How to get pregnant naturally. Diet changes

Many parents sometimes have a strong desire to give birth to twins. Such children will grow up together, will always entertain each other, and in the future, having a brother or sister will only be a plus. But just wanting to become pregnant with twins will not be enough. What needs to be done for this?

It is common knowledge that conceiving twins may not happen in every family. What factors contribute to such a miracle as the birth of twins?

  1. Presence of family predisposition. It has been proven that the ability to become pregnant with twins is of genetic origin and is transmitted hereditarily, therefore, if there are cases of twins or twins in the family, a woman has a good chance of continuing the family tradition.
  2. Hormonal features. For twins to be conceived, two eggs must be involved. Taking hormonal drugs may contribute to this factor. Quite often this happens when a woman stops taking hormonal contraceptives. In such a situation, several female mature cells simultaneously mature and leave the ovaries. If a woman has problems with ovulation, then she is prescribed follicle-stimulating hormonal agents, under the influence of which several cells can simultaneously mature and become ripe for fertilization.
  3. Age characteristics. Pregnancy with twins is most typical for women 30-40 years of age.
  4. Race. It is more common for women of the Negroid and Mongoloid races to become pregnant with twins naturally.

How likely is it to be pregnant with twins?

If a woman really wants to conceive twins, then she will significantly increase her chances if she turns to a specialist. Only an experienced gynecologist can eliminate unnecessary doubts and determine whether a woman is capable of becoming pregnant with twins. The main factor in multiple conception is the genetic tendency and the ability of the female cell to split in two, thereby maximizing the likelihood of conceiving twins. If there have been no cases of multiple births in the family, and you unbearably want to give birth to twins, then you should look for a partner who has a genetic tendency and is capable of fertilization.

Observations prove that after undergoing a course of infertility therapy, a woman’s chances of having multiple pregnancies are significantly increased, which is associated with the use of follicle-stimulating hormonal drugs, which stimulate the simultaneous maturation of several female cells.

Types of twins

There are several options for twins: monozygotic, dizygotic and polar. Monozygotic identical twins are called monozygotic. They develop from one female cell, fertilized by one sperm, but divided into two absolutely identical embryos. Medicine has not yet been able to determine the reasons for this division. Such babies are born with the same appearance and similar character.

Dizygotic twins are non-identical twins, the development of which occurred due to the fertilization of two eggs by two different sperm. Such twins are more common in gynecology than identical twins, because such conception can be achieved with the help of medications, IVF and other medical procedures.

Stimulation of conception of twins

Gynecologists say that in recent years, women have increasingly started having twins. The reason for this trend is the fact that modern girls, against the background of early sexual activity, begin to take hormonal contraceptives early. If a girl attempts to conceive immediately after stopping the drug, the likelihood of conceiving twins will be quite high.

During treatment for female infertility, ovarian stimulation also occurs. At this time, the ovaries increase their ability to produce female cells, so the likelihood of implantation of several embryos at the same time and the occurrence of multiple conceptions is quite high.

Science has long been studying the question of how twins are conceived. Several probable trends have been identified that predispose to the conception of twins.

Scientists were also able to trace the psychological aspect of twin pregnancy - you need to incredibly want to give birth to twins, and now it’s time to start a twin pregnancy calendar. Incredibly, there have been cases when a woman, in all respects incapable of conceiving twins, managed to become pregnant with twins, having really wanted it.

Effect of posture

I want twins - how to conceive. Gynecologists hear this question very often. It turns out that the sex and number of embryos can be affected by the position in which conception occurred. The most successful positions for twins are those that involve deep penetration. It is in these positions that it is easier for sperm to reach the cell. And then genetics will decide how many children you will become during this pregnancy. If a cell divides, there will be twins, and if 2 cells come out and are fertilized, then there will be twins.

Herbs to help

How to conceive twins naturally? Some people find herbal remedies help. One of these is sage, which is considered a natural remedy that promotes conception. Many women claim that this herb can work a miracle and give birth to a child, even in situations where doctors have diagnosed pathological infertility. The essence is in estrogen-like substances, which sage is rich in. But the hormone estrogen has a huge impact on the follicular development of the egg. It’s not for nothing that sage grass is also called a phytohormone.

The main thing is to take the herbal decoction according to a certain scheme, and when pregnancy occurs, its use must be stopped immediately. Otherwise, the decoction will lead to an increase in the concentration of progesterone hormone, which will provoke a stop in fetal development, i.e., will actually lead to a frozen pregnancy. Increasing the dosage can also have unpleasant consequences such as poisoning or an allergic reaction.

