How to make up for missed prayers over many years. Can I make up for missed prayers at any time? Male and female names starting with the letters T

Question: Please explain in detail when to make up for long-missed prayers? On your website, I read that you need to read each kaza prayer at the appropriate time: morning - before afternoon, afternoon - before noon, etc. But I heard that during Asr prayer you can only read the next one for that day. What time should I perform Asr prayers? I'm waiting for your clarification. Thank you.

In the name of the Gracious and Merciful Allah!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Missed obligatory prayers can be made up (as kaza-namaz) at any time of the day or night, with the exception of:

- sunrise,

- sunset,

- zenith,

– before sunset, when the sun turns pale.

Mr. Uqba ibn Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

ثلاث ساعات كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ينهانا أن نصلي فيهن، أو أن نقبر فيهن موتانا: «حين تطلع الشمس بازغة حتى ترتفع، وحين يقوم قائم الظهيرة حتى تميل الشمس، وحين تضيف الشمس للغروب حتى تغرب

“There are three periods of time during which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us to perform prayer and burial (performing funeral prayer): - when the sun rises, until it rises completely; – when the sun is at its zenith until it moves; – when the sun goes down, until it completely sets.” (Muslim Sahih – No. 831)

At any time other than the specified intervals, performing kaza-namaz is permitted. There is no need to associate kaza-namaz with the time of a specific prayer. That is, let’s say, making up for a missed Zuhr prayer does not necessarily have to be done exactly during Zuhr time. It is quite possible to make up for missed Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers during Zuhr time. The hadith quotes the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

من نسي صلاة فليصلها إذا ذكرها، لا كفارة لها إلا ذلك

“Whoever missed the prayer, let him perform it as he remembers. There is no other atonement for this." (Muslim. Sahih. – No. 684)

In this hadith, making up for missed prayers is not limited to any specific period of time. Therefore, if you miss Fajr prayer, you need to make up for it as soon as a person remembers it. If he remembers this during Dhuhr, then he must make up for it.

What you read on the website about making up for missed Zuhr prayers in Dhuhr time, and missed Asr prayers in Asr time, etc. is only a recommendation to make it easier to make up for prayers with a large, long-term number of absences, so that making up does not become an excessive burden . That is, this is by no means a mandatory rule.

Regarding your question about Asr prayer, it should be noted that after it it is quite possible to perform kaza prayers until the moment when the sun turns pale, preparing for sunset. When it turns pale and approaches sunset, kaza-namaz cannot be performed at this time, and only after sunset its performance will again become permissible. The only prayer that can be performed during the specified pre-sunset period of time is the current Asr prayer, if it has not yet been performed. Since the sun has not yet set at this time, formally the time for Asr prayer has not yet ended, and accordingly it must be performed so that it does not become a missed prayer. However, we note that such a delay in Asr prayer is condemned. (Marginani. Hidoya. – Volume 2, p. 41)

ولا صلاة جنازة » لما روينا » ولا سجدة تلاوة » لأنها في معنى الصلاة إلا عصر يومه عند الغروب لأن السبب هو الجزء القائم من الوقت لأنه لو تعلق بالكل لوجب الأداء بعده ولو تعلق بالجزء الماضي فالمؤدى في آخر الوقت قاض وإذا كان كذلك فقد أداها كما وجبت بخلاف غيرها من الصلوات لأنها وجبت كاملة فلا تتأدى بالنقص

And Allah knows best


Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed

Fatwa Center (Seattle, USA)

Fatwa Department of the Council of Ulama (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)


Question: I am 19 years old, I started praying when I was 18. How can I make up for the prayers I missed?

Answer: You need to try to determine when you reached puberty and count the number of missed prayers from that time to today. You will make kaza ( compensation - approx. A.M.) for missed prayers of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Witr. You will need to do qaza for missed prayers in the same way as if you were reciting them individually, but with the intention that you are doing qaza...

From the book “Modern Fatwas” by Suhail Tarmahamed (answers to questions 2009-2011).

