A parable about fate: acceptance cannot be changed. How to change your destiny for the better Acceptance is not the same as passive humility

Is it possible to change fate? In a number of previous publications, we examined the general situation of fate. The time has come to move on to considering specific methods for analyzing the lessons of fate. We will look at several steps one by one.

Step one is ACCEPTANCE. This is the most important step. It all starts with him, the rest happens more or less automatically.

Acceptance is the opposite of hatred and rejection. What is rejection? Some person will react negatively to you. You don't accept it, you hate this person, you want to escape from this problem. You don't take it as your own. You don't accept this as your own destiny.

So, the first step, acceptance, means that when something comes back to you on a negative level, in a negative manifestation, there is some kind of negative attitude on the part of someone, the first thing to do is to understand that it is your own that is returning through this person. And this man, he really has nothing to do with it at all. It’s just that fate uses it to return to you your own deed or some action.

So, accept it as your own. This means becoming a disciple. This is the most important position of us in this world. Fate exists to teach us. She returns to us actions that are incorrect from the point of view of the laws of the universe. And they come into our lives in the form of some problems, negative reactions.

The mechanism of fate is not a mechanism of punishment, as for some reason people believe, but a mechanism of learning. Your own comes back to you to correct you.

So, accept the traumatic, negative situation as your own lesson. This step means a certain emotional attitude towards the event. Not mental, just at the level of thought, well, my fate, but I hate you, scoundrel, all the same.

Accept means to accept emotionally. This is informational transformation, not just logical understanding. This is a real transformation of your heart. It's effort. If you don't want to change how you feel about someone, nothing will ever change. There must be a desire.

Desire is the main force. If you are unable to change your attitude towards someone, but you have a desire, then this desire will be supported. Wishes come true. You will be given some push, some resource so that you can do this. Therefore, the most important thing is to want. Don’t just blame a person, remembering all his shortcomings and all the insults that he caused you, but actually push all this aside and change towards him. In this the art of acceptance.

Is it possible to change fate? We got acquainted with the very first step in this chain, at the level of which many problems are solved. Why is this happening?

Fate is a teaching mechanism. And if you stop, have a negative attitude towards the other person from whom the problem seemed to come. If you accept fate as your own. This means that you become a student in this Universe and immediately the reaction weakens or is removed. And all because you took the right position in this world, became a student.

They say that everyone has their own destiny, and often we don’t like it. Few people can sincerely say: I am completely satisfied with my life, and I don’t want to change anything about it.

Parable about fate: acceptance cannot be changed

It is difficult for us to accept our fate, and we don’t want to accept it at all. We consider ourselves worthy of a better life, so we put a lot of effort into trying to change our own destiny, even if all previous attempts were in vain. Everyone puts a comma in the right place: acceptance cannot be changed.

Comparing our lives with the lives of other people, it seems to us that their fate can be envied, and we would gladly exchange our life for the life of the one we envy. However, we do not know what those people really feel inside themselves. You can put on any mask, but what the person inside is experiencing is the question. A small mystical parable about yoga and accepting fate.

Parable about fate and yoga

A long time ago, when powerful mystic yogis still lived on earth, a woodcutter, an ordinary villager, came to one of them after a long journey in the mountains and said:

You are a famous yogi and sorcerer, I have heard a lot about your mystical abilities. In the village they say that you make it rain when we have a drought, and disperse the clouds when our fields are flooded with water. You cured several of our people from a deadly disease from a distance, although you never even saw them with your own eyes or spoke to them. They say that you have been practicing mystical yoga all your life and can do a lot of things that we, ordinary people, don’t even know about. I came to you to...

“I know who you are and why you came,” the yogi suddenly continued in a calm, quiet voice. - You don’t like the fact that you work for three people, but get paid the same as everyone else. You have a beautiful wife, but she doesn't love you as much as you would like. Your children don't live up to your expectations. You are tormented by heavy thoughts and illnesses. You cannot accept your fate and consider life to be unfair, that’s why you came to me.

