How to make baby hair braid. Braiding long hair - beautiful, light and unusual options for braiding curls for girls and girls

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


For a children's party, for school, kindergarten or just for every day - for any of the occasions you can make an original hairstyle based on the weaving technique. It is much more interesting to implement an unusual method: a spikelet, a basket, Jasmine style, a snake and many others. When choosing the appropriate option, take into account not only your skills, but also the length of the child’s hair.

Braiding for girls for beginners

If you don’t have much experience, but want to do unusual styling of strands from time to time, you can take as a basis one of the instructions, where the step-by-step execution of weaving is very accessible and simply described. To better understand how this or that technique is implemented, you should refer to the diagram or video. Basic rules for doing hairstyles for beginners:

  1. First you need to comb the girl’s hair, which will make further actions easier.
  2. The hair should not be pulled too tightly, because the child often walks around with braided strands all day long.
  3. You should try to remove any stray hairs, as not only originality is important, but also careful execution.
  4. To braid your hair as simply as possible, you often need to do it within a limited period of time, for example, before kindergarten or school. There is no need to strive to implement complex weaving technology; it is better to choose simpler, but not the most common options.

Any technique involves the need to add new strands to the main ones. Depending on the hairstyle, hair can be added from the side, from the top of the head. The number of strands also differs: two, three, four or more. Weaving can begin after the ponytail has been made, but often beautiful braids for girls are created simply and without additional steps: they use the weaving method.

Braids for girls for long hair

It is more difficult to work with short strands; for this reason, not all techniques are suitable for babies. If your hair is long or medium, you can implement any option. Popular methods:

  • spikelet;
  • tourniquet;
  • volumetric weaving based on the four-strand technique;
  • French braid;
  • spirals;
  • waterfall;
  • snake

Braids for little girls

You can simply weave the longest strands possible. The child will be pleased with the fashionable styling, but the number of options is limited:

  • pigtails;
  • waterfall;
  • from the side with bangs picked up (if the hair is growing), it is implemented using the weaving technique around the head;
  • fish tail.

Weaving braids for girls around the head

Using this technique you can really create a festive mood. Ribbon or bright accessories are often added. This is a quick way to create braids for short and long hair. Step by step execution:

  1. If the task is how to weave beautiful braids in a circle, you should first collect the ponytail on the top of your head. When mom learns how to do her hair using this technique, you can skip this step.
  2. Weaving begins from any convenient area, but more often from the side, using the technique of creating a three-row braid. As your mother learns, you can try to implement a more complex technology, for example, the inside-out option.
  3. One strand is taken from the circumference of the head, the other from the crown. The braid can be thin or thick, it all depends on the amount of hair captured.

How to weave a spikelet

This is a universal hairstyle, it comes in different variations: classic (top to bottom), oblique weave, etc. Instructions for execution:

  1. It is necessary to select one main strand at the top of the head.
  2. It is divided into three equal parts.
  3. If the task is how to braid a girl’s hair beautifully and simply, you need to start with the technology of creating a three-row braid, alternately adding strands from the sides.

Braiding tourniquet

This is a stylish hairstyle variation. To implement it, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • The hair is divided into two strands: one of them at the top of the head, the other at the base of the head. The one above is divided into two more.
  • The main bundles are twisted (placed one on top of the other).
  • When deciding how to make beautiful braids, you need to know that for reliability you should add strands from the sides.
  • The process of alternating twisting should continue until all the hair at the base of the head is in the bundle.
  • Simultaneously with weaving, you need to twist each of the strands, moving in a clockwise direction.
  • How to braid girls’ hair without unraveling spontaneously? At the final stage, the flagella must be twisted counterclockwise.

This is a voluminous hairstyle. It is created both in the center of the head and on the sides. To learn how to do it, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing a French braid, which is shown in the diagram:

The reverse technique begins in a similar way - the bun at the top of the head is divided into 3 parts. When solving the problem of how to braid a girl’s braid beautifully and simply, you need to remember that in this version, each subsequent strand must be laid under the previous one. In order not to confuse the actions, it is recommended to look at the photo:

How to braid a beautiful fishtail braid

Offhand, this is one of the difficult execution options. In practice, you will get the hang of doing it quickly and easily, and the skill will be trained along with your hairstyles. The process can be seen in the photo:

Step by step lesson:

  • You need to divide your hair into two main strands at the base of your head.
  • Thin side bundles are taken and intertwined, then they are pulled to the sides.
  • Actions are repeated many times.

Braiding hair for girls using 4 strands

This option is based on a high ponytail, but you can use frontal strands. In this case, actions begin from the area at the base of the head. When deciding how to braid a girl’s hair beautifully and as simply as possible, it is better to choose the first method.

The dream of any mother is a neat and beautiful appearance of her child. For parents of students, the main problem is creating everyday hairstyles. It won’t be difficult to braid your child’s hair beautifully and quickly for school. The main thing is to follow the instructions provided step by step.

Baby hair care

Not every child can boast of gorgeous hair. In most cases, this is due to age-related changes. Doctors say that until the age of 10, children's hair is quite thin, but elastic. For normal growth, it is advisable to “trim” the ends once a month. The following tips will also help you.

  • It is advisable for girls to comb their hair 3-4 times a day using a brush with natural bristles. This is not just caring for a child’s hair, but also a head massage (has a positive effect on the circulatory system).

  • The child should have his own comb, which should preferably be stored separately

  • When braiding your hair and pulling your hair into a ponytail, do not overdo it. Otherwise, too “tight” weaving can lead to bald patches.

