List of beautiful male names and decoding. In pursuit of fashion. The rarest and most unusual names

The name of a boy and the meaning of the chosen name is a topic of interest to every new or future parent, without exception, which is not surprising, because the process of choosing a name form is quite complex and responsible, and names have so many variations that your head is spinning...

Every parent, be it mom or dad, must responsibly weigh the pros and cons of each name variation, because many important factors depend on the choice of name. One of them, for example, is the factor of character and the entire future. Each specific name given to a boy is capable of influencing the future of the child named by him, the characteristics of the character being formed in him, the personality as such - and on this all, in turn, depends everything in his life, both the chances of career growth and popularity in the world. society, and sociability, and the ability to endure everyday difficulties, and even the chances of building a strong and truly happy family.

Boys born during the patronage of January are inherently purposeful and hardworking, but conflict-ridden and often lack sociability because of this. It is advisable to call such people by names that promise sociability and gentleness, unprincipledness and patience, and balance.

The name of February should endow boys with non-conflict, sociability, eloquence and the ability to compromise, because children born this month do not have all this. There are many such names among Orthodox names. Some of them are given below...

In March, hardworking and shy people are born. Touchy and vulnerable, capricious and lacking charisma. Such boys are difficult to handle; they need to complement their character with charm, eloquence, tenderness and moral fortitude. The name of such a guy should not contain harsh sounds.

Those patronized by April are usually selfish and stubborn by nature, often conflict with peers and do not know how to accept other people’s opinions and advice sensibly. These need to be called names that promise gentleness and common sense, unprincipledness and practicality, and good compatibility.

Those born in May are recommended to be called those variations that can bestow sociability and friendliness, good nature and gentleness. They are family men by nature, but devoid of emotions and imagination, fantasy and romance. Such a quality as determination will not hurt either.

Here, during the month itself, boys are given a difficult character - they are usually unreliable, irresponsible and frivolous, do not know how to control themselves and are not designed for serious work. They should be called names that promise the opposite, preferably winter ones...

And here there are shy, shy, suspicious and modest boys, and these will have neither a career nor success in material terms if they are not endowed with the necessary traits: determination, self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Names patronized by July can provide all this.

August's guys are kind and gentle, easy to get along with and love to communicate, but they are frivolous and unreliable, incapable of making their own responsible decisions. These should be called options that promise the missing characteristics. We offer the best below...

Here you need to select a variation that promises ease of communication, readiness for adventure, fantasy and imagination, because usually those born in September are deprived of all of the above. But it is worth remembering that the options patronized this month are usually too influential and have very strong energy.

Children of October in the future, in most cases, have a tendency towards prudence, self-interest, composure and uncompromisingness. It is necessary to call options that have a mitigating effect. Sensitivity, gentleness, fairness, sincerity and optimism will not hurt.

November representatives are dominated by material dependence and a thirst for power, which it is advisable to fight from childhood in all possible ways, including giving a name that imparts such qualities as determination, calmness, sincerity and integrity.

And here it won’t hurt to call all the boys with such a name, the meaning of which will endow them with the ability to control emotions and be guided exclusively by logic, because those born in December, in particular Pisces, are too prone to the opposite, they are unbalanced and emotional by origin of soul and nature.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

All parents want to choose beautiful names for their boys. And this is not at all surprising. But it is also very important to understand the meaning of the name, and not just choose it for the beauty of its sound. Indeed, today many believe that a name can significantly influence one’s destiny. So, we present to your attention beautiful names for boys and their meanings.


Adam - if you translate the meaning of the name into Hebrew, then the name Adam means “made of red clay.” In the Bible, red clay was the earth from which God created man. Adam is very persistent, very stubborn, knows how to endure, but is terribly jealous. Age changes Adam a lot; he becomes much calmer. In marriage, Adam is usually quite lucky. In general, Adam is a wonderful family man. This person cannot be called a careerist at all; he will never go over someone else’s heads for his own goals. Everything that Adam achieves, he achieves on his own.


