Consultation for parents on the topic: “Features of the formation of environmental ideas in young children. Consultation for parents "formation of elementary ecological ideas in children at an early age" Features of the formation of environmental

Lupinos Lyudmila Vladimirovna,
Teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4"
Nazyvaevsk, Omsk region"
Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children of early preschool age
Lay down love for the Motherland, for native land, to native nature, to people is possible only at an early age. Then changing the worldview, changing a person’s ideas and views on the environment is extremely difficult. That is why it is important to promptly develop the ecological consciousness of a small personality. Our goal is to teach how to search and find something new in what is already known. One of the main moral tasks is to cultivate love for the Motherland, and therefore a caring attitude towards its nature. We will achieve this if we teach children to enjoy the landscapes of their native places.
Introducing children to the natural world early age– this is the first, initial stage in the system of continuous environmental education.

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Environmental education is one of the areas of activity preschool institutions. Its introduction became possible thanks to the scientific research of many theorists and practitioners preschool education– P. G. Samorukova, S. A. Veretennikova, N. N. Poddyakova, V. G. Fokina, E. I. Kazakova, S. N. Nikolaeva, N. N. Kondratyeva, N. A. Ryzhova and others . As a result of research, it was recognized that environmental education of preschool children is the formation in children of a careful attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround them and with which they become acquainted preschool age.

Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of young children, work on the formation of elementary ecological ideas should begin from the first months of life. The teacher must return to the same object (the same concept) many times and each time add something new to the children’s existing knowledge.
The content of this section of the plan covers three main areas of education, closely related to each other:
Development of elementary natural scientific concepts;
Development of children's environmental culture;
Development of ideas about a person;

A long-term plan for the formation of elementary environmental concepts for children of early age, drawn up in accordance with the “Program of education and training in kindergarten"edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. The plan presents the topics of classes with children from 1.5 to 2 years old and the content of observations during a walk.

The methodology for conducting classes is subject to the objectives of the Program. In this case, the teacher can supplement or change the course of classes depending on the weather, his work experience and individual characteristics children.
In order for children to get more impressions and gain practical experience of interacting with nature, it is recommended to conduct individual classes in nature. Forms and methods of working with children can be very diverse: conversations, observations of a living object, experimental activities, games. Integration of different sections of the Program (familiarization with fiction, speech development, visual activity, musical activity, etc.) will allow children to form initial ideas about the surrounding reality.
One of the important means of introducing children to the world around them is observation.
Observations on a walk enrich your understanding of the world around you and form a friendly attitude towards nature. Children should be taught to observe various objects and phenomena; At the same time, it is not necessary to observe only those objects and phenomena that are planned. Observations of animals and natural phenomena can be random and unexpected, and the teacher should not miss this opportunity. It is necessary to stimulate children's curiosity; develop the ability to notice changes in nature.
The first result of environmental education is manifested in surprise, interest, a feeling of joy, delight, aesthetic pleasure, admiration when perceiving nature, the effective readiness of children to participate in creating vital conditions for living beings in their immediate environment, and the readiness to prevent their death. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce children to the rich and diverse world of nature, first of all, through their feelings, touching the heart and soul of the child.
The child strives to display his vivid impressions of nature in drawings, applications, creative stories, poems, and riddles.
When working with children on their environmental education, an integrated approach is used, which involves the interconnection of research activities, music, visual arts, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching TV shows, excursions, as well as organizing independent activity children, i.e. greening various types child's activities.
Children “check” the knowledge acquired in classes in the form of a game independently. experimental activities based on trial and error. Gradually, elementary experiments become experimental games in which, as in didactic game, there are two beginnings: educational - informative and gaming - entertaining. The play motive enhances the emotional significance of this activity for the child. As a result, the knowledge about the connections, properties and qualities of natural objects reinforced in experimental games becomes more conscious and durable.

  • Presentation “Development of coherent speech of preschool children using the method of visual modeling and mnemonics (for teachers of preschool educational institutions)”
  • The main content of environmental education is the formation in a child of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround him. Children's consciously correct attitude towards nature is based on its sensory perception, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge of the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual creatures.

    An adult must help the baby open the world around us nature, love it. From an early age, it is necessary to introduce the child to the natural world, helping to receive vivid, emotional, vivid impressions and reliable ideas about it.The novelty and brightness of early impressions remains for life .

    A child learns love for nature primarily from his parents. Under the influence of the emotions of an adult, expressing delight, joy, surprise, disappointment, the child learns to relate in a certain way to a broken tree, to a hungry animal.