  • Use special shampoos to wash your child's hair. It is better to avoid regular soap; its composition adversely affects the structure of children's hair.

  • Do not comb wet hair. They get injured very easily.
  • Girls aged 5-7 years should wash their hair no more than once a week.
  • To create your hair, use styling products in moderation. It is not recommended to dye your child's hair.

For high school students (14-16 years old), more careful hair care is required. This is due to the fact that puberty is characterized by unstable hormonal levels. Hair quickly becomes “oily.” In this case, it is necessary to choose a shampoo wisely and tell the child how to use lotions and masks. Note that the later girls start using various hair styling products, the better.

Also, do not forget to monitor the “expiration date” of elastic bands and other accessories. Before going to bed, your child's hair should be combed thoroughly.


A girl with a braid is always associated with a diligent student and an obedient daughter. This hairstyle makes the most positive impression on teachers. Therefore, this hairstyle is an ideal option for school. Before the weaving process, pay attention to important tips:

  • do your hair only on clean and thoroughly combed hair;
  • unruly strands can be slightly moistened using a hairdressing spray;
  • You can add volume to the braid using a satin or nylon ribbon;
  • use hairpins, rhinestones and decorative pins with flowers.

The options for braiding are amazing in their diversity. It is not necessary to use only classic weaving for school. You can make a braid in French or a “basket”.

Step-by-step weaving (for beginners)

An excellent option for schoolgirls would be a braid decorated with a satin ribbon. It's very easy to make this beauty. You will need:

  • a thin comb and a brush with natural bristles;
  • small elastic band;
  • ribbon (nylon or satin);
  • hairdressing sprayer.

We carefully comb the child’s hair (unruly strands can be slightly moistened) and divide it into 3 equal parts. On the second turn, we place a ribbon under the “inner” part of the braid and weave it in. We “lead” the braid to the very ends of the hair and secure it with an elastic band. Another original hairstyle is the fishtail (French braid or spikelet). This weave goes harmoniously with any outfit, in particular with a school uniform. To create a “fish tail” from children’s hair, take:

  • small comb (plastic);
  • hairpin (“crab”);
  • silicone rubber.

We comb the children's hair and separate the front curl from it. We start a miniature thin braid in French (we don’t touch the side hair yet). We “lead” the spikelet to the “ears”, gradually weaving strands from the temporal parts into it, and then the remaining hair. At the final stage, fix the ends of the braid with an elastic band (preferably silicone) and a crab.

The fishtail can be sprayed with a little varnish.

For a significant event, for example, for an “open lesson,” you can build a “basket” from a braid on the head of a young enchantress. To create it, you only need a comb, an elastic band and a set of hairpins. We divide clean hair into a parting. We collect the right part into a “tail”. We start weaving from the left side (from the ear). When we reach the “right side”, we unravel the hair from the ponytail and continue braiding, adding side curls. We braid the braid up to the “second ear” (around the head) and secure it with hairpins. There, in this way, a “basket” is obtained. This hairstyle looks very cute and gentle.

A stunning “openwork” braid would be a suitable option for formal school events. It's easy and simple to make. So, let's get started: we collect the girl's hair in a high ponytail and “select” one strand from it. We begin weaving a classic braid. Carefully weave strands from the tail into it. We “lead” the braid to the ends and secure them with nylon or satin ribbon. Take the central strand and pull it up a little. We fasten it “invisibly” under the ponytail. We wrap the end of the braid “inward” and secure it with a hairpin.

Another braiding option is a braid called “twist”. It is suitable for girls of all ages. We need:

  • crest;
  • a set of hairpins with decorative roses;
  • bright elastic band.

We carefully comb the child's hair and separate the top part. We divide the hair into two halves and twist it into bundles. Next, add the “bottom” hair to it and twist it again. We “lead” the flagella to the very ends of the strands (gradually adding the remaining strands). At the very end, we fix the twist braid with an elastic band and decorate it with hairpins with roses. Stylish and elegant!

Young ladies who have medium-length hair can do partial braiding. Creating it will not be difficult: we separate the central strand (from the forehead to the back of the head). We fix the side hairs with clips or “crabs”. We braid a French braid in the center and secure it with an elastic band at the back of the head. Remove the clips and comb the remaining curls. Regular weaving can be slightly varied. For example, make a side braid with a ribbon. It is created as follows:

  • carefully comb the hair of the young princess;
  • we separate a small strand from the temporal part and begin classic weaving;
  • carefully weave a ribbon (red, green, blue);
  • we collect the pigtail along with the rest of the hair into a “lower” ponytail and secure it with an elastic band;
  • from it we create a “fluffy” bun.

This hairstyle is suitable not only for everyday wear, but also for festive events.

To learn how to beautifully braid a braid, watch the video below.

The braid is one of the most versatile hairstyles with many variations. and fits into any image. Braiding has already become a real art, which is not so easy for beginners to master. But by following the advice of professionals on how to create the perfect hairstyle, and with a little practice, you can learn how to braid your child’s hair for any occasion.

How to learn to braid a child’s hair for beginners is a fairly common question that worries parents, especially when they need to quickly get their child ready for school or kindergarten. Experienced stylists understand that creating a hairstyle for a restless child is a special occasion, and therefore offer some useful tips.


