Pregnant women can eat without gaining weight. How to eat during pregnancy to avoid gaining excess weight

Modern women always want to look 100% - even while pregnant. But friends and relatives are afraid of weight gain, because during pregnancy “you need to eat for yourself and for the baby.” But is it true that everyone’s figure deteriorates and gaining a huge number of kilograms is inevitable? What can you do to avoid gaining too much weight and get into shape quickly?

Dynamics of weight gain

In fact, all expectant mothers gain weight - this is a natural process. However, most of the weight consists of the weight of the uterus, the developing placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as due to the increase in height and weight of the baby himself.

A small percentage of the weight appears due to tissue swelling, and the mother stores a little more as fat during breastfeeding - this is all inherent in nature and is ensured by the action of estrogen.

This weight gain will ensure health and will not greatly affect the mother’s figure during pregnancy and after it. But the set extra pounds ov during pregnancy are health problems during childbirth, as well as psychological discomfort and the cause of unnecessary worries for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to know what normal limits are acceptable for weight gain.

How much weight gain will be

Weight gain depends on the woman’s body type and her initial weight before pregnancy - if the girl was a skinny model with an asthenic body type, her nature will first bring her to a normal weight, and then add additional kilograms to the baby and its development. That is, on average, such women gain from 15 to 17 kilograms of weight.

If expectant mother- a woman of average build, weight gain is considered normal in the range from 10 to 13 kilograms. For initially overweight women it is necessary to lower the bar to 7-9 kilograms.

Moreover, weight gain during pregnancy is uneven - in the first half of pregnancy, weight can be stable, and in the first weeks it can even decrease due to toxicosis. As your belly grows, your body weight will begin to gain - you will gain your maximum weight by about 35-36 weeks of pregnancy; in preparation for childbirth, your weight will decrease slightly.

Many women think that by limiting nutrition, the baby will not be large and giving birth will be easier. However, a child has his own weight and height program, it depends on genetics and gender. If you starve, the baby will take the nutrition it lacks from your body, and you will suffer during and after childbirth. In addition, nutritional deficiencies can lead to a weakening of your and your baby’s immunity, complications during and after childbirth.

Why might the weight be higher?

There are a number of reasons not related to nutrition and overeating that cause sudden weight gain - it is difficult to influence them, usually this age-related changes, over the years the body becomes more thrifty. Other reasons may be carrying twins or large fruit, excess amniotic fluid and accumulation of edematous fluid.

Excessive weight gain requires consultation with a doctor, because sometimes it is a signal of such serious diseases as Rh incompatibility and the onset of gestosis.

How to avoid gaining more than you need?

How not to gain weight during pregnancy /

None the latest techniques in the fight against being overweight during pregnancy cannot be used, only methods that are safe for the fetus and mother are permissible. Diets are prohibited, especially if they are strict or vegetarian diets and fasting. These methods will not reduce weight, and the baby's development may be stunted due to nutritional deficiencies.

For pregnant women, reasonable nutrition and the associated loads are recommended - this is special fitness for pregnant women, yoga or just a gymnastics complex.

It is important to burn enough calories and not lie on the couch at home. Pregnancy is not a disease, and you can lead a completely active lifestyle - work, travel and engage in physical activity. All this will give you the opportunity to burn more calories, and then excess fat will not linger in the body.

Discuss the issue of physical activity with your doctor: if he does not mind, sign up for swimming, water aerobics or gymnastics classes. It is better to conduct classes with a trainer, he will help you not to overwork and use all your muscles. There are also special groups fitness for pregnant women - usually they are few in number, which allows trainers to pay more attention to each expectant mother.

In addition to the expenditure of incoming energy, it is necessary to balance its income, bringing nutrition to the principles of proper nutrition. Pregnancy is not a reason to overeat, eat at night and at night, overindulge in salty and sweet foods, even if you really want to.

It is better to eat food in fractional portions and often - on average, about six times a day. This, by the way, will help cope with heartburn and constipation . The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 2300-2500 Kcal.

