Folk recipes for lightening hair with chamomile. How to lighten hair at home: Peroxide, cinnamon, honey - What to choose? How to lighten your hair before dyeing

The decision to become a blonde is often spontaneous. A woman simply goes to the store and buys the white paint she likes. At home, she mixes something in a tube with something in a bottle, applies it to her hair and waits. It is not surprising that the result differs from expectations.

Creating blonde always occurs in two stages.

  1. Lightening (bleaching). This is a process by which natural or artificial hair pigment is destroyed.
  2. Toning. Giving hair the desired shade.

Lightening is done with a special powder or cream and an oxidizing agent of a certain percentage. For example, to dark hair make it 4-5 tones lighter, you need an oxide of at least 6%. If the hair is light, a 1.5–3 percent oxidizing agent is usually used. But everything is very individual. Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, 6–9 percent oxide is used to lighten blondes.

The result of lightening is always a warm shade. You will find out why this happens a little later. For now, remember: you cannot put an equal sign between the concepts of “lightening” and “blond dyeing”. After all, you can lighten your hair to create nuclear orange or acid green hair.

Lightening is just the first step towards blonde. It specifies the substrate on which the color must lie.

The coloring result depends on many factors: the condition of the hair, the original tone and shade and, of course, the coloring composition and method of application.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 2. Not taking into account the background lightening and tone level

In everyday life, people are divided into blondes, brown-haired, red-haired and brunettes. For professional hairdressers and colorists, everything is more complicated.

Human hair consists of a nourishing rod (medula), which gives strength and elasticity to the cortex and protective cuticle (many dense scales on the surface).

The cortex contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Melanin consists of two pigments, eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first has a dark shade (from brown to blue-black) and the shape of elongated granules. The second is round molecules of yellow and red colors.

Natural hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. The more eumelanin, the darker the hair, and vice versa: pheomelanin predominates in blondes.

The level of tone (or, as they also say, the level of tone depth) depends on the amount of eumelanin.

Tone level (UT or UGT) is a gradation natural color hair by lightness.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

There are 10 UT, where one is black, and everything above seven is considered blonde.

When lightening, the level of tone depth increases and the lightening background appears. This is the color that is obtained after partial destruction of natural or artificial, if the hair has been dyed, pigment.

Imagine a flask with red and yellow balls inside. The initial tone level is 6. We lighten it to 9. Only yellow balls remain in the flask. The next step is tinting, and you need to figure out how much blue and red to add so that the colors mix and the flask looks beige from a distance.

Before going blonde, you need to determine the tone level, the predominant pigment and the desired result. It depends on what to lighten with (powder or cream), what percentage of oxidizing agent to use, where to start applying the composition and other nuances. Hairdressers create special formulas to calculate how many grams to squeeze out of which tube to tint specific hair.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 3: Not following instructions

It is important to take into account not only the level of tone and background lightening, but also to understand what type of composition it is and how to use it correctly. Hair lightening and coloring is chemical reactions, the course of which depends on the dye used.

All dyes can be divided into direct and indirect.

Straight hair does not mix with the oxidizing agent and does not penetrate the hair. Their molecules settle on the cuticle. Direct dyes are produced mainly in the form of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. Colored crayons are also classified as direct dyes. They are easy to use at home (no need to mix anything) to maintain or refresh color.

Indirect dyes open the cuticle, penetrate the hair and destroy the natural pigment to make room for the artificial one. Such dyes are always mixed with an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide with various additives. They are usually produced in the form of creams. Working with them is more difficult (exact proportions are needed).

Indirect dyes also include dyes that do not contain ammonia, but contain its derivatives. They do not have such a pungent odor, but the principle of action is the same as that of ammonia dyes.

When working with indirect dyes, it is very important to choose the correct percentage of oxidizing agent. It depends on how much you can increase the level of tone depth and how long you can keep the composition on your hair.

Many people mistakenly think that the longer they keep the dye on their hair, the better the effect will be. In fact, manufacturers conduct more than one clinical study to calculate how much time a particular composition needs to lighten, develop and fix the artificial pigment. If the package says “Keep for 30 minutes,” keep for half an hour. By overexposing the dye, you only dry out your hair.

Mistake 4. Not taking care of your hair

To become a luxurious blonde, it is not enough to lighten your hair. Blonde requires constant careful care. Otherwise, the hair that has gone through the lightening reaction will hang like a lifeless tow.

Hair has no strength and energy because it is a keratinized appendage of the skin. Some conditioning cosmetics regenerate disulfide bonds and proteins, but most conditioners simply seal the cuticle scales tightly so they reflect light. As a result, the hair looks good and is pleasant to touch.

There are a lot of folk recipes for lightening hair on the Internet. You need to understand that lemon juice, chamomile decoction or kefir will never turn you into a platinum blonde. The maximum will make brown hair half a tone lighter.

But natural ingredients can be used to improve the condition of colored hair. Here are some good masks.

  1. Honey. Mix honey, aloe juice and castor oil. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.
  2. Banana. Mix in a blender until completely smooth one medium banana, one egg, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon and two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without additives. Leave for about an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Egg. Pour two tablespoons of gelatin with warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes for the gelatin to swell. Then melt it in a water bath, add the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of your hair balm. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep for 40–60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Be careful with folk remedies. They can ruin even the most beautiful cold blonde. “Food” on your hair will never give the same effect as professional cosmetics. Among the things that are unlikely to make things worse are vinegar (the acidic environment will smooth out the scales), coconut oil (but it is difficult to wash off).