Adrian is a very beautiful name for a boy. But it should be noted that Adrians, who were born in winter, are very stubborn. But they know how to get along with people very quickly and easily. All the Adrians, without exception, have simply excellent memories, they are brave people, they will never offend either themselves or their loved ones. Remember that Adrians, who were born in the summer, are very touchy, vulnerable, and very careful with everyone. These people are really hardworking. They are not always happy in marriage. But they are wonderful family men, you can be proud of them.

Popular names for boys – Alexander

If we talk about the name Alexander, then this word usually comes from the root Greek word Alex is a defender, and “Andros” is a man. The Alexandras work very hard to achieve their goals, and it must be said that very often it is Sasha who is the leader of any team. Alexandras are very often fair. The older they get, the stronger their craving for alcohol becomes. As for relationships with women, we can say about them that they lack gallantry. They love children very much - both strangers and their own.

Anton - modern names for boys

Anton is a simple, memorable, strong name. It is translated from ancient Greek language as "a person who has entered into battle." Very efficient and hardworking people. They love to read a lot. Most of them negative trait- this is cowardice. But still, Anton eventually learns to hide it from strangers, and, if desired, from everyone except himself. He is very kind to women, but at the same time jealous and proud. He is very devoted to his family and loves children very much.

Arseny - the meaning of the name

Arseny is an ancient Greek name, translated into our language as “courageous”. It must be said that Arsenias, who were born in the summer, do not like to talk too much, but do not mind listening to others. They are leaders by nature. But Arsenia, who was born in winter, is very demanding, resourceful and stubborn. Naturally, such qualities make their life quite difficult. “Autumn” Arsenias are very cunning and calculating people; at the same time, they are so careful and hardworking that it is impossible not to admire them. They hold grudges against people for a long time, and they will never be the first to reconcile.

Artem - beautiful names for boys and their meanings

Artem from Greek means “unharmed”, “a person with excellent health.” These people are usually very sociable, but at the same time unobtrusive, very friendly and calm. Artems love the truth and are unlikely to lie. If you want to trust someone with your secret, then trust it to Artem - he will never betray you. Artem is a very decent family man, he is very hospitable, he simply loves to host guests, but he also loves traveling.

Arthur - the meaning of the name for a boy

Arthur is a Celtic name. And from the Celtic language it is translated as “big bear”. Arthurs, who were born in the summer, are very reserved people who do not like to talk. But Arthurs, who were born in the fall, are very unpredictable. And at the same time they are also prudent. If we talk about those Arthurs who were born in winter, then they are quite emotional, even inquisitive. But spring Arthurs are sensitive and painful.

Valentine - boy names and their meanings

Valentin is a name that comes from the Latin word “Valeo”, which means to be healthy. Valentin is a very loyal friend. You can always tell him what is going on in your soul. A very energetic person and also sociable.

He is very responsive to the grief of others. He is not capricious when it comes to food, he obediently eats everything that is prepared for him. He almost always chooses a quiet and calm woman as his wife. He is jealous, but at the same time faithful. He loves to relax in nature and his health is simply excellent.

Valery is a name for a boy

Valery is also a Latin name that comes from the root “Valeo”, that is, it means “to be healthy.” Valery is almost always a monogamous man, a homebody. Married Valery is always attached to his wife, and treats his children very touchingly. Valerias who were born in winter can be a little tyrannical and stingy.

Vsevolod - beautiful names for boys

Vsevolod is a Slavic name, it means “ruler of everything.” Those Vsevolods who were born in winter are very distrustful, it is difficult to get along with them, since they are conflict-ridden people. They love to subjugate a person to their will. They cannot stand repeating the same thing, although they are, in fact, excellent speakers. They will not ask for help, even if they really need it. Those born in the summer will be quite calm, even patient, but they also have shortcomings - for example, they do not have a sense of humor. Vsevolod always has difficult relationships in his family. But he loves his children very much, so divorce is a last resort for them.

Vyacheslav - the meaning of a male name

Vyacheslav is an old Russian name that means great glory. The Vyacheslavs are very hardy people, they have a strong will. They hate injustice and are very principled. In addition, Vyacheslav rarely has strong attacks of anger - they are replaced by calm rather quickly. We can say that Vyacheslav is an easy-going person; he appreciates beauty in his wife, as well as kindness and intelligence. A wonderful family man.

