Cool ditties for teachers for New Year's corporate parties. New Year's ditties

Ditties for the New Year of the Mouse in 2020 are very popular among young and middle-aged people. These easy-to-remember poems will make a close, pleasant company laugh. The special effect of ditties is produced by people dressed in funny costumes. Men dressed as women, and vice versa, singing comic ditties, make you laugh heartily.

Comic New Year's ditties They will help you relax, join the company, and for some, remember your youth. Funny ditties from your lips - and you are the life of any company!

New Year of the Rat (Mouse)

For adults

In the year of the Rat I will run away,
I'll hide in a dark hole.
I'll forget about the diet
I really love to eat!

You call me a mouse
And I will turn into a Rat.
I'm in the Year of the Rat, my love,
I'm totally in awe of you!

You will become King Rat,
Don't forget to buy me
Cool car, apartment,
And something else!

They considered a gray mouse
They said: Nothing
In the Year of the Rat they broke off,
I will take revenge on you and the king!

I don’t grieve in the year of the Rat
And I'm getting married.
After all, this New Year
They called me to the registry office, here!

For children

And I'm so small
I'll hide in a hole, anyone
I'll live with the Rat
And gifts await!

I met Santa Claus
And I told a poem
And grandpa surprised
Turned me into a Mouse!

And they gave me a Rat,
Only they didn’t give me the cage.
The guests saw the Rat
They fainted together!

And I got a deuce
And she hid her diary,
The Rat dragged him away
It's not my fault!

There's a guy I know
He put the Rat in the bag,
This is so original
He offered to be my friend!

New Year of the Pig

1. Oh, the guys grunted,
They sleep under the Christmas tree.
That's why they sit and get bored
The girls are on the sidelines.

2. The year of the pig is coming,
Look, don't let me down.
Give us lard and meat,
It will be just a fairy tale!

3. My husband got angry
Sticks to the neighbor.
Let her cook now
And he washes his socks.

4. It will be a pig year,
All the people rejoice.
Because he loves to eat
And of course lie down.

5. The year of the pig is coming,
Someone will immediately go on a drinking binge.
Well, we don't drink, we eat,
Because we want to live!

New Year of the Dog

1. Don't bark at me
Dear wife,
I drank two liters
Celebrating the holiday.

2. I’m sitting at home on a chain,
I don't even go for walks.
I put on curlers,
I'm looking forward to the holiday.

3. The year of the dog is coming,
The red cat is dissatisfied.
After all, the owner will be a dog,
So the cat hung his nose.

4. In the year of the dog we wish
People shouldn't be a dog
To be alone
You didn't have to struggle.

5. A holiday is coming, New Year,
My bulldog is happy
I'll make some cold meat
Well, the bones are all his!

New Year's ditties about the Rooster and the Hen (for adults)

1. Girls go for a walk
Painted chickens,
They go looking for suitors
Little fools!

2. Mom, mom, let go
To dear Petrushka,
He's standing near the fence
Freeze my ears.

3. Dad flooded the bathhouse,
He poured boiling water into the barrel,
Come take a steam bath
So as not to grow old!

4. Petya-Petya-Cockerel,
Oil head,
Let us sleep, darling,
Don't go crazy!

5. I'm in a hem for chickens
She brought some bread,
I looked at my knees
From behind the fence Glebushka!

6. My grandmother scolded me:
I went on a date...
He says: You Manya are a fool,
You are stupider than our chickens...

7. Cockerel, Cockerel,
Don't fly up into the air.
Darlings kiss there,
The guy and the girl are young.

8. We cooked chicken soup,
We didn't forget to add salt.
The rooster saw it
And he ran at full speed!

9. Ryaba was sitting on the nest,
What a caring woman.
And the rooster walked around.
I cleaned my feathers and washed my paws.

10. It’s snowing outside.
Our cockerel is singing.
He's calling for the New Year
He sees the old one off.

11. New Year's time,
It's time for the chickens to sleep.
But the rooster doesn’t let them
Everyone is bawling and singing!

12. I’m visiting my beloved through the window
Threw a snowball
To go out onto the porch
Dear little friend!

13. We sang ditties for you
They started crowing
Because Happy New Year
Very puzzled!

Funny ditties for the New Year

I wore a dress on New Year's Day
The most decent
Even my darling told me
That I'm cute!

To the new year, to the new year
Borka is pestering me.
He says he loves me
Well, I'm the opposite.

Darling kissed me
In a field, near a hillock.
Even red with shame
It was becoming a Christmas tree.

New year, new year,
People are already drinking.
Yes, and I am not without sin,
I drank beer in the morning.

