When is the financier's day. Day of financial and economic service of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

For many years, the day of the formation of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation all financiers celebrated as their holiday. And 2017 also became an anniversary year - the 215th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

The financial system of Russia has undergone many changes throughout its long history, but the importance of the profession of a financier has remained unchanged - it requires high dedication. This is not only special knowledge and broad erudition, but also the ability to foresee, prove, defend, showing flexibility and high competence.

Currently in the financial department of the administration of Novoselitsky municipal district a friendly and close-knit team that successfully copes with the duties assigned to it. Since 2005, it has been headed by Tuchkova Galina Rasulovna.

Under the leadership of an energetic and purposeful chief, the work of the team is organized in accordance with modern requirements, technologies are used to speed up the processing of information, increase its reliability and reliability.

Head of Financial Department of ANMR - Tuchkova Galina Rasulovna

The role of the work of financial workers in ensuring the stability and development of the region and the region as a whole cannot be overestimated. After all, it is on them that the implementation of an effective financial policy, the quality of solving the vital tasks for the district of increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures, ensuring the filling and balance of budgets at all levels, and reforming the public sector depend.

Interacting with the regional center, the administration of the Novoselitsky district pursues a stable and responsible budget policy aimed at maintaining and developing revenue potential, increasing the efficiency of budget spending and providing municipal services, and ensuring long-term balance and sustainability of the district budget.

The result of this work was that Novoselitsky district has been holding the leading position for several years in a row in assessing the quality of budgetary process management carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory (2013 - 1st place, 2014 - 2nd place, 2015 - 3rd place, 2016 - 1st place).

The award is presented by Sergey Vladimirovich Romanov - Director of the Department of Budget Methodology of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

A real financier is distinguished not only by high professionalism and competence, but also by conscientiousness, decency, and a responsible approach to business. These qualities are inherent in financial management employees, which has accumulated a lot of evidence. It is gratifying to note that one of the most recent was the award in 2016 of 3rd place in an open competition of projects to provide a budget for citizens, conducted by the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Today, the region's financiers are faced with responsible tasks: the budget policy pursued in the country requires completely new and creative approaches. The program method of planning becomes the basis for the effective spending of municipal funds, strategic planning is being developed, aimed at increasing the level of socio-economic development of the region.

ANMR financial management team

On this festive day, I would like to wish all financiers success in solving all these important tasks, a competent approach to resolving any emerging problems, wisdom in making significant decisions for the benefit of the development of our region and region. And, of course, health, peace and prosperity in families, the fulfillment of everything planned! Warmest wishes and gratitude to all our dear veterans who are on a well-deserved rest. This is our common holiday with you: after all, there are no former financiers.

Financial Management Trade Union ANMR

Day of the financier - professional holiday in which everyone involved in economic activity takes part. Among them are officials of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, bankers, employees of commercial departments of enterprises of private and state ownership. The event is considered by teachers, students, graduate students, graduates of educational institutions, scientists in this field.

In Russia in 2020, the Day of the financier is celebrated on September 8 and takes place at the official level 10 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the establishment of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire by Alexander I on 09/08/1802.

On this day, thematic lectures, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, “Financial Literacy Days” are held. Every year, the Reputation of the Year award is presented in various categories, diplomas, certificates, orders. Business games are arranged in educational institutions.

history of the holiday

Financier's Day in Russia is one of the youngest holidays. The holiday is enshrined at the state level by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2011 No. 1101 “On the Day of the Financier”. The document was signed by D. Medvedev.

For a long time it was celebrated unofficially on the same day, September 8th. date has symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the publication in 1802 of the Supreme Manifesto by Emperor Alexander I. The document ordered the establishment of the Ministry of Finance.

Holiday traditions

The tradition involves festive feasts in the circle of colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, friends, loved ones. Congratulations, wishes of health and success in responsible work sound. Toasts are made, ending with the clink of glasses. Honors are transferred from offices to cafes and restaurants. The event is accompanied by a variety of activities. Public organizations, authorities, local self-government arrange thematic lectures.

