How to learn to eat little but often. How to learn to eat less to lose weight

Summary of the article:

Many slender and graceful representatives of the fair sex often say to their plump friends who are trying to lose weight: “We need to move more and eat less.” But if everything is very clear with the need for physical activity: you just need to force yourself to play sports, then with a decrease in the amount of food eaten, problems arise for almost every first lady who torments herself with diets to no avail.

How can you resist the temptation to try a piece of delicious cake with a delicate top of whipped cream, on which a red-cheeked cherry is perched boldly? How can you avoid the crunch of potato chips with their tantalizing piquant aroma? How to restrain the languid rumbling in the stomach and profuse salivation if a huge piece of pork is being cooked in the oven, already covered with a golden crust? The gentle sex is much easier to succumb to temptations, especially in food. But how to resist this, how to force yourself to eat less? First, you need to find out the nature of hunger, because knowing the cause, it is much easier to deal with the effect.

The psychology of hunger

Most often, the desire to eat does not arise from a physical need, but from a brain signal

Surely for many it will be a discovery that overweight people most often become hostage not to physical hunger, which is an integral part of human existence, but to emotional or, as it is often called, psychological hunger. Therefore, before you begin an uncompromising fight against overeating, you need to learn to distinguish psychological hunger from physical hunger.

How to distinguish physical hunger from emotional hunger

  1. Physical hunger is easily recognized by the characteristic sensations in the stomach: it can be accompanied by a feeling of emptiness, rumbling and even pain. Whereas psychological hunger arises exclusively in my head. Remembering the savory smoked ham waiting patiently in the refrigerator or the golden donut that can be bought at the nearest store, the brain begins to scroll through a vivid picture of the meal, not forgetting to connect the senses. Therefore, profuse salivation begins and an irresistible desire arises to enjoy something tasty.
  2. Physical hunger occurs gradually: as the stomach empties, the digestive system sends persistent signals to the brain that it is time to eat. And the longer the break between meals, the stronger the feeling of hunger. Emotional hunger occurs suddenly: It would seem that not even three minutes have passed after the meal, and you already have an unbearable craving for something sweet for dessert.
  3. If a person is “hungry like a wolf,” but at the same time allows himself to be picky in choosing products, then we can say with complete confidence that this is a psychological problem. Emotional hunger is expressed as an irresistible craving for a specific type of food: chocolate, ice cream, meat, etc. While a physically hungry person will be ready to eat anything.
  4. Physical hunger occurs regardless of emotional background or mood. This is a physiological need, so approximately 4-5 hours after eating, regardless of whether your boss reprimanded you or you won the lottery, your stomach will grumble indignantly, persistently signaling that you need to eat. And psychological hunger can occur immediately after eating if a strong negative emotion contributes to this. Remember how most people are used to “eating” stress, often giving preference to the most harmful and high-calorie foods.
  5. The physical feeling of hunger can be tolerated for quite a long time, until it begins to cause obvious discomfort or even pain. But emotional hunger very "impatient". Submitting to the unbridled desire to eat something right away, a person seeks to drown out psychological discomfort, not physical.
  6. Physical hunger disappears precisely when the physiological need for food is eliminated. And psychological hunger insatiable: in order to drown out unpleasant emotions, a person will be able to eat many times more than the usual portion. In this case, the stomach will be full, but hunger will not subside.
  7. During attempts to satisfy psychological hunger, a person eats food mindlessly, automatically, so he can easily eat a whole package of cookies or dine on a frying pan of fried potatoes. And when the need for food is determined by physiological needs, a person consciously chooses not only what to eat, but also how much.

So, we’ve figured out how to distinguish the nature of hunger, now let’s talk about those factors that “force” people to overeat, that is, psychology of hunger.

