Disadvantages of synthetic clothing - how can synthetic clothing or underwear harm you? Chemical fibers, harmful properties The influence of chemical fibers on the human body.

Scientists around the world talk about the negative impact of synthetic materials on human health.
After all, it is the presence of chemically produced synthetic thread in clothing (boots, blouses, stockings) that disrupts the natural heat exchange of the body.

Synthetic fabrics are also endowed with other harmful properties, including:

Low hygroscopicity, due to which the moisture that is released from human skin, poorly absorbed into the fibers, clogs the air pores, impedes air circulation, and reduces the thermal insulation properties of the fabric;
- long retention unpleasant odors;
- wash less well;
- electrostaticity;
- volatile components of chemical fibers, including toxic ones, can be released for several months when ironing clothes;

Synthetic fabrics dyed with chemicals are completely contraindicated for people suffering from allergies, skin diseases, eczema or psoriasis. And low quality material can cause dermatitis even in a healthy person!

New Zealand experts recommend abandoning the use of synthetic bedding in favor of natural materials. Scientists have identified synthetic fabrics as a serious danger to human health.
Based on the results of numerous studies, it was revealed that synthetic bedding contains a high concentration of fungal microorganisms. For asthmatics and allergy sufferers, such underwear is especially dangerous.

At the same time, in synthetic pillows the concentration of fungus and mold is 2-3 times higher than in feather pillows. In addition, in mattresses that have served for more than 5 years, the level of these organisms exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times.

The dependence of oncology statistics on bras made from certain types of synthetic fabrics was revealed; and all kinds of pads and tampons containing chemically reactive components represent another chemical risk factor, as well as a genetic risk for future children, affecting directly the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs of girls and women.

Contrary to popular belief that allergies are caused by the paint used to paint the material, it is not the only paint that can cause harm. There are many other substances that are included in synthetic fabric, which can cause irritation, redness, itching and even an asthma attack. Of course, not all synthetic materials cause this effect. But if you've ever worn synthetic clothing, you're definitely familiar with unpleasant consequences static electricity.

Most researchers consider the most dangerous and little-studied factor in the harm of synthetics to humans is static electricity penetrating synthetic fabrics.

The negative effect of static electricity from synthetic fabrics on the human body is based on a neuroreflex mechanism.

Action of S. e. is expressed in direct irritation of the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, or irritation occurs secondary, due to the polarization of cellular elements and changes in ionic relationships in tissues. Irritation of sensitive nerve endings causes a reaction of the whole organism: skin sensitivity changes, capillary blood flow is stimulated, vascular tone changes, a number of systemic changes are observed, including changes in the central nervous system.

People exposed to prolonged exposure to S. e. complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, etc. Objectively there is a tendency to arterial hypertension, bradycardia, which indicates vascular spasm and dystonia. Action of S. e. not specific and does not cause a specific disease.

In addition, synthetic fabric does not allow the body to breathe: during movements, the body heats up, normal heat exchange is disrupted, and sweating increases.

Such clothing does not allow moisture to pass through - it is waterproof: the sweat that is released by the body does not evaporate from the fabric of the clothing, but is retained between the body and the clothing. The effect of a steam bath occurs, only at the same time you are engaged in steaming in your own sweat, alkali, fats and acids that are released along with it.

Based on materials:
W. Nilsson "Synthetics are hellish clothes"

In this article we will talk about the effect of clothing on human health, and also analyze in detail how different fabrics affect the body.

Everyone knows that the new is the long-forgotten old. Today it is fashionable not only to be healthy, but also to wear high-quality clothes made from natural natural materials. People are increasingly buying clothes made from linen and cotton, and avoiding synthetics.

Many people think that clothes made from natural fabric look too simple, but this is far from the case. IN modern world We have already learned how to sew beautiful things even from simple natural fabric, for example, chintz, etc. Let's take a closer look at the influence of clothing on human health.

There is a special eco-fashion where designers present their original clothes made from natural materials. For example, a dress made of hemp, skirts made of bamboo, jackets made of linen. Eco-fashion is aimed at human health, healthy image life, as well as improving the environment.

Everyone knows that clothing affects human health. For example, if you wear a hat or scarf made of cheap synthetics, they can cause unnoticeable harm to your health (for example, a headache). If you wear a hat made of natural wool, it will not only warm you in the cold, but also heal you. Wool, as well as various natural fabrics, have healing properties.

In ancient times, people sewed their own clothes, which later became inseparable from the traditions of the country. In addition, people wore white or light-colored underwear. Women's clothing was usually long and loose. Since ancient times, rich ladies have worn hats and brocades embroidered with silver thread and gold.

Popular colors: blue, green, brown, yellow. The most favorite clothing of all classes was red, because... It was believed that the color red protects against natural disasters.