Vladimir - names for boys and their meanings

Vladimir is a very beautiful and strong name. He is of Slavic origin. This means to own the world. Vladimir has been very inquisitive since childhood. He is very prone to adventure, and in addition, he really wants to become a leader among his peers. TO parental advice always listens, does not enter into conflicts. He really loves comfort and cleanliness in his home, this means a lot to him. The opinions of others are also very important to him. If we talk about family relationships, then it is quite faithful. He doesn’t really like to help his wife around the house, but he will happily take on raising and caring for the children.

Vladislav - popular names for boys

This name comes from the Slavic words “to own glory.” If you think about it, of all the women on earth, Vladislav will be most attached to his mother. He values ​​her very much throughout his life. As she grows up, she will learn to treat other women with respect. His sense of beauty is highly developed. Vladislav is very hardworking and responsible. Vladislav is partial to fire; he can stare at it for hours. He loves home and a calm home environment very much. An excellent family man.

George - names for boys and their meanings

The name George comes from the Greek word for "landowner". Georgiy communicates with few people as a child and is very squeamish. But still, Georgy maintains a rather warm relationship with his peer. Knows how to listen, will keep a secret. A responsible and serious person, if he promises something, he will definitely do it. Georgy is friendly, but he is afraid of women and is very indecisive with them. Can't stand lies. He loves to have fun and parties. Loves cheerful women, laughter. Does not remember evil. He loves holidays with his family.

Herman - beautiful names for boys

Herman is a Latin name, from the word “germanus”. This is a beautiful but evil name, those people who bear such a name usually bad character. Herman is a man capable of meanness, nasty things, and can profit from someone’s misfortune. He might lie. The most unreliable husband. If he achieves something in life, he comes to it dishonestly.

David - the meaning of a male name

David means “beloved” in Hebrew. A very proud and persistent person, pragmatic. David loves friends and will always be surrounded by them. Can't stand lies. Very hot-tempered, but at the same time quickly moves away. Not a vindictive person. David has the gift of persuasion. He never wastes words. An excellent cook, he cooks with pleasure. Usually his first marriage is very unsuccessful.

Daniel - beautiful names for boys

Hebrew name meaning "court of God." Very calm and kind child, he loves communication, he has many friends. He can't stand being deceived and is very hot-tempered. True, he moves away quite quickly and doesn’t hold a grudge against anyone. He loves children very much and loves to work with them, but does not like to help his wife with housework. Loves hunting and fishing.


Denis is a Greek name that means to belong to Dionysus. Very kind and flexible. Sociable child. He just loves animals. At school he is efficient and quite obliging, but he often behaves badly, despite his merits. In life he is quite lucky, neat, talented. Quite proud, he is principled, even adamant. This conflict leads to problems in family life.

Dmitry - the meaning of the name for a boy

Dmitry is a Greek name, translated – “to relate to Demeter.” A very capricious and irritable child, he has little to his taste, and his character is unstable. At the same time, he will always be too demanding of the people around him. As soon as he grows up, Dmitry will replace his capriciousness with stubbornness. He will overcome failures and difficulties very quickly and easily. Sustainable and smart person, but he is not very easy to communicate with. He has a lot of strength and charm, and even cruelty. He often and quickly falls in love and marries several times.

Illarion - beautiful names for boys

Hilarion will be translated from ancient Greek as “cheerful.” He has a great sense of humor and is also quite a sociable and honest person. People really like him, especially because he knows how to listen without interrupting, to give useful advice, support. Hilarion has a very kind disposition and wonderful character, so he often creates a real family idyll.

Konstantin - popular names for boys

Constantine is a Latin name, its root means “constant, persistent, unchanging.” As a child, Kostya will often feel anxious, and it will not be easy for him to adapt to a new environment. He gets used to new people very poorly. And there may even be problems with adapting to the team - to kindergarten, for example. Years go by and this fear goes away. But still, some problems when meeting people will continue to exist. Konstantin doesn’t have too many friends, but these are really real friends. He can easily be called an excellent worker; he will be passionate about his work. He usually has a very beautiful wife, but there will be a family if the woman also turns out to be smart.

