Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation in prose. Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation: official, in verse, prose, SMS, beautiful, short Happy Constitution Day congratulations

Many of us find it difficult to choose the right words for a formal speech that needs to be delivered in front of a large audience at an important event. For example, when preparing for a solemn event in honor of Russian Constitution Day, you should think through your speech in advance and very carefully. It should reflect your true attitude towards the event and express deep respect. Therefore, words in prose can be supplemented with quotes from great thinkers, modern writers, or memories of a historical event. In addition, you can choose a beautiful poem that will create a pleasant atmosphere for celebrating Constitution Day.

When is Constitution Day celebrated in Russia?

Official celebration of Constitution Day in Russian Federation takes place on December 12th. It was on this day in 1993 that the Basic Law was adopted, which became the basis for the new democratic structure of Russia.

Congratulations on Constitution Day in verse

I am all the inhabitants of the country

I hasten to greet you

I ask you to comply with it.

If we live in law

Everyone will arrange happiness,

No strongest enemy

He won't set a trap for us.

Let the laws serve eternal

Help in everyone's life,

Let Russia flourish

Walking a new path!

Beautiful congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation for special occasions in prose

The Basic Law became the support for the future of Russia in the 90s - an era of complex changes and the introduction of a fundamentally new government system. Today, celebrating Constitution Day, we not only honor this main law. We express our deep respect for the legislative structure that is designed to protect our social status, protect the rights and freedoms of every citizen of Russia. The Constitution begins a huge and complex legal system that suppresses corruption, theft and impunity. On this day, let each of us think about how much work has been put into the prosperity of law and justice in our country, and how much we still have to do.

The Constitution is the beginning of human law. A valuable source that provides direction for the development of democracy and equality in society. It is from this main source that civil law and all laws governing the legal structure of a great power begin. Our task is to protect this pure source of justice from corruption and unlawful decisions, and not to forget about the importance of laws in our lives. Happy Constitution Day, dear compatriots! Let this holiday be important points in your process of becoming a responsible citizen with a strong democratic position.

The Constitution is a strong core around which new laws and regulations grow. A solid, thoroughly thought-out basis that defines the people as the main source of power. On Russian Constitution Day, remember that laws are created for us, and their observance is, of course, aimed at the benefit of each of us.

Solemn poems for Constitution Day

Residents of Russia

Congratulations on this day!

How much importance, hope,

Strength, work in it.

Painstakingly written

Constitution pages,

Times have changed

There are new faces in the Duma.

Flashed through the years

Through all the trials

Constitution for

Prosperity to Russians!

In ninety-three

Standing ovation

For the adoption of the law

New order.

The Constitution gave

Democracy is the way,

By the twenty-first century

I brought it to the threshold.

Let's celebrate this day

We are in modern Russia.

Let the force of law

Remains unchanged!

Original congratulations on Constitution Day in prose

Back in ancient times, the great philosopher Heraclitus said: “The people must fight for the law as for a city wall.” Only the law can stop injustice and give true freedom, put all people on equal terms and protect rights. The Constitution is the main law that everyone should know about. A law that, like an unbreakable wall, will protect you in any controversial situation. Read and respect the Constitution, which protects our freedom and state sovereignty.

The adoption of the Constitution is an important historical moment. This is a symbolic step in new life, a symbol of the maturity of the people, their education and fortitude. In honor of the day of adoption of this fundamental document, I would like to wish that peace, tranquility and justice always reign in our country.

A French philosopher once said: “Where laws can be broken under the pretext of common salvation, there is no constitution.” And this is a true statement. The Constitution must be a clear, strong framework aimed at protecting human rights. This is precisely the Constitution that was adopted in the Russian Federation in the last century. From year to year we honor this day and those who worked to create the law. Happy holiday, dear compatriots! Let each of us remember the importance of the Constitution and let no one dare to violate its main laws!

Short congratulations on Constitution Day in verse for SMS

For freedom and order

A constitution is needed

This date is for Russia

Very memorable and important!

With the adoption of the law

We began to live better.

Let's go this afternoon

We will treasure it.

