How to paint your eyes correctly - step-by-step instructions for beginners. How to choose the right makeup for large eyes? Day and evening makeup for big eyes How best to paint big eyes

Large and expressive eyes representatives of the fair sex always attract the attention of men. The eyes of any woman are beautiful in their own way; this beauty can only be ruined by the wrong makeup. Let's figure out how to emphasize and not spoil the beauty of the eyes given to us by nature. In this article we will look in detail at how to properly paint your eyes so that they appear large, and also learn how to apply eye makeup round shape.

Remember: expressive round eyes do not tolerate dark shadows. Well, we’ll start our makeup as standard: by moisturizing the skin, for this we use our favorite eye cream. And we begin to create an image. Below you will find photo and video master classes that will help, as well as applying contours and shadows to the eyelids.

Use gray shadows with mother-of-pearl (this tone will not spoil round-shaped eyes) to paint the upper eyelid, but do not forget that the outer corner of the eye should be a little lighter than the overall tone (just a little, without sharp color transitions), near the eyelashes the color is richer, and higher to eyebrows are easier. It is important not to overdo it, the multi-layered gray will turn black, this cannot be allowed. And girls with slightly bulging eyes should make the tone lighter already on the central part of the eyelid.

So, how to do makeup correctly to visually enlarge your eyes and how to choose tones to match their color? No one forbade variety; instead of gray, you can choose another option and paint your eyes brown, blue, or blue. But when choosing one of these tones, you must take into account the color of your eyes in order to get an aesthetic combination. For example, brown eyes will look good with brown colors, green-eyed beauties can safely use green shadows, light blue, dark blue and gray eyes will not be spoiled by a blue tone. Gray Suitable for any eyes. Use red eyeshadow carefully - following fashion trend, you will doom your eyes to look unhealthy or drunk. After all, fashion trends are not suitable for everyone.

Now let's talk about how to draw eyeliner correctly. Once the shadows are applied, you can move on to the next step: eyeliner. There is no one formula for everyone. Girls with a normal eye shape need a thin line on the upper eyelid - it can be extended a little (for example, with a pencil) to create an expressive look. Don’t pay much attention to the lower eyelid: a shaded pencil and nothing else is needed. If you really want to, draw a very thin line with eyeliner along the edge of your eyelid. For beauties with round eyes, eyeliner on the lower eyelid is strictly prohibited, otherwise the look will turn out to be terrifying. Only pencil tone, for round eyes Eyeliner is not necessary at all.

Next, use mascara to slightly curl the eyelashes. It is better to apply a couple of layers of mascara, just make sure that no lumps appear. Big eyes look great with long eyelashes. But just don't overdo it. If your eyelashes are naturally short, you can use lengthening mascara.

We have shared with you the basic rules for applying eye shadow and now you know how to properly apply makeup to visually enlarge your eyes. Now we will cover this topic in more detail, and also tell you how to properly apply makeup in accordance with a particular eye color.


Photo of how to paint big eyes. Eyeliner, contours and shadows.












Of course, big eyes are beautiful, but sometimes we, fickle girls, want to make them smaller at least a little. And here decorative cosmetics and cunning techniques will definitely come to the rescue.

Many young ladies thoughtlessly use the entire wide range of products offered from the line of products to brighten their eyes. But is this right? Mascara in several layers, thick black eyeliner, heavy bright shadows - all this is a blatant taboo for big eyes.

Those with open eyes need to be especially careful when applying makeup. After all, excess cosmetics will look stupid and funny on such persons, while covering up other advantages - for example, beautiful shape lips or chiseled nose.

So that all your advantages remain with you, and the eyes become a wonderful addition romantic image, it is worth paying attention to several makeup rules that tell you how to paint big eyes. First of all, all lines (pencil or eyeliner) should be thin, smooth and flying. Don't overload your eyelids with color! It is better to apply the pencil with inside century.

Regarding eyelashes: do not forget that eyelashes that are excessively colored in several layers will not suit already large eyes. It is better to paint only the upper eyelashes, leaving the lower ones natural form. However, if they are naturally light, it is worth adding a little color to them.

The shadows need to be shaded, achieving a soft glow effect on the eyelids. Big eyes look great when framed with eye shadow dark shades, it is better that they match the shade of the eyes themselves.