    Green world at home

    The perception of the beauty of plants, the understanding of them as living beings, develops in children under the influence of adults. Make sure you have flowering indoor plants in your home. Pay attention to the condition of the plants in connection with their care: “The plant is beautiful because we water it.” We need to help the child understand how plant life depends on water, heat, and light.

    Teach your child to look and see, admire, try to promote the emergence of vivid images. You can show what a flowering plant looks like in different places in the room, alone or in combination with other objects. Interesting repeated observations of one object teach the child to peer closely, notice what has changed in the plant, to understand that the plant is changing because it is growing, it is alive.

    So, a child’s acquaintance with the green kingdom at home forms the first ideas about the life of “green friends” and fosters a humane attitude towards plants.

    Good friends

    Good friends - animals invariably attract the attention of a child. Adults help to get to know the animals and teach them to treat them with care and attention. To awaken interest and love for animals in children from early childhood means to cultivate the right attitude towards them, develop moral and aesthetic feelings, and form an effective position (to help, to pity, to care). It is very important to prevent in children any manifestations of callous treatment of animals, callousness, or cruelty.

    All children love to play with real friends. You can and should play with animals. But no violence! The game should be joyful for both (with a ball, bow, etc.). It is advisable to read poems to children, short stories about a cat or a dog, sing songs together, and look at pictures.

    We went for a walk

    Nature changes its appearance due to seasonal changes. Colors and paints at different times of the year arouse children's interest, affecting emotional sphere, thereby laying the foundations for a kind and caring attitude towards our native nature. The task of adults is to arouse the child’s interest in the world natural phenomena. Do not get carried away by the abundance of names - this is a meaningless load on the brain and memory, which does not provide anything for genuine development. But if the baby, squatting, carefully watches the crawling bug, this is important! This develops it. Don't rush him, let him form his own impression. The main thing is that the baby accumulates more impressions. They are necessary for future independent conclusions.

    To enrich a child with vivid impressions of the diversity of the beauty of natural phenomena, to teach them to peer, admire and admire, to show inquisitiveness and observation, to protect and care for the surrounding nature - our home - this is the noble task of adults!


    The problem of environmental education of a preschooler is one of the fundamental problems of the theory of education and is of paramount importance for educational work. In modern conditions, when the scope of educational influence is significantly expanding, this problem becomes particularly acute and relevant.

    From the Recommendations of the Parliamentary Hearings “Problems of Environmental Education in Russia” dated September 22, 1998: “Consider environmental education of preschool children a priority link in the system of continuous environmental education, a necessary condition for the sustainable development of the country, development and improvement of ensuring continuity between all spheres of social development of the individual "

    With the adoption of laws Russian Federation“On the Protection of the Natural Environment” and “On Education” created the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of environmental education for the population. The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development”, taking into account the Declaration of the UN Convention on Environment and Development, signed by Russia, elevates environmental education to the category of priority state problems. These documents imply the creation of continuous environmental education in the regions of the country, the first link of which is preschool. It is at this age that the foundations of a person’s worldview and his relationship to the world around him are laid.

    It is possible to develop love for the Motherland, for the native land, for the native nature, for people only at an early age. Then changing the worldview, changing a person’s ideas and views on the environment is extremely difficult. That is why it is important to promptly develop the ecological consciousness of a small personality. Our goal is to teach how to search and find something new in what is already known. One of the main moral tasks is to cultivate love for the Motherland, and therefore a caring attitude towards its nature. We will achieve this if we teach children to enjoy the landscapes of their native places.

    Introducing young children to the natural world is the first, initial stage in the system of continuous environmental education.

    Environmental education is a new direction in the activities of preschool institutions. Its introduction became possible thanks to the scientific research of many theorists and practitioners of preschool education - P.G. Samorukova, S.A. Veretennikova, N.N. Poddyakova, V.G. Fokina, E.I. Kazakova, S.N. Nikolaeva, N.N. Kondratyeva, N.A. Ryzhova and others. As a result of research, it was recognized that environmental education of preschool children is the formation in children of a caring attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround them and with which they become acquainted in preschool age.

    Environmental education is the formation in children of environmental consciousness as a set of knowledge, thinking, feelings, will and readiness for active environmental activities, which helps to understand the surrounding reality as a living environment and as aesthetic perfection and orients towards a careful attitude towards it, allowing in advance to anticipate and prevent negative consequences of industrial development of natural resources.

    Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of young children, work on the formation of environmental ideas should begin from the first years of life. The teacher must return to the same object (the same concept) many times and each time add something new to the children’s existing knowledge.

    — development of elementary natural scientific concepts;

    — development of children’s environmental culture;

    - development of ideas about a person.