The constitution of the state and the constitution of the citizen are an identical concept. This is a law that can be called the basis of democracy, humanity, justice and equality. On this day, I want to wish all my compatriots that the Constitution will be the eternal guardian of our interests and freedoms!

The Constitution and our own strengths are what each of us can always rely on. On Constitution Day, I wish prosperity to our state and the eternal rule of law!

It is customary to celebrate Russian Constitution Day not only on ceremonial events. You can congratulate a colleague, relative or friend on this holiday. To do this, choose a beautiful verse or cool congratulations in prose. Comfortable short sms preparations for Constitution Day - a ready-made solution for those who want to congratulate their compatriots on mobile phone or on social networks. Poems mentioning history are often read out at assemblies and celebrations in schools and universities.

Happy Constitution Day cordially
Congratulations to all Russians.
Let her theses be eternal,
So that everyone honors and knows her.

May her wise foundations
Maintain peace and quiet in the country.
Let there be no interruptions
IN happy days to you and me.

We will know neither evil nor grief,
Live in peace and sleep soundly,
We are guaranteed plenty
Choose your own path.

Happy Constitution Day
I want each of you!
May this holiday be in your heart
Lives today and now!

Don't forget this holiday
Never miss out
Let the days, weeks flash by,
Decades, years!

We wish you joy and happiness!
We were born in a good age
In a great and beautiful country, -
Remember this, man!

Constitution Day is a general holiday. It affects everyone - from a newly born baby to a gray-haired old man. I wish you that all your rights listed in this law are respected, and that fulfilling your duties does not cause special labor. Well-being to you and your loved ones!

Happy Constitution Day! We are glad
A worthy holiday to celebrate
Catching words, smiles, glances
And feel free to congratulate your loved ones!

And respecting the rights of citizens
For laughter, fun, positivity,
We wish you all the best,
Letting go of your dreams into the sky!

Let life be a boundless miracle,
Dreams will quickly come true,
And we will always be healthy,
Breathe freely in your homeland!

Constitution Day again
We celebrate with country.
Each important word
It will preserve our peace.

Let the constitution be
Accurate and necessary for everyone!
Your country will not forget your work!
Let him go undisturbed.

We congratulate you, we know:
There will be order around
We follow it!
He is our support and friend!

Congratulations to all citizens of the country on this important holiday - Constitution Day! Let this legal act be improved every year, improving the quality of our lives, because the Constitution makes the future! All the best and bright horizons to the country and its citizens! Happy holiday!

Russian Constitution Day is a big day for the country,
Everyone must follow this set of laws,
The Constitution was created to protect our rights,
And therefore, citizens, everyone should know it,
Although the Russian soul cannot be measured by law,
But, brothers, I still want to believe in the best,
That this document will not be like a drawbar,
Where the corrupt official turned, that’s where it went!

The Day of the Basic Law of Russia is a holiday for every citizen of the great country. For everyone who respects our state and its legal foundations, the very word “Constitution” is not an empty phrase. And on this wonderful day it is worth congratulating everyone who is not alien to the history and culture of the fatherland, because the Constitution is a guarantee of all our rights and freedoms, everything that we have. Happy holiday!

We wish all the Russian people to live long and happily in harmony with their conscience and honor, supporting the all-powerful Law! Let Constitution Day give everyone a sense of pride in their Motherland and color the sky with festive fireworks!

We congratulate all citizens
Happy Constitution Day, happy day!
We wish justice
Live peacefully day after day!
Constitution of the Russian Federation
We must respect everything
After all, laws are power,
And we must comply with them!

Happy Constitution Day of the Russian Federation,
And we wish everyone to live according to these laws,
And in the constitution everything is laid out in detail,
How we are all supposed to live in harmony,
She defends the rights of the people day and night,
And let the dashing oligarch not forget about this,
All people have equal responsibilities and rights,
Everyone should live by the constitution with an eye!

When the law is not only respected, but also carefully thought out from A to Z for the benefit of the entire people and every person, only then can one live well and in freedom in the country... Today I congratulate you on the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is exactly the document for which we we can be positive about the foundations of our lives and which we can be proud of! Be happy, live brightly and always be proud of your country!