Vika Glu, hairdresser

In addition, it is necessary to constantly maintain color with tinted shampoos and other products, which also often contain care components.

Many representatives of the fair sex want to be blondes. In general, there is no problem, because today we can give them any color. Even if you are a brunette, you can easily become a blonde. However, the procedure for lightening hair involves processing it, which destroys the natural pigment. Using chemical bleaches can damage your hair. This means they will look worse, become duller and require more care. To prevent this from happening, you need to use safe hair lightening, after which it will become lighter and will not lose its natural beauty and strength.

Ways to lighten safely

How to lighten hair without harm and is it possible? It all depends on two factors:

  • lightening agents,
  • colors and characteristics of your own hair.

If your hair is dense and coarse, and also has a very dark color, then turning you into a blonde will not be easy. In this case, lightening will require a very “strong” product or time and patience. The lighter and softer hair, the less effort is needed to lighten them.

How to lighten your hair safely:

  • Use safe means
  • Lighten gradually, no more than 1-2 tones per procedure.
  • Natural remedies - folk recipes,
  • Modern brightening products without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, based on natural ingredients.

Read more about each method below the article.

What lightening agents can be considered harmless?

Folk recipes have been tested by more than one generation of women, they are based on the use of herbal ingredients and simple products. Another traditional way of lightening is sunbathing. Such methods are available for home use and are very cheap, but for some they may seem too “tricky.” In this case, ammonia-free hair lightening using special products that are sold in the store is suitable. You can turn to professionals and they will do everything for you. However, it is worth considering that brightening paints without ammonia, as a rule, are much more expensive than ammonia ones.

We use “grandmother’s” recipes

Folk recipes are based on the effects of natural remedies; they do not contain any chemicals. If used correctly, your hair will become lighter and look more well-groomed, since many lightening components have beneficial properties. Of course, you shouldn’t expect an instant powerful effect, and you’ll have to make an effort to lighten it using home remedies.

Advice! Folk recipes are more suitable for owners of naturally blond or light brown hair who want to get lighter shades rather than achieve radical results.

The most popular and effective folk remedies

  • Lemon,
  • Kefir,
  • Chamomile,
  • Sun.

Attention! The most aggressive of all these remedies is lemon, or rather its juice. If you have dry, brittle hair, then lemon can dry it out even more, so this product is best used on normal, healthy hair. Disputes continue about the safety of lightening using sunlight, and the use of others folk remedies considered completely safe.

Lemon and sun

Everyone knows about the lightening effect of ultraviolet rays. If you stay in the sun for a long time, your hair will fade and become lighter. To make the process go faster and more intensely, you can lubricate the strands with lemon juice. Once upon a time, even highlighting was done this way. They pulled strands of hair through holes in a special hat, applied lemon juice to them, and went out into the sun. After this procedure, the hair becomes much lighter and acquires a beautiful shine. However, exposure to direct ultraviolet light is considered harmful. Of course, the sun somewhat worsens the condition of the hair, but this effect cannot be compared with the damage caused by lightening products containing ammonia.

Lightening with lemon juice

Lemon juice has a brightening effect because it contains an acid that destroys the coloring pigment. This process is enhanced by exposure to ultraviolet rays. For clarification, use only natural freshly squeezed lemon juice. For one procedure, one glass of juice is enough; with this amount you can completely moisten your long hair. thick hair. The shorter they are, the less juice will be needed.

Advice! When lightening normal or oily hair Water is added to the juice, approximately a quarter of its volume. If you lighten dry hair, then instead of water you need to add a suitable conditioner. This will prevent them from drying out and will nourish them somewhat.

It is convenient to apply a mixture of juice and water to your hair using a spray bottle; if you have added conditioner, use a brush. If possible, then after applying the mixture, go out into the sun for 1-2 hours. Of course, this recommendation is only suitable for the summer months; in winter, you just need to wash off the juice after a while and wash your hair in the usual way. If this procedure is performed regularly, the hair will constantly lighten. The effect remains for a long time, and what’s best is that as they grow, the roots look, although darker, but naturally and do not spoil the overall impression.

The following video will introduce you to interesting and in a safe way hair lightening:

Honey bleaching

Honey – useful product, which is able to provide hair with nutrients, make it beautiful, silky, it will add volume and shine. In addition, with the help of honey, you can perform harmless lightening of fair-haired or light-haired hair. brown hair by 1-2 tones. However, its use is somewhat troublesome. Honey should remain on the hair for 10 hours, so it is best to carry out the procedure at night.

Important! Honey should only be natural, the consistency should be liquid enough to be conveniently applied to the hair. If the honey is too thick, it can be slightly heated in a water bath. You cannot use a microwave for this, because beneficial properties will get lost.

Lightening with honey in 4 steps

Step 1

First you need to wash your hair with shampoo. It is best if it is a shampoo made from natural ingredients without any special additives and conditioner. Immediately before applying the shampoo, you need to add a little soda (about a quarter of a teaspoon). After washing, hair is rinsed only with water. Then you need to dry them thoroughly with a towel.