    In order for children to get more impressions and gain practical experience of interacting with nature, it is recommended to conduct individual classes in nature. Forms and methods of working with children can be very diverse: conversations, observations of a living object, experimental activities, games. Integration of different educational areas will allow children to form initial ideas about the surrounding reality.

    One of the important means of introducing children to the world around them is observation.

    Observations on a walk enrich your understanding of the world around you and form a friendly attitude towards nature. Children should be taught to observe various objects and phenomena; At the same time, it is not necessary to observe only those objects and phenomena that are planned. Observations of animals and natural phenomena can be random and unexpected, and the teacher should not miss this opportunity. It is necessary to stimulate children's curiosity; develop the ability to notice changes in nature.

    The first result of environmental education is manifested in surprise, interest, a feeling of joy, delight, aesthetic pleasure, admiration when perceiving nature, the effective readiness of children to participate in creating vital conditions for living beings in their immediate environment, and the readiness to prevent their death. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce children to the rich and diverse world of nature, first of all, through their feelings, touching the heart and soul of the child.

    The child strives to display his vivid impressions of nature in drawings, applications, creative stories, poems, and riddles.

    When working with children on their environmental education, an integrated approach is used, which involves the interrelation of research activities, music, visual arts, physical education, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, excursions, as well as the organization of independent activities of children, i.e. greening of various types child's activities.

    Children test the knowledge acquired in classes in the form of a game in independent experimental activities based on the trial and error method. Gradually, elementary experiments become experimental games, in which, as in a didactic game, there are two principles: educational - educational and gaming - entertaining. The play motive enhances the emotional significance of this activity for the child. As a result, the knowledge about the connections, properties and qualities of natural objects reinforced in experimental games becomes more conscious and durable.

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    Taking into account the psychological characteristics of young children and the fact that children have just started attending kindergarten, the main content of the first year of education should be observations and practical actions with natural objects together with the teacher. What should a teacher remember? Young children begin to accumulate knowledge about the flora and fauna. Their content and volume vary quite sharply among children of the same age. There is a lot of unclear knowledge, realistic knowledge is intertwined with fabulous ones. Children's curiosity increases sharply. Their interest in the causes of phenomena is especially great: questions about the causes become predominant.

    In the first year of training, the teacher must remember that in children of this age, attention is involuntary. Its sustainability depends on the nature of the activity. Memorization and reproduction are also involuntary. The child cannot yet set a goal to remember or remember anything. Children do not know how to independently observe, but they actively accept the purpose and tasks of observation from the teacher if they are presented in an attractive, game form.

    In everyday life, children are surrounded by specific, individual living organisms. Indoor plants and outdoor vegetation (near the house, in the kindergarten area), domestic and ornamental animals, birds and insects that live everywhere can be presented to the child from an ecological perspective - in their direct interaction with the environment. The adult sets the goal of showing this interaction and traces with preschoolers: what constitutes the living conditions of plants and animals, how they interact with these conditions. Any living organism has needs that cannot be satisfied by its internal resources. The needs of a living organism are satisfied by environmental factors. These are, first of all, the needs for nutrients, water, oxygen, which through metabolism create vital energy and allow an individual to realize himself in all spheres of life. External morphological (related to structure) features of plants and animals are accessible to the perception of a child, therefore, in general, knowledge about fitness demonstrated on specific examples, may be understandable to him. External manifestations of functioning (in animals this is behavior) are also accessible to the child’s visual and figurative thinking and are interesting to him. The behavior of animals is entirely consistent with the peculiarities of its structure; it demonstrates what can be done by external organs (parts of the body) in such conditions. A small child is also attracted by the dynamic behavior of animals: a quick change of images easily focuses his still unstable attention and perception, and provides “food” for thought. In the process of introducing young children to nature, the teacher solves a number of problems: forms the first ideas about certain objects and phenomena inanimate nature, about the most common bright flowering plants, teaches to distinguish the features of the appearance of animals, some parts of the body, features of movement, and sounds made. The teacher teaches the kids the first simple labor skills: watering plants, wiping leaves with a damp cloth, feeding a fish or bird in a corner of nature. On this basis, it fosters a caring attitude towards plants and animals, evokes in children a feeling of joyful surprise and their first aesthetic experiences.

    Environmental education of preschool children is introducing children to nature, which is based on ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process is based on fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology. The existence of the animal world, including humans, would be impossible without plants, which determines their special role in the life of our planet. Of all organisms, only plants and photosynthetic bacteria are capable of accumulating the energy of the Sun. Plants are the main, determining link in the complex nutritional chain of all heterotrophic organisms, including humans. Terrestrial plants form steppes, meadows, forests and other plant groups, creating the landscape diversity of the Earth and an endless variety of ecological niches for the life of organisms. Finally, with the direct participation of plants, soil arose and is formed.