Nutritional nature

How can you conceive twins by changing your diet? Experts advise including foods that help stimulate follicular activity in your daily diet. This category includes:

By the way, a slight excess of body weight helps in solving the issue of how to get pregnant with twins. Moreover, this fact has already been scientifically proven. With a few extra pounds, a characteristic increase in the concentration of estrogen occurs, which contributes to the development of several eggs at the same time.

How to conceive twins of the same sex

In addition to the traditional question of how to conceive twins, many are also concerned about the gender of future babies. If a couple is trying to conceive twin boys, then the woman is recommended to somewhat masculinize her diet by adding dark chocolate and coffee, fish and meat, lentils and potatoes, peas and mushrooms, any sausages, dried fruits and any fruit. In addition, attempts at conception must be made with deep penetration, because Y-sperm, which conceive boys, is less vital and it is more difficult for them to get to the uterus. Deep penetration will significantly shorten the distance and help the “players” get to the target. Of course, these methods do not provide guarantees, but they still increase the chances of having twin boys.

If the question is slightly different - how to conceive twin girls, then the dietary criteria change significantly. You need to include aromatic herbs and honey, jam and spices in your diet, but you should avoid caffeine-containing products and salty foods. As for the position, shallow penetration, characteristic of the missionary position, is desirable.

There is another theory - the age of the blood. It is known that the blood in the male body is renewed every 4 years, and in the female - every 3. The calculation should begin from the moment when the woman last lost a lot of blood, for example, during surgery, abortion or childbirth. Whose blood is younger at the time of conception will be the gender of the child.

There is a belief that in order to successfully conceive twins, you need to go to a place where there is a high percentage of such children. Similar places exist in the Krasnodar region and in the Carpathians. It has not yet been possible to explain such a high percentage of twins in these regions. It is also believed that tall women are more likely to have twins than short women. The chance of twins increases with each new conception and birth, i.e. a first-time mother is unlikely to be able to become pregnant with twins, but with the second and subsequent pregnancies the chances increase significantly.

The female body is very complex, so it is almost impossible to calculate gender and multiple births in advance. Even following all the recommendations does not guarantee that you will be able to get pregnant with twins of the desired sex. But the power of thought and desire often works wonders, materializing a woman’s irresistible desire to become the mother of charming twins.

Twins are not only double troubles, they are double joy for parents and relatives! Of course, not everyone considers themselves such strong and experienced mothers who can easily cope with two babies in need of constant care at once. But if you have decided on a parenting feat, and really want to become the mother of adorable twins, this article can help you.

First, let's look at the biological processes of the birth of twins, which can be dizygotic and monozygotic. Dizygotic (fraternal) twins are born from two eggs fertilized in one cycle: some women have two or more eggs released from the fallopian tubes during ovulation, which means their chances of having a multiple pregnancy are much higher than others (about 8 times) . This phenomenon is called multiple ovulation.

In the case of monozygotic (identical) twins, the situation is different. Such twins appear when an egg that has already been fertilized, but has not yet begun to divide, splits into two autonomous and completely separate identical parts. Monozygotic twins have the same set of genes, so they can only be the same sex, have the same blood types and the same appearance. Identical twins occur with equal frequency in women of all age groups and different races.

The mechanism of bifurcation of a fertilized egg is not yet fully understood, and many factors influencing this phenomenon remain unclear.

In addition to identical and fraternal twins, conjoined twins are born. Siamese twins develop from one egg that has not fully divided. They may share body parts and organs. Some conjoined twins can be easily separated through surgery, but sometimes this is not possible. But unseparated Siamese twins can adapt to such coexistence and grow up full and healthy.

Recently, research has been carried out on the phenomenon of “polar” twins. Such twins appear from an egg that divides before fertilization. In this way, children are obtained who have identical sets of genes inherited from the mother and different sets of paternal genes.

Triplets can come from different numbers of eggs. Sometimes, during ovulation, three or four eggs are released at once, and then trizygotic twins are obtained. Or two eggs can be fertilized, one of which will split in two, resulting in a pair of identical twins and their dizygotic twin. Very rarely, triple division of a fertilized egg can occur, resulting in monozygotic triplets.

Factors of conception

Most living pairs of twins are dizygotic. The conditions for the conception of such twins have been sufficiently studied in modern science, in contrast to monozygotic pairs. A woman's ability to ovulate multiple times is determined by several factors. First of all, genetic - if in previous generations there were cases of the birth of dizygotic twins, most likely the woman is a carrier of the multiple ovulation gene and is likely to become the mother of twins or triplets.

This factor is also associated with racial characteristics: most often the appearance of fraternal twins occurs in representatives of the Negroid race, least often in the Mongoloid race.