If your weight increases

If you start to gain weight sharply, and there are no painful reasons for this, perhaps you don’t move much, and you have a lot of carbohydrates in your diet. To reduce increases you can practice fasting days - it is useful and non-tiring, unlike diets.

If you gain a lot, especially in the summer, switch to vegetable and fruit dishes - they are very satiating and have few calories. Just don’t forget to complement them with boiled, stewed or baked meat and fish. Add whole grain breads and cereals to your diet. Dairy products are good for satiation - eat cottage cheese and cheese, fermented baked milk, drink kefir and milk.

Replace your last meal with dairy products. But don't skip breakfast - it adjusts metabolism and gives you strength and energy for the growth of your baby.

In general, when healthy eating and the absence of health problems, the problem of excess weight rarely arises. Typically, excess fat accumulates when sitting at the computer, lying in front of the TV and eating buns - an active pregnant woman has no problems with weight.


Only 20% of women regain their former shape within the first three months after giving birth. The vast majority of new mothers are forced to update their wardrobes taking into account new sizes, which is fraught not only with additional financial costs, but also with new grief and depression. All this can be avoided by monitoring weight gain during pregnancy.

What does the increase consist of:

  • amniotic fluid (0.5-0.6 kg);
  • uterus (1 kg);
  • fruit (2.5-4 kg);
  • breast enlargement (0.5 kg);
  • increase in circulating blood (up to 1.5 kg);
  • placenta (0.4-0.6 kg).

Indicated in parentheses approximate weight. Additionally, a woman gains 3-4 kg of fat, which serves as an energy depot after the birth of a child. If the gain is more than 15 kg, then doctors begin to sound the alarm. Until 20 weeks of pregnancy, weight gain should not be more than 40%, the remaining 60% occurs in the second half of the term.

Diet mode: fractional, slow, reasonable

The optimal number of meals for a pregnant woman is from 5 to 7 times a day, including snacks. You can eat in the evening, but no later than 2 hours before going to bed. In the first trimester, small portions and frequent, moderate consumption of food will help reduce the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis, reduce the likelihood of a strong feeling of hunger, and therefore the possibility of overeating.

Small portions prevent sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. In order to be satisfied with small portions and ease the functioning of the digestive system, food should be consumed slowly, pieces should be chewed thoroughly, and meals should be eaten in a calm environment.

General tips on how to avoid gaining weight:

  1. Breakfast required. Prevents strong feelings of hunger during the day. For toxicosis, it is recommended to eat crackers or biscuits while lying in bed. After a while, you can move on to a full breakfast.
  2. Meals at home. Trips to cafes, restaurants, and canteens often end in overeating, eating high-calorie, unhealthy foods that will increase weight during pregnancy.
  3. Light dinner. You should not overload your digestive system with heavy meals at night; it is better to give preference to dairy products and cereals. This will also help you avoid gaining overweight.

Advice! It is advisable to drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before meals. In winter it can be warm. The liquid will start the digestive system, fill the stomach, and prevent you from eating too much.

Dangerous and harmful foods that cause excess weight

Proper nutrition is the optimal system for maintaining normal weight during pregnancy. When eating healthy foods, you don't have to count calories or cut portion sizes. To make everything really simple and for the system to work, you need to exclude a number of foods from your diet. Foods that pregnant women should not eat, leading to weight gain, are not much different from what is undesirable for any person to eat:

  • chips, crackers;
  • smoked, salted products;
  • sausages;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned food;
  • fast food, fast food.

In addition, there are foods that are especially dangerous during pregnancy. They can cause serious complications, poisoning, diarrhea, and helminth infection if consumed raw. Such products include eggs, fish, including sushi, meat, and poultry.

Before consuming any industrially produced product, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. Confectionery products with creams, preserved fish, yoghurts, and cottage cheese are especially dangerous. Disturbances in the digestive tract, diarrhea and bloating sharply increase the tone of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage.

