Passing doctors for kindergarten. List of doctors for medical examination in kindergarten

Completing a seemingly ordinary action - enrolling and enrolling a child in kindergarten - sometimes takes several years. In fact, this is the most important achievement for parents after the actual birth of the baby.

List of doctors for medical examination in kindergarten- only part of the process. As soon as you receive the certificate, you need to immediately register your child in the portal in order to register.

As soon as the enrollment time approaches, parents receive a letter to the specified email address. That’s it, it’s time to launch the second stage of the mission: “Enroll a child in kindergarten” - collection necessary documents. Along with the notification, the portal sends the address and name of the kindergarten where a place has become available for the child. Parents and their offspring need to go there and conclude an agreement.

The most important thing for them will be that the child undergoes a mandatory medical examination before enrollment. Specialists note in a special card that the pediatrician will issue for the little patient. This is a card of the required sample with a list of procedures and doctors. They won't admit you to kindergarten without it. As a rule, the garden, like schools, begins its work at the beginning of September. So parents need to sort out the certificate and doctors before the 1st.

List of doctors for medical examination in kindergarten

You can undergo such a medical examination at any medical center. Paid, health home or regular local clinic. The main thing is to pass all the specified tests and get notes from all doctors about the child’s health. The deadline for submitting documents for the garden is August 15-20. Workers need time to check all documents and arrange children into groups, because many children come every year.

List of doctors for a child who is not registered somewhere and does not have serious chronic diseases to undergo a medical examination in kindergarten:

  • routine examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • examination by a surgeon;
  • checking reflexes by a neurologist;
  • speech testing by a speech therapist;
  • ears and throat, condition of the nose at an ENT specialist;
  • dental condition at the dentist;
  • the psychological state, degree of adaptability and readiness to attend kindergarten will be checked by a teacher-psychologist;
  • gynecologist for girls;
  • Finally, the pediatrician will check the presence of all the seals from the doctors and put his own.

Changes or additions may be made to the list, it depends on the area and the age of the child. Doctors in some cities also send children for consultation with a phthisiatrician. He also checks children who have any problems with Mantoux.

Garden tests

In addition to specialists, the card must indicate the results of tests taken by the child. The local doctor will give you all the necessary directions and tell you when it is best to take the test. For example, general analysis Blood collection is valid for a month, after which it needs to be renewed. The blood will show the health status of the little patient: hemoglobin level and other data. Maybe the body is going through inflammatory processes or fighting an infection. It is better to take such an analysis in the morning, on an empty stomach.

The list of doctors for a medical examination in kindergarten 2016 will increase; if the child is already registered with a specialist: an orthopedist, an ENT specialist, then during the medical examination you need to visit him too.

District hospitals

Unfortunately, not only children for kindergarten need to undergo a medical examination in the summer, but also schoolchildren; adults also sit in clinics and take tests or do health certificates. Every year there is a rush - dozens of people in front of every office, not to mention laboratories! You need to arrive at 8 a.m., and even then the most alert ones are already standing guard at the door. Sitting in line with a child is a complete guard, so many parents prefer to pay for each specialist in paid clinics. Their fees are small, but there are no such queues - pensioners and many others cannot afford such places. Parents have every right to choose the institution for the medical examination. The seal of any official medical center, hospital or clinic will be valid.

Inspection at paid centers

As a rule, for the purpose of a medical examination, the child visits doctors when he is healthy, so each visit itself does not take much time. The same dentist, having examined a number of teeth, makes a note on the chart, and the patient can move on. Therefore, it is too tiring to sit in queues for hours for a quick visit and a couple of lines. The list of doctors for a medical examination in kindergarten is small and I want to sort out the medical record in a day. Get tested in the morning and see all the doctors before lunch.

Such services are offered by paid centers, which greatly simplifies the medical examination. This package includes a list of necessary tests and all the specialists. To use this package, parents must first visit their local pediatrician and get a list of doctors and a card. And after going through all the specialists at the paid center, return to the pediatrician again. He will check the correctness of filling out and put the main, final stamp, confirming that the child is ready to go to kindergarten.