Multiple ovulation is also associated with the age of the mother. Women over 35 give birth to twins twice as often as younger mothers. This is due to an age-related increase in the production of a hormone that affects the maturation of follicles.

Another factor in the likelihood of conceiving fraternal twins is drug treatment for infertility. This type of therapy uses drugs that stimulate ovulation. Thanks to treatment, not one egg is often released from the ovary, but two. About a third of dizygotic pregnancies are caused by such treatment.

Statistics have shown that mothers of fraternal twins are usually taller and larger than mothers with singleton pregnancies. Nature made sure that the mother was strong and physically developed enough to carry and give birth to a double load.

There are also factors that contribute to the emergence of a double life (see table).

Factors contributing to the appearance of twinsDescription
1. Time of year to conceive.According to recent studies, the length of daylight stimulates the secretion of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). During long daylight hours, conception of twins is most likely.
2. Nutrition.If the expectant mother does not receive enough nutrients, this reduces the chances of conceiving twins. During an economic crisis, people begin to eat worse and the incidence of twin births falls. It has been established that certain foods stimulate the production of a hormone that stimulates the double release of eggs. For example, in some regions of Africa, the reason for the high number of multiple pregnancies is the high consumption of yams - ground potatoes.
3. WednesdayScientists recognize that the concentration of harmful substances in food, water and air has a bad effect on the ovulation process and inhibits sperm production. However, studies of twin births in areas with polychlorinated hydrocarbon pollution indicate an estrogen-stimulating effect of such pollutants.

How to conceive twins?

If you decide to get pregnant with twins, you need to know that such a pregnancy can be difficult. The mother's heart works with a 4-fold load, increasing the risk of developing toxicosis, varicose veins, and large weight gain. In addition, during such a pregnancy, mommy needs three times more vitamins.

Before planning a pregnancy, especially a multiple pregnancy, be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination. If you have a history of heart disease, varicose veins or high blood pressure, it is better to give up trying to conceive twins or triplets (especially with IVF).

If you are in good health and really want to receive such a double gift, the following advice from gynecologists will help.

Let's evaluate the chances of getting pregnant with twins through natural fertilization. The chances of becoming pregnant with two children at once are approximately 1 in 90 - with natural fertilization. Of these, there is only a 1 in 270 chance that you will become pregnant with identical twins. If among your relatives there have been cases of twin births, then the chances increase approximately twofold. The following factors also increase your chances:

  • age after 35 years;
  • menstrual cycle 20-22 days;
  • you already have children;
  • you are a physically strong woman.

Video - How to conceive twins


If you want to undergo the IVF procedure, several fertilized embryos will be implanted into you at once. All or none of the embryos can take root. With IVF, the probability of having twins or triplets is 20-30%. However, if you are in poor health, it is better to refuse to transfer several embryos at once - this will make it more likely to bear a healthy baby.

Fertility drugs can artificially stimulate the release of multiple eggs at once. If you undergo such treatment, there is a high probability of soon becoming a mother of two or three children at once. However, the uterus may not be ready for such a load, so constant monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary both during therapy and during pregnancy.

Cancellation of hormonal contraceptives affects ovulation, very often after discontinuation there is increased fertility and multiple release of eggs. Therefore, a favorable period for conceiving twins is the first few cycles after stopping the OC.

A balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary substances is necessary for mothers who want to conceive twins. Such nutrition gives a signal to the body about favorable conditions for bearing and conceiving even several babies at the same time. The diet must include lean meat and poultry, fish, fruits, and dairy products. Eat more seafood. Make sure that your body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, choose the appropriate vitamin complex.

Take folic acid. Ideally, it is better to take one or two courses before conception for both you and the future dad.

Conception period

Have sex more often. Good sexual activity improves reproductive health and increases your chances of conceiving multiple babies at once.

If you are breastfeeding, your hormonal levels affect ovulation. During lactation, multiple releases of eggs are stimulated. Your baby is already over a year old, you are still breastfeeding and you really want to have twins - now is a great time to conceive. In addition, it is believed that the likelihood of multiple pregnancy in women who have already given birth is higher than in women who have not given birth.

When will the result be known?

You tried very hard and met all the conditions for conceiving twins, and now the long-awaited two stripes indicate the imminent addition of the family. When will you know if you will have one or two babies? During an ultrasound examination, already at 7-8 weeks you will learn about the number of embryos developing in the uterus. In addition, an experienced doctor can already determine a multiple pregnancy at the first examination by the size of the uterus, which does not correspond to the due date. Severe toxicosis in the early stages will also tell you about the future double joy.

Of course, it is impossible to give you one hundred percent confidence in conceiving twins, but following the above tips in combination with certain conditions and the right attitude will help significantly increase your chances, and perhaps soon you will become a happy mother of two lovely babies at once!

