Congratulations on Russia Day. Congratulations on Russia Day in prose

Congratulations on Youth Day


Today, on Russia Day, I sincerely congratulate all the citizens of this great country, as well as the people dearest to me! Today we celebrate the day of independence and prosperity of our Motherland, and perhaps it can be proud of each of us! I want to wish you a happy, long, peaceful and prosperous life!

We are all very different, we have different dreams, interests and destinies, but we are all united by the fact that we are citizens of Russia - a country with a rich past and, I am sure, with a bright future! I congratulate you and want to wish you peace, happy life for you and your family!

Our country is great and beautiful, a lifetime is hardly enough to get to know it, we are lucky to grow and live here, to make it better, and the lives of its citizens happier! I congratulate you on Russia Day and want to wish you for many years to remain as strong, full of strength and readiness to fulfill your dreams!

Happy Russia Day! Today is the right time to congratulate you and wish you what can make your life, and the lives of people dear to you, in the vastness of our vast homeland, even happier! Peace to you, success in your work and personal life, may there always be warmth and comfort in your home, and may spring and winged dreams be in your soul!

Whoever we are and whatever we do, we have the power to do much more than we usually imagine... On this solemn holiday, on Russia Day, I want to wish you more strength and inspiration, good luck and success in every endeavor! May our lives become happier day by day and year by year, and may our country be beautiful and prosperous!

Today I congratulate you on Russia Day and it is worth admitting that on this day I am especially proud that we live on this land, that we are able to make a contribution, albeit small, to its great future! I congratulate you and wish you to live happily ever after, so as not to regret a single day!

Today, June 12, on Russia Day, I congratulate you and want to wish you a life that is not simple, but of the highest quality! May there be good luck, success, love and a warm home! Let all your dreams come true and more loyal friends! And of course, I wish great and bright happiness to all citizens of our country, and to the country itself - prosperity and world recognition!

Our country, as big and amazing as our life in it, all this is made up of many details, sometimes from little things, in a word - from the actions of each of us. On Russia Day, I want to wish all of us to be happy, to live in peace and tranquility, and thereby increase the wealth and happiness of our homeland!

IN wonderful holiday, on Russia Day, I want to wish you what invariably makes up the happiness of every person - happiness, love, good luck and good health! Let life be truly good, it only brings pleasant surprises and makes you happy with the fulfillment of your cherished desires!

Today I congratulate you on Russia Day! We can live in any corner of our vast country or beyond its borders, but it would be good for us to always remember it and sincerely love our native land! I want to wish you good luck many years, good health and comprehensive prosperity!


Russia Day, celebrated annually on June 12, is a very young holiday, but its history is no less interesting than that of respectable dates that have been present in the world for decades. state calendar. It is simply necessary to congratulate friends, acquaintances and all patriots of our country on this day!

On this day, cultural events and celebrations are held throughout the country. We invite you to beautifully congratulate your friends and loved ones on Russia Day - below is a selection of thematic congratulations on the holiday.

Proud, free Russia!
My calico, birch land,
You spread out freely under the blue sky,
Live and prosper in joy!

Russians, I congratulate you
Happy Russia Day! Happiness to you, all the best.
I wish you to love your homeland,
And let our proud flag fly over the country!

Happy Russia Day! I wish all citizens of our great power unity of spirit and a lot of strength. Personal and spiritual development, well-being, order, support and great growth. Let our Russia renew itself, improve, prosper and improve with us!

Happy Mother Russia Day today
I congratulate all of us from the bottom of my heart -
Those who were born here live,
He loves Rus' even on weekdays, without embellishment.

Independent and majestic
Let Russia grow stronger every day,
I wish all of us happiness from the bottom of my heart
Here, in my native country!

Official congratulations on Russia Day in prose

Happy Russia Day! The greatness and power of our country inspires awe and respect. Let every citizen have a place in the soul for love for their Motherland. May the strength of the spirit of the ancestors bring development and prosperity, give strength for great achievements and faith in a wonderful future. May the generosity of the Russian land bring prosperity and comfort, peace and harmony to every home! Happiness and prosperity to you!

Russia Day is the day of a great and powerful state. This is a significant day for every citizen of this amazing, unique and vast country. So let the threat of war never hang over our country on this holiday and subsequently, let no one show their disdain and hope to violate the integrity of our state. Let everyone who dares to step with a sword on our holy land not resist the onslaught of the unity and patriotism of the Russian people.

Happy Russia Day to you, dear patriots! We are all Russians, which means we already have something to be proud of. Our country is a great power, a reliable stronghold with a rich history, which gives us, the children of our country, the strength to fight any problems. Let us together continue to build the future of Russia with dignity, and also teach our children this. Russians! This is your day, your country's day. Hold hands and feel like one family!

