How to make a beaded lizard for beginners. Lizard from beads: weaving a three-dimensional figurine according to the pattern (video) How to make a lizard from threads

This master class is perfect for teaching children how to work with beads. They will definitely love this bright beaded lizard. Also, if you have never beaded before, use this tutorial to learn. It is very simple and teaches good wire work and parallel weaving.

Our lizard will turn out completely flat, but cute.

Lizard diagram

Click to enlarge

Step 1: start weaving

Place 3 beads on the wire.

Pass the end of the wire through 2 beads, you will get a triangle.

Step 2: making the eyes

Add 3 more beads to the same end of the wire.

Now use the opposite end of the wire to pass through these 3 beads and tighten.

Step 3: weave the legs

Then return the wires back and again pass them along the first 2 beads.

There you go, paws and head.

Step 4: making the torso

Place 3 beads on the wire, insert the adjacent wire into them and tighten. Repeat this 2 more times, picking up 4 beads each.

Step 5: braid the tail

Then another 1 row of 3 beads, and again the legs, according to the same pattern. Do the next row of 2 beads and the tail in the same way, but with 1 bead each.

This lesson and pattern for weaving a lizard from beads will be very simple even for a child.

This funny craft from chenille wire you can do with children from 7 years old. If you buy enough wire, it is quite possible to make such an iguana at a technology lesson in elementary school. Both girls and boys will surely love the fluffy and funny toy. Before you start making crafts with your children, you can tell us a little about what kind of animal this is - an iguana. This giant lizard lives in South America. It can be more than 1.5 meters long. True, the iguana itself is 50 centimeters from the nose to the hind legs, and the rest is the tail. With such an impressive size, it feeds only on plants. It doesn’t even eat mosquitoes and flies, unlike its much smaller relatives – lizards of other species. The most common color of iguana is green, but they come in other colors. And in traditional fine arts Indians of South America, this reptile is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. So chenille wire of any color is suitable for crafts.
For this funny lizard you will need two whole sticks of chenille wire and about 2/3 of a stick of the same color, a small piece of a stick for the lizard's tongue, ready-made small eyes. Ready-made eyes can be replaced with circles made of felt or colored paper.
Making the head of the iguana. Take one whole stick of chenille wire and make a small loop in the middle of the stick.
Wrap one side of the stick around the loop. You have the head of a lizard and the base of the body with a tail.
We make the body for the iguana from another whole stick. Take some cylindrical object. This could be a thick pencil, a disposable syringe, or an almost empty spool of thread (like ours). Wind the stick onto the base with a spiral.
Remove the chenille wire spiral from the base.
Thread the coil through the lizard's tail.
Use the remaining piece of the main color to make legs for the lizard. To do this, cut a piece of stick in half.
Bend each piece in half, bend the ends of the legs so that they are not sharp, and bend them slightly at the joints.
Place one pair of legs between the body spirals, close to the iguana's head, and place the second pair of legs behind.
Twist the iguana's tail into a ring, insert the tongue stick into the head and twist it a little too. Glue on the eyes.
Iguana - a craft for children made from chenille wire is ready.

Hello beads. Wrote new master class to your lizard instead of the previously removed one. Now we will make an incredibly beautiful lizard with such a complex name Phelsuma andamanensis. Seeing the image of this amazing creature, I couldn’t help but weave it. See for yourself what a royal creature.

To make felsuma we will need:
- 0.5 meters of thick aluminum wire (can be pulled out of any wire by first removing the insulation);
- a pair of unnecessary clean nylon tights;
- sharp household scissors;
- small scissors for cutting threads;
- wire cutters for thick wire;
- Czech beads 5 colors (size 10): lilac, turquoise, light green, orange, red;
-black bead 0.3-0.5 mm;
- nylon thread (nylon);
- wire 0.2 mm lilac;
- thin needles for beading.
- padding polyester or cotton wool.
So let's get started. I divided my master class into several steps. There are no exact diagrams, because the process is fantasy-creative. Here everything depends on the selected beads, as well as on the shape and size of the resulting frame. The proposed description helps to understand the principle of creating three-dimensional toys on a frame. So, go ahead smile

Step 1. Creating a “skeleton”.
In order for a toy to keep its shape, its support, like that of a person, must be a skeleton. I decided to weave a lizard in natural size (from the nose to the tip of the tail about 13 centimeters.)

