Educational portal for preschool children. Conditions for publication in the journal





Kstovo 3 microdistrict building 27 telephone 2-11-93,2-27-16,2-17-31

Entertainment script

second junior group


Tikhanova O.A.


Target: Fostering in children a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family. Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort.


To form in children an idea of ​​family, of people who love and care for each other;

To foster in children a sense of friendship, love and polite attitude towards their family and loved ones.

Form: entertainment.

Participants: second junior group.

Preliminary work:holding a conversation about the holiday, learning poems about the family, listening to songs about the family, reading fiction, making a bouquet of paper daisies in a pot.

Hod entertainment (at the site kindergarten)

Presenter: Hello guys! We are glad to see you at our holiday of family, love and fidelity. It's so good that we are together today!

Family is home, family is the world, family is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign.

Family Day today in the world - how many of you are in the family, four?

Let it quickly become ten: more noise, din, songs!

Let the family grow, become stronger, and never disappoint!

Poems about family.

Presenter: What a family is is clear to everyone.

Family is home!

Family is a world where love, devotion, and understanding reign.

This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone.

These are habits and traditions.

Family is a part of our Fatherland.

There are many such particles in Russia,

And they all merge into one big one,

Strong and friendly family- our Motherland!

And now I’ll tell you a riddle, you like riddles, then listen.

Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomiles).

That's right - Daisies are the favorite wildflowers in our country, many songs have been written about them, not a single bouquet or wreath can do without them. It was this flower that became the symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated in July.

Dance with daisies.

Presenter: Ah, now we will read a poem.

Poem "About Family"

Family is us.

Family is me.

Family is my dad and mom.

Family is Vladik, dear brother,

Family is my fluffy cat.

Family is two dear grandmothers,

My family and my sisters are mischievous.

Family is godmother, aunts and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

Family is a holiday around the round table.

Family is happiness, family is home,

Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

Presenter: Guys, they brought me a box today, and look how many daisies are in it, let's count 7 pieces.

It turns out that this is not an ordinary Daisy, but with a secret.

Each chamomile is magical, with tasks that we are asked to complete.

And first, Warm-up from Chamomile - guess Chamomile’s favorite color?

Conducted finger gymnastics"Yellow"

The yellow sun looks at the earth (raises hands up)

A yellow sunflower watches the sun (they shake their hands)

Yellow pears hanging on branches (lanterns)

Yellow chicks squeak loudly (pecking)

Yellow butterfly, yellow bug (waving hands)

Yellow buttercups, yellow chamomile (rotate with hands)

Yellow sun, yellow sand.
Yellow is the color of joy, rejoice, my friend! (clap).

Well done, we've warmed up a little - and now the first task(the presenter takes the first chamomile and reads the task)

1 daisy: offers us a game: Game “Find the Flower”

(3 types of flowers are scattered in the clearing, 3 people participate, find flowers of the same type)

Presenter: Well done, guys! Did a great job! Let's move on to the next flower.

Presenter: 2 chamomile invites us to play a game:

"Collect Chamomile"(Children bring chamomile parts, and the teacher collects a flower - a chamomile).

Presenter: That’s great, with our joint efforts we collected daisies and successfully completed the task.

Presenter: 3 chamomile. Here is another flower - and he wants to know how many poems we know about flowers, about family?

This is a task for everyone.


Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny is preparing us a delicious lunch.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family.

Family is me

And they call me: Kitten and honey, bunny, bird...

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves me and caresses me,

AND better than FAMILY nothing happens!!!

Presenter: 4 chamomile offers us: Games with balls.

Your task is to transport the balloons from one side to the other side through the ribbon.

Presenter: 5 chamomile. What will the next chamomile tell us? Dance competition (for everyone).

All children have a daisy flower attached to their clothes, and at a signal they begin to dance to the music.

Presenter: Well done! And you know how to dance. Did a good job.

Presenter: 6 flower. What secret is he keeping?

Finger gymnastics about family.

This finger is grandpa.

This finger is grandma.

This finger is dad.
This finger is mom.

This finger is me, together we are a friendly family.

That's right, because today we celebrate the holiday of the family.

Presenter: 7 flower.

Game "Caterpillar"

The guys, taking each other by the waist, squat down, raise their leg, and jump so as not to become disengaged.