Leonid - modern names for boys

Leonidas is a Greek name meaning “like a lion.” He will be very careful about his health throughout his life, starting from childhood. He studies well. But I never mind missing a couple of classes. Quite a proud person. Loves to be shown signs of attention. Leonid has a flexible character, which allows him to make many useful contacts. He will perfectly resolve any conflict, but he can also show integrity at the right time. He is not at all indifferent to good cuisine, he is very squeamish and will not eat anything he is unsure of. If we talk about relationships with women, he is very jealous. However, he does not like reproaches.

Leonty - names for boys and their meanings

Leonty is a Greek name that translates as “lion.” Usually all winter Leontia are very cruel and jealous people. They will only do what benefits them. They may remain overly withdrawn and lonely in marriage. Positive qualities- this is a must. No Leonty will ever let you down. People are very neat in their clothes. If Leonty was born in the spring, he will be very intelligent and sociable person. Among the Leontievs there is a significant proportion of erudites. Women, as a rule, love them very much.

Maxim - beautiful names for boys and their meanings

Maxim is a Latin name meaning “great, greatest.” Usually parents don’t have any problems with Maxim during childhood. Maxim is interested in a lot of things, reads well, and is an excellent student. But the older he is, the more shortcomings he shows. He has few strong-willed traits and is easily influenced. Not persistent. He often doubts, and this prevents him from believing in himself and his strengths. He is very kind, and therefore often cannot distinguish between good and bad people. He is very obliging and dutiful, but he will not make a breakthrough in his career. A very patient person in marriage, he will rarely cheat, but will fall in love all the time.


Mark is a Greek name, derived from the name Markos, that is, “hammer.” Mark loves to read and has a wonderful library. He also loves to read, he has a very large library. In addition, Mark is a gambling person, he loves cards very much, but he doesn’t like to lose at all. It must be said that this person is strong, strong-willed by nature, he is a very fussy, sometimes carefree person. He marries women who can admit that they are stupider than him. He raises his children very strictly.

Miroslav - names and their meanings for boys

This name comes from the names "glory" and "peace". This person is very balanced, calm, but sometimes he can lose his temper over little things. He is very persistent when it comes to learning, reads a lot of books, and sometimes seems a little withdrawn. Very sensitive and vulnerable, patient and hardworking. It must be said that his path is not strewn with roses. Usually Miroslav turns out to be a very good entrepreneur or manager.

Nazar - popular names for boys

Nazar is a Hebrew name meaning “dedicated to God.” Nazars who were born in winter are very stubborn and self-willed, jealous. They take any event terribly close to their hearts. If we talk about Nazarene, who was born in the summer, then he will be very devoted to the family, will be an excellent owner and will do everything as it should be. If we talk about Nazars, who were born in the fall, they are very specific and calculating. But at the same time, these are excellent masters.

Oscar is not an ordinary name for a boy.

Oscar is a Scandinavian name. The meaning of the name is “God’s spear.” He is very calm, but at the same time he often gets offended. Oscars are too vulnerable, very sensitive, and not too confident in themselves. For a long time, Oscar cannot choose his life partner. A very disgusting person. And Oscar also has obvious abilities in mathematics and economics. In general, Oscar has enough talent.

Ruslan - beautiful names for boys

Derived from the Turkic word for “lion”. Ruslan loves politics, and can also be an outstanding actor. He loves to stand out from the crowd. He usually takes a very beautiful woman as his wife. A jealous and hot-tempered person. Sometimes he may not pay any attention to the rules of decency. A punctual person, he loves children and parents, but he will not renounce himself for them.

Rinat, Renat

Renat is a Latin name that means “born again.” If we talk about winter Renatas, they don’t get along well with people, but they are stubborn and brave people who love to argue over trifles. They can easily let you down, so you shouldn’t particularly trust them. Summer Renatas are much softer and kinder. They are fair, honest, very generous people. They are completely indifferent to women. Renatas are very neat and pedantic. Often this can drive Renat’s wife simply crazy.

