How to strengthen and grow eyelashes at home: cosmetics and folk remedies. Strengthening and growth of eyelashes

As you know, when a woman looks at her, men are attracted to her eyes. The beauty of the eyes largely depends on the presence of long and thick eyelashes. Every woman dreams of her eyelashes being strong, thick and long. However, nature does not reward every woman with such eyelashes, and therefore women go to various lengths to make them look like that. Of course, the use of lengthening and voluminous mascara, eyelash extensions, perm and many other methods give a noticeable effect, but all this is temporary, and the condition of the eyelashes does not improve after such procedures. In addition, those with naturally thick and long eyelashes can easily lose this beauty if they ignore regular eyelash care.

Every woman carefully takes care of her appearance, while devoting a lot of time to skin care. But most of us forget about eyelash care, while low-quality cosmetics, stress, and poor nutrition negatively affect the appearance and condition of our eyelashes. Eyelashes may begin to fall out. Regular, and most importantly, proper care of eyelashes helps to strengthen them, as well as improve their appearance. To care for eyelashes, you can use products from high-quality cosmetic lines, or you can make them yourself at home using traditional medicine recipes.

Proper eyelash care.
It is necessary to remember that the procedure for removing makeup from the eyes should be mandatory, like brushing your teeth. To remove eye makeup, you need to use special cosmetics, which are best purchased at cosmetic stores. Under no circumstances should soap be used for this purpose, as it dries the skin. To remove waterproof mascara, there is a special two-phase product that contains lotion and oil. Before use, this product must be shaken well, then moisten a cotton pad with it and apply it to the eyelid and hold for a minute. After which the makeup is removed, only this must be done carefully, without stretching the skin. In addition, women must take vitamins and use a special medicated eyelash gel.

The choice of mascara is equally important. It is best if it contains vitamins and nutrients that will help strengthen and grow eyelashes. Using inexpensive mascara that is of unknown quality is not worth it, it can only harm your eyelashes. It is very important to know that applying mascara to your eyelashes should not reach their roots, as this can negatively affect your vision. As a rule, coloring occurs only on the upper eyelashes. You should also not use mascara that contains hydrogen peroxide, as it will discolor your eyelashes.

Products for eyelash growth and strengthening.
Of course, today every cosmetic line offers ready-made products for strengthening and growing eyelashes. They contain all the necessary vitamins, oils, minerals, and the packaging is suitable. This includes balms, gels, mascara bases and many other products. But, you see, it is much better to use natural ingredients, which will give no less effect, and will also save money. The following natural and vegetable oils are perfect for nourishing, strengthening and improving the appearance of eyelashes: fish oil, coconut and olive oil, peach, almond, burdock, rosehip oil, castor oil, oil extracts of chamomile and calendula, vitamins A and E in oil solutions.

For better eyelash growth, you can use various natural oils, both individually and in combination with others, essential oils, as well as formulations with vitamins. It is very good to use castor or burdock oil, which are champions for stimulating eyelash growth. Olive and almond oil also improve the growth of eyelashes, in addition, they strengthen and improve their structure. The oils listed above must be used daily at night and left until the morning if there is a problem with fragility and loss of eyelashes. To do this, you need to take a cosmetic brush or a clean and dry brush from an empty bottle of mascara, apply a small amount of any oil to it and carefully distribute it along the entire length of the eyelashes. You should not apply too much oil as it may get into your eyes and cause an oily film that is not easy to get rid of. To prevent eyelash loss, it is recommended to use peach or castor oil three times a week, applying it to the eyelashes and leaving for one hour.

At home, you can prepare a mixture for eyelash care from oils such as grape seed oil, almond oil, castor oil with the addition of wheat germ oil, rose oil and flaxseed oil, taking them in equal proportions. If it is not possible to use all of the oils listed, you can mix 2-3 types. If you add essential oil, then you need to add a few drops. The oil mixture is applied to the eyelashes for 10-15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

In addition, various nutritional mixtures can be made from oils and vitamins, which also help strengthen hair and improve its appearance. For example, a mixture consisting of any of natural oils (3-4 drops) and solutions of vitamins A and E (1 drop). These vitamins can be found at any pharmacy. This mixture must be stored in a transparent bottle, previously washed and dried, since the mixture may deteriorate, and in such a bottle it is better to notice. Apply to eyelashes also with a brush from roots to tips.

