How to sleep and rest properly during pregnancy. Can pregnant women sleep on their back? How to sleep during certain months of pregnancy

Pregnancy affects not only the body of the expectant mother, but also her habits, character, and lifestyle. Women have a hard time with sleep disturbances caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you are sleeping or watching TV, you always need to choose a comfortable position, which must also be safe for the baby.

Mothers should ask what sleeping positions are acceptable during each trimester, the risks of falling asleep on the back or stomach, and what devices should be used to facilitate the process.

Choosing a pose according to the trimester

Every woman should know how much time and how to sleep during pregnancy. Scientists have found that more than 85% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often have nightmares or sleep does not reach the deep phase. This process is complicated by the fact that pregnant women often suffer from drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. In recent months, the woman on the other hand has been sleeping much less. All these features should be taken into account when choosing a favorable position for rest. Normally, a girl is given 10 hours a day to sleep at night, then the body will fully rest and fight unpleasant symptoms such as toxicosis and bloating more successfully.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: Did you have problems sleeping during pregnancy?

Comfortable sleeping positions will vary depending on the period.

First trimester

Drowsiness increases significantly, to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to changes in the body, weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

During this period, women begin to wonder whether pregnant women can sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, and what positions are undesirable to take. Since during the first 1-2 months a girl may not even know about pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep out of habit remains and this in no way harms the development of the child. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually accustom yourself to lay down and fall asleep on your left side. Also, due to toxicosis, many women wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom, lie on either side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea increases in a strictly horizontal position, as well as in a position lying on your stomach or back.

Second trimester

The girl notices the rounding of her tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn over on her stomach. Control the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the area, which can cause the baby to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With a relatively small stomach, you are allowed to fall asleep on your back or right side. Prepare for insomnia and possible seizures.

Third trimester

After 6 months, finding a comfortable sleeping position will be quite difficult. The baby begins to move and even push, since his sleep pattern does not coincide with yours. There is also increased swelling of the body and limbs, which leads to heaviness and cramps in the legs. Before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the area of ​​stiff muscles and stretch them well. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy in the third trimester. First, find a comfortable pillow or purchase a pregnancy-specific pillow to place under or between your knees. This position allows you to reduce the load on the limbs, relieve pain and normalize sleep. We also carefully place the tummy on the pillow and fall asleep on its side (preferably on the left).

To successfully fall asleep, you can perform a simple exercise. Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull your chin toward your chest and place your palms on your lower abs. Take a deep and slow breath, then exhale normally, using your palms to control the rhythm of your breathing. Then lie on your side, bend your knees and place the necessary pillows (under your head, between your legs and under your stomach). Continue to follow the chosen breathing rhythm, trying to relax your body as much as possible as you inhale and pull your chin towards your chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on their left side. The fact is that only this position will protect you from pressure on the vena cava, the branches of which lie to the right of the uterus. They return blood from the lower extremities through the pelvis to the heart. Lying on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place a pillow under it. At the same time, it can also be placed on the right side, especially if the expectant mother has kidney problems, has undergone surgery or has recently had stones removed.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or blanket and place it between (under) your knees. The greatest comfort will be brought to your rest by a pillow for pregnant women, made in exactly the shape that will help you take the safest and most comfortable position.

Why do pregnant women need to sleep on their left side, the main advantages?

So, the most comfortable positions for sleeping during pregnancy are already known. But why does everyone recommend the left side?

  • In this position, blood flows freely to the placenta, supplying the fetus with useful components and oxygen.
  • The functioning of the genitourinary system is normalized, thanks to which you are less likely to get up to go to the toilet at night.
  • Evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles go away, and the number of cramps decreases.
  • Unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who like to eat heavily before bed.
  • The back and pelvic area relaxes as much as possible, due to which daytime fatigue and soreness go away.
  • This position ensures favorable functioning of the heart muscle of the expectant mother.