Step 2

Apply honey to your hair. Carefully and carefully, you need to soak all the strands to the full length. To do this, you can use a brush and comb.

Step 3

The head should be wrapped in plastic wrap to protect it from leakage of honey and left for 10 hours.

Step 4

After 10 hours, remove the film and wash your hair in the usual way. It would be nice if, after washing, you rinse your hair with chamomile infusion or lemon juice.

The honey procedure can be repeated, because in any case there will be no harm, and the lightening with repeated exposure will be more intense.

Clarification with kefir

Kefir masks suitable for everyone. The lightening effect is achieved due to the fact that kefir penetrates under the hair scales and washes out the pigment from there. To achieve the effect, kefir masks are made; in addition to the main component, additional ingredients are added to them.

A simple recipe for a hair mask based on kefir


  • Half a glass of kefir,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka or cognac,
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of shampoo.

Mix everything and apply to hair along the entire length. After application, the head is wrapped with film and a towel. You can make this mask at night. If this is inconvenient, then you need to hold it for at least two hours. At the end of the procedure, wash your hair as usual.

Attention! Kefir masks not only lighten hair and take care of it, but also promote more active growth.

The most gentle way to lighten is chamomile decoction

To obtain a chamomile decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and pour boiling water (200 ml). When cool, strain and use for rinsing. To enhance the effect, you can add the juice of half a lemon to the broth.

For dry hair

If your hair is dry, then a mask of chamomile decoction with the addition of glycerin is very suitable. 60 grams of glycerin are added to the decoction prepared in the usual way. The mask is applied to the hair along the entire length. You need to hold it for 40 minutes, wrapping your head in film.

Professional lightening products

Modern technologies allow us to use effective and safe formulations that gently lighten hair. All these products are made on the basis of natural ingredients without ammonia and peroxide. They do not harm the hair and make it more attractive, but their cost is much higher than conventional lightening products.

Solaris Brightening Oil

An excellent product created on the basis of a safe formula. It is easy to use, makes hair silky, and makes it more manageable. Lightening occurs by no more than 4 tones, so it is better to use it for owners of blond or brown hair. Then you can get so warm natural shades, like amber, honey or golden sand.

Attention! Solaris oil is only suitable for hair that has not been colored.

Gentle Meches System

This drug is a system for lightening and highlighting. The result of exposure, that is, the final color, depends on the exposure time of the product. The composition includes protein, regenerating components, plant extracts. With the Gentle Meches System you can lighten your hair up to 5 shades. The drug is created in such a way that it is convenient to apply, it does not dry out, and does not flow. The maximum recommended exposure time is no more than 30 minutes. If you use additional heat, exposure for 15 minutes will be enough. When treating thin or weakened hair, you should not use additional heat.

L'Oreal bleaching paste

One of the best means For ammonia-free lightening, L'Oreal paste is considered. It has no odor, is easy to apply, and does not irritate the scalp. This product contains strengthening components, so it is positioned as safe remedy. After the procedure, the hair completely retains its natural lipid level. Additional components smooth them out and make them more attractive.

How to achieve the desired color without harming your hair? You can use decades-tested recipes, but you should be patient. If you want to get safe and quick hair lightening, you need to use special formulations. If you follow the instructions and pay attention to the procedure, you can cope with it yourself. However, if you have not had such experience, it is better not to experiment, but to turn to professionals who will select the most suitable means and methods and do everything in a proper manner. at its best. Besides, good hairdresser will always give practical advice, for example, how to dye your hair without bleaching, what color suits you best, what haircut or styling will be most appropriate in a particular case.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Many women try to change their appearance to become as attractive as possible. One of the most common ways is to change the color of your hair. Those who suit light colors lighten their hair by bleaching natural dark or colored strands using special products. This is necessary not only to make the hair light, but also to create the desired base tone for future coloring.

How to lighten your hair

There are many ways to lighten. The main one is a serious procedure performed by a master in the salon. It is done using special professional means, which are not on general sale. The hairdresser may offer you different methods discoloration, which involves a change in color in certain areas and of varying intensity. They will also advise you how often you can carry out the procedure so as not to cause harm.

Professional lightening

Changing the color to several tones is not an easy task, so it is better to trust the professionals. An experienced master will carry out all the necessary steps, trying to preserve the health of the hair as much as possible. Hairdressers in the salon will perform the procedure as follows:

  • They will determine which light tones will harmonize with the client’s skin color.
  • Will choose suitable remedy the desired tone and intensity of action.
  • They will advise whether it is possible to carry out complete lightening at once or whether it is necessary to carry out the work in several stages so as not to burn the hair.
  • Special protective components will be used so as not to destroy the roots and stem.
  • Dye bleached strands desired color, if the procedure was part of future painting.

Lightening techniques

Hairdressing art keeps up with the times, so fans of light shades are offered different options lightening. The main types include:

  • Blonding. This is a radical change in tone to a lighter one along the entire length. This includes complete discoloration, with absolute destruction of the natural pigment; classic, which changes color by only a few tones; platinum is one of the most fashionable today.
  • Highlighting. It is not carried out over the entire head, but partially lightens individual strands, after which the entire hairstyle must be tinted to obtain a single harmonious color.
  • Shatush. This technique is designed to imitate a sun-bleached color, where the top strands remain dark and the bottom becomes increasingly lighter.
  • Ombre. This technique imitates regrown roots, the color of which at the bottom is as close as possible to the original natural color.
  • Balayage. This technique is similar to ombre, but is more difficult to perform due to the need to achieve a slight burnt shade in the upper layers.