To make your eyelashes grow better and be strong, you can use this recipe: mix castor oil and rum in equal parts, and carefully apply it to your eyelashes so that the mixture does not get into your eyes. And to make the eyelashes darker, you can use the same castor oil only in a mixture (1:1) with carrot juice or strong black tea (infusion).

Did you know that using rose oil helps relieve eyelid skin irritation, as well as slow down the aging process? Therefore, it is very good to use it not only on eyelashes, but also on the entire eye area. If you use rose oil daily, the effect will be noticeable within 3-4 weeks.

It is known that eyelashes have the same structure as the hair on the head. Therefore, all strengthening, nourishing hair masks can also be used to care for eyelashes. The exception is the so-called heavy masks, which contain honey, boiled potatoes, and yeast.

Massage oil is an effective remedy that strengthens not only eyelashes, but also the skin of the eyelids. You can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, you need to mix vegetable oil with aloe juice and add finely chopped parsley. Mix the resulting mixture and carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes, apply with massage movements to the eyelashes and eyelids. For the same purpose, you can use another recipe: mix 1 tsp. castor oil, oil extracts of chamomile and calendula. This mixture is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic agent that improves cellular metabolism and strengthens hair follicles.

You can hide the effects of stress with the help of cold compresses made from herbal decoctions, such as chamomile, sage, cornflower and green tea. A cotton pad is moistened with the resulting decoction and applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Such compresses have a relaxing and soothing effect on the eyes.

Sea buckthorn oil nourishes very well, softens eyelashes, and also gives them a fluffy appearance. It can be used in combination with other oils in equal proportions, or as an independent product.

Here is another traditional medicine recipe for hair loss: 1 tbsp. l. Mix finely chopped rose hips with 2-3 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn and burdock oil. Place the resulting mixture in a dark place and store for 10 days. Then the mixture must be filtered and used daily, applying to the eyelashes.

By using at least one product to strengthen and grow eyelashes, you will see results within 3-4 weeks. It all depends on the condition of your eyelashes. Eyelashes can recover within a month or in one week. The main thing is to take care of your eyelashes as carefully and regularly as you do your facial skin, and then you won’t have problems with loss and fragility.

Not everyone is blessed with lush, strong and long eyelashes by nature. To improve their quality, you can carry out regular cosmetic procedures in salons, but doing them at home will be much cheaper.

Basic rules for eyelash care

Most often, the hairs on the upper eyelid are emphasized using decorative cosmetics. Regular use of it leads to the destruction of the structure of the eyelashes, they become thin and brittle. Therefore, you must adhere to the following rules for caring for them:

  1. Cosmetics with a pungent odor should be avoided. The components that cause this “aroma” can be toxic and lead to an allergic reaction. For natural and healthy products, the smell should be barely noticeable.
  2. Before using cosmetics, you need to do an allergy test on the crook of your elbow or hand. After some time, a possible unpleasant reaction may manifest itself, and then the product should be washed off immediately.
  3. It is very important to remove makeup before going to bed. Decorative cosmetics dry out the skin and contribute to its premature aging, and mascara left on the eyelashes leads to their loss.
  4. To remove makeup from the eyes, it is prohibited to use soap. It also dries out the eyelid skin and can cause irritation. Preference should be given to milk or makeup remover gel. Use a cotton pad to remove makeup from the eyes using gentle movements towards the cheekbones, and then rinse off the remaining product with warm water.

Many women, having barely noticed problems with eyelashes, rather try to increase them. Such a rash act can only aggravate the situation. The special composition and pressure of artificial fibers will only worsen the condition of natural hairs. Therefore, it would be more correct to first restore their health, and then go for various salon procedures.