Happy Constitution Day
Today is a glorious country!
Let Russia prosper
May the sorrows go away quickly
Let the people be happy
And let him thank God
For giving everyone a miracle -
It's such a wonderful country to live in!

Congratulations on Constitution Day!
And I wish that our country
Bypassed the revolution
So that she does not know war,
Let the Great One live and prosper,
Our Motherland, pride and honor,
Not friends, let them have many faces
They will forget deceit and flattery.

The constitution of any country is the most important law,
It assigns rights and responsibilities to the citizen,
According to it, all people, well, literally as one,
They have the right to a decent life, and not just “master”,
Today the country celebrates Constitution Day,
Praise be to fair laws, this is a step towards stability,
Everyone can dream about the best in life,
If he wants and is worthy, he will become the President of Russia!

What is the Constitution? This is the foundation of the state, the document that lays the foundations for what the life of its citizens will be like... I congratulate you on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and want to wish you to live happily, proud of your homeland and acting strictly in accordance with the provisions of this important, wonderful document!

On Russian Constitution Day
We want to wish you miracles,
We want you all to hurry up
Fill the glass to the brim,
So that toasts in honor of the beautiful country
Today it rained until the morning,
To be filled with bright happiness
And kindness is your life!

Congratulations on Constitution Day,
Happiness, goodness and We wish you success,
So that your rights are night and day,
Always protected our fundamental law!

Happy Constitution Day of Russia, I congratulate everyone,
If you respect its laws, success awaits you,
And the impudent people who trample on the law citizens' right,
We will say a firm no - there will be justice for you,
Privileges will not save you, loot will not help you,
A different time has come in the Russian Federation,
Be to your homeland and people best friend,
You will receive the gratitude and respect you deserve!

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is not easy official holiday, but also a memorable day of adoption of the document, thanks to which today we proudly call ourselves Russians, we can work, dream and live freely and fairly! Please accept my congratulations and wishes... of course, happiness! And also love, good luck and long life!

Happy Constitution Day, on the most important and magnificent holiday for every state, we congratulate the beautiful Russian Federation! We wish you prosperity, happy life and invincible power to the entire country and to each of its citizens!

I want to congratulate you
Happy Constitution Day of Russia,
Let only true friends
They inspire you with faith, strength,
Let everything around you bloom
In the name of Mother Russia,
Let fear be unknown
Let the country be proud of its own!

Constitution Day in the Russian Federation! Hooray!
Even children know that one must live by the laws,
The constitution in a state is the regulating charter,
Don’t think that it doesn’t concern you when you become a deputy,
Responsibilities and along with them rights are equal for everyone,
Nothing changes even if you are the head of the country,
Study the Constitution, know what is possible and what is not,
Let everything be legal in Russia, friends!

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the basis of our freedoms and well-being; without it, our country could not exist! Today I congratulate you on Constitution Day and want to wish you a long, happy life in peace, good luck, prosperity and luxurious well-being!

Happy Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
We hasten to congratulate you!
Our glorious world in a big country
Let it be indestructible
Let joy sparkle in your eyes
All residents of Russia!
We wish you to stay warm,
We lived in love and peace,
So that you always respect the law,
And they acted honestly
To insults and trouble
They retreated further!

Our congratulations today -
A very nice argument
Constitution of the Russian Federation -
Here's a great reason!
Our glorious country,
Powerful country
Let her bring peace to the world,
May life become more beautiful
May we all have laws
Will be respected
In action, not in words,
They will come true!

Today is Constitution Day of the Russian Federation! A big holiday for all of us! I wish everyone a sense of significance, freedom and opportunity. Bright ideas, a wonderful life, full realization and colorful events that fill the soul with positive emotions!

I wish that everyone in our great and powerful country always feels their worth, equality, necessity and importance. I wish that all roads and horizons are open to everyone, so that there is always only a bright and kind future ahead. I wish that every citizen remembers and honors the history and laws of his country, so that there is always friendship, respect and mutual understanding between people. Happy Constitution Day!