Video - How to get pregnant with twins or twins

How to conceive twins? All the recommendations collected in this article have helped more than one couple to have the desired twins. It should be clarified that twins are fraternal fetuses. To get such a surprise, you need to achieve fertilization of two female cells with different sperm. Each child will develop in a separate placenta, and children are born either completely different or with similarities. They can have the same or different gender.

Medicine has established that the predisposition to having two children is transmitted through the maternal line. Most often, twins delight women older than middle age (at 30-40 years old, the probability is 6%). Until the age of 30, a woman has only a 3% chance of seeing two fetuses on an ultrasound. The likelihood of conceiving twins is three times higher than the likelihood of having twins. With each new pregnancy, the chances increase: with the birth of a child, a woman, as a rule, gains weight, which contributes to the conception of twins. This only applies to slight excess body weight. Moms who breastfeed their babies are also more likely to have two the next time they become pregnant while lactating.

Since the female body is designed for one child, multiple pregnancies are considered an anomaly. Under normal conditions, one sex cell is required, so when two sex cells mature, the chance of conceiving twins increases. Such children may have different gender, appearance and blood type. If one egg was involved in the conception, which subsequently split in half, copying the genetic code, identical twins are obtained. The appearance of such children does not depend on the process of conception, because division occurs after, at the zygote stage. Surprisingly, medicine has studied this process of cell division, but could not explain the reason.

Amazing sources of fertility are being found all over the world. It is believed that the most favorable conditions for conceiving twins are in Africa and the Middle East. Although in other regions you can find miracle villages. So in the Ukrainian village of Kopan, 54 pairs of twins were born over half a century. The village assures that the reason for everything is a healing spring. The rumor about this source spread further beyond the borders of Ukraine, and today those wishing to have twins from all over the world come to him. Surprisingly, many couples who visited the village were able to get what they wanted. A magical place, nothing less.

There is a similar village in Russia. There have been rumors about the village of Denisovka for a long time. Here, for every 500 people there are 19 pairs of “magical” children. The village claims that it's all about the land. Locals willingly share the secret of how to conceive twins naturally - just by staying in Denisovka.

An interesting fact is that during times of natural disasters, wars and demographic decline, the number of twins born increased. This phenomenon cannot be explained, but there is a pattern. Perhaps this is a reaction of nature itself, which is trying to compensate for lost lives. For example, in Africa, where the number of people is regularly decreasing, there is the largest number of twins, and in Japan, where there are many people, such a phenomenon would be considered a real miracle. On average, only 1.5% of the total population of the planet has twins.

How to conceive twins naturally

To answer the question of how to conceive twins, first of all you should ask the older generation about twins from your ancestors and close relatives. This will help determine with what intensity to implement the task. It is also worth noting that multiple pregnancies increase the chances of having twins again.

If option c doesn’t appeal to you, you can always choose the natural path. For help, you need to contact a geneticist, who will draw up an individual predisposition map and give competent advice. To get more help, you should first ask your relatives about your family, find out what diseases tormented your ancestors and what diseases exist now.

The first recommendation is to take folic acid (vitamin B9). The drug is prescribed to all expectant mothers. To conceive healthy children, you should give up smoking and alcohol, review your diet, walk more and play sports. More dairy products are added to the menu, and in the months before conception, foods that stimulate the ovaries and help release more than one egg are also included.

These are the following products:

  • chicken eggs;
  • whole grain;
  • walnuts.

Doctors have not yet studied the reasons for egg division, but have compiled a number of recommendations for couples who ask how to conceive twins. Doctors have confirmed the connection between a woman’s diet and ovulation. The main assistant in this matter is protein. It helps enhance hormone production and activate the ovaries. The ideal product is animal liver due to its protein content. You should also pay attention to insulin-like growth factor (IFG), which strengthens embryos in early pregnancy.

How to conceive twins: calendar

The next factor is the season of the year. The intensity of the synthesis of female sex hormones largely depends on the time of year. It is better to try to conceive twins in a warm time, in a humid climate and in a good mood.

It is believed that summer is the best year for conceiving twins. During this period, the synthesis of female sex hormones increases, the body receives more useful substances and, in general, becomes healthier. If the issue of gender is not fundamental, you should consume more dairy and meat products. They are sources of protein, which helps in the process of hormone production. Seafood (rapana, mussels, shrimp) will also be useful.

Doctors investigated the issue of twins and compiled a probability table. The opportunity to produce two eggs occurs once every 200 menstrual cycles. By getting pregnant at the right time, you are more likely to get twins. It also indicates the likelihood of conceiving twins, because the egg divides at approximately the same frequency.