Educational institutions hold “Financial Literacy Days” and business games. On their example, the basic mechanisms of pricing and competition are mastered. Government awards the best specialists diplomas, certificates of honor, orders, valuable gifts. TV and radio stations mention the event. Programs are broadcast on the economic sector, its successes and difficulties.

On the eve of the memorable date, seminars, scientific and practical conferences on the problems of the sector, improvement of the legislative framework in the field of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity are held. Events in honor of the Day of the financier in 2020 are accompanied by the "Reputation of the Year" award in various categories.

Task for the day

Remember what foreign currencies you had to use in your life. Have there been any difficulties with this?

  • Alexander the Great became the first ruler in the world whose face was minted on money. The rest of the rulers liked this idea, which subsequently spread throughout the world.
  • Many believe that electronic money appeared in the twentieth century, but this fact is a delusion. In 1918, the US Federal Bank made the world's first money transfer using the telegraph.
  • The first paper notes appeared several centuries BC. Such money was of great value, but they were used mainly for burning at the stake during funeral ceremonies.
  • Regardless of the issued bank, the cards have the same dimensions: length - 85.6 mm, width - 54 mm, thickness - 0.67-1mm. Most cards have a 16 digit number.
  • Bank cards have certain period storage, which in most cases is 3 years. This is due to the fact that due to frequent use, the magnetic stripe is erased.
  • After the advent of money, counterfeiters began to appear in the world. Counterfeiting money is considered a crime that carries responsibility before the law. In the Middle Ages, there were certain methods of punishment for counterfeiters. They were deprived of their right hand, thrown into cages with wild animals, burned at the stake, poured red-hot tin into their mouths.


“Best congratulations on the occasion of the professional holiday - Financier's Day! Let them accompany in the work: rich experience, high professionalism, responsible approach, decency, honesty, impartiality, accuracy. Energy, implementation of plans, stability, wealth, kindness, success, well-being, health for new projects. Sincere wishes for the accumulation of income, reasonable spending, harmonious working days.

“Happy holiday financier! May you be surrounded by: patience - to achieve financial peaks, wisdom - to make important decisions, first-class health - to overcome life's obstacles. I wish you well-being in life, stability at work, understanding with loved ones and achieving your plans!

“I congratulate you on the Day of the financier! I wish you to always be well versed in financial matters, never get confused in numbers and perceive your work as a pleasure! May you be lucky in life, and success and good mood never ceases to be present in your life! I wish you to enjoy every moment and believe in the best - then luck will be on your side!


Symbols of wealth. A tree, a desktop composition or a picture made of coins will be an excellent thematic gift for the Day of the financier.

Monopoly game. Board game Monopoly will serve original idea financial gift. This game will allow you to spend your free time in an interesting and fun way, to show the potential of a strategist and economist.

Stationery. A folder for documents, a leather-bound notebook, an ink pen, an organizer for writing materials will become practical and useful gifts that will come in handy in daily work.

Money box. A piggy bank for coins in an original design will serve as a thematic present and decorate the interior of your office or home.


Who is depicted on the banknote
The facilitator gives the contestants a task - to figure out whose image should be on the 100 dollar bill and why. After a little preparation, the contestants voice their ideas. The person with the most original story wins.

Start-up capital
Two teams with an equal number of participants take part in the competition. The task of the teams is to find a way to make money - to sell something or provide services to the guests of the holiday, for which you can get paid. Each team has the same amount of time at its disposal, after which the contestants calculate their capital. The team with the largest amount wins.

My first million
The host invites the guests of the competition to think and answer what they would like to spend their first million on. The one with the most creative idea wins.

About the profession

Experts in money management. Their tasks include the development of commercial projects, a feasibility study of investments, and risk assessment.

The most common and in demand profession in the banking sector. It is necessary to assess the solvency of the borrower, allocate resources, predict indicators. IN official duties The financier includes the management and control of commercial activities.