Today we celebrate memorable dates for our great country! On Constitution Day, we congratulate all citizens and wish them stability, realization of their potential, development in life and new achievements!

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. I wish you to always remain an honest and worthy citizen of your country, I wish you to achieve high successes and joyful victories every day, and may the rights and opportunities prescribed by the Constitution help you in this.

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is a holiday of national importance. This is our common holiday! We congratulate all our compatriots on this significant day and wish all the best, and most importantly, that the Basic Law of our country is strictly observed, and every Russian citizen is confident in his future. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of Russia and I wish you to stand firmly on your feet, look confidently into the future, never cross the boundaries of what is permitted by law, and not infringe on your rights, freedoms, desires and aspirations.

On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, I sincerely wish you freedom of choice and speech, protection of people's rights and fulfillment of duties, good in the country and a good life, mutual respect in society and a healthy nation.

The Day of the Basic Law of Russia is a holiday for every citizen of the great country. For everyone who respects our state and its legal foundations, the very word “Constitution” is not an empty phrase. And on this wonderful day it is worth congratulating everyone who is not alien to the history and culture of the fatherland, because the Constitution is the guarantee of all our rights and freedoms, everything that we have. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and I want to wish that every day and every year the government takes care of the rights and welfare of citizens, that order and law are always observed in everything, that every citizen of Russia lives in prosperity and happiness, that the constitution remains a reliable guarantee of security and the fullness of human life.

Our great country today celebrates Constitution Day, adopted as a result of popular vote, so this is our common and very important holiday! I wish all the Russian people to respect the people around you, to love and honor their homeland, to honor and remember its traditions and laws, and also to be a fair and loyal citizen of their country!

The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. This day can be called the birthday of the most important law of our country.

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
The word “constitution” translated from Latin means “organization, establishment.” A very precise definition. The Constitution precisely “arranges”, “establishes” - what the state should be like, what rights, freedoms and responsibilities each of its citizens has, it determines the foundations of the social and state structure.

The Constitution can be compared to the solid foundation on which our common home, the Russian Federation, is built and stands. We have prepared congratulations on the Russian Constitution Day with which you can congratulate your colleagues and loved ones.

Official congratulations in prose on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
Dear colleagues! Please accept congratulations on the Russian Constitution Day! The Basic Law of the Russian Federation defines the principles of statehood and the highest value of the state - the citizen, his fundamental rights and obligations. The Constitution gives the citizens of our country the opportunity to take initiative, participate in the discussion and adoption of important decisions on issues of socio-economic development, and revive cultural and spiritual values. And it is our duty to know and strictly observe all the norms laid down in the Constitution, to firmly follow the letter and spirit of the fundamental law. Only in this case will we live in a free country, and everyone will be able to make a worthy contribution to the dynamic development of their region and the country as a whole. I wish you stability, success in good endeavors, peace and prosperity!
Dear residents of Moscow! Please accept congratulations on public holiday– Happy Constitution Day of the Russian Federation! The Basic Law of the country established the rights and freedoms of every citizen, equality regardless of nationality, origin, or religion. The Constitution is a guarantor of civil peace and harmony, unites various political and social forces, directs the energy of the people to create a stable legal state. It reflects all the experience and achievements of Russia, accumulated over many centuries of history, and determines the strategy for the further development of the country. It is the Constitution of the country that serves as a reliable guideline for the policies that are carried out on the territory of our state, republic, and region. It is aimed at creating promising areas in the economy, education, improving people's well-being, and preserving the values ​​​​proclaimed by the Basic Law of Russia. We all want to see Russia strong, developed, prosperous. Achieving this noble goal depends on each of us, on our desire to fully use our strengths and abilities to implement the basic provisions of the vital Law. We wish you good health, confidence in the future, and prosperity for your families.
Dear residents of Moscow! Dear fellow countrymen! Today is one of the most significant holidays for us - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. On December 12, 1993, the Basic Law of the state was adopted by popular vote. This document has become a symbol of a renewed Russia, a guarantee of a decent life for Russians, the basis modern stage economic development and implementation of large-scale social projects. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the norms of democracy and proclaims the equality and freedom of people regardless of origin, nationality, or religion. According to the document, every resident of Russia is under the reliable protection of the state and the law. While endowing us with rights and freedoms, the Constitution requires strict adherence to responsibilities and an understanding that the future well-being of the region and the vast country depends only on us. This means that we must rationally use natural resources, work, develop an innovative economy, and contribute to strengthening the institutions of civil society. And then our country will always be a strong, respected world power! With all my heart I wish you health, goodness, prosperity and success in all your endeavors! Happy holiday!
Dear Muscovites! Accept sincere congratulations Happy holiday - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. More than twenty years have passed since the day when the Basic Law of the country was adopted by universal popular vote. Today's Constitution of the Russian Federation is a solid foundation for the democratic development of the Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions, it is a real working document of direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law, which he must know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever for improving its quality. The main idea of ​​the constitution is that the state should serve society, serve the people. The Constitution of Russia is aimed at creating a strong social state that provides every citizen with a decent life and free development. The main task of the government is to do everything to improve the living standards of the population. In recent years, qualitative changes have occurred in Russia. Implementation of priority national projects in healthcare, education, agriculture, and housing construction will allow every family, every person to feel their social security. Today we have the foundation on which we can build a strong future for our great Motherland. The future is on for many years, for decades. Please accept my sincere wishes for good health and success in all good endeavors for the benefit of Moscow and all of Russia!

