He and she are holding hands. Why is it good to hold hands with loved ones and friends?

Every day we see people holding hands: lovers, friends, spouses. This element of behavior, familiar to everyone, triggers in the brain chemical reactions that make us feel loved, happy, respected and needed. Nowadays, nonverbal communication is an important aspect of understanding human behavior. Today the site will tell you how this sweet habit changes us for the better and why you need to hold hands as often as possible.

The habit of holding hands is good for your health

People who often hold hands, without realizing it, change their lives for the better. When we hold hands, nerves located in the skin send signals to the brain. It, in turn, produces hormones that give us a pleasant feeling of warmth. Of course, the benefits for hand-holding lovers don't end there.

There are at least seven reasons why holding hands is beneficial:

  1. Stress relief

When we hold hands, the level of the stress hormone (cortisol) decreases. Even a friendly touch improves mood and strengthens the bond between friends. When we are under stress, light touch can ease tension (both physical and psychological). Skin sensitivity increases when cortisol enters the bloodstream, which is why the touch of a loved one has such a calming effect, especially if holding hands. Since stress has an extremely negative impact on human health, by holding hands, we protect ourselves and our family from illnesses and disorders in the functioning of the body.

  1. Strengthening the connection between loved ones

This benefit is due to the hormone oxytocin. It strengthens the emotional connection between partners, which contributes to a long and happy relationship. Therefore, couples who are not shy about holding hands subconsciously strengthen their relationship and make it happier. The desire to take a loved one by the hand arises automatically, at the subconscious level - this is how we let a loved one feel our support and love.

  1. Benefits for the Heart

In addition to reducing stress levels, the habit of holding hands reduces blood pressure - one of the main factors causing heart disease. So say experts in the field of behavioral medicine.

  1. Pain relief

When we experience severe pain, our natural reflex is to tense our muscles. Think about childbirth: husbands often hold their wives' hands while they experience the "magical" moments. This is how nature intended - when you hold loved one by the hand, it’s easier to bear the pain.

  1. Fighting Fear

When we are scared, we either hug our loved ones or grab their hand. For example, this tendency is observed while watching horror films. This tendency is especially clearly visible in women - they “intuitively” calm their nerves by holding the hand of their loved one.

  1. Feeling safe

As children, we were taught that you can cross the road only by holding the hand of your elders. That feeling of security that arises in a child grasping the hand of an adult accompanies us all our lives. The parents themselves are also calm about the child they are holding by the hand.

  1. Feeling supported

Every person needs to know that someone needs him and to feel the support of loved ones. We experience this feeling when we hold hands: it’s easier to keep warm and overcome a dangerous section of the road (walk on ice, climb over a hill, etc.).

the site encourages you to hold hands with your loved ones more often! It doesn’t matter how old you are - this habit will benefit your health and well-being, and will also help strengthen the connection between you and your loved one! Don't be afraid to be sincere and show concern for your loved one!

“We hold hands – it’s a secret. Not a secret - a sacrament, an embrace of souls. Pulse beating, hearts fading, Disappearance of oneself, seas and lands”... (Dmitrishina Y.Yu.)

Our hands have a huge number of nerve endings, tactile receptors that allow us to determine the shape of objects, temperature, smoothness or roughness... Have you ever watched how children try to pick up everything, touch it, turn it, tear it off, press it, stroke it? This is because through touching the surface of these objects they learn the world, they feel it, analyze it, compare it! Hands and eyes are the most important guides in life! Now imagine what mother’s hands are like for a baby? This is warmth, comfort, care, tenderness, micromassage, relaxation, protection. If you often take a child in your arms, hold him close, and hug him, then his emotional health is much better than those children who were deprived of “hand caress.” A child needs tactile contact with his mother, with her hands!

Why are we holding hands? And there can be a lot of reasons...

When exiting a vehicle, a man shakes his hand to a woman - this is a rule of decency.