Yes, that’s true,” said the lumberjack, looking down. -Can you help me?

The mystic yogi closed his eyes and answered:

I'll help you. Tell me three people whose fate you consider better than yours.

The villager, without hesitation, named three people. Then the yogi ordered to close your eyes and explained:

For a few minutes I will immerse you in a special state. You will be aware of everything that is happening, but you will not be able to move, think, and you will not be able to stop this process on your own. You will only observe and feel everything that I show you, do you agree?

Having received consent, the mystic began his work using yoga techniques. Immediately he showed the woodcutter one day in the life of a groom, who was named the first among the three who had a “better fate.” The lumberjack experienced all the events of one of the days of the groom's life, from dawn to dusk, one after another, all the joys and sorrows, as if he himself were a stableman - everything was so realistic and emotional. And only at the end, when the “groom’s day” was over, the lumberjack suddenly realized that he was not a groom at all. A sigh of relief escaped from his chest.

Can you accept this fate? Would you like to be in his place? - asked the yogi.
“No,” the villager answered after thinking for a second.

Then the yogi showed him the usual day of a potter, who was second on the list. The woodcutter, against his will, became immersed in the events of the potter's day, fully experiencing them one after another, good and bad, until the day came to an end. Having come to his senses a little and realizing that he was not a potter, the lumberjack shook himself and took a deep breath.

Would you like to have such a destiny? - responded the mystic yogi.
- Oh no…

And then the yogi showed the villager the life of a merchant, the third person on the list, whom the woodcutter secretly envied. One day in the life of a merchant - all the events of that day - were just as vividly experienced by the lumberjack in every detail. Waking up from this extremely realistic illusion, he heard the voice again:

Are you ready to accept such a fate?

Breathing heavily after the intense experience of three people, the lumberjack barely said:

No! I was greatly mistaken in believing that their fate was better than mine. I wouldn't want to trade places with them.

The yogi looked at him carefully and said:

Fine. Now ask for what you want.

After thinking for a minute, the man replied:

Let me just be a lumberjack and live my life as it is. After all this, I can accept my fate as it is. Thank you for your help.

Since then, the lumberjack never complained about life and did not envy anyone. Because I knew from my mystical experience: a person’s external behavior and his inner world are often not a reflection of each other.

Learning to create your own destiny is not the same as learning how to repair a watch or mastering a new language. Therefore, it is important to understand from the very beginning that if it takes time to acquire the simplest skills, how much more will it take for those of us who want to learn how to change our future!

This is why you must be patient. And believe that the book you are holding in your hands will reward you for this.

In the following pages you will encounter some ideas and concepts that you may never have thought about before. This book contains the keys to inner gates that few people even know exist, let alone open and enter. But you can succeed. In fact, although you don’t know it yet, you have already taken the first steps towards something Higher.


Just because you are holding this book in your hands, your destiny has already changed and become new. I'll explain it to you.

The part of you that prompted you to buy this book already belongs to the line of Higher Destiny that exists within you. The very desire to be a Higher person comes from Above and means that there is already a connection between the person you want to become and the person you are now; between the new destiny destined for you and what happened to you in the past. All you have to do is stay on the path that has already brought you to this point, for it will lead you straight to that Supreme Destiny that you seek. You are standing on the threshold of a new stage of your destined journey.

A lot of new and exciting things open up before you. But you must remember that the best intentions are the most lofty ones, requiring your own efforts to reach new heights. Allow me to give you some advice that will ensure your continued progress along the Higher Path.

First, as you progress in the teaching of the new life, you may encounter certain difficulties more than once. You will be visited by an uneasy feeling of not understanding what you are doing or even why are you doing this! But every time you're ready to throw up your hands in the air or throw out the white flag, try to remember the following. No matter how strange your insecurity may seem to you, you must see the true meaning in it: it is Fine, not bad! After all, in your work you have been moving towards this very moment all the time.