How to lighten hair without harm

The essence of lightening comes down to the destruction of the pigment, along with which the structure of the hair is partially destroyed. To minimize the risk of damage, the following measures are used:

  • Ammonia-free dyes. They contain a minimum of harmful components and remove color very carefully, so they are suitable even for damaged hair, but they are not able to make a sharp transition from dark to light.
  • Oils for lightening. This is a relatively new product. They also act gently, but are not suitable for gray and colored hair after using henna.
  • Products with keratin. Keratin is the substance that natural hair consists of; it fills the entire structure, helping to maintain health after bleaching.
  • Folk remedies. They won’t do any harm, but they can also lighten your curls only slightly and not in one procedure.

How often can you lighten your hair?

The frequency of visits to the hairdresser depends on the previous coloring technique and the degree of lightening. Average term between procedures is 6-8 weeks. If we are talking about maintaining the color of the strands, as with highlighting, then you can update them after 4 weeks. It is important that during the repeated procedure the master does not touch the already bleached curls, so as not to damage them further.

How to lighten hair with dye

To achieve a lighter shade, you can choose a bleach that will make your hair 1 to 7 shades lighter. However, it will not add any new shades. Lightening paint will not only remove the dark pigment, but will also add a new light one, due to which the entire color scheme will change, but by no more than 4 shades. The more contrast you want to achieve, the more hydrogen peroxide should be contained in the paint. The action of the composition leads to the following:

  • First, eumelanin, a darker pigment, is removed.
  • Then pheomelanin is a reddish pigment.
  • Even if you don’t like the color during the process, you shouldn’t shorten the duration of the composition.
  • Previously damaged hair acquires a yellow tint.

How to lighten hair with peroxide

An inexpensive liquid sold at any pharmacy, such as hydrogen peroxide, has long been used by those who want to lighten hair. The procedure is very simple. Apply 3% peroxide using a spray bottle to washed, damp (not wet) and well-combed strands. It must be kept for 45 to 60 minutes depending on the desired shade. After half an hour, you can rinse one strand and look at the result. Light porous types lighten quickly and easily. For dark ones, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide may not be safe. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, on your skin, or on your clothes. It is prohibited to hold the product on your head for more than an hour per session, so as not to cause burns on the skin. It is better to repeat the lightening every other day. Pouring liquid directly onto your head is strictly prohibited. It can be applied either with a spray or with a cotton swab. Remember that peroxide destroys melanin directly in the hair shaft, which severely injures it. With frequent use, this leads to brittleness, hair loss and even baldness.

How to lighten hair

There are many professional brands that specialize in the production of clarifiers. These are oxidative emulsions, lotions, special powders that need to be diluted with additional means, ammonia-free creams, and so on. Popular brands that are in demand in beauty salons and developed for home use include L’Oreal, Solvex, Syoss, Palette, Wella, Schwarzkopf, Garnier, Estel and others.

Professional lightening products

Companies producing professional products are trying to attract buyers by developing the most effective and gentle lighteners possible. According to the popularity rating, the top 5 best included:

Folk remedies for lightening

If you are against any chemistry, then you can turn to the gifts of nature. Several names stand out natural remedies, which will help make your hair several tones lighter:

  • Honey can give a golden color.
  • Lemon juice is included in masks for lightening and manifests itself under the sun's rays.
  • Chamomile gives a golden hue. Turns brunettes into brown-haired women.
  • Vinegar. It oxidizes well, but should be used as part of masks, and not as a separate product; after it, the use of balm is recommended.
  • Cinnamon can not only lighten, but give reddish, ginger shades.
  • Rhubarb has a whitening effect.
  • Onions add a coppery tint.
  • Fruits, when used regularly, lighten and saturate with vitamins.

Lightening hair at home

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, remember a few important rules use of cosmetics. They will help you avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before coloring.
  • Before applying the dye, spread the skin along the hair contour with a rich cream.
  • Do not overexpose the composition to avoid harm.
  • Apply the products evenly so that the roots and ends do not end up in different shades.
  • Application always starts with the darker roots.
  • At the end, be sure to apply balm.

Lightening strands

If you want to lighten only individual strands, choose a color that will differ by 2-3 tones. The easiest way to dye your hair is to wear a cap with holes, from where you can easily pull out the required amount of hair using a hook. Then comb them thoroughly and apply the product along the entire length. You need to start painting from the top parts, then the sides and finally the bottom.

Lightening colored hair

If you previously painted your hair in dark shades, then you won’t be able to become light the first time. Depending on the initial and desired results, this will take 3-5 sessions, which are best done at weekly intervals. For this, special washes are used, but they must be used carefully so as not to destroy the strands. Special shampoos are more gentle.

How to lighten ends

To lighten the ends, first of all, part your head and pull your hair forward. Then paint all ends to the desired length. Wrap the painted parts in foil and leave for the time indicated on the product. When the lightening reaction begins, remove the foil and comb. This will remove the boundaries between the old and new colors. Cover the foil again and remove it when the time is up.