The table shows which days of the month you can get pregnant with girls, twins and boys.

You shouldn’t rely too much on the conception calendar, because not a single day will be 100% favorable. Doctors say that women with a short menstrual cycle of up to 21 days have a greater chance. You need to keep a log of your cycle for several months to check its regularity. The week before menstruation and menstruation itself are excluded. The ideal moment is the day before and during ovulation.

Traditional healers also give some advice on how to conceive twins. It is believed that the days when the Moon passes through the constellations Gemini and Pisces are the best. You should start trying before the full moon if you want a boy and a girl, and before the new moon if you want same-sex children.

How to conceive two girls

When conceiving twins, you can control the process even more deeply. Expectant parents can influence the gender of their children. There are a number of special recommendations for conceiving two girls. First of all, you should pay attention to the position when having sex. The most favorable position in this case is the missionary position, but it is better to avoid deep exposure.

You can ask your doctor for a special diet menu that will help you conceive two girls. You should avoid salty foods and those containing caffeine.

Among the useful products of such a diet are:

  • sugar;
  • fragrant herbs;
  • jam;
  • spices.

How to conceive two boys

Deep penetration is more suitable for conceiving boys. In this way, the distance to the uterus is reduced and Y-sperm can penetrate into it in greater numbers. And since their lifespan is shorter than that of X sperm, this helps them win the race. A woman's orgasm can also help Y-sperm, because it releases a substance that promotes the activity of Y-sperm. You need to have sex before ovulation. This will help make the short life of Y sperm more effective.

There is also a special diet for planning boys:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • sausages;
  • eggs (mostly white);
  • potato;
  • mushrooms;
  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • semolina porridge;
  • biscuit;
  • dark chocolate;
  • cookie;
  • coffee and tea;
  • mineral water;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits.

Excluded from the diet:

  • dairy products;
  • sauces;
  • bread;
  • shrimps;
  • crabs;
  • caviar;
  • raw cabbage;
  • beans;
  • green salad;
  • dill;
  • nuts;
  • waffles;
  • bakery;
  • cocoa.

Salty foods, canned food, and yeast products are suitable for conceiving boys. You can’t talk about the high probability of conceiving boys, but you can influence the situation.

Theory of youthful blood

One of the possibilities to determine the sex of the child is the theory of youthful blood. It is believed that the blood in the female body is renewed every three years, and in the male every four. By analyzing the state of the circulatory system, the sex of the unborn child can be determined. The countdown begins with the last heavy blood loss. Whoever has younger blood determines the sex of future children.

Mood for conceiving twins

The mood of the couple in the question of how to conceive twins is also important. You need to feel confident. Determination and self-hypnosis have more than once saved many hopeless patients who resisted despair. How much easier it is to aim for what you want in a state of excitement and joy. You need to tell yourself that there will definitely be those children who appear in your dreams. The human body is influenced by the nervous system.

Do not be upset if only one child appears on the ultrasound. Even this baby will be happy, because happiness is not measured by the number of children. It's enough just to become parents.

Artificial insemination

Medicine has its own ways of conceiving twins. The IVF artificial insemination method is the most favorable in this regard. In this way, several selected and prepared eggs can be fertilized at once and transplanted into a woman. With IVF, the likelihood of conceiving twins is quite high.

The method involves stimulating the ovaries so that several cells mature. Usually 4-6 cells are fertilized so that the chance of pregnancy is on average 25%. All embryos can take root, but usually 2 mature and the remaining cells die. Therefore, the probability of getting twins with IVF is either all or nothing.

Factors influencing multiple pregnancy

During a normal menstrual cycle, only one germ cell matures. But under the influence of certain factors, the abnormal appearance of several eggs occurs. This may be taking hormonal medications, stimulating ovulation with medications, hereditary predisposition, or duplication of the uterus.

When two eggs mature:

  1. Rebound effect. In medicine, there is such a thing as the rebound effect, which characterizes the appearance of an egg after stopping a course of hormones. During the period of taking such contraceptives, the ovaries do not perform all of their functions, since the cycle is maintained artificially. Typically, the ovaries take turns working during different menstrual cycles. After taking hormones, they begin to work simultaneously and produce two cells. This effect is used to conceive twins, but it cannot be controlled. The rebound effect is always spontaneous.
  2. Stimulation of ovulation. Provocation with medications leads to the fact that several follicles mature and 2-3 eggs appear during ovulation. All or only one of them can be fertilized.
  3. Hereditary predisposition. It happens that in the same family, but in different generations, twins are born. This predisposition is attributed to the female line and is most often diagnosed after a generation. An important factor is the absence of abortions, because forced termination of pregnancy can destroy the genetic makeup.
  4. Abnormal uterus. Two sex cells mature when the uterus doubles and completely divides.
  5. Age. At the age of 33-35, women are diagnosed with hormonal surges during which FSH synthesis increases. Several eggs are fertilized, but not all become embryos. Much will depend on the health of the expectant mother. With multiple ovulation, one fetus ripens or fertilization does not occur at all.
  6. Climate. Surprisingly, weather conditions also affect the maturation of multiple eggs. An important role is played by the length of the day, humidity, and radioactive background. In some parts of the planet, women's appendages begin to actively work, and several eggs appear. However, it is not enough to come to such an area for a few days, you need to live there (it takes 2 weeks for the cell to mature).