Card for life

Each person has a medical card, stored in the district clinic or on hand. It records the dates of visits to different doctors and tests performed. The school created another card, where all vaccinations and examinations completed by the student were noted.

When a pediatrician first creates a medical record for a child, parents need to carefully monitor the movement of the document and, if possible, not lose it. The child will undergo various Mantoux, vaccinations, examinations many times, and each procedure will be noted by specialists in his card. Then this will be useful at school, because the list of doctors for a medical examination in kindergarten 2016, with their stamps and signatures, is only the beginning of annual commissions and vaccinations for the child.

Mandatory inspection?

Yes. No kindergarten has the right to enroll a child without a provided card containing all the stamps. After all preschool is responsible for the health of children. Of course, there are dishonest people who are ready to offer parents to put all the seals and signatures without inspection and wasting time. For a fee. But this is illegal. It is better for the child to see a doctor and get tested. After all, these are not just signatures, the doctors really make sure that he is healthy and confirm this.

If examinations or tests show the presence of a cold or anemia, you will need to undergo treatment and come back later.

Time passes, the baby grows up, and the time comes when the child needs to be enrolled in kindergarten. It is worth noting that this is not such an easy matter. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to decide where exactly to send the child, before this you must also go through a certain commission. Therefore, many mothers are wondering which doctors they need to see for kindergarten.


Parents must understand a simple truth: no matter what questions they have regarding the baby’s health, first of all the child must be shown to the local pediatrician. AND this case no exception. It is this doctor who will start a special one. It is necessary when the baby is admitted at any time. educational institution, including in kindergarten. The responsibilities of the pediatrician include filling out the passport page, as well as referring the child for the necessary tests and for a medical examination to certain specialists. It is worth noting that the medical record for a kindergarten must also contain a list of all vaccinations given. If there are none (regardless of the reasons), this issue will be resolved personally. However, to enter kindergarten, the child must be fully vaccinated.


Key specialists

So which doctors do you need to see for kindergarten? The list is not that long. The child will be referred to an otolaryngologist - a doctor who will examine the baby’s ears, throat and nose, and perhaps give some recommendations on the prevention of major ear, nose and throat diseases. The next office that mother and child will find themselves in is the surgeon’s office. This doctor will examine the baby and draw conclusions whether any surgical correction is needed. possible defects development. The baby will definitely be referred to a neurologist, who will tell you whether the child is prone to certain neurological disorders and whether there are neurological abnormalities. It is also important to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and dentist. The child may also be referred to a psychologist to assess the child’s readiness for kindergarten, and to a speech therapist (if the toddler is more than three years old), who can identify defects in colloquial speech. Here is the entire list of doctors for kindergarten that mother and child should visit. Such a medical examination ends with a visit. It is worth noting that the order of the doctors is not fixed and it does not matter whether the mother and baby go to the surgeon or the ENT specialist first. Only the pediatrician can open the medical record and give an opinion.


Knowing which doctors need to be seen for kindergarten, and having done all the necessary manipulations, the mother receives the pediatrician’s conclusions regarding whether the child can enroll in kindergarten. But don’t delay too much if you already have everything necessary documents, because the validity period of the tests is quite short - 10 days. After this you will have to take all the tests again.

So now we are going through a medical examination before kindergarten with our daughter. In general, this is what we will discuss in today’s article.

My son and I took the medical examination for kindergarten 3 years ago, then it seemed to me that we needed to go through a lot of doctors, but now I don’t think so. The main thing is to make a plan for doctors, tests and sign up for a commission with doctors in such a way that you can go through as much as possible in one day. Still, it’s not pleasant to go to the clinic 10 times to see doctors; it’s better to do as many as possible at one time.

By the way, for boys and girls there are some differences when passing a medical examination before entering kindergarten; I wrote about this in the section about which doctors need to be examined before kindergarten. If the issue of passing a medical examination for kindergarten is relevant for you, then stay and read on. Since the article turned out to be quite voluminous, for your convenience, I created the content of the article, with the help of which you can easily navigate where and what is located.