We quarreled yesterday
Independent in the morning:
You are free, I am free,
Like a neighboring country.
We will not fight with you.
We will establish regulations
For speaking out loud -
And a quarrel will not break out suddenly.
I'm visiting as a neighbor
I'll invite you to tea.
I will set the table in your honor.
Let me even hear flattery
What a good housewife.
Will you call me Bunny?
Fish, Sun, Fox...
And we will make peace with you!
Independence is strength!
No matter how we get carried away,
We will respect freedom
Living in a world that people will envy!
Independence day
We are now celebrating
How family holiday Houses.
And we wish everyone we know
To celebrate this holiday
Become independent!

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But Rus' is strong - not by those who are in power,
Don’t judge people by them without knowing them,
And even, divided into parts,
She is alive and don’t expect death!
I'm sure the time is coming,
When all the people wake up from sleep,
He will drive out the treacherous tribe
And he won’t let them in anymore.
Holy Rus' will rise from its knees,
Inhaling oxygen deeply,
And absorbing the wisdom of generations,
He will gain divine power.
And everyone who has betrayed the Russians hitherto,
To please the God-fighters, the Jews
They will disappear into oblivion in a narrow passage,
Gluttonous vampires and devils.
Even the fan-players will not escape judgment,
Robbers of their people,
And finally Russia will be clean,
Having waited for its apogee!

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Congratulations to the Teacher on Russian Independence Day
Teacher! Country independence
Depends on what your work is -
What did you teach your students?
Why you are loved and why you are honored.
And from the way you taught to live,
Everything that is important for the country depends on -
Its industry, science - maybe
Absence of disease and war.
In Russia there is something to feel sorry for teachers for -
A mountain of reports and a meager salary, -
But only from the work of teachers
Peace in the country, its peace and harmony depend!
Teacher! We must congratulate you
And thank you from the bottom of my heart!
On Independence Day - a holiday for the whole country
We wish you good health and happiness!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to a lawyer on Russian Independence Day
We all respect the laws
And many people want to reach their heights,
And holidays - from Valentine's Day
Until, in fact, Independence Day -
Today is a legal holiday,
You know the law thoroughly
We decided to congratulate you
Happy wonderful day!
There are few smart lawyers
Among our acquaintances, apparently -
But everyone notes strictly
Independence Day!
Therefore – happy holiday, that is!
We wish you not to become dependent
From all sorts of bureaucrats, and - good luck,
And - in life's affairs - justice!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to the Chief on Russian Independence Day
Chief! Today is a holiday for the country,
Therefore, there is no reason to work, -
There is a holiday, we must celebrate it,
Even though the holiday season has arrived.
We have a glass for independence
There is a reason to lift and drain.
The fleeting river of time,
We have to sail together with you!
This means that this holiday is our common one!
We need to congratulate each other on him!
If the country is independent -
No one can dictate to us -
How should we do business, or who should we be friends with?
Who to cooperate with and who to neglect,
Let me wish you a peaceful life,
And - I wish you health, boss!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to Subordinates on Russian Independence Day
I value independence.
I even encourage it.
At least ten times a day
I'm checking on you.
I do this with
To make sure
What's better with no one?
I won't be able to work!
Our joint work with you
Yes, with my care -
They will bring joy to people
Happiness to man!
And that's why I you
Happy holiday!
And for the whole day now
I'll send you off to rest!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to Neighbor on Russian Independence Day
Another holiday at the neighbor's -
Independence of the country
We rarely celebrate them,
We really need holidays!
Well, dear neighbor,
I am glad to congratulate you, -
I brought you as a gift
Not a watermelon, not a grape, -
And this drink is glorious,
Which is warmed by the warmth of love,
It is suitable for a banquet,
If there is our banquet.
And please accept congratulations -
Country independence
We will note, without a doubt,
And let's remain friends!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to Neighbor on Russian Independence Day
Neighbour! Enough frowning!
It's time for us to celebrate!
June is standing outside
In the middle of the yard!
The sun is shining in the puddles,
The thunder died down fortissimo,
And a flock of birds circles -
Regardless of many,
With Turkish coffee, and -
Maybe with a drink
So simple, like neighbors for us, -
Celebrate independence?
We don't meet often,
But friendship is not an appearance!
Well, - congratulations on the holiday -
Come on, for independence!
Igor Yartsev

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Congratulations to Drinking Buddies on Russian Independence Day
What is independence? I'll find out
If I live to see a wise bald spot.
Darkness of people from edge to edge
From each other – and very much so! - addicted!
Who am I without you, dashing drinking buddies?
What's a feast for me without you, tell me?
Bad thoughts come into my head,
If you are your own listener and spectator.
And the lack of communication torments my thoughts,
Loneliness does not require hussarism...
Well, the fact that the state is independent -
This is, in fact, a problem of the state!
But since this is a holiday, I congratulate you!
Be sound in your discussions at the table!
Let independence manifest itself in toasts,
Let your speeches be wise and your thoughts free!
Igor Yartsev

Today I congratulate you on Russia Day!
I wish you peace and goodness too!
To live comfortably on your land,
And may all affairs in the country prosper.
So that the mighty people may be united
And he enriched his entire state!
Let our mother country grow and strengthen,
And people have been proud of her for centuries!