If someone is in trouble (for example, he may be about to fall off a cliff), they also give him a hand, try to pull him out and save his life.

If someone is scared, a nervous shiver runs through the body, they want protection - here’s a hand again!

If the crowd is very crowded and there is a risk of losing each other, then tightly clasped hands again help out.

It turns out that in any life circumstances we need to hold someone’s hand.

Or let’s say, people with disabilities (blind, visually impaired) cannot see, but they can feel everything, because if a person’s organ does not function, then others develop in order for this person to adapt in life (nature deprives no one) .

Or, for example, deaf-mute people, without hands they won’t “say” anything at all. Therefore, such people are taught a special technique where they use their fingers to communicate with others. It’s just a pity that not everyone understands...

Well, how can we not touch on the topic of love, when we experience so many positive emotions when touching gentle hands or to velvety skin...

“I ask for your hand in marriage” - this is what men say who do not want to admire their beloved’s manicure, but who want to get her consent to marriage in order to walk the path of life together, together “hand in hand.” And this is no coincidence, because it is on our hand: on the ring finger of our left or right hand (depending on religion) that we wear the symbol of our love, the symbol of our happiness, our family - a ring! Giving your hand and heart to your loved one is probably the most pleasant contact between two lovers!

How many times have we taken someone's hand, not even imagining what frank conclusions can be drawn if we analyze these very touches, while experiencing various emotions. If two people, a man and a woman, are holding on only by their fingertips, then one of them is unsure of himself, so he tries to find support and care in the person of the other. If the fingers are intertwined, then this indicates passion between them. If the hand of one of the partners is on top of the hand of the other, then he is trying to occupy the position of leader. If a woman “hangs” on her partner’s arm, then she wants to demonstrate that this man is already busy.

Two hands are connected, fingers are fastened, which means that there is already spirituality between these people. How pleasant it is to look at an elderly couple, a man and a woman, when they walk hand in hand together not only along the alley of the summer park, but also through life together, holding hands!

Every couple shows affection in public differently. According to psychotherapists and sex experts, it is joint gestures that can tell a lot about the relationship between two people.

1. Intertwined hands.

If lovers hold hands, this indicates that they are together against the whole world. There is a real union between the partners. Intertwined hands symbolize traditional relationships and the deep inner affection of lovers.

2. Hands on the waist.

People hugging each other's waists are very sensual and loving. However, with this gesture, the partner also sometimes wants to show that you belong to him.

3. Holding hands.

At first glance, holding hands may seem childish. But it also shows affection, close connection and understanding between partners. Some scientists say that holding hands is completely the opposite - it indicates a lack of passion and emotional connection between partners.

4. Interlocking fingers.

This gesture indicates a relationship that is full of determination and passion. The intertwining of fingers proves the seriousness of the partners' intentions.

5. Eye contact.

Eye to eye gaze allows partners to receive information about each other without words. Couples who have been together for a long time recreate the feeling of falling in love by looking into each other's eyes.

6. Kisses.

Carelessness about kissing in public proves deep affection. The lovers are not shy about each other and show the whole world that they love each other.

7. Touching your knees.

An intimate touch on the knee, ear or shoulder shows that partners trust each other. When talking, they indicate that lovers know how to listen and listen to their other halves.

8. Stroking your back.

This gesture signals to the partner the desire for intimacy. A gentler pat on the back is a symbol of comfort, while a stronger pat is a symbol of a desire for control over the other person.

9. Stroking the neck.

Such touches cause a relaxation response. When a lover realizes that his significant other is stressed, he uses a calming touch. Couples who use this gesture are in harmony with each other's emotions. Such people are able to help and reassure each other.

10. Hugs from behind.

This gesture is an unexpected show of love. He is unique and always makes you smile and gives you comfort.

11. Playing with fingers.

By playing with your partner's fingers or hands, or by talking to others, you make it clear that you are not hiding or ignoring him.