How is this possible? Let me explain.

Your confusion indicates that you have reached a true inner threshold; you have the opportunity to enter into something truly unknown to you. And this incredible place is the very gate of a new destiny. So, be brave!

Secondly, if you simply persevere on your path, you will overcome these trying times. I promise this. Nothing can stop your sincere search, not even those thoughts and feelings that tell you that you are not moving forward because you do not understand how to take the next step. Take this step anyway. And then you will understand.

The light from one short moment of honestly asking yourself a question is much more powerful than the darkness accumulated over millions of years of doubt. So dare to go further... and you will succeed!


Any uncertainty is a special invitation from life to penetrate into the mystery of the eternally new, so that one day, in the vastness of this boundless world, one finds oneself as its ruler.


Ever since men and women set foot on this earth, they have understood the mysteries of the world around them. It is in our nature to explore, discover new things and push the boundaries of what we know. One by one, from fire to nuclear fusion, we have patiently and steadily forced Mother Nature to reveal her great secrets and put them to our service.

But despite all our knowledge and victories over the forces of the world around us, we still live in the dark when it comes to understanding the nature of the forces that lurk within ourselves.

What is this undiscovered world inside of us? What do we really know about his oceans of turbulent feelings? About countless invisible forms of thought? Only a few would dare to admit that this inner world is dominated by the same invisible forces that make the world around us revolve. And it is difficult to understand: why do we explore the external world and completely ignore the world of our soul? With all that he can give us, with all the numerous powers that can open up, like a casket with scatterings of treasures... Why are there so few of those who dare to try and take possession of all the breathtaking secrets of power over oneself, over one’s own the innermost Self?

This book invites you to become one of the few. You hold in your hands everything you need to arrive in the invisible inner world, to master and subjugate your own thoughts and feelings. What adventures await you once you gain the power you need to create your own destiny!

During our travels and studies, we will discover together why many of the paths we choose every day seem to be predetermined against our will. Why is it that when we really want to do something new or become someone else, we almost always end up doing just the opposite. Instead of challenging, we choose the path of least resistance. And then we blame people or circumstances, or sadly complain about our own weakness.

If you are already tired of this, then the book is about creating your own destiny will give you the secret keys that will make you the master of your life path, as well as all your life experiences. You will learn to determine your destiny. Such secrets exist. And they can open up to you.

Through the eleven effective exercises for improving your inner life that this book teaches you, you will discover how to sense and fully master not only the obvious, but also the subtle forces that determine your choices in life. And since such a choice is decisions made daily Feeling the invisible inner forces driving these decisions is like taking control of your own destiny.

You must become one of those few who always goes exactly where he wants; one of those whose entire life experience serves only self-enrichment. This is the fate that is destined for you! So let's put together what will give it to us.


To rise above yourself, you must first become yourself. This does not require any mental effort on your part, only willingness see yourself as you really are.


This is not the law of life for a man or a woman in particular, but the Law of Life in general: before you live a different life, before you become happier, wiser, gain peace and calm power over yourself, you must change your essence. Essence- this is all.


It only takes a moment to think to understand that everything around us has its own Essence. Why? Because all forms of physical life - living or inanimate - are an expression of that One Great Life, whose limitless mental energy and creative energy are the basis of all that exists. Thus, even an ordinary stone has some kind of Essence. And all types of Entities - from stones and roses to you and me - have their own nature...


The nature of a stone is entirely determined by the natural forces acting on it. This means that his Essence has no choice; that both the nature of the stone and its fate are actually predetermined. One day it will turn to dust. Gradual decay is part of the nature of all physical things.

In the same way, the graceful rose, dressed in its fragrant velvety petals, cannot choose its nature. Each individual rose cannot decide whether to have thorns or not, or whether to attract bees or not. Like the stone it grows next to, the nature of any rose is unchangeable manifestation of her Essence.

But human nature is yours nature - not immutable. It may change.