Attention! Cabbage, radishes, and radishes can also increase gas formation. They should be consumed in limited quantities. White cabbage can be cooked or replaced with cauliflower.

Video: Products that threaten pregnancy

The right foods: down with excess weight

The basis of a pregnant woman's diet should be only healthy food. When choosing, carefully study the composition; it is better to purchase raw products for self-cooking. The basis of the diet during pregnancy is:

  • complex carbohydrates: cereals, grain bread, vegetables and fruits;
  • sea ​​and river fish (need to be well frozen before cooking);
  • thermally processed meat, preferably red;
  • bird;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • medium fat dairy products.

It is allowed to consume up to 10 g of butter per day. When choosing meat and fish, it is advisable to give preference to low-fat varieties or cut off pieces of lard. It is advisable to remove the skin from chicken and turkey.

Note: Lamb without fat is an ideal meat for a pregnant woman. If consumed regularly, it will maintain the amount of hemoglobin in the blood at the desired level.

Features of heat treatment

Frying in oil is the most harmful way of cooking, which can more than double the calorie content. When consuming such dishes, large weight gain cannot be avoided, so they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Which heat treatment methods to choose:

  1. Cooking (in water or steamed).
  2. Extinguishing. It is carried out with the addition of water, sauces, broths, and a small amount of oil.
  3. Baking. Usually done in the oven. Do not use fatty sauces to enhance the taste. Hard cheese significantly increases the calorie content of the dish.

Hot spices are contraindicated during pregnancy, and they also increase appetite. To improve the taste during heat treatment, you can add paprika, cinnamon, bay to dishes; sesame seeds and fresh herbs. Salt is limited to 5 g per day.

Constipation is another cause of excess weight

Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular constipation, also lead to weight gain. Congestion is very harmful for a pregnant woman, it increases the tone of the uterus, and can cause the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. The intestines must be emptied regularly. Fiber-rich foods, prunes, and preparations with lactulose will help cope with constipation during pregnancy.

For prolonged constipation for more than three days, glycerin suppositories can be used to empty the intestines. But this is not a solution to the problem. It is necessary to normalize your diet, eliminate flour products, which make it difficult not to gain excess weight.

Video: Super food for pregnant women

Fasting days for pregnant women

If weight gain is ahead of schedule, pregnant women need to arrange fasting days; they are also indicated for edema, constipation, and gestosis. One or more types are consumed during the day useful product with low calorie content. Salt and sugar are excluded. You can lose up to 2 kg of weight in one day.

Types of fasting days:

  • kefir (1.5 l);
  • apple (up to 1.5 kg);
  • buckwheat (250 g dry cereal);
  • vegetable (up to 1.5 kg).

The daily amount of product is indicated in brackets. It is divided into 5-6 equal-sized portions, consumed every 1.5-2 hours, avoiding the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Sports and pregnancy: how not to gain excess weight

More and more often you can find pregnant women doing gymnastics, yoga, Pilates, exercises on a fitball, and visiting the pool. Physical activity – best prevention excess weight, including during pregnancy. At the right approach and the correct technique of doing the exercises will only bring benefits.

In addition to excess weight, other problems will go away: morning sickness, constipation, leg cramps, back pain. During exercise, blood circulation improves, mental stress decreases, and overall well-being improves. Group classes contribute to the emergence of new acquaintances and brighten up a pregnant woman’s leisure time.

Contraindications to increased activity:

  • bleeding;
  • hypertension;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Any physical activity is indicated only during a normal pregnancy and only after consultation with a doctor. If you have health problems, you should limit yourself to walking in the fresh air. Horseback riding, rowing, jumping, cycling and other hazardous sports are prohibited.

Correct and healthy nutrition will help you avoid gaining excess weight, easy to regain slim figure after pregnancy. Excluding sweets, confectionery, chocolate, and fast food will have a beneficial effect not only on the young mother’s figure, but also on the baby’s health.