Don't forget to mark the inner corners of your eyes with light spots of pastel milky shadows. This will give them openness and a “living look” effect.

Don't forget to also pay attention to the shape of your eyebrows. They should correspond to large eyes, that is, be acceptably wide. After all, thin threads in place of the eyebrows will only spoil the entire impression of your beautiful eyes. Your eyebrow color should be about a shade darker than your natural hair color. Only in this case will the face with makeup applied to it look harmonious. Remember that more is not better.

Big eyes different types: both round and convex are not some kind of natural defect, it’s just a small flaw with huge advantages, you can easily veil it, giving your appearance a new charm and attractiveness. After all, a person’s soul is reflected in the eyes, and therefore they simply cannot help but be beautiful!

Having learned how to paint big eyes, you will replenish your knowledge, which will definitely be useful in the future for creating perfect makeup and a memorable image.

The beauty and uniqueness of your eyes can be emphasized by knowing some makeup secrets. So, with the help of simple tips, it’s easy to perform the perfect make-up for eyes of any color and shape, highlighting your femininity and uniqueness!

Makeup is a constant companion and assistant, helping girls highlight their strengths and hide their flaws. Lucky are those to whom nature has given big eyes! They attract maximum attention, evoke admiration from the opposite sex, and are also a huge platform for expressing your own style.

However, there are some rules based on the shape and color of your eyes. By following these simple recommendations, you can achieve incredible success and create beautiful makeup for large, alluring eyes.

How to paint big eyes correctly. Photo

The main problem with large eyes is the “wet” effect. It happens that the eyes seem shiny and tearful. To hide and correct this situation, cosmetologists strongly recommend using a black pencil. This simple and popular makeup item can do a lot to your look:

  • emphasize drama
  • make your eyes expressive
  • add extravagance

The use of rich black mascara in unlimited quantities is also allowed. Mascara can create a seductive shadow around the eyes, so carefully paint over the upper and lower lashes.

Properly applied shadows make a big difference. Lightening some areas of the eyelids and darkening others, which can completely change the impression and create a beautiful play of shades, gradients and volume.

Makeup products for large eyes

To create an excellent make-up, you need to have a number of important and mandatory makeup products, so be patient and check your makeup bag for:

  • Concealer is an excellent assistant that allows you to hide all minor imperfections around the eyes and even out skin tone, as well as effectively remove bags under the eyes
  • Black eyeliner is a universal item. Choose a pencil that is not very hard so that it leaves a fairly clear, rich line and does not hurt the eyelid.
  • Pearl eyeliner is a soft, light eyeliner with a drop of shine, allowing you to highlight the magic of your look in specific places.
  • Eyeliner is a tool that can be used to create a graceful curved line. Such an arrow can visually make eyelashes more voluminous and make the look more tempting.
  • The shadow palette is the most diverse and multi-colored, with warm and cold shades
  • A volumizing and lengthening mascara that can work magic on your eyes.

How to paint big eyes with a pencil

To highlight the beauty of your eyes with a contour pencil, follow these recommendations:

  1. Provide yourself with high-quality and bright lighting: daylight from a window or a nearby lamp
  2. Don't close your eyes while you apply makeup, as drooping eyelids lose their shape compared to raising them.
  3. Visually divide the eye into thirds along the ciliary row and start drawing a line from the beginning of the second third
  4. Draw a line in the outer corner along the lash line, bend the tip of the line slightly upward
  5. Draw a second line on top of the first with more pressure from the pencil. This will make the line deeper and more expressive.

Always pay attention to how sharp your pencil is. Don't try to draw a line with a dull lead and only shade the line if it becomes uneven.

How to paint big eyes with shadows

To make cosmetics look neat and expressive on your eyes, you should do subsequence its imposition. So, traditionally, girls shade shadows under the eyebrow, on the corners and on the moving eyelid.

The area under the eyebrow is traditionally highlighted. In this case, use light pearlescent shades, preferably cold ones.
Highlight the inner corners of the eyes, located near the bridge of the nose. Do not try to choose a dark tone for the moving eyelid, give preference to a light one.
Select the fold formed by the movement of the eyelid rich shade. This way the eyes can gain charm and expressiveness.
Paint the outer corner of the eyes with dark colors. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of dark shadows, avoiding the “dirty” effect.