A few secrets of daily care

In addition to the basic rules for eyelash care, there are several additional ones. With their help, you will be able to maintain healthy hair appearance every day.

  1. After removing makeup, you can apply glycerin to your eyelashes daily. To create a night mask, mix it in equal proportions with burdock oil and 5 drops of cognac. After this treatment, your eyelashes will become more elastic and soft.
  2. Taking complex vitamins can improve the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes at home.

You should try to introduce these small secrets of caring for the beauty of your eyes and the condition of your eyelashes into your daily self-care. Then the result will be achieved very soon.

Folk remedies for improving the condition of eyelashes

It is also worth mentioning traditional medicine recipes that allow you to both improve eyelashes at home and save money on the purchase of professional cosmetics. They have been widely used for many years.

  1. Vaseline applied to eyelashes before bed stimulates hair growth, strengthens and nourishes them. This product can be compared to Botox in its effect. After using it for a long time, you can completely forget about mascara.
  2. The next known way to improve the condition of eyelashes at home is a mask of fish oil (several capsules) and olive oil. After this product, hair becomes shiny, elastic and acquires a beautiful bend.
  3. Vegetable oil perfectly strengthens hair, restoring its structure. This tool is also the most budget-friendly. Just a few weeks after use, you can observe an increase in hair growth on the inner corners of the eyes.
  4. To make the hairs on your eyes thicker, it is recommended to prepare a medicinal balm. The product consists of retinol acetate capsules and any vegetable oil.
  5. You can improve sparse eyelashes at home using compresses made from sea buckthorn, almond or coconut oil.

When caring for the beauty of your eyes at home, you need to first understand the reason for their unhealthy appearance or hair loss.

Perhaps it lies in serious diseases that require immediate medical attention.

The best oils for eyelashes

Almost all vegetable oils have similar strengthening and nourishing properties and improve the condition of eyelashes, but the most effective are:

  • castor, which provides strengthening, nutrition, growth and elasticity of eyelashes;
  • burdock, which protects hair from loss and fragility;
  • almond, which improves eyelash growth;
  • peach, nourishing hair follicles and skin around the eyes;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, which gives hair volume and density;
  • olive, tonic and nourishing agent;
  • camphor, protecting against harmful environmental influences;
  • jojoba, healthy hair;
  • nut, nourishing eyelashes with vitamins and amino acids;
  • coconut, moisturizing and adding shine to hair;
  • usma, stimulating growth and improving the condition of eyelashes.

To use oils in their pure form, it is enough to use a special brush. After applying the product to the eyelashes, you need to give it time to absorb (10-15 minutes), and then rinse it off with warm water. This daily procedure should be repeated for 2 months, after which take a break of 2 weeks.

Homemade mask recipes

There are many variations of homemade eyelash masks. As a rule, they are based on any of the above-mentioned oils. Let's look at the most popular recipes

  1. Mix 15 ml of castor oil in equal proportions with sea buckthorn and add 5 drops of retinol (vitamin A). The product should be used daily before bed, trying not to overexpose it for more than 15 minutes.
  2. Mix vegetable oil and strong black tea in a 1:1 ratio. This mask will add pigment to your eyelashes, prevent their loss and even get rid of circles under the eyes.
  3. Mix castor or burdock oil in equal proportions with cognac, and then immediately apply to hair. The effect of using this product will be noticeable within a few days. Eyelashes will become noticeably thicker and acquire a healthy shine.
  4. You can also experiment and mix different oils with each other. For example, with a mixture of castor and burdock oils you can get an excellent remedy for hair loss.
  5. Mix a couple of drops of castor, flaxseed, rose, almond, wheat germ and grape seed oil and apply to the eyelashes for the appropriate time. The effect of growth and strengthening will appear after 3-4 days.
  6. Grind 10 parsley leaves and add 1 teaspoon of aloe extract and olive oil to them. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees, apply to the skin of the eyelids (without touching the eyelashes) and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

The main condition for preparing all homemade masks is their immediate use. It is prohibited to store such products in the refrigerator. Therefore, the best solution is to mix a limited number of ingredients so that the serving size corresponds to one application.

