MO of class teachers, meeting with the director, head teacher).

Methodical work As part of the educational work of the school, it is built in several directions:

    methodological work of class teachers;

    methodological work of the socio-psychological service;

    methodological work of the teacher-organizer;

Educational activities include the following:

    additional education;

    extracurricular and extracurricular work of class teachers;

    excursion work;

    development of student self-government;

    school-wide holidays, competitions, evenings;

    creating safe living conditions for students;

    working with parents;

    work of social and psychological service.

Planning of educational activities at school is carried out in the form of key complex matters, school holidays. All class groups are required to participate in school-wide events. Each class chooses a role for which event it is responsible. In addition to school-wide activities, the class plans its own class activities.

The system of self-government of educational activities at school is formed by the following subsystems:

    Schmo of class teachers.

    Creative group of teachers.

    Student asset. School self-government.

    School library.

The most important management decisions on educational problems are made at meetings of school teachers' councils, meetings with the director, meetings of the school council, parent meetings of the school, classes, and school teacher education departments. A full analysis of the state of educational work is carried out at the final August teachers’ council.

Relevance of the Program

Feasibility The adoption of the program of educational work of the MBOU "Mirolyubovskaya School" is due to the need to redesign the system of educational work at school in accordance with new trends in the humanization of education, formulated in a number of regulatory documents:

    Priority directions for the development of the educational system Russian Federation.

    State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015”

    Federal state educational standards

    The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen

    Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 13, 2013 N IR-352/09 “On the direction of the Program” (together with the “Program for the development of the educational component in general educational institutions»)

The development and adoption of the educational work program is also due to the implementation of the school development program, which defines the priorities of all areas of transformation of school life.

Ideology of the program educational work is based on the following conceptual provisions:

    student success is a necessary condition for the psychological well-being of schoolchildren, the basis of their health;

    the success of schoolchildren is a necessary condition for the inclusion of students in activities;

    the success of a child is a necessary condition for a person’s socialization and the development of spiritual and value orientation;

    the success of a student as a socio-psychological mechanism of education is associated with reliance on yesterday’s success, with the experience of success today, expectation, forecasting, design of tomorrow’s joy (Sh. A. Amonashvili, A. S. Makarenko);

    success – a humanistic style of relationship between a teacher and a student, communication between teenagers and teachers with each other;

    the success of a schoolchild is the result of the student’s real achievements in various types of activities (sports, creativity, work, etc.), and success is a way of self-affirmation and self-expression;

    success is the context of the school’s culture, the norm for a child’s full life, the school is the first and main model of the social world for the child, a model of the world of success or failure;

    success is an attribute of the student and the teacher, both an individual and a group, of the entire school community;

    success is a summing up of activities, the basis of self-esteem, self-knowledge, a dream of future achievement.

« Formation is the “active center” of the educational system.”


Activities, communication and relationships are built on the following principles :

    The principle of individuality. Create conditions for the realization of personal growth, self-realization and self-determination of the individual. Each participant in the educational process must be himself, find his own civic and moral image.

    The principle of freedom of choice. To develop the ability and skills of freedom to choose the purpose, content, forms and methods of organizing the life of a person and citizen.

    The principle of creativity and success. Identify and develop individual creative abilities of the individual, stimulate the process of self-improvement.

    The principle of trust, support and cooperation. It is fundamental to abandon authoritarian methods of personality formation. Establish an atmosphere of trust and goodwill that will help self-realization and self-affirmation of both the teacher and the child.

The educational system performs the following functions :

    forms the legal culture of the younger generation and prepares students for life in a democratic society;

    promotes the development of a personality capable of cooperation with people of different worldviews, nations, religions, who is able to exercise the right to freely choose views and beliefs;

    develops skills of self-education, self-education, a creative and responsible attitude to any activity, practicality of thinking, a humanistic attitude towards people and nature;

    creates in students the desire to study, search, think, collaborate, get down to business and bring it to the end.

The implementation of the goals, objectives and listed functions of the educational subsystem is possible when implementing such pedagogical conditions , How:

1. Ensuring the readiness of the student’s and teacher’s personality for self-expression:

    formation of a positive self-concept of the personality of a child and an adult;

    actualization of the need for self-realization and self-affirmation;

    ensuring the formation of skills in teachers and students in self-knowledge and self-expression, the ability to be the subject of their lives and activities at school;

    making adjustments to the forms and methods of pedagogical work aimed at counteracting influences that cause feelings of fear, alienation, aggression, xenophobia, national superiority, desire for violence, superiority in relation to others.

2. Formation of an environment that promotes the development of a tolerant personality of the teacher and student:

    creating a friendly, moral and emotional comfortable school climate; promoting the development of a sense of security among students and teachers;

    providing conditions for freedom of choice in various types of life activities of children and adults, for the realization of their creative and intellectual abilities;

    development of an information system on tolerance issues, revealing cultural, social, economic, political, religious sources of intolerance, violence and alienation;

    analysis of forms and methods (creation of new ones) for the formation of independent thinking of children and adults and the development of a critical understanding of judgments based on moral universal values ​​(Christian);

    development of a qualification standard for a specialist (promoter of the ideas of tolerance, peacemaker), improving pedagogical skills;

    modeling and construction of educational systems of classrooms for the formation of tolerant attitudes and the development of civic engagement;

    creation of a system for monitoring changes in the personal growth of children and adults.

Not a single educational institution today can declare itself as modern, humane, personality-oriented, if it confines itself to only transferring knowledge to students, and does not develop in them the ability to make independent decisions, act independently and be responsible for their actions, if not will teach children to value and develop their own unique personality and to respect and admire the unique personality of others.

The main mechanism of education in our school there is an educational educational space, the central structural element of which is the system of relations within the space, the moral and psychological atmosphere, the requirements and standards of behavior accepted at the school. And here the environment of the educational process itself educates:

    system of relations between teachers and students;

    system of relations within student and teaching staff;

    relations between microsocieties (groups of teachers and (or) students united by common values, goals, joint activities).

The next structural element of the educational space of the school, in our opinion, is a system of internal and external conditions aimed at the development, self-development and self-realization of the student as an individual.

Internal and external conditions

We refer to internal conditions as

    student self-government;

    the system of work of class teachers, the effectiveness of the school methodological association of class teachers;

    socio-psychological support of the educational process;

    building an educational space based on the integration of training, development and education with the priority of the latter;

    system of school traditions.

Nurturing in every child humanity, kindness, citizenship, a creative attitude to activity, a careful, attentive attitude to the world around him, mastery of the culture of his people - these are the leading values ​​that, in our opinion, the teaching staff should be guided by and with which the educational system of the school should be saturated.

The educational system of the school is created by the combined efforts of all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents. The role of the society in which the educational institution operates is also important. In the process of building a program of educational work, we proceeded from their interaction in order to achieve the maximum effect of the educational process.

Priority areas of educational work

within the framework of the Program

Formation of the personality of a school student

Since we placed the student at the center of the educational work program and focused the program on creating optimal conditions for the formation of a full-fledged personality of a school graduate, the main attention should be paid, in our opinion, to the following personality characteristics.


The information base of knowledge acquired as a result of studying at school must be accompanied by a number of thinking abilities:



    ability to reflect,

    independence, breadth and depth of thinking,

    the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, find application for it,

    the ability to master general educational skills and abilities (GAS), use them in and outside the classroom educational activities.


In the modern, constantly changing world, it is very difficult for a non-creative person to find his place, his “niche”. Each pupil of our school should have the opportunity to demonstrate their natural abilities, creativity, be able to find non-standard solutions to life situations, and be receptive to novelty and originality. The teaching staff needs to pay special attention to stimulating children's activity and creativity.

Moral values

The study of generally accepted norms of behavior in the world, in the country, in an educational institution, and the cultural values ​​of the historical past provide external normalization of the student’s moral behavior. The formation of internal ethical norms is carried out through the development of a reflexive attitude towards oneself in accordance with ethical ideals: humanism, patriotism, internationalism, honesty, justice, responsibility, respect for others, self-esteem, mercy. Special attention, in our opinion, should be given to the national culture and traditions of the Russian people.

Communication skills

Due to the need to adapt to the changing conditions of society, a school graduate must have the following communication skills:

    willingness to cooperate;

    the ability to understand another person, to empathize;

    readiness to provide assistance;




The environmental situation in the world is unstable, the influence of drugs, alcohol, nicotine on a young growing organism is destructive, the possibilities for acquiring these substances are expanding, despite the activities of law enforcement agencies - society is not coping with these problems. We see the task of the school, in connection with the above, in preventive work, in the formation of the following attitudes among schoolchildren:

    needs for a healthy lifestyle;

    rejection of the negative influence of others;

    the ability to manage your emotions, health (mental, physical);

    desire to strengthen and improve one’s health.

Self-regulation of behavior

An important characteristic of a person is the student’s ability to self-regulate behavioral reactions, to self-organize his life, the ability to plan his own and others’ activities, to have and defend his beliefs, and to implement his projects. To do this, it is necessary to develop the following personality qualities: determination, initiative, organization, responsibility, independence, sense of duty, discipline, self-control.

Maintaining, strengthening and forming school traditions

This area of ​​educational work is designed to implement culturally oriented principles of education. Students gain a holistic understanding of the world around them through experiencing special traditional moments of school life, which allows them to form a citizen, a family man, and a comrade. Pride in one’s school, as well as in one’s family, fosters the spirit of patriotism and stimulates students and teachers to form new traditions and create together.

The following holidays are traditional at school:

    Ceremonial line-Day of Knowledge

    Holiday dedicated to the Day Teachers.

    Subject weeks.

    New Year holidays

    Military sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day “Come on, guys!”

    Month of military-patriotic education dedicated to Victory Day “Remember the past for the sake of the future.”

    Last call holiday.

    Celebration "Farewell Elementary School"

    Graduation evening.

Value orientations of education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education

The content of education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education are values ​​stored in cultural, family, religious, ethnic, social traditions and passed on from generation to generation. The traditional sources of morality are the following values:

    patriotism (love for Russia, for one’s people, for one’s small homeland; service to the Fatherland);

    social solidarity (personal and national freedom; trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society; justice, mercy, honor, dignity);

    citizenship (rule of law, civil society, duty to the Fatherland, the older generation and family, law and order, interethnic peace, freedom of conscience and religion);

    humanity (world peace, acceptance and respect for the diversity of cultures and peoples of the world, equality and independence of the peoples and states of the world, international cooperation);



    freedom (personal and national);

    trust (to people, institutions of state and civil society);

    family (love and fidelity, health, prosperity, honoring parents, caring for elders and younger ones, caring for procreation);

    Love (to relatives, friends, school and actions for their benefit);


    health (physical and mental, psychological, moral, personal, loved ones and society, healthy lifestyle);

    labor and creativity (creativity and creation, determination and perseverance, hard work, frugality);

    science (cognition, truth, scientific picture of the world, environmental consciousness);

    traditional Russian religions . Considering the secular nature of education in state and municipal schools, the values ​​of traditional Russian religions are appropriated by schoolchildren in the form of systemic cultural ideas about religious ideals;

    art and literature (beauty, harmony, human spiritual world, moral choice, meaning of life, aesthetic development);

    nature (life, native land, protected nature, planet Earth).

The process of transition of basic values ​​into personal value meanings and guidelines requires the child to be included in the process of discovering for himself the meaning of a particular value, determining his own attitude towards it, and developing the experience of creative implementation of these values ​​in practice.

Primary school graduate model

Knowledge and skills

    A sufficient level of basic knowledge of general education programs in the subjects of the curriculum, necessary to continue studying at the level of basic general education.

    Mastering the skills of educational activities, self-control skills educational activities.

    Ability to solve design problems.

    Mastering the basics of ICT for the purpose of independent acquisition of knowledge.

    Ability to work with dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, atlases.


    Value-based attitude towards maintaining health.

    Knowledge of the main environmental factors that negatively affect human health, understanding the mechanism of their influence and consequences.

    Knowledge of ways to preserve health.

    Gaining health care experience.

    Mastering the basics of personal hygiene and

healthy image life.

6. Maintaining a daily routine.

    The desire to become strong, fast, agile and

seasoned, desire to try their hand at physical education and sports.

A creatively developed personality who knows how to think and organize his activities to solve educational problems.

Cognitive activity

    Motivation to achieve success.

    Self-employed person.

    Educational and cognitive interests.

    Responsibility for the learning outcome.

    Participation in competitions and olympiads.

Personal culture, life and moral position

    Social motivation.


    Initiative, independence.

    Collaboration skills in different types of activities.

Basic school graduate model

Value potential:

    • perception of the value of human dignity;

      respect for your Motherland, Russia;


      hard work;



Creative potential:
    • professional skills corresponding to emerging interests, and basic search thinking skills.

Cognitive potential:

    • knowledge, abilities, and skills that correspond to the personal needs of a particular student and the educational standard of the second stage;

      knowledge of a wide range of professional human activities (primarily environmental and legal);

      knowledge of one’s psychophysical characteristics;

      abstract logical thinking

      Formation of an individual style of educational activity, stable educational interests and inclinations,

      the ability to develop and manage the cognitive processes of the individual,

      the ability to act adequately in a situation of choice in the classroom.

Communication potential :

    • Mastering the basics of a person’s communicative culture: the ability to express and defend one’s point of view;

      mastering non-conflict communication skills;

      the ability to build and conduct communication in various situations with people differing from each other in age, value orientations and other characteristics.

      Professional skills corresponding to emerging interests, and basic search thinking skills.

Artistic potential:

    • aesthetic culture, artistic activity.

      The ability to see and understand harmony and beauty,

      knowledge of outstanding figures and works of literature and art,

      testing one’s capabilities in music, literature, performing and visual arts.