I agree with most of what is written in this book. But when I read this fatwa, I simply could not help but react to this outrage. The answerer obliges the questioner to make up for the prayers he missed due to ignorance, laziness, or God knows what reason, at least four years in advance. Now imagine if instead of this young man, a 60-year-old elder who had started praying only yesterday had turned to him. What's it like, huh? Where did he get this from and, most importantly, where are the arguments for this from Sharia texts?

Now a little point by point about who the one who abandoned or never performed the fivefold prayer is:

1) " Commitment between us and them (infidels - approx. A.M.)- prayer. The one who left her fell into disbelief " This hadith was narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah. Let me note that if you read this hadith in Arabic, you will see that the word “unbelief” (“kufr”) is preceded by the definite article “al-”, i.e. "al-kufr". Scientists and specialists in the Arabic language are unanimous that if a definite article is placed in front of this word, it has the meaning of great disbelief, i.e. leaving Islam.

2) It is reported that Abdullah ibn Shakiq al-Aqili said: “ The companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not consider it disbelief to refuse anything other than prayer." This hadith was narrated by at-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim, who said that it meets the conditions of al-Bukhari and Muslim.

3) In the book "at-Tariq" there is a message from the words of Ibn Masud: " N He who gives up prayer has no religion"".

4) Ibn Hazm wrote: “ Umar ibn al-Khattab, Abdurrahman ibn Auf, Muaz ibn Jabal, Abu Huraira and other glorious Companions believed: “Whoever leaves at least one obligatory prayer, without having a reason, commits disbelief and becomes an apostate. And we do not know that there were disagreements between them on this issue" (At-Targhib wat-Tarhib, Al Munziri).

If this is how the companions spoke about a person who missed one prayer without a good reason, imagine what they would say about a person who, until a certain age, did not perform a single rakah? Without a doubt, during this period of time he was not a believer, for all hadiths, the words of righteous predecessors and early scientists indicate that no prayer - no faith. Praise be to Allah, Who guided this man on the right path, Who accepts repentance and erases sins. The man repented and submitted to Allah, but why should he make up for what he missed during the period of unbelief and vice? It is as impossible as returning yesterday to today. This is as impossible as returning from another world back to this world to correct mistakes. Therefore, this act (reading a prayer missed 5, 10, 20 years ago) will not bring any benefit.

Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

" Indeed, prayer is prescribed for believers at certain times. " (4:103).

In the hadith reported from the words Abu Salyab al-Hushanni Jursum bin Nashir, it is said: " Verily, Allah the Almighty has entrusted (on people the performance of) religious duties, so do not neglect them, and has established boundaries, so do not transgress them "(ad-Darakkutni).

Performing religious duties earlier or later than the time established for them is a violation of the boundaries of Allah. Therefore, both prayers performed earlier and those performed later than the established time will not be valid. There is no difference between one and the other. There are only two exceptions, specifically mentioned in the sunnah: " Whoever forgot about the prayer or slept through it, then the atonement for this will be performing this prayer as soon as he remembers it " (Muslim 1/477). Perhaps the person answering the question was guided by this hadith when speaking about compensation for missed prayers. However, this argument is not relevant in this case.Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

He who sleeps and forgets about prayer is not the one who missed it. And the fact that they perform prayer when they remember or wake up is not considered compensation, for this is the time for that prayer that they overslept or forgot("Majmu'ul-Fataawa" 23/335).

Therefore, imposing an obligation on a person to make up for missed prayers for a year, 5, 10, 20, 40 years is nothing more than a religious innovation (bidaah), which has no basis in Shariah. And a person who has missed prayer for 20 years, for example, will not be able to read 36,500 prayers, even if he devotes the rest of his life to it. This is just some kind of madness. He should simply repent to Allah for his carelessness and continue living in accordance with His regulations, performing 5 prayers daily.