Medicinal herbs

How to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth? The benefits of oils are undoubtedly great, but not every woman likes to feel constant oiliness in the eye area. Then herbs come to the rescue. They will improve brittle and sparse eyelashes at home in the shortest possible time. Infusions and decoctions are made from them.

Collections for the preparation of medicines can be purchased at pharmacies, or collected independently. The most effective herbs are:

  • knapweed;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage herb.

To use plants, you need to brew them and apply cotton swabs soaked in the broth to your eyes as compresses for half an hour.

Such miraculous remedies relieve eye tension, improve the condition of the eyelid skin, make your eyes look fresh and your eyelashes healthy. They are especially suitable for those women who are often in front of a computer monitor.

Professional products

Not all women like oils, folk and home remedies. Some people trust purchased professional serums, balms, gels or oils more. In a store there is always a chance of stumbling upon unscrupulous manufacturers, so below is a list of proven and well-known products:

  1. Serum for eyelash growth Long4LashesSerum. Bimatoprost, which is part of the product, enhances hair growth, and hyaluronic acid and allantoin give it shine and elasticity.
  2. Mirra Lux. This balm contains essential oils that strengthen them, and also cares for and restores the skin around the eyes.
  3. Pierre Rene Conditioning Gel Lash&Brow. This gel strengthens and nourishes eyelashes. It contains provitamins B5 and vitamins A and E.
  4. Dzintars. This balm is easy to use and does not require rinsing. Therefore, it can easily serve as a base for mascara. The product strengthens and rejuvenates hair.
  5. Relouis. A strengthening gel from a Belarusian cosmetics company will help both improve eyelash growth at home and strengthen their structure. It has a very low cost and at the same time a considerable list of useful properties.

When using eyelash products, we must not forget about the skin around the eyes. You should not use cheap or dubious cosmetics for this. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and taking vitamin complexes. Then not only the eyelashes, but also the woman’s face will “glow with health.”

You can improve the condition of your eyelashes or restore their structure at home using professional or folk cosmetics. But first it is still better to consult a doctor.

Thick, long beautiful eyelashes - who doesn’t dream of these? Unfortunately, improper care, poor-quality cosmetics, and abuse of salon procedures can significantly weaken them, making them dull, brittle, and faded.

Therefore, today we, together with the site “Beautiful and Successful”, will look in more detail at how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth and whether this can be done at home.

First of all - proper care

This is probably the first “commandment” for everyone who wants to strengthen their eyelashes, make them thicker and more beautiful.

First of all, it is important to choose the right decorative cosmetics, in particular mascara. You should not use cheap products that perform a purely decorative function, and even then a very conditional one (such mascara usually crumbles, flows, etc.). The composition of the mascara should include, first of all, vitamins, especially A and E, as well as lanolin or glycerin (moisturizing components), biotin and keratin, and vegetable oils.

It is also important to choose the right eye products.

Go to bed with mascara on? Just such a thought should make you shiver! In general, wash off your mascara whenever possible, for example, when you come home from work. It is better to apply it again later if necessary.

The fact is that such a product, which allows you to decoratively lengthen the eyelash, “chains” it in a chemical case and does not allow it to breathe.

Cleansing milk is ideal for removing mascara. Apply it to a cotton swab and apply it to your closed eyelid. Hold for a few minutes, then gently, without excessive friction, wipe the eyelid along with the eyelashes along their growth line.

You should also not overuse extensions, lamination, bio-perm, eyelash dyeing, because natural beauty and naturalness are in fashion!

How to strengthen eyelashes with professional products and improve their growth?

If you are looking for ways to strengthen your eyelashes at home without particularly complex rituals, there are many well-advertised ready-made products.


In general, the composition of the product is quite harmless; it contains many safe and even useful cosmetic components. In addition to them, there are also prostaglandins - special compounds that allow you to strengthen the hair follicle directly and even “awaken” dormant follicles.