Twin pregnancy

The fact of maturation of two children can be confirmed as early as 2.5 months through ultrasound. Women bearing two or more children are always subject to special registration. They require careful examination and regular monitoring. The risk of losing children in this case increases due to increased body weight, increased toxicosis, double need for microelements, high load on the pregnant woman’s heart, as well as on the spine and legs.

Nature loves to present surprises, sometimes unexpected, but so pleasant, especially when it comes to the birth of a child. But how many young families want to become parents of not one, but two children at once. Therefore, more and more modern young people are wondering how to conceive twins (or twins) naturally.

How are twins different from twins?

Twins and twins are born every day on the planet, but many have not learned to distinguish in what cases who is called and what. It's actually quite simple. Medicine only uses the term “twins,” but always indicates whether they came from the same egg or from different ones. If one egg was fertilized, which then divided into two independent embryos, then these are twins. But if two eggs were fertilized by different sperm, then in this case we are talking about so-called twins.

One hundred percent similarity and the same gender are characteristic only of twins, but twins are only together in the womb, but they can have different genders and their appearance is also not entirely similar.

If the egg is divided into two embryos after fertilization, the placenta of the twins in this case is ‘common’

What factors contribute to conceiving two children at once?

Unfortunately, the chances of conceiving beautiful twins are not that great. It is important to know about this in order to set yourself up for “hard work.” In total, for every eighty births, there is one case of two children being born at the same time. The chance is tiny, but still there, so if you really want to, you can work hard.

  • if there were cases of the birth of twins or twins in the family, then the chances are simply wonderful;
  • incredibly, a mother of the Mongoloid or Negroid race has great success in giving birth to two babies;
  • hormones can affect many processes in a woman’s body, so taking them before conception can trigger the birth of two children;
  • second births occurring between 30 and 40 years of age give more chances than the first before thirty years of age;
  • curvaceous ladies are in a more advantageous position than model-looking mothers; in this matter, excess weight “leads.”

It is interesting that the season of the year also contributes to the conception of two children. Most often this happens in the spring, when the length of the day increases, which has a positive effect on a woman’s well-being and mood. Nature in spring also has a positive effect on female hormonal levels. Giving up bad habits increases your chances, as the body is cleansed and healed.

Accordingly, obstacles to the onset of a happy pregnancy, which will end with the birth of two babies, can be an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, depression and many other negative factors that worsen the general well-being of the mother and her mood.

Gender Determination Tables

Despite conflicting reviews, many parents, when planning twins, try to predict the sex of their children using special tables. There are many such tablets, but two are especially popular among expectant parents - the ancient Chinese and Japanese tables.

Ancient Chinese

This is the most popular table among expectant mothers who want to find out the gender of their unborn child.

This table allows parents to choose the time for conception depending on the gender of children they plan to conceive. According to legend, this table was found in China in one of the ancient tombs. Reviews about the veracity of the forecasts are very contradictory. More and more modern women take this as a joke. However, a considerable number of women claim that it was thanks to this table that they were able to conceive babies of a certain gender.


The Japanese table was created taking into account the months of birth of the parents and the time of conception of the child

Decoding data obtained from the first table

The number of crosses in the middle columns of the table determines the degree of probability of conceiving children of a certain gender (the more crosses, the higher the chance).

Some women dream of such a pregnancy in order to solve the issue of fertility raised in the family at one time. Get pregnant once, go through one birth, but get two beautiful babies at once. The birth of a child is a gift, so any pregnancy should be treated with gratitude.

A “double” gift from heaven is a rather rare occurrence and no one can guarantee success, but if they wish, young parents can take advantage of the advice and try to conceive twins. To do this, it is important to know the following:

  • A woman should monitor her menstrual cycle, determine the time of ovulation, and then independently calculate the ideal time for conception;
  • the position that a young couple will maintain during ovulation can also contribute to a positive solution to the issue;
  • calculate blood renewal cycles and determine the optimal timing of conception;
  • adhere to a strict diet, which favors the birth of not only two babies, but also affects their gender;
  • use of folk remedies.