  1. Don't experiment at the very last moment. New types of hairstyles are best worked out in advance., practice, otherwise you might not only be late for work, kindergarten or school, but also ruin everyone’s mood for the whole day.
  2. Keep your child busy with something interesting. It is very difficult for children under 12-13 years old to sit still for a long time in one place, so it is important to distract the girl, for example, give her a book to read, turn on a cartoon, or offer a board game. If you really don’t have enough time to get ready, you can even combine the procedure with breakfast.
  3. Weave tightly. Children are very active, so in order for the hairstyle to remain neat for a long time, the braid needs to be braided more tightly, but without disturbing the girl’s comfort. The hairstyle should not cause discomfort due to the fact that it is overtightened.
  4. You need to braid your hair carefully, without sudden movements, so as not to hurt the child.
  5. Bows, hairpins, and elastic bands should not be very tight, and you should not “overdo it” with them.
  6. Do not use styling products. Adult mousses, foams, sprays and styling gels are very harmful to thin and delicate children's hair. Varnishes are especially dangerous in this case, since they consist almost entirely of aggressive chemical components. If you need to do your child’s hair for a holiday, you can use baby sprays or mousses, or sugar syrup will also work.

The most important advice for those who are learning how to braid a child’s hair is to not give up and follow the step-by-step instructions exactly, then everything will work out.

Additional decor is not necessary for everyday hairstyles., but it can be useful if you need to interest a girl who doesn't want to get her hair in order. Then you can invite her to choose her own jewelry and hairpins, and then show her how beautiful they look on her head.

This will make the process much more interesting for the child.


How to learn how to braid a child’s hair for beginners will be suggested not only by the advice and recommendations of experienced hairdressers, but also by proper hair preparation. You need to prepare some equipment and properly process your hair., before you start creating your hairstyle.

First of all, you will need:

2 combs a massage comb is needed to thoroughly comb your hair before styling your hair, and a second one with a thin long tip will be needed for parting and more convenient separation of strands
spray bottle with water With its help, you can make your hair more manageable by wetting it before braiding and fix the result a little by sprinkling water on the finished hairstyle at the end. The most important thing is not to overdo it with water.
ribbons, elastic bands, hairpins, bobby pins with the help of these hair accessories you can not only make your braids more beautiful, but also hide some hair imperfections and unruly strands

Options for every day

Even beginners can learn how to braid a child’s hair in 10-15 minutes.

There are quite a few simple everyday options that look very beautiful and charming on a little girl. With a little practice and strict adherence to step-by-step instructions, it won’t be difficult for parents to figure out how to get their child ready for kindergarten or school.

French braid

A characteristic feature of French-style braids is the picking up of loose side strands., which are intertwined with the main ones. This technique allows you to start weaving from any part of the head. For long hair, it is recommended to start from the crown. Also, a French braid can be woven at any angle.

This weaving can be easily combined with other techniques, which allows you to create a unique hairstyle that emphasizes the child’s individuality.

The classic French braid is woven in the following sequence:

  1. Throw the curl from the left over the middle one and add hair from the side again from the remaining volume.

When braiding hair in the French style, it is important to take into account that the thinner the strands are chosen, the more elegant the hairstyle will look.

Reverse French braid

How to learn to braid a child's hair in the French style for beginners, when you need to add volume to your hair is a common question for parents, especially if the child does not have very thick hair. The “reverse French braid” is easy and quick to weave, and it’s quite simple to learn.

The reverse sequence for creating a French braid is:

  1. Weaving begins as in the classic version.
  2. At the crown part, a strand is separated and divided into 3 equal parts.
  3. The strand on the right is placed between the middle and left, only it is passed not above, but under the strands.
  4. A new strand of free hair is taken and joined to the right one.
  5. The new strand is held under the middle one.
  6. Hair is also added to the left strand and it is also passed under the middle one.

The process is repeated until all the hair is braided in this manner.

Braid buns

The cone itself looks elegant, and the cone made from braids – doubly so. No special skills are required here, it is only important to weave the braid itself and twist it into a bun.

A step-by-step braid bun is performed as follows:

  1. Comb your hair, divide it into 2 parts and gather it into a ponytail at the desired height. At what height the tail will be fixed, at this height the bun will be located.
  2. Weave a braid from each ponytail and secure it with elastic bands at the end.
  3. First twist one braid with a bun, then the second around it and secure it with pins or hairpins.
  4. You can decorate your hair with flowers or your favorite hairpin.

Thus, you can create one or several gullets at once. This hairstyle is also suitable for a holiday, especially if you decorate it with beautiful hairpins and barrettes. The main braid can also be braided tightly or loosely depending on the desired effect.

Options for short hair

Braids are a great option not only for long-haired girls, but also for those who have not yet grown beautiful curls. A beautiful braid on a little girl's head will make her look even more adorable and also make her look neat by keeping the hair on her head in order.


After a little practice in weaving a French braid, you can start decorating the braids with a snake. It is ideal for girls with shoulder length hair.

The step-by-step scheme for its implementation is as follows:

  1. Make a side parting and separate a small strand.
  2. Weave a French braid starting from the right ear, moving towards the left.
  3. When the braid is braided to the left ear, a couple of braids are made with a regular braid for turning.
  4. Now the braid is turned to the right and weaving continues in the French style from left to right.
  5. When the braid reaches the right ear, it is twisted again a couple of times in the usual way, turned and continued to be braided with a French braid.
  6. All these steps are repeated until the hair is completely braided. The loose hair at the bottom can be braided into a regular braid and rolled under the hairstyle.
  7. The finished snake can be decorated with hairpins, flowers and hairpins.


Another universal hairstyle option. The basket will keep children's hair in order all day, especially if the braids are braided tightly. There are many options for baskets, but not all of them can be made in 15 minutes. Some are too complicated, so for now it’s worth considering the simplest option, which will look good even on a girl’s very short hair.