Roman - popular names for boys and their meanings

Roman is a Latin name meaning "Roman". Roman loves to skip school and is completely unserious about his studies. He really wants variety. That is why he is very prone to adventure. Roman gets carried away very easily and gives up what he was doing before. It's a little strange, but it turns out just great. After Roman's baby is born, he becomes much more serious. He gladly helps his wife in everything.

Rostislav - beautiful names for boys

Rostislav is an old Slavic name. Means "a person of increasing fame." This person has a very strong character and will. He will be able to stand up for his loved ones. And for myself. A very unpretentious person in everyday life. But his loved ones definitely need to learn how to deal with his attacks of melancholy. It is best to leave Rostislav alone on such days, at least for a short time.


Stanislav is a Polish name, it means “to become glorious.” Stanislav is very difficult to please; he is a person with a constantly changing mood. Few people understand what exactly Stanislav is thinking about. Well, it should be noted that Stanislav has a very generous nature, and therefore he is often surrounded by selfish people. Many begin to use Stasik’s generosity for their own purposes. It must be said that you can often meet Stanislavs who are real weirdos. Oddities appear in absolutely everything, even in the way Stanislav cares for a woman. Jealous, but everything in moderation. He loves to surprise his woman and give her gifts.

Svyatoslav - the meaning of the name

This name is Slavic, comes from the words “holy glory.” Svyatoslav is a talented and very hardworking person. He is a tactful and at the same time delicate person. At other times he is touchy and vulnerable. He is very careful when choosing a wife. He sticks to his positions very strongly, but still knows how to give in if necessary. A non-conflict person. He prefers to resolve everything peacefully.


Sergei is a Latin name, meaning “honorable, highly respected.” If we talk about Sergei’s character, then by the age of seven it will already be possible to understand what kind of person he will be. He prefers actions to his emotions. He knows how to hide his feelings very carefully. This person understands everything perfectly and can empathize. He will always finish what he has already started to the very end. Never promise anything in vain. He doesn’t talk too much, but you still can’t call him silent; he will always behave in such a way as not to accidentally offend anyone. Very cheerful in company. However, Sergei’s wife is a very calm and homely woman.

Timur - a name for a boy and its meaning

Timur is a solid name, but this will not affect whoever it belongs to. Timur is very kind person and flexible, tolerant, quite gentle. He simply adores children and nature. If we talk about Timurs who were born in winter, then they are much more stubborn, one might even say, calculating.

Spring Timurs are indecisive and very sensitive people. If we talk about those born in the summer, they are touchy and are always wary of people.

Felix - modern names for boys

Felix is ​​a Latin name meaning "lucky one." Felix is ​​very difficult person. His nature is dual. He is indeed impeccably polite and kind, but only because he wants to benefit from it. Usually Felixes are very fond of something prestigious, and so that the income is immediate and significant. It must be said that this person is characterized by boasting, and often he overestimates himself. If we talk about promises, he does not always keep them. Marries only for benefits, and nothing else.

Edward - beautiful names for boys

Edward is a Germanic name. This means a person who takes care of property. If you remember your childhood, then already in it Edward shows curiosity and intelligence, developed beyond his years. He is an excellent student, sociable and very kind person. But if it comes to his interests, he will show cruelty or even coldness. A very amorous person, he cannot pass by beautiful woman. He always wants to be a leader in everything. It's not easy for his wives.

Eric - beautiful and modern names for boys

Eric is a noble leader. He is very independent. He is fully responsible for his actions. Only at first glance it may even seem impractical. He actually has very well developed intuition. Such a person is always on the alert, he is very cautious. He may well be a leader, he has all the necessary qualities for this. He loves to read and work in the country, in the land. He also loves spending time with his family very much. Eric is a wonderful father, very attentive.

Yakov - the meaning of the name

Jacob is a Hebrew name. It means “born second.” Yakov has a huge number of friends, he is ready to help them all. He loves the comfort of home very much, and chooses a homebody as his wife.

Yaroslav - beautiful names for a boy

Yaroslav is furious. A very brave person, he can easily cope with any difficulties. He is very friendly in appearance, but still a very selfish person. Yaroslav knows what he needs from life and will strive for it.