In addition to information about how to sleep during pregnancy, expectant mothers should also take care of the issue of getting up. Doctors advise not to get out of bed immediately after waking up, especially abruptly and quickly. A woman should carefully turn on the side closest to the door, place her feet on the floor and slowly sit down. Gentle movements will help avoid uterine hypertonicity.

There are some features and pathologies of pregnancy, in which a comfortable and healthy sleeping position is selected individually together with a doctor.

  • Transverse presentation. If the fetal head is located on the right side, then the expectant mother should sleep on this side. This will allow the child to still take the correct head-down position in the future.
  • Pelvic position of the fetus. Here doctors recommend lying on your left side and performing a special exercise. The woman lies down on a hard and even mattress, removes the pillow from under her head and places it under her buttocks, folded in half (the pelvis should rise 25-30 cm above her head). The pregnant woman lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which she takes a comfortable position for sleeping. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. The duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the required position, the woman is prescribed to wear a bandage.
  • Heartburn and respiratory system disorders. Many patients ask what position is best to sleep in during pregnancy if they suffer from high acidity, runny nose, shortness of breath and nausea. Gynecologists recommend lying on your side, raising your upper body. Special mattresses or high pillows are suitable for this.
  • Swelling, cramps, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. During daytime and nighttime rest, place an orthopedic pillow under your legs and feet, which will help drain blood from the lower extremities.

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Consequences of sleeping on your stomach and back

For those patients who have slept on their stomachs all their lives, it will be most difficult for them to wean themselves from this position, which is dangerous for the child. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone), you can lie down in your usual position. But as your belly grows, you will have to gradually get out of the habit, since the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels in this area is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you manage to sleep on your rounded belly.

Often, enlarged and painful mammary glands will force you to give up sleeping on your stomach much earlier. Moreover, they should be provided with normal conditions for development and filling, which is impossible when squeezing and squeezing with a mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, while completely ignoring the possibility of resting on their back. So is it possible or not to unconsciously take this position during pregnancy?

Of course, resting on your back is more pleasant and comfortable than on your stomach, however, unpleasant sensations and consequences are possible.

  • In the supine position, blood flows intensely to the pelvis and lower extremities, so there is not enough oxygen reaching the lungs and brain. Possible lack of air, dizziness, fainting.
  • The voluminous uterus descends onto the bladder and intestines, which forces you to go to the toilet several times a night.
  • The enlarged uterus actively puts pressure on the vessels, which prevents normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area and extremities, which can lead to increased manifestations of varicose veins and swelling of the legs.
  • Back pain (especially in the lumbar region) and bedsores appear. All day the woman feels broken and weak.
  • Doctors have documented that sleeping on your back increases the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnancy.
  • The uterus compresses the main vena cava, which forces the heart to pump blood more intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increased blood pressure.

If you unknowingly lie on your back while sleeping, the baby will tell you about the lack of oxygen with strong kicks and movements in the uterus. This means that you should turn on your left side.

Doctors always take into account how comfortable it is for pregnant women to sleep, but still recommend giving up sleeping on your back, starting from the 25th to twenty-seventh week.

Choosing the right place to sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right sleeping position, but the place where she will sleep also plays a big role in her health. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which expectant mother will be able to take any positions she needs;
  • the mattress must have a flat surface and be non-rigid;
  • when choosing anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you must buy models either without springs or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute body weight and relieve stress on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for a comfortable sleep

Caring manufacturers have invented unique options for pregnancy pillows that follow the contours of the body and take into account the anatomy of the body. different dates. On the one hand, such a pillow supports a rounded and heavy stomach, and on the other, it eliminates blood stagnation in the limbs. It also prevents changes in position during sleep, so the expectant mother can sleep peacefully without worrying about the baby’s health. Of course, sleeping on the accessory is not very comfortable at first, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to a soft friend at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several disadvantages:

  • impressive size, thanks to which the pillow takes up additional space and can displace the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that retain body heat and do not absorb moisture (in summer it is hot and “wet” to relax with the product);
  • dry cleaning (most pillows will not fit in washing machine and prohibited for hand washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can become electrified;
  • Some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) rustle unpleasantly during sleep.