Few people know that this drug was originally released to treat a disease of the organs of vision - glaucoma. It also contains prostaglandins that stimulate eyelash growth. At its core, this is an ophthalmic solution, so if it gets into your eyes, nothing bad will happen. But you need to be careful for those who often have inflamed eyes and allergic reactions.

There are many more slightly less effective, but also safer products, for example, eyelash balms “Mirra Lux”, “Dzintars”, “Lipocils gel”. They contain essential nutrients, vitamins, vegetable oils, natural extracts, they can be used for daily additional care, and with regular use they are very effective in strengthening eyelashes.

What folk remedies can you use to strengthen your eyelashes at home?

In addition to ready-made purchased products, you can quickly and safely strengthen your eyelashes using natural folk recipes. Which ones are considered the most effective? Now you will find out!

Natural oils

You can safely use natural vegetable oils as the daily balms we talked about above. Olive, almond, even regular corn are excellent, as well as flax, burdock and, of course, castor. You can add a little essential oils to these base oils - just a couple of drops. Ylang-ylang, jojoba, rose, cocoa, peach, grape seed or wheat germ oil work well.

Prepare the mixture and store it in a dark glass bottle in a cool place. At night, apply a drop of oil along the lash line or directly onto them using a brush.


In addition to essential oils, vitamins can be added to the mixture to improve the growth and condition of eyelashes. Just buy gelatin capsules of vitamin A or E at the pharmacy, pierce them with a needle and squeeze a drop into your mixture. You can even use fish oil (Omega-3) in capsules, but it has a specific smell.

And all these vitamins should be taken orally, as well as beta-carotene and iodine.

Healing herbs

In addition to using natural oils instead of balms at home, you can also make compresses that will additionally stimulate the hair follicles and improve eyelash growth. Brew regular green tea, or even better - chamomile, sage, cornflower, let the infusion cool a little. Soak the cotton pads and simply apply them to your eyelids so that the sponge thoroughly covers the eyelashes themselves.

This compress should be kept for about 20 minutes; by the way, it additionally relieves eye fatigue and swelling.

How to restore eyelashes after extensions?

We have specifically included this topic under a separate subheading. Many people believe that eyelash extensions will be very harmful to them. And those who have already tried it “on their own skin” strive to quickly strengthen their eyelashes, as their own become brittle and dull. Let's take a closer look at what to do after removing eyelash extensions.

  1. First of all, don't panic. When you wore eyelash extensions, you probably got used to the effect of a doll's look, and you forgot what your natural eyelashes actually look like. It's no surprise that they will seem too short, too thin, too faded. In addition, many of the longest eyelashes (in fact, the oldest ones that have already outlived their usefulness) actually fall out under the weight of the extensions. This is not a critical problem - the lifespan of an eyelash is about 4-6 weeks, so during this time they should fully recover and grow.
  2. Secondly, you can improve eyelash growth and strengthen “tired” bulbs with any of the above-mentioned professional remedies or folk recipes at home. Castor and linseed oil have proven themselves to be especially good for restoring damaged structures. Simply apply them to your eyelashes morning and evening, and within 2 weeks you will see the results.

Well, now you know how and with what you can strengthen your eyelashes at home. These simple and accessible tips will allow you to “clap” your eyelashes and catch the admiring glances of others!


Beautiful long and voluminous eyelashes always highlight the beauty of your eyes and draw attention to your face. For this reason, eyelash health is so important for every girl. But how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth? Many people believe that strong and healthy eyelashes are a reflection of the internal state of the body. Sometimes this is true, but often the way your eyelashes look depends directly on the influence of external causes and factors. Thus, the use of cosmetics of poor quality, along with unscrupulous eyelash care, can most likely lead to their fragility and subsequent loss. Let’s take a closer look at how to strengthen eyelashes for growth and how to improve the condition of your eyelashes in general.

The influence of external factors on eyelashes

As mentioned above, the quality of your eyelashes can be affected by poor cosmetics and improper care. To eliminate the impact of these factors, you need to follow some rules.