Career begins with education in higher or specialized secondary educational institution. It masters the basic disciplines, obtains the necessary knowledge and skills for further activities. Graduates can work in the structures of the Ministry of Finance, in private and public enterprises. Work in leadership positions is associated with great responsibility, but at the same time, work is highly paid.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus, on the first Sunday of January, the Day of Banking and Financial Workers is celebrated.

In Kazakhstan, November 12 celebrates the Day of the national currency - tenge, a professional holiday of workers financial system Republic of Kazakhstan.

In Kyrgyzstan, on the last Sunday of November, the Day of Financial and Economic Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic is celebrated.

  • June 30th is Economist's Day in Russia.
  • November 12 is the Day of employees of Sberbank of Russia.
  • December 2 is Bank Worker's Day.
  • November 21 is Accountant's Day.


    Congratulations on the Day of the financier!
    You are the best in your business.
    I sincerely wish happiness
    And let success await you in your work.

    Let the debit and credit converge,
    And let all the hardships go away.
    Good luck wait for you
    And let there be comfort in the house.

    Exquisite, beautiful and eloquent
    I want to congratulate you on the Day of the financier.
    And wish you good investment,
    Financial graceful compositions.
    So that all projects in life are embodied,
    And everyone admired your talent.

What date is the Day of the financier in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
8 September Wed8 September Thu8 september Fri

Today the country celebrates the Day of the financier. The holiday turns 215 years old. Needless to say, without the analytical talents of financiers, it is difficult for any organization, district, region, and the country as a whole to achieve prosperity.

The work of a financier is not easy. To be honest, there are few “analytical geniuses” among us, and “financial kings”, as a rule, are very modest figures, but their delicate and painstaking work is to count money well, draw a balance sheet, accumulate capital, and fairly distribute funds. Agree, this skill is not for everyone.

In Krasnoselye, the regional financial department was re-established on January 1, 1967, simultaneously with the formation of the Krasnoselsky district. Since 2006, the district financial department has been renamed the finance department of the district administration. On the eve of the half-century anniversary, we met with the head of the UV - Tatyana Dobrina.

— Tatyana Alexandrovna, you have long become a red-haired woman, everyone knows you, because you have been working and living here for more than 30 years. And yet, by tradition, I ask you to introduce yourself to our readers ...

- Probably, I can already be considered a red-haired woman, although I come from Kady. After graduating from the Yuryev-Polsky Financial College in 1984, she was assigned to the regional financial department of the Krasnoselsky District Administration. She started her work as a budget auditor, then she was a deputy chief accountant, from the 98th on replacement - the chief accountant of the regional financial department of the administration. After renaming the department - in the same capacity, and for half a year now I have been the head of the UV. Work experience in the financial sector - 33 years.

Three years after arriving here, she married a red-haired man, and had to settle in Krasnoselsky land. My husband and I have two children: a daughter and a son.

Tell us how you got into the profession?

- One might say, the dynasty brought me to this sphere: my grandfather (in the 60s of the last century) worked as a financier, and my mother also worked in the financial department of the Kady district. I liked solving arithmetic and logic puzzles Even at school, in the exact sciences there were high marks. And I always liked working with numbers, each line of them has its own story. Everything needs to be calculated, foreseen, thought over. This is probably why I became a financier, and I think that I was not mistaken in choosing a profession. Now the children are adults, both graduated from the Kostroma Technological University: the daughter is an accounting department, the son is an economics department. So our dynasty continues.

What is your department working on?

- Our main work is to draw up and implement the main document - the budget of the district. Right now, for example, we have begun work on designing the district budget for 2018. The work is difficult, painstaking, very responsible. Already in November, we are obliged to submit a draft budget to the administration. Twice during the year - hard work, at the beginning and at the end of the year: on budget planning and on the implementation of the consolidated budget. Each period of the year has its own tasks, since it is necessary to bring together the planned indicators and the execution of the budgets of eight rural settlements, one city and the district budget.

- Tell us about your mentors, the current team.