Pregnancy is a great happiness for the entire family. But immediately mothers think about how to eat properly in order to safely bear the baby and not harm their figure. Literally every woman worries about excess weight, and there are even those who give up the joy of their whole lives for the sake of a toned body and treasured kilograms.

It is believed that during the entire period of pregnancy a woman gains from 9 to 12 kg. But it often happens that the weight has already gone well beyond the norm; we will tell you in this article what needs to be done and how not to gain weight during pregnancy.

Meals by trimester

The expectant mother must change her diet to which she was previously accustomed. Food should be healthy, high quality and environmentally friendly, in a word - proper nutrition. After all, harmful foods can disrupt metabolic processes, which can contribute to excess weight, and in extreme cases, the development of pathology in the baby. When a woman's weight exceeds the norm, doctors recommend using a diet for pregnant women.

To the average healthy person about 2000 calories are required, and a woman in pregnancy needs up to 3000 in the first trimester and plus 500 in each subsequent one. You need to eat 4-5 times a day. It is undesirable to allow brutal hunger, but there is no need to sit down at the table without an appetite. How not to gain weight during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's diet has general principles for all periods, but it must be selected according to the trimester, taking into account the characteristics of each period and the woman’s condition at the current stage:

  1. Eat in small portions, ideally 4–5 times a day, without overeating.
  2. Don't overeat at night; if you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir or warm milk.
  3. Proper nutrition should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And the diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seafood. It is necessary to exclude fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Dishes are prepared by steaming or in the oven.
  5. All products should be easily digestible and quickly digestible.

First trimester, what is included in the diet?

In the first trimester, the nature of nutrition and lifestyle do not differ from that to which the woman was accustomed before pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother, from the first days of pregnancy, eats what she wants and in unlimited quantities. Often these are “light” carbohydrates - sweets, pastries, cakes and much more. In this trimester, such an unbalanced diet does not entail the appearance of excess weight, since there is early toxicosis.

It is important to maximize and diversify your diet with various natural vitamins and minerals. Preference should be given to food that has undergone minimal culinary processing. During this period, mothers do not need to strictly control their weight.

In the first trimester, the most important vitamin is folic acid, which can be obtained from the following foods:

  • spinach and greens;
  • cabbage (white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower);
  • corn;
  • asparagus

You should also avoid various bad habits such as:

  • alcohol, which is the most toxic drink;
  • caffeine and strong tea;
  • any energy drinks.

These substances easily penetrate the placenta to developing fetus and disrupt the circulatory process, its cardiac and respiratory systems. They also carry a ton of calories, which are converted into fat tissue.

Second trimester, how to cope with appetite?

During the second trimester, early toxicosis disappears. I no longer feel nauseous and have no aversion to foods, my appetite returns, and with it the extra pounds. The fetus begins to grow actively, each of its internal organs enlarges. The main component of the diet during this period is protein.

Preference should be given to foods with the highest amount of protein - chicken breast, rabbit meat and beef. It is also important to consume milk and cottage cheese, preferably homemade, so that the baby’s skeleton is strong and does not lack calcium.

Before lunch you need to eat food high in carbohydrates and protein, and after lunch - purely protein. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir or eat some low-fat cottage cheese. As an addition to the diet, you need to add fiber, i.e. fruits, berries and greens - they will help cope with constipation. It is worth reducing the amount of animal fats, but not giving them up completely, because they are a source of energy. Animal proteins are easier to digest in the first half of the day, while plant proteins can be safely eaten in the afternoon and evening.

Third trimester, is it possible to diet and fasting days?

In this trimester, you can go on a protein diet; it will not harm the baby, but will help you not gain weight during pregnancy. There is only one rule: consume protein in the form of lean meat, eggs, dairy products more than before, thereby reducing carbohydrate intake several times. It is important to cook dishes by steaming or in the oven.