Types of arrows for large eyes

Among all the secrets and techniques of creating spectacular makeup, the variety of shooters alone can impress anyone! In fact, it is difficult to count how many of them exist in the world, but the most popular ones have long won the hearts of girls.

So, the following options are always relevant:

  • long eyeliner arrows
  • arrow from middle to outer corner
  • double arrow

The beauty of the eyeliner depends on the shape of the eyes. So, all options are suitable for almond-shaped eyes. Round - a line across the entire eyelid. Moreover, this line should gradually expand and increase towards the outer corner.

Double arrows add mystery and make the look “cat-like”. To do this, you need to draw a line across the entire upper eyelid, increasing the thickness of the arc towards the outer corner. The tip of the line bends upward. The lower eyelid is decorated with a thin line. The difference between the bottom line is that we draw it from the outer corner to the middle of the eye.

Makeup for every eye color and shape

Every girl should clearly know the ratio of warm and cold shades in order to combine eye color with the color of shadows.

Makeup for big green eyes

Green eyes are distinguished by their brightness and saturation. Bright shadows and wild colors are suitable for this color. Gold, turquoise and lavender shades are perfect. The main thing is not to weigh down your eyes too much with black eyeliner, but rather to emphasize the rare green of the retina.

Makeup for large gray eyes

This is the most common eye color. It is important to remember that gray is a cool color, which means it suits cool shades. You don’t even need to highlight gray eyes, they are so good. It will be enough to emphasize their depth and add shine. Perfectly match these eyes: beige, silver, cream, lilac, blue shades.

How to paint big brown eyes correctly?

This is the most common color . It is important to remember that gray is a cool color, which means cool colors suit it. Gray eyes don’t even need to be highlighted, they are that good. It will be enough to highlight their shine. Perfectly match these eyes: beige, silver, cream, lilac, blue shades.

How to paint big blue eyes?

The palette for this color includes many shades. So, you can use copper and peach. Plum and lilac shades look great. However, it is best to gray eyes silver, black and gray shadows lie. Also, to emphasize the depth and bottomlessness of the eyes, do not be afraid to use contrasting tones.

How to paint round big eyes?

Round large eyes are very beautiful and easy to apply makeup. To give them a more elongated shape, you should apply light shades of shadow on the moving eyelid, and a little darker under the eyebrow. Decorate the outer corner of the eye with dark shadows and also darken the lower eyelid. Draw a thin line with a contour pencil and bend the corner up. This is a universal and popular method that can give an attractive shape to the shape of the eyes.

How to paint big almond-shaped eyes?

This is the eye shape desired by all women. Such a beautiful eye shape can hardly be spoiled by anything. You are free to draw arrows of various shapes. Either way, almond-shaped eyes are always sexy and attract men.

Try an example of Sophia Loren's simple makeup: powder your eyelids or blend creamy shadows, draw a line along the growth of your eyelashes, increasing its thickness towards the end, carefully apply mascara to your eyelashes. You are beautiful!

Makeup for large eyes with drooping eyelids

Such eyelids make the eyes look sad and tired, but using cosmetics correctly will help avoid problems. Blend light shadows onto the eyelid and dark shadows onto the area under the eyebrow. IN in this case the dark tone will lie higher. Draw a line of eyeliner along the eyelid and lift the corner up at the outer corner. Darken the lower eyelid.

Evening makeup for big eyes

Whatever eyes you have, the main thing is how you try to emphasize your strengths. Following evening makeup for large eyes (darker and richer) and day makeup for the eyes (light, fresh and using a minimum of cosmetics), you will achieve unsurpassed results!

Evening makeup requires a lot of effort, since night lighting can play on every sparkle of your shadows and give your image a fabulous beauty. In evening makeup, clearer and more expressive lines are acceptable, as well as bright and rich colors that match your outfit and accessories.

Daytime makeup for big eyes

Daytime makeup involves light colors and calm bed tones in makeup. Do not oversaturate your eyes with dark and too shiny shadows, as well as a wide line of eyeliner.

It will be sufficient to apply translucent shadows to the upper eyelid and shade it from the middle to the outer corner of the eye. You can also exclude the contour pencil and focus only on long eyelashes painted in one layer.