    On walks, children often see birds. It is better to attract attention to bird watching by giving them food. Children and their teacher feed the birds and at the same time make observations. They fly to the site different birds: sparrows, pigeons, tits, bullfinches, etc. This is how children learn to distinguish and name some birds. It is advisable to attract children's attention to a new bird that often flies to the site. The guys reflect their impressions in games.

    In the spring, in the kindergarten area you can observe bright spring phenomena: melting snow, the appearance of grass, leaves on the trees.

    As soon as the earth warms up, insects appear. The teacher teaches children to distinguish insects by appearance, distinguish characteristic features(color, size), some features of movement (a beetle crawls, a butterfly flies, flutters, an ant crawls). New birds are flying to the site. Kids need to be shown large black rooks and starlings. Draw children's attention to the fact that many birds arrive in spring. They perch on tall trees, build nests, walk or jump on the ground, collecting food. Adults and schoolchildren prepare birdhouses for the arrival of starlings.

    In summer, the opportunities for observing the surrounding nature expand, as there are many insects and birds. Children enjoy watching domestic animals and birds. After such observations, the game “Who screams”, “mother hen with chicks”, etc. is played.

    Consultation for parents “Formation of basic environmental concepts at an early age”

    Environmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude of children towards natural objects. A consciously correct attitude towards nature is based on an understanding of the connection between plants and animals and the conditions of their environment, the specifics of living things and their intrinsic value. Such a conscious attitude cannot yet exist at an early age. The task of adults is to help children accumulate the first baggage of vivid, emotional, lively impressions and reliable ideas about nature.

    From early childhood, a child explores the world around him and is drawn to the beautiful and bright. He can see all this in nature, and all this is for him for the first time, everything surprises and pleases. The novelty and brightness of early impressions remain for life. Never in subsequent life will a person have such freshness of perception and freshness of feelings as in early and preschool age. And sad as it may be, a person often loses a harmonious connection with nature in childhood, in the most tender and sensitive time of life. How does this happen? So the baby picked up a bird's feather to admire it, and immediately heard a sharp cry: “Throw away this dirt now.” I sat down near a puddle to look at the interesting bugs that were swimming there. And then a panicked cry follows: “Get away from the puddle. You'll get dirty and catch a cold! “And instead of a colorful, cheerful world, the child sees gray asphalt in front of him. And adults can and should help the child in mastering basic natural history knowledge, in developing the desire and ability to understand the natural world, and introduce him to the elementary work of creating favorable conditions for the life of living beings. On this basis, a caring attitude towards all living things in the immediate environment is cultivated: grass, flowers, trees, birds, and adults of their own age. Therefore, it is so important to specifically teach the child to peer, admire, rejoice and admire the beauty of the natural world, to cultivate observation and curiosity, a kind, caring attitude towards natural objects. The lack of specific sensations (colors, sounds, smells, etc.) leads to emotional and spiritual poverty, the inability to express one’s attitude towards the natural world. With the perception of the aesthetic side of nature, it is important to teach the child a moral attitude towards it. As a result, aesthetic and ethical assessments are combined, forming moral and aesthetic norms, as they are effectively mastered, one can judge the degree of formation of humane feelings and love for living beings.

    It is extremely important for the formation of the foundations of ecological consciousness to awaken in the child an interest in nature, in the life of plants and animals, in the phenomena of inanimate nature. It is necessary not only to show children what a wonderful world surrounds them, but also to clearly explain why they need to love and take care of nature.

    Constant communication of a child with nature gives a noticeable healing effect, relieves psychological tension, helps relieve stress and aggressiveness, and instills a friendly attitude towards all living things.

    Where to start this process? You need to start with yourself. Think about how adults themselves relate to nature - masters of nature or part of it? Are you able to be surprised and enjoy nature or are you indifferent? It is very important to constantly show children an interest in nature, its objects and phenomena, and a desire to learn about them; to prove by their behavior that the ability to be surprised and rejoice at green grass, a bright flower, a tree, a bird, the sun, wind, snow, etc. has not been lost. Under the influence of the emotions of an adult, expressing delight, joy, surprise, sympathy, grief, the child learns to relate to grass, a flower, a broken tree, a hungry animal.

    What methods of introducing a child to nature are most effective? First of all, constant, repeated observations of animals, plants, objects and inanimate natural phenomena in combination with search activities, reading children's books, using sayings, nursery rhymes, and musical activities,

    The process of introducing a small child to nature should be carried out in an interesting playful form, emotionally, evoking a joyful, cheerful mood, surprise from learning new things and from first successes. All this will help children more easily and better understand the properties, qualities, signs of natural objects, the simplest connections and relationships.