When purchasing a product, expectant mothers are interested in how to properly sleep on a pillow while pregnant.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman often faces problems with poor sleep. In order to correct them, you should:

  • establish a sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time of day);
  • in the afternoon, give up activities that contribute to mental and physical fatigue (this could be serious negotiations, watching exciting films, etc.);
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • do gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • Avoid eating foods that stimulate the nervous system (spicy or fatty foods, coffee, energy drinks, tea);
  • take your last meal and drinks no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • ventilate the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • You can take sleeping pills only on the advice of a doctor;
  • to calm down, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or mint decoction, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if insomnia is caused by fear of future childbirth, then it would be best to attend a prenatal training course. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all situations that provoke fear in a woman.

All expectant mothers should ask their doctor how to sleep properly during pregnancy, how to choose a pillow, and from what date these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help improve sleep, make it long and calm, without physical and psychological anxiety.

February 2016

Having learned about an interesting situation, a woman begins to think about changing her lifestyle. Now you should be extremely careful. In the little things too. The changes will even affect sleep. The position “on the back”, beloved by many, is now taboo. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Are there exceptions for different stages of pregnancy? It is important for pregnant women to find answers to these questions in order to make sure that their actions are correct and stop worrying.

The first time after conception, you can sleep in any comfortable position.

A comfortable posture is key to healthy, long sleep. The concept of a “comfortable position” is individual. According to statistics, most people like to rest on their backs. If a woman has always preferred to sleep in a popular position, she is especially interested in finding out whether pregnant women can roll over onto their back at the very beginning of their pregnancy and stay in this position for a long time.

From a physiological point of view, in the first stage of pregnancy there is no reason to give up your favorite position. As long as your belly is small, you can take any position and enjoy a sound sleep. Resting, lying on her back, the expectant mother, up to a certain point, may not be afraid that she will harm the baby: the situation is not dangerous in the first weeks.

A woman can also move in her sleep to find a comfortable position. Active “movements” around the bed are possible until the uterus begins to put pressure on various organs. Changing body position is safe for the baby: shocks from movements are neutralized by the amniotic sac. It protects the fetus well early stages.

Although there is no need to control yourself in your sleep until the thirteenth week, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers to stop lying on their backs right away. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus begins to put strong pressure on the organs, and the load on the spine increases. Sleeping on your back becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. By making it a habit to lay down in the desired position in the early stages, a woman plays it safe. This way she will get used to taking the desired position, and when this becomes relevant, it will not be difficult for the expectant mother to abandon the dangerous position. Refusal will already occur unconsciously.

Second trimester and supine position

Is it possible to sleep on your back in the second trimester? You will have to give up your favorite pose even a little earlier. Take this position starting from fourth month(from the twelfth week), not recommended. The ban is due to the danger to the female body. By this time the fetus becomes heavier. The internal organs of a pregnant woman (in particular the intestines, kidneys, liver) are subject to pressure when lying on her back. When a woman takes this position, the spine feels the full weight of the fetus. The vena cava is located along it. Its main function is to transport blood from the lower body to the heart. If the vein is compressed, blood circulation will fail. This leads to:

  • breathing problems (increased frequency, intermittency);
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • lack of air.

When the tummy becomes more noticeable, it is best to buy a special device

You should not sleep on your back during pregnancy due to possible risks to the fetus. Clamping of the vena cava risks the fact that the baby will not receive enough oxygen, and along with it, substances important for development. Lack of oxygen leads to a dangerous condition - fetal hypoxia. Severe hypoxia can provoke ischemia or necrosis of various organs, which threatens termination of pregnancy. Lack of oxygen increases the likelihood of premature placental abruption. Hypoxia can make itself known after the birth of a baby: children who have experienced oxygen starvation in the womb often lag behind in development.