However, the answerer of the question did not limit himself to five prayers, but added a sixth. Namely: prayer-witr, which is not at all obligatory (fard). This is an additional night prayer, consisting of an odd number of rakats, which is read at will. It is reported from Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari that one person turned to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with the question:"Tell me: if I commit five obligatory prayers, fasting during Ramadan and considering what is permitted as lawful and what is forbidden as forbidden, without adding anything to it, will I enter heaven?", - and he said: " Yes ". (Muslim). If Witr prayer were obligatory, then, of course, the prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)would not have answered that person that performing the five obligatory prayers daily is enough. But this and similar hadiths do not say a word about witra. Therefore, placing the sixth obligatory prayer on oneself and others is another independent bidaah.

And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

To read namaz, it is necessary to perform certain actions with the body. Everyone must perform prayer for themselves. Namaz performed in due time is called - Ada. A prayer reread for any reason (for example, it was performed incorrectly, or with any errors), even if performed at its own time, or after its time has expired, is called - Iade.

Completing those not read on time; “Farzov” and “Uajibov” are called “Perform kaza”. When performing daily five-fold prayers, as well as doing “kaza,” you must follow all the rules. One who has no debts for more than five prayers is called “ Possessor of order" Farz of Friday prayer must be read during Zuhr prayer. Anyone who misses the morning prayer, if one remembers this even during the khutbah, will have to immediately make a “kaza”. Until any prayer has been performed, the next five prayers cannot be performed. It is said in the hadith: “Whoever oversleeps during the prayer, or has forgotten about it, if he remembers about it during the prayer behind the imam, must finish the prayer behind the imam. Then read the missed prayer. Then let him re-read the prayer recited by the imam.”

Making up for missed obligatory prayers is farz. Replenishment of wajib is wajib. There is no need to complete the sunnah. The unanimous opinion of the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab is as follows: “The Sunnatas were ordered to be read only in due time. Sunnats that are not completed in time do not remain a debt hanging on the Muslim. Therefore, it was said that with the passage of time, the sunnat is not replenished. But the sunnah of prayer Ssubh is more like wajib. Therefore, it must be restored before the Zuhr prayer, along with the fard of the morning prayer. If the sunnah Ssubha was overdue until the time when the Zuhr prayer had already been read, then it is no longer necessary to restore it, like the rest of the overdue sunnahs. Having made up for the missed sunnah, you will no longer receive a reward for it, thawabs. Will be read as additional, - nafilya- namaz. In the book "İbni Âbidîn" in the section " Tergîb-üs-salât", (Targib-us-salat) on page 162, it says: “The Sunnat can be read while sitting, without having an Uzr. Not doing them at all is a sin. Farzas can also be read while sitting, but only if there is Uzr (good reason).”

It is a great sin not to perform fard prayer without any reason. Such prayers need to be completed. Farzes and wajibs can be left on Kaza only if there are two reasons. First, stand in the face of the enemy. Secondly, danger awaits the traveler (even if the intention is to be on the road for less than three days), in the form of a criminal, a wild animal, a mudflow, a storm, a storm. Anyone who finds himself in such a situation can perform namaz in any direction. He can read namaz by standing opposite the beast and making namaz with gestures. If this is not possible, then you can leave the prayer for Kaza. Leaving the prayer on Kaza for these two reasons, and leaving due to forgetfulness or sleep, is not a sin.

In the book “Ashbach” it is said: “ Those who are busy saving a drowning person, or who find themselves in another similar situation, and as a result miss the prayer, will read the prayer after" That is, when a valid reason for Uzr ends, you need to make up for missed prayers. You can delay performing fards, except at three times when you recite the Haram prayers to provide food for your children, with the intention of reciting them in your free time. Delaying it to an even later time will begin to lead to sin. Because our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam), and his Sahabah, are in battle " Khandak", despite being mortally tired and seriously injured, they made up for the missed prayers that Kaza had missed that same night. Our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said: “ Bringing two farz prayers closer to each other is a great sin." That is, not reading one prayer during one prayer and reading it during another prayer is the biggest sin. It is said in the hadith: “ Anyone who reads the prayer after the time has expired will be sent to Hell for 80 hukba by Allah Almighty." One hukba is equal to 80 years in the next world. One day in the other world is equal to 1000 years in our world. You need to think, if this is the punishment for one missed prayer, then what will be the punishment for someone who does not perform prayer at all.