- My first mentor was the head of the budget inspection Tatyana Ivanovna Petrenko. When I worked as a deputy accountant, the chief accountant was Nadezhda Pavlovna Vinogradskaya, in 1998 I replaced her at the post. A wonderful woman, by the way, on August 10 she turned 85 years old, while her work experience is half a century, as long as our department exists. Among the mentors is Galina Gennadievna Zotova, who worked for 23 years as the head of the regional financial department.

In addition to me, there are eight specialists and a driver on the staff. All are highly skilled workers, responsible, with modern look for life, in control of the situation and able to handle electronic technology, since everything is now computerized. Most have solid professional experience. In ascending order: Elena Marova has been working as an accountant since June of this year, the deputy head of the budget department Tatyana Alekseeva and the driver Valery Lovygin have 4 years of experience. Valery Veniaminovich replaced Alexander Shilov as his predecessor with 19 years of experience. The expert of the department Varduhi Avagyan and the head of the accounting and reporting department Tatyana Smirnova worked for 8 and 9 years respectively. For 16 and 17 years, the deputy head of the accounting department, Olga Kuznetsova, and the head of the budget, my deputy, Olga Maletova. Marina Lomova, a consultant, has been working for 21 years and Lyudmila Malanyina, Chief Economist of the UF, has been working for 32 years. That's our whole friendly and close-knit team.

Who do you work closely with?

- First of all, with the federal treasury. Now that there have been changes in the power structures, we are directly subordinate to the head of the district administration. I am very glad that close contact has been established, and among the first persons of the district we have found mutual understanding and support. And, of course, many people come to us on various financial issues, since 47 state-owned institutions are recipients of the district's budget funds. We are approached about cost estimates, we bring these figures, and each institution distributes them in accordance with the classification of expenses. Mandatory guests are accountants and heads of administrations of rural settlements.

What would you wish your colleagues on their anniversary?

You know, it was very nice to receive greeting card from the regional department of finance, signed by its director Igor Zamuraev. There are many financiers in the area, both former and currently working. I congratulate my colleagues on their professional holiday and service anniversary. I wish you and your families good health, happiness, kindness, financial stability and prosperity. I convey the most nice words thanks to the employees who are now on a well-deserved rest, as well as to everyone who graduated from the Yuryev-Polsky Financial College, and who has an entry in the work book “Profession, specialty” - a financier.

Interviewed by Irina MELKOVA.

The editors join in the congratulations to all employees of the financial sector and wishnever get confused in numbers and perceive your work as a pleasure!

Day of the financier in Russia is annually celebrated on September 8th. On this day, all employees of the financial industry exchange gifts and congratulations with each other.

How did this holiday come about?

For the first time, the Day of the financier in Russia was celebrated back in 1802. It was on September 8, more than 200 years ago, that the first Ministry of Finance was formed by Alexander I. The official holiday became only in 2011 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Today in Russia there are several thousand first-class specialists focused on the intricacies of budget and tax legislation. With their help, budget regulations, control of structural costs and profits are carried out. This profession is one of the most important in the country, because the budget concerns every citizen. Therefore, it is very important to know what date is the Day of the financier in Russia.

How are they celebrated?

Every holiday in our country is celebrated loudly and cheerfully. September 8 was no exception. On this day, all specialists working with finance, namely bank and stock exchange employees, representatives of trade sectors and economists, arrange corporate parties. Holiday concerts, comic, thematic performances and competitions are also created for them. On this day, every financier feels responsible for his actions and feels the significance of his work for the whole country.

Officially, the Day of the financier in Russia is a working day, however, some enterprises can afford to take a day off or a shortened work shift. Each specialist is looking forward to September 8, because on this day he can receive gratitude for his work. In honor of the holiday, the most distinguished workers are awarded a prize and a valuable gift.

How to congratulate?