12. Lack of joint gestures.

Some couples think that the lack of joint gestures indicates a lack of intimacy and affection. This is not entirely true. Certain people feel good enough in their relationships that they don't need to make their feelings public. The lack of gestures does not mean that the couple has lost the spark; they are more secretive and conservative.

Of course, no one claims that one can draw conclusions solely on one factor. You should always take into account other features, including where the couple is located. So the site will tell you about this, but it’s up to you to decide what conclusions to draw.

Weak interlacing of fingers - respect

Such relationships are stable on all sides. The primary love has already passed, respect for personal space has already appeared. However, there is an emotional connection too. This type of contact indicates the couple’s maturity and awareness of actions.

Palm to palm - responsibility

Complete and mutual trust, as well as determining who will guide the couple. As a rule, the one with the palm on top is the one who dominates. Feelings are mature and seasoned, but some emotional misunderstanding may occur. Plus, such couples tend to adhere to stereotypes in relationships.

Intertwined fingers - care

Complete mutual understanding on all fronts. A clear understanding of the partner’s shortcomings and methods to compensate for them. The partners complement each other perfectly.

Grabbing one finger - flirting

I want physical intimacy, but it’s still not clear how to behave. This is observed at the very beginning of a relationship and is typical for the phase of falling in love. At later stages, it may mean frivolity of one of the partners.

Random touches - hidden sympathy

People are not meeting yet, but they are already interacting quite closely. I want physical contact, but it’s not yet clear from which side to approach. However, this is a clear indicator that someone is clearly hungry for intimacy.

Holding fingers - trust

It is very easy to free yourself from such a grip, but since the partner does not do this, then he does not need it. But physical contact and a feeling of freedom are very necessary. Freedom, respect for personal space and other important factors.

Grabbing the wrist - attraction

A unique way to hold hands. It can mean both significant physical attraction and the desire of one of the partners to dominate, and in a rather harsh form.

Holding your waist is passion

Just hand contact is no longer enough - you want more. And what is typical is that this gesture may not be reciprocal, which also says a lot. The site team and journalist Artyom Kostin strongly hint to pay attention to this point Special attention- perhaps one of the partners somehow misunderstands what is happening between them.

Holding hands - security

Although this way of holding hands is somewhat formal, it can also indicate a fully established relationship. Relationships based on respect and mutual trust.

We also believe that you might be interested to know what psychologists think about such a widespread modern phenomenon as. However, it is worth considering that there is still no consensus on this matter.

“Speak, I say!”..

By what exactly the young man says, you can easily determine what exactly the guy wants from the girl and how he plans to develop their relationship. If a guy at the first meeting constantly bombards a lady with compliments, non-stop talking about how amazing, beautiful, smart and sexy she is, without really listening to her and not paying attention to the girl’s opinion about anything, it means that he simply wants to quickly seduce the lady. The fact is that many guys firmly believe that you can get a woman into bed if you promise her everything possible and shower her with compliments. However, to be honest, this works quite often. And in order not to fall for the bait of a womanizer, always pay attention to what the guy says.

How to understand a guy's intentions

When a young man plans a serious relationship with a girl, he takes a closer look at her, so he listens carefully to what she says in order to understand her tastes, interests, life values ​​and goals. In this case, the young man will not be scattered with words, since he simply cannot say all this from pure heart. And if a man is serious about a woman, he will not lie to her. Therefore, rejoice when, instead of a stream of compliments, you hear questions about how you imagine your life in ten years or what you think about Mayakovsky’s work. This means that the guy just wants to understand who you really are in order to make sure that this is the kind of girl he needs.

