New Year's tree branch with cones made of corrugated paper. Cone

Gulnaz Muryasova

Their feathers come from the bark,

And under them there are grains,

And from spruce branches

They wait for squirrels in winter.

Except sharp needles

What grows on the branches of Christmas trees?


Hello dear colleagues! Today I propose to make an applique together with the kids in the form bumps. For this we will be needed: Double sided color paper brown and green flowers, compass, ruler, sheet of cardboard, scissors, glue stick. For children, you can make templates of circles of the required sizes in advance.

Cut out nineteen brown circles with a diameter of 3 cm, one green circle with a diameter of 5 cm, two green circles with a diameter of 4 cm and two green circles with a diameter of 3 cm.

We bend the edges of nineteen brown circles with a diameter of 3 cm from both sides to the middle, like this

Fold the green circles in half. These will be the twigs.

Glue the parts together as shown in the photo.

Our the pine cone is ready!

Creative success!

Publications on the topic:

"Maslenitsa" made of paper (master class) Required materials and tools: Colored paper or printer paper - 2 sheets.

Good evening everyone! I bring to your attention how to make a sun from ordinary office paper; such a sun can be used in classes.

Paper bow using origami technique. This bow can be used to decorate an envelope or gift box. Make a square out of colored paper.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class on making dahlias from paper. Making such a flower is not at all difficult.

Studying the properties of paper and experimenting with it have long become commonplace in kindergarten. In this article I want to bring to your attention a master class.

Take a white paper napkin. Fold the napkin along the indicated lines. We make cuts on four sides (as marked with a black marker, outline.

Master class in the senior group “Volume butterflies made of colored paper and flowers made of crepe paper.” Municipal Preschool Educational Budgetary Institution kindergarten No. 20 “Birch” x. Kirov Municipal Formation of Novokubansky.

Master class “Lark made of paper” (origami) Lark (S. Marshak) So carefree, on the fly, He generously pours out trills, Soaring steeply into the heights.

Good afternoon - today we will be making crafts with you beautiful bump for decorating the New Year tree. I'll show you step-by-step master class, and will also give ideas for alternative techniques for making an artificial New Year's cone. I will also show you that you can make ordinary forest cones (pine or spruce) to decorate your home for the New Year.

So let's get started.

How to make a cone with your own hands.

We will need:

  • Polystyrene foam blank EGG (sold on shopping websites and in craft shops)
  • Large sequins (or cut circles from colored or metallized paper)
  • Packing of stud nails
  • Rope


The process is very simple. You need to stick sequin mugs in ALTERNATING ROWS on a foam egg using pins. You need to start from the tapered end foam blank.

We overlap each row over the previous one. So that the lower circles are almost covered halfway with the top. And scales-circles need to be placed with offset... that is, the CENTER points of the top row should be opposite the EDGES of the bottom circles (like the scales of a fish).

If you use gift wrapping paper , then we will get an original cone with patterned scales. Or you can use circles cut out from bright postcards.

And pay attention to the photo below - you can cut the scales into an OVAL shape... and you also get a beautiful cone

You can also use dried WATERMELON RINDS... if in August you collected all the watermelon rinds and dried them in the oven and poured them into a jar... then you have ready-made craft material for making a cone with your own hands. And you don’t have to worry about cutting out the cone scales with scissors.

New Year's cone FROM FELT - how to make it.

But these New Year's cones from felt are also easy to make with your own hands.

If you look closely at the photo below, you will see that the lump is sucking from 20 flat pancake flowers– 10 brown and 10 white.

These flowers are superimposed on each other(like a stack of pancakes)… and from the fact that towards the very end of the cone there are smaller flowers... then our stack tapers towards the bottom, forming an oval pine cone.

The rows, as you can see, alternate - white - brown - white - brown, etc.

In the middle of the cone are the largest petal flowers... at the top (at the tail of the cone) there are medium-sized flowers - towards the tip of the cone the size of the flowers becomes smaller and smaller.

It's simple - estimate the size... cut 20 flat flowers - and string them onto beads on a thread... alternating sizes so that the cone either expands or narrows towards its tip.

And we get a beautiful lush bump... self made... made with your own hands. Isn't that great?

A fabric cone for a New Year tree.

But below in the photo we see the idea when the CONE SCALES look like squares paper napkin(or fabrics) folded 4 times.

That is, we outline the size of the future scale (for example, 1 cm by 1 cm) ... and make fabric blanks.

The blanks will be SQUARE FLAPS - whose size will be the following: so that when folded in half and in half again you get a square 1x1 cm. That is, we need 2x2 cm flaps.... fold them in half and then in half again. – we get a folded neat “handkerchief”... You need to make many, many such handkerchiefs.