Use only proven and high-quality cosmetics

If you are faced with choosing a mascara for your eyelashes, always pay attention to the composition. To strengthen eyelashes, it should include components such as vitamin A, E, vitamin B5, biotin, lanolin and vegetable oils. The presence of keratin or its derivatives makes this mascara ideal for your eyelashes. Using such high-quality cosmetics, you don’t have to think about how to strengthen your eyelashes, because such ingredients are similar in composition to eyelash hairs, which promotes their growth and strength.

Takes good care of your eyelashes

Eyelash care is an important aspect for their growth and health. If you ignore daily eyelash care, including removing makeup from eyelids and eyelashes, you will have to spend a lot of money and thoughts on how to treat your eyelashes in the future. Make it a strict rule to wash off your mascara from your eyes every day. This is very important, because mascara traps the eyelash in a kind of case that prevents the eyelash from breathing. In addition, under any mechanical stress they become brittle and fall out.

To remove makeup from the eyelid and eyelash area, use properly selected products. For these purposes, cleansing milk or makeup remover tonic may be suitable. If you applied waterproof mascara to your eyelashes, it is better to use a two-phase makeup remover so as not to rub your eyelashes in vain.

Strengthen eyelashes at home

So, after eliminating the negative impact on your eyelashes, it’s time to think about how to strengthen your eyelashes for growth. In fact, strengthening eyelashes at home is a feasible task, because there are many folk ways to improve eyelash growth.

Taking care of eyelash health this way has its benefits. So, folk remedies are cheap, you don’t need to make an appointment, visit salons, or spend a lot of time.
The only thing that is required of you is the regularity of performing procedures to strengthen eyelashes at home and about 5 minutes a day of your time.

Folk remedies for healing your eyelashes include several methods.

Use of natural oils

Natural oils are an ingredient that has been researched for years. So, in order to improve the condition of eyelashes in general, castor oil is perfect. If your goal is to increase the intensity of eyelash growth, then the ideal remedy would be almond oil and peach seed oil. Burdock oil is a remedy for improving hair growth in general, so this folk remedy will help both strengthen and increase the length of your eyelashes.

The rules for using natural oils to strengthen eyelashes are quite simple. So, it should be applied warm to the eyelashes without makeup and left for an hour. At the end of this time, carefully remove any remaining oil from the eyelashes. There is no need to wash your eyes with water.

Adding vitamins to oils

Different types of oils can be used as a standalone remedy for improving eyelash health, or they can be supplemented with other ingredients to strengthen eyelashes at home. These ingredients include fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin A and E, omega-3 (fish oil) and carrot juice. Thus, fish oil additionally stimulates hair growth and promotes the appearance of new eyelashes.

Application of compresses

The use of oils in the question of how to strengthen eyelashes for growth is truly a unique remedy. Warmed oils can be applied to the eyelid area in the form of compresses. Make a compress by combining one of the oils and chamomile or calendula extracts in a 1:1 ratio. Dip 2 cotton swabs into the composition and apply them in the evening on cleansed eyelids for 15 minutes. After this, massage your eyelids with light movements, then remove any remaining composition with a clean napkin or cotton pad. The following oils are suitable for such a strengthening compress:

  • peach;
  • almond oil;
  • olive

Eyelash mask

A good folk remedy is a weekly mask. To make it at home, you only need two ingredients: rum and cocoa butter. Take the ingredients in the amount of 1 tbsp. and 30 ml respectively, mix. Using a brush, carefully distribute the resulting mixture evenly along the entire length of the eyelashes. Leave on for 15 minutes, then remove any residue and wash your eyes with water.

Professional eyelash care

Some girls don’t like to bother with preparing masks, lotions, and creams. Ready-made formulations will help such beauties in the question of how to strengthen their eyelashes for growth. Professional eyelash care cosmetics will also be an excellent way to strengthen eyelashes at home.

If you decide to resort to this method of eyelash healing, always read the composition of such a product. So, choose products that contain the following components:

  • Natural and vegetable oils;
  • Vitamins;
  • Components of hair that are part of its natural structure.