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation in prose
Today our great Russia celebrates Constitution Day. This greatest holiday law and respect for all the rights of our respected Russians. We want to congratulate everyone who is even a little involved in this holiday. I wish you happiness, goodness, peace and prosperity on your life path!
When the Constitution of a country changes, its life also changes... Our Constitution is very young, but it is worth recognizing that from the day it was adopted and signed, our life has changed beyond recognition and has become much better! I congratulate you on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and wish you happiness!
The Constitution is not just a dry law written on paper, it defines the very essence, the basis of our life in all its diversity, guaranteeing us that we will be free today and tomorrow! On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, I congratulate you and wish you to live happily and every day, just like that, be proud of your citizenship!
Congratulations on a special national holiday, Constitution Day of the Russian Federation! On this solemn day, I wish you to always live in accordance with the law, achieve great success in any endeavor and be sincerely proud of belonging to a great power!
How rich December is in holidays. But the most important thing is the Constitution Day of our great, mighty and strong Russia. Constitutional laws give citizens the right to be free and independent from other nations. The Constitution dictates to us the rights to everything that we have now, and most importantly to a happy life. Today is the holiday of the fundamental law of our state. Dear compatriots, I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I wish you a peaceful, free, happy life. May our country live and prosper, and may we all live freely and joyfully.
On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, I want to wish all the best to all the Russian people. May their homes always be warm and light, and may their loved ones bring only joyful news. Let the whole country prosper and radiate from the glory that the people themselves bring to it. Congratulations, Russians!
Today we celebrate our main and common holiday - Constitution Day of Russia. How nice it is to realize that you have many rights, that you are protected from everything bad. I would so like to congratulate all Russians on such a bright and wonderful holiday. May prosperity, peace and luck always accompany you. Let's follow the laws of our vast country and believe in a wonderful tomorrow. Let the Constitution become a reference book for our compatriots. We wish you all good health, patriotism and faith in the future.
Happy Constitution Day, beloved Russia! You are a proud and independent country that values ​​freedom of speech and respects all human rights. We want you to never know trouble and that the slightest problems that arise from time to time are easily solved. Good luck to you, my country!
Please tell me what law covers all our rights and responsibilities, calls powerful of the world Why protect ordinary people in case of human rights violations? That's right, the Constitution. On this day, Russia celebrates a holiday in her honor. Let's say words of gratitude in return for this difficult task.
On December 12, the most important law of Russia, the Constitution, was adopted. And today we celebrate with great pride wonderful holiday. How nice it is to live in a country and know that you are protected by rights on all sides. How good it is to live in a country when you are confident in the future. The Constitution, like a mother, protects us, dictating its rights. Congratulations to all Russians on the holiday. We wish you great happiness, good health, prosperity and material wealth. Let there be peace and prosperity in the vastness of the Russian Federation. Let us conscientiously and honestly observe the laws of our country. Good luck and joy to you!
Our calendar year ends, and Russia celebrates Constitution Day. We wish peace to this country. Let its borders constantly expand, and let those who are at the helm be incredibly polite to representatives of other nations. Dear people, happiness, kindness and mutual understanding to you.
Congratulations to all Russians on Russian Constitution Day! On this holiday, I would like to express the hope that the potential contained in the Basic Law will be fully realized, which will contribute to the development of the economic, cultural and spiritual spheres of Russian life.
Dear Russians! We congratulate you on Constitution Day. We wish your country only the best. May your laws always be strictly observed. And let your duties not be too difficult and impossible for you. And let every day be a holiday for you.
Finally, the day came when we received a lot of all sorts of relatively sweet rights. This is the right to rest, the right to work, the right to vote and the right to be elected, and many, many other rights, supplemented by a serious spoonful of responsibilities. All this gives us every right to feel guaranteed protected under the patronage of our, dare I say it, fundamental law. Therefore, I congratulate you, citizens of Great Russia, on the Day of your freedoms and privileges!
On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, I congratulate you and want to wish you a happy life worthy of such good man how are you! And besides, I want to wish you not to forget to make your small contribution to the bright future of our country, because who can it count on but us, the future builders of its happiness?
Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is not just an official holiday, but also a memorable day of the adoption of the document, thanks to which today we proudly call ourselves Russians, we can work, dream and live freely and fairly! Please accept my congratulations and wishes... of course, happiness! And also love, good luck and long life!
What is the Constitution? This is the foundation of the state, the document that lays the foundations for what the life of its citizens will be like... I congratulate you on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and want to wish you to live happily, proud of your homeland and acting strictly in accordance with the provisions of this important, wonderful document!
Our country is great and beautiful, you can travel through it for many years and still, there will be many hidden corners, each of which is the only one in the world... And peace, order, stability and equality in our open spaces are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, whose holiday we Let's celebrate today! So let me wish you to always be proud of your country and live happily!
Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is a holiday of national importance. This is our common holiday! We congratulate all our compatriots on this significant day and wish all the best, and most importantly, that the Basic Law of our country is strictly observed, and every Russian citizen is confident in his future. Happy holiday!
The Day of the Basic Law of Russia is a holiday for every citizen of the great country. For everyone who respects our state and its legal foundations, the very word “Constitution” is not an empty phrase. And on this wonderful day it is worth congratulating everyone who is not alien to the history and culture of the fatherland, because the Constitution is a guarantee of all our rights and freedoms, everything that we have. Happy holiday!
Laws have always helped people in difficult situations. It is by living according to them that a person understands what to do under certain conditions. So on this clear day, we can congratulate the one that guides us through life, finding solutions in the most difficult situations - our Constitution!