Features of sleep after the 28th week

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back during the 3rd trimester? Doctors are categorical on this issue: the position is not suitable for sleep or simple rest. By the 28th week, the belly becomes large. If a pregnant woman lies on her stomach, the pressure on the venous vessel located near the spine will be strong. When a vein is compressed, blood circulation is disrupted. This threatens to make you faint. Fainting during sleep is especially dangerous. Pregnant women with a predisposition to thrombosis, varicose veins, and edema should absolutely not sleep on their back. This position should become taboo even when you just want to lie quietly.

In the long term, due to the size of the fetus, the pelvic organs are under pressure. The load increases when a woman lies on her back. If the bladder is compressed, involuntary leakage of urine cannot be avoided. Due to the habit of sleeping in this position, severe lumbar pain appears towards the end of the term. This is especially true if there are problems with the spine.

Why can't pregnant women lie on their back from the point of view of dangers for the baby? Starting from the second trimester, this position carries risks for the fetus. The clamping of a vein in the expectant mother is reflected on the baby. With this condition, the amount of oxygen in the woman’s blood decreases, which means the child will not have enough of it. This leads to fetal hypoxia. The longer the period, the higher the risks of making such a diagnosis if a woman continues to sleep on her back during pregnancy.

Oxygen starvation later leads to developmental delay, damage nervous system. Due to hypoxia, the baby may be born underweight.

Having found out that pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their backs, the expectant mother wonders: how can she sleep then? Obstetricians and gynecologists advise lying on your side. This position is considered the safest. It poses no threat to either the health of the mother or the health of the baby. For maximum convenience, the following recommendations should be followed:

Can pregnant women use extra bedding for comfort? Doctors advise paying attention to a special pillow. She will become best assistant in the fight for a comfortable sleep, will provide maximum comfort. The pillow helps to fix the body in the most comfortable position. It is placed under the legs, stomach, back, while maintaining the position on the side.

Benefits of sleeping on your side

Being on your side while sleeping while expecting a baby is not only convenient, but also safe. This position provides a number of positive processes:

  • Relaxation of the spine. The next morning, the expectant mother will feel truly rested.
  • Relieving stress from internal organs. If there is no pressure on the internal organs, they work without failure, and there is no pain.
  • Normalization of kidney functions. The absence of disruptions in the functioning of this organ eliminates the appearance of swelling.
  • Improves blood circulation and heart function. This guarantees that the fetus will be supplied with oxygen in the required quantity: the risks of hypoxia are reduced.

It is recommended to lie on your side not only at night. The pose should be taken when the expectant mother has simply decided to lie quietly or read her favorite book. Although at the beginning of pregnancy you can take any position, a woman should get used to sleeping on her side, especially if she did not like this position before. By focusing on correct posture from the very beginning, a pregnant woman will be grateful to herself in the future. The correct posture will relieve many problems, ensure good health for the mother and health for the baby.

How to lie down and get up correctly

From the second trimester, a period begins when it is important to exercise maximum caution in everything. The expectant mother needs not only to choose the optimal sleeping position, but also to learn how to take it correctly and get up correctly. How to go into the world of dreams? Simple recommendations should be followed:

Is it possible for pregnant women to stand up abruptly? You will have to forget about getting up quickly until the birth. You need to get up extremely carefully. When suddenly moving to a vertical position, a pressure drop often occurs. The jump can make you feel very dizzy, which can lead to loss of balance. This is dangerous: a pregnant woman can fall and hit her stomach. To avoid risks, you need to climb calmly, with smooth movements as a priority.

If in a dream the expectant mother turns over on her back, when she wakes up, she needs to first turn on her side and then get up from this position.

When lifting, it is recommended to first lower your legs and only then rise. You definitely need to help yourself with your hands. It is advisable to have a support nearby. It must be reliable. A chair, an armchair, a bedside table, and even a headboard will do.