How to lighten roots

The root lightening procedure is carried out on a dry head. First, comb your hair thoroughly and part it evenly. Start applying paint from the middle of the head, painting the desired length from the roots. Then separate the strands and turn them over to the other side. Paint your entire head like this. At the end, comb again, slightly stretching the paint along the entire length.

How to lighten your hair one tone

If you need very light lightening, instead of a professional product, you can choose a folk one, the effect of which is less pronounced and you will have a better chance of not overdoing it. 60 g of glycerin mixed with 50 g of chamomile infused in 1 cup of boiling water will help change the color by 1 tone. The mask must be applied to damp hair and kept for 30 to 40 minutes, wrapping the head in foil.

Lightening hair 2 tones

If you decide to make the tone two times lighter, it is better to choose ammonia-free cream paint. She won't act as aggressively. The not very liquid cream helps to distribute the composition evenly over the entire length without spreading, and this is important for obtaining a uniform shade without unsightly strands of darker or lighter colors. Otherwise, follow the instructions on the package.

How to lighten hair with folk remedies

Any artificial chemical dyes have one significant drawback - they make hair weaker every time, forcing women to spend a lot of effort on maintaining and restoring health. This effect is not found in folk remedies that use gentle home dyeing while simultaneously saturating the hair follicles with the vitamins they contain. In the most effective recipes In preparation, cinnamon, chamomile, lemon and olive oil are used.

Hair lightening oil

Olive oil contains many beneficial natural ingredients, and if combined with lemon juice, it will act as a brightener. This recipe is suitable for those with light brown shades:

  • Take 3 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice or half a spoon of baking soda.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply generously to your hair.
  • Comb each strand well.
  • Go out for 1 hour to sunbathe.
  • At the end you need to rinse with shampoo, but do not use a hair dryer when drying.

With cinnamon

Another natural remedy is cinnamon. It should be used together with honey, oil and conditioner. Do not use metal utensils for cooking:

  • First, mix all the ingredients: 200 ml of conditioner, 3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon, 70 ml of honey.
  • Apply the mixture to clean strands and put on a shower cap.
  • Leave the mask on for 3-4 hours or overnight, wrapped in a warm towel.
  • To enhance the effect, the procedure can be repeated.

With chamomile

Chamomile itself can give your hair a soft golden hue. More effective impact occurs when the plant is mixed with lemon and honey:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of chamomile, pour boiling water and leave to brew for 30 minutes, strain.
  • Then add the juice of half a lemon and 3 tbsp to the infusion. l. honey
  • Next, you need to rinse your head with chamomile decoction and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water.

Lightening dyed black hair is no easy task. Even many professional hairdressers They don’t like to take on this kind of work. However, there are situations when we are ready to do a lot just to get rid of the black color and become lighter. It is possible that the experiment with painting black was extremely unsuccessful, it is possible that the individual reaction was not what you expected, or maybe the constant dark color is simply boring. The biggest problem is that the black pigment is very stable, it saturates the hair, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of or neutralize it. And yet you can try, because only those who do not succeed fail.

Ways to lighten dyed black hair

The easiest way is to turn to professionals who will take on such a difficult task. They will accurately select the concentration of components and calculate the exposure time. If you decided to do it yourself and do the lightening at home, then you need to be very careful and weigh all the risks and opportunities. The most important thing is to try not to harm your hair. Of course, the procedure for lightening black hair cannot be absolutely harmless, but it is quite possible to reduce the negative impact to a minimum.

Attention! Be sure to consider two important points: lightening black hair should be carried out in several stages, this will help preserve the hair, and secondly, if you have dyed with henna not long ago, the result of lightening with chemical means can be unpredictable.

There are two main methods used for lightening:

  • chemicals,
  • folk remedies.

In the first case, the process will go much faster, but the hair will suffer more. With the help of folk remedies, you can lighten your hair with virtually no harm to your hair, but you will have to be patient. If with the help of chemicals you can lighten in 2-3 sessions, and in some cases in 1, then for the same result when using folk remedies you may need 10-12 procedures.

Lightening up with chemistry

So, the most important thing is to be as careful as possible with your hair, so keep in mind that it is better to neutralize black hair color only in three or even five stages. How many specific procedures will be needed depends on the condition of your hair, the dyes and lightening agents used.

Chemicals for lightening dyed hair:

  • wash,
  • Etching,
  • Deep cleansing shampoos.

Advice! If you decide to lighten your dyed hair yourself at home for the first time, it is better to first consult with your hairdresser which method and what products to choose. Read the instructions for all selected products very carefully and follow them exactly.

How to use the remover

This method is the most harmful, but with the help of some professional products you can even get rid of black paint in one procedure if you go to a beauty salon. At home, it is better to use more gentle products, because there is a high risk of burning your hair. The fact is that remover compositions split the structure of the hairs, which allows the coloring components to be washed out of them. In any case, such an action is aggressive, and the hair weakens, becomes dull, can break and fall out.

When should you pay attention to washes? This option is suitable in cases where the issue of neutralizing black color is especially acute, when there is no time to wait for natural hair regrowth, and looking at yourself in the mirror is simply unpleasant. Unfortunately, this also happens.