Hello, dear girls! Have you ever thought that our name is what we hear most often throughout our lives?! I think yes. Then you will agree that his choice is very important. Since it affects not only character and personal qualities. The fate of a person depends on it to a certain extent.

Therefore, it is especially important to choose the right one for your son. After all, we want to raise real men: strong, brave, kind, defenders of the Motherland and their family. Don’t be scared, let’s figure out together what boys’ names are and their meaning.

Sound beauty

When choosing a name for our child, we first want it to be beautiful. It went harmoniously with my father’s patronymic, was easy to pronounce and sounded pleasant. Typically this is male names, which contain hard voiced consonants. Such sounds impart masculinity, firmness, strength and determination to the character.

Alexander – (gr.) “protector”

Anatoly – (gr.) “eastern”

Alexey – (gr.) “defender”

Anton – (Greek, Lat.) “opposing”

Artem – (Greek) “courageous”

Andrey – (gr.) “courageous”

Vadim – (other) “attractive”

Victor – (Latin) “winner”

Vitaly – (Latin) “vital”

Vladimir – (other) “owning the world”

Vladislav – (Slavic) “owner of glory”

Vyacheslav – (slav.) “most glorious”

Gennady – (gr.) “highborn”

Gregory – (Greek) “awake”

Daniel – (biblical) “My God is a judge”

Denis – (from the ancient Greek fertility deity Dionysus)

Dmitry – (gr.) “belonging to Demeter”

Egor - “cultivator of the land”

Ivan - “mercy of God”

Igor – “game”

Elijah – (biblical) “My God is Yahweh”

Kirill – (gr.) “lord”

Constantine – (Greek) “permanent”

Leonidas – (Greek) “descended from a lion”

Maxim – (gr.) “greatest”

Michael – (biblical) “who is like God”

Nikita – (gr.) “winner”

Nicholas – (gr.) “conqueror of nations”

Oleg – “sacred”

Pavel – (Latin) “small”

Roman – (Latin) “Roman”

Sergei – (Roman) “highly revered”

Stepan – (Greek) “crown, diadem”

Fedor – (Greek) “gift of God”

Yuri – (Greek) “cultivator of the land”

Among the beautiful male names there are those that are suitable for boys and girls. This is very convenient if you do not know or do not want to know the gender of the baby before birth.

Alexander – (gr.) “protector”

Valentin – (Latin) “strong”

Evgeniy – (gr.) “noble”,

Valery – (Latin) “strong”

In pursuit of fashion

In addition to beauty, we often want the baby’s name to be unusual and unique. To make him stand out from the crowd, to attract attention. For this purpose, we often borrow male names from foreigners. But here you should be very careful: remember beauty and harmony. Unfortunately, modern names sometimes confuse me. In addition, now fashion trends have changed. The majority is in favor of Russian names for boys and girls.

Adam – (biblical) “man”

Arseny – (Greek) “courageous”

Vsevolod – (glorified) “all-powerful”

Matvey – (Heb.) “given by God”

Plato – (Greek) “wide”

Ruslan – (Turkic) “lion”

Semyon – (biblical) “listening”

Timothy – (Greek) “who worships God”

Yaroslav – (slav.) “glorious for his vitality”

What will the stars say...

When asking the question of choosing a name for a future man, we often focus on his date of birth. And this is no coincidence. After all, the fate of our baby also depends on her.

Below is a list of male names by month.

For January boys: Daniil, Artem, Maxim, Sergey, Andrey, Ilya, Egor, Vitaly.

As a rule, in the future such children are distinguished by a calm character, high self-organization and prudence. Despite this, they often have difficulty making responsible decisions. But they prefer not to resort to outside help. Most often, January children grow up to be good and loyal friends. Although in life they are usually alone.

For February boys: Oleg, Roman, Valentin, Dmitry, Konstantin, Nikita, Alexander, Andrey.

These kids are driven by feelings. They are very gentle and vulnerable. At the same time, they are quite calm, always ready to listen and give advice. They love to dream and think a lot. Such men are capable of strong-willed decisions. They prefer precision in their work.

For March boys: Semyon, Kirill, Alexey, Igor, Evgeniy, Victor.