Moral potential:

      • Perception and understanding of the values ​​“person”, “personality”, “individuality”, “work”, “communication”, “team”, “trust”, “choice”. Knowledge and observance of school traditions.

        Awareness of the capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of one’s own “I”, mastery of techniques and methods of self-education and self-education, orientation towards socially valuable forms and methods of self-realization and self-affirmation.

        Willingness to objectively evaluate oneself, defend one’s own position, and be responsible for one’s actions and actions.

        Activity and ability to show strengths one’s personality in the life of the class and school, the ability to plan, prepare, conduct and analyze a collective creative activity, conversation, game, etc.

Physical potential

    Development of basic physical qualities: speed, agility, flexibility, strength and endurance;

    mastering the simplest tourism skills;

    knowledge and adherence to physical exercise regimen;

    ability to develop and implement an individual program of physical improvement.

Student self-government system

Student self-government is the management of the life activities of the school team, carried out by students, based on initiative, independence, creativity, improvement of their own lives, a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and organizational abilities of students.

Purpose The creation of student self-government of the school is the development of students' skills in civic engagement, social competence, and civic responsibility.

The student meeting (conference) - the highest body of student self-government - is a general meeting of students in grades 5-9, held at least once a year and as needed. The meeting considers and approves the long-term plan, the main directions of activity of student self-government, forms student self-government bodies, develops proposals for improving the educational process, considers regulations, hears reports, and evaluates the results of activities. All decisions are made by majority vote.

The student council is elected annually until October 1.
This body of student self-government is convened at least once a month and as needed. He resolves the following issues: organizing the activities of all bodies of school students, planning extracurricular activities, discussing plans for preparing and conducting school events, and also organizes students’ duty at school, maintains order and discipline in the school, and offers incentives and punishments.

Directions of activity of student self-government bodies of the MIR school:

Ministry of Civil Patriotic Education :

        • holding ceremonial events with active use of state symbols, revival of traditions, civil and patriotic rituals

          introduction to the riches of Russian culture

          carrying out actions

          holding evenings

          lessons of courage

          holding games, competitions, olympiads, debates

Ministry of Education and Labor :

        • educational and informational conversations

          subject Olympiads

          intellectual marathons

          monitoring class progress

          organization and conduct of subject weeks (together with methodological associations of teachers)

          monitoring school and classroom duty

          organizing and conducting cleanup days

          raids to check the safety of school furniture, books, checking replacement shoes, the condition of the school site

          Based on the results of the raids, organizing the necessary troubleshooting

Ministry of Culture and Leisure:

- preparation of festive concerts and events, holding promotions;

- school decoration holidays;

- advisory assistance to classes in preparing evenings, lights, performances at amateur competitions

Ministry of Press and Information :

- Vslaunch of the newspaper "Peremenka"

- holding competitions of posters, newspapers, drawings;

- organizing exhibitions of schoolchildren’s works

- timely informing school students and teachers about the activities of the ShUS

Ministry physical culture, sports and healthy lifestyle :

- holding sporting events (fun starts, health days;)

- participation as members of the jury of sports competitions, as assistant judges

- assistance in organizing school sports and Olympiads

- promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Ministry of Ecology :

- organization and control of duty at school;

- control over appearance students;

- compliance with the rules of behavior in class and outside of class time

- organization of waste paper collection

Rights and responsibilities of a member of the school student council

A member of the school's Student Council has the right:

    take an interest in everything that happens at school, ask questions about it to students, representatives of school government bodies, parents of students, the school director and his deputies (head teachers), and other people performing responsible assignments at the school;

    participate freely in discussions of Council issues;

    propose issues for discussion to the Council;

    propose to the Council their options for solutions to the problems and issues discussed;

    when discussing issues and voting, be guided by your personal opinion;

    openly defend your opinion on the issues under discussion until the Council makes a decision on these issues;

    criticize the activities of any school self-government body (including the school Student Council), class, group or other association, as well as the activities and behavior of any student or adult;

    Carrying out instructions from the school’s Student Council, act on its behalf; on behalf of the Council, make decisions in matters for which he (she) has been assigned responsibility by the School Student Council;

    when necessary, make responsible decisions on behalf of the Council (if this will help change the situation for the better or prevent something undesirable);

    submit instructions on behalf of the Council to class collectives, school groups and associations, as well as school students and demand the fulfillment of these instructions;

    represent the school's Student Council in matters (at events) held in classes, groups or other school associations.

A member of the school's Student Council is obliged to:

    participate in the work of Council sessions;

    comply with the laws, traditions and rules of the Council;

    take an active part in the activities of working groups, commissions, and other public associations that are created by the school’s Student Council, and report for their work in them at a session of the Council or to the responsible persons of the Council (the chairman of the school’s Student Council, his deputy, the secretary of the Council or the head of the relevant working group);

    carry out the instructions of the Council and promptly report on their implementation;

    inform your class about the work of the school’s Student Council;

    represent in the Council the opinion(s) and interests of their classmates, bring to the attention of the Student Council all proposals and comments that students express to the School Student Council.

The President is responsible for:

    organization of the work of the Council;

    implementation of plans and decisions;

    preparation and conduct of the school’s Student Council;

    implementation of these Regulations;

    represents the Council in public and other associations and organizations.

The school president is obliged to:

    plan the work of the Council;

    organize timely informing of Council members about upcoming Council events;

    periodically report to the Council on its work;

    interact with the school principal, his deputies, the president of the school students, school self-government bodies, teachers and the parent community on issues of life of the school student body.

Regulations on the elder

Elder - a meeting of class elders, which is the administrative link of the school.

1. Class leader is a responsible and honorable assignment. The headman is the responsible representative of classmates for organizing self-government in the class and, at the same time, an assistant to the class teacher.

2. The headman is elected and re-elected by the general meeting of the class from among the students of this class. The candidacy of the headman is agreed upon with the class teacher.

3. The term of office of the headman is determined by the general meeting of the class.

4. In his activities, the headman strives to preserve and develop the best traditions of the class and school.

5. The class leader answers:

    for organizing class activities, including duty;

    for timely informing classmates about events directly related to the class;

    for organizing self-government in the classroom.

6. The class leader has the right:

    convene and conduct general class meetings;

    gather the student activists of the class to discuss problems and specific issues of the life and activities of the class team and (or) class participation in school events;

    Give permanent and temporary assignments to classmates (any student in the class) and ensure that these assignments are completed;

    demand from students in your class reports on the fulfillment of instructions given to the student by the class collective (general meeting) or personally (by the headman);

    organize a class to participate in school events;

    promptly (urgently) make decisions on household and organizational issues of the life of the class;

    if necessary, take responsibility and provide operational management of class activities, as well as coordinate the actions of class students in school events;

    determine the amount of work of class attendants;

    supervise the work of class attendants;

    find out the reasons for students’ absence from classes;

    to conduct classes (on behalf of the teacher or in case of special need) take the magazine from the teachers’ room and the key to the office;

    represent the interests of the class in public organizations of the school;

    participate in summing up school affairs (events) when it concerns the class.

7. The class leader is obliged to:

    know (in a timely manner) the class schedule, changes in the schedule and inform classmates about them;

    inform the head teacher of the school or the administrator on duty if the lesson does not start within 10 minutes according to the schedule;

    know which of the students in the class is present (present or absent) at a particular training session;

    organize class duty, draw up duty schedules, appoint class officers on duty and coordinate their actions, during class duty in the school, assign duty officers to posts, instruct duty officers about their responsibilities;

    take care of the readiness of the educational premises (classroom, office) for the lesson and the order that the class leaves behind, appoint responsible persons or those on duty from among classmates for this and control their actions;

    carry out the decisions of the class team (if they are accepted by the majority of students), organize the implementation of these decisions;

    take into account the interests of classmates when making decisions, and consult with them;

    coordinate the interaction of class students and public associations for class self-government;

    inform the class staff about the decisions of the school’s student government bodies regarding the class;

    on behalf of the class teacher and in his absence, organize the work of the class.

8. As an assistant to the class teacher, the class leader carries out his instructions to inform classmates about the orders of the class teacher and to organize students in his class to participate in class and school events. The class teacher can carry out the instructions of the class teacher personally or indirectly, that is, delegate them to a responsible and more competent (in this particular assignment) classmate.
The class teacher helps the headman with advice and supports him with his authority.

9. The class leader is part of the school elder, enjoys the rights and performs the duties of a member of the school elder.

10. For the performance of his duties, the class leader is responsible, first of all, to:

    general class meeting;

    class teacher;

    school student council.

11. The headman periodically reports on the state of affairs in the class and his work to:

    class team;

    Student President;

    School Student Council;


12. Elders are encouraged for conscientious performance of their duties.

School Student Council Laws and Rules

Laws of the School Student Council.

Law of Liability

A member of the school's Student Council cares about everything that happens at school. He exercises his right to make responsible decisions and take responsibility.
A member of the Council persistently seeks to implement the decisions of the School Student Council; he does not wait for instructions, but makes decisions himself and organizes the matter.
A member of the school’s Student Council does not forget about the obligations he has undertaken and follows through on every task. A member of the Council is an example in his attitude to business, to study and to work.
A member of the school's Student Council is responsible to the Council for his actions that he performed on behalf of the Council. For these actions and for his work in the Council, a member of the school’s Student Council reports at the Council session, as well as at the general meeting of school students or at the school-wide Student Conference.

Law of Mindfulness

A member of the school's Student Council is attentive to people, to their opinions and wishes, to everything that is done at school. The Council Member also carefully reads announcements of Council sessions.

Law of Precision

A member of the school's Student Council is precise in time and in deeds, and keeps his word.

Law of Discipline

A member of the Student Council, of course, fulfills the School Charter, all laws, rules, decisions and instructions of the Council, and acts in accordance with the Regulations on the School Student Council.

At the meeting of the school’s Student Council, the following Rules apply:

Free Mic Rule

Everyone can speak, but after the speaker finishes speaking, or the time for speaking has expired, the presenter (presiding officer) has the exclusive right to pass the “microphone” (the word) to someone else. If the presenter does not pass the “microphone” to anyone, it is taken by the one who prepared to speak earlier than others - raised his hand (the priority condition for taking the microphone) and is closest to the one who finished speaking. The speaker is listened to carefully.

Two-minute speaking rule

A free microphone can be “held in one hand” for no longer than two minutes.
When speaking, the guys remember: “Don’t speak long, but speak concisely.”

The seven-minute rule for reporting

The report can last no longer than seven minutes. But for a very important and meaningful report, additional time may be given by decision of the Council.

Raised hand rule

If you have something important to say, raise your hand and they should listen to you. But if someone raises their hand, you, like everyone else, must listen to them carefully and without interrupting. If several hands are raised, the order of speakers is determined by the presenter (presiding officer).

Reply rule

Replies from the floor are accepted, but speakers are not interrupted.

Rule of freedom of opinion

For advice it means exactly: “Do you think like everyone else or do you think differently.”

Rule of constructive criticism

Know this custom: “if you criticize, make suggestions!”

Notepad and pen rule

Council members come to the session with a notepad and pen (pencil) in order to write down all the most important things so as not to forget and then tell them in their class.

Regulations on elections to the school student council

The school student council is formed from the school president, the school vice-president, the headman, the student council adviser, and the student council consultant.

    The Student Student Council organization is elected for a one-year term.

    Elections to the school student council of the president and vice-president (the candidate who takes second place in the elections becomes the vice-president of the school) take place in September.

    The preparation and control of elections is carried out by the school’s central election commission.

    A consultant to the school's Student Council is an expert on some survey or problem who is invited by the president, the head of the commission, or group for consultation.

    The advisor to the school's Student Council is usually a representative of the school's teaching staff. He is elected by the school's student conference or appointed by decision of the school's Student Council. The adviser may be appointed by the pedagogical council or the school director and approved by decision of the Council.

    The press secretary of the school's Student Council is elected at the first session from among the members of the Council.

    The school's Student Council includes authorized representatives from each grade (grades 5-9).

    Members of the Council can be elected at the School Student Conference or delegated by class collectives as their authorized representatives.

    Authorized representatives of class groups are elected by the school's Student Council by direct open voting. A council member is considered elected if more than half of the students in the class vote for his election, provided that at least 2/3 of the students in the class participated in the voting. A member of the school’s Student Council is considered authorized after approval of his powers by the Council (by a majority vote in direct open voting).

    The school's student council ministers are elected at the first meeting by a majority vote in a direct open vote.

    The school president and school vice-president are elected at the school student conference, and are considered authorized from the moment of election.

    In its activities, the school’s Student Council is guided by the school’s Charter and these Regulations.

    A member of the school's Student Council is elected from the class for one year. He (she) represents the interests of his class in the Council, and on behalf of the class participates in resolving all issues of the school's life that are discussed at Council sessions.

    Serving on the Student Council of a school is considered an honorable and responsible assignment for a student at the school. Successful completion of this assignment during the entire period of election as a current or former member of the Council is noted in the characteristics and has a positive effect on the assessment of the student’s behavior.

    Members of the school's Student Council have certificates confirming their authority, certified by the seal of the school and the signatures of the school director.

Interaction of the school student council with the administration, teachers, parents of students and the public

1. Rights of school students:

    receive information about the activities of the school’s Student Council and its decisions;

    express to the Council and, above all, to the representative of your class in the Student Council of the school wishes, criticisms and suggestions for improving the functioning of the school;

    attend sessions and participate in the work of the Council: express agreement or disagreement with someone’s position, propose, defend your opinion;

    personally contact the Council with requests and proposals.

2. Responsibilities of school students:

    contribute to the work of the Council.