Our Prophet said (sallallahu alayhi wassalam): “ Namaz, the support of religions. Performing prayer strengthens Islam. He who does not pray destroys Islam" Another hadith says: “On the Day of Judgment, first of all, a person will be asked for his faith. The second question will be whether the person performed namaz.” Allah Almighty said: “ Oh my slave! If you are saved after asking questions about prayer, you are saved. I'll make the rest easy for you" In verse 45 of Surah " Ankebut", it is said: ", and fulfill your prayer, because prayer protects you from filth and evil" Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said: “ Most of all, a person approaches his Lord during prayer».

Failure to perform prayer on time is of two types: 1 - For a good reason. 2 - Knowing that prayer is an order from above, do not perform it out of laziness.

A Muslim commits a great sin by leaving prayer without a valid reason and performing it after the time has run out. This is haram. This sin is not forgiven, even after reading the prayer at another time. After performing the Qaz of this prayer, the sin of failure to perform the prayer is forgiven. This sin cannot be forgiven unless you repent. If you repent after committing Kaza, you can hope for forgiveness. Having repented, you need to make up for missed prayers. Anyone who has the strength to make up for missed prayers will not do this and will commit a special sin. This sin will begin to increase every six minutes of free time (6 minutes is enough time to read one prayer). Because a Muslim must make up for missed prayers as soon as he has free time. Those who do not attach importance to making up for missed prayers will be rewarded with eternal fire. In the books "Umdet-ül-islam" And " Câmi’-ül fetâvâ“It is said: “If you refuse to commit fard on the battlefield, having the opportunity to do so, then this is like committing 700 major sins.” Postponing “Kaz” is an even greater sin than not performing prayer on time. As soon as you set your mind and perform “Kaza”, the sin for failure to do so is immediately forgiven.


In the book of Sayyid Abdulkadir Geylani “Futûh-ul gayb"(Futuh-ul ghaib) it is said: " The believer, first of all, must perform farz. After finishing the farz, he must read the sunnah. After this, he can read nafilya (additional) prayers. Reading the Sunnah while having farz debts is great stupidity" The hadith narrated from Ali bin Abu Talib (radiallahu anh) says: “He who reads nafil when he has debts for farz is trying in vain. Until he repays his farz debts, nafil prayers will not be accepted from him.”

A scholar of the Hanafi madhhab, Abdulhak Dehlavi, explaining this hadith cited by Abdulkadir Geylani, said: “This hadith says that sunnat and nafil prayers will not be accepted while there are debts on farz. We know that the sunnah is complemented by fards. The meaning of this is that if, while making a fard, a mistake was made, which could serve as a reason for not accepting the fard, then the sunnahs made then fill the place of these mistakes, thereby serving as the reason for accepting the fard. And whoever has debts due to farz, then performing the sunnah for him does not bring any benefit.”

Shariah judge of Jerusalem, Mohammed Siddiq Efendi, explaining the replenishment of fayt prayers, said: “ The great scholar Ibni Nujaim was asked, “If a person has debts for prayers, and during the morning, lunch, pre-evening, evening and night prayers, the sunnah of these prayers is read with the intention of making up for missed farzas, will it not turn out that he rejected these sunnah. He replied that the Sunnat will not be rejected by this. Because performing the sunnah of five prayers is performing one more prayer, in addition to fard. The desire of the shaitan is that prayers should not be performed at all. We, by performing one more prayer in addition to farz, thereby humiliate the shaitan. By performing “Qaza” of fard during the sunnah, the sunnah is thereby also completed. Anyone who has “Qaza” during any prayer, other prayers except farz, must make up for the missed prayer in order to get rid of the debt of unread farz. This is how the Sunnahs are also accomplished. Because many people read the Sunnah instead of reading “Kaza”. These will go to Hell. Well, those who read fards instead of sunnah will be saved from Hell».