Calm and balanced. They are mostly silent and laconic, but have many friends. Such a child is distinguished by his goodwill and cheerful character.

For April boys: Yuri, Anton, Vadim, Igor, Leonid, Nikita, Sergey.

These children are born leaders. They always strive for victory and are distinguished by perseverance and stubbornness. They are considered the life of the party. They do not like to sit still, they are overwhelmed with energy.

For May boys: Alexey, Nikolay, Oleg, Denis, Anatoly, Ivan, Roman, Dmitry.

These kids are full of energy and optimism. They know how to smooth out and resolve any conflict peacefully. They value friendship and nobility. If necessary, they will take responsibility and make a strong-willed decision.

For June boys: Mikhail, Vladimir, Egor, Sergey, Valery.

These kids love company and are prone to talkativeness. They are cheerful and good-natured by nature. Tend to change opinions depending on the situation. Most often they are good and loyal friends. They grow up to be good leaders and speakers.

For July boys: Andrey, Leonid, Kirill, Maxim, Yuri, Valentin.

Such children have a hard time withstanding insults. They are very emotional and vulnerable, but rarely show it. Family and warm relationships are important to them. They value stability and comfort.

For August boys: Stepan, Pavel, Semyon, Alexander, Dmitry, Ilya, Ivan.

Endowed with strength and energy by nature, such guys are distinguished by their stubbornness and strong-willed character. They are sociable and friendly, although a little arrogant.

For September boys: Daniil, Evgeniy, Grigory, Alexander, Victor, Nikita.

These kids are quite smart and talented. They are cheerful and good-natured by nature. They are distinguished by openness to others.

For October boys: Oleg, Sergey, Vyacheslav, Maxim, Igor, Alexey, Yuri.

Those who like to dream – they always strive for perfection. They are attracted to everything new. Such children find it easy to study. They are distinguished by their good nature and sociability. But at the same time, they don’t open up to anyone completely. They find it difficult to make decisions.

For November boys: Artem, Anton, Gennady, Denis, Fedor, Mikhail, Andrey.

These future men are strongly attached to the family. Good-natured and calm in character. They are prudent and prudent in business.

For December boys: Yaroslav, Ivan, Anatoly, Roman, Daniil, Maxim, Anton.

These kids grow up sociable and restless. They are difficult to keep in place. They are persistent and not afraid of anything. As a rule, they produce good friends, but this right must be earned. They remember the insult for a long time.

I hope my article helped you choose the most wonderful name for your baby.

If you are interested in continuing to explore the topic of names, we invite you to look at these articles:

For a child, it is difficult to choose popular and modern ones. And everyone knows about it. It is imperative to give a perfectly suitable name that is in harmony with the appearance and character of the newborn baby, at the same time sweet-sounding and memorable.

Moreover, changing a child’s name in Moscow in 2017 will be even more difficult! And, of course, you need to think about what to name your child in advance. This article will look at male names for children, as well as their interesting meanings.

Russian male proper names have long been distinguished by their expressiveness and peculiar brightness. There were even funny options. In ancient times, parents named their children as their hearts dictated, or as church ministers decided.

Today, the birth of a child forces parents to review a huge number of different recommendations, teachings, psychological and astrological interpretations and other scientific literature. After all, the names of boys and girls are like a guiding star for them in life.

An amazing combination of sounds leaves a special imprint on the character. In addition, to determine the baby’s surname, the choice is limited (from two options: mom’s or dad’s surname), then full list It’s impossible to even imagine the names.

To give the right and successful name for your child, there are some rules:

  1. The combination of sounds when calling the baby should be pleasant to the ear. Try not to have many hard consonants or dividing marks: according to the ancients, such a union can negatively affect not only relationships with others, but even the fate of the child.
  2. Think about how to achieve maximum sweetness when pronouncing the surname, first name and patronymic of the future man.
  3. It is advisable that the names of boys or girls be pronounced without special effort, but were remembered quickly.
  4. A proper name should not be too provocative or just a set of word forms, like the Indians. For example, Svetlodar, Bogoyav, etc.
  5. And, perhaps, the most important rule is that the names of boys and girls chosen for their sons and daughters must definitely please the mother and father of these kids, because no one calls a little person that way more often than they do. Each letter in the name of the most precious creature must be pronounced with endless love!