We present to your attention several professional products suitable for strengthening eyelashes at home:

Balm “Mirra Lux”— this eyelash balm includes a large amount of oils and only natural ingredients. Thus, the product is rich in grape, castor, jasmine oils, as well as jojoba and ylang-ylang oils. This balm will not only help strengthen your eyelashes, but also take care of the skin of your eyelids, giving it a healthy appearance, free from signs of fatigue and circles under the eyes.

Careprost solution- elite professional product costing $2000 per 1 gram. The fact is that the main active substance of Careprost is bimatoprost, a fatty acid that is widely used in ophthalmology in the fight against many eye diseases. The mechanism of action of such a remedy is to activate inactive hair follicles, which leads to increased hair growth and also increases the duration of the active growth phase. The result of using such a miracle drug is healthy, thick and luxurious eyelashes.

Balm Dzintars. This balm does not require rinsing and works well as a base for mascara. The composition of this product has all the components necessary for eyelash growth:

  • oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • keratin;
  • aloe extract.

In any case, no matter how you decide to strengthen your eyelashes at home, the main thing is your discipline in constantly caring for your eyelashes and eyelids. Only comprehensive care, including the elimination of external negative factors and strengthening with the help of additional means, professional or folk, will lead you to the desired result.

One of our old articles about eyelash care "".

How to properly care for the skin around your eyes and how to strengthen your eyelashes at home? Many people dream of long, beautiful eyelashes that will emphasize the depth and expressiveness of their eyes.

The main function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dust, dirt and sand, and the longer and thicker they are, the better they do their job. Like the hair on your head, eyelashes are made of protein and keratin. They grow constantly, but with age they become less frequent, weaker, begin to lighten and fall out. The eyelash itself only lives for about 90 days and then falls out when the root of the new one matures. The length and thickness of eyelashes is determined genetically (for example, Europeans have thinner eyelashes, while blondes have shorter eyelashes), but a number of factors can affect their quality.

Frequent extensions, poor nutrition, unbalanced diets, poor sleep and poor-quality cosmetics negatively affect the health of eyelashes. In this case, you need a good strengthening of the eyelash structure. To do this, you don’t have to sign up for an expensive salon - you can easily arrange recovery procedures at home.

Gentle care

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate improper eyelash care. Be sure to wash off your makeup at night and carefully remove mascara. Cosmetics left on the face overnight block air access, eyelashes stop breathing, become dry, brittle and fall out. When washing off, do not rub your eyes, eyelids, or under-eye area. Gently press the cotton pad onto this area of ​​the eyelid, hold for a few seconds and release. Use quality makeup removers that are gentle on your skin and won't irritate your skin. To remove waterproof mascara, choose appropriate specialized cosmetics. Avoid eyelash curlers for a while or completely, especially those with a thermal effect. Their use weakens the eyelashes. If your eyelashes are very dull and short, try to consider ditching both mascara and false eyelashes while yours undergo rehab.

Means of strengthening

The easiest way to strengthen it is regular brushing. Take care of your eyelashes the same way you take care of the hair on your head. Comb your eyelashes with a paint brush, a clean mascara brush, or a small comb 2 times a day. Wet the brush with a few drops of any oil (castor or burdock) or apply it directly to the eyelashes. Daily brushing stimulates their growth, making them softer and thicker.

Almost any oil has an excellent effect. The oil nourishes the skin of the eyelids well, strengthens and restores the hair follicle, respectively, making eyelashes thicker. The oil can be applied to the eyelashes with the same brush or brush. It must be applied along the entire length of the hairs, touching the roots, but avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. This eyelash mask is best done in the evening before bed after removing makeup every day or at least 2 times a week. Don't be afraid to experiment - try different oils, compare the effect of their use and choose the one that suits you. Be aware of the risk of allergies and never use an expired product.

The most popular and affordable remedy for strengthening eyelashes at home is olive oil. It is sold in a large assortment in any store. Olive oil was used to strengthen eyelashes in ancient Greece many hundreds of thousands of years ago. This oil contains vitamins A, E, antioxidants and fatty acids that nourish hair from the inside. It is best to use cold-pressed oil, where all nutrients and minerals are preserved as much as possible.