We hope this article will help you choose correct makeup and look just great.

Video: Makeup for big eyes

Make-up is a girls’ constant companion; with its help, you can emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. We suggest you consider how to properly do makeup for large eyes, and what colors are suitable for green, brown, and blue pupils.

Basic principles

Doing simple makeup to make your eyes appear bigger is very easy if you know the secrets of makeup artists. The main problem girls with large slits have overly protruding eye sockets that create the effect of “wet” eyes. Any master will tell you that you definitely need to use a black pencil, which emphasizes the drama of the image and makes your appearance extravagant.

Also, feel free to color your eyelashes. There is a stereotype that owners of large eyes need to be more careful when using mascara, this is not entirely true, on the contrary, you need to properly paint over the lower and upper eyelashes to create a seductive shadow around the eyes.

Another secret is the correct distribution of shadows. For example, the right makeup for bulging or round large eyes involves darkening certain areas of the eyelids. We will tell you about the principles of shading in makeup ideas step by step, as well as their types.

Video: makeup for round and bulging eyes

Make-up for brown eyes

An idea on how to do makeup for expressive women step by step brown eyes, this option is suitable for both brunettes and blondes.

  1. Even out your complexion, apply foundation and powder to your skin, lighten the eye area as much as possible, this is necessary in order to create the effect of a contrasting transition between shadows;
  2. After this, apply light shadows of peach, beige, pastel or pink to the entire surface of the eye, blend right up to the outer corner and even the bridge of the nose (for wide-set eyes);
  3. Apply a black pencil to the lash line. Eyeliner will also work. Our goal is thick wings in a retro style, perhaps like Audrey Hepburn or Dita Von Teese;
  4. After this, we act depending on the distance between the eyes. If they are spaced widely, then we apply the shadows using the throw method, a la gangster style. We make a semicircle over the outer corner, the technique is shown in the photo. If your eyes are close together, then paint the inner corner of your eyelid with a bird or a banana;
  5. Apply dark brown, blue or purple shadows along the eyeliner line, blend, resulting in a smoky eye effect;
  6. Apply mascara to your eyelashes and wipe away any remaining eyeshadow with a dry cloth.

Photo – Makeup for big brown eyes

If you want to do this kind of makeup for any special event, then use cosmetics with glitter or apply rhinestones separately to the eyes; you can decorate the corner of the eye or the line near the eyelashes with shiny beads.

Blue eyes

Making up big doll eyes is much more difficult; here you need to think through the makeup so that it does not look vulgar and too “childish”. To create stylish look You will need gray, blue and pink shadows, black mascara.

  1. We tint the eyelids, paint them with powder, concealer, and even out the skin color;
  2. Apply the first layer of shadows, a pink base, blend well, especially carefully apply the paint to the area under the eyes. Using pink eyeshadow with a peach tint, you can hide dark circles;
  3. Now we apply gray shadows to the moving part of the eyelid, shade them towards the eyebrows, it is very important to create the effect of a soft transition;
  4. Now to do makeup for gray or blue large eyes, you need to outline them along the entire lash line with a thin line of eyeliner. You can also use a pencil; this technique is suitable only for professionals;
  5. Without shading, apply blue shadows to the middle of the eye, and gray shadows to the corner, rub the transition in such a way as to create an ombre effect;
  6. We apply gray shadows under the lower eyelashes, blue ones in the outer corner, apply mascara, comb the eyebrows;
  7. To enhance the baby face effect, you will need to beautifully outline the line of your cheekbones. This can be done with small strokes of peach or beige blush.
Photo – Makeup for big people blue eyes

This kind of daytime makeup is not suitable for bulging eyes; if you have very bulging eye sockets, then you need to apply eyeliner while still inner part eyes, and bring it to the corners, as in oriental style. The everyday one described is suitable for blondes, as well as those with light brown or red hair.