3. Interaction between class teams and the school’s Student Council. Collectives of grades 5-9 have the right:

    elect (delegate) your authorized representative (your representatives) to the Student Council of the school with the right of one casting vote;

    make proposals to the Council on issues related to the life of the school;

    collectively discuss the decisions and actions of the school’s Student Council, while agreeing, approving of the decisions and actions of the Council, or criticizing them, expressing disagreement with them;

    demand from their representatives in the Student Council of the school reports on their activities in the Council and on the implementation of instructions (orders) of the class;

    make a proposal to the Council to recall a specific representative of his class from the school’s Student Council, as well as propose a new candidacy for a class representative to become a member of the Council.

4. Teams of grades 5-9 are required to:

    comply with the decisions of the school’s Student Council;

    provide assistance to the representative of his class in the Student Council of the school in his activities as a member of the Council.

5. Teachers, other school employees and parents have the right:

    criticize, agree or disagree with anyone’s position, decisions or actions of the Council;

    make proposals and recommendations to the Council.

6. Teachers, school employees and parents of students are obliged to:

    respect the decisions of the school’s Student Council;

    in case of disagreement between the opinions of adults and children, a conciliation commission is created to develop proposals for resolving controversial issues and formulating agreed solutions;

    The school student council has the right to approve or not approve the proposals of the conciliation commission.

7. The school director has the right:

    participate in the discussion of issues at the Council session;

    propose questions to the school’s Student Council for discussion at the session;

    make proposals and recommendations to the Council;

    criticize, agree or disagree with someone’s position, decisions or actions of the Council, make comments to them;

    veto decisions of the Student Council (i.e. cancel certain decisions of the Council);

    make, together with the President of the school students, in exceptional situations, decide on the dissolution of the current composition of the Council.

School student council reporting

    The school council reports to the elder at each last meeting of the quarter according to the work plan;

    The SHUS reports annually (at the end of the year) at a school-wide meeting on the results of its work for the year;

    The report of the school student council is published in the school press.

Implementation of the educational program

The implementation of the educational work system involves :

    formation of leading integrative personality qualities;

    continuous pedagogical diagnostics, gradually turning into self-diagnosis, self-knowledge;

    practical activities of teachers and students;

    content of education in the field of humanitarian culture;

    the optimal combination of individual education, team education and self-education;

    optimization of the educational environment in the microdistrict, an inextricable connection with educational environmental factors: parents, out-of-school educational institutions;

    development of the general and pedagogical culture of teachers and educators.

The place and role of the class teacher in the implementation of the Program

This program can help class teachers:

    fill the living space of your pupils with activities that will be interesting to them;

    determine directions and plan educational work taking into account the interests and abilities of the children in this class.

The meaning and main purpose of the educational work of the class teacher is to focus the educational process on the development of the child.

The role of the class teacher in the conditions of this educational program can be defined as follows:

Light up the “star” and let it burn brighter and brighter. And when the time of one “star” passes, light a new one .

Expected results

Creation of a tolerant school. Increasing the social activity of students both at school (school students actively participate in this educational program, the presence of healthy competition) and at the district level (creation and implementation of new social projects, participation of school students in large-scale social events, etc.). Increasing the number of students who have achieved significant success in any area of ​​activity.

The main stages of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process:

    formulation of the main goal, which involves a description of the final result.

    identification of monitoring subjects and methods.

    diagnostics, preparation of tables, graphs recording the problem or success.

    identifying the causes of the problem.

    determination of a program of measures to resolve the problem.

The quality of each operation allows us to thoroughly understand the nature of educational defects, determine further directions for activities with students and the class, and determine management technologies. The developers of the educational work program are a creative team of school teachers led by the administration.

The program consists of the following applications:

1.Appendix No. 1 “Calendar-thematic planning” (plan of educational work)

2.Appendix No. 2 “Crime Prevention Program”

3.Appendix No. 3 “Program for the study of traffic rules and road traffic injuries”

4.Appendix No. 4 "Plan joint work of MBOU "Mirolyubovskaya School"departmentDepartment of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnogvardeisky district on the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors».

5.Appendix No. 5 “Program of civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren”

6.Appendix No. 6 “In-school control plan

7.Appendix No. 7 "C"joint work plan of the MBOU “Mirolyubovskaya school” with the employment center of the Krasnogvardeisky district.

8.Appendix No. 8 “Program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle”

Educational work program

Novoozernovskaya secondary school

    Relevance of the program.

The expediency of adopting the educational work program of the Novoozernovskaya comprehensive school is due to the need to redesign the system of educational work in the school in accordance with the new federal state educational standard.

The development and adoption of the educational work program is also due to the implementation of the school development program, which defines the priorities of all areas of transformation of school life.

Purpose of the program:

Creating conditions for the formation of a spiritually developed, creative, morally and physically healthy personality, capable of conscious choice of life position, independent development of ideas at the modern level, able to navigate sociocultural conditions.


    Develop a school education system where the main criterion is the development of the child’s personality.

    To form in children a humanistic attitude towards the world around them, to introduce them to universal human values ​​through the development, assimilation, and appropriation of these values.

    To create conditions for instilling in students civic consciousness, responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, the need for a healthy lifestyle, and an active life position.

    Develop and strengthen the connection between family and school as the basis for social adaptation.

    To cultivate in students a conscious understanding of human ecological culture.

    Create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and health culture among students.

    To develop students’ needs for knowledge of cultural and historical values, to stimulate their creative activity.

    Coordinate the activities and interaction of all parts of the system: basic and additional education, school and family, school and society.

Regulatory framework for the development of an educational work program, the following regulatory documents are used:

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation, educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Regional, city target programs.

School Charter

Federal State Educational Standard

Local acts of the school.

II. The concept of the educational system.

The modern sociocultural situation is characterized by many innovative changes in the field of education: educational institutions of a new type are emerging, the priorities of the content of education and upbringing are changing, pedagogical technologies, school management style, and criteria for evaluating its activities are becoming different.

Negative trends among young people continue to grow: indifference, selfishness, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespect for the state and institutions of power are spreading; The crime rate remains high, drug addiction and alcoholism are spreading among young people; The physical and mental condition of children worsens. And we would not want students to encounter these negative phenomena.

The analysis of scientific research has contributed to the fact that we understand education as promoting the formation of a competitive professional, an individual striving for self-improvement.

If we imagine a state order for a developing personality, then we can assume: everyone - parents, schools, and government structures - will agree that a growing person needs physical health, morality and abilities (mental, labor, artistic, communicative). An integral part of moral education is patriotic education - the formation in children and youth of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. These abilities will become the basis for self-determination and self-realization. These same three blocks can outline the tasks of any teacher.


It is these tasks that he implements, creating conditions for the child to successfully develop in the types of activities available to him (educational, work, leisure); in communication with the media, with art, adults and peers; in the domestic sphere. In other words, the activity, communication and existence of a child are those spheres and those basic means, influencing which the teacher carries out physical and moral education and promotes the development of abilities. Schematically, the main areas of a teacher’s activity and its results can be presented in the following form:


Activities communication



Health moral abilities


Each class teacher does not form a child in parts, he deals with whole personality, that is, he must take care of his health, his abilities, and his morality. In addition, the class teacher, when solving his problems, turns to subject teachers, parents, and society for help.

Let us turn to the main areas of activity of the class teacher from the point of view of the child himself, his interests and age-related needs. The first task here is to protect the child and thereby create conditions for the free development of his spiritual and physical strength. After all, it is known that one of the vital needs of a person is the need for protection: from life’s adversities, conflicts, from cold, hunger, loneliness, etc. The position of protection becomes the foundation of work with the individual, the basis of an individual approach.

3.2. Basic principles of organizing education:

The principle of holistic semantic equality.

The teacher and student have a common goal, interesting joint activities, the same views on universal human values, and positions of equality. The guiding principle in relation to an adult and a child is: “even though you are still a child, I respect you. We are doing a common cause together.”

The principle of continuity and consistency educational influence at all levels of education. The relationship between the processes of education and training.

Conceptual principles of co-education (democratization, humanization, regionalization).

The principle of creativity and success . Creating a situation of success, an atmosphere of common passion and creativity that fosters good feelings, the ability to empathize and rejoice together.

Program participants : students of grades 1–11, teaching staff, parents of students of the Novoozernovskaya secondary school.

3.3. Staffing:

Class teachers - teachers of the secondary school;

Subject teachers;


Head of the library;


3.4. Mechanism for program implementation.

The logic of the program is built in accordance with age-related psychological patterns and characteristics of personal growth. The program is based on the principles of consistency, science, accessibility, creativity and success and is designed for five years. The structure and organization of this educational program is built taking into account the different age categories of students, in connection with the specific characteristics and tasks of life of students of different school ages, as well as taking into account the degree of preparedness of children for life and activities in a team, their ability to make independent decisions and act independently .

The approach to the child from the position of protection brings us to the task of ensuring well-being in the sphere ofteachings. Protecting the student means: explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of the student, studying the student’s work in class by attending classes, organizing advisory assistance to individual students, conducting extracurricular activities in subjects that broaden the horizons and cognitive interests of children, developing joint tactics and strategies for helping the child from outside families, organization of self-care, educational work of the class.

Another direction -health. This is the formation in students of all ages of an understanding of the importance of health for their own self-affirmation. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of a culture of preserving one’s own health, to help overcome bad habits for students through physical education and sports, to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements in maintaining health.

The next area in which a child needs protection iscommunication . Entering the sphere of children’s communication, understanding the position of everyone in it, learning to adjust relationships between children are the most important tasks of the class teacher. He also carries out serious work to ensure that children acquire a culture of communication, a culture of behavior, and adherence to the norms of elementary morality in relationships. The problem of communication leads us to the moral image of a person, to universal human values: admiration for the mother, the highest value - human life, native land, home, family, the right of another person to their own uniqueness, the nature that surrounds us, the cultural heritage of the people, etc. Everything This is difficult for a student to understand and master right away. Their comprehension occurs both in lessons, and in reading, and through the media. But if you keep them every day as core guidelines for the life of the children's community, they become criteria for assessing human actions.

An important place in the formation of a student’s personality is occupied byleisure sphere . The value of leisure for teenagers turns out to be much higher than educational activities. Therefore, one of the important directions of the educational system is to identify the individual interests of children, help in choosing clubs, expanding the cognitive and cultural horizons of the class (excursions, meetings, competitions, collective outings, subject evenings), helping children in social work, organizing collective creative activity class, joint recreation in nature, providing children who do not have academic success with authority in front of the class and other teachers by demonstrating their achievements in the leisure sphere.

An area that has a fundamental impact on the development of a student ishousehold sphere . Attention to the daily life of the child, to his way of life, poses a number of specific tasks for the class teacher. They can be divided into two groups. The first is addressed to the family, the second to the school. The class teacher gets acquainted with the child’s living conditions in the family, with the student’s daily routine, studies the features of his relationship with his parents, and establishes working contact with them. At school to the class teacher Together with the children, we will have to take care of the beautiful environment, think together about the style of office design, and establish self-service and duty. In addition, it is necessary to talk about a healthy lifestyle, about true values, and to have discussions about relationships with people.

By organizing his work, the class teacher ensures the physical and moral development of the student’s personality, creates conditions for the development of his intellectual and creative abilities, for self-determination, self-realization, self-organization and self-improvement. He does all this together with his family and other teachers working in this class.

The implementation of the educational work system involves :

Formation of leading integrative personality qualities;

Continuous pedagogical diagnostics, gradually turning into self-diagnosis, self-knowledge;

Practical activities of teachers and students;

Contents of education in the field of humanitarian culture;

The optimal combination of individual education, team education and self-education;

An inextricable connection with educational environmental factors: parents, out-of-school educational institutions, out-of-school organizations;

Development of general and pedagogical culture of teachers.

I level of educational work – primary school (grades 1-4)

The main task of educational activities at the elementary level is the formation of a culture of communication between schoolchildren and friends, parents, and teachers. The leading integrative qualities of a person in elementary school are humanity, the ability to cooperate, hard work, honesty, independence, frugality, and organization. The process of forming a Human Citizen junior schoolchildren is built taking into account their still limited life experience, the nature and volume of acquired knowledge, and the general tasks of training and education. Its effectiveness during this period is determined, first of all, by its close connection with the implementation of educational and general educational tasks. The educational effect of all forms of education will depend on how systematically the children’s knowledge about the world around them, their moral, emotional and volitional attitude to activities and relationships in the team will be formed. It is necessary to rely on the high emotionality, impressionability and receptivity of students at this age.

The main tasks of educational work with students primary classes:

Adaptation of the child to the conditions of school life;

Introducing students to universal etiquette and mastering it;

Creation of a psychological climate conducive to the development of creative abilities and activities of students;

Raising such moral qualities like kindness, care, mercy, respect;

Formation of a culture of interpersonal relationships and joint activities in the team;

Instilling sanitary and hygienic skills;

Cultivating a conscious attitude towards health promotion.

Forms of work: cool watch; organization of self-government; collective creative work, excursions, hikes; games, holidays, quizzes; conversations; exhibitions of drawings and crafts.

II stage of educational work – basic school (V-I X classes)

Adolescents develop a need to analyze and generalize facts and phenomena of reality, to develop their own views on the environment, on moral requirements and assessments. The potential for personal development in level II school is cooperation and the spirit of partnership, the formation of moral principles.

The leading educational task isformation of moral self-awareness, responsibility as a personality trait and teaching a culture of behavior based on self-management. The following integrative qualities are cultivated: responsibility, objective self-esteem, discipline, the ability to obey and lead, etc.

An equally important area of ​​educational work in the second stage isformation of moral positions in relation to another gender, age and level of abilities, giftedness. Teenagers relate themselves to others, but often do not see the boundaries between “possible” and “not allowed” when it comes to girls, young women, older and younger, more or less capable peers.

V- IXclasses:

Formation public opinion on the most important problems of social life and human relations;

Development of self-awareness and culture of self-education;

Familiarization with the leading spiritual values ​​of one’s Fatherland, education of citizenship;

Formation of sexual identity and moral preparation for family life;

Formation of economic thinking.