Olive oil is good on its own, but you can also make several masks based on it. Mix 4 tsp. oil and 1 tsp. lime juice, stir and store the mask in the refrigerator. Its disadvantage is its short shelf life - only 72 hours. You don’t have to wash off the pure oil, and wash off the mask after 20 minutes. must be removed with warm water. Olive oil also goes well with aloe or parsley juice.

Castor oil is considered a good remedy for strengthening eyelashes. Of all the oils, it is the most viscous; it best restores the structure of the hair, making it smoother and more elastic by gluing together small scales. In addition, it nourishes the eyelid and improves the appearance of the skin around the eyes. The advantage of castor oil is its low price and at the same time a powerful effect - it is not for nothing that it is included in many modern hair, eyebrow and eyelash care products. Castor oil can be used either separately (rubbed into the skin of the eyelids and eyebrows) or together with other oils - olive, peach, almond, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, rose, burdock, etc. By adding carrot juice or vitamin A to castor oil, you can get an excellent mask that will make your eyelashes long, thick and strong.

If you don’t have olive oil or castor oil on hand, burdock oil can successfully replace them. Burdock oil contains many vitamins, tannins, minerals and salts, which improve the properties of the skin and the quality of eyelashes. Burdock oil also contains a unique inulin sorbent, which cleanses the skin well, removing toxins from its surface that prevent the rapid growth of eyelashes. Burdock oil is also highly valued because it helps prevent eyelashes from splitting and glues already split ends together. By using burdock oil regularly, you can significantly reduce eyelash loss and improve their appearance. Ready-made burdock oil is sold in almost all pharmacies.

You can also make your own healing infusion for eyelash growth, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock root with 1 glass of sunflower or olive oil and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. Then the product should be brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, strain and pour into a glass container for storage.

By pressing almond kernels, almond oil is obtained, which is also actively used at home to strengthen eyelashes. Vitamins, carotenes, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, oleic and lanolin acids are a real storehouse of useful elements. Almond oil can be used as a main care product or in combination with other oils. This way you can remove makeup and strengthen the hair structure.

Simple Vaseline will help stimulate growth. Apply it to the roots of your eyelashes at night and wash off with warm water in the morning. It is a good substitute for vitamin E, helps restore eyelashes at night, moisturizes them and makes them noticeably thicker. It must be applied to the eyelashes on both sides.

Herbal decoctions

How to improve eyelash growth at home using folk remedies? To do this, you can use not only oils and masks, but also strengthening decoctions. A wide variety of herbal mixtures will help, such as calendula, coltsfoot, chamomile and cornflower. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave covered until cool. Soak cotton swabs in the resulting broth and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes, and then lubricate your eyelashes with any oil. This decoction can treat eyelashes and has a soothing effect on the eyes.

Another useful decoction for treating eyelashes includes crushed and steamed rosehips (1 tbsp), filled with sea buckthorn and burdock oils (2 tbsp). The mixture is infused for 10 days in a dark place. You can use it every day. The strengthening of eyelashes will be noticeable almost immediately.

Healthy eating and diets

Strengthening eyelashes occurs not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Do not sit for a long time on rigid, especially one-component diets - this leads to the loss of a number of useful substances.

Eating healthy foods regularly will help keep your eyelashes in perfect condition, even after using mascara or a curler. When the body has enough of all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function effectively, eyelashes will grow well naturally. Focus on vitamins B, D and E, which are found in grains, beans, sunflower and olive oils, nuts, green vegetables, dairy products and eggs. Fatty fish, particularly salmon, contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for hair nutrition. A lesser-known remedy for strengthening and growing eyelashes is oysters. They contain a strong antioxidant, zinc, which strengthens hair follicles.

Zinc, necessary for nourishing eyelashes, is found in large quantities in beef and young lamb meat. Use these simple tips and don’t be lazy to take care of your eyelashes every day. Strengthening eyelashes and their growth depend on the regularity of procedures.