The basket is executed like this:

  1. Separate a section of hair from the side of the crown.
  2. Divide it into 3 equal strands and start weaving a regular braid.
  3. After the 2-3rd weave, start weaving loose hair into it from the outside, moving around the circumference.
  4. Continue the braid, adding hair only from the outside of the circle being described.
  5. Weave the end into a regular braid, secure with a thin elastic band and place it around the head, securing with hairpins.

The peculiarity of this basket is that if the hair is sparse or not yet long enough, then it can be woven in 1-2 circles; in other cases, you can start weaving from the center of the head, describing as many circles as you like.


Gossamer is good for hot weather or for dancing. With this hairstyle, all the hair is collected neatly and does not interfere.

It's quite simple to do, following the diagram:

  1. Gather the hair in a bun in the middle, leaving the hair loose along the contour. There should be a round parting with hair hanging along the edge.
  2. Take a small strand from the back of your head and begin to weave a simple braid, gradually weaving into it thin strands of hair framing the parting.
  3. Thus, the strands from the ponytail and the hair around the parting are braided at the same time.
  4. The end is hidden under the hair at the beginning of the hairstyle and secured with bobby pins.

Additionally, the hairstyle can be decorated with bows or a bright bandage.

Options for medium hair

Medium length hair provides more opportunities for experimentation. At the same time, a girl with such hair must look neat, and beautiful braids are the best option for a hairstyle that will retain its appearance throughout the day.


This hairstyle is very easy to do. She looks easy and relaxed. The hair is braided and organized, but at the same time hangs freely. Waterfall looks great on straight hair, but to give a festive look the ends are slightly curled.

You can learn how to weave braids for a child by looking at the corresponding instructions.

Sequence of weaving a waterfall:

  1. Comb your hair and part it on the side.
  2. Select a strand and split it into 3 parts.
  3. Start weaving in the usual way: the top strand in the center, then the bottom.
  4. Next, the strand that should be woven into the braid remains hanging. A new strand is taken out from under it, and the braid continues to weave further.

The end of the braid is secured with a bobby pin and can be further decorated as desired.

Crossed braids

Crossed braids are a good option for everyday wear. This hairstyle is quite original, it is good for walks in the fresh air or active activities.

Crossed braids step by step:

  1. Divide all the hair on your head into symmetrical ponytails.
  2. Secure each ponytail with a colored elastic band.
  3. Braid the tails individually into a braid and intertwine them together like lacing.
  4. To make it easier to navigate at first, it is recommended to start with 4 tails, increasing their number as your skill grows.

The ends of the hair can also be braided or left hanging freely.

Four strand braid

A four-strand braid is quite unusual; in addition, a special weave gives the hair additional volume. It takes some effort and patience to get the perfect hairstyle.

Scheme for creating a four-strand braid:

  1. Comb your hair and sprinkle with water.
  2. Make a parting and separate a strand at the temple and ear, break it into 4 parts.
  3. Place the first strand from the edge on the 3rd, then the 2nd also on the 3rd. At first, the technique is very similar to weaving a simple braid.
  4. Place the first strand under the next one.
  5. Do the same with the remaining 3 strands.
  6. Lay the first strand from below.
  7. The braid is laid along the contour of the head close to the back of the head.
  8. On the other side of the parting, make a similar braid.
  9. The braids at the bottom are connected with an elastic band or a bow.

To make the hairstyle seem even more voluminous and fuller, the braid can be stretched a little.

Hair heart

This technique looks very impressive and is well suited for a holiday.

A heart made of hair is performed step by step as follows:

  1. Make a horizontal parting.
  2. Divide the hair from the top in half and make 2 ponytails.
  3. Braid each ponytail and secure with an elastic band at the end.
  4. Bend the braid on the right side upward and move it to the bottom, secure with a bobby pin. Do the same on the left side, only mirror the right. The ends at the bottom should intersect and should be secured with bobby pins.
  5. The remaining free hair can also be braided into a braid or ponytail, thus hiding the ends of the braids.
  6. Place hairpins along the contour of the heart, thereby securing and decorating the hairstyle.

For those who already know how to weave French braids well, you can try to weave a heart in this way.

Options for long hair

How to learn to braid a child’s hair for beginners is a pressing question, especially if the girl has long hair. Diagrams and step-by-step instructions will help with this. There are several simple and original hairstyles that don’t take long to learn on your own.

Headband of curls

A headband of curls is a wonderful romantic hairstyle., which is good both on its own and in combination with others, for example, with a bun or another braid. The headband looks equally good with or without bangs.

The classic version of weaving a braid headband:

  1. Part the hair horizontally from one ear to the other and secure the hair at the back.
  2. Comb the remaining hair in the direction of the future weaving.
  3. Select a strand at the temple and divide it into 3 parts, braid the braid 3 times.
  4. Next, with each weave, add loose strands of hair on the sides, thus weaving to the opposite temple.
  5. Secure the tip with a thin elastic band and tuck it into loosely hanging hair, securing it with a bobby pin.
  6. To make the headband more voluminous, you can stretch the braids a little to the sides.
  7. The remaining hair can be slightly curled or simply combed well.

To make the image more festive and elegant, the headband can be decorated with hairpins with flowers, stones and beads, or bright ribbons can be woven into it. For a more simplified execution, you can simply select a strand near the temple and braid a regular braid, which you can then simply throw over to the other side and secure with hairpins.

fish tail

This braid always attracts attention. It looks unusual and difficult, but learning how to do it is not as difficult as it seems.