Choosing a position for conception

The position that a married couple takes also affects conception, as well as the gender of the unborn baby. Whether this is true or not, whether it is suitable for a particular couple, only practice can help verify it. However, in this situation, even doctors are of the opinion that the result really depends on the posture. To have a better chance of getting pregnant with twins, you should adopt positions that allow deep penetration. It is in this case that it is easier for sperm to achieve the final goal and fertilize the egg.

If the fertilized egg begins to divide, then you can count on the appearance of twins; if two eggs are released at once at the time of ovulation, then there will be twins, although this option is extremely rare.

Features of nutrition during the period of planning twins

Nutrition plays a huge role in the life of any person. Also, properly organized nutrition can affect the conception of two babies, which even doctors do not deny. In addition, proper nutrition will never harm anyone in any case.

If there is a great desire to give birth to two charming twin girls, it is very important for the expectant mother to eat:

  • honey, jam;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • various spices, aromatic herbs;
  • sugar;
  • fish;
  • any baked goods without adding yeast and salt.

Examples of products for conceiving girls

In order to give birth to two healthy and strong “little men”, you should pay attention to the following products:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, waffles;
  • dairy products;
  • shrimp, crabs, fish roe;
  • cabbage, dill, lettuce, beans.

Products that promote the conception of boys

Also, for the appearance of boys, it is very important to eat more salty foods and those that contain yeast.

If young parents plan to have twins, no matter what gender, then sprouted wheat, nuts, honey and other bee products, eggs, soybeans, and dairy products are actively introduced into the diet. The fact that such products can have a positive effect on increasing the chance of having twins is confirmed not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine. This is taking birth control pills. This is explained by the fact that eggs are not released for a long period as a result of taking the pills. The ovaries have to remain inactive for a long time, but after stopping taking medications, the “rested” ovaries begin to produce eggs with renewed vigor, which also have increased activity. As a result, two eggs can be fertilized at the same time. Despite this simple and cheap method, you cannot take contraceptives on your own. Uncontrolled use can cause serious harm and cause a number of side effects.

Traditional medicine can also work wonders; following its advice, you can try to fulfill your dream of becoming parents of beautiful twins. Here are some of them:

  • consume large amounts of proteins, which affect the active production of eggs. Poultry, cheese, mussels, veal, milk, shrimp, rapana are products that contain many of these components.
  • Twins should only be conceived in the summer, when the expectant mother’s body is stronger and saturated with vitamins.
  • take infusions of medicinal herbs, but only after a full examination, so as not to harm the body and not cause at least an allergy.

For example, it is actively recommended to take sage, as it promotes the production of female hormones. Folic acid has a positive effect on the excellent functioning of the ovaries, so another portion of carrots and legumes will not hurt the expectant mother.

Conceiving twins is a difficult task that requires concentration of moral and physical strength, but if you really want to become parents of twins, you should use different methods to achieve your goal. In this situation, it is important to take into account that having two children at the same time is a big burden and responsibility; babies are often born weak. Children are not toys, therefore, having decided to conceive twins, parents must be mentally prepared for any stress and challenges.

To get pregnant with twins, the desire of the future parents is not enough. To make such a dream come true, you need to know how two fetuses can be born at the same time, and how to influence such fertilization. How to get pregnant with twins? It is necessary that pregnancy occurs from the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs by different sperm. In this case, each fetus must develop and form in a separate placenta.

Twins can be born with completely different appearances and different sexes. It often happens that children are exactly alike. Identical babies are similar and of the same sex. This happens when a woman becomes pregnant with twins and her fertilized egg divides into two separate embryos. Fraternal children are twins of opposite sexes who develop simultaneously in the uterus, although they can be conceived on different days. You can make sure that a woman is pregnant with twins already at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

Ways to conceive twins

The conception of a multiple pregnancy often occurs in a mother who already had twins or twins in her family. According to statistics, a woman under the age of 30 has only a 3% chance of becoming pregnant with twins, and after 40 years of age the chances increase to 6%. But these factors are not the main ones. There are proven ways to get pregnant with two children at once:

  1. If the expectant mother starts taking folic acid 3 months before the planned pregnancy, stops smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Eating dairy products and yams stimulates the ovaries to release more than one egg during ovulation.
  3. Eat more eggs, whole grains, walnuts and sweet potatoes.
  4. Self-hypnosis plays an important role. If you want to get pregnant with twins, constantly visualize yourself as the mother of two adorable twins.
  5. Find yourself a partner who has twins or twins in your family.