This amazing quality, the potential ability to change, inherent in our own nature, puts us above all the countless creations of the Lord. And this fact of the uniqueness of our nature gives us special power. The peculiarity of our Essence is that each of us is endowed with the power to choose the course of our own destiny. Let's see how this happens.

Your Essence is in a constant process of unfolding. You don't decide this. Essence is a gift received at birth. She's just There is. But how your life unfolds is what you you can influence. This is called making a choice. To have a real voice in the decisions you make in your life, make sure you understand the following.

Before you can change the course of events and learn to create your own destiny, you must first find your way to that sacred place within yourself where your own future is created, moment by moment. Yes, there is such a place. And you can get in there and control your own destiny.

This is truly a place outside of time and space where all decisions in your life are made, what we mean by the Present Moment. This is a place of exceptional and limitless power, since the True Present Moment is a kind of Seed sown from the Cosmos, from which everything that happens later will grow. This brings us to one of our main lessons.

Together with the knowledge you have already gained in our classes, your awareness of the following concept will bring you one step closer to gaining control over your own destiny. The Present Moment is where the insolent Essence, being boundless and absolute energy, meets our nature and breathes life into it. Now our nature exists in time, that is, it is woven from all your previous experiences. In other words, nature is a psychological vessel for our memories and knowledge, created by our social, religious and economic status.

The Present Moment, where our Essence and nature meet, is the moment of our destiny. Up until this moment, we could only to a small extent decide how our destinies would unfold, because everything was ruled by our nature - our past with all its accumulated fears, forced actions and doubts. A few more facts will help us move forward in understanding the problems associated with this subconscious internal state.

Our real nature is the nature of thought. She must think - this is the only way she can become aware of herself. And for this reason, our inner nature is not able to discern that many of its own thoughts are not at all what they seem to it. For example, we all considered ourselves strong or were confident that our lives were “perfectly fine.” But we were shocked by the depth of our own self-deception. We returned to reality and saw that our idea of ​​ourselves is just a thought that has no real power!

Situations like this, repeated over and over again, make this abundantly clear. Our real nature cannot know when a wrong decision is being made, because at the very moment when it is busy deciding our destiny using its confused or false concept of it, that nature itself is that wrong decision. Not only does she not see the forest for the trees, sometimes she doesn't even know what's hidden in the forest!

The reality would be very harsh if we had no other choice and were forced to live in captivity of our limited consciousness for the rest of our days. Our life, day after day, would be little different from the position of a passenger in a carriage driven by six powerful horses without a driver! Yes, we could get to our destination. But throughout the entire trip we would be tormented by doubts about where we were going and whether we would get there at all! You agree with me, I know! And this helps us take the next step on our path. Perhaps the most important step.

It's time to introduce the third character in the carriage and horses metaphor. You are on the threshold of becoming acquainted with the power that dwells in your own consciousness, calling upon which at every meeting of your nature with your Essence, you will have at your disposal both the driver and the harness you need to begin to rule your own destiny.

You can think of it as a third force that, when at your disposal, will provide you with a kind of exit into the Present Moment. It's called Awareness. This is the most unique feature of our nature, and for this reason: your awareness of the Present Moment and there is the Present Moment itself.

At this point you must stop for a moment. Transfer this concept from the mental sphere directly into your life and decide to become fully aware of yourself.

If you've never tried this before, here are some pointers to help you out.

Look inside yourself, at present moment. Without getting lost in thought, just feel all the sounds, sights, feelings, thoughts, sensations of texture and warmth inside and outside of yourself right now. I repeat again, this awareness of oneself and one's surroundings is not achieved by the power of thought. And if you master this higher kind of self-knowledge, you will see that this awareness is the very Present Moment that you have just experienced. They are one. This means that this awareness of yourself is also part of your Essence, since it contains the Present Moment. Here it is, that moment of inner truth to which we have been moving all this time.