Fishtail braid technique:

  1. For those who are just getting acquainted with a new braiding technique, it is better to start by collecting all the hair in a ponytail.
  2. The tail is divided into 2 parts.
  3. From the part on the right from the inside, take a thin strand and connect it with another strand.
  4. Take the strand again, but this time on the left and connect it to the right.
  5. There should always be 2 strands in your hands.
  6. Thin strands are placed on top of the main ones. The finer the strands are grabbed, the more unusual the finished braid looks. The strands are selected in turn from different sides.

The hairstyle is secured at the end with an elastic band or ribbon.

Braid on a donut

A donut braid allows you to gather all your hair into a high, elegant hairstyle. To create it, you will need a special “donut”, which can be easily purchased at any cosmetic store in the hair care department.

Hairstyle sequence:

  1. Gather all the curls into a high ponytail at the top of the head.
  2. Put on a bagel, leaving a thick strand underneath, and distribute your hair evenly over it.
  3. Attach another elastic band to the donut, and secure the remaining hair around with bobby pins except for the selected strand.
  4. Weave a braid from the remaining strand and wrap it at the base of the bun, securing with a hairpin.

The hairstyle can be further decorated as desired.

Braids for school

Braids for school should hold up well all day without losing their neat appearance. A girl's hairstyle for school should not interfere with her studies, and should also adequately withstand the pace of school life, and be suitable not only for studying science, but also for choreography and physical education.

French braid

This simple weaving option can be easily mastered in a couple of minutes. With a little practice in this technique, you can create unique images.

The video will help you learn the technique of weaving a French braid:

French weaving technique:

  1. Separate the top part of the hair and divide it into 3 equal parts.
  2. Throw the strand on the right side over the middle strand and add strands of loose hair to it.
  3. Throw the strand on the left over the middle one and again add a strand to the side from the remaining volume of hair.
  4. The braid is braided until all the hair is woven into the braid.
  5. The braiding can be finished with a ponytail or a simple braid.

The French style of braiding is the basis of many other hair braiding techniques.

Milkmaid's Scythe

Milkmaid braid or milkmaid's braid is suitable not only for a little girl, but also for a teenager. She focuses on the eyes and emphasizes the soft features of the child's face. To add more charm to the look, you can let go of a few unruly strands. To create additional volume, your hair can be pre-curled.

The milkmaid's braid is performed as follows:

  1. Make an even vertical parting in the center, tie 2 ponytails.
  2. Braid your ponytails and secure them with elastic bands.
  3. Place one of the braids around your head and secure it with hairpins at the back of your head.
  4. Repeat the same with the second braid, but pin it a little further than the first.
  5. Hide the ends of the braids.
  6. The finished hairstyle can be decorated as desired.

Holiday braids

A braided holiday hairstyle for a girl looks cute and elegant. Here you can afford to decorate your hair with hairpins, hairpins, ribbons, bows and flowers. But it is worth understanding that a child's hairstyle should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable, so you need to take into account the girl’s wishes.

Hairstyle with two braids

An original and at the same time simple hairstyle of two braids will help quickly prepare a girl for any event. It goes well with any large bows, flowers and other decorations. The two-braid hairstyle can also be complemented with a zigzag parting to make it even more interesting.

It is performed as follows:

  1. Divide your hair with a vertical parting and secure 2 ponytails low.
  2. From the elastic band, braid a regular braid from each ponytail.
  3. Take one braid and secure it with an elastic band at the base to make a loop.
  4. Thread the adjacent braid into the loop and secure it in the same way.
  5. Hide the elastic bands at the base under bows or other decorations.

The loops can be carefully secured with bobby pins to create a number 8 pattern.


The hair plait looks very unusual. It can be done quite simply. For those who don't like braiding hair, this is a great option. In addition, once you master the technique of making a braid, you can easily use it instead of braids in some braided hairstyles.

The hair tourniquet is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Braid the ponytail at the desired height.
  2. Divide your hair into 2 equal parts.
  3. Twist the strands tightly.
  4. Intertwine the resulting bundles. To get the hairstyle done, the plait must be twisted in the opposite direction from the twisted strands.

At the end, secure the hairstyle with an elastic band to match your hair.

Air braid

The air braid is performed on the basis of the French one. It allows you to create volume to your hair and make it look thicker.

You can braid an airy braid for a girl by following the following sequence:

  1. Separate a strand at the temples and weave 2 regular braids.
  2. Tie the braids with an elastic band and pull them closer to the head.
  3. Separate a thick strand under the braids for the main braid.
  4. Divide the large strand into 2 parts. The middle part of the braid will be the ends of the small braids.
  5. Take thin strands from the front of your head and weave them into the main braid.
  6. Perform 1-2 braids and again grab a thin strand, first on the left, then on the right.
  7. Continue braiding until the end of the hair and secure the braid with an elastic band.

Such a braid with woven flowers and ribbons will look beautiful. Inspiration can be drawn from wedding hair accessories.

Unusual braids

Unusual braids are very suitable for a little girl. Despite their appearance, they are not as complicated as they seem. Even a beginner can easily learn how to weave them. There are several simple options that a girl will be happy to wear.

Little dragon

The stylish dragon fits perfectly into any look. It is suitable for any age and lasts well all day, and with careful handling and tight weaving - even longer.

The classic dragon is performed as follows:

  1. Separate a strand of small width above the forehead line and divide it into 3 parts.
  2. Throw the left strand over the one in the middle. It should be on the other side.
  3. You need to do the same with the right strand.
  4. Separate a thin strand from the side of the temple and insert it into the weave.
  5. Weave thin strands along the entire length of the braid on both sides.

Finally, a simple braid is woven and secured with an elastic band.