Thank you all for your attention,
It was fun with you
Let's say together: goodbye!
We will leave you now!

New Year's ditties for the Year of the Rooster(for adults part 1)

We will sing ditties for you
Children, cover your ears.
It was not in vain that you gathered
Know that our peppers are red.

How a snowman was made
My friend and I are clever!
In a jacket, a cap and glasses,
And between the legs there is a carrot!

You were waiting for me at the viburnum,
On a snowdrift for two hours,
My mother didn't let me in -
Even go out to the porch.

I ordered it by mail
A boat made of rubber
And she came as a gift to me
Rubber Zina.

What should I give my darling?
I'm racking my brain...
Should I buy her a bra?
I don't know the size.

Nice gifts too
Valerka handed me:
Electrodes are not for welding,
Instead of fireworks!

Ditties for the New Year(for adults part 2)

Celebrate the New Year together -
It's romantic.
What will we do in the New Year -
It's indecent to tell you.

I bought gifts for everyone -
I haven't forgotten anyone.
Sweetness for children and old people.
Polka dot panties for men.

On New Year's Day, on New Year's Day
The boss is pestering me.
Your short report
In my big report of vanities.

I'm preparing in advance
For the New Year's Eve
Sexy lingerie
I wore it the same evening.

The doctors are all ready
On New Year's Eve
Shine with a bright light
Suppositories for hemorrhoids.

I put it in my bra,
To surprise my husband.
Well, he gives himself potatoes,
So as not to upset me.

New Year's ditties for adults(Part 3)

M already went to the party
A boyfriend will come to me...
Couldn't open my fly -
The whole New Year is down the drain.

We are Ural dumplings
We ate it only on New Year's Day.
We're so tired of them,
Those Ural dumplings.

New Year's lights,
Christmas trees, gifts...
Even sex on New Year's Eve
Very, very bright!

The long-awaited one is coming
Miracle holiday New Year,
Everybody's missing something
Someone is always waiting for happiness.

I'm waiting for Grandfather Frost -
Rich groom
He will give without question
I have a shaggy fur coat.

And my friend is Katya
A gift awaits boldly,
That they'll give her a car
For a couple of thousand euros.

I'm not afraid of the cold,
Let it be at least minus thirty-five!
Give me a glass of vodka to drink
And I will rock!

We are simple girls,
I'm no stranger to cold weather.
Let's quickly put on felt boots
And let's go for a walk in a crowd.

We were preparing for the holiday:
Oh, we're tired...
Well, our men
We've been drinking since morning.

Ditties by profession(professional)

Doctors for the New Year
No one gives rest:
Who is trying to give birth?
Who suffers from gastritis!

There are forty-eight in the military unit
The New Year is blowing loudly,
The commander became Santa Claus,
And Snegurka is a political officer.

Everyone is celebrating the New Year,
I'm turning the wheel
Can abandon his tractor
And have a drinking party?

On New Year's Day, students
Drunk people walking around
And the teacher is under the table
Checking notebooks...

New Year's Eve for the Economist
You need to keep within “three hundred” -
I set the table economically:
Half a loaf and kefir.

New Year is my favorite holiday
For all the people
Only toastmaster again
It's sad for some reason...

The table was set on the counter,
The aprons were adjusted
So beloved New Year
The saleswomen did it!

Political ditties

It’s hard to work in the Duma,
Shopping at TSUM is much easier.
From a heavy butt, honestly,
The leather chair will crack.

Life in our country is stable,
Everything goes its own way:
Demographics are getting lower
And inflation is rising.

The bear doesn't understand bees,
When he paws into honey,
So never full
He won’t understand all the hungry people.

Very happy with the tariki,
The pension is growing!
Effective taxes
The state is ripping us off.

The crisis of the banking system
We, the people, don’t care.
There are potatoes in the garden,
This is where we will live.

Happy New Year to us
Prime Minister Medvedev hastened:
New Year's gifts
I gave it to everyone in November.

We sang ditties for you,
We're tired and sweaty
We expect applause from you,
And of course compliments!

The New Year has already become so firmly entrenched in Russian culture that it is impossible to imagine winter without a Christmas tree, tangerines and champagne. Another part of our culture are ditties. They are also traditional for Russians, and for any reason. Therefore, very quickly two such significant traditions united, and people began to hum ditties for the New Year. Although among them there are their own types. These could be ditties for the New Year 2019 with a specific congratulation in honor of the patron animal, or contain jokes, romantic overtones or deep philosophical sayings.


Most of these ditties can be sung in any company. This is a discreet form folk art, acceptable for performance both at a corporate event in a reputable company, and on stage in various institutions. Although in large quantities, such ditties for the New Year are not suitable for groups of friends or other gatherings in a narrow circle. For such cases, it is better to choose more free varieties of ditties, leaving 2-3 pieces from the congratulatory ones.