How to paint big green eyes

Very beautiful makeup How to make your eyes bigger is for green pupils. You can use bright shades, transitions and contrasting colors. Let's look at how to make a beautiful evening make-up step by step:

  1. As always, we even out the skin of the eyelids, brighten beige shadows or flesh-colored powder;
  2. Now we apply light copper shadows to the entire surface of the eyes; you can also use gold or yellow ones, depending on the context of the event for which you are wearing makeup;
  3. Afterwards, we paint over the entire moving eyelid with brown shadows, which will help create a soft transition between colors. We paint the fold between the eyebrow and eyelid dark brown, burgundy or even black; this will look especially advantageous for deep-set eyes;
  4. Next you will need eyeliner brown or a pencil, with their help you will get a very fashionable now, “warm makeup”. You need to apply the paint along the entire lash line in a thick, confident line. If you have drooping eyelids, then we make a small curl on the hanging area, like using the banana technique;
  5. Upon completion of the work, a professional master will shade all the clear lines to create soft transitions, but you can leave everything as is, if your style and your preferences allow it;
  6. After everything, we apply mascara, highlight the eyebrows, and brush away excess shadow particles.

Photo - Big green eyes

The option with outlining a moving fold is also suitable for girls with drooping eyelids, but in this case you need to choose a dark, deep color that visually reduces the appearance: burgundy, blue, black, dark gray, dark chocolate. If you want to do this wedding makeup, then use shadows with glitter.

Everyone knows that Japanese women have relatively narrow eyes, but Japanese “big eyes” makeup is suitable for girls with round eyes; it will create the effect of depth and expressiveness of the look. To make an Asian style of makeup at home, we will need scarlet lipstick, white eye shadow (matte, not pearlescent), black eyeliner, charcoal or pencil, mascara for volume and a brown eyebrow pencil.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. We whiten the entire face, this is very important, the canvas for work must be perfectly smooth and light to create a beautiful contrast. To do this, we use corrector, powder, shadows;
  2. Then we apply white shadows to the eyelids; the selection should be based on your color type. Bright white is suitable for some, more muted or even silver for others (for example, dark-skinned girls);
  3. Next, you need to draw a very thin arrow, the tip of which will extend beyond the outer corner of the eye, it should be very neat, almost like jewelry, fashion bloggers advise using a spoon to control the shape;
  4. Apply light beige shadows under the eyelashes to give expressiveness to the look;
  5. After mascara and fill in the eyebrows with a brown pencil.
Photo – Japanese style makeup

This make-up style is perfect for wide eyes, it will visually reduce them and give them almond-shaped. This is a very calm and gentle makeup for large eyes, which can be both an everyday option and a weekend one. The design of the arrow may vary depending on the context, image or personal preference.

With your favorite bike, time flies by. With frequent trips, it is sometimes not possible to see how the bicycle gradually loses its attractiveness: it becomes dull, becomes covered with small scratches, chips and even rust. All this has a negative impact not only on appearance frame, but also on its service life: pipes that are susceptible to corrosion due to scratches will not last long.

If an old bicycle is “retired” forever, then there is no point in extending its service life. But many cyclists do not want to abandon their comrades and resort to complete or partial renewal.

One of these includes eliminating defects, painting and varnishing the frame. Spray painting has become widespread, and for good reason. You won't be able to apply an even layer of paint to the frame pipes with a regular brush. Due to its ease and speed, this method has found active independent use. How to paint a bicycle using a spray can at home will be discussed in this short article.

Disassembling the bike and preparing the frame

So, we found out that the color of a bicycle is determined by its frame. You will also have to paint the fork and possibly the trunk. Before painting you need to completely disassemble the bike:

  1. Remove all overhangs: brakes, shock absorbers, etc.
  2. Remove the front wheel from the fork dropouts and (if equipped).
  3. Unscrew the steering wheel from the fork.
  4. Remove the trunk.
  5. Remove the rear wheel and fender.

When only the bare frame remains, remove the fork from the front pipe.

Preparatory stages:

  1. Removing the old paint layer.
  2. Smoothing out irregularities.
  3. Degreasing the metal surface.

What is needed? Old paint removed with solvent. Using a clean rag soaked in it, we carefully go through all the pipes and especially along the welding joints. You may have to repeat the procedure. This depends on the thickness of the factory paint layer. After cleaning, the frame is thoroughly wiped with a dry soft cloth. If light stains remain, it is not recommended to wet the surfaces with water; it is better to go over it again with a solvent.