For effective lightening It is recommended to use blondoran. A professional brightener will allow you to remove black paint as quickly as possible. When choosing a wash, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product and the level of lightening depending on the original tones.

To remove old color, apply the product to dry strands, wait for the time recommended in the instructions, while monitoring the lightening process. After this, the head is washed with shampoo and a product is applied to neutralize the aggressive components of the wash. Usually the method of neutralization is indicated in the instructions. When the treatment is completed, it is worth using a restoration mask, because after the procedure the hair loses its protective layer and becomes vulnerable to any influences. Before coloring again, be sure to let your hair rest for a couple of weeks.

Tips to help you lighten black hair six tones on your own:

We use etching

Etching essentially acts in the same way as a wash, that is, it neutralizes the coloring pigment due to oxidation. As a result, the hair is degreased, the scales open, the rate of metabolic processes increases, and the hair becomes discolored. The treatment is more gentle than the wash, so it is much less harmful to the hair and is more suitable for use at home.

Hydrogen peroxide is most often used as a pickling agent. This remedy itself is aggressive, so it is necessary to maintain its concentration and maintain time.

How to lighten with hydrogen peroxide

We buy peroxide at the pharmacy. Usually they sell a 3% solution, which is exactly what you need. Pour the product into a spray bottle for easy application to your hair.

Step by step lightening:

  1. Preparation: put on gloves, old clothes, which you don’t mind spoiling.
  2. Hair should be washed and lightly dried with a towel.
  3. Be sure to comb thoroughly, this will help make the color even.
  4. Apply peroxide to your hair using a spray bottle. You can do this by dividing your hair into strands, this makes it easier to check whether they are completely processed.
  5. Leave the peroxide on your hair and observe the results. After about half an hour, you can check the degree of lightening. To do this, wash off the solution from one strand and see if the color suits us. Keep peroxide on your hair for no more than an hour.
  6. Rinse your hair and apply conditioner.
  7. If necessary, repeat the etching procedure until the desired result is obtained, but not earlier than the next day or every other day.

Learn more about the benefits and procedure of lightening.

Attention! Be careful, if after applying peroxide to your hair you feel discomfort, itching or burning, rinse immediately.

Advice! To speed up the action and enhance the effect, use heat. To do this, you can wrap your head in foil and heat it with a hairdryer.


Using shampoo, of course, will not completely get rid of the black color of dyed hair, but you can make it less radical. Using shampoo with properties deep cleaning, will help wash out the coloring pigment faster and make the hair more sensitive to the use of natural lightening agents. This is explained by the fact that deep cleaning shampoos penetrate deep into the hair, lift the scales and remove all impurities. Their pH value is higher than that of conventional products, so they help reduce the protective fat layer of the hair and make it possible to quickly get rid of dark color.

Don't expect miracles from using shampoos; they won't turn you from a brunette to a blonde, but will only help soften the color.

Deep cleaning shampoo is used in the same way as regular shampoo, but professionals do not recommend using these products yourself at home.

Advice! If you take regular shampoo and add a small amount to it citric acid or lemon juice, you will get a mild deep cleanser. Acid helps neutralize color by destroying color pigments.

Lightening with folk remedies

If the issue of lightening dyed hair is not very acute, that is, you do not need to radically correct the color, then you can use folk remedies. They will help lighten your hair by 1-2 tones, but without harming your hair.

Folk remedies for lightening:

  • Lemon juice,
  • Chamomile decoction
  • Kefir,

These simple remedies applied in the form of a mask, they degrease the hair to some extent and neutralize the black pigment. To enhance the effect, oils, such as olive or burdock, are added to lightening agents and the head is insulated with a towel after application.

If you make lightening masks twice a week, then after 3-4 weeks you can completely get rid of the black color, without harming your hair at all.

So, if you have dyed black hair and you need to lighten it, choose one of the methods, but be sure to keep in mind that the more noticeable and faster the effect occurs, the more aggressive the product will be. If you have strong, healthy, thick hair, then you can try to take a risk, but if it is thin and weakened, then you should carefully weigh the need for lightening, and it is better to do it with a professional hairdresser.

No wonder they say that gentlemen prefer blondes. After all, they are bright, beautiful, well-groomed hair– this is guaranteed attractiveness and sexuality. In pursuit of the color of their dreams, girls try many products, but if you approach it recklessly and chase cheapness, then your hair can be ruined. They will become brittle, overdried, and split. And there can no longer be any question of any attractiveness.

How to lighten hair at home?

How to achieve a beautiful, long-lasting color, and not burnt and dull? In order to protect yourself, you can use folk remedies prepared at home. What should you stock up on? Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you may need different ingredients. The advantages of folk remedies are that they will not only help make your hair three to four shades lighter, but will also nourish your hair.

So, there are several ways to lighten hair using lemon and water, but these methods are suitable for those whose hair is not too brittle and dry by nature. But if you want to get a beautiful golden hue and strengthen your hair, then chamomile infusions are suitable for you. There may be different options: you can take nettle and chamomile, infuse chamomile in vodka, mix it with saffron and lavender essential oil, as well as with rhubarb and tea.

The most gentle masks include kefir masks. This fermented milk product can be used as an independent ingredient, or other components can be added. For example, onion juice, cinnamon, mustard, yeast. We must not forget about such a natural lightener as henna. Many people think that white henna is a plant, but this is not so. Natural henna gives the hair a reddish tint, but if various natural additives are chemically added to it, it becomes white. And then it can be part of various masks for lightening hair.