5 main reasons for overeating

The reasons for overeating do not lie somewhere in the depths of our subconscious. They all lie on the surface and that is why they can and should be taken under control

  1. Boredom. Yes, yes, banal despondency can easily motivate you to eat 5-6 buns with clear honey or your favorite jam, a large bar of chocolate with a cup of aromatic tea, or several sandwiches that do not fit into your daily calorie intake at all. This applies to a greater extent to housewives and the unemployed: being constantly at home and often passing near the refrigerator, they cannot resist the temptation to look behind its white, welcoming door. By the way, people who spend most of their time within four walls can constantly chew something without feeling hungry, in order to somehow diversify the long-boring environment.
  2. TV. These “mean” household appliances capture all of a person’s attention, and therefore he loses control over the amount of food he eats. What's watching a football match without a big pack of crispy chips and a mug of foaming beer? And a movie without popcorn won't be as interesting. Fight stereotypes and never eat in front of the TV.
  3. Rush. A modern person constantly lacks time, not just for a full meal, but for a banal snack. Working at a frantic pace without a break, people come home exhausted and the first thing they do is... No, not to the bedroom or even to the shower, but to the kitchen - to the refrigerator - to relieve their souls after an exhausting day of work. But eat in the evening you need as little as possible, and not vice versa.
  4. Depression and low self-esteem. Many people are used to lifting their depressed mood with a portion of their favorite goodies: chocolate, ice cream, cakes, sweets and other sweets. But before you eat up your next quarrel with your husband with a delicious cake with buttercream, keep in mind that sweets do not cure depression, and weight gain caused by eating high-calorie foods depresses the emotional background even more. It turns out to be a vicious circle, only a sober mind will help you break it and learn to eat less sweets.
  5. Noisy companies, corporate parties and business meetings in the restaurant. In the whirlpool of noisy fun, people often do not pay attention to how much they eat. Canapés, sandwiches and other snacks are eaten in huge quantities, but do not bring a feeling of fullness, despite their record calorie content. The same story applies to business meetings: in the heat of discussing the next contract or terms of cooperation, a person eats automatically, not paying attention to what is on the plate and in what quantity.

The main reasons for overeating are more or less clear, but how to cheat hunger? Follow the tips below and you'll know exactly how to eat less.

“Eat less, live longer!” - says the old saying.

  1. Make it a habit to have breakfast in the morning. You may have to eat “because I don’t want to” at first, but this is one of the exceptional cases when you need to force yourself to eat. Remember that appetite comes with eating? Therefore, try to have as much breakfast as possible, because the calories received during the morning meal are safely “burned” in the middle of the day, while the feeling of hunger subsides for a long time, so you will be significantly eat less at night.
  2. Eat as physically necessary. If you are invited to a cafe and you don’t want to eat, refuse the food and replace it with a glass of mineral water or a cup of green tea. By the way, a person often perceives the feeling of thirst as hunger. Therefore, when you feel hunger approaching, drink a glass of still water. If the feeling becomes dull, then the time for eating has not yet come, so you will eat less fat and simple carbohydrates, which are deposited on the waist.
  3. Tell “no” to bad food. This is one of the main tricks that will help you start eating less. If you can’t stand spinach or salted watermelons, you don’t need to force yourself. After all, you will not get satisfaction from food, but will only kill your appetite, so irritation will increase and the feeling of psychological hunger will increase. If you like high-calorie foods, eat healthy, but only in small quantities and choose a less “heavy” side dish and a light sauce for the main dish.
  4. Try eat as slowly as possible. Scientists have found that the feeling of fullness occurs only 15 minutes after eating, while the average daily meal takes only 7-10 minutes. That is, during the time that passes from the receipt of the required portion of food in the stomach until the realization that there is no need to eat anymore, a person usually manages to “shove” excess food into himself, which he could completely do without if he eats measuredly and consciously.

Of course, before you get into the habit of eating less, you will have to overcome a difficult path. But remember that you need to start working on yourself from the head, and by restructuring your eating habits, you can change your physical appearance for the better!

Before the birth of my first child, I had never suffered from excess weight. During pregnancy, I developed a monstrous appetite, and I rapidly began to gain weight. Surprisingly, after giving birth, during breastfeeding, the excess weight began to disappear quickly, but it stopped at 5 kg higher than it was before pregnancy. Over time, I gained another 5 extra pounds. So, with a height of 170 cm, I weighed 75 kg at 32 years old. I was constantly on hormones due to a female disease, but it became clear to me that the pills had no effect on my weight.

One day, while we were visiting, we ate a substantial meal, and one thought began to overcome me: “When will we go home?” because my jeans became tight, and I felt terrible discomfort, despite the fact that I had already loosened the belt on them enough. Then I realized that I needed to take some measures to get in shape.