Presenter: Thank you for being so friendly, like a big family!

Now the fun is over, the hour of farewell has come.

Everyone who laughed and played today,

He sang merrily, joked, danced,

On this beautiful and warm day

Vitamin juice is waiting in the group.

Presenter: Let's celebrate Family Day, a day of care and love!
Presenter: All of you guys have it in your hands balloons, let's glue our daisies.

Presenter: Let's decorate the sky with our daisies.

So, on the count of “Three” we release our daisies into the sky.

We offer teachers, psychologists, doctors, educators, methodologists, teachers and others the placement of creative material for the exchange of experience and the development of the younger generation. Articles and autobiographies with photographs can be sent to: Doshkolnik@list. ru

Publication on the website for preschoolers. RF;
Placement in the next issue of the magazine “Preschooler. RF" (.pdf format)
Electronic Gratitude, Certificate, Certificate of publication on the website and Certificate of publication in the journal.

Materials are published and documents issued for developments:

1. class notes
2. holiday scenarios
3. methodological developments
4. didactic and educational games
5. crafts with descriptions
6. pictures with description
7. presentations
8. stories about classes
9. calendar plans
10. excursions
11. news about current events
12.long term and short term projects
13. original songs, poems, fairy tales

Requirements for documents.

The article must be at least 1000 characters.
It is advisable to attach 1 photograph or drawing on the topic to the article.

The order letter must indicate

Full name
Name (number) of the institution
Job title
City (village, town), Region, Region
Title of work
! Be sure to enter your email address CORRECTLY

Conditions for issuing a Certificate of Publication

Conditions for issuing a Certificate of Publication

Our VKONTAKTE page is Http://vk. com/doshkolnikru - we will be glad to see you in our ranks :)

  • Summary of a lesson on speech development. Topic: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization” in the preparatory group “The Country in which we live”
  • Write scientific articles on early childhood education or research current problems and issues of education, prospects for the development of pedagogy? Or is the publication of an article of interest “purely” as one of the points of certification for a qualification category? This section lists journals and collections, full-time and extramural scientific conferences at various levels with the possibility of your publications.

    To the authors

    Magazine “Modern preschool education. Theory and Practice" publishes original popular scientific, educational, methodological or practice-oriented works devoted to the problems of development of preschool children and preschool education in Russia and abroad.

    Magazine “Modern preschool education. Theory and Practice”, first of all, considers review articles that reveal the state of affairs within the framework of a given problem; empirical (research) articles; articles that present original methodological tools. Special attention devoted to articles that reveal the experience of raising and educating children in specific countries. The magazine also publishes messages on past international scientific and other significant events in the world of preschool education, sent no later than 1 month after the event.

    Pedagogical club "SCIENCE AND CREATIVITY"

    All-Russian magazine "Pedagogical experience"

    Magazine « Teaching experience» created to help educators, teachers and educators with the aim of accumulating, storing and using advanced pedagogical experience. The magazine publishes exclusively original author's articles.

    The Pedagogical Experience magazine also conducts all-Russian competitions pedagogical excellence and all-Russian conferences for subject teachers and educators. To participate in the competition, go to the " Competitions", to participate in the conference, see the section " Conferences ».

    Authors of articles, participants in competitions and conferences are sent confirming diplomas of the All-Russian level in electronic or in paper form. Diplomas can be included in a teacher’s portfolio or teacher’s portfolio for certification. The All-Russian magazine “Pedagogical Experience” is registered with Roskomnadzor and has a media registration certificate No. EL No. FS 77 - 64783.

    We are waiting for your works!

    Methodological center

    Dear teachers!

    Your experience, your developments, your materials for classes can be an invaluable contribution to the general treasury of pedagogical materials. Publish and you will help tens of thousands of colleagues. When you register on this site, you receive a home page address and the opportunity to maintain your own blog, photo gallery, and print a portfolio of published materials. You can print certificates of publication yourself as soon as the publication appears on the pages of NUMI.RU

    All-Russian electronic magazine "Preschool teacher"

    Magazine "Preschool teacher"accepts for publication articles by educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions with the issuance of a certificate (certificate) of publication.
    Based on the Roskomnadzor certificate of media registration El No. FS77-58257 publication in electronic journal « Preschool teacher» is equivalent to a publication at the federal level and taken into account during certification.