How to lighten hair with dye at home?

Of course they will give you paints best result than natural remedies, but how this will affect the quality of hair is another question. It should be remembered that there are two types of paints: some contain ammonia, while others do not. The first ones are more aggressive. They destroy the top layer of hair, then peroxide, penetrating into the inner layer, destroys natural pigments. This will discolor the hair. If the paint does not contain ammonia, then the effect will last about three weeks.

How to prepare your hair for home lightening?

  • Before you take such a step, think carefully about whether your new image with the color and shape of the face. Returning to the original color later will not be as easy as we would like. And the grown ends will now need to be tinted all the time. It is worth considering the fact that the hair will change its structure.
  • Be careful with your paint choice if you have done this before perm or if your hair is already very brittle. Start with folk remedies.
  • Before applying the paint, do a test for small area skin. If after fifteen minutes no irritation appears, then you can start staining. Also, salons usually suggest first lightening one strand of hair and checking the effect. You can do the same at home.
  • Light colors will immediately highlight split ends, so you need to trim them first.
  • Three weeks before your procedure, start using a clarifying shampoo. This will help you get rid of the chemicals contained in your hair, and the artificial strands should also be removed. Be sure to use a cap in the pool, because the chlorine absorbed into your hair during the bleaching process can give out a completely unexpected color. A few days before the procedure, do not use styling products.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with conditioner a day before the procedure; do not lighten freshly washed hair.

Lightening hair with dye

Before the procedure, prepare a towel that you don’t mind, a comb (preferably with sparse teeth) and the lightening mixture itself. Remember that after bleaching you will need to use appropriate shampoos and conditioners. Before applying the mixture, your hair must be combed very well.

If you have never lightened your hair before, but only dyed it, you can assume that here, too, you first need to apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, and after about fifteen minutes along the entire length. But with lightening it won’t work that way. First, distribute the composition over the entire length, very carefully, without missing strands, evenly. Warmth emanates from the head, and therefore the roots can be colored much more intensely, so we apply the mixture to the roots only after the composition has been distributed along the entire length.

Wrap your hair in a towel, follow the time indicated in the instructions (everything will depend on the brand of dye you choose). Then rinse your hair thoroughly and lubricate it with balm, let it absorb and rinse thoroughly with water again. There is no need to use shampoo right away; your hair will need careful care first.

Lightening hair at home with powder

Paints come in cream, oil and powder. The powder is the most effective, but does not have a gentle effect.

  • To get started, read the instructions.
  • Prepare a plastic bowl (do not use tin or aluminum containers), gloves, and an apron if desired.
  • Do not skimp on the amount of mixture: it should cover your entire hair in a dense, even layer, then the color will be beautiful and even. Apply it with a brush.
  • For coarse hair a larger percentage of oxidizing agent is used; for soft ones, correspondingly less.
  • Do not think that if you leave the powder on your hair longer than the time indicated in the instructions, your hair will lighten better. You can achieve the exact opposite effect and completely ruin your hair.
  • After the procedure, do not forget to use conditioner, let your hair dry on its own, do not damage it with a hairdryer or break it with a towel.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide?

  1. Preparation: Hair should be healthy and strong. Shampoos, masks, balms should not contain sulfates. Try to avoid exposing your hair to hot air and avoid using straightening irons or curling irons. Prepare a three percent peroxide solution. A higher percentage will not suit you, because your hair will begin to fall out. You will also need a bottle of some spray (just rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it), cotton pads, hairpins, and a towel. Hair should be washed thoroughly using conditioner. Dirt and grease can negatively affect the lightening process by reacting with peroxide. A wet hair will just help improve the reaction.
  2. Lightening process. Using a cotton swab, apply peroxide to a thin strand of hair and rinse off after half an hour. This way you can understand how much peroxide you will need to achieve the desired result. Dried hair should be divided into sections, securing them with previously prepared hairpins. Gradually you will lighten each strand and secure it with a hairpin. If you want to achieve an amber effect, then start lightening from the ends with cotton pads. If you want to completely lighten your hair, then use a spray. After half an hour, rinse your hair with cool water.
  3. Strengthening the effect. Your hair will be lighter and the effect will last longer if you lighten it gradually. Apply the solution every day rather than using the entire bottle at once. Don't wash your hair every day. If your hair quickly becomes oily, then stock up on dry shampoo. Your hair will become a little lighter if you walk in the sun for a while immediately after the procedure. If your hair has become an unpleasant, challenging color (bright yellow or orange), soften it with a special purple shampoo.

How to lighten hair with lemon?

In the East, these recipes have been used for a long time, and dark-haired beauties know a lot about lightening, because it is very difficult to make their hair lighter.

  1. If you have dry hair, then you will need one quarter cup of conditioner and a glass of lemon juice (usually squeezing 4 lemons is enough). If the hair is normal, then the conditioner can be replaced with warm water. The first mixture can be diluted in a plastic bowl, and the second in a washed bottle of any spray.

For a faster effect, you will need to spend two hours in the sun, so apply sunscreen to your skin in advance. If you want to lighten all your hair, then use a spray or brush (based on conditioner), if only individual strands, then use cotton pads. The next day, repeat the procedure.