    In kindergarten and family, care should be taken to create a natural developmental environment: if possible, have a living corner with indoor plants and animals; use a garden, vegetable garden, flower garden at the dacha, near the house; pick up games on a natural history theme, books, toys. It is important to bring the child closer to the natural environment. Such regular communication with nature allows him to get more vivid impressions and ideas than the most interesting books, pictures, and stories.

    Introducing a child to the rich and diverse world of nature is necessary, first of all, through his senses, touching the child’s heart and soul. The child strives to reflect his vivid impressions of nature in drawings, applications, creative stories, poems, and riddles.

    Indoor plants are the closest to children. A child’s interest in plants most often manifests itself when adults draw his attention to them and observe them together with the baby. At first glance, the plants are motionless, static and lifeless. This is how a child sees them. Adults can show him the uniqueness of plant life, their beauty, for which they are kept in the house. Indoor plants are very diverse: they differ in the appearance of stems, leaves, flowers, their color, shape, size, quantity, etc. Each has its own beauty and uniqueness.

    In this case, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plants when caring for them. Frequent observation of plants allows a child to make the discovery that the general appearance of a plant (color, size of its leaves, flowers) are indicators of the “health” and condition of the plant. A plant is a living being. When a child learns to understand the state of plants, he will “sympathize” with them, help, and show care. The adult involves the child in joint watering and keeping the plants clean. This is already the first effective help"green friends" Children learn about the world around them directly, practically.

    Observation - difficult cognitive activity, it only begins at an early age and is carried out as joint activities adult and child.

    The main thing in observation is to create an emotional mood, a general joyful impression.

    So, acquaintance small child with the green kingdom at home forms the first emotional and ethical ideas about the life of “green friends”, promotes the development of observation and interest, and fosters a caring, humane attitude towards plants.

    Animals attract the child’s attention with their mobility, dynamism, sounds they make and other interesting manifestations (what and how they eat, how they move, where they live). Most children try to make contact with them. The varied life manifestations of animals allow the child to understand early on that these are living beings. Children like animals because of their variety of colors, sizes, shapes, and movements (a bright, beautiful butterfly attracts with its color, a bird with its flight and sounds). Meeting animals usually brings joy, excitement, and surprise to a child. Adults not only introduce children to animals, but also teach them to treat them with care and attention.

    It is necessary to remember that communication between children and animals should not be spontaneous or uncontrolled. A child who does not yet know how to properly communicate with an animal can cause harm to him and himself. Therefore, adults help children communicate with animals so that it is not dangerous for either the animal or the child.

    Most even older children do not notice or understand the emotional state of the animal; they do not have the correct ideas about its physical well-being. The foundations of a caring attitude towards animals in young children are laid by organizing systematic long-term contacts and communication with them. In this case, you should especially pay the child’s attention to the animal’s emotional state, its behavioral reactions, how it behaves, and what worries it. With such communication with animals, children develop empathy, compassion, and empathy for them.

    Gradually, during short live observations, the child will learn to notice the features of living objects, he will develop an interest and desire to communicate more often with animals and plants, and develop the ability to see and understand the state of another being. This is a subtle movement of the child’s soul, from this a sense of responsibility for all living things arises.

    A two-year-old child has a whole world - “the world outside the window.” He attracts and enchants the baby. From the window you can watch animals and their movements, for example a crow, magpie or pigeon. Together with the child, the adult reviews what they are doing. However, most of the changes in the natural world can be noticed, felt and experienced only outside the walls of a room, in direct contact with nature. Neither a picture nor a story can replace live communication with her. This is why it is so important to introduce your child to nature from a very early age. When going for a walk, parents and teachers should realize that for their children this is the beginning of a journey into a large, diverse world. It is important to see nature, to perceive it with all your soul, with all your senses, to notice the diversity of its forms, the beauty of colors, sounds, movements, smells. This forms the child’s first (initial) sensory experience, the basis for his intellectual development. Impressions from native nature received in childhood are remembered for life. The manifestations of nature at every time of the year are varied, beautiful and amazing. From a very early age, children can see and notice these features in nature and their changes. To enrich a child with vivid impressions of the diversity and beauty of natural phenomena, to teach them to peer, admire and admire nature, to show inquisitiveness and observation, to protect and care for the surrounding nature - this is the noble task of adults.

    From the first steps of a child, with every action, an adult is obliged to plant in his consciousness the understanding that the spiritual and physical life of a person is inextricably linked with nature.