    To publish an article in the journal “Preschool Teacher”:

    1. Prepare an article. It could be methodological development, lesson notes, holiday script, quiz, etc.

    2. Design the article. At the beginning of the article, indicate its title, full name of the author, position, organization, city. At the end of the work, provide a list of references used.

    3. Fill out an application for publication(download application)

    4. Pay the registration fee(see section "Payment")

    5. Submit your article to the editor(to address with the topic “Publication”).
    Three files must be attached to the letter:
    - application for publication;
    - a copy of the payment document (scanned or photographed);
    - file with work.

    All-Russian magazine "Preschooler. RF"

    Conditions for publication in the journal

    We offer teachers, psychologists, educators, methodologists, teachers and others the placement of creative material for the exchange of experience and the development of the younger generation. Articles and autobiographies with photographs can be sent to: [email protected]

    Magazine "Doshkolnik.rf" comes out 28th every month and looks like .pdf format. Documents about publication in the journal are issued on the day payment is confirmed. You don't have to wait a month to receive them.

    It does not have a paper version, but nevertheless has a media license and is registered with Roskomnadzor.

    Usually teachers print out for Certifications page with Authors, Contents and your page.

    To receive Certificate of Publication You need:

    Send your material to: [email protected]

    You can order a Certificate by sending an application to [email protected] marked "Order Certificate";

    At the moment, all documents are sent only electronically.

    The processing time for documents after payment is 1 day.

    Journal "Issues of Preschool Pedagogy"

    The journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index
    Publisher card in RSCI

    ISSN 2410-4485

    • Reception of materials - until March 31 (inclusive)
    • Preprint - instantly after payment
    • Certificate and reference - instantly after payment
    • Posting an electronic version of the collection on the website -
    • Distribution of printed collections to authors - until April 20

    Website for kindergarten teachers ""

    Publication of articles in the online publication “”

    The website provides an opportunity for preschool teachers to publish their original materials.

    Publication of materials in the online publication “” is equivalent to publication at the all-Russian level.

    The site is registered as an online publication (media) providing information, educational activities(an Internet portal covering issues of raising and educating children preschool age; containing teaching materials aimed at increasing the level of professional culture and methodological skills of teachers and parents).
    Distribution area: Russian Federation, foreign countries. (Mass media registration certificate El No. FS77-56217.)

    Materials are published free of charge.

    Send materials for publication to the editorial office's email address [email protected]

    Accepted for publication:

    Event scenarios;



    Class notes;

    Educational and methodological developments;

    Long-term plans;

    Master classes;

    Scenarios parent meetings, seminars, conferences;

    Conversations with children;

    Live journal "Methodochka"

    One of the innovations introduced by the modernization of education into the certification of a teacher for a qualification category is the creation of a portfolio representing the teacher’s achievements over a certain period of time. The teacher must fill out the portfolio with documents confirming his teaching qualifications: certificates and diplomas for participation in competitions, olympiads, certificates of publications in magazines, newspapers, certificates of dissemination of one’s own experience in online publications, completion of training for a teacher, participation in teacher certification , other materials.

    How to publish an article in a magazine?

    The live journal Methodichka was created to help teachers with certification issues. As part of the NMP "", project users are invited to publish articles related to the education industry in the journal and receive publication certificates. The cost of publishing 1 material is only 175 rubles. All work undergoes testing before publication public examination.

    Dear teachers!

    You have the opportunity to receive a certificate for posting materials in the online magazine “Planet of Childhood”!

    Accepted for placement

    1. Lesson and lesson notes (LES) for various age groups.

    2. Summaries of events and holidays for children.

    3. Notes of parent-teacher meetings (for parents of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren).

    4. Your experience in a specific area of ​​development and education of children: collections didactic games, work planning, reporting activities, presentation of work experience, information folders, etc.

    5. Material on working with parents: information letters, booklets, creative exhibitions, master classes, recommendations, etc.

    6. Materials on teacher self-presentation primary classes or kindergarten teacher: computer presentation of the kindergarten or teacher, essay, creative report, speech, etc.

    7. Summaries of various forms of work with personnel: script for the teachers' meeting, speech at the teachers' meeting, consultation for teachers, master class, etc.