After you have learned the good news that the queue for kindergarten has reached you and your child is waiting for a kindergarten with open doors, the question immediately arises about passing the commission to children. garden. Most parents immediately have many questions - where to go, what to do, where to start passing the commission. Or maybe go to this free clinic and go to a paid medical center - quickly and conveniently go through it? What kind of doctors should I see? What tests are needed? Perhaps right now you are tormented by all these questions. In today's article I will try to answer all of them based on my own experience.

I warn you right away that it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination. This will primarily benefit the child, because during the process of passing the commission to the kindergarten, specialists can identify any diseases in your child that you did not even suspect about. This will make it possible to start treatment on time and cure the baby.

When you register for a children's medical examination at a kindergarten, you will be given a children's medical card for the kindergarten, in which specialists will make notes about your child's health status and enter test results. After passing the medical examination, you will take the completed card to the kindergarten along with the rest of the documents prepared in advance for admission to the kindergarten. A child's medical card is valid for a year; after this period, all specialists will have to be examined again. Well, now I’ll tell you in more detail all the nuances regarding passing a medical examination for kindergarten.

Where to get a medical examination for kindergarten

Children's clinic. You can undergo a medical examination at the regional children's clinic by contacting your local doctor or his substitute doctor. For example, at the moment we don’t have a local doctor in our area, so we go to see doctors who are assigned to other areas. When passing a commission at a children's clinic, there are both pros and cons.

  • The advantage is that visiting specialists, taking tests and conducting additional research is free of charge.
  • The disadvantage of the children's clinic is the long queues. But you can avoid the queue if you arrive half an hour before the doctor’s appointment. This is exactly what I do with children, so we are always in the first row to pass the doctors and go home. Or you can come at the end of the doctor’s shift; at this time, as a rule, there are fewer patients and the time spent in line will be reduced to a minimum.

And there is also one secret, which one doctor once shared with me. She told me about the days of the week on which there are the least people in the clinic. And this is really so, I have already been convinced more than once. Monday and Friday– these days there are usually a lot of patients in the clinic, and accordingly, you will spend more time in queues. It’s okay if you waste time, but the child may still catch some kind of infection, which is much worse than wasted time. And another day on which there is an influx in our clinic is Tuesday. This day in our clinic is listed as a day healthy child. Mothers with babies and toddlers try to get an appointment with a doctor on this day and queues are created accordingly. So I try to go to the clinic with the kids on Wednesday or Thursday. Try this method, you should be able to get through the doctors with minimal time spent sitting in queues!

Medical centers. If for any reason you do not want to undergo a medical examination for kindergarten at the district clinic, then you can undergo the examination at special paid medical centers. By going this route, you will save time, but additional financial expenses will be required.

My son and I went through all the specialists at the district clinic, and now we are going through the medical examination in the same way at the kindergarten with my daughter.

Medical examination for kindergarten: where to start

That's all for me. I hope I was able to fully cover the topic of passing a medical examination before the garden and after reading the article you do not have any questions. I advise you to take a medical examination for kindergarten in advance - 2-3 months before your intended admission to kindergarten. It is advisable to undergo a medical examination at the end of spring - level colds low, so the child has less chance of contracting ARVI after going to the clinic. In the summer, many doctors go on vacation, so completing them can be difficult.

All the best! Health to you and your children

Before the first visit to kindergarten, the baby faces one more test - he needs to undergo a medical examination (physical examination). What is hidden behind these words and which doctors you will need to visit - we will figure it out in our article.

Where and how to get a medical examination for kindergarten?

The easiest and easiest way to get a medical examination before kindergarten is at the regional children's clinic. If for some reason it is difficult to do this at the place of residence, then specialists from commercial medical institutions have the right to conduct a medical examination of the child for admission to kindergarten. The procedure for passing a medical examination in kindergarten is as follows:

1. A visit to the pediatrician, during which the doctor will issue a special medical record and enter primary data about the child into it, and also explain which specialists should be examined and what tests should be taken for kindergarten.