III level of educational work - secondary school ( X - XI classes)

This is the period of formation of the scientific worldview, intellectual and physical development person, his professional self-determination. Therefore, the school must prepare students for a conscious choice of profession. The main tasks of self-education in a third-level school are the tasks of developing self-awareness and a culture of communication, and the formation of self-esteem.

The main tasks of educational work with adolescentsX- XIclasses:

Expanding ideas about different ways of social structure of life;

Formation of a person’s attitude to society;

Development of creativity and self-creativity;

Formation of safe behavior skills;

Formation of skills of collective creative activity;

Formation of ideas about self-awareness and its place in self-education.

Formation and self-actualization of personality

Forms of work: group, class meetings, class hours; work with the asset; organization of self-government; collective creative work, excursions, hikes; conversations; debates, trainings.

Young people entering life must have the following qualities:

Intelligence, high level of education and culture;

Rapid adaptability, adaptability to continuous social changes;

Initiative, enterprise, hard work, organization, necessary qualities of a business person;

The need for continuous education and improvement in connection with the chosen profession;

Ability to control oneself in difficult situations life situations, self-discipline, self-control;

A dialectical worldview necessary for orientation in the world and in oneself;

High performance (health, work experience, leisure culture, etc.).

The mechanism for implementing the Program takes into account modern forms and methods of spiritual and moral education and training.

The implementation of the Program involves the methodological association of class teachers, teachers, librarians, the Council of High School Students,additional education teachers , psychologist, teacher-organizer, parents, students.

IV . Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program implementation.

4.1. Criteria for the effectiveness of the educational system.

Formation of the level of education of students.

Satisfaction of students, parents and teachers with the functioning of the school.

Formation of educational interests.

Development of creative abilities.

The actual result of the activities of school creative and other associations.

The presence and effectiveness of student self-government.

4.2. To study the effectiveness of the educational system, methods such as:


COE methodology (value-orientation unity of the team);

Test “Thinking about life experience» N.E. Shchurkova;

Methodology of “Studying the socialization of a student’s personality” by M.I. Rozhkov;

Methodology for “Determining the level of development of self-government in the student body” by M.I. Rozhkov;

Methodology for “Studying student satisfaction with school life” by A.A. Andreev;

Complex methodology “Studying parents’ satisfaction with the functioning of an educational institution” by A.A. Andreev;

Methodology “Social-psychological self-certification of the team” R.S. Nemov.

The sample of subjects in the process of studying the effectiveness of the educational system can be made up of students in grades 4, 9, and 11.

V. Expected result

    Spiritual and physical improvement, awareness of rights and responsibilities to the state and society.

    Formation of a strong patriotic position.

    Formation of a holistic, scientifically based picture of the world, familiarization with universal human values.

    Fostering the need for spiritual enrichment.

    General development of the individual, assimilation of the norms of human communication, sensory perception of the world.

    Fostering respect for work and working people.

    Formation of a personality focused on professions primarily needed in the region.

The main expected result and outcome of the work of the school’s teaching staff is the personality model of the school graduate. Each age stage has its own graduate personality model.

Personality model of a first-stage graduate – grades 1-4:

    The child is physically and spiritually healthy, kind, respectful of elders and younger ones, loving nature, his small homeland, Russia.

    A child who has a sense of responsibility for the task assigned, for his actions.

    A child accustomed to life in a team, thrifty, neat, organized, hardworking, independent, and sociable.

Personality model of a second-stage graduate – grades 5-9:

    A teenager who understands the goals of life.

    A teenager with a persistent need for self-realization and self-education.

    A teenager who loves his family.

    A teenager who has such a stock of spiritual and moral qualities as generosity, decency, mercy, honesty, compassion and willingness to help the younger and those in need.

Personality model of a third-level graduate – grades 10 - 11:

    This is a free person, with a sense of responsibility for himself and his family, with a high level of self-awareness and self-esteem;

    A physically and mentally healthy person with a strong need for a healthy lifestyle;

    A person who knows his ancestry, honors the customs of his ancestors, loving parents, your small and large homeland;

    A person with formed concepts of honor, duty, honesty, friendship and love;

    A socially protected and tempered personality, morally stable and ready to face difficulties in competitive conditions;

    A person capable of a continuous process of self-development and self-improvement.

Content and forms of educational work at school

Content direction

Forms and methods of educational work

Traditional events

    Holiday "Day of Knowledge"

    Teacher's Day

    Harvest Day "Golden Autumn"

    Mother's Day

    New Year holidays

    Month “Defender of the Fatherland”

    Last call holiday

    Graduation evenings in grades 9 and 11

Cognitive activity

    Road Safety Week

    Health Week

    Geography Week

    History Week

    Physics and Mathematics Week

    English Week

    Week of Russian Language and Literature

    Chemistry and Biology Week

    Life Safety Week

    Children's Book Week

Socially useful activities

    Operation Care. Congratulations to teachers and retired teachers on Teacher's Day, February 23, March 8

    Operation "May Landing" - making souvenirs, meetings, congratulations to WWII veterans, home front workers on holidays, Victory Day

    Providing patronage assistance to war and labor veterans.

Legal education

    Meetings with health workers.

    Meetings with law enforcement officials to prevent violations.

    Individual conversations with children registered at school in the presence of a juvenile affairs inspector

    Activities aimed at preventing drug addiction and alcoholism and crime prevention.

    Joint raids of teachers with police representatives and parents in places where students are in large numbers in the evening

Environmental education

    Environmental actions.

    Promotions “Feeder” and “Birdhouse”

    Environmental Protection Poster Competition

    Bird Day

    Earth Day

Career guidance work

    Questioning students on the choice of profession.

    Preparation of students' portfolios.

    Visiting "Days open doors» educational institutions.

    “Career guidance minutes” in the classroom.

    Week of professions.

    Parent meetings

Artistic creativity

    Autumn bouquet competition

    Drawing competition “Beauty Golden Autumn”

    Festival-competition “Young Talents”

    Drawing competition “To my dear mother”

    New Year's newspaper competition

    Holiday dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

    Review of the work of additional education clubs

Sports and recreational activities

    Health Day

    Competitions in volleyball, basketball, mini-football, athletics, etc.

    "Fun Starts"

    Relay races


Working with pedagogically neglected students

    Studying the characteristics of deviant children and their further pedagogical support

    Drawing up a school social passport

    Involving pedagogically neglected children in the work of clubs and public events

    Study of the living conditions of this category of students in the family

    Organization of group classes with children to correct communication difficulties (grades 1-11)


possible forms of working with children


“We don’t miss tea.”

"Festival of Family Dynasties"

“Dad, mom and I are a friendly family.”


Oral journals:

"The obvious is the incredible."

"My ancestry."

"Family Traditions"


“Is it possible to change your character?”

“What does it mean to control yourself?”

“How would I like to see my friend, my team?”

“Why is it important to protect the honor of the team and be a collectivist?”

“Is it possible to become beautiful?”

“What is human spirituality?”

“What is beauty in fashion, in life, in art?”

“If your truth is evil...”

“If your lie is good...”

“He who sows injustice will reap disaster.”

“Reasonable and moral always coincide.”

“Who has it easier to live - a cultured person or an uncultured person?”

“Who is happier - a healthy beggar or a sick king?”

“Do you have to love everyone?”


"Welcome!" (on housekeeping).

"The school we are building."

"Secrets around us."

“What rules do we live by?”

"Your civil rights."

"Friendship Train".

Proof Games :

"Judgment of people's vices."

"Drug Addiction Trial."

"Alcoholism Trial."

"Lies in the dock."

"Trial of theft."

Evenings :

"The Youth of Our Grandmothers."

"The Order of Your Grandfather"

“My dear.”

Quizzes :

"Classics of literature about good and evil."

"To the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War."

"New Year's".

"Our smaller brothers."

Conversations :

"How to study yourself."

“What does it mean to be a good son, daughter?”

“Know how to preserve the honor of your grandparents and the good memory of them.”

Tell me about yourself."

"There is strength in friendship."

“To have a friend, you have to be one.”

“Man is a thinker and creator” (from the standpoint of “true - false” (science); “good - evil” (morality); “beautiful - ugly" (creativity).

Exhibitions of drawings :

"Golden grandmother's hands."

"Native school in faces."

"Nature and Fantasy".

Meetings with interesting people:

"Advice from the Wise."

“Defenders of the Motherland are visiting us.”

"History through the eyes of my relatives."

“National traditions in my family.”

"My ancestry."

Essay competition:

"Professions of my parents."

“I am responsible for the younger ones in the family.”

"My mother."

"What does it mean to be human?"

“Take care of your honor from a young age.”

"The most dear person."

"Kursk region on the map of Russia."

Correspondence travel:

“My relatives live here.”

"Roads of War".

"By countries and continents."

"Travel across Crimea."

Travel games:

"Names of travelers on the map of our country."

"On the routes of Columbus."

“Snow Tale” (for kids).

Thirty motley cases (according to N. Shchurkova):

"Magic Chair"

"Presentation of the world."


"Different opinions."

"Public lecture".

"Open Department"

"Five minutes with art."

"Project protection."

"Philosophical table".

"Invitation to tea."

"Socrates' conversation."

"The tree you planted."

"Basket of walnuts."

"Impromptu Theatre".

"Quiet Reading Time"

"Tournament of Etiquette Experts."

"Discussion swing".

"Living room (poetic, musical, theatrical)."

"Intellectual Auction".

"Big Circle"

"Dialogue with the Century."

"Day of good surprises."

"Journey into your past."

"Problems and Arguments".

"Free conversation."


"Ethical training."

"Envelope of Friendly Questions."

"Graduation Ring"

"When objects speak."




"In one bundle."

Creative competitions:

For the best essay on the topic... (“How I spent my summer”).

For the best poem about...

Drawings on the asphalt.

Drawings on the theme... (“The first day of winter”).

Young cooks.

On best congratulations Happy... (Teacher's Day).


Acting skills.

For the best report from... (school cafeteria).

Propaganda representations.

Young amateur photographers.

Young fashion designers.

For the best holiday wall newspaper.

For the best scientific essay about... (the dangers of smoking).

Musical parodies.

Bouquets (ikebana).

Performers of folk songs.

Drawings on glass (stained glass).

Young gentlemen.

Young journalists.

For the best legend about...

Outfits for the doll.

Figures made of acorns and cones.

For the best idea about...

A staged fairy tale.

Flower paintings (floristry).

KVN team.

1. Explanatory note

2. Relevance

3. Goals and objectives of the program

4. Basis for development of the Program

5. Basic principles of implementation of the Program and approaches to education

6. Timing and stages of the Program implementation

7. Main directions of implementation of the Program

9. Main directions in the development of the educational component

10. Control in the educational process

11. Expected results of the implementation of the Program of Actions for the Development of the Educational Component

Each school has its own face,

And it’s hard not to recognize our school.

Always be first - that’s her motto!

Always forward to success!

keep it up!

This program defines the concept for the development of the educational system of the school, based on increasing the educational potential of the educational process, guaranteeing an educational process focused on the values ​​of a democratic society, universal moral priorities, and the harmonious development of the child’s personality.

Explanatory note

Time is changing rapidly, society and relationships between people are changing. The more developed a society is, the more significant a role education plays in it - the oldest of human affairs.

In ancient times it was considered the most difficult of all activities, the art of arts. After all, in no other human activity do the results differ so strikingly from the effort expended. During the period of social transformations in modern Russian society, tasks such as the formation of value-based ideological foundations of education, the creation of a new educational potential of the education system, and the provision of conditions for the education of future generations on the basis of social harmony, the priority of peace and tolerance, become relevant. Education is one of the most important components of education in the interests of the individual, society, and state.

The program for the development of the educational system is a regulatory and management document that characterizes the specifics of the content of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work of the school, the features of the organization, personnel and methodological support of the educational process. In connection with changes in Russian society and in the school education system, the teaching staff considers it relevant to implement the Program through the civil, legal, spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.

The mechanism of socialization of a schoolchild’s personality is based on the active transformative activity of children, through which they are included in the life of certain communities, the formation of social connections, and the development of systems of value and social orientations.

The results of educational work over the past three years indicate that the school has the conditions for the implementation of the Program: an organizational and regulatory framework has been created, scientific and methodological support for the educational process has been updated, the teaching staff is in a state of constant improvement of their professionalism, and there is support from parents and the public.

The proposed program is aimed at the further development of the educational system of the school, which is based on the well-known principles of cooperation pedagogy: - transition from the pedagogy of requirements to the pedagogy of relationships; -humane and personal approach to the child; - unity of education and training.

The program is aimed at developing the child’s potential and shaping his social experience. The implementation of the educational Program (from grades 1 to 11) will allow the school to move to a higher level of culture of educational processes, improve the quality of students’ learning and professionalism of teachers.

General provisions The educational program of the MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School" determines the goals of education, taking into account the priorities and strategy of the state, the interests of students and their parents.


The educational component of the school’s activities should be an integral part of the general sociocultural space of the Russian Federation. Education in a general education organization is understood as creating conditions for the development of a child’s personality, his spiritual and moral formation and preparation for self-determination in life, facilitating the process of interaction between teachers, parents and students in order to effectively solve common problems.

The general objectives and principles of upbringing by means of education are presented in the federal state educational standards, where educational activities are considered as a component of the pedagogical process in each educational institution, covering all components of the educational system of the school, which is aimed at the implementation of the state, public and individual personal order for quality and affordable education in modern conditions. However, the education standards do not have corresponding clear provisions defining the quality of education through the quality of upbringing.

Modern education of schoolchildren is complicated by many negative processes that occur in our society: the crisis of the social system; worsening political situation; social tension; ethnic strife; economic instability; criminalization of life; deterioration of the environmental situation; decline in morality. The situation of survival in which our society finds itself objectively gives rise to forms of social behavior that are adequate to it: aggression, cruelty, struggle, competition. All this leads to a decrease in the value of human life. The family, the main social institution, has ceased to fulfill its educational functions. Some families found themselves below the poverty line. In many, there is a lack of basic spiritual closeness between parents and children.