  1. Your hair will be moisturized and silky after lightening if you prepare the following mask. Take rhubarb (30 g) and half a liter of vinegar, cook it all over low heat for ten minutes. Then add the juice of two lemons, and twenty grams of chamomile and calendula each, and simmer for another five minutes. After the mixture has infused and cooled, add alcohol (50 g) and two tablespoons of liquid honey. Using a brush, apply the mixture to your hair, tie a warm scarf on your head for fifty minutes.

How to lighten hair with chamomile?

If you need to slightly lighten your hair and at the same time strengthen it, then opt for recipes with chamomile.

  1. In a water bath, simmer chamomile (2 tablespoons) in two glasses of water. Use the strained infusion after each wash as a rinse aid.
  2. For a liter of water, take a tablespoon of chamomile and nettle, and simmer for ten minutes. After rinsing, wrap your hair in a towel and walk like this for half an hour.
  3. Red hair will acquire a pleasant shade and will be restored if you take half a liter of vodka, pour chamomile (150 g) with it and let it brew for two weeks. Then strain and add 10 drops of essential lemon oil and 3% hydrogen peroxide (50 ml) to the infusion. The infusion can be divided into several parts and applied using a spray bottle along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile (2 tbsp) and saffron (literally on the tip of a knife). After half an hour, add the juice of one lemon, 5 drops essential oil lavender. Apply the mixture to your hair and rinse after half an hour.

How to lighten hair with cinnamon?

After such a mask, they will not only be brightened and moisturized, but they will also have a very pleasant smell. For each mask, use conditioner so that it is easier to wash off and stays evenly on your hair during use. What can you use?

  • Half a glass of conditioner and olive oil, 4 tbsp. cinnamon.
  • Mix 2.5 tbsp. l oil (olive), honey, cinnamon and conditioner.
  • For 2 tbsp. cinnamon, a glass of honey, conditioner and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Equal parts conditioner and cinnamon.
  • Beat cinnamon with distilled water to a paste consistency.

The process of preparing the hair and applying the mixture is the same as in the recipes we talked about above. The mixture should be kept on your hair for four hours, and if you have such an opportunity, then leave the mask on your hair all night.

If oil was used in the masks, they are difficult to wash off, so rinse your hair thoroughly for 15-20 minutes. If you want to lighten your hair even more, repeat the procedure every other day. After applying the mixture, you may feel a burning sensation, but it will go away after about twenty minutes (by the way, exactly olive oil helps relieve this burning sensation). Add two yolks to your mask if you have dry hair. Do not rub the mixture into your scalp. It is not recommended for blondes to use this ingredient as it may result in a reddish tint. Avoid contact with face and neck as irritation may occur. The effect will be better if you make a chamomile decoction and rinse your hair with it.

Lightening hair with honey

  • Mix 4/5 cup honey with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar.
  • A glass of distilled water, 0.5 cups of honey, two tablespoons of cinnamon and olive oil.
  • Add a tablespoon of cardamom and cinnamon and 3 tbsp to the container with hair balm. honey.

Lightening hair with kefir

  1. This nourishing mask will lighten your hair even if you don't want it to, so use kefir with caution on newly colored hair. To the egg yolk, add half a glass of kefir and two tablespoons of cognac (vodka is also suitable), lemon juice (one lemon is enough), and a spoonful of shampoo. The mask can be kept on your hair for two hours.
  2. You don’t have to add any ingredients, just heat the kefir to body temperature. This mask can be used twice a week. After a few uses, your hair will become noticeably lighter.
  3. Beat the heated kefir with the egg, add a spoonful of cocoa. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to your hair once a week.

You should choose natural kefir (the shelf life cannot exceed five days). Do not use expired product. You can keep the mask on overnight, this will only increase the benefits.

Henna for lightening hair

It is necessary to take into account that the red dye will need to be released, and therefore henna must be mixed with citrus juice. Lemon is best, but everything is individual. First, check if you have any allergic reactions to a certain type of juice. Olive oil will not harm your mask. The smell of henna can be neutralized by adding cardamom or ginger (a teaspoon of one or the other is enough). You cannot dilute henna with boiling water. Henna does not wash off easily.

Leave the henna mixed with juice to infuse for a day. If you have waist-length hair, then you will need 500 g of henna, then descending. So, for very short hair, 100 g of henna is enough. There should be no grains or lumps in the mixture, otherwise the coloring will not be uniform. If you simply diluted henna with distilled water, you can leave the mixture overnight (this is suitable for those who want to achieve a spectacular red color). If you used acid, then you should not leave the mask on your hair for more than an hour.

Hair care after home bleaching

  • Avoid using curling irons and hair dryers for a month.
  • You need to choose the right one cosmetics, give preference to leave-in masks.
  • Comb your hair after it dries.
  • To make your hair shimmer and shine, add oils to your shampoo (for example, jojoba or peach).
  • When you wash your hair, do not tangle it, but rather, make movements as if you were combing it.
  • For two months, make nourishing and moisturizing masks. You can buy ready-made ones, but homemade masks made from homemade ingredients will be much more effective.
  • After washing, be sure to use balm. This will make your hair easier to comb and its structure will not change further.
  • Pay attention to those products that contain silk proteins and natural oils.