The next stage is sanding. All small scratches, chips and corrosion areas are removed with sandpaper. Depending on the depth of the scratches, the grit of the sandpaper is selected: 240 sandpaper will cope with small defects; 80 sandpaper will be suitable for removing chips and rust.

“Sanding” cleaning from unevenness

Removal greasy stains - Also necessary procedure to properly paint your bike frame and fork. Fat content reduces the adhesion of primer and paint to the metal, which is why the paint can fall off very quickly. To prevent this from happening, be sure to use a degreasing agent, such as white spirit.

The cleaned frame of the bike can be primed

Priming surfaces for painting

The finished frame and fork are freely placed or suspended. The second option is more convenient; there will definitely be no unprimed areas left. Work should be carried out in well-ventilated areas. If you will be painting at home, then this will be a canopy or utility room in a private house and a balcony in an apartment. The parts need to be hung firmly and at the same time freely, so that it is easy to apply the primer. You need to take care in advance that the composition and paint do not get into the wrong places, as well as about your own safety: prepare gloves, a mask and goggles.

We buy a can of primer in the store and evenly distribute the composition over the surfaces of the parts to be painted: frame, fork, trunk. The optimal number of layers to be applied is 3. Before applying the next portion, you need to wait for the first layer to dry.

When all the primer has been applied, the parts are left for a day. The area where priming and painting is carried out should not be too humid and there should be no source of open flame. After a 24-hour break, the primer is sanded with fine-grain sandpaper (from 400 to 600) in places where the layer thickens. The bike is now completely ready for paint.

Applying paint using a spray can

Using a disposable spray can is very simple, so there are usually few questions about this type of work. However, there are several rules to achieve better results. Following these simple recommendations will help you paint quickly and at the same time correctly:

  • apply paint gradually, in a thin layer;
  • keep the sprayer at a distance;
  • paint from top to bottom;
  • Avoid using too much paint.

The recommended number of layers is up to three. A lack of paint will cause it to wear out quickly, and too much paint will cause cracking and chipping. We make sure to let each layer dry, and only then do we begin applying the next one. Fully painted parts should be cured for 1 to 2 days.

Painting the frame

Acrylic paints in spray cans are best suited for bicycles. They lay down easier and set faster. The color scheme in stores is presented to suit every taste, the main thing is to think about the shade in advance. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get by with just one can, so it’s recommended to take two or three at once. Is it necessary to sand dry paint? In principle, if it was distributed evenly and accurately, then it is not necessary. Small smudges are removed with fine-grain sandpaper. We pre-wet it in water so as not to leave even a small scratch.

Finishing touches: drawings and varnishing

Some will not limit themselves to a monochromatic coloring of their two-wheeled friend, and rightly so. Emblems and symbols will give the bike its own originality, and it will look more elegant. You can also use stickers like simple option, but paint-applied labels look much more reliable and beautiful.

Additional elements are created using stencils - special self-adhesive films with free cut out designs. Available for sale various options: stripes, patterns, figures, letters, etc. If you wish and have a penchant for creativity, you can cut out stencils yourself from simple sheets of adhesive film.

Film with a pattern for dyeing

Important: when gluing stencils, you must make sure that the base paint has already dried, otherwise, when removing the film, it will peel off or be smeared, and you will have to redo everything all over again!

The procedure for creating patterns is simple. You need to do the following:

  1. Attach the stencil tightly to the frame tube or fork.
  2. Using a spray can, spray paint onto the stencil.
  3. Wait until completely dry.
  4. Peel the film from the surface. The drawing is ready!

When spraying, it is allowed for the paint to extend onto the film itself - the design will have smoother edges. We make sure that it does not flow beyond the stencil. To be on the safe side, you can additionally cover the surface with a simple film along the edges of the painting area.

And finally, the last stage is applying varnish to the surface. It is not difficult to guess that varnish must be purchased in cans, just like paint and primer. The protective coating must be applied in the same way as layers of paint, the number of layers is one or two. Do not leave unvarnished areas free, otherwise the paint in these areas will begin to age faster. There is an opinion that varnishing is a waste of time. This is debatable, since the varnished surface not only looks more beautiful, but also lasts much longer.

Spray painting is easy and effective way update your bike without professional painting skills. One time is enough to remember how and what is done to gain invaluable experience in this area.