It has been noticed that in recent years, expectant mothers have become more likely to experience multiple pregnancies. Gynecologists and reproductive medicine specialists explain this by the fact that modern women take drugs containing large amounts of hormones for contraception. They lead the ovaries to active stimulation, automatically increasing the percentage of getting pregnant with twins immediately after stopping their use.

What contributes to the conception of twins or twins

People have been thinking about how to get pregnant with twins since ancient times, because twins have always evoked affection. Modern parents have many reasons for wanting the birth of twins, for example, many believe that it is better to give birth to a boy and a girl at once, so as not to think about this issue later. Some believe that there is an invisible connection between twins that helps them cope with life's difficulties together. And still others have problems conceiving, so they want to give birth to several babies at once, so as not to waste energy on a new birth.

What factors contribute to multiple pregnancy? There is a high probability of becoming pregnant with twins in the spring. With the renewal of nature, women also feel better, which has a positive effect on their hormonal levels. Even a couple of extra pounds increases the chances of getting pregnant with twins. Adhere to proper planning of your sex life: avoid sex during menstrual periods and the week before them. Sexual life should be activated during ovulation, when mature eggs are released into the fallopian tubes.

If a woman does not know how to get pregnant with twins, and neither folk remedies, nor the conception calendar, nor treatment helps for a long period of time, then you can try to find your happiness using a special table. It indicates favorable days in each month of 2016 when you can conceive twins or the desired gender of the baby. This approach will not give a 100% guarantee; stimulate the ovaries using various methods, stick to a special diet, and give up bad habits. Only a complex of all measures will achieve a positive result. So, in the photo there is a table that helps you get pregnant with twins:

Diet for women dreaming of twins

Through research, scientists have found that you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins or twins thanks to your diet. For example, protein activates the production of hormones, so eat protein:

  • fruits and fruit juices;
  • seafood, fish;
  • lean meat;
  • fermented milk products.

Make sure the foods you choose contain plenty of the nutrients you need to stay healthy. It doesn’t matter if the expectant mother who wants to get pregnant with twins gains a couple of extra pounds, the main thing is that the goal will be achieved. The body can gain a lot of calories and vitamins from frequent consumption of yogurt and nuts. These foods are convenient because they can be eaten anytime and anywhere. Frequent snacking is very important. If a woman eats a balanced diet three times a day, then for the desired pregnancy she needs to add 2-3 more snacks.

To get pregnant with twins, eat food often, but not in large portions, so that your stomach does not become full and there is no discomfort. Nutritionists advise drinking more water or other liquid. It is advisable to take vitamins with milkshakes, because they contain protein, calcium and healthy antioxidants. They will saturate the body with the required amount of vitamins, and the woman will gain the required amount of fiber by introducing grains and pasta into her diet. The expectant mother needs fiber so that the activation of hormones does not disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Traditional methods

Folk ways to get pregnant with twins are based on activating the couple’s vitality and normalizing the woman’s hormonal levels. Many herbal healers claim that specially collected herbal mixtures help in this matter. Drink them on strictly defined lunar days and always under the supervision of a specialist. The most effective herbs that I drink to get pregnant with twins: sea buckthorn, sage, knotweed, wheat grains, red brush.

  • Sea buckthorn berries. Rich in vitamin E, which stimulates ovarian function. Just 100 grams of berries per day will saturate the body with useful substances and boost immunity, which should be normal at the time of pregnancy.
  • Hog queen. Herbalists resort to it when a woman cannot become pregnant with twins for a long time, as this herb treats infertility, adhesions, obstructed tubes and an infantile uterus.
  • Sage. It facilitates the movement of sperm to the egg, and the red brush is used for gynecological problems: fibroids, mastopathy, thyroid disorders that prevent conception.

Two people take part in conception, which is why in folk medicine there are herbal infusions for men. They always contain a decoction of plantain, which stimulates sexual function. The tincture, which contains ginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus, has proven itself well, increasing potency in men. Vitamin E also improves male sexual function, large amounts of which are found in rose water, dandelion, raspberry leaves, and sea buckthorn.

Risks of multiple pregnancies

If a woman becomes pregnant with twins, doctors usually classify her as a high-risk group. The reason is that two fetuses will require increased nutrition from the mother’s body and the load on all her organs will increase significantly. There is a high chance that twins will weigh less at birth than one child, which means they did not receive enough oxygen or nutrients. This pathology increases infant mortality in the first months of life.

Pregnancy with twins for a woman’s body is fraught with early or late toxicosis, stretching of the uterus, the impossibility of natural childbirth or premature birth. There is also a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy, even before the 24th week. Often, if there are two or more fetuses, doctors insist that the mother in labor be constantly in the hospital under observation so that the babies do not develop malformations. If a woman becomes pregnant with twins, then a cesarean section is practically the only option for saving the twins.