Princess Jasmine's braid from the cartoon "Aladdin" looks very stylish. It creates additional volume, and the hair visually becomes thicker. Before you start styling it, experts advise crimping your hair.

Step-by-step technique for creating Jasmine's hairstyle:

  1. After crimping, carefully comb your hair and make a high ponytail.
  2. Select 2 strands from both sides of the ponytail and tie them with an elastic band, not pulling too tightly.
  3. From below, again select 2 strands from the sides and also fasten with an elastic band.
  4. Repeat the same steps along the entire length of the tail.

Stretch the finished braid slightly to the sides to give more volume.


A beautiful wreath of braids is woven on long hair. This hairstyle looks most beautiful when done in a reverse French braid.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. Divide your hair with a center parting into two equal parts.
  2. Select a strand at the back of the head near the parting and divide it into 3 parts.
  3. Start braiding a reverse French braid towards your forehead.
  4. Guide the braid along the hairline and collect loose hair from the parting.
  5. Having reached the temple area, the weaving stops. Next, the braid is braided freely until it is enough to reach the opposite temple through the forehead.
  6. Now you need to shape the braid on the other side. It should be directed from the forehead to the back of the head.
  7. Start from the neck with a simple, loose braid.
  8. Gather the weave into a wreath, hiding the ends.

The ability to weave beautiful braids will help teach your child to maintain a neat appearance.

There are more than 300 options for stylish braided hairstyles. Some of them are quite suitable for beginners, while others are only suitable for professionals. Learning how to weave braids is only possible through practice, so you should choose the pattern you like and start implementing it, constantly improving the technique.

Article format: E. Chaikina

A useful video on how to learn how to braid a girl's hair

The technique of weaving a wreath from hair can be found here:

It's hard to imagine beautiful little girls without original hairstyles on their heads. The first thing that comes to every parent's mind is to braid beautiful hair. There comes a time when girls need to be taken to kindergarten or school. In order to quickly get your child ready for kindergarten, you need to make a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands. This article will look at braid options for girls of various age categories. The article provides special instructions for beginners on how to properly braid their little girls’ hair.


Using rope braiding, you can create voluminous buns, and when combined with the French braid technique, in which strands are added to the main braiding, you can create a beautiful hairstyle in the Greek style.

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail, securing it with a tight elastic band;
  2. Divide the curls into two identical bundles;
  3. Twist your hair in opposite directions at the same time, twisting one strand clockwise into a strand and the other counterclockwise;
  4. Having twisted the curls by 5-7 cm, twist them together so that the one on the left is in the right hand and vice versa;
  5. Continue twisting the curls in opposite directions and then twisting them together;
  6. Secure the end of the tourniquet with a hair elastic.


  1. Use a flat comb or your fingers to separate an even horizontal parting on the top of the head;
  2. Start weaving from one temple towards the other;
  3. Do the first weaving of strands as usual, then add tufts of hair only from the side of the bangs, and from the side of the crown just the main curl. Thus, you will get a one-sided dragon, with a beautiful, embossed edging;
  4. Finish the braid, not reaching the ear 5 centimeters, make one weave without adding hair and turn the braid, now adding strands of hair under the parting, and on the other side just the main curl. Now the weaving occurs as if in the opposite direction relative to the first segment of the snake;
  5. Depending on the thickness of the hair and its length, you can repeat the bends of the snake several times, but it is better to make partings slightly diagonally, so the weaving will not be tight, and the snake will take about three turns;
  6. Finally, secure your hair with an elastic band. You can braid the rest of your hair with a regular braid or leave it in a ponytail.


  1. Separate the hair around the head with an even parting.
  2. Gather the part of the hair that remains in the middle into a ponytail using an elastic band.
  3. Starting from the neck, weave a French braid, adding strands from the side of the hairline, as well as small tufts of hair from the ponytail.
  4. Braid the dragon around your head, evenly distributing the hair from the tail. For beginners, you can distribute it into several bundles with bobby pins, which can be removed during the weaving process.
  5. To complete the hairstyle, braid the remaining hair in a simple braid and tuck it into the middle of the dragon, not forgetting to secure the tip with an elastic band.

Using the basic methods of braiding, as well as improving your skills and training your hand, you can create hairstyles of various complexity that will allow your little daughter to always look neat and well-groomed.

French braid

  1. In fact, this braiding option is not easy enough for beginners. There is also a second name for the braid – “Dragon”. A simpler braiding method is considered to be a simple braid. But to make a beautiful braid for your child in kindergarten, you will have to really try. Basically, the “French braid” is braided on long and medium hair.
  2. If there is a holiday planned in kindergarten, then it is better to do everything clearly and correctly. First you will have to separate a third of the hair from the main mass. That is, it is worth considering the fact that only three cycles of braiding are performed step by step. At the first stage, you need to braid a simple braid, and then, in subsequent stages, add hair on the side.
  3. It is practically necessary to weave one large braid. Then add strands step by step on both sides. If you really think about it, there is nothing complicated about it. Every parent can learn how to make braids for long hair. A girl with a loose braid always looks gentle and beautiful.

Mermaid braid

  1. Bring the majority of your hair to one side, moving all the hair to the "heavy" side of the head (the side that has the most hair relative to the long natural parting).
  2. Separate a five-centimeter section of hair on the “heavy” side towards the back of the head. Divide this strand into three equal parts. Cross a side strand over the center strand, then another side strand over the center strand.
  3. This is very similar to how you would do a regular braid. Cross the back strand back over the center one, this time adding another narrow section of hair from the back of your head (below where the braid started) into the strand you crossed.
  4. Cross the front strand over the back strand, now adding another narrow section of hair just before the braid. Continue repeating these steps, pulling out small sections of hair and adding them to the braid, until the braid reaches the end of the hair.
  5. Secure the braid using an elastic band of your choice. Now you are ready to charm the most beautiful young men. Now that you have mastered the braiding technique, make it yourself.
  6. Take a thin ribbon, try a fishtail braid - the sky's the limit with this versatile style. Hit the road and enjoy your weekend.