And this is the pose of Felsuma that I liked the most. For beginners, I advise you to weave your lizard without bends, that is, straight. Because complex shape body imposes certain difficulties in work. This is the frame I got. To attach the future paws to the spine, I tied the wire with threads made from nylon tights. To make the threads, I first cut off one gacha and, using scissors in a circle, cut it into a thread 2 centimeters wide, then I did the same operation with the other gacha (that’s why we needed good, sharp, large utility scissors, because the scissors are bad this material will not be taken so easily).

Step 2.
Then we begin to shape the future shape of the body; for this, I periodically place lumps of synthetic fluff under the nylon. We should get something like this frame.

Step 3.
At the next stage, we begin to braid our frame with beads. It is preferable to start with the thickest part of the belly, because in places where you need to reduce the number of beads in a row, you can feel it very well (the braid begins to dangle and does not fit tightly to the frame). It doesn't matter in which direction to weave. I went towards the breast. In the place where the braid is already close to the future paws, you should stop and start braiding the felsuma paws with a mosaic strand. In my case, this strand was woven with 13-15 beads in the front legs, 15-17 beads in the back legs.

Step 4.
After the pair of legs is ready, we fill the space between them with a mosaic canvas, both above and below. This is what should happen.

Step 5.
Repeat Step 4, but in the other direction. We carefully monitor the body pattern in the sketch and try to repeat it in our product.

Step 6.
Now we braid the tail of our felsuma with a mosaic strand. Where necessary, we reduce the number of beads in the row, do it gradually and smoothly, so that the tail does not turn out like a broken ladder, but is smooth and looks something like this.

Step 7
We weave heads. Where necessary according to the sketch, we expand the row. The difficult part is creating the eyes. So that they fit into the shape of the head as in the sketch, we carefully cut out the eye sockets in the frame, removing excess nylon and padding. Then we begin to carefully narrow the muzzle, reducing the number of beads in the row.

Step 8
We braid felsume fingers on a thin colored wire. All. Our lizard is ready


Now all that remains is to give our monster a name. This may be the name that was on the tongue during the creation of felsuma, or it may also be a derivative of the scientific name. Emerald day gecko is the Russian version of the name, it may well become Gekkosha or simply Gosha, in Latin - “Felzuma Andamanezis” easily turns into Filka. That's all, good luck in the creative process.

DIY lizard

There is something fascinating about these lizards. Sometimes I have a desire to make a lizard, I don’t know for what purpose and from what, but I really want to make it... And now I’ve found something that inspired me! This self-made lizard did not leave me indifferent and I will not rest until I have such a lizard. And then I’ll plant it in the garden, let it live there)))

The master of this miracle lives in the country of masters.

More precisely here:

To begin with, as in almost any work, it all starts with a sketch, drawing. So as not to lie in proportions and not deviate from what we want to get in the end. Next, we find a thick wire and bend it as required by the graceful body of the lizard. We wrap the wire in newspapers and wrap it with thread.

We make paws from thick and thin wire. They are glued to the body with glue (hot, moment, titanium...).

We cover the lizard with napkins and glue with water. We do the same with the paws. Those who are familiar with the papier mache technique will have no questions. We attach the paws, glue the eyes, outline the nostrils, ears and mouth.

For the eyelids, add volume from napkins.

We also make ears.

Another layer of napkins.

Paint with brown paint.

Then gold. Although, the coloring of the lizard depends entirely on your desire and taste.

A handmade lizard looks like it’s alive. I don’t know how long it will stay in the garden, but I think the effect will be amazing. I’m sitting like this, all dreaming... I’ll go make my dreams come true)))

Beaded lizard: weaving three-dimensional figurine according to the scheme (video)

Beaded lizard: weaving a three-dimensional figurine according to the pattern (video)

Three-dimensional beaded figures are a great way to practice, learn new beading techniques, and you can delight your children with a new keychain or toy. A lizard can be made in two ways: using the technique of flat or volumetric weaving. The first option is simpler, but the voluminous lizard will turn out just like a living one. We will try to weave this at the master class.