You need to make up for missed prayers as quickly as possible, and thereby protect yourself from inevitable heavy punishment. For this, the Sunnah must be read with the intention of making up for the fard prayer. Those who did not perform namaz out of laziness, those who have missed prayers for several years, when they begin to constantly perform namaz, read the sunnah with the intention of making up for the first missed farz namaz. In all four madhhabs, the sunnah is allowed to be read with the intention of making up for the missed fard. According to the Hanafi madhhab, leaving prayers at “Kaza” without good reason is a great sin (Akbar-i Kabair). And this sin grows and grows, exponentially, with every free minute when a person could perform namaz. Because the missed prayer must be performed as soon as you have a free minute.

To get rid of the incalculable torment, you need to read the first sunnah of the Zuhr prayer with the intention of making up for the first missed Zuhr prayer. Read two rak'ahs of the sunnah after the midday fard with the intention of making up for the first missed “Subh” prayer. Read four rak'ahs of the Sunnah "Asr" with the intention of making up for the first missed "Asr". Sunnah of the Maghrib, with the intention of making up for the missed Maghrib. During the first sunnah "Ishaa", read the missing "Ishaa". The second sunnah, read with the intention of making up for the missed “witr” prayer. Thus, missed prayers for one day are compensated. No matter how many years prayer has been performed, so many years must be compensated. Reimbursement also needs to be brought closer by reading missed prayers in your free time. We said above that, for imperfect prayers, sin increases exponentially.

To read namaz, it is necessary to perform certain actions with the body. Everyone must perform prayer for themselves. Namaz performed in due time is called - Ada. A prayer reread for any reason (for example, it was performed incorrectly, or with any errors), even if performed at its own time, or after its time has expired, is called - Iade.

Completing those not read on time; “Farzov” and “Uajibov” are called “Perform kaza”. When performing daily five-fold prayers, as well as performing “kaza,” you must follow all the rules. One who has no debts for more than five prayers is called "Owner of Order". Farz of Friday prayer must be read during Zuhr prayer. Anyone who misses the morning prayer, if one remembers this even during the khutbah, will have to immediately make a “kaza”. Until any prayer has been performed, the next five prayers cannot be performed. It is said in the hadith: “Whoever overslept during the prayer, or forgot about it, if he remembers it during the prayer behind the imam, must finish the prayer behind the imam. Then read the missed prayer. Then let him read the prayer recited by the imam again." .

Making up for missed obligatory prayers is farz. Replenishment of wajib is wajib. There is no need to complete the sunnah. The unanimous opinion of the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab is as follows: “The Sunnatas were ordered to be read only in due time. Sunnats that are not completed in time do not remain a debt hanging on the Muslim. Therefore, it was said that with the passage of time, the sunnat is not replenished. But the sunnah of prayer Ssubh is more like wajib. Therefore, it must be restored before the Zuhr prayer, along with the fard of the morning prayer. If the sunnah Ssubha was overdue until the time when the Zuhr prayer had already been read, then it is no longer necessary to restore it, like the rest of the overdue sunnahs. Having made up for the missed sunnah, you will no longer receive a reward for it, thawabs. Will be read as additional, - nafilya- namaz. In the book " İbni Âbidîn" in the section " Tergîb-üs-salât", (Targib-us-salat) on page 162, it says: ""The Sunnat can be read while sitting, without having an Uzr. Not doing them at all is a sin. Farzas can also be read while sitting, but only if there is Uzr (good reason)."

It is a great sin not to perform fard prayer without any reason. Such prayers need to be completed. Farzes and wajibs can be left on Kaza only if there are two reasons. First, stand in the face of the enemy. Second, danger awaits the traveler (even if the intention is to be on the road for less than three days), in the form of a robber, a wild animal, a mudflow, a storm, a storm. Anyone who finds himself in such a situation can perform namaz in any direction. He can read namaz by standing opposite the beast and making namaz with gestures. If this is not possible, then you can leave the prayer for Kaza. Leaving the prayer on Kaza for these two reasons, and leaving it due to forgetfulness or sleep, is not a sin.