Nurturing in every child humanity, kindness, citizenship, a creative attitude to work, caring attitude towards all living things, protecting the culture of one’s people - these are the leading values ​​that should guide the teaching staff and which should inform the educational system of the school.

Thus, the school feels the need to ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process.

Moral education is the most important, complex and difficult part of education.

Taking into account the above, the teaching staff of the school believes that it is possible to solve the extremely complex problems of educating children in modern society, suppressed by outbreaks of anticulture, only in the conditions of priority educational activities of the school, which is reflected in various spheres of the child’s life: “health”, “communication” ", "work", "cognition", "game". This requires creating opportunities for students to immerse themselves in each of these areas.

The educational system, being a complex socio-pedagogical phenomenon, acts as an integral, ordered set of interacting components:

    pedagogical goal setting: a set of ideas, values, motives and attitudes;

    system-forming activity: educational work (principles, content, pedagogical technologies, features of interaction with the environment);

    subjects of activity: community of teaching and student teams, interested parents, individuals and organizations cooperating with the school;

    relationship: mechanisms of interaction between the school educational system and society;

    control: ensuring the integration of components into a holistic system and the development of this system.

Goals and objectives of the program

The educational system of the school is built on the efforts of all participants in the educational process: teachers, students, parents. In the process of their interaction, goals and objectives were formed, ways of their implementation were determined, and activities were organized.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of a socially active, creative, morally and physically healthy personality, capable of consciously choosing a life position, able to navigate modern sociocultural conditions, strengthening and developing the educational potential of the school based on the interaction of general and additional education systems.


1. Promoting the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards his health, as the natural basis of mental, physical, labor and moral development.

2. Formation of humanistic, socially significant values ​​and responsible civic behavior in students.

3. Organization of educational space through student self-government, where students develop their abilities and inclinations.

4. Creating conditions for parental participation in the educational process.

5. Study of various models of the educational system and development of new forms and methods of educational work at school.

Reasons for developing the Program

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    State program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education”, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 2148-r;

    Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2012; Strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015;

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science” dated May 7, 2012 No. 599;

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017” dated June 1, 2012 No. 761;

    Concept of long-term socio-economic development until 2020, section III “Education” (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 1, 2008, protocol No. 36).

    Target groups of the Program

The priority target groups for the implementation of the Program are: students of MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School", their parents, teaching staff of the school.

Basic principles of implementation of the Program and approaches to education

The educational system of the school covers the entire pedagogical process, combining education, the extracurricular life of children, a variety of activities and communication outside of school. At the same time, the purposeful development of the individual in the educational system of the school is facilitated by the observance of a number of universal principles and pedagogical approaches to education, which are the basis for the education and organization of all life activities of schoolchildren:

    principle of conformity with nature: accept the child as he is. Education should be based on a scientific understanding of natural and social processes, be consistent with general issues of human and natural development;

    the principle of cultural conformity: education should be based on universal cultural values ​​and take into account the values ​​and norms of specific national and regional cultures;

    principle of cooperation: interaction between teacher and students in promoting children towards certain goals;

    system-structural approach: means knowledge and use in the system of close interconnection of the structural elements of the educational process - from the goal to the final result;

    integrated approach: includes combining the efforts of all educational institutions to successfully achieve educational goals and objectives;

    organizational-activity approach: involves such an organization of the activities of the team and the individual, when each student shows activity, initiative, creativity, and strives for self-expression;

    relational approach: the formation of socially valuable relationships brought up to various aspects of reality: society, people, work, nature, culture, science, oneself;

    person-oriented approach: recognition of the child as the highest value of education, as its active subject; the value orientation of teachers towards the individual, his individuality, creative potential, ensuring activities that realize the child’s personality;

    the principle of freedom: provides participants in the educational process with a real opportunity to independently choose forms and types of activities, creates a sense of responsibility for its results;

    the principle of humanization: promotes the correct orientation of students in the value system, the preservation of the natural nature of man, programs internal confidence, tolerance, satisfaction with one’s life;

    the principle of holistic education: based on the unity of development, upbringing, training in the educational process, pedagogical activity; the effective use of the latest pedagogical technologies, ensuring that students demonstrate a moral and civic position and expand their social experience; development of creative and research activities of students in the classroom and implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical socially and personally significant activities during extracurricular hours;

    the principle of psychological and pedagogical support: helps participants in the educational process, with the qualified assistance of psychologists, create an environment of psychological comfort, enrich themselves with theoretical ideas about the physical and mental health of a person, and adapt in difficult conditions.

    age approach: taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students;

Our pedagogical credo: environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly and reasonable - an innovative school based on the priorities of cooperation pedagogy, maintaining its high mission as the guardian of spirituality, culture, patriotism, morality, active life position, providing its students with equal opportunities in education, which they can realize at different levels and in different ways according to your personal choice.

Timing and stages of the Program implementation

Stage 1: 2014-2015.

Preparation of draft regulations and development of interaction mechanisms for the implementation of the Program. Theoretical and practical training of personnel through a system of pedagogical readings and practical seminars. Improving targeted educational programs. Establishing connections between elements of the pedagogical system: information exchange, organizational-activity, communication, management and self-government connections. Publishing activities aimed at popularizing the Program. Conducting forums, conferences, seminars, competitions, olympiads and other public events, organizing summer camps.

Stage 2: 2016-2018.

Creation of an educational complex and educational system at school. Development and implementation of projects to implement the Program. Development of methodological recommendations, requirements for improving the qualifications of teachers in the system of general and additional education. Providing wide opportunities and the right for students to choose forms and directions of educational activities. Finding optimal options and models for constructing educational systems of classes based on a person-oriented approach, taking into account the tasks of civic education of schoolchildren. Transformation of the school into a social community that realizes nature-conforming and humanistic traits.

    stage: 2019-2020.

Information and analytical activities. Monitoring the effectiveness of the Program.

Main directions of implementation of the Program

Regulatory- development of a regulatory framework that defines the mechanisms for implementing the Program, taking into account the specifics of the school and in accordance with state policy in the field of education.

Organizational and managerial- organizing interaction with general education institutions and institutions of additional education in the city, ensuring employment of students through the implementation of educational, physical education, sports, cultural, leisure and other programs; conducting school events and monitoring educational activities.

Personnel- advanced training and professional retraining of school teaching staff; generalization of pedagogical experience at the school, municipal and regional levels;

Informational- organizing information support for Program events through the school website, media, Internet sites, Internet conferences, webinars, forums and others).

Monitoring - organizing and conducting monitoring and examination of the effectiveness of the implementation of a set of measures to implement the Program.

Financial– organizing financial support for the implementation of the Program.

Logistics- provision of equipment necessary for the development of educational activities in the system of general and additional education.

The program of activities for the development of the educational component at the MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School" contains activities that reflect the main directions of educational activities based on traditional and innovative approaches, pedagogical systems and technologies.

The Program includes activities to develop a mechanism and principles for monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of educational programs (projects) and analyzing the educational component of educational complexes and programs, studying and generalizing best practices in educational activities.

The program provides for measures for training, professional retraining and advanced training of teaching staff who are proficient in modern technologies education, to provide teachers with methodological support, a set of tools for the practical implementation of educational tasks and in-depth knowledge of psychology.

The program provides for activities aimed at increasing the level of competence of the parent community in matters of education and interaction with the school in organizing and conducting educational activities (for example, within the framework of parent committees and parent community councils, governing councils).

The program provides information and educational activities aimed at attracting attention to issues of educational activities among students.

The program defines the activity components of the educational system of the school, the main directions in the development of the educational component, and the function of managing the educational process.

The activity components of the school educational system are the areas

activities, these include:

    nurturing environment;

    educational activities;

    extracurricular activities;

    system of additional education.




educational interior

offices and

recreation schools;



The aestheticization of the surrounding space of the school affects the mental state of schoolchildren and promotes psychological comfort.

The family lays down the moral and spiritual foundations of the individual, the first concepts about relationships in society.

Cooperation with all interested organizations and institutions, expanding the functions of the School Council.



Education in the classroom;


subject weeks

Educational process carries a great educational charge.

Education during the learning process includes the following components:

Formation of the foundations of a worldview and a natural-scientific picture of the world among schoolchildren;

The use of educational ethical aspects included in the content of educational subjects;

A teacher, as an example and model of attitude to his duties, internal and external culture, who knows how to organize his work and the work of children, as an example of endurance, tact and compliance with ethical standards.




work at school;

Work system






School traditions

Based on the goals and objectives, educational work

provides students with choice various types activities that meet personal needs: intellectual, cognitive, labor, creative, sports and recreational, artistic.

In the system of work of the class teacher there are:

the following directions:

Direct impact on the student (study of individual abilities, interests, environment, development);

Creation of a nurturing environment (team unity, development of self-government, inclusion in different types activities, formation of a favorable emotional atmosphere);

Correction of the influence of various subjects of the child’s social relations (help to the family, interaction with the teaching staff, correction of the influence of the media, neutralization of the negative influences of society, interaction with other educational institutions).

The core of the educational system and its main subject is the school collective. The school environment is considered as a set of interpersonal relationships and norms of behavior.

The development of a class team, first of all, presupposes the inclusion of each class in the system as its component. The goals realized in the classroom, its activities, the nature of relationships, the requirements for the classroom environment are harmoniously combined with the pedagogical characteristics of the entire school system. The class is the primary group in the structure of the school community and at the same time retains its individuality.

The general goals of the school are specified in the goals of the class.

The system is built in such a way that each class cannot help but participate in the life of the school community. In this case, the class is offered a certain set of activities, but their content and form are not dictated.

School student self-government allows class groups to successfully participate in the life of the school. The development of self-government is one of the most pressing tasks of the educational system.

The participation of schoolchildren in the management of school affairs is seen as a way of teaching children democracy and preparing them for life in modern society.

Of great importance is the preservation, search, creation and development of school traditions: sports, holidays, associated with the beginning and end of the school year.



Integration of basic and additional education

The network of creative associations for additional education is an important part of the educational system. Additional education has a holistic impact on the children’s team and the student’s personality, on his rational and emotional sphere, has an impact on life attitudes, changes the child’s behavior, and gives self-confidence.

The national educational initiative “Our New School” dated February 4, 2010, the federal state educational standard of the second generation, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a Russian citizen define the main goal of domestic education and the priority task of society and the state - this is education, social and pedagogical support formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia.

The educational component in the activities of the MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School" is aimed at the formation of an "educational system", "educational environment", "educational learning potential", "educational activities". The program contains activities that reflect the main directions of the school’s educational activities, based on both traditional and innovative approaches, pedagogical systems and technologies.

The program "MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School" defines the following main directionseducational process:

    formation of civil and patriotic consciousness of students;

    formation of spiritual and moral qualities, development of ethnocultural self-awareness and interethnic tolerance;

    nurturing a positive attitude towards work and creativity

    intellectual education;

    health-saving education;

    sociocultural and mediacultural education;

    cultural and aesthetic education;

    legal education and safety culture;

    promotion of family values;

    formation of a communicative culture.

    environmental education

1. Formation of civil and patriotic consciousness of students

The implementation of this area of ​​educational activity involves:

    formation of civic culture;

    formation of patriotic consciousness; nurturing love for one’s homeland, mastering the spiritual heritage of the people - traditional folk culture;

    increasing opportunities and accessibility for students to participate in the activities of children's and youth public organizations that meet age-related needs in social and intercultural interaction;

    formation of positive life attitudes and value orientations in children and adolescents.

    development of forms of activity aimed at preventing antisocial behavior, preventing manifestations of extremism and deviant behavior among students.

    fostering respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities;

Activities carried out within this area are put into practice and become traditional.

Patriotic education is carried out through the study of the culture of the Mordovian peoples, familiarization with the experience of the people's worldview, local history, acquaintance with various cultures, expansion and deepening of this knowledge.

Patriotic education is considered as the formation of moral relations: to the policies of our state, to the homeland, other countries and peoples; to people; to yourself; to work for the common and personal good; concern for the preservation and enhancement of the public domain.

All areas of civic education are carried out through classroom activities and extracurricular activities, as well as a system of various forms of organizing students’ extracurricular activities. A major consolidating role in the implementation of this direction is played by the creation of the Mordovian Izba Museum on the basis of the school. Effective programs and projects in the development of this area of ​​educational activity are the programs of additional education “Patriot” and “Our Land”.

Forms of activity: lesson, school-wide and class events, Timurov’s work, Military sports competitions, formation reviews and songs, competitive programs, visits to museums and libraries, competitions of readers, drawings, essays, wall newspapers, stand design, rallies, classes, meetings with WWII veterans and participants in local wars, competition of social projects, organization of folk calendar holidays; folk games; studying folk crafts in technology lessons and fine arts, excursions and nature hikes, craft competitions; scientific and practical conferences, excursions to rural and regional libraries, to museums of the Penza region, visiting exhibitions.

2. Formation of spiritual and moral qualities, development of ethnocultural self-awareness and interethnic tolerance

The goal of the direction is to ensure the spiritual and moral development of students in the unity of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The work in this area is based on key educational tasks and basic national values ​​of Russian society.