These eyes are opposite

His gaze can also tell about a man’s attitude. If a guy is attracted to a woman sexually, he looks at her breasts, butt, and evaluates her figure. But when a girl is really important to a young man, he will look at her face and admire her. Therefore, when communicating with a guy, carefully watch how he looks at you. It’s not for nothing that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. A look can truly reflect a person's emotions. If you see that a guy looks at you for a long time, and his gaze is clearly not focused on the main feminine charms, it means that he is in love. And a truly in love person is always serious about the object of his feelings. But the one who glances over your body and grins meaningfully, most likely dreams only of sex and nothing else. Of course, love cannot exist without desire, but when desire clearly takes over, there can be no talk of any seriousness.

Gestures and movements

A man’s serious or frivolous attitude can also be recognized by his gestures and movements. When a man always tries to support and pick up a lady, if he remembers to throw a jacket over her shoulders on a cold evening and holds her by the waist, and does not constantly try to lower his hand lower, it means he has quite serious feelings towards the woman. The point is when a man he takes you by the hand, hugs you around the waist, shoulders, covers you - this means that subconsciously he wants to protect, keep the person safe. And such desires arise only when a guy takes a girl seriously. You can immediately distinguish between those couples where the guys really love the girls and those where the man just needs stable sex. This can be seen from the gestures that men make. Moreover, you shouldn’t judge by whether the guy opens the door and offers his hand from the vehicle. In fact, this only speaks about his upbringing. Here the matter is completely different. When a man takes a heavy bag from a woman without a reminder, when he does not forget to offer his hand where it is difficult for her to pass, when he simply hugs her in public with tenderness and not lust - this shows his serious attitude.


By how important it is for a man to enter into a sexual relationship with a girl, his seriousness can also be determined. If a guy really plans to stay with this lady for a long time, he will never insist on sex. No one says that he doesn’t want to, but if a man loves, he can wait, because he respects the woman and sex in their relationship is an important, but not the dominant thing for him. But in the case when a guy hints at sex from the first days, persuades or even threatens to break up, oh serious relationship out of the question. Such a man just needs to share a bed with someone consistently. And if he comes across someone who is more willing to agree, he will immediately forget about you. Therefore, no matter how much they talk about the fact that in modern society sex is a very ordinary thing, in fact, loving men they can still wait and respect their girlfriend’s decision. Because, anyway, they value their beloved too much to lose her because of banal lust. So if you want to understand whether your boyfriend has serious intentions, do not rush into an intimate relationship with him. Many young girls make this mistake, firmly believing that guys cannot do without sex. In fact, a person who loves will never leave a woman because she decided to delay sex. Of course, ladies shouldn’t go too far and drag out this wait for years. It’s very cute and romantic to believe in sex after marriage, but don’t forget that in those days when this was the case, people got married at sixteen, and a couple of months usually passed between meeting and getting married. Therefore, in this matter, you still shouldn’t go too far.

Actions and deeds

But, of course, you can best understand the seriousness of a man by how he acts towards a woman. After all, serious guys often don’t like to talk much. They make. But girls who, as you know, love with their ears, forget about this. As a result, they mistakenly take multiple declarations of love seriously. Although, in fact, a guy can say that he loves only once, but he will confirm this with many actions.

When a guy has serious intentions towards a girl, he always tries to make her feel better. For example, when choosing a gift, he at least tries to choose something that she likes, and not just some trinket. A man who is serious about a girl never turns a deaf ear to her problems and requests. He may remain silent, but he will do everything to help her.

When a guy really sees his future wife in a girl, he tries to become a better person, to be the one who can provide for her and please her. And also, everything he does, he does just like that, without expecting anything in return. He can arrive at two in the morning just to say I love you and go home, not counting on the fact that the girl will leave him with her and give him a hot night. When presenting an expensive gift, he will not wonder if she can give him something equally valuable. No, he will just be happy that she is smiling. When a man takes a woman seriously, her joy becomes the most important thing for him. She becomes the most important for him and he accepts her with all her shortcomings and problems, with relatives that he does not particularly like, with children whom he can quite sincerely call his own. When a man has serious intentions, nothing scares him, because he knows for sure that with this woman he can overcome any problem, because only she is his true happiness.