In an “interesting position,” women often encounter “sleepy” problems. This is due to both your well-being and the need to give up your favorite poses in favor of safe ones. The closer the due date, the more difficult it is for the expectant mother to get enough sleep. However, adequate sleep plays a key role in the health of a pregnant woman. It is also important for her future baby. It is important to do everything you can to get a good night's rest. Recommendations that will not be difficult to follow will help you regain sound sleep:

  • Dinner before bed is a forbidden meal for anyone who dreams of getting a good night's sleep. And even more so for pregnant women. You need to forget about food two hours before your night's rest, then you can quickly dream. Dinner should be light but filling.
  • Movies and books that evoke a storm of emotions are taboo before bed. Experiences are the worst helpers for those who dream of getting enough sleep. To really relax, it’s better to completely give up reading and TV in the evening.
  • It is important to calm down before going to bed. Milk with honey helps relax the nervous system. Before using bee products, expectant mothers need to make sure that they are not allergic to them.
  • To sleep soundly, you need to properly equip your sleeping area. Pregnant women are advised to change their mattress to a model that provides support. From the middle of the term, it is strictly forbidden to use a bed with a sagging mesh. The bed should be quite firm. You should also say no to high pillows. The ideal option is orthopedic. They help relieve stress from the neck. As a result, no morning headaches. A special pillow for pregnant women is one of the main conditions for a comfortable rest. Especially when the stomach becomes noticeably rounder.

By abandoning the position on your back, choosing the correct posture and holding simple tips, the expectant mother will be able to enjoy good sleep. If you experience prolonged discomfort during rest or other problems, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will determine the reason that is interfering with proper sleep, recommend a suitable position, and tell you about the nuances of resting in an “interesting position.”

Concern for the little toddler makes a pregnant woman take a different look at everyday things and habits. For example, already at the very beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers try to choose the optimal position for sleep and rest. There are many recommendations on this matter, in particular, discussions regarding lying on your back continue. Today we will try to objectively answer this burning question for pregnant women.

How long can pregnant women lie on their back?

While the tummy is barely noticeable and the uterus is reliably protected by the bones of the small pelvis, the expectant mother should not worry about whether the expectant mother can lie on her back during pregnancy. At first, the position during sleep does not in any way affect the well-being and development of the baby. On the stomach, on the back or side - a woman has the right to enjoy the opportunity to sleep and rest in a way that is convenient for her to the fullest, since in a couple of months she will no longer have such a prerogative. As soon as her tummy begins to round, sleeping on her stomach will be uncomfortable and unsafe. As for the back, gynecologists allow you to rest in this position until about 28 weeks. However, doctors advise you to gradually get used to it and choose a comfortable position for rest in advance, so as not to overshadow your recent months pregnancy with chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

Can pregnant women lie on their backs during late pregnancy?

A belly that has reached enormous sizes significantly limits the freedom of movement of a pregnant woman. Of course, you can’t sleep on your stomach anymore, and the position on your back is not the best best solution. In this position, the uterus strongly compresses the vena cava, through which blood moves from the legs to the heart. By disrupting blood flow, a pregnant woman may feel unwell, dizzy, and breathing may become rapid and intermittent. But, most importantly, with such disorders, the child also suffers - he begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen.

In addition, lying on your back for a long time can cause lower back pain or increase

However, many doctors say that lying on your back during pregnancy is possible, but not for long. Alternate changes in body position during a favorable pregnancy cannot harm the baby or mother in any way. But, nevertheless, answering the question of how long you can lie on your back during pregnancy, gynecologists do not advise abusing this position, and warn that at the slightest discomfort, the position of the body should be changed immediately.

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to lead a completely different life, with some restrictions. Sometimes they are very significant and primarily affect everyone. bad habits- from now on, they should not exist until the woman gives birth and finishes breastfeeding the baby. But the restrictions also cover other areas of the life of the expectant mother - they relate to nutrition, some sports, and even the position of her body in her sleep.

And if the fact that as the belly grows it is forbidden to sleep on it is obvious, then many questions arise regarding other positions in sleep. For example, is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy, how can this be dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby?

Should you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, many expectant mothers report increased fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness. This is the body's reaction to a new position for it. It is best to listen to your feelings and rest whenever possible.

In general, expectant mothers have no questions regarding... Obviously, as it grows, it becomes dangerous, and simply inconvenient. However, in the early stages, the position of the expectant mother during sleep does not matter at all!