Mermaid braid

  1. So, if necessary, secure the strands with hairpins at the back of your head.
  2. Before creating a hairstyle, you need to comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Otherwise, it will simply be difficult to separate the strands later.
  4. You can also curl the strands near your face, but this is not necessary.
  5. The hairstyle will also look great on smooth, collected hair.
  6. Let's start by moving all the hair to one side.
  7. Then separate two thin strands from both sides and secure them together with a small elastic band.
  8. Now pass the end of this strand through the hole above the elastic.
  9. Do this twice.
  10. And at the end of this whole process, carefully pull the strands out of the resulting bundle.
  11. Then, separate two more thin strands and repeat the whole procedure again - tying them with a thin elastic band together and passing them through the hole above it.
  12. Here you need to rely on your own creativity, because there are simply no special rules for creating this hairstyle.
  13. It depends on you which strands you will choose - very thin or perhaps thicker, and how tightly you will tighten them.
  14. And, of course, it’s up to you to decide how much to pull the hair out of the bundles you’ve made.
  15. Each time the result will be slightly different.
  16. We recommend experimenting with this technique.
  17. You can create just a few strands and thus decorate your ponytail or twist your hair into strands all the way to the ends to create a mermaid braid.

Princess braid

  1. Spray the baby's hair with water from a spray bottle, it is important that the strands are slightly damp.
  2. Then the curls are easy to style.
  3. Divide all the hair with an even parting, each side into two more strands.
  4. Try to keep all the strands the same size.
  5. The remaining hair is pinned or slightly curled.
  6. Each strand is twisted in one direction, secured with a beautiful hairpin or bobby pin, it all depends on the idea.
  7. The same principle looks good on long and medium hair.
  8. Interpretation of an ordinary spikelet Everyone knows how to weave a little dragon, he alone looks ordinary and boring, we invite you to use your imagination
  9. Divide your hair into four equal parts horizontally.
  10. Start weaving a regular spikelet from one ear to the other from each separated strand.
  11. Connect all the braids into a ponytail and secure with a bow.

Complex 4-strand braid

  1. place strand No. 2 on strand No. 3;
  2. then strand No. 1 goes under the strand that was No. 3;
  3. place strand No. 4 on No. 1;
  4. and No. 4 under No. 2;
  5. we move strand No. 3 under No. 4;
  6. put No. 3 on No. 2;
  7. put No. 1 on No. 3;
  8. After No. 1, place under No. 2.

Try to remember the order. After completing the algorithm, repeat the scheme again if the hair length allows. Remember that a braid of this type will look best on long hair (from the shoulder blades and below). Watch the video: just turn it on and repeat at the same time.


For the hairstyle you will need:

  • 3 invisible ones,
  • 2 rubber bands,
  • tendril for pinning hair during creation.
  1. We carefully separate the curled hair with our fingers, dividing it into smaller thin strands. At the same time, twist each one around your finger and lay it down.
  2. Part your hair down the middle.
  3. Separate a thick strand behind the ear and divide it into 2. Now we will weave a braid. Twist each of them into a bundle away from the face, and twist each other towards the face. The hair is in strands away from the face, and the strands themselves are towards the face. Repeat if you can't remember.
  4. We tie the ends of the braid with an elastic band to match the hair.
  5. We lay the braid on the head, experiment with the most advantageous option. Secure it with an elastic band, tying it to a thin separated strand at the roots or using a bobby pin.
  6. We pick up the selected front strand and direct it behind the braid. Gently scrolling while laying and fixing it on the inside with an invisible one so that it is not noticeable. Repeat on the second side
  7. Cinderella's hairstyle is ready, if desired, complement it with a tiara or comb with a crown.

Hairstyle "Two Braids"

  1. This beautiful hairstyle, consisting of two braids, is well suited for medium-length hair and is an easy option for daily styling. You can make such a basket yourself, without anyone’s help.
  2. We call this hairstyle everyday, but it is also appropriate for a holiday. Make a straight parting on combed hair. Temporarily fix one half so that it does not interfere with the adjacent braid.
  3. We braid a braid on one side using the spikelet method, starting from the bangs area and placing it closer to the ear so that the finished hairstyle resembles a cute basket. The second part of the hair also needs to be turned into a braid, symmetrical with the adjacent braid.
  4. At the end of the weaving, we connect the ends of the braids. These ends need to be intertwined and secured with an elastic band. An alternative is to tuck the end of the braid behind the opposite braid. The result is braids laid behind each other in the form of a basket.

Fishtail braid

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly with a comb, comb your hair back and divide it into 4 equal strands. For convenience, we will call the far right part the first, the strand located immediately behind it the second, the next one the third, the last one the fourth.
  2. With your right hand we push the first strand under the second. With your left hand, place the third strand on top of the first.
  3. We insert the fourth strand under the first. Now she is in the center of the weaving. Place the second strand on top of the third, and the fourth strand on top of the second.
  4. In the same way, we place the first strand on the second, the third on the fourth. Next, we place the first strand on top of the third, and place the third on top of the second. We weave according to this pattern to the required length. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.