Today is the day of a great country, Russia Day. And on this bright day I would like to wish us all to be proud that we are Russians. Let every person feel free, happy, needed and respected. Let no wars, natural disasters, or economic crises affect us. I wish everyone prosperity, well-being, and prosperity. Happy holiday to all of us!

You can’t get around Russia in a day,
I won't preach today
But I congratulate everyone on Russia Day,
I want to love my native country.
For you, Russia, I only wish to be ahead,
Always take the best examples.
Prosper in the economy and production,
To find yourself in world domination.

Russia is a holy homeland.
I love you with all my soul!
Russia - you are the abode of paradise.
I am proud of the Great Country!
Happy Russian Independence Day!

Congratulations on Russia Day - this holiday is important.
I wish you to be tolerant, brave and courageous!
Let the people of the whole country work together,
And they serve for their homeland with honor.
Be responsible in life, don’t leave people in trouble,
Be responsible for your actions, my friend, always, everywhere.
Know your worth, of course, and never give up.
Be honest and fair, always glorify the country!

Happy Day of Russia, the borderless country,
I congratulate you now.
Let everything be great in life.
So that the supply of luck does not become scarce.
Let the country seem kind mother,
It will save you from everyone's problems.
So that joy comes to Russians,
An endless world of light and love.
Let our beloved Russia
The good God protects from all troubles.
So that she would be invincible.
So that honor awaits her forever.

Today we congratulate everyone on Russia Day,
After all, this main holiday big for the country,
We wish everyone success with all our hearts
And may everyone live well in Russia!

Early I began to think about life,
And about the meaning of her existence.
And imbued with love for the Fatherland -
And I love her as myself.
The sound of the seas and the grandeur of the steppe,
The boldness of the mountains and the meekness of the plains,
Sometimes there are mosques there,
More often than not, the cross breaks the blue.
A mixture of peoples, great and strong,
Small or large,
May it never subside in you
Spirit of the Creator and all saints.
Let Orthodox churches
The bell rings.
Let the people out of the great drama
Doesn't bow to anyone.
I love my pure homeland:
The holiness of temples, the grandeur of rivers,
I admire you furiously
Like any other person.

You and I, my friend, were born in Russia,
Every day our life becomes more beautiful,
I congratulate you on Russia Day from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you the beauty and strength of the Russian spirit.
Be happy in Russia, and not in another country,
We have something to be proud of, both you and me,
You and I have the honor of living in Russia,
The virtues of our country cannot be counted forever!

Russia Day is a holiday
Significant for everyone.
The stronger human connections are,
The closer is success in everything.
It is worth remembering that Russia is
A common home for peoples.
But many people have to learn this
It turns out with difficulty.
You live, my Russia,
Impregnable to enemies.
Your essence is happiness
Not lula, but pies.
It's a pity that many people can't
Until the end of this understand.
But the Good of the Russian land
Can hug everyone.
Celebrate Russia Day
And wish everyone well.
It's a wonderful holiday then
It will definitely be a great success.

Independence day
We are celebrating now.
In an independent country
From now on, it’s up to you and me to live.
This is such sudden freedom
To us from our people.
I want to congratulate you
With an independent country,
Wish to celebrate with friends
Holiday. An extra day off.

How the birch grove rustles,
Flowing with emerald greenery!
It's much easier to say about love
Under the drunken trills of the nightingale.
Drowning in a bed of daisies,
I can’t look at the sky above you enough...
There is no one more spacious and more beautiful than you!
Rus', I love you! I'm proud of you!
Let the wind scratch under the peaceful sun
Curls of white-trunked queens,
Every day will be bright for citizens,
A joyful melody flows in the souls,
And the children laugh as they grow up
In your blue expanses.
So live, Russia, prosper!
And be happier in other countries!