>Congratulations on Constitution Day in verse
Today's holiday is Constitution Day,
She is present in your life every day.
For that Basic Law for the country
We even have to go through the parade.
Resolutely honor and respect her,
And also know everything thoroughly about your rights.
It also has a duty, don’t forget.
Let's celebrate this holiday!
Of course, kudos to her! Of course, honor!
May he find joy today
Able to think and look ahead.
Constitution Day is a wonderful holiday,
Our most important law
It contains rights and responsibilities -
We read it day after day!
This day is always a day off,
We will celebrate
Let's get together with the whole family
And let's talk.
Let's talk about this and that,
And we'll go to bed happy!
The Constitution of Russia is not just a law,
He determines the essence of our life,
Guarantees that we will always be free,
We are proud that Russia is our country.
Congratulations on Constitution Day,
We sincerely wish you great happiness,
Let all your plans certainly come true,
And all sorrows and troubles will be forgotten.
Constitution Day is a respected holiday,
That is why he is adored by all the people.
We, friends, congratulate you today.
We all celebrate Constitution Day together.

Mother Russia protects us all,
And the Constitution frightens everyone with its laws.
Therefore, we wish not to lose the spirit of the nation
To the happy people of the entire Russian Federation.
We are proud of our citizenship,
Thanks to the Constitution, our rights are not infringed,
Everyone should study this document
So that you can then defend yourself.
On the Day of the Russian Constitution, please accept congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May fate always be favorable,
Peace to you, all the best, joy, warmth.
Constitution Day is a national holiday,
Every person is equal and free.
Joy for everyone and fireworks all around,
The joy of the people pleases the ears.
Friends congratulate each other today,
Acquaintances, relatives and godmothers,
There are warm words for everyone,
I will also congratulate you: “Happy Constitution Day to you!”
What protects our freedom?
What protects our rights?
This is the basis of Russian laws,
It's called the Constitution!
I congratulate you on this day,
Because it is important for a person!
We observe and honor this law,
After all, we are the people of the 21st century!
We lived in lawlessness for a long time.
It was like this before, from time immemorial;
But one winter they gave me a gift
The Basic Law governs us.
It's the twenty-first century
And demonstrates his temper
To those who do not value a person.
Happy Constitution Day, colleagues!
We wish you more rights!
The Constitution is the basis
This is the main, holy, inviolable law.
Without her, we would have become a different country.
Without her, it is unlikely that the Rubicon would have been crossed.
And today is a solemn, festive day.
Let it be joyful and be remembered by us!
Let there be no despondency and sadness anywhere!
Let fireworks bloom throughout all cities!
On this day a holiday was born -
Constitution of the country!
Even a first grader knows
That laws are so important.

All huge Russia
Celebrates this day.
The Constitution is the messiah
Cities and villages!

On a solemn and important day
We all need to wish:
Honor the laws, respect them,
And in times of trouble, don’t be discouraged!