In cold seasons, people wore fur and animal skins (fur coats, sheepskin coats). Nobles wore ermine fur. It was believed that the more fur, the higher social status. Furs from marten, beaver, sable, squirrel, fox, as well as leather were passed down from generation to generation.

An important part women's clothing There were a variety of hats. In addition, hair had to be hidden under a headdress or scarf (pagan times). In ancient times, hair was believed to protect against evil forces and could be dangerous to others. In the future, a woman’s hairstyle denoted her social status.

The influence of clothing made from various fabrics on human health

Wool: Wool clothing warms and heals. In addition, woolen clothing has a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, joints and bones. Wool usually retains the animal's warmth, which has a positive effect on the human body. The thicker and coarser the wool, the more animal energy it contains.

Clothes made from woolen fabrics are useful for people with poor health, as well as those with various chronic diseases. IN winter time It is very useful to wear camel wool socks, especially in the evening.

Cotton: Their cotton clothes are pleasant to the body. Cotton is very soft and smooth, so it is often used for sewing underwear. This fabric is useful for everyone, especially cotton clothes are recommended for children. Cotton creates peace of mind, warms, and eliminates negative energy from the human body. To improve your well-being and health, it is recommended to wear cotton underwear without any synthetic admixture. Cotton clothing should be washed in warm water and then rinsed in cold water.

Silk: this fabric appeared in the Far East, then came to Europe and spread throughout the world. How does silk affect health? Clothing made of silk strengthens the heart, sharpens vision, and enlightens the mind. In addition, silk underwear or a dress has a positive effect on the human nervous system and improves mental activity. Silk helps meditation creative activity, prayer. In addition, silk clothes can be used as a talisman. This fabric helps with arthritis, angina, and allergies.

Hemp fabric: This fabric is very durable (), and does not lose its shape. Hemp fabric allows the skin to breathe, cleanses, i.e. promotes the elimination of toxins (). In addition, hemp clothing has antibacterial properties and also protects against ultraviolet rays. Hemp clothing keeps you cool in the summer and warms you up in the winter.

Flax: Linen clothing is filled with solar energy and the warmth of the earth. Since ancient times, bed linen, as well as petticoats and underwear, have been made from flax. Linen bed linen protects against various diseases, and it also has antibacterial properties. Bacteria and fungi do not grow on linen fabric. Clothing made from linen is considered the most environmentally friendly, as well as a natural antiseptic.

Flax kills harmful microflora, because contains silicon dioxide, which prevents bacteria from multiplying. Bandages and bandages made of linen fabric help fast healing wound

Clothing made from natural linen fabric is beneficial for the human body. It strengthens the immune system, improves the health of the nervous system, and can help with depression, neurosis, stress, and mental disorders. Linen clothing is suitable for wearing not only at home (robe), but also at work (blouse) and in public places.



In recent years, scientists around the world have increasingly raised the issue of the negative impact of synthetic materials on human health. Such statements by scientists cannot be ignored, because it has been proven that the presence of synthetic thread in clothing, bedding, etc. disrupts the natural heat exchange of the body.

Synthetic fabrics have low hygroscopicity, due to which the moisture that is released from human skin, poorly absorbed into the fibers, clogs the air pores, impedes air circulation, and reduces the thermal insulation properties of the fabric.

Synthetics are characterized by long-term retention of unpleasant odors and are less washable. Such fabrics are electrostatic. Volatile components of chemical fibers, including toxic ones, can be released for several months when ironing clothes.

Synthetic fabrics are contraindicated for people suffering from allergies, skin diseases, eczema or psoriasis. And low quality material can cause dermatitis even in a healthy person. It has been proven that synthetic fabrics are a serious danger to human health. Scientific studies have found that synthetic bedding contains a high concentration of fungal microorganisms. For asthmatics and allergy sufferers, such underwear is especially dangerous. Also, in synthetic pillows the concentration of fungus and mold is 2-3 times higher than in feather pillows. In addition, in mattresses that have served for more than 5 years, the level of these organisms exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times.

Substances that make up synthetic fabric can cause irritation, redness, itching and even an asthmatic attack. Most researchers consider the most dangerous and little-studied factor in the harm of synthetics to humans is static electricity penetrating synthetic fabrics. The negative effect of static electricity from synthetic fabrics on the human body is based on a neuroreflex mechanism. The effect of static electricity is expressed in direct irritation of the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, or irritation occurs secondarily, due to the polarization of cellular elements and changes in ionic ratios in tissues. Irritation of sensitive nerve endings causes a reaction of the whole organism: skin sensitivity changes, capillary blood flow is stimulated, vascular tone changes, a number of systemic changes are observed, including changes in the central nervous system. People exposed to static electricity for a long time complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, etc. Objectively, there is a tendency to arterial hypertension and bradycardia, which indicates vascular spasm and dystonia. In addition, synthetic fabric does not allow the body to breathe: during movements, the body heats up, normal heat exchange is disrupted, and sweating increases. Such clothing does not allow moisture to pass through - it is waterproof: the sweat that is released by the body does not evaporate from the fabric of the clothing, but is retained between the body and the clothing. The effect of a steam bath occurs, only at the same time you are engaged in steaming in your own sweat, alkali, fats and acids that are released along with it.