Required materials

First of all, you need beads for work. You can choose any color: make the lizard either exactly as it happens, or fantastic. Why not? To begin with, you can make a one-color figurine, and only then study the creation of a colored one, with color transitions. The beads should be small enough, it is better to take two sizes, for example No. 8 and No. 10. Beads that are too large are not suitable for work - such a figurine will not hold up. The main condition is that the beads must be beautiful and bright, so that the lizard turns out bright and cheerful.

To work you will need:

  • 10 g of beads of the main color (for example, green);
  • 5 g of beads of a similar shade, to create color transitions on the back;
  • 5 g of light-colored beads - for the abdomen.

Additionally, for the work you will need 4 bright beads of size No. 10 - to decorate the eyes and nostrils. The color must be chosen in such a way that it contrasts better with the main one - otherwise the lizards’ faces will turn out “blind”.
For the base you will need a thin, strong fishing line. If it is not there, you can use ordinary sewing threads, but with them the figurine may not be rigid and strong enough. If threads are used in the work, then you will need to take a needle - thin enough to easily pass through the holes of the beads. To create a voluminous lizard, it is better to use strong but fairly thin wire. The finished volumetric lizard made of beads is often stuffed with filler; you can replace it with regular polyethylene; you also need to stock it up before starting work. With it, the finished figurine will look better, and it will also be quite suitable as a toy. Cellophane can also be replaced with crumpled paper.
We will cut the thread using scissors or wire cutters.
But the most important thing you need for work is patience. There is nothing complicated about weaving a lizard, but it can be difficult for beginners to work with small material for a long time.

Highlights of the work

Before making a lizard from beads, we need to determine the basic techniques that we will use in our work.

To create a three-dimensional lizard figurine, we will use the parallel weaving technique. For ease of operation, the remaining leg parts can be woven separately and then attached to the body.
If during work you need to connect two threads, it is better to do this with a knot: this will make it easier to hide the ends in the hole of the bead.
To avoid getting confused in your work, you can: separate sheet print out the weaving diagram and use it to mark the progress of the work. It is also easy to navigate the required length of fishing line and the order of weaving parts. All color transitions are also marked there. If necessary, you can use your own color schemes; instructions on the order of beads in the diagram will help you cope with weaving.
To weave our lizard, we will use the following pattern:

We weave a lizard from beads

First, measure the length of the thread (wire) used; it should be no more than 3 m.
Lizard weaving starts from the nose. We will weave both the upper and lower parts at once. The upper part of the diagram is the odd rows, the lower part is the even rows. We perform it using the parallel weaving technique, following the pattern in the order of rows and color changes. At the same time, do not forget to bend the top rows slightly upward, and leave the bottom row flat, so that we get a three-dimensional figure.

When the lizard’s body is completely ready (after the 36th row according to the pattern), we stuff it with paper or polyethylene. Next, we continue to weave the lizard’s tail according to the pattern in exactly the same way as the body to the end. Twist the ends of the thread or wire and carefully trim them if necessary.
Next you need to weave the legs. To do this, take another thread 80 cm long. We weave in exactly the same way, in parallel weaving. We finish by weaving “fingers”. They can be made using needle weaving. We string 5 beads onto the fishing line and pass the fishing line back through all but the last one. We repeat this technique 4 more times. If you want to highlight your “fingers,” you don’t need to choose beads that contrast with the main color.
There should be 4 identical legs in total. We attach the finished part to the body as shown in the diagram. Forelegs - to the bottom at the level of 20 and 24 rows, hind limbs - 38 and 42.
We attach the legs, secure the fishing line and cut it with scissors, mask the ends inside the lizard. The beaded lizard is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with beautifully bent paws and a long tail.
If something doesn’t work out, don’t despair and give up beading: the technique is quite simple for beginners, so you can master weaving quite quickly.
The finished lizard can become a wonderful keychain or pendant for your phone. Or it can just become a cute souvenir, because the lizard symbolizes wealth and well-being.

Photo master class on weaving lizards using the Ndebele technique

More experienced craftswomen Those who know the Ndebele beading technique can use the idea for weaving a voluminous lizard according to the photo lesson:

Video: Lesson on weaving a lizard from beads


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