I read today
A book that everyone knows
And from there I got it
Lots of interesting things:

How to choose parliament
How can ministers sit?
Become president at stake
And fire everyone.

With the Constitution, friends,
It's impossible not to be friends.
Don't sleep today,
Be sure to read it!
She is wise, she is omnipotent,
It is the same for everyone in the country,
And majestic, impartial,

Happy Constitution Day of Russia,
We wish everyone to honor her,
We wish that she always
She was a protector for us!
Many, many years ago
As people tell us,
He was invented -
Constitution Law,
And since then, year after year
The people honor him
For morality and order,
And we are not afraid of decline,
Who follows the laws?
He, of course, respects
Constitution, country,
Your homeland alone!
Red calendar day
The whole country celebrates
Significant date
Our Motherland is rich -
The constitution is strong,
And protected from everyone
Unpleasant situations
Everything is handled delicately
Without unnecessary fuss
Articles of the Constitution -
Preserves order and sleep
Constitution is law!

Cool congratulations on Russian Constitution Day
Today is a great reason to have fun,
The Russian Constitution celebrates its birthday,
Let us wish the vast country to prosper,
We will celebrate the holiday until the morning.
Let all adversity run away into powerlessness,
We wish you all health and happiness,
Let's drink to the bottom for a bright future,
May everyone always be lucky in everything.
The whole country celebrates the Constitution Day of Russia,
An important event needs to be celebrated in full.
Let's drink to the bottom for the prosperity of the state,
So that life would be like a fairy tale.
We wish everyone health, good luck, happiness,
Let all the bad weather fly by,
All the best to you, peace, prosperity and goodness,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.
The Constitution is the main document of the country,
Our rights are specifically defined there,
Today we congratulate everyone on this important holiday,
We sincerely wish you great joy.
Always be happy, don't be discouraged,
Celebrate the holidays to the fullest,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
Let a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.
Today is a holiday, albeit an official one,
And there is no desire to drink vodka...
Someone wants to pour me a drink,
I’ll tell him my serious toast:
"There is no constitution and no country,
And without a country, who needs us?!
Well, without us there will be no laws, -
So let’s drink to ourselves and all our friends!”
At lunchtime I'll raise a glass of wine
Congratulations to yourself and everyone you know...
I'll empty it to the bottom:
“May the country be a reliable home for us!”
It's high time you got up,
To support my idea!
Let there be no desire and you are alone:
“For the constitution, to the bottom”!
In the Kremlin - as the main value of the country
You are kept alone...
You are more than a book and than words -
You are the meaning of the people's life!
We will be united, we will be equal,
We will be free and happy!
Congratulations to everyone on this holiday!
Our deepest bow to our Constitution!
On the day of the Russian Constitution
Let the whole country walk,
And everything you asked for
Let it come true in full!
May our sky be peaceful
The Lord will grant you health,