2. Examination by specialists, which includes a visit to:

  • an otolaryngologist who determines the structural features and presence of diseases of the baby’s nasopharynx and ears;
  • a surgeon who identifies the presence of surgical pathologies in a child (inguinal and umbilical hernia, phimosis and testicular hydrocele);
  • an orthopedist who determines postural abnormalities and the presence of spinal curvature and foot deformities;
  • neurologist checking the condition nervous system, the level of psycho-emotional development of the child and the correct functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • a gynecologist who examines the external genitalia of girls;
  • a dentist examining baby teeth, lip frenulum and tongue;
  • an ophthalmologist who determines whether the child has visual impairments and conducts an examination of the fundus;
  • a dermatologist assessing the condition of the child’s skin.

3. Based on the results of the examination by specialists, it is possible to prescribe additional examinations with an allergist, cardiologist, ultrasound examinations internal organs. Children who have reached the age of three at the time of passing the commission should also receive advice from a speech therapist.

4. Conducting laboratory tests:

5. Obtaining a certificate from the clinic about the epidemiological environment - the child has had no contact with infectious patients during the last seven days.

6. A repeat visit to the pediatrician, who, based on the results of an examination by specialists, issues a conclusion on the child’s ability to attend kindergarten.

When planning to send their child to preschool, parents should know which doctors need to be seen for kindergarten.

Since a medical examination in a clinic with a large list of specialists is a prerequisite for admission, you should worry about making appointments with doctors in advance.

This usually takes a lot of time and effort. For kindergarten, parents must purchase a special medical book in which doctors will note the health status of your son or daughter.

Before going through all the doctors, you need to visit your local pediatrician.

He will check the health status of the preschooler and the presence of all necessary vaccinations. If not all vaccinations have been completed, the pediatrician will write a referral to the vaccination office. In addition, he will provide a list of all the narrow specialists that should be passed before kindergarten.

This list includes the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist;
  • neurologist;
  • speech therapist (if the preschooler is over 3 years old);
  • gynecologist (for girls);
  • psychiatrist.

This doctor examines children for tuberculosis. Moreover, those preschoolers who have had problems with the Mantoux test are required to visit this specialist. The difference from a public clinic is that private organizations do this for money.

Before going to a non-governmental institution, check with your local pediatrician where you need to put the final stamp.

Passing a medical examination

A medical examination takes place at the clinic at the place of registration. Some parents prefer private clinics that provide this type of service. This way they can avoid queues and visit all specialists in one day.

To send your children to kindergarten, in addition to checking their health status with specialists, you need to undergo tests:

  1. General blood test.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Scraping for helminth eggs (eggworm).

The scraping usually lasts for one month. Therefore, if you started to undergo an examination in advance, but you should go to kindergarten only after 2 months, then you should wait a while with the test for helminths, otherwise you will have to take it again.

Blood and urine tests usually last for several months, but you should also check with your pediatrician about this. If a child is going to kindergarten and is registered with a doctor, then first of all you need to go to a consultation with him.

The doctor will check your health status, record it in your medical record and give recommendations. If necessary, the doctor can refer you to another specialist. Every parent wants to avoid huge queues. This is unpleasant both for them and for the children.

To make the medical examination at the kindergarten much faster, it is better to make an appointment in advance and for a certain time.

It is not necessary to conduct a medical examination in last days, since most often before September 1 a large number of children are recruited different ages who need to visit doctors. After the child has gone through all the necessary specialists, you need to go to the local pediatrician.

He will check the availability of all records from doctors and put a final seal that the child has successfully passed the medical examination before entering kindergarten. If necessary, he will write recommendations and warnings.

The pediatrician will also fill out the preschooler's medical record, write test results and a report on vaccinations. After this, a map with the completed medical examination You can take it to kindergarten.