On September 8, congratulations on the Day of the financier of Russia are heard everywhere. It is best to say kind and sincere words to the hero of the occasion. For example, you can congratulate him like this:

  • "The most responsible work is in your hands - the financing of the country. You eliminate all mistakes and shortcomings, like the most vigilant and dexterous hunter. Thank you for your invaluable work. We wish that in your life there will always be only bright days, so that luck will always light the way" .
  • “Only a financier understands how dear the word “money” is to him. So let there always be a positive balance in your life: your wallet will always be full, your body will be strongly charged with health, and your family with well-being.”
  • "We wish you in yours to become a master in financial affairs, career success and, of course, patience and strength."

September 8 is the day of the financier in Russia. It is related to everyone whose work is related to money. However, there are also significant dates for representatives of a separate branch of this structure.

Day of the military financier

There is also a military financier in Russia. When did he appear? Officially, this date is considered to be October 22, 1918. On this day, the first Financial Department in the military sphere appeared in our country. This day is celebrated by workers who make up the financial structure of the army. Exists official holiday, which is annually celebrated on October 22 by presidential decree, it is called the Day of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is celebrated in the same way as any other holiday in the country, with themed concerts, feasts with colleagues and beautiful congratulations. However, every worker in this field is looking forward to the Day of the military financier in Russia, when he can receive a certificate of honor for his work, a bonus or a new military rank.

The benefits of a financier for the country

When it comes to the holiday dedicated to the Day financier, it is impossible not to emphasize how important each worker in this area is for the whole country. There are several areas in which such an employee can be engaged:

  • Banking is an indispensable part of human life. Lending, deposits, transfers - all this facilitates the existence of a person.
  • The scope of investment includes the issuance of securities and the stock market. It is a kind of intermediary between the bank and the corporation.
  • The sphere of insurance is the best protection of your life, property and transport.
  • The scope of factoring is deferred payment services.

The above are just a few of the most common areas of work for a financier. It is easy to guess that the work of a specialist in this area directly affects every person, because everyone receives a salary, uses credit cards, creates transfers, and so on. Do not forget about who helps to use convenient financial services.

Therefore, on September 8, it is imperative to congratulate every financier on their professional holiday, saying “thank you” to him for his huge contribution to the life of every person and country!

The rationality of investments and the wisdom of spending, as well as obtaining loans, paying off all kinds of debt obligations and many other pressing problems that any enterprise lives with, cannot be carried out without a competent financier. This is a specialist who manages the cash flow of various scales, acting within the law. The importance of the work of these people, who are in charge of the secrets of economic practices, is undeniable and obvious.


Despite the fact that the holiday was approved relatively recently and many consider it young, the day of the financier still has a deep history. The formation of the financial system in our country began at the beginning of the 19th century, when Emperor Alexander I signed a decree establishing the Ministry of Finance. One of the oldest state-level institutions in Russia, which is more than two hundred years old, has received the right to life.

For a very long time, specialists from various enterprises related to the management of financial affairs celebrated their professional holiday unofficially on September 8th. In 2011, the celebration of the Day of the financier was approved at the state level.

The well-known Russian financier of the past, Count Kankrin, headed the Russian Ministry of Finance for 21 years. He owns a phrase that clearly defines the importance of the profession of financiers at all times: "To protect finance means to protect the lifeblood of the existence of the state." As in past centuries, so in modern world, The Ministry of Finance plays a crucial role in shaping domestic and international economic ties.

The Russian financial system is now undergoing reconstruction, it can be said that it is being formed anew. Good finance professionals remain in demand and are well paid.


Day of the financier is celebrated by specialists of financial departments of all enterprises of the country. Traditionally, employees of financial authorities, specialists in financial relations of various enterprises, students who have chosen the profession of organizing budgetary relations at various levels celebrate their professional holiday cheerfully and noisily. Corporate parties are held in restaurants and cafes, at which work teams and management congratulate each other, thanks are announced to employees who have especially distinguished themselves for the current year. Valuable gifts and diplomas are also awarded.

Students of financiers organize thematic concerts, business games. Lectures and seminars are given for first-year students on the basic mechanisms of financial management, competition conditions, etc. Radio and television do not stand aside - TV and radio programs are presented about the country's leading financiers, and the features and difficulties of this profession are described.