Once you become aware of the Present Moment, which is the hidden part of your True Essence, you do not have to choose which path is best for you. Your consciousness knows this because it sees it. Where your ordinary nature is often blinded by its own hidden interests, your Essence, currently represented by your consciousness, easily looks through these treacherous thoughts if they arise from your subconscious.

The presence of this Higher Intelligence will protect you from defeat. And it's like making you win in a whole new way! Because every time you realize that you no longer have to choose, as before, from a narrow range of options limited by the nature of your thoughts, completely new, higher possibilities will open up before your inner gaze. In such moments, we receive messages coming from our very True Essence. And, guided by these principles, you will be able to create your own destiny as easily as you are now confident in yourself - because how can you not succeed now when the Truth itself is guiding you!


For even greater success, reread this chapter one or more times until you understand the new concepts described in it. Some of the important concepts covered in this and subsequent chapters of the book may seem too complex, but they are not beyond the realm of possibility - costs just take a risk and go to temporary inconveniences in order to reach what seems out of reach to you now. All much closer than you think! And here's why.

The concepts described in this book are based based on real facts that is, they are available to anyone who wants to see them. Your success depends entirely on the strength of your desire to look beyond your present understanding. But when you realize that your current level of understanding does not allow you to know what really lies beyond it, you will understand what you need to do to reach this new, higher level of consciousness.

So dare to rise above yourself - grab and hold on to this desire until new support appears under your feet. So it will be if you take this step.


The greatest power of self-realization is that no one can achieve it without fully knowing its nature from the very beginning.


After this short chapter, I want to introduce you to eleven exercises designed specifically to help you master the inner skills needed to create your own destiny. Each of them has unique properties and helps you provide an inner challenge that will help awaken in you a new self-awareness at the highest level. With diligent work, you will soon master the power to change the course of your life, changing your own nature, expressed by the Present Moment.

To get good results, read all eleven exercises at once, like a regular book - from beginning to end, then return to each lesson individually, focusing your full attention on it for at least one day.

To achieve superior results, I suggest you work on each exercise for a full week. You can practice longer if you want. But no matter what time frame you choose, do your best to work on any single exercise in your lesson every free minute... which I'm sure you'll have a lot of over the course of twelve hours.

Start with any of these exercises. Perhaps one of them is better suited to your personal situation at the moment. This is fine. Whatever exercise you begin your inner work with, it is important that you complete each one.

And here is the last instruction, designed to significantly speed up your progress in working on yourself.

Once you have completed one exercise and are ready to move on to the next, do not stop repeating the exercise you just completed. Even if the next exercise requires your full attention, you can cope and continue working on two exercises at once. And you will find that these exercises will reinforce and consolidate each other's results and thus speed up the process of your self-discovery.

Succeed at least once in at least one of these unique exercises, and your life will never be the same. Everything will become new for you, since both your victory over your own nature and your New Knowledge - everything now tells you: you you can create your own destiny!


There is no such thing as a wasted step when your ultimate goal is to change yourself.


Psychologists and esotericists claim that the power of thought and words is enormous. That everything that happens in life is the consequences of what a person did, said and thought. To change fate, to decorate everything around, you need to start with what is inside a person. Then change this, and after some time fate will improve, external circumstances will become different.

The foundations of life philosophy are laid in childhood. Mom and dad, close relatives, friends shape the worldview. And everything that was recorded then steadily acts in the human world throughout life. For example, my mother always thought that it was impossible to become rich; no amount of effort would help get to the top. And if she believed in it, sometimes she said it out loud in front of the child, he absorbed it, as a rule. And now any of his attempts to earn good money are not being realized. There can be many such settings, everyone has their own. But you need to see them.

To find out what principles apply in life, divide your destiny into sectors: personal life, work, self-realization, relationships with parents, hobbies, recreation, etc. There can be many points. And for each, write down all the thoughts that are in your head. Don’t evaluate them, don’t divide them into good or bad, just write them down in a column. You will see that you took some principles from your mother, some from friends, and some from your own experience. This list is a set of rules that are implemented in your destiny.