Flagella can be called the simplest alternative to complex braids. You can braid them very quickly yourself, even without much experience in hairstyles.

  1. We carefully comb the strands and collect them on the top of the head into a high ponytail.
  2. Divide the hair into two equal strands.
  3. We twist both strands to the right in the form of a tourniquet.
  4. We hold the ends tightly with our hands and then tie them with two thin elastic bands.
  5. We twist the bundles together towards the left and fasten them again with an elastic band.


  1. Greek braiding for medium hair is done exclusively along the edges of the strands.
  2. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and romantic.
  3. Comb your hair into an even parting from the forehead to the back of the head.
  4. We secure the right side of the hair with a clip so that the hair does not interfere with further work.
  5. Separate a thin strand of hair from the left temple.
  6. We divide it into three equal parts.
  7. We weave counterclockwise.
  8. With each cross movement, we weave thin strands taken from below into the braid.
  9. In this way we reach the opposite ear of the part and tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  10. Alternatively, you can go to the back of your head, fix the end of the braid and braid exactly the same one on the other side.
  11. Now all that remains is to weave both braids into one or fasten them with hairpins.


  1. Separate a section of hair from the top of your head, twist it and secure it with a hairpin - you will need it later.
  2. Start braiding three strands from your temple to your forehead.
  3. Braid the braid around your head, pulling hair into strands only from the outside.
  4. Weave a strand from the outer edge into the middle of the braid.
  5. Continue braiding it around your head until you reach the beginning of the braid, that is, until the circle is complete.
  6. Braid the remaining hair in the braid in the usual way and place it above the forehead, securing the end with a hairpin under the main braid.
  7. Release the hair at the top of your head that we left at the very beginning and braid it into a regular braid.
  8. Place the braid around your head and secure it with a hairpin.
  9. Fluff the braids a little along the edges so that the styling is not flat, but becomes textured.

Simple braid

  1. Separate small strands on the sides and braid each into a thin braid.
  2. Secure the base of the braids with a small hairpin, and do the same with the ends.
  3. Crabs of different colors look great.
  4. The remaining hair can be curled or left loose.
  5. The number of braids can be done differently, the main thing is that they are neat and your child likes them.
  6. Braiding from ponytails Divide the entire hair with an even parting, make a free number of ponytails on each side, secure with multi-colored elastic bands.
  7. Make flagella from each ponytail, begin to weave like lacing, alternating on the left and right sides of the hair.
  8. At the end, the hairstyle is secured with the same type of elastic bands or bows.
  9. The concept is very simple, accessible to everyone, and easy to implement.
  10. The main thing is to stock up on plenty of rubber bands.
  11. Some people make adjustments to their hairstyle - instead of braids, they braid it, which looks impressive and interesting.

Three-braid braid

  1. At the top of the head, the hair is divided into 2 parts, and a braid with French tie-ins is woven from each.
  2. If the bangs are long, then you can also use them.
  3. After 3-4 bindings, a regular three-strand braid is made.
  4. The end is secured with an elastic band.
  5. The second braid is woven in the same way.
  6. The middle braid is braided from the bottom of the hair.
  7. It starts with side tacks and ends with classic weaving.
  8. The upper thin braids are threaded into the middle links.
  9. An unusual weave is formed. Read more:
  10. The hairstyle is suitable for every day, but if you add flowers, you will get a festive option.

Video: simple children's braids

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Morning preparations are scheduled literally to the minute. Not only do we need to have time to do our business, but we also need to get the children ready for kindergarten or school. Parents of girls know firsthand that there is absolutely no time left for complex hairstyles.

Especially to help moms and dads of little princesses website I've collected several hairstyles that won't take up much of your time.

Criss-cross tails

Divide the hair near your face into two parts, pull each part into a ponytail with an elastic band, then cross them and make two more ponytails, adding the rest of your hair. You can repeat this technique several times - try and find your own options.

Convenient and beautiful

Separate two strands at the sides of your face, twist them into strands, then tie them into a knot and secure with an elastic band directly underneath. Simple and very fast.

Inverted tail

An elegant, but at the same time not at all complicated hairstyle. Divide your hair into a side parting, separate a small strand from one side near the face and twist it into a rope (here you can involve the child in the process and let him hold the strand). Gently collect the remaining hair using a comb, add a strand twisted into a braid and make a low ponytail, slightly moving it from the center. Then loosen the elastic a little, make a hole at the base of the ponytail and pull the hair down.

Triple inverted tail

For those who have mastered the technique of turning the tail, there is a slightly more complicated option. Start with a ponytail at the top, turn it inside out, then make another ponytail lower, grabbing the end of the first ponytail, and also turn it out. Make several tails this way. By the way, if the tails are shifted a little from the center, you will get a more interesting option.

Asymmetrical beam

Part your hair on the side and carefully gather it into a ponytail at the side, then twist the ponytail into a braid and gather it into a bun. Secure your hair with an elastic band (or better yet, two for security); stray hairs can be secured with bobby pins.

Triple braid

For those who have not yet learned how to weave a French braid, there is one tricky option. First, make a braid from the top of your hair and secure it with an elastic band at the end, then separate another part of the hair in the middle of your head, place the first braid in the middle and braid another one, also securing it with an elastic band. Repeat this step again and when you finish the last braid, unravel the ends of all the braids and braid one.

Romantic tail

Separate the hair at the top and braid a short braid (you can use a regular braid, but those who know how can do a French braid, for example), then connect the unbraided part of the hair with the rest of the hair using an elastic band. This hairstyle can easily be turned into a festive one by putting the ponytail into a bun.

Several tails