Of course, underwear made from synthetic fabrics or from fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers has its advantages: it does not wrinkle, is easy to wash, plus the low cost of the products. However, you need to take into account its disadvantages, namely: synthetic fabric does not breathe and can cause allergies; against the backdrop of a general passion for ecology, this is especially important.

The harmful effects of synthetics on the body are much wider than is commonly believed. Impaired heat exchange is just the tip of the iceberg; problems with the skin and even the nervous system can arise. Compound
Clothing made from synthetic fabrics became a real breakthrough in the 20th century, taking away a large market share from natural fabrics. Such clothes have another significant plus - practicality in use. Synthetics, as a rule, do not wrinkle, are easier to care for and store, and are more durable compared to natural fabrics. Synthetic fibers are synthesized from petroleum, coal and natural products, recalls Tatyana Sysoeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center.
They have been used in clothing production for more than 50 years; the most popular materials are: polyester, polyamide, acrylic, elastane, nylon.
Sysoeva explains: synthetic fabrics in most cases do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, air circulation is disrupted, thermoregulation suffers, and the person sweats more.
A favorable environment for the growth of bacteria is formed, especially in summer. This threatens with infectious skin lesions: folliculitis, pityriasis versicolor, inguinal epidermophytosis Tatyana SysoevaCandidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center
Dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences Leila Roz also notes that synthetic clothing often causes allergic reactions - rash, redness, itching and irritation of the skin, especially in people with atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Due to intense sweating, it appears bad smell, which is difficult to “wash”.
Allergic reactions can also be caused by low-quality toxic paints, which are used in the production of cheap clothes. In addition, according to the head of the expert department of NP Roskontrol, hygienist Andrei Mosov, some materials can release some toxic substances under clothing - monomers of synthetic fibers.
The physical properties of even the most modern synthetic materials, such as the ability to absorb moisture, breathability and electrostatic properties, are strikingly different from the properties of natural materials. This is why synthetic materials, especially as the first layer of clothing, are undesirableAndrey MosovHead of expert direction of NP Roskontrol, hygienist At the same time, according to Tatyana Sysoeva, due to the fact that synthetic fabric does not absorb moisture well, which means sweat does not evaporates and causes tissue adhesion, the time and area of ​​contact with the skin increases, this increases the risk of developing dermatitis.
As Maya Belousova, a cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist at the multidisciplinary medical center “Clinic No. 1”, notes, a violation of thermoregulation may well lead to overheating of the body in the heat, up to heat stroke. In summer, tight synthetic clothing is a direct path to heat illness. Today, this is the name given to various health disorders due to overheating, including the well-known heatstroke, agrees with colleague Andrei Mosov.
Also, according to Mosov, a violation of the air-heat balance of a person who experiences discomfort all day long, worsens mood, causes stress, can cause many psychosomatic diseases and even lead to more serious health problems.
You've probably noticed a crackling, tingling sparkle when you take off synthetic clothes - this is static electricity, which can also have a bad effect on the nerve endings of the skin, which leads to general irritability, fatigue and problems with sleep Leila Roz, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatocosmetologist
The expert does not recommend sleeping on synthetic bedding; this, among other things, “increases the risk of attacks in patients bronchial asthma and allergic reactions.
Natural fabrics also have disadvantages: they are difficult to wash and iron, and they are less practical. However, today a fairly large volume of production has been occupied by mixed fabrics containing natural and synthetic fibers simultaneously. Dermatocosmetologist Alena Chernookova believes that this allows you to combine the environmental friendliness and hygiene of natural fabrics with the practicality of synthetic ones, and there is nothing wrong with wearing such things. It is the properties of such fabrics that destroy the myth about the dangers of all synthetic clothing.
The optimal content of synthetics in clothing is from 5% to 15%. This amount will protect you from allergic reactions, infectious and fungal diseases Alena ChernookovaDermatocosmetologist
According to Leila Roz, it is always necessary to take into account that there are high-quality materials and their not very high-quality analogues. For example, quality fabrics for good sportswear include breathable fibers, they have micro-holes that allow air to pass through to the surface of the skin and allow moisture to escape without letting it back in. In addition, in these clothes you will not get wet in the rain. The expert is also sure that it is quite possible to choose things from natural ingredients with the addition of synthetic materials, but in a ratio of no more than 50% synthetic fibers.
Not only the fabric, but also the design of clothing and other wardrobe items can be hazardous to health.