An example diet could be like this:

  • Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread with butter, a boiled egg and a glass of milk.
  • Second breakfast: fermented baked milk 4%, banana.
  • Lunch: soup, chicken pilaf, vegetable salad and a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: nuts, prunes 10 pcs. or dates.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole.
  • At night: a glass of low-fat kefir.

A woman will begin to recover at tremendous speed in the third trimester. Sticking to a strict diet so as not to gain weight during this trimester is very dangerous and should not be done under any circumstances. The body of mother and baby must receive the necessary useful substances for proper development. That is why the diet must be 100% balanced; if possible, you should consult a doctor. Various greens, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, fish and eggs - these products contain a set of vitamins and nutrients that mother and baby need.

In order not to gain excess weight, you should give up sweet soda, pork, flour and sweets. You should also consume a minimum of table salt.

  • It is advised to carry out fasting days from 28 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the fetus are formed, so a small diet will not hurt.
  • Unloading can be done only once every 7–10 days, not more often.
  • Eat 5-6 times in small portions.
  • On the day of unloading, drink at least 1.5 liters of water, preferably clean and natural.
  • You can also alternate products. The first day of the first week is only kefir, the next week - apples, etc.

Weight loss with this diet is facilitated by avoiding salt and sugar, which retain fluid in the body. In any case, the doctor must decide on the need for unloading, and he will also help you choose a menu.

Sport and its beneficial qualities

The next stage is an active lifestyle. Exercise and various types sports will help a woman not gain weight and stay in shape. If you haven't exercised before, it's never too late to start. Any set of exercises while expecting a baby should be based on the basic rules:

  • The workout must begin with a warm-up to reduce the risk of injuring joints and muscles.
  • The load should remain in your comfort zone; there should be no soreness or overexertion during pregnancy.
  • After classes, you should be left with a feeling of vigor and increased strength, but if the opposite is true, it is recommended to reduce the load.
  • Any workout should end with relaxation or stretching.

Sports opportunities for modern woman big enough. Water aerobics, yoga, Pilates and walking are all things you can do to train your muscles, prepare them for childbirth, and also avoid extra pounds.

Sport has the most beneficial effect on the body and helps:

  • The body will get into the desired shape after childbirth.
  • Get rid of excess weight.
  • Childbirth will be more successful and much easier if the body is prepared for it.

Water aerobics are exercises with elements of regular aerobics, only they are performed in water and give quick results. During exercise, a large number of calories are burned. Water relaxes, all movements made in water become smooth, which pregnant women really like. Increasingly, doctors prescribe this sport if the expectant mother gains weight above normal. The biggest advantage of water aerobics is that after it practically no one gets tired, but, on the contrary, the feeling of lightness and cheerfulness remains for the whole day.

Each body is individual, so before going to the pool or gym you need to consult a doctor about building a training program.

Pregnancy is a time of change! This is an excellent motivation to change your lifestyle, daily routine and nutrition system. It should be noted that if you accustom yourself to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle during pregnancy, then after the birth of the baby this will become a habit that will help maintain beautiful figure and health for for many years.

A pregnant woman, on average, gains 10 to 12 kg throughout her pregnancy. This weight gain is considered normal, and after the birth of a child, a young mother often easily returns to her “prenatal” shape.

But what about those whose weight has exceeded the extreme mark of 12 kg and continues to grow uncontrollably? Firstly, do not panic ahead of time, because increased anxiety makes you want to eat even more. Secondly, pay attention to your diet and find time for healthy physical activity.

And thirdly, if you gain weight very quickly, consult a doctor as soon as possible: too many kilograms negatively affects the health of the woman herself and her baby. The most unpleasant consequences: toxicosis, problems with the cardiovascular system, shortness of breath, swelling, protein in the urine. That's why to the expectant mother you need to monitor your weight, starting from the earliest stages.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is always in the zone of increased attention. Either your beloved husband will feed you something tasty, or your caring parents will bring full bags all sorts of food, then colleagues at work will treat you to a high-calorie bun.

