The rule is not with parts of speech. How do you spell NOT with adjectives? Not with adverbs ending in -o(-e), adjectives and nouns

This topic is one of the most difficult. It's best to memorize spelling NOT With in different parts speeches in blocks.

General rule: seamlessly are written nouns, adjectives, verbs and those educated from them participles and gerunds, which without NOT not used (ignorant, ridiculous, hating, indignant).

English word for word is now nice

When you select a specific word, a tab will open with a definition of the word and its derivatives, which can be created in different parts of speech. Each of these words can be heard in both English and American pronunciations. You also know the meaning of new words - if it differs from the original word. You can also save words to the Favorites tab, copy them to the clipboard, or share them with friends. If you encounter a bug, you can easily convey your ideas to the app developers.

Of the 8 parts of speech, the following are written (except for the examples given):

1. Always separately:

verbs ( haven't seen, haven't been, don't go, won't look);

participles (without seeing, without visiting, without resurrecting, without falling);

numerals (not one, not the fifth, not the hundredth);

pronouns (not mine, not me), for except negative and indefinite without a preposition ( something, someone, nothing, nothing);

English word formation, although unimpressed by it appearance, does what belongs to him. It teaches new words in a clear way and does not require constant Internet access. The dictionary is also constantly updated to include new words, including those suggested by the user community. Writing "no" particles with different parts of speech class work. Listen and complete the dictation text.

That's why linen, cotton, and silk are made. Clothing is usually made from wool or plastic. For adjectives and adverbs, add the missing forms of equal, superior, and higher degrees. Additional task. You use words with a similar meaning containing a particle, not spatially - miss - unsafe - necessary - remember - disorder - malfunction - boredom - objection - overestimate -.

+ comparative degree adjectives and adverbs ( no better, no worse, no closer), state category words (no pity, no pity), short adjectives, which do not have a full form or have a different meaning in their full form ( not happy, not ready, should not, does not intend, not inclined, not obliged).

2. Sometimes together, sometimes separately:

Albinas Drukteinis comments on the draft divorce documents. Albinas Drukteinis comments on the rules of compulsory and non-compulsory appointment. How do these rules differ from generally applicable advice on Lithuanian writing and punctuation? This will be concise and strict documentary language that sets out the primary and secondary issues of the divorce. The publication Lithuanian Writing and Divorce discusses at least somewhat more typical and sometimes rare cases of assignment. These unusual cases are not covered by these rules in order to equalize and clear up punctuation requirements.

1) nouns, adjectives(quality) and adverbs on -o(s).

These parts of speech are written according to one rule:



a) if in combination with NOT purchased opposite meaning (usually such words can be replaced with a synonym) ( untruth, i.e. lie; not a difficult, i.e. easy, task; lived not richly, that is, poorly)

Moreover, the most important rules separated from less important ones. Why was it decided to differentiate between compulsory and optional topics? Maybe you can mention another case that is stricter or looser in the new documents than in the “Lithuanian language and divorce”? What led to the revision of punctuation? . The proposal to compile a list of rules arose during the Commission's consideration of the third edition of the publication of divorce and divorce in the Lithuanian language, prepared in the same way as the previous Institute of the Lithuanian Language, more precisely Habil. etc.

a) if there is or is implied opposition with the conjunction a ( not caution, but cowardice; not a simple, but a complex plan; not rarely, but often)

b) if there are words far from, not at all, not at all (far from smart, not at all smart, not at all beautiful)+ negative adverbs and pronouns not at all, not at all, nothing etc.

The variety of punctuation rules in these publications is not suitable for educational process. Perhaps because of this, the practice punctuation problems, tests, and also the rather different meanings of the errors that the student must correct. The author of the text should not strictly follow all directions of destination. This led to the need for a divorce in two parts.

On the other hand, society, especially teachers, has long wanted to make divorce as easy as possible. And it is best to change the prescribed provisions by law - by adopting decisions of the Language Commission or other status decisions, and then, based on them, prepare a comprehensive publication that can contain more explanations of less frequent cases. Simplification is perceived by promoters as a relaxation of strict requirements, provided that it has a syntactic basis and supports usage. And demands for mitigation are associated with increased choice.