But Rus' is strong - not by those who are in power,
Don’t judge people by them without knowing them,
And even, divided into parts,
She is alive and don’t expect death!
I'm sure the time is coming,
When all the people wake up from sleep,
He will drive out the treacherous tribe
And he won’t let them in anymore.
Holy Rus' will rise from its knees,
Inhaling oxygen deeply,
And absorbing the wisdom of generations,
He will gain divine power.
And everyone who has betrayed the Russians hitherto,
To please the God-fighters, the Jews
They will disappear into oblivion in a narrow passage,
Gluttonous vampires and devils.
Even the fan-players will not escape judgment,
Robbers of their people,
And finally Russia will be clean,
Having waited for its apogee!

Congratulating your native state on the holiday is the sacred duty of every resident. So let our vast Motherland no longer know wars, crises, or falls. Let the subsequent history of Russia be associated only with the extraordinary economic growth and well-being of its citizens.

Happy Independence Day, friend!
It's a pity, everything is dependent around.
If you have money, you will be on horseback,
If not, you will end up at the bottom.
There are no guarantees in anyone's words
And faith melts before our eyes.
You wait, your time will come,
It's a game of politicians for now!

Russia is a glorious country,
Immense spaces,
Lakes, rivers and seas,
Forests, fields, steep mountains.
And the Russians, who are from the Slavs
They originate in centuries,
Moscow is an eternal talisman,
That she welcomed all nations.
We wish you peace without war,
Without funerals and without grief,
Let it shine for the country
Freedom, free as the sea!
Let the aggression go away
Under the sun the dew will melt,
And democracy will rise,
And with her Russia is flourishing!

Our country is great and beautiful, a lifetime is hardly enough to get to know it, we are lucky to grow and live here, to make it better, and the lives of its citizens happier! I congratulate you on Russia Day and want to wish you for many years to remain as strong, full of strength and readiness to fulfill your dreams!

On Independence Day I
I wish the country to be reborn,
And so that every family
I had a chance to strive for my dream,
I want to wish you happiness
To all true patriots,
And never lose heart,
And cope with any concern!

If you asked me,
So that I wish Russia,
Then without thinking an ounce
I wish it weren't Trump
Unmaintained roads
So that anyone can pass.
Not cheap sausage...
I wish I could re-tweak the scales
Mine towards the people,
To be cleaner year after year
There was a Russian soul.
How the bird cherry blossomed.
The grove so that it makes noise,
Full of nightingale trills.
So that I root for my homeland,
How our great-great-grandfathers were sick.
And, so that if they offered
Exchange Russia for paradise,
That's Yesenin's verse -
There would be an answer for everyone...
And I wish to strive
Fall in love with your homeland!
Ardent, passionate, selfless!
Let's all unite together,
It's immediately noticeable
Life will become brighter and more beautiful
In our beautiful Rus'!

Happy Russia Day! Today is the right time to congratulate you and wish you what can make your life, and the lives of those dear to you, in the vastness of our vast homeland, even happier! Peace to you, success in your work and personal life, may there always be warmth and comfort in your home, and may spring and winged dreams be in your soul!

I believe that a country is still people,
And not the climate, landscape, map of mountains or rivers.
The Russian knows the world inner essence -
A broad, rich soul man.
So, long live our mother Russia!
Let everyone sincerely be a patriot in it!
May the hearts of Russians never grow cold!
Let people live here happy with their fate!

In any country and at any time, the national idea has a large number of adherents. There are, of course, extremes, but most people are ordinary patriots who love their country and are ready to do a lot for it. These are the people who celebrate Russia Day every year and congratulate all their friends and relatives on it. In order for everyone to be in a great mood, you need not only to take part in mass festivities, but also to send everyone congratulations on Russia Day. It can be poetry or prose, you can come up with everything yourself, but it’s best to search on our website. Our resource offers its visitors a huge number of options for various toasts, including congratulations on Russia Day. You can use them right now, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort, just look through the options offered and make a choice.

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You're in birch chintz
Dressed up with white light,
And to you, my Russia,
My best greetings!

You are the only one in the world,
You won't always understand
But nowhere is there such joy
You won't find it in the world!

I love you, Russia,
With all my Russian soul,
Stay beautiful
Kind, wise, young!

Today we congratulate everyone on Russia Day,
After all, this is the main holiday for the country,
We wish everyone success with all our hearts
And may everyone live well in Russia!

All the power of Russia is expressed in her,
In her merits, glory and successes,
In the vastness of all the rivers, forests, fields,
Covered in the beauty of golden armor.

And one Hero said correctly,
About the fact that you cannot understand Russia with your mind.
It is possible to feel it only with the soul,
Opened to the present world.

To everything we call home,
So dear and at the same time immense.
And I would like to say to all residents of a big country,
It’s such a festive and beautiful day from Russia.

You can't understand Russia with your mind,
The general arshin cannot be measured:
She will become special -
You can only believe in Russia.