Reassuring herself that she needs to eat for two or making up for lost time over many years of strict diets, a woman can easily gain the required kilograms and a dozen more on top.

How to resist temptation and gain weight during pregnancy? Just follow these simple recommendations, and health problems will be avoided.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy to avoid gaining weight

What do we eat

The need for energy increases during pregnancy. And if the average adult requires about 2000 calories, then a woman expecting a child needs to receive up to 3000 from food: 2000 calories in the first trimester and plus 500 in each subsequent trimester.

Not only her well-being, but also, first of all, the development of the fetus depends on what products the expectant mother consumes.

The diet simply must be balanced! At the same time, a very tiny part of it (if you really want it) can be your favorite cakes, but you will have to give up crackers, chips, alcohol, sausages and other “harmful things” for the benefit of you and the child.

Limit salt intake, it retains fluid in the body and causes swelling. The main menu must include meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries.

How we eat

Nutrition during pregnancy, in order not to gain weight, should be fractional. It is better to eat in small portions, but often: 4-5 times a day. If an extra kilogram does appear on the horizon, eliminate high-calorie snacks after 19:00. Dried fruits, cheese, and a handful of berries will help cope with a sudden attack of hunger.

It is very important not to snack on the go or eat too quickly. Food should be enjoyable, so chew each bite thoroughly and don’t immediately reach for the next one.

How to avoid gaining too much weight during pregnancy? The main rule: eat only when you really feel hungry, and not from the desire to occupy yourself with something.

During pregnancy, you cannot go on a regular diet, and fasting days are acceptable if your gynecologist approves them. You can also follow special diets for pregnant women, they will help protect yourself from extra pounds, but at the same time get all the necessary nutrients.

We count calories

If the body receives more energy than it can expend, excess weight immediately appears. To prevent this from happening, learn to count the calories you consume. In our age information technology this won’t be a big problem: you can easily find a suitable calorie table on the Internet or in a women’s magazine.

Active lifestyle


The problem of how not to gain much weight during pregnancy can be solved by moderate physical activity. Expectant mothers benefit from walking.

In summer, avoid the heat, preferring morning or evening walks. In cold weather, dress warmly, choose shoes with non-slip soles and walk at a leisurely pace.

It is very useful to go up and down a hill, to count the steps of flights of stairs: such walking keeps the muscles in good shape, which will subsequently facilitate the process of childbirth.


Pregnancy is not a serious illness and certainly not a reason to lie down on the couch, thus gaining extra fat deposits on your figure.

Contraindications for physical activity may only be in women with complications during pregnancy. Now there are whole sets of exercises for expectant mothers. You can perform them both at home and in a fitness club, where there are special groups for pregnant women.

Pathologies that rapid weight gain may indicate

Excess weight gained while expecting a baby is not only an aesthetic problem. First of all, it affects the health of the mother. But there are cases that it is not overeating and lying on the couch that are the cause of extra pounds. Often, a large weight gain in a short period of time can signal real pathologies.

Too much weight during pregnancy often provokes the appearance of late toxicosis. This condition can lead to pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, premature separation of the placenta, and even miscarriage.

It happens that a pregnant woman’s weight increases sharply in a short period of time (1-1.5 kg per week). In this case, you can suspect dropsy - excessive accumulation of water in the tissues of the body. The reason for this may be a kidney problem, which in no case should be treated on your own. Another symptom of dropsy in pregnant women is (external and internal).

How not to gain weight during pregnancy: useful tips

  • Buy a scale. It is advisable that they show your weight as accurately as possible (down to grams). Weigh yourself regularly and write down your readings in a notebook specially created for this purpose. This will make it easier for you to calculate your weekly weight gain. If you wish, you can also write down your parameters: hip circumference, arms above the elbow, legs above the knee.
  • You've only just eaten and you're already feeling a little hungry.? Drink a glass of water, compote, fruit drink. But do not overuse the liquid so as not to provoke swelling.