When should you not sleep on your back during pregnancy?

The first trimester is the very period when you can sleep on your back during pregnancy without fear of any consequences. The fact is that the embryo is still too small, it is reliably protected by the pelvic bones, so there is no chance that the expectant mother will cause any harm to it with an incorrect position during sleep.

However, now you need to gradually accustom yourself to the fact that soon there will be only 2 positions that are acceptable during pregnancy - on the left and right sides. Already from the second trimester, the expectant mother should be able to control herself in her sleep, since lying either on her stomach or on her back can cause serious harm to her health and the health of the unborn baby.

The dangers of sleeping on your back during pregnancy

From about the 12th week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus already reaches such a size that the position of the expectant mother’s body directly begins to influence the condition of the baby in her stomach. She is already feeling uncomfortable and psychologically scared to lie on her stomach. Experts say that this position can provoke uterine hypertonicity.

The favorite position on the back is also not only undesirable - it is extremely dangerous. In this position, significant changes occur in the functioning of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, the cause of which is an increase in pressure from the growing uterus.

  1. Pressure on the intestines provokes the development of constipation and gas accumulation, which leads to bloating and severe pain. Such disorders are quite common in pregnant women, so lying on your back, of course, is not worth provoking their development.
  2. The load on the spine and lumbar region leads to back pain. Possible disruption of the kidneys, which, in turn, causes edema. Both back pain and swelling are also constant companions of pregnancy, and regular sleep on your back can aggravate the situation.
  3. The load on the inferior vena cava is the most main reason, according to which pregnant women are contraindicated to sleep on their backs. The inferior vena cava is a large blood vessel that helps drain blood from the lower torso to the heart. If its functioning is disrupted, a pregnant woman experiences symptoms:
  • acute lack of oxygen;
  • breathing problems;
  • dizziness;
  • cold sweat;
  • increased heart rate.

In other words, when the outflow of blood through the inferior vena cava is obstructed, the expectant mother experiences all the signs of fainting, moreover, while lying down. Such symptoms indicate a malfunction of several systems at once - cardiovascular, endocrine and respiratory.

But that's not all. The condition of the fetus in the womb also deteriorates significantly. Due to impaired blood flow, he receives insufficient amounts necessary for normal development oxygen and essential nutrients. Regular sleeping of the expectant mother on her back can lead to the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, which, in turn, can lead to:

  • congenital pathologies of the formation of internal organs;
  • serious damage to the central nervous system.

After birth, the newborn may experience:

  • growth retardation;
  • developmental delay;
  • sleep disorders.

All of the above consequences can be avoided if the expectant mother sleeps on her side. The left side is preferable, but in the case of transverse presentation, doctors recommend sleeping on the side in which the baby’s head is located. This way he will have a better chance of taking the correct position in the tummy so that the birth goes as it should.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back

Even in ordinary life sleep is very important for many internal processes, so ideally a person should sleep about 8 hours a day. A pregnant woman should know this and doubly try to follow this simple and at the same time complex rule.

But what if there are only restrictions all around? How can an expectant mother relax?

  1. Now every maternity store sells special pillows for expectant mothers. Some may find the price tag too high, but it's worth it. Such a pillow will provide the mother with a comfortable sleep on either side, relieve the load on the lower back in a sitting position, and will become an invaluable assistant in feeding a newborn baby. If you can't buy a pillow, you can roll up the blanket and use it in a similar way.
  2. Before going to bed, it is better to ventilate the room thoroughly, and if the weather is good outside and the expectant mother is not afraid of drafts, then sleeping with the window open would be an excellent solution.
  3. Evening walks in the fresh air are also good. It’s better to be in a pleasant company; pregnant women should not walk long distances alone. An alternative is a warm pool. It will take the load off a tired back, make a woman feel light again, relax her and prepare her for sleep.
  4. You should not overeat at night, especially heavy food. Discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen will greatly complicate night sleep.
  5. In addition, 3 hours before bedtime you should limit the consumption of any liquid, as in this case it can cause swelling.
  6. For the best health, the expectant mother should try to sleep about 8 hours a day, go to bed and get up at the same time.