The main objectives are:

    the formation of universal human values ​​in the context of the formation of civic identity among students;

    education of a moral, responsible, proactive and competent citizen of Russia;

    introducing students to the cultural values ​​of Mordovian culture;

    preservation of the basic national values ​​of Russian society;

    consistent expansion and strengthening of the value-semantic sphere of the individual;

    the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

The solution to these problems is achieved by including students in the following types of activities: social, patriotic, educational, labor, activities to save material values ​​and nature conservation, communication with other people, which are carried out through a number of school-wide and intra-class activities, as well as through lessons and additional education classes. Educational work on the formation of morality in students represents the formation of the following moral relations:

    to the politics of our state: understanding the progress and prospects of world development; correct assessment of events within the country and in the international arena; understanding of moral and spiritual values; the desire for justice, democracy and freedom of peoples;

    to the homeland, other countries and peoples: love and devotion to the homeland; intolerance of national and racial hostility; goodwill towards all countries and peoples; conscientious work for the common and personal good; compliance with labor discipline; concern for the preservation and enhancement of public property, frugality, nature conservation;

    to people: collectivism, democracy, mutual assistance, humanity, mutual respect, caring for the family and raising children;

    to yourself: high consciousness of public duty; self-esteem, integrity, maintaining one’s health.

Moral education in the learning process includes the following components:

    the use of educational ethical aspects included in the content of educational subjects;

    a teacher, as an example and model of attitude to his duties, internal and external culture, who knows how to organize his work and the work of children, as an example of restraint, tact and compliance with ethical standards.

: lesson, extracurricular activities, conversations, debates, round table, visits to regional cultural institutions, libraries, museums.

3. Fostering a positive attitude towards work and creativity

Work in this area at the school is based on:

    labor education; vocational education - familiarizing schoolchildren with various types of work in society, the variety of professions, trends in their development, the needs of the country and region, etc.;

    preliminary professional diagnostics – identification of professionally significant properties; professional consultation;

    organizing the work of school teaching staff in vocational guidance of schoolchildren;

    providing assistance to students in choosing a profession, taking into account their interests, inclinations, abilities and state needs in professions;

    nurturing the psychological and practical readiness of students for work.

The development of labor skills is subject to the work of additional education, technology lessons, promotions, raids to clean the territory and classrooms, and work in a summer labor camp. Labor activity and labor education are combined with career guidance work, the main directions of which are:

    providing maximum information about professions and specialties needed in the region;

    arming with information about the procedure and conditions for admission to educational institutions;

    assistance to students in choosing a profession at the level of socio-psychological consultation;

    organization of economic education.

Forms of activity: lesson, cleanup work, classroom cleaning raids, exhibitions of crafts, visits to the district library, excursions to production, meetings with people of different professions, consultations, testing, trainings, class hours, landscaping of classrooms and school grounds, repair of textbooks, labor landings, excursions at the Job Center, library hours.

4. Intellectual education

This direction is designed to ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of general education. Particularly important is the formation in students of an attitude towards education as a universal human value, expressed in the students’ interest in knowledge, in the desire for intellectual mastery of the material and spiritual achievements of mankind, and in achieving personal success in life. Special classes are organized on information security for students, on developing skills in working with scientific information, and the opportunities of the school scientific society and other communities, centers and circles specializing in the field of intellectual development of children and adolescents are used to the maximum.

The main objectives are:

    formation of scientific and intellectual work skills;

    development of a culture of logical and algorithmic thinking and imagination;

    formation of initial experience of practical transformative activities;

    mastering the skills of students’ universal educational actions and meta-subject skills.

Within the framework of this area, programs and projects are being developed and implemented aimed at increasing the cognitive activity of students, at developing value systems in relation to intellectual work, and at forming ideas about responsibility for the results of scientific discoveries (for example, within the framework of scientific and practical conferences). The opportunities for intellectual activity and intellectual development of the individual are used during subject Olympiads, intellectual marathons and games, scientific forums, etc.

Great opportunities for intellectual education are inherent in the content of the program extracurricular activities: “Young chess player”, programs of elective courses in subjects.

Forms of activity: competitions, exhibitions, defense of projects and their demonstration.

5. Health-saving education

In order to develop in schoolchildren the value of health and a healthy lifestyle, the “Health” Program is being implemented at school, which is the basis for further improving the mechanism for pedagogical support of activities to create a culture of health among students, the prevention of negative phenomena among children and adolescents, and includes the most important mechanisms for implementation of state policy in raising a healthy generation.

The main objectives are:

    formation of positive life attitudes and value orientations in children and adolescents;

    developing a desire for a healthy lifestyle, awareness of health as one of the main values ​​in life;

    promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The following areas are highlighted as priorities in this Program:

    organizing a mechanism for interaction with district institutions(combining the efforts of district services);

    organization of interaction between school and family(formation of a culture of parental health through informational influence and involvement in joint work through identifying requests and the degree of satisfaction of parents with the school’s activities, organizing psychological and pedagogical education; organizing psychological counseling, involving parents in joint events; studying the rating of the value of health);

    organizing activities with students(studying the rating of the value of health; promoting a healthy lifestyle; involving students in health-improving activities; education in matters of medicine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle; popularizing sports and motivating students to a healthy lifestyle through the activities of student self-government; formation of a socio-psychological climate in the school community).

The program is designed to solve the problems of preserving the health of the student, allows children to do right choice and analyze the influence of bad habits, schoolchildren develop a socially responsible attitude towards their health as one of the most significant values ​​in life. This is facilitated by the “Healthy Guy” extracurricular activities program, educational programs on sports and physical education with children, educational program additional association "Patriot".

Main forms of activity: lesson, sporting events, hikes, walks in the fresh air, Health Days, dynamic pauses, physical education minutes, class hours, conversations, meetings with medical workers, educational games, competitions of drawings, posters, essays, outdoor games, visits to libraries, trainings conducted by employees of healthcare institutions, libraries, museums, events of the district sports committee.

6. Sociocultural and mediacultural education

The goal of the direction is to activate the internal reserves of students, contributing to the successful development of new social experience at all levels of general education, in the formation of social and communicative competencies necessary for effective interaction in society.

The work in this area is based on key educational tasks and basic national values ​​of Russian society. The main objectives are:

    formation of psychological culture and communicative competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society;

    developing the student’s ability to consciously build and evaluate relationships in society;

    formation of the basis of a culture of interethnic communication;

    formation of an attitude towards the family as the basis of Russian society.

Students develop ideas about such concepts as “tolerance”, “peacefulness”, “civil harmony”, “social partnership”, development of experience in confronting such phenomena as “social aggression”, “ethnic strife”, “extremism”, “terrorism”, “fanaticism” (for example, on religious, sports, cultural or ideological grounds).

Effective programs and projects in the development of this area of ​​educational activity can be programs and projects aimed at ensuring intergenerational dialogue, developing social partnership, preventing social aggression and illegal activities when using the Internet (for example, when teaching how to work with information as part of an elective course). computer science, as part of thematic classes, activities of school family clubs).

Forms of classes: training sessions, competitions, role playing games, business games, social projects, round tables, debate.

7. Cultural and aesthetic education

The system of artistic and aesthetic education of students is implemented in the educational process, carried out both in class and outside of class time. All educational subjects, along with teaching children the fundamentals of science, solve the problems of aesthetic education with their specific means. They have as their main goal comprehensive development and moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

The main objectives of this direction are:

    nurturing the ability to perceive and understand beauty in reality and in art;

    development of aesthetic views and feelings, the need and ability to create beauty;

    formation of an aesthetic attitude to life;

    development of creative abilities, creative initiative and activity.

Extracurricular activities are not only intra-school life, but also intra-class activities of class groups. The development of creative abilities, aesthetic views and the need to create beauty is carried out by class teachers through a system of various activities.

The educational process lays the foundation for understanding the beauty of reality and art, and the formation of an aesthetic attitude to life. The creative activity of students is further developed in the process of extracurricular and extracurricular work. During extracurricular hours, based on the voluntary choice of activities based on interests, the in-depth formation of children's aesthetic attitude to art and reality continues; spiritual enrichment of their personality; organization of free time; regulating the perception of the influence of the media.

Amateur artistic activity plays a special role in the education of personality and aesthetic development. It is one of the active ways for children to reflect and understand the world, providing conditions for self-expression and self-affirmation of the individual.

To more fully satisfy one’s individual interests and needs, to expand and deepen art education, the school uses the general educational program of additional education “Leisya, Song” and the extracurricular activity program “Magic Pencil”. The problems of this direction are successfully solved by the programs for the implementation of the regional project “Dancing School” “Rainbow” and “Sunny World of Dance” of an artistic and aesthetic orientation, implemented with the aim of creating conditions for motivating a child to achieve achievements in various fields of activity.

Forms of activity used: lesson, competitions of drawings, crafts, essays, exhibitions of works of decorative and applied art, competitive programs, KVN, concert programs, excursions to regional cultural institutions.

8. Legal education and safety culture

One of the important areas of educational activity is the formation in students of a legal culture, ideas about fundamental rights and responsibilities, the principles of democracy, respect for human rights and personal freedom; developing safety skills and creating a safe environment at school, at home, and on vacation; formation of ideas about information security, deviant behavior, and the impact of individual youth subcultures on the safety of young people.

Main tasks of the direction:

    development and implementation of educational and preventive school programs;

    diagnostics of students, the process and conditions of their development;

    legal education of students;

    socio-pedagogical and medical-psychological support;

    formation (implementation and development) of a school preventive system.

The school plans to work on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, work with children at risk, which is aimed at creating the necessary conditions at school for the successful education and upbringing of students; security and protective activities; prevention of crime and deviant behavior of students, negative family education; promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of drug addiction in its various manifestations (smoking, alcohol consumption, substance abuse, drug use).

Crime prevention activities include:

    compiling lists of children at risk;

    organization of social and pedagogical interaction to prevent and overcome the consequences of conflict situations with students at risk: interaction between the class teacher, child protection inspector, deputy director for VR, school principal, parents);

    carrying out activities to identify students prone to crime, smoking, drinking alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs;

    participation in Operation Teenager;

    diagnosing children at risk, including them in extracurricular activities in accordance with their inclinations and interests;

    organizing interesting and useful vacations for students;

    holding thematic classes, conversations, events, parent meetings, lectures;

    assistance in resolving issues of employment and employment of minors;

    identification and registration of disadvantaged families;

    social protection and assistance to children left without parental care or who left their families without permission;

    systematic work by a district psychologist with children with problem behavior.

Possible forms of activity: conversations with students, class hours, trainings, lectures, Prevention Council, school-wide and class events, home visits, conversations with parents, observation of the Children's Department, meetings with employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate.

9. Promoting family values

To fully complete the learning process and form a child’s personality, an appropriate microclimate is required between teachers and students, the school and the family as a whole. The first social environment for a child is his family. She plays a vital and largely decisive role in raising children. The family determines the child’s assimilation of basic rules and norms of behavior and develops a stereotype of attitude towards the world around him.

This direction is aimed at ensuring interaction between the school and the parent community in the education of students.

Carried out in the following areas of work:

    familiarizing parents with the content and methodology of the educational process;

    psychological and pedagogical education: school-wide lectures, “Parent University”, education of class parents, carried out by the class teacher in accordance with the plans of Parent General Education, study of students and class staff, content and methods of the educational process;

    involving parents in joint activities with children: participation in all forms of extracurricular activities organized in the classroom; participation of parents in the preparation of school-wide traditional forms of work; participation in career guidance work of the school: meetings with students, excursions to enterprises; participation in the work of class and school parent committees, the School Council; providing assistance in the implementation of various classroom and school activities;

    adjustment of education in the families of individual students: provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance in organizing family education of various categories of children (gifted); providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in solving difficult problems of family education; individual work with disadvantaged families of students;

    interaction with public organizations of parents: organizing work with parent activists and interaction with public organizations of parents;

    analytical activities: monitoring using various diagnostic materials.

The school has organized a parent committee to assist in the work of the school’s teaching staff to improve the educational process; providing assistance to the institution in carrying out recreational and developmental activities; assistance in strengthening the material and technical base of the school.

Along with the parent committee, the School Council, which includes student parents, operates.

Forms of activity used: conversations, meetings, parent meetings, “Open Day”, “Fun Starts”, Mother’s Day, “Family Day” holidays, parent patrol, duty at events in the evening, improvement of classrooms and school grounds.

    Formation of communication culture

Including knowledge about means of communication and communication safety into the system of requirements for learning outcomes allows us to update the tasks of developing a communicative culture among schoolchildren.

Main tasks of the direction:

    formation of students’ value ideas about native language, its features and place in the world;

    development of additional communication skills in students, including interpersonal communication, intercultural communication;

    formation in students of a responsible attitude towards words as actions.

Effective programs and projects in the development of this area of ​​educational activity can be:

    programs and projects aimed at developing the speech abilities of students, at forming constructive communication between peers, at increasing the rhetorical competence of young citizens. The “Speak and Write Correctly” program is being implemented;

    programs and projects aimed at developing school media (production of thematic newspapers, websites);

    programs and projects aimed at organizing events (a series of events) related to the conduct of courses, lectures and seminars on the problems of communicative competence of students with the involvement of specialists (for example, psychologists, philologists, etc.), holding olympiads, holidays of native and foreign languages etc.

Forms of activity: lesson, school-wide and class events, competitive programs, rallies, class hours, meetings with interesting people, scientific and practical conferences, round tables, debates.

11. Environmental education

The strategic goals of school environmental education are determined by the priority national tasks of ensuring the ecological quality of the environment; health and environmental safety of the country's citizens; international recommendations in the field of education for sustainable development as a general humanitarian strategy of the 21st century, aimed at the survival of humanity and the prevention of a global environmental catastrophe.

Environmental health-preserving activities of the school should contribute to the formation in students of an environmental culture, a value-based attitude towards life in all its manifestations, health, environmental quality, and the ability to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle.

The main objectives are:

    students’ appropriation of ecological and cultural values ​​and health values ​​of their people, the peoples of Russia, as one of the areas of all-Russian civic identity;

    developing the ability to impart an environmental focus to any activity or project, demonstrate environmental thinking and environmental literacy in various forms of activity;

    students' awareness of the mutual connection between health, ecological quality of the environment and human ecological culture;

    mastering the norms of environmental behavior that ensure the preservation of man and nature on earth and their interaction.