In the book “Ashbakh”, it is said: “Whoever is busy saving a drowning person, or who finds himself in another similar situation, and as a result misses prayer, will read the prayer after.” That is, when a valid reason for Uzr ends, you need to make up for missed prayers. You can delay the performance of farz, except for three times: when to recite the Haram prayers; to provide food for their children; with the intention of reading in my spare time. Delaying it to an even later time will begin to lead to sin. Because our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) and his Sahabah, in battle " Khandak“, despite being mortally tired and seriously injured, they made up for the missed prayers that same night. Our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said: “ Bringing two farz prayers closer to each other is a great sin." That is, not reading one prayer during one prayer and reading it during another prayer is the biggest sin. It is said in the hadith: “ Anyone who reads the prayer after the time has expired will be sent to Hell for 80 hukba by Allah Almighty." One hukba is equal to 80 years in the next world. One day in the other world is equal to 1000 years in our world. You need to think, if this is the punishment for one missed prayer, then what will be the punishment for someone who does not perform prayer at all.

Our Prophet said (sallallahu alayhi wassalam): “Namaz, the support of religions. Performing prayer strengthens Islam. He who does not pray destroys Islam." . Another Hadith Sharif says: “On the Day of Judgment, first of all, a person will be asked for his faith. The second question will be whether the person performed namaz." . Allah Almighty said: “Oh, my slave! If you are saved after asking questions about prayer, you are saved. I'll make the rest easy for you.". In verse 45 of the sura "Ankebut", it is said: « , and fulfill your prayer, because prayer protects you from filth and evil.”. Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said: “The closest a person comes to his Lord is during prayer.” .

Failure to perform prayer on time is of two types: 1 - For a good reason. 2 - Knowing that prayer is an order from above, do not perform it out of laziness.

A Muslim commits a great sin by leaving prayer without a valid reason and performing it after the end of time. This is haram. This sin is not forgiven, even after reading the prayer at another time. After performing the Qaz of this prayer, the sin of failure to perform the prayer is forgiven. This sin cannot be forgiven unless you repent. If you repent after committing Kaza, you can hope for forgiveness. Having repented, you need to make up for missed prayers. Anyone who has the strength to make up for missed prayers will not do this and will commit a special sin. This sin will begin to increase every six minutes of free time (6 minutes is enough time to read one prayer). Because a Muslim must make up for missed prayers as soon as he has free time. Those who do not attach importance to making up for missed prayers will be rewarded with eternal fire. In books « Umdet-ül-islam» And « Câmi’-ül fetâvâ» It is said: “If you refuse to commit fard on the battlefield, having the opportunity to do so, then this is like committing 700 major sins.” Postponing “Kaz” is an even greater sin than not performing prayer on time. As soon as you set your mind and perform “Kaza”, the sin of failure to perform prayer is immediately forgiven.


In the book of Sayyid Abdulkadir Geylani « Futûh-ul gayb» (Futuh-ul ghaib) it is said: “ The believer, first of all, must perform farz. After finishing the farz, he must read the sunnah. After this, he can read nafilya (additional) prayers. Reading the Sunnah while having farz debts is great stupidity" The hadith narrated from Ali bin Abu Talib (radiallahu anh) says: “He who reads nafil when he has debts for farz is trying in vain. Until he repays his farz debts, nafil prayers will not be accepted from him.”

The scholar of the Hanafi madhhab Abdulhak Dehlavi, explaining this hadith cited by Abdulkadir Geylani, said: “This hadith says that sunnat and nafil prayers will not be accepted while there are debts on farz. We know that the sunnah is complemented by fards. The meaning of this is that if, while making a fard, a mistake was made, which could serve as a reason for not accepting the fard, then the sunnahs made then fill the place of these mistakes, thereby serving as the reason for accepting the fard. And performing the sunnah for someone who has debts due to farz does not bring any benefit."