2) participles:

a) single (without dependent word) ( undying fire; undetected errors; unpublished story)

A) short participles ( not decided, not given)

b) with dependent word(i.e. in participial phrase) ( a fire that does not go out in the wind; errors not noticed by the student; unpublished story)

More importantly, the choice cases must be provided separately. It was not so easy to divide the rules into two parts: it was necessary to separate a part of the clear distinction between each syntactic phenomenon and to compose a coherent and concise and rigorous system written from such separate parts. And the choice is not freely available either - it is governed by more subtle syntactic features, tendencies and other things. All this needs to be determined, but it is left to the author to decide which features or tendencies seem more important to him or to define the text.

3) negative pronouns and adverbs

a) adverbs and pronouns without preposition ( nowhere, nowhere: no one, nothing, no one)

a) pronouns - in three words, if there is a preposition ( from no one, to nothing)

Action algorithm

1. Is the word used? without NOT?

In general, efforts have been made to put at least some duplication into election rules. It is true that some people think that they cannot call them rules, but there are also described differences, attributes of different purposes, so there can be rules. Of course, the basic rules are divorce, first of all they must be trained and trained, assignments for tests, tests, exams must be conducted by evaluators. What does not exist in them is everything that is associated with more or less subjectivity and, therefore, with a decisive decree.



I'm writing seamlessly

2. I determine the part of speech:

Refers to the 1st block

Refers to the 2nd block

I'm writing separately

3. Is there opposition or words? far from, not at all, not at all, negative pronouns or adverbs?

Since the rules of the rules were to make them looser wherever there is no clear indication of purpose, hardly anything is tightened. Some things need to be clarified to ensure consistency. Let's say there was a rule for writing a comma in a compound connector between a side connector and a previous connector. He does not focus on whether the first conjunction is a sentence of a complex sentence or part of a homogeneous sentence, and he is allowed to choose whether to apply, for example: everyone went into the room, and when the commotion broke, the father said, and everyone went into the room, and when He chose the most reliable places and sat down at the tables.




4. Is this a participle?




5. Are there dependent words?

If in the second clause, when a contiguous clause intercepts parts of a homogeneous clause, we replace it with a participant adverbial, we intend to assign it after the reference comma, although in general the separation of such units is free. And in the case of side clauses, we could not write at the beginning of the comma, although in general their punctuation was quite strict. This seems inconsistent to us, and the rule drags on: only after a connector connecting terms of a compound sentence is it possible to omit writing a comma before the adjacent term, and a connector comma after one part of the sentence is obligatory.





*All information, photos, video materials on the official website educational organization posted with the consent of employees and parents (legal representatives) of students.

And this is probably the only tightening. There are many more cases of relief. The most noticeable of these may be the use of controlled modals and constructions, as well as premises, thus arbitrarily choosing the destination. This position was determined by the fact that they are like an insertion in a sentence within a sentence - it shows the speaker's attitude towards the stated thing and is not involved in the sentence. There are more similarities than differences, and strict discretion does not seem appropriate.

A common quotation operator and period in direct speech and quotations - it is preceded by quotation marks and is also preceded by a question mark, exclamation point, or plural, except for a quotation given in a sentence. It is allowed to selectively highlight non-suppressive characters, starting with words, such as height, size, length, thickness, etc. Since non-suppressive marks are usually not assigned, for example: after the tree, a thick table and bench stood on good support.

Friday, April 03, 2015 09:43 + to quote book


1. In words that are not used without “NOT”.

(Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs: forget-me-nots, unwell, sloppy, accidentally...).

2. With nouns, full adjectives and adverbs starting with –O, which form new words with NOT-: STEAL – i.e. bold, FALSE – i.e. lie, STUPID – i.e. smart...


There is no need to write a colon after connecting summary words before part of a homogeneous sentence, for example: In our coniferous forests, only two types of trees are usually grown, namely spruce and pine. Selection characteristics are described in the optional selection rules.

But the greatest relief for those who teach and teach is, in our opinion, the intention of the Commission not to make mistakes for anything that is not stated in the private rules of spelling. Of course, learning to choose the right option for a recipe is good because it helps to express a thought more accurately, more clearly, but without or cannot achieve it, a mandatory prescription should be enough.

1. With verbs, gerunds.

2. If “NOT” serves for negation: not the truth, but a lie, not far, but close, not light, but heavy...

3. With short adjectives that do not have a full form: not happy, not visible.

4. With negative particles NOT FAR..., NOT AT ALL

Divorce requirements can be taught in a variety of ways: taking punctuation, for example, and interpreting when it is necessary and when it is not, or relying on a syntactic principle: interpreting how the parts of a sentence are distributed.

  • The rules for preparing punishment are based on the syntactic principle.
  • Didn't they need to clarify some syntax concepts and definitions?
There is a tradition of defining punctuation rules based on syntax because it is a syntactic branch of science.