List of popular names in alphabetical order

We offer a list of those proper names that modern parents quite often choose for their children. According to statistics, in 75% of cases when parents decide what the child’s name will be, they call it that way.

A: Arseny, Andrey, Alexey, Alexander, Artem, Anatoly;

B: Boris, Bogdan;

In: Vasily, Vitaly, Victor, Vladimir, Vadim;

G: Gleb, Grigory, Gennady;

D: Denis, Dmitry, Danil;

E: Egor, Evgeniy;

I: Igor, Ivan, Ilya;

K: Kirill, Konstantin;

L: Leonid;

M: Maxim, Mark, Mikhail;

N: Nikita, Nikolay;

P: Pavel, Peter;

R: Roman, Rostislav, Ruslan;

With: Sergey, Stepan, Stanislav, Svyatoslav;

T: Timur, Timofey, Taras;

F: Fedor, Philip;

E: Edward (Edward), Eric, Ernest;

Me: Yaroslav.

The peculiarity of these proper names is that they are basically a familiar and fairly well-known option. There are many such famous personalities in history. It is likely that if your baby becomes close to one of the outstanding figures of culture, science, or art, he will also become famous for his achievements.

Top 10 Most Popular Names

Meanings of a name in a child's life

The ancient sages took very seriously the choice of proper names for the descendants of royal dynasties and noble families. After all, they knew exactly the meaning of each of them. Especially male names for the child were carefully selected. The popularity of some allowed them to reach us in 2017 through the storms of history, from the borders of the most remote corners of the globe. There is ample evidence of this.

For example, the name Arthur came to 2017 from prehistoric times from the ancient Kel dialect and means “strong bear” in translation, Valentin means “healthy” from Latin. There are a lot of translations from the ancient Russian language: Zakhar “God’s memory”, Makar and Tikhon - “happy”, Nikita - “winner”, Potap - “wanderer”, Fedor - “God’s gift”. There are translations from Greek, Roman, Scandinavian and many other languages ​​that can tell a knowledgeable person a lot of special things about their owner.

The rarest and most unusual names

Modern man in 2017 is more inventive and courageous than his ancestors. Thanks to access to information, we can easily give a name to our boy from any language, associate it with the theme of Orthodoxy, personal horoscope, culture, ancestral traditions or other sources, i.e. confidently give a certain benevolent fate.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to find out how “new” the unique name you like for your son really is.

Among the rarest “new” names that were loved by parents in 2017 are:

A: Arsen, Alfred, Altair;

B: Boleslav;

In: Voldemar, Valery, Veniamin, Vlas, Vaclav, Vikenty;

G: Harry, Gordey, German;

D: Demyan, David;

E: Emelyan, Efim, Elisha;

F: Georges, Zhdan;

Z: Zinovy, Zoriy;

I: Hippolytus, Innocent, Ignatius;

K: Karl, Karen, Christian;

L: Lavrenty, Leonard, Leonty;

M: Maximilian, Miron, Marat;

N: Naum, Nikon, Novomir;

A: Oles, Onisim, Ovid;

P: Prozor, Prokofy, Panfil;

R: Robert, Rustam, Rafael;

With: Samuel, Savely, Stefan;

T: Tigran, Tamerlane, Theodor, Trofim;

U: Ustin, Umil;

F: Farid, Friedrich;

X: Khariton;

E: Edgar, Emil, Ernest;

Yu: Yuliy, Yuzhzhin, Yukhim;

Me: Yasen, Yakov, Jan.

Without a doubt, it is very important to look through the complete catalog of possible proper names for the long-awaited baby. This is his first gift from you. Moreover, a name can tell about more than a surname or patronymic. Today, by law, you can only change last names painlessly from your personal set of full names.

It is difficult for a person to change his name: you get used to it, you become one with it. This is precisely why any castling here is extremely undesirable both for society (relatives and just acquaintances) and for the human psyche.

What to name the boy? Names for boys 2017.