Pig sends his regards to all of us,
Starting your year.
He will be full of happiness
I wish that to everyone.

With dancing and singing,
Let's celebrate the year with joy,
We sincerely congratulate everyone,
May you have a successful year.

May luck follow you
And finances are flowing like a river.
Let no one cry around!
Happy New Year, dear!

Why does the soul sing?
The pig is good today!
She promised us a new year,
Wealthy and cool!

Santa Claus brings a pig,
Starting the New Year,
May good luck come to your home
And it circles like a round dance!

Don't rush to leave home
On this glorious New Year,
Congratulations, right to say,
My mouth is already full.

To our generous table,
The pig has arrived on New Year's Day.
I wished for order,
Happiness, joy, prosperity.


This type of ditty often crosses the line of decency, so they are not always used among the general public. Not all of them can be sung at a corporate party, not to mention concerts. Moreover, it is precisely this category of ditties that is most in demand in a friendly company or in a family circle.

New Year, New Year -
Holiday mood.
Someone drinks compote with vodka,
Well, I'm jam.

Happy New Year
I wanted to sing for you
Well, who doesn't want to listen?
He'll get it right in the eye.

The Year of the Pig is knocking on doors
And all around people are drunk,
We see off the evil beast,
The dog was sent home.

The boar came in the New Year,
Clean, rosy and very brave,
And an unexpected surprise came for the dog,
After all, now he is out of work.

Like at our party
The Pig appeared
She ate all the tangerines,
Leaving nothing behind.

We celebrated the New Year brightly,
They danced from the heart.
Lost all the gifts
Somewhere in the drunken wilderness we are.

Rejoice, ardent people,
The year of the pig is coming!
Drunk, and blind, and sighted,
Join the round dance!

New Year's ditties,
We'll sing all night now
Sing along with me, girlfriends,
When you can’t bear to eat or drink.

Finish your booze quickly
May you have more luck!
We need to meet Piggy,
Drunken grunting and squealing!

Congratulate, don't congratulate,
Just pour more!
We can't do it any other way
The Pig came to visit us!

Romantically perky

This group of ditties for the New Year can be combined regarding the holiday and love relationships, or dedicated only to couples. In the first case, such folk art is relevant only during the winter holiday. If the ditty is only about people, then they can be performed at other friendly gatherings.

We met dear Piggy,
He got drunk like a Pig
He said we kissed
Only it wasn't me there.

That year I wished
Happiness in finding a carriage.
Now he has appeared
And his name is Anton.

On New Year's I made a wish,
The edges are full of love,
I didn't want something
My husband is a complete Pig!

On New Year's Day I told my husband,
What I want is a feast on the mountain.
He dirty all the dishes
In the morning he told me: “Wash it!”

New Year is a magical holiday,
As if created for two.
Although he is such a prankster,
The night passed for the women alone.

We loved you on New Year's Day,
Right up to the first dawn!
In the morning we were very surprised,
There are THREE piles on the table!

New Year's fun
Brought a lot of happiness!
Basilius took me to Paris,
That's what lucky means!

Philosophically judicious

Such ditties can be sung almost every New Year, and not just in 2019. Moreover, they are not just a piece of sung rhymed text, such ditties touch on some eternal problems, both of an everyday and ideological nature.

Talk about New Year
We're all ready
How to set the table for dinner
All at once are not words.

Who's knocking at the gate?
Bringing down our doors,
The patron is coming to us,
Open quickly.

On New Year's Eve like a king,
I will forgive all enemies evil,
So that they all feel like a beast,
I was really lucky like a pig.

If it's white all around,
Covered in a blizzard
12 months have passed
New Year is at the door.

Oh, I'm tired, girlfriends,
Sing funny ditties.
To bring us all to tears,
I'll read some prose.

Last year was harsh for us,
We are tired of living hard.
Well let's see what's new
The year can offer us.

Those who think that singing ditties for the New Year 2019 is no longer fashionable, let them know that folk traditions always in trend. A stylish dinner with prim faces, for all its visual aesthetics, did not become a common occurrence during the New Year celebrations. At the same time, a holiday with ditties, karaoke and joyful screams when fireworks are launched is the most common. Because he is cheerful and bright. Happy New Year to everyone with songs, dances and ditties.

Any holiday is always fun, and winter holidays- double the fun. And what could be more playful than New Year's ditties for 2018? They will not only charge everyone with a great mood, but will also help leave all negative emotions behind in the past year.