If it is broken by a character, it is most often found in a syntactic unit or phenomenon. Therefore, nothing needs to be changed. However, there are a few instances where our group is interpreted differently than the previous rules. Keeping them very similar to groups of words, starting with the words in the topic title, we moved to the non-bullet rule, and they, as well as the words in the topic, title, etc. not assigned. Largest group During the discussions, there was also a more pronounced change in syntactic interpretation associated with the relationship between the concepts of homogeneity and interpretation.


WRITE the particle NOT with verbs separately.
Remember that there are exceptions: to be perplexed, to be unwell, to hate, etc.

The particle is NOT used for negation.
Particle NI to enhance negation (it can always be discarded).

V. The Stranger and the Invisible Spirit
Spelling particles NOT with different parts of speech.

I found myself in an IMPASSABLE forest.

In the existing rules, homogeneity and interpretation were one-to-one. There are no single logical levels of this concept: interpretation refers to the speaker's efforts to make content more understandable to the interlocutor, so content is supplemented by interpretation or clarification, and homogeneity is more syntactically descriptive, associated with the same syntactic function as the general part of the sentence. Therefore, there was a need for additional signs of homogeneity, and we were talking about retention, the possibility of interconnection.

He compares these two types of relationships and allows us to talk about homogeneity in such cases as "Arriving for the evening", "old pier" and "alone". This good side for this interpretation. However, there are cases where the parts of a sentence are not equal, they cannot be combined, but they are not explicitly explained, although they have the same purpose as an explanatory purpose. For example: Come on - you will see my new articles, if you don’t come across them, you won’t see them. He threw it away, just pushed it through the door. Not for me - he needed this devastation.

To a cave in a SMALL mountain


I arrived long before dawn.

There is SOMEONE here powerful, but INVISIBLE,

He suddenly spoke to me:

– Why did you come, STRANGER?

He asked indignantly.

- You will split the secret of silence,

You will destroy the age-old way of life,

INVOLVEDLY you will hasten our end...

– I AM NOT LOOKING FOR sacred treasure.

Therefore, interpretation is a consensus-based attribute that applies only to certain cases and is not very suitable for providing distinction and separating it from division. One must then rely on the more formal aspect of the same syntactic relation, since the parts of the explanatory sentence are in the same syntactic relation as those being interpreted, either adverbial, two notes, or whatever, but the reciprocal relation is different from the relation parts subject to deduction.

And, further, relations can be sorted according to signs of a meaningful, communicative nature - deduction, state or inconsistency, interpretation, but limiting unclear, selective cases. Both one and the other understanding of homogeneity have their advantages and disadvantages. Where are the examples illustrating the new punctuation rules? . Requests for examples have been made from the very beginning of the rules: practitioners want examples of official language, blaming the rules' compilers for the abundance of ancient examples.

I WILL NOT DISTURB the eternal peace.

Let me come in, let's talk.

It's NOT SWEET here, it's drier inside,

Clear the entrance to the cave.


To bring UNHAPPINESS to your world.


I lost my way in bad weather.


In the fog the path was NOT visible to me.

I saw a door in a dim flash...

I ACCIDENTALLY offended you.

Suddenly the INCORRECT started babbling,

FALSE, nonsense in a row.

My face became miserable.

The UNKNOWN outline arose...

He covered his eyes with his hands...


- Yield words, wilted in fear,

Did he infiltrate us with a BAD purpose?

- Now I will say, WITHOUT HIDDENING,

DO NOT BE DISHONEST in front of you.

He walked, fighting against bad weather,

I wanted to explore the area.

So curiosity started

To regions not inhabited by people.

I heard a LOT of wonderful words,

That there are steep passages in the rock.

From narrow galleries you can

Penetrate the secrets of mountain halls.

So show me the way quickly,

I'm in an INCREDIBLE fever.

I can learn witchcraft there,

Human destinies to decide.

- Come, UNINVITED GUEST, to the fire, -

The ghost said without HATE.

– It won’t be long before the rain lashes,

Less noise is a clear sign.

You will leave at dawn. I WILL NOT LET GO

IGNORANT into distant caves.

If you don't pay attention, I will take terribly revenge.

The patience of spirits is NOT WITHOUT MEASURE.

IT'S NOT YOUR MIND that brought you here,

And the thirst for power is the problem.

There are NUMEROUS ancient secrets here.

But, ignoramus, reduce your arrogance.

You chose the WRONG route.

Mysteries await intelligent people.