In general, if a pregnant woman follows the recommendations given, she will be guaranteed a comfortable sleep, and the lack of choice of sleeping position will not seem stressful to her.

Of course, many people find it very difficult to control themselves in their sleep. Due to the fact that you can only sleep on your side, a logical question arises - what will happen if you unknowingly take a position that is obviously dangerous to your health?

In fact, over time, a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive in her sleep. It basically becomes uncomfortable for her to lie on her stomach as it grows, so it is simply impossible to take such a position unconsciously. As for sleeping on your back, nothing bad will happen from briefly positioning your body in this position. And in case of discomfort, the pregnant woman will wake up and quickly take the correct position. In extreme cases, the baby will not hesitate to inform her that he is feeling unwell with a targeted kick to the tummy.

Results: why you shouldn’t sleep on your back during pregnancy

Pregnancy, although not a disease, is still a period of various restrictions. This does not mean that we should now be afraid to take an extra step, but reasonable measures are necessary in everything.

Many people say that they feel comfortable sleeping on their back during pregnancy and do not feel any discomfort. However, even in the absence of signs of deterioration in health, you should remember that the baby in the stomach can still feel uncomfortable and even feel bad. If he suddenly starts kicking hard and sharply, this may be a signal that his mother has taken an uncomfortable position and he does not have enough oxygen. In this case, the woman should still change her favorite position and open the window. A breath of fresh air will quickly calm the baby, and the comfortable position of the mother on her side will not allow her to continue to feel such discomfort in the future.

Now you know why you should not sleep on your back during pregnancy. In any case, these are temporary inconveniences, and modern industry allows pregnant women to sit with maximum comfort while sleeping. 9 months will pass very quickly, and very soon the new mother will happily lie down on both her stomach and her back.

Video: You can’t sleep on your back during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s life. From the second trimester for the expectant motheryou need to be careful about the position in which she rests or sleeps. This is due to the fact that the size of the uterus increases, and the pelvic area can no longer fully protect the fetus from external influences.

How does sleeping position affect the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman?

Already from the 15th week, the uterus is located between the pubic bone and the navel, so doctors do not allow sleeping on the stomach or back. This position leads to hypertonicity of the uterus, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. At the beginning of pregnancy, lying on your back is allowed, as there is no particular harm to the baby. From the end of the 19th week, you need to change your habit and choose a different resting position, as the risk of disruption of the functionality of internal systems increases.

Pregnancy affects the functioning of all organs, swelling, constipation, flatulence, and back pain appear. Symptoms occur due to high blood pressure on the digestive tract and bladder, and the load on the spine also increases.

Lack of oxygen negatively affects the baby's health. His body does not receive sufficient nutrients, which means that the child cannot develop normally and gain weight. After birth, the baby has problems with appetite, due to damage to the central nervous system, he can become irritable, and sleep is disturbed.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their back?

From the beginning of the second semester, restructuring begins in the body, so the position during sleep and rest plays an important role. Main changes:

  • the fetus at week 20 increases in size, therefore putting pressure on all organs that are in close proximity to it;
  • the uterus enlarges, its size becomes noticeable;
  • progesterone synthesis increases, which leads to depletion of bone tissue;
  • the pelvic bones lose their elasticity.

When a pregnant woman walks or stands, no discomfort is felt. Inconvenience occurs if a woman lies on her back. Then the fetus puts pressure on the spinal region, which leads to pain. In this position, the vena cava is compressed, and blood cannot circulate normally in the vessels. The consequence of this may be fainting or blood clots.

Those who cannot give up the habit of resting on their backs experience constant attacks of heartburn and nausea, and pain in the lumbar region also appears. In addition, compression occurs bladder, which causes incontinence at any time of the day. If a woman has a curvature of the spine, it is not recommended to lie on her back. This will aggravate the situation and lead to negative consequences.