The solution to these problems is achieved by including schoolchildren in local environmentally appropriate activities aimed at developing readiness to take an active environmentally appropriate position in a specific situation. Acceptance by students of the principles of non-violence, aimed at establishing a humanistic type of relations between people, the idea of ​​community, harmony of the individual with the Universe and humanity, based on the ecology of nature and man, mastering value orientations at the level of a holistic ecological picture of the world, the formation of planetary thinking that contributes to the formation of knowledge of basic strategies human behavior in nature.

Formed values: civil society, ethnocultural and all-Russian identity; sustainable development of the country; environmental ethics; health as a personal and social category; social partnership on issues of improving the environmental quality of the environment and public health; environmentally appropriate healthy and safe lifestyle; ecological culture; civic responsibility for the present and future of one’s country; ecological and cultural traditions of the multinational people of Russia. The main pedagogical means of organizing extracurricular activities: educational-project-type developmental situations.

Forms of activity: lesson, school-wide and class events, competitive programs, visits to museums and libraries, promotions, stand design, rallies, class hours, meetings with ecologists, excursions into nature, scientific and practical conferences.

Control in the educational process

Control in the educational process is dictated by the need:

    timely receive, analyze and evaluate information about the process and results of educational activities;

    determine the presence or absence of deviations from the targets and the previously planned program of actions to achieve them;

    identify and encourage teachers who successfully work with children, study, generalize and

promote their experience, initiative and creative aspirations;

    make adjustments to the process of development of educational relations, promote its optimal course.

                  The following types of control of educational activities must be introduced at school:

    administrative control– carried out by the school director and his deputies;

    pedagogical control- carried out by methodically combining classrooms

leaders, class teachers.


The following forms of control are used in the educational process:

    interviews with teachers, students and their parents;

    attending extracurricular activities and events;

    preparing and hearing reports (messages) at meetings of school government bodies, including creative reports and self-reports.

The study of the development of physical health is carried out throughout the entire period of schooling and is carried out by the school’s medical worker and class teachers. All data on the physical health of students is recorded in medical records.

The objects of study at school are: the degree of satisfaction of students, teachers and parents with the functioning of the school; level of education of students; level of formation of class groups, interests and needs of students in additional education; performance of class teachers.

Expected results of the implementation of the Program of Actions for the Development of the Educational Component

Updating the content of education and ensuring the achievement of personal educational results of students of MAOU "Mikhailovskaya Secondary School" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.

Improving the regulatory, organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of the Program of Actions for the development of the educational component.

Organization of optimal interaction between the educational forces of an educational institution and society, the use of the principle of personal sovereignty in organic connection with moral education, the principle of humanization, focused on intensifying the intellectual development of schoolchildren.

No crime among students.

Minimizing students with low level good manners.

Achieving a level of parental participation in organizing children’s leisure activities will be at least 50%.

Increasing the level of spiritual and moral, environmental education, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle.

Development of conditions for ethnocultural self-awareness of students.

An increase in the number of students systematically involved in physical education and sports, leading a healthy lifestyle.

Positive dynamics of integration of general and additional education for children, the sphere of culture and sports for the organization of extracurricular activities at school.

Creating a portrait of a graduate of a general education institution at each level of education.

The site editors are not responsible for the content of the article in this section.

Reasons for developing the program:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”
Constitution of the Russian Federation
Federal Law “On approval of the Federal Education Development Program”
National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 No. 751.
The concept of modernization of the Russian Federation for the period of 2010, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001. No. 1756-r
The concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2002 No. 2866
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”
Federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010. dated 12/23/05 No. 803


The power of education is such that only
thanks to upbringing in the distant future
imperfect humanity can
transform into a perfect society.

R. Owen

Planning educational work is a significant link in the overall system of teacher activity. Thoughtful planning ensures its clear organization, outlines work prospects, and contributes to the implementation of a certain educational system. The needs of modern society impose on the school the task of not only providing quality education, but also educating a highly moral, spiritually rich person, capable of adapting to the processes occurring in modern world. Education is one of the most important components of education in the interests of the individual, society, and state.
Education should contribute to the development and formation of the child’s personality, all its spiritual and physical strengths and abilities; to lead every child to a new worldview, a worldview based on the recognition of universal human values ​​as priorities in life.

How to organize the educational process in the classroom? What content should I fill it with? What should you pay attention to when determining tasks and activities, when planning educational work? Similar questions constantly arise in front of teachers, and such a question arose in front of me.

To draw up a plan means to think through and imagine in general and in detail the entire process of educational work, its organization and results.

I present the educational program “WE DIFFERENT IS OUR WEALTH, WE ARE TOGETHER IS OUR STRENGTH” in an elementary school, in which I can realize the potential capabilities of students. “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength.” Schoolchildren are invited to reflect on these words. The key word in this phrase is “we”; it is what unites us, such different Russians who live together. We are rich spiritually, intellectually, and the opportunities that our cultural diversity provides.

From the point of view of the psychological and pedagogical approach, each year of primary school is an important link in the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild. Therefore, each subsequent year of implementation of this program is based on the results of the previous year of education.

Considering that a child, when entering primary school, experiences great psychological difficulties, the main educational moment of the first year of schooling is getting to know oneself, in one’s own view of others.
In the second year of education, the moral concepts of “friendship”, “caring for loved ones”, “compassion” and “mercy” are laid down.
The third year of education is the year of formation of the team, the subordination of one’s interests to its interests.

The fourth year is dedicated to the formation of independence, correct citizenship, and democracy.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the classroom team.
There are 22 students in the class: 9 boys and 13 girls. The team has developed a cognitive interest in the educational process. Evidence of this is a responsible attitude to learning. Children know quite a lot for their age, they have varied interests. 10 students are characterized by an increased level of cognitive interest, 11 - an average level, and 1 - a low level.
The whole class actively participates in extracurricular activities. A group of guys stands out especially because they are distinguished by high initiative and a responsible attitude to business and assignments. The class has a fairly high level of development of the cultural skills developed last year. Certain results have been achieved in team building. According to students, there is a good microclimate in the classroom. The guys are friendly, active, and independent. The spirit of cooperation and creativity is especially noted. The satisfaction of the majority of parents and students with life in the classroom shows the correctness of the chosen guidelines in educational work.

The purpose of this program:

Providing a holistic approach to the education and development of a competitive personality, creating the basis for conscious, deliberate management of development, taking into account age-related changes students;
- conducting targeted and active work with all students in the class, revealing their abilities, inclinations, and individuality;
- activation of a wide choice of types and forms of activity for younger schoolchildren, specifying the results of each year of education.

Main objectives of the program.
1. Model the educational process that ensures the formation of the experience of independent and collective action, self-knowledge, self-realization, on the basis of which personal, social self-determination, and the cultivation of a personal culture can be carried out.
2. Build communication skills.
3. Introduce children to the traditions of school, village, region, to the customs of Russian culture and history.
4. Build a system of cooperation and social partnership with families and institutions of additional education.
5. Create conditions for the development of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
6. Create conditions for unleashing the creative potential of children.
7. Provide reflective, analytical and predictive support for the program.

- conformity with nature;
- cultural conformity;
- humanization;
- diagnostics;
- differentiation;
- development;
- choice;
- manufacturability.

The principles of the seven “W’s” in the work of a class teacher:
- confidence;
- success;
- amazingness;
- persuasiveness;
- respect;
- balance;
- smiling.

Expected results of the educational program “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength.”

The result of this educational program is the development of children's skills of independence, self-analysis, self-esteem, and self-government. This is necessary for students when transitioning to secondary education. They must be able to analyze their activities, not be afraid to make decisions on their own, be able to be responsible for their actions, and pass on their experience to their peers.
The means of education are activities, communication and relationships that are subject to the rules, responsibilities and rights established by the school Charter. The activity will lead to personal success, must not be useless for people, and must be morally and economically significant. Leading types of activities: cognitive, intellectual, aesthetic, physical, sports, spiritual.
The following rules must be implemented in the teacher’s communication with children:
. the ability to listen to him to the end;
. do not make decisions for him, but encourage him to do it himself;
. openness and accessibility to students.
The relationship between teacher and student is built on mutual respect, trust, fairness and exactingness.

Contents of the program.
1st grade “Know yourself” - at the first stage, where the preschooler is already a schoolchild, the leading activity is study. There is a recognition of oneself in it, in one’s own view of others.
2nd grade “Learn to be friends” - at the second stage, where the main thing is not you for me, but I for you. The result of joint activity is caring not only for oneself, but also for peers and loved ones.
3rd grade “The ABC of collective life” - at the third stage - the ability to live and work in a team, subordinating one’s interests to the interests of the team.
4th grade “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength” - at the final stage - from authoritarian management to democracy, reception independent decisions, independent analysis of one’s activities and actions.
Age of children participating in the organization of the program. Timing of the program implementation.

The program is designed for 3 years, aimed at all age groups of students, a team of teachers, a team of additional teachers. education and parents of the municipal educational institution “Krasnoturansk National School named after V. K. Fugi"
The main performers of the activities are teachers, students and their parents.

Stages of program implementation.

Stage I: design.
Target: preparing conditions for creating a program.
1. Study the regulatory framework, by-laws.
2. Develop, discuss and approve the program “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength.”
3. Analyze the material, technical and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.
4. Select diagnostic techniques for the main areas of the program.

Stage II: practical.
Goal: implementation of the program “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength.”
1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.
2. Develop methodological recommendations according to the program.
3. Expand and strengthen connections and relationships between institutions of additional education for children and culture, sports schools in the village. Krasnoturansk.
4. Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of educational process.
5. Monitor the implementation of the program.
Stage III: analytical.
Target: analysis of the program implementation results.
1. Summarize the results of the class work.
2. Correct difficulties in program implementation.
3. Plan work for the next period.

The program includes the following areas:

1. Ensuring the life and health of students. Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing (Socrates).

The current state of society, the highest rates of its development, represent ever new, higher demands on a person and his health. The relevance of the direction of ensuring the life and health of students is confirmed by statistical indicators:
. No more than 14% of children are born physiologically mature;
. 25-35% of children entering the 1st grade of school have physical disabilities or chronic diseases;
. 90-92% of school graduates are in the “third state”, i.e. they don’t yet know that they are sick;
. Only 8-10% of school graduates can be considered truly healthy;
. 5% of the country's adult population is chronically ill, and 95% are in the “third condition”.

Target: the use of pedagogical technologies and methodological techniques to demonstrate to students the importance of human physical and mental health.
1. Achieve the highest possible level of physical development and health of children.
2. Comprehensively develop the child’s physical qualities and motor abilities.
3. Prevent diseases.
4. Strengthen health, strengthen the body.
5. Monitor your health.
6. To develop in children the need to be healthy, as well as a sustainable interest in physical education and sports.
7. To equip students, teachers and parents with knowledge on the use of physical education in educational, work and family life.
8. Monitor children’s health: monitor the level of health, physical development, motor fitness and level of awareness of the value of health.

Conceptual provisions:
. Priority of health over other values.
. Health is the main value in life. Taking care of health is necessary for both healthy and sick people.
. Valeological approach. The triune principle of valeology: the formation, preservation and strengthening of an individual’s health based on the use of all positive factors; approach to health through education.
. Pedagogization of the environment: organization of an expedient health-development space.
. The principle of conformity to nature: taking into account and using the physiological capabilities of the child’s body in accordance with age-related development, a differentiated and individual approach to the child.
. The principle of self-regulation: “to be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant” (N. Amosov).

Characteristics of health and the involvement of class students in physical education and health activities.
The physical health of children in the class is generally within normal limits. There are no deviations in health status. There are no disabled children. There are no health restrictions. The guys are active, love sports games, physical education lessons, hikes, walks, and with great pleasure attend sports clubs, sections, and youth sports schools. Of the 22 students in the class, 14 children are involved in sports clubs. Traditionally, in winter we go skiing with our children and parents. This decision was made at one of the class meetings last year. Over the past year, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections has decreased, and children are less likely to miss school. To further strengthen the physical and psychological health of students, the main aspects of the activities of the class team together with the class teacher have been formed and thought out:
. cooperation with medical staff educational institution, honey village institutions (CRH) in order to study the health status of class students;
. cooperation with students’ parents and subject teachers to improve the quality of health of class students;
. organizing and conducting intra-class events that form the correct attitude of students towards physical education and sports;
. formation of students’ own self-position towards the problem of maintaining and protecting their own health.

Physical education and sports organizations. Types of physical education and sports activities. Organizational forms. Methods.

Health is not only the absence of disease, but the physical, social and mental harmony of a person, as well as friendly, calm relationships with people, nature and, finally, with oneself. It is known that human health is formed from childhood. Since ancient times, it was believed that the health of the nation is “ business card"of the state, an indicator of its culture and prosperity.

The school implements the “Health-Promoting School” program, introducing health-saving technologies into the educational process:
- dynamic pauses;
- gymnastics for the eyes;
- relaxation exercises;
- auto-trainings;
- ion therapy.

Modern pedagogical technologies and methods are used:
- Zaitsev’s technique;
- gaming technologies;
- logorhythmics.

Therapeutic and preventive health measures:
- providing gentle, protective and pedagogical training;
- normalization of the teaching load;
- prevention of influenza and other diseases;
- organization of hot meals;
- monitoring the health status of students.

Upbringing healthy child carried out jointly by family and school:
- parent meetings;
- conversations;
- “round tables” on the problem;
- physical education holidays“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”;
- open days;
- workshops for parents;
- excursions.

End result:
- students complete a physical education program;
- show interest in the history of the Olympic movement and sports;
- master the elements of one or several types of sports games, including folk ones;
- know how to lead sports game fair fight, empathy.