We are soon entering the New Year 2018 - the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog. And, of course, many people are wondering what ditties are suitable for this holiday? After all, I want to not only use this genre of folk art, but also mention the mistress of the year. Ditties can be for adults, children, funny and cheerful, and simply about the New Year. Their highlight is that they are suitable for anyone New Year's event: on children's party, corporate event, school evening and just with the family. You can perform ditties with any number of participants; there are more than enough of them for everyone. Let's look at the most interesting ditties for the New Year 2018, both for children and adults.

New Year's ditties for children

Children will undoubtedly enjoy the playful quatrains about the Christmas tree, forest animals, gifts, the Snowman, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And, of course, to the mistress of the year, the Yellow Dog. Such ditties will amuse the kids and add a festive mood.

The children stood up in a round dance,

New Year is at the gates!

Hello Yellow Dog,

Santa Claus is coming soon!

We made a Snowman,

Decorated with a broom.

Now he is guarding our house

Under the Christmas tree!

The New Year has already arrived,

There was a knock on our window.

And fluffy winter

Got a lot of snow!

Let us have the Yellow Dog

Will bring good luck!

A big bag of gifts

Santa Claus will deliver to us!

What are you doing, Grandfather Frost,

Did you bring so much cold?

But we won't stand

Let's play in the snow!

Oh, funny little ditties,

How good!

Hey guys, don't yawn

Sing along from the heart!

Let the Dog in the New Year

Brings us good luck!

Lots of joy and happiness

And not a bit of bad weather!

From Frost and Snow Maiden

We are really looking forward to gifts!

Fun and friendly together

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Under the beautiful Christmas tree

The animals have gathered

From squirrels and bunnies,

To the bear cubs and foxes!

Let the Dog hurry quickly,

After all, her turn has come!

Well, we'll have some fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

New Year's ditties for adults

Adults like to have fun just as much as children; they enjoy laughing at their habits and making fun of each other. And for a festive feast, more than ever, funny ditties for the New Year 2018 will come in handy. For example, like this.

Let's drink and have fun

We're here until the morning!

Let's happily meet the Dog,

Let's shout “Hurray” together!

Although we are different people,

But always one family!

We are saying goodbye to the old year,

Let's be happy, friends!

We congratulate each other

We wish you happiness and joy!

Let's wish that on Saturday

Don't go to work for us!

We'll sing ditties

Let's drink and pour again!

Let's pour again and drink again,

And let's sing it again!

The Year of the Dog is coming soon,

It's time for her to come!

And so we will

Have fun until the morning!

Sing ditties until you drop

We'll be there all night long!

Well, who doesn’t sing along?

They don't serve that here!

We are waiting for gifts in the New Year,

Preferably in cash!

And for this we are ditties

Let's sing some decent ones!

On the table for the New Year -

Olivier and chicken.

Soon Santa Claus will come,

We won't frown!

An animal came running to us,

Very quick girlfriend!

What's her name, though?

This is the Yellow Dog!

A feast in the mountains, a cartload of gifts,

Christmas tree and Santa Claus,

A lot of snow at the gate -

This, brothers, is the New Year!

Cool New Year's ditties

Chatushki is a genre so multifaceted that there is a place for absolutely any topic in it. And since the New Year is a holiday of laughter and fun, then sing or just listen funny ditties no one will refuse. What quatrains can you take note of?

Oh, you winter-winter,

The cold drove me crazy!

He's hoarse and I'm hoarse

Is it bird flu?

If the Yellow Dog

He knocks on the door again with his paw,

So, someone believes lies,

And don’t pour it for him!

It's frosty outside,

You're cold and I'm cold!

Calm down, friend, don't panic!

We have underpants!

The Dog came running to us,

She whined at the gate,

Yellow herself, however,

Is it really New Year?

We are celebrating the Year of the Dog

The whole friendly street!

There they eat, here they treat,

And over there they are kissing!

My husband dressed up as Santa Claus

And he went on a drinking binge.

And I came back home

He's wearing shorts and a T-shirt!

People walk on New Year's Day

At the multi-colored Christmas tree.

And the fun will stop -

The tree will turn into a stick!

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

Sparkles with garlands,

And the husband lies under the Christmas tree,

He's celebrating the New Year!

If only we were younger

Young and playful

We would dance on the table,

Yes, they could climb the tree!

Listen, Grandfather Frost,

Where are you hanging around so much?

You're just on New Year's Day

You show up with grandma!

Nothing will diversify the festive feast more cheerfully than ditties for 2018 Year of the Dog 2018. And let these quatrains be adult, childish, funny, even vulgar - they are always kind and somewhere touching. Which means new year holidays will be fun!