Wherever your path lies!
On Constitution Day I want
I wish you prosperity,
So that everything is within your reach,
So that everything goes smoothly,
Of course, to love the Motherland -
Be a brave lover of life,
To honor the laws of the state,
And you will love to live!

Short poems and SMS on Russian Constitution Day
Congratulations on Constitution Day!
And I wish that our country
Bypassed the revolution
So that she does not know war,
Let the Great One live and prosper,
Our Motherland, pride and honor,
Not friends, let them have many faces
They will forget deceit and flattery.
Congratulations on this holiday!
The Constitution is for everyone!
There is a lot of light in it,
Let's overcome the sadness of interference!
Congratulations and best wishes
Don't forget about the law.
The one who understands this
He will live in eternal peace!
What will save us from lawlessness?
Constitution of the country!
Let your troubles melt away!
May you always be lucky!
I want to congratulate you
Happy Constitution Day of Russia,
Let only true friends
They inspire you with faith, strength,
Let everything around you bloom
In the name of Mother Russia,
Let fear be unknown
Let the country be proud of its own!
Constitution of Russia
Fair but strict
Protects equally
She's right of all people!

That's why this holiday
It has become truly popular!
Because everyone wants
Be free in your country!
I want to wish everyone
On Constitution Day, friends,
Love and peace to the whole Earth.
Bask in the warmth under the sun.
To appreciate our native land
And live on it for a long, long time.
On Constitution Day I want
I wish you prosperity,
So that everything is within your reach,
So that everything goes smoothly,

Of course, to love the Motherland -
Be a brave lover of life,
To honor the laws of the state,
And you will love to live!
Happy Constitution Day to everyone,
I wish you happiness, health, love!
Love our homeland with all my heart,
And according to the laws, it’s a happy place to live.
Let your native country prosper,
Let's fill our glasses and drink to the bottom!
Let's celebrate Constitution Day
Let's all go out into the parks together
With a feeling of love in my heart,
With a breath of hope and faith.
Let's celebrate Constitution Day
Let's be more sincere, more modest,
Don't hide your feelings behind doors
To be simpler, more reliable, kinder.
The law is harsh but fair
And every citizen knows:
While the spirit of freedom is alive in us,
Our people are honest and united!

And we celebrate year after year
Confidence in the coming day
Guarantee of rights and freedoms,
Bestowed upon you and me!
She is wise, she is omnipotent,
It is the same for everyone in the country,
And majestic, impartial,
She alone is omnipotent in the country.

Happy Constitution Day of Russia,
We wish everyone to honor her,
We wish that she always
She was a protector for us!
Constitution Day in the country
Today they celebrate.
Any Russian citizen
Knows his basics:

We are all equal, we are all
Free, we have something to lose.
And we are grateful to fate,
That this cannot be taken away from us.
Our Russia celebrates
A special holiday at this hour.
And I sincerely wish you,
May everything come true for you!

Let your children grow up
And they will become the pride of the country!
Let Russia be glorified
Faithful sons of the fatherland.
On the day of the Russian Constitution
Let the whole country walk,
And everything you asked for
Let it come true in full!

May our sky be peaceful
The Lord will grant you health,
Let them greet you with salt and bread
Wherever your path lies!
Constitution Day has arrived
In our great country,
I want our region to prosper,
And it became more beautiful!

I wish you at this hour
Always love the country!
She is the only one we have!
Work hard for her glory!
May on this day the peoples of the whole country
More than ever, they will unite in everything -
After all, you, Russia’s new sons!
You have to work and fight for it!

Always be a patriot, my friend,
And the Motherland will reciprocate,
Live, work, tirelessly