And now that we have all the SCALES ready for the future bump. Us need to find a blank blank to which we will glue these scales...

The blank can be a FOAM BALL(or FOAM EGG) - it is sold in any craft store or on the Internet - the product is called a “foam ball” (search in Google\Yandex) - it costs, depending on the size, from 0.5 dollars and more...

The blank can be a BALL OR OVAL MADE FROM FELT. Just take some craft felt + a bowl of soapy water. We put the felt in soapy water - take it out - and roll the ball in our palms (as if it were plasticine), the soapy wet felt rolls very well into any shape we need. The harder we press our palms, the harder and denser the felt blank for our New Year's cone turns out to be.

The blank can be a BLANK MADE FROM WOOL AND BANDAGES... We take ordinary cotton wool... (we buy cotton wool in one lump at the pharmacy)... we take this lump and give it an oval or round shape- and fix it with a wrap of bandage (we make something like an oval mummy) ... then we wet it all with PVA glue ... to make it harder and denser ... dry it for one night ... And an excellent blank is ready for gluing fabric scales.

NEW YEAR'S DECORATIONS made of spruce and pine cones.

Or we can use ordinary forest cones to implement interesting New Year's ideas by decor.

From the cones you can make a garland(to hang above the fireplace, or on the wall).

We buy threaded hooks... we drill a hole in the cone and screw the hook into it. Using these hooks we hang the cones on a rope. You can also add an LED New Year's garland to the same pine cone garland - just intertwine it with a rope.

Or you can put the cones in a beautiful basket ... decorate the center of the basket with a bow... add a garland there (place it so that the lights mix with the pine cones) - we get a cute New Year's lamp made of pine cones.

You can simply paint the pine cones different colors ... and arrange them beautifully in a vase.

Can be made from a pine cone Christmas tree decoration... Tie a bright ribbon in the form of a bow... attach a string on which we will hang the pine cone on the Christmas tree.

Or you can make a composition of two cones - tie them together... and make an imitation of SNOW - coat the scales with glue and sprinkle with white sprinkles (this can be sparkling white powder for manicure... or semolina).

You can buy transparent New Year's ball and throw some pine cone scales into it...

Or make a Christmas tree FROM CONE SCALES... unhook the scales from the cone with pliers... make a cone of thick paper... and row by row (starting from the bottom) we paste the paper cone with these scales. It turns out christmas tree from cones.

DIY Christmas trees made from pine cones.

And since we touched on the topic of crafts in the form of Christmas trees, here are some more ideas for you Christmas trees from pine cones.

You can place the opened cone in a small pot or glass... decorate it with beads, a ribbon, and a star on top.

These cones can be painted with paint... and the cone itself can be glued to a base made of a cotton pad...

You can make a Christmas tree from pine cones also on the base paper cone... which is pasted over with pine cones using a glue gun. In addition to cones, you can stick various other materials onto the cone (left photo below)

You can make a FIRST-STACK... this is when the tiers of our pyramid are stacked on top of each other... A layer of vase napkin and a ring of pine cones (we put cotton wool or paper in the middle of the ring)... on top again is a knitted napkin... and again a ring of pine cones... and so on... Each new one the tier should be SMALLER in CIRCUM than the bottom one... so that the Christmas tree tapers towards its top (right photo below)

NEW YEAR'S WREATHS - made from pine and fir cones.

You can also make New Year's wreaths from pine cones. - for home decoration. I will show you in detail how to make a base for wreaths from tape and old newspaper in a special article.

And here below you see what design you can come up with for a wreath of pine cones...

You can arrange the cones ALTERNATELY with the acorns (left photo below)

You can stick pine cones CHAOTICALLY onto a wreath blank (right photo below)

You can arrange the cones in such a way (and glue them together) to create the OUTLINE OF A SNOWFLAKE (left photo below)

Or you can arrange the pine cones in one CIRCULAR direction... like a spiral vortex (right photo below)

These are the ideas for creating a NEW YEAR'S CONE to decorate the Christmas tree... and ideas for DECOR FROM FOREST CONES.

AND ALSO to New Year's table you can make a DELICIOUS SALAD - also in the form of a cone. The filling of salad mounds can be anything (either peas or corn). But then, when two salad heaps are laid side by side in the shape of OVAL HILLS... you just need to STICK them with ALMONDS... add a couple of sprigs of thyme and your salad is in shape New Year's cones ready.

These are the ideas for the New Year.