Choose the ones that limit you. And change it to the opposite. For example, instead of “it is impossible to become rich,” write “it is easy to become rich.” And repeat new settings constantly. This exercise is called “creating affirmations.” If you say new phrases to yourself regularly, repeat them in any convenient place, and believe in them, they will replace old programs and change your destiny.

You can correct your fate by taking some decisive steps in life, for example, moving would be such a decision. Just select another city on the map and go live there. You can act less radically and change your job. Do not move to another similar place, but rather change your specialty. You will have to master many skills, learn interesting things, and also get accustomed to a new area.

You can change your destiny by expanding your worldview. Today there are many books that talk about religions and philosophical teachings; this is an opportunity to see the world from a different angle, to experience it from a different perspective. Such works provide an opportunity to develop spiritually, and this definitely changes one’s destiny. Once you start expanding your horizons, unexpected opportunities appear that can make your life better.

Accept your fate

There may come a stage in the life of every person when he stops, looks back, sums up some results and forms plans for the future. This is natural and natural.

But there are situations when it seems that you have stopped, frozen, when all desires are smoothed out. And this is not indifference, no. This is a peaceful stopover that brings peace and harmony. It’s just that desires become less acute, and the flow of thoughts becomes smoother.

What is this? Internal fatigue? But it seems that she is not there. Reluctance to rush forward? And no, the momentum of movement is preserved. But the feeling of calm confidence, a certain stability, and a reduction in emotional outbursts is fully present.

And this can be explained by reaching a point in the journey that can be called “critical” for a given person. Critical not in a negative sense, but rather transitional. This is the stage of spiritual maturation, when the realization comes that you should not strive for the unattainable, that your tasks are only YOUR tasks, and your path is exactly YOUR path. And all your suffering, struggles, decisions are exactly YOUR suffering, struggles and decisions. No one but you could go through this life in this way.

The inner stability that you gain in this way allows you to look at things soberly. You understand that there are tasks that you will never be able to do, and it’s not your fault. A flower, even if it has blossomed and is fragrant, will never defeat a lion - the lion will simply step on it and crush it.

You understand that you don’t need to stare at someone else’s things, or aim at the impossible. You understand that satisfaction only comes from what is closely aligned with your program, with your tasks, which are feasible for you. You calm down in the main thing and gain a calm vision of yourself and circumstances.

And then you ACCEPT YOUR FATE. You accept it completely, completely, without any reservations. No one but you on this Earth could have accomplished what you have accomplished - whether bad or good, but this is YOUR embroidery of fate, and you are the author of this “work” that the Lord entrusted to you.

Not everyone can accept their fate. And if this does not happen, a person will not experience satisfaction and peace. This is the only way to understand yourself and your tasks - BY ACCEPTING YOUR DESTINY.

On a subtle level, this means the merging of two streams: the present and the future. If a person does not accept his fate, he will not be able to fully embrace the future. And if the flows of the present and the future do not fully merge, then the future cannot line up harmoniously.

Accepting your fate does not mean resigning yourself by pursing your lips, gritting your teeth and holding back your tears. Accepting fate means understanding that it is this fate that you are worthy of, it is this inheritance that you received from your ancestors, and it is with these specific tasks that your soul came to Earth. And that without solving these problems, without unraveling specific knots (which are yours and only yours), you will not move on.

Accepting fate means looking into the future with a smile, no matter how difficult the present may be. This is the ability to see the sun through the clouds, even if they cover the entire sky.

And if a person accepts his fate - completely, with all his heart - and such an internal revolution occurs when for a moment the hands of the internal clock freeze. But this is not a stop, this is a leap, awareness of oneself in a new quality.

A transition is made, and the future is combined with the present at a single point, in order to subsequently unfold into a new linear structure of human life.

There will be new transitions in the future, but if this current transition had not taken place, it is unlikely that a person would be able to enter those orbits that become real only after complete, unconditional, deep acceptance of his destiny.