The Shariah judge of Jerusalem, Muhammad Siddiq Efendi, explaining about the replenishment of the “Faiyta” prayers, said: ""The great scientist Ibni Nujaim was asked, - If a person has debts for prayers, and during the morning, lunch, pre-evening, evening and night prayers, he reads the sunnah of these prayers with the intention of making up for missed farzas, then will it not work out like this, that he rejected these sunnahs. He replied that the Sunnat will not be rejected by this. Because performing the sunnah of five prayers is performing one more prayer, in addition to fard. The desire of the shaitan is that prayers should not be performed at all. We, by performing one more prayer in addition to farz, thereby humiliate the shaitan. By performing “Qaza” of fard during the sunnah, the sunnah is thereby also completed. Anyone who has “Qaza” during any prayer, other prayers except farz, must make up for the missed prayer in order to get rid of the debt of unread farz. This is how the Sunnahs are also accomplished. Because many people read the Sunnah instead of reading “Kaza”. These will go to Hell. Well, those who read fards instead of the sunnah will be saved from Hell.".


It is necessary to make up for missed prayers as quickly as possible and thereby avoid inevitable heavy punishment. For this, the Sunnah must be read with the intention of making up for the fard prayer. Those who did not perform namaz out of laziness, those who have missed prayers for several years, when they begin to constantly perform namaz, read the sunnah with the intention of making up for the first missed farz namaz. In all four madhhabs, the sunnah is allowed to be read with the intention of making up for the missed fard. According to the Hanafi madhhab, leaving prayers at “Kaza” without good reason is a great sin (Akbar-i Kabair). And this sin grows and grows, exponentially, with every free minute when a person could perform namaz. Because the missed prayer must be performed as soon as you have a free minute.

To get rid of innumerable torments, you need to read the first sunnah of the Zuhr prayer with the intention of making up for the first missed Zuhr prayer. Read two rak'ahs of the sunnah after the midday fard with the intention of making up for the first missed "Subh" prayer. Read four rak'ahs of the sunnah "Asr" with the intention of making up for the first missed "Asr". Sunnah of the Maghrib, with the intention of making up for the missed Maghrib. During the first sunnah "Ishaa", read the missing "Ishaa". The second sunnah, read with the intention of making up for the missed “witr” prayer. Thus, missed prayers for one day are compensated. No matter how many years prayer has been performed, so many years must be compensated. Reimbursement also needs to be brought closer by reading missed prayers in your free time. We said above that, for imperfect prayers, sin increases exponentially.

Have you ever wondered how you will return and make up for all the missed fards? Have you thought about what consequences might be expected for this on the Day of Judgment?

In the Quran, Allah Almighty said: “Verily, prayer is prescribed for believers at a certain time.”

All obligatory prayers, as prescribed by Allah Almighty, must be performed within a certain period of time. If for any reason the namaz is not performed at its prescribed time, it must be performed as soon as possible, observing the rules for performing kaza-namaz. Completing prayers not completed on time is obligatory, as are the five-time prayers themselves.

There is no sin in the fact that a person missed prayer with a good reason, such as oversleeping or forgetting due to emergency circumstances. But there is a need to make up for missed prayers, regardless of whether it was missed for a valid reason or not.

Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever forgets the obligatory prayer, let him perform it when he remembers. There is no atonement for sin except this.”

Regarding making up for missed fard prayers or fasting, there are certain rules that apply to both. For example, kaza morning prayer cannot be performed during sunrise. Namaz can be performed 15-20 minutes after full sunrise.

It is also prohibited to perform kaza prayers at a time when any prayers are prohibited (sunset, zenith). Kaza-namaz can be performed at any time, regardless of when a certain prayer should have been performed, for example, if due to forgetfulness or other circumstances you missed the period of morning prayer, then you should not wait until the morning of the next day, you should perform it immediately after noon .

The same details apply to all other obligatory prayers. Only missed fard prayers can be made up. First, the missed prayer is performed, then the one that is due on time. It is advisable to perform replenishment prayers before morning, before or after midday, before afternoon, after evening and before or after night prayers.

If a person performed namaz, but then it turned out that his time had expired, then in this case there is no need to perform kaza-namaz.

Performing kaza namaz means striving for the mercy of Allah, while neglecting them only harms the Muslim:

What brought you to the Underworld? What brought you to the Underworld?" (74:42-43).

Allah said, “These are the ones who are patient and trust only in their Lord.”

Regarding performing prayer on time, once the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked what the best act of a Muslim is. He replied: “Obligatory prayers, performed perfectly and at the time specified for each of them.”