Good luck to you and happy holidays.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Perhaps every home has a box of New Year's toys. My parents, in addition to modern Christmas balls, I keep several paper toys that my brother and I made as children. Why not add new items to their collection?

Having decided to do Christmas decorations, my choice fell on cones. After all, what is a Christmas tree without pine cones? The easiest way is to make a toy out of paper. I came across many tutorials on making pine cones, but they all used a base that not everyone has. I wanted to make a toy at no additional cost, but only from what is in every home: paper and glue.

So, I’m starting to make paper cones with my own hands. I will describe three options that I made.

1 master class on making a cone without a base

To work you will need thick paper of 1-4 colors. Using the diagram below, we print out all the details. I used 3 colors of paper. Please note that parts 1 and 2 not symmetrical.

  1. I cut out all the details.
  2. On the part in the form of a circle I glue part 2 as shown in the figure. The glue is not applied completely, but somewhere around 2/3, so that the cut on the part is not glued to the mug.
  3. Similarly to the glue, the remaining parts alternate colors.
  4. The result should be the following.
  5. Now the turn comes to part number 1. As can be seen in the figure, I glue it not joint to joint to the second, but by moving it towards the gap.
  6. And so I glue all the parts under number 1.
  7. As a result, I have this beauty.
  8. Now I begin to intertwine the parts so that we get a kind of scales.
  9. By weaving the parts in a circle, you can fix them with paper clips if it is difficult to hold them with your hands. It is especially difficult to detect at the initial stage of lump formation.
  10. When the cone is almost ready, you need to fix the ends with glue.
  11. All that remains is to thread the thread and the pine cone is ready.

Illustrations for MK 1.

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • 10

2nd master class on making a New Year's pine cone toy with a paper base.

There are quite a few master classes of similar cones on the Internet, but they all use egg-shaped foam bases. I suggest making the base yourself from paper.

According to the given diagram, I cut out 10 parts and, using glue or double-sided tape for paper, assemble an egg-shaped paper model. From experience, I can say that it is better to use double-sided tape, since you don’t have to wait for the glue to dry.

The next step is to cut out squares with a side of 20 mm from colored paper. According to the following pattern, I bend the two ends to form a pentagon. I also cut out a circle with a diameter of 15-20 mm from the same paper.

I glue a circle to the sharp end of the egg. The next step is to glue 4 pentagons with small gaps between them, almost covering the circle.

This is such a beauty.

3 master class. Paper cone

The basis of this cone is the same paper egg as in the second master class. The only difference is that she decorated it with paper circles. Lucky are those who have a hole punch with a large diameter. And those who do not have such a miracle will be forced, like me, to manually cut about 150 circles with a diameter of 18-20 mm with scissors. The work is tedious, but if you turn on the right movie, the time will fly by unnoticed and usefully.

This lump is very similar to the previous one.

Like this, using just colored paper, you can create toys for the Christmas tree.

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Almost every person strives to create an atmosphere of a real holiday in their home on the eve of the New Year. After all, this is a special time and you need to enjoy it to the fullest. How can this be made a reality? Get busy decorating your home, and you can make decorations yourself. Let's consider this option as a DIY paper cone for a Christmas tree.

Making a Christmas tree decoration

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Scissors, PVA glue.
  3. Glue gun.

REFERENCE. Such a cone could well become an unusual box for gift wrapping.

How to quickly make a decoration

It is worth noting that the manufacturing process is extremely simple. You can build one, and then many of these cones in the company of children, this will allow you to spend a fun and fruitful evening.

REFERENCE. Let's make one such cone and, having understood the manufacturing process, you can easily make many such fakes. By combining them together, you can make a very nice garland to decorate your home.

  • You will need a foundation. It could be polystyrene foam. It needs to be given the appropriate shape. You can also make the base using the papier-mâché technique.
  • In the next step, you need to move on to making the petals of the pine cone. To do this, take thick paper.
  • Make preparations. Their length should be twice the width.

REFERENCE. You can choose the color of the paper and the design on it, focusing on your personal preferences; there are no restrictions here. If you want to make a fake that looks as much like a real pine cone as possible, choose the appropriate color.

PLEASE NOTE. If you decide to choose the papier-mâché base option, at the manufacturing stage you can place a souvenir inside the blank.

Simple manufacturing option

There is another way to make such a fake. Stock up on brown paper with a simple pencil, scissors and glue. If you look at a real cone, it resembles a flower in cross section. It is based on this that we will assemble the product.

It is necessary to cut out many flower blanks, which should differ in size. The template is shown in the photo. Cut out all these blanks and start assembling your fake.

REFERENCE. To make the process of cutting out flowers go faster, you can fold the paper several times.