How to sleep better during pregnancy?

It is best to lie on your side, while turning over to one side or the other. To reduce the load on the spine, a pillow is placed between the lower limbs. Sleep then becomes more calm and comfortable, since blood circulates normally in the soft tissues, and oxygen starvation does not occur. You can rest on both sides, but preference should be given to the left side. This method helps prevent compression of the liver.

The store sells special pillows for pregnant women. They can be used starting from 2 months. They are designed in such a way that they allow the expectant mother to take a comfortable position, which promotes proper rest. Also, the kit often comes with instructions on how many weeks of pregnancy you should not sleep on your stomach and back.

In the early stages

Due to the restructuring of the body, a pregnant woman experiences drowsiness in the first stages. This condition is not a deviation from the norm, but is considered a sign of the development of the child inside the womb. The production of hormones changes, and a woman needs more strength and energy, so she wants to rest. There is no need to deny yourself this desire, since sleep has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman and the baby.

In the first trimester there are no strict restrictions on postures during rest. You can sleep on your stomach or back, since the uterus has not yet increased greatly in size and has not extended beyond the pelvic bones. It turns out that there are no obstacles to the motor system, and it is impossible to harm the fetus. The baby is completely protected by the amniotic sac, but you should prepare for the fact that in a few weeks you will have to change your habits.

If for some reason sleeping on your stomach and back is prohibited, you need to lie down on your right or left side, and you can use special devices. In order to have a good night's sleep and avoid any discomfort, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • the left limb should be on a pillow;
  • place a cushion under your lower back;
  • A pillow is placed under the stomach.

An orthopedic mattress helps improve the quality of sleep and wake up rested. It takes the shape of the body, and the woman does not experience a strong load on the lumbar region. If after an ultrasound it turns out that the baby is in a transverse position in the womb, you need to lie on your side on the side where the head is located. In this way you can return the fetus to the desired position. In one night, the expectant mother should change her position about 3 times. This is due to the fact that in one position the limbs become numb.

In the later stages

Why is it strictly forbidden to sleep on your back for long periods of time? The uterus enlarges and extends beyond the pelvis. This means that the child is no longer protected and may be harmed from the outside. Incorrect posture of the mother leads to compression of a large vessel, which causes disruption of blood circulation. Then the baby does not receive the nutrients and oxygen that are necessary for normal intrauterine development.

You can only sleep on your left and right sides, and to make it comfortable, you need to use special pillows (more details in the article: types of pillows for pregnant women: shapes, sizes and other features). They come in different sizes and shapes, but their structure helps to cope with the discomfort that appears when the belly begins to grow.

During pregnancy, a woman should get proper rest, as her strength and energy are spent twice as much. The mother's condition affects the baby, so you need to carefully monitor your health. To avoid stomach discomfort, you should avoid eating in the late hours. You need to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed - during this time all substances in the body will have time to be digested and there will be no feeling of heaviness. To sleep better, it is recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of one teaspoon of honey.

During pregnancy, a woman is prescribed special physical exercises. You need to perform gymnastics only during the daytime. Before going to bed, you should not overload the body - increased tone will prevent you from falling asleep. It’s better to turn on a soothing melody and avoid TV or smartphone. They can negatively affect the psyche, causing problems with sleep.

The rest room must be ventilated; it is good when a pregnant woman walks in the evening. Fresh air helps you relax and calm down, and you will sleep more soundly. You should only take a shower under warm water. The clothes in which the expectant mother sleeps should be made of natural fabrics and not restrict movement.

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more sensitive, so she perceives the usual actions of others especially acutely. Against this background, stress or emotional distress arises. In such a situation, you need to consult a psychologist, since the mental state affects the baby.

The choice of position while carrying a child plays an important role. The baby’s condition depends on whether the mother has had enough sleep, so sleep should be comfortable and the positions should be comfortable. It is worth remembering that in the second trimester you are not allowed to sleep on your stomach or back, as this will negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is necessary to sleep on the right and left sides, and if the position seems uncomfortable, special pillows are used.