To achieve the goals and objectives of this area, the following forms of work have been chosen.
Cool watches:
1. Sports in my life.
2. “Faster, higher, stronger.” XXIX Olympic Games.
3. “It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.”
4. Meeting with the school nurse and dentist. Student hygiene.

Cool events:
1. Oral journal “Take care of your health from a young age.”
2. An exciting journey into the world of a healthy lifestyle.
3. Sports festival.
4. Results of the sports year in our area. Meeting with the winners. Parent meeting. Development of interest in sports in a child in the family.

2. Ensuring positive and interpersonal relationships. "Communication".

Target: the formation of a self-improving person with self-esteem, a value-based attitude towards his own life and the lives of others, the ability for self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization, self-regulation and objective self-esteem; formation of SUM - self-governing mechanisms of personality.

1. To educate a person of action, ready to express himself in various areas of socially useful and personally significant activities.
2. Instill immunity to negative environmental influences.
3. Build an optimal style of relationships in the group, with the group and with the leader.
4. Create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation in the group, and the position of the teacher “next to and in front.”
5. Eliminate or minimize negative emotions and feelings of anxiety that arise from critical mismatch.
6. Allow each participant in the educational process to feel like a subject of life, to express and develop their personality.

Social and psychological characteristics of the class.
An essential aspect that determines the effectiveness of teaching and raising a child at school is the formation of the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Children in this class have developed a readiness to participate in a new form of communication with adults, which requires a high degree of arbitrariness. A distinctive feature of such communication is the focus on the teacher as the bearer of social requirements and rules, specified in the system of tasks presented to the child. Children interact effectively in the home with parents, siblings, at school, with peers and with teachers. One of the problems is represented by communication difficulties that arise with peers from negativism, aggressiveness from the child’s disobedience to pronounced forms of fear and uncertainty, timidity. Communication is an indicator of the characteristics of a child’s self-esteem, his personality traits, character, moral character.
There are 22 students in our class. There are class leaders, two of them: Gosha Stepanov and Dasha Firyulina. These children are distinguished by entrepreneurship, initiative, lively character, ability to communicate with children, and competitiveness. Many children develop adequate relationships with peers. This is a good indicator of well-being in personal development, the ability to correlate one’s interests, desires, and values ​​with those of other children. Some children show a tendency towards an egocentric type of interpersonal relationships. They perform actions that are meaningful and attractive to themselves: Terentyev A., Titenko T., Piskun B., Stepanov G.
Work continues to unite the children's team. In second grade, the main thing is not you for me, but I for you. The result of joint activity is caring not only for oneself, but also for peers and loved ones.

. identifying communication problems among students;
. teaching students design and modeling in the field of communication;
. learning to show sympathy, creating positive communication situations;
. developing the ability to communicate, showing positive emotions;
. training parents in active forms of communication with children.
End result:
- students have an idea of ​​the traditions and customs of communication between different generations;
- are familiar with techniques for overcoming communication problems.

To achieve the goals and objectives of this area, the following activities were selected:
Cool watches:
1. Basic laws of conflict-free existence.
2. Curiosity is the path to knowledge.
3. About greed and the greedy.
4. Cherish friendship since childhood.
Cool events:
1. Matinee for March 8th.
2. Holiday February 23rd.
3. In the kingdom of politeness and kindness.
4. Birthday.

3. Promoting the development of general and additional education programs “Intelligence” by schoolchildren.

The teacher, the way he thinks - that's what's most important
in all teaching and upbringing.

A. Diesterweg

Education has reached its goal when a person
has the power and will to form itself
and knows the way and means to accomplish this
A. Diesterweg

Target: Developing in students the ability to think rationally, effectively demonstrate their intellectual skills in the life around them and at the same time act expediently.
1. Determine the range of real educational opportunities of the student and the zone of his proximal development.
2. Create conditions for students’ advancement in intellectual development.
3. Form the intellectual culture of students, develop their horizons and curiosity.

New quality of education - the main criterion for the quality of educational activities is the successful socialization of all subjects of training and education.

Types of educational outcomes.

A modern school is a complex social and pedagogical technology for preparing younger generations for social functioning and inclusion in life; it solves the problems of development, upbringing, education and socialization of children.

Additional education for children is carried out in municipal educational institutions: children's theater, youth sports school, music school. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” defines the main functions of the additional education system.
1. Social features(form common social values; identify and support children capable of creative activity).
2. Pedagogical functions (satisfy cognitive communicative needs, as well as the need for personal self-determination, form a spiritual way of life).

Target orientations:
. Provide conditions for personal development and health promotion.
. Prevent child neglect.
. Adjust social relationships (friends, family, adults, communities).
. Satisfy additional requests and interests of children in extracurricular activities, as well as the needs of the family, and the interests of the socio-economic development of the region.
. To form an attitude towards creativity, to identify talents, to create conditions for the development of gifted children.
. Stimulate the socialization of children through various types of creative activities, master modern forms of leisure, and develop the experience of children's amateur activities and self-government.

Working with gifted children.
Goals: identifying and growing the country's intellectual resource, gifted children; achieving the maximum level of development of the child’s ability.
. All-Russian competition “Russian Teddy Bear”.
. All-Russian competition "Kangaroo".
. All-Russian competition “Man and Nature”.
. Intellectual marathon “Kroshki”, Minusinsk.
. Project activities.

Characteristics of the educational activities of the class and the employment of students during extracurricular hours.
Pupils of grade 2a coped with the program material of grade 1. All children met the standard for reading technique. Many are regular readers of the children's library. Participated in the competitions “CHIP”, “Wonderland - Land of Research”, literary competitions: “Your word about a feat”, “Congratulate a veteran on victory”, took part in project activities. All students are busy outside school hours. Based on this characteristic, it is necessary to note the following main points of the activities of the class team and the teacher:
. formation of a culture of mental work;
. organizing and conducting extracurricular activities that have a positive impact on intellectual development students;
. cooperation with a defectologist and a school psychologist to organize developmental correctional classes for the intellectual capabilities of students.
The end result: students have an idea of ​​the value of knowledge, the unity of knowledge and morality, that any knowledge should be aimed at the benefit of man.

To implement the intended tasks, carry out the following activities:
Cool watches:
1. Knowledge is a consequence of great work.
2. About observation and attentiveness.
3. Art is like high quality work.
4. World of thought.
Cool events:

1. Journey to the land of knowledge.
2. Field of miracles.
3. Cosmonautics Day.
4. Planet “Ecological game”.

4. Implementation of patriotic, civic education, formation of social competence of “Citizen” students.

Raising a patriot of the country is one of the main conditions for national revival. A patriot is a person who is devoted and loves his Fatherland, his people; a person who knows how to respond to changes in society and defend his human right.

It is important to educate not an outside observer, but a real citizen of one’s homeland. From a pedagogical point of view, a patriot is a person who has a unity of spiritual, moral and legal duty. The formation of civil society and the rule of law in our country largely depends on the level of civic education and patriotic education. Today, the relationship of a Russian citizen with the state and society is radically changing. He received great opportunities to realize himself as an independent person in various areas of life and at the same time, responsibility for his own destiny and the destiny of other people increased. Under these conditions, patriotism becomes the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual-moral, ideological, cultural-historical, military-patriotic and other aspects.

In the conditions of the formation of civil society and the rule of law, it is necessary to educate a fundamentally new, democratic type of personality, capable of innovation, of managing one’s own life and activities, the affairs of society, ready to rely on one’s own strengths, to ensure one’s financial independence through one’s own labor. The modern school should make a significant contribution to the formation of such a civic personality, combining a developed moral, legal and political culture.

The institution of children's education, being a complex organism, reflects the character, problems and contradictions of society and, to a large extent, thanks to its educational potential, determines the orientation of a particular individual and is responsible for the socialization of the individual. Childhood is the most optimal for the system of civic-patriotic education, since this is a period of self-affirmation, active development of social interests and life ideals.
But the implementation of civic-patriotic education only with the help of a cognitive approach is impossible. New times require from educational institutions for children the content, forms and methods of civic-patriotic education that are adequate to modern social and pedagogical realities. There is a need for an activity-based component of civic-patriotic education. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it, through changing the climate of the institution, and the development of self-government can success be achieved in this direction.

Civic-patriotic education in modern conditions is a purposeful, morally determined process of preparing the younger generation for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for proactive work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the implementation of rights and responsibilities, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political , moral and legal choice, for the maximum development of one’s abilities in order to achieve success in life. Civic-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with his inherent values, views, orientations, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.

This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students, various types of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through solving the following tasks:
1. carrying out reasonable organizational activities to create conditions for effective patriotic education of schoolchildren;
2. affirmation in the minds and feelings of pupils of patriotic values, views and beliefs, instilling respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for the traditions of their native land;
3. involving students in the work of reviving and preserving the cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​of their native land.

The main points of the activities of the class team and the teacher:
. familiarity with the laws and legal norms of the state;
. formation of a responsible attitude of students towards laws and legal norms;
. cooperation with legal organizations for the purpose of legal education of students;
. formation of skills to be guided by the motives of duty, conscience, justice in situations of moral and legal choice.

End result:
- students are familiar with the history of the village, school, region, and their homeland;
- believe in their strengths and capabilities.

To complete these tasks, spend class hours:
1. Honorary residents of the village. Krasnoturansk.
2. School charter, traditions and customs of the school. Rights and responsibilities of students.
3. “To love your village means to be useful to it.”

4. The Basic Law of the Russian State.

Cool events:

1. My ancestry
2. There is such a profession - to defend the homeland
3. Conducting an excursion to the local history museum.
4. May 9 (literary and musical composition).
5. Excursions to the streets named after heroes.

5. Preventive activities.
Dealing with the difficult is the touchstone on which
all the advantages and disadvantages are clearly revealed
both an individual teacher and the whole pedagogical
V. Myasishchev

Problems often arise in the development of children, which are expressed in deviations from generally accepted social age expectations, norms of behavior and communication established in society.
These deviations are manifested in:
. children's school failure;
. lack of interest in learning, work, organized leisure;
. indiscipline;
. failure to comply with social norms of behavior;
. conflict, high anxiety;
. the presence of undesirable personality traits: laziness, deceit, selfishness, deceit;
. hyperactivity;
. unmotivated aggression, cruelty.

Target: leading the child to the process of self-education and re-education; correction of deviations existing in development and behavior.

1. Help the child overcome social and pedagogical difficulties and overcome the crisis that has arisen.
2. Form adequate self-esteem.
3. Social rehabilitation: restore relationships with the environment.
4. Rebuild the relationship with the child based on a personal approach.

Limits of application of the personal approach.

It is proposed to use an optimally personal approach to difficult children. These are humane motives of kindness and gentleness, respect. There are children in the class who require an individual approach to education and training. This is Terentyev A., Piskun B. The main directions in this area are:
. studying the individual characteristics of each child;
. establishing interpersonal contacts with each child;
. creating in the children's team the most favorable conditions for the development of the student's real and potential capabilities;

Helping students establish and develop relationships with adults at school (teachers, heads of clubs, sections);
. providing support in complying with the norms and rules of behavior at school and outside of it;
. interacting with parents to support student development;
. taking into account the personal achievements of each child, creating situations of success.

6. Pedagogical support for family education.

Parents vaccinating their children
hard work skills provide them
better than any inheritance.

R. Whatley

A family is a small group based on marriage, whose members are united by living together and running a household, emotional connection and responsibilities towards each other. According to existing legislation, parents are responsible for raising their children. Family education is understood as the entire set of targeted educational and uncontrolled socializing influences on the child, which is carried out in a family environment.

Target: promoting the revival of the best domestic traditions of family education; helping the family understand and formalize their system of life values; assistance to parents in mastering the skills of creative family pedagogy.
1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and competence of parents, developing their active pedagogical consciousness.
2. Education of parents in matters of spiritual culture and spiritual and moral foundations of family education.
3. Helping parents study and understand the characteristics of their child and their family.
4. Helping parents master skills cohabitation family events with children: everyday and holiday.

Topics of parent meetings:
1. Pedagogical skills of parents in raising children in the family.
2. Family as a social and moral value.
1. Spiritual and moral foundations of the family and traditions in family education.
2. Leisure time in the family. Interaction between family and school in organizing students’ leisure time.
1. Methods of education, pedagogical communication, individual interaction in the systems of family and school education.
2. Creative giftedness: social meaning and psychological and pedagogical problems (development, diagnosis, training and education of gifted and talented children).
1. Features of the development and formation of the child’s personality.
2. The modern family through the eyes of different specialists: psychologist, teacher, sociologist, ethnographer, priest.

1. The problem of the content of family communication. Spiritual life of the family.
2. Introducing children in the family to images of Russian, artistic and musical culture.

Consultations and helpline “Teacher - Parent”.

Target: assistance to the family in solving certain specific problems.

Sample topics for parent consultation:
1. Age characteristics.
2. The relationship between children's independence and parental control in family education.
3. The child does not want to study. How to help him.
4. What to do if a child does not like to read.
5. How to develop voluntary attention and memory in a child.
6. Life values ​​of a modern schoolchild.
7. TV and computer in the life of a family and a child. The influence of television programs and computer games on the psychological state, formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.
8. Responsibility, self-esteem and self-control: their development in a primary school student.
9. The problem of misunderstanding in the family: ways to effectively overcome it.
10. The importance of communication with parents in the formation of a child’s personal qualities.
11. The importance of communication with peers in the formation of a child’s personality.
12. Children's friends: friends or enemies at home.
13. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.
14. Causes and consequences of childhood aggression.
15. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.
16. Punishment and rewards in family education.
17. Work in the life of a modern child.
18. Childhood anxiety. What it can lead to and how to overcome it.
19. Shy child. Problems of shyness and ways to overcome it.
20. Three generations in a family: communication problems.