Catch a wave

As you know, the most difficult thing in the process of losing weight is starting. When I thought about the fact that I had to work on my weight, my mood deteriorated. I came up with various arguments for starting sometime tomorrow or Monday. It seemed to me that I would never be able to make up my mind: I have no willpower, no desire to limit myself in anything, I’m scared to stop eating certain favorite foods, I don’t want to endure hunger after six, etc.

But I was lucky. One day, when I was in the city on business, I wanted to eat. There was no food nearby and I needed to do everything very quickly in order to return home - my daughter stayed with friends, and I had to pick her up. A little time passed, I felt that the attack of hunger had subsided. I was pleased that I could not eat anything at that moment - I did not “feed” my extra pounds.

Arriving home, I felt light in my stomach and when it was time for lunch, I wanted to maintain this feeling, so I ate half my usual portion. It became clear to me that I “caught the wave” - I took advantage of a suitable situation when I naturally could not have a snack, and thereby launched the process of processing my fat reserves. Now I wanted to be on this wave and not jump off it - I had some kind of excitement, it became interesting what would happen if I continued my experiment.

No diets

I have never followed diets to lose weight, “having caught the wave”, I began to listen to my body and follow my feelings. Later, when I threw off everything unnecessary, I came across the opinions of nutritionists and other specialists confirming my understanding, which I came to through experience.

Why didn't I like diets? Firstly, it seemed to me that it was wrong to deprive the body of certain substances, because even fats in proper quantities are important for health. Secondly, I often had to eat away from home, which meant that dietary food might not be available. Thirdly, I didn’t like to go hungry if, for example, the diet prohibits eating after six.

I understood one main thing. Most diets give you hope that you can eat this or that product in unlimited quantities, eat away the feeling of hunger, and fill with this product the space in your stomach that was filled with some high-calorie food. And therefore, when people went off the diet, they began to gain excess weight.

For me, the whole secret was the right attitude towards food. Each of us actually needs much less of it than we consume. Our stomachs are stretched and ask to eat, while the body has already received everything it needs. I decided to “shrink” my stomach by reducing portions so that there was no empty space left in it, and it did not demand to be filled with something else.

I realized that I was stretching my stomach not only with high-calorie food, but also with endless teas and lots of fruit. As Paracelsus said: “Everything is medicine and everything is poison - it’s all a matter of dose.”

Feel your dose

One acquaintance told me how he met an old friend of his who used to be obese. “I look and can’t recognize him,” the man said, “he’s lost several times the weight!” I asked in surprise how he managed to lose all the excess weight, and he answered me: “There is one pill, it’s called “MF.” “I’ve never heard of it, is this a cure for obesity?” “Yes, it stands for: “Eat less.”

So, my path to slimness began by maintaining a feeling of lightness in my stomach. This was the main condition for my weight loss. Moreover, there should have been lightness both immediately after eating and half an hour later. It was easy for me to feel this because I usually ate not as much as I needed to not be hungry, but as much as I could fit.

In the process, I came to an interesting discovery. One day during lunch my phone rang. I only managed to eat half of my portion. When, after talking on the phone for 15 minutes, I returned, I realized that I no longer wanted to eat and I no longer needed to eat what was left. It turns out, as I learned later, the feeling of fullness comes to us 20-30 minutes after the start of a meal. The point is that during this half hour, while we still don’t feel full, we manage to load ourselves with a lot, a lot of unnecessary things that our body no longer requires.

Stretching out the pleasure

At first, I lost weight quite quickly: I lost several kilograms a week. Friends who saw me within a week of each other noticed changes in my appearance.

Having learned that fullness is felt half an hour after the start of a meal, I realized that it is important to either stretch out a small portion for half an hour so as not to eat too much, or eat and endure the deceptive feeling of hunger, which will last for 20-30 minutes after eating. It all depends on how much time I have to eat.

It was easier for me to stretch out my meals: sit slowly, chew my portion in tiny pieces, don’t drink tea immediately after eating - prolong the pleasure by putting the kettle on a little later. But when I needed to eat quickly, I always had something sweet at the end “to fill me up.” I noticed that even a small snack satisfies hunger if you eat a small candy or other dessert after it.

My rules for eating away

The hardest thing for me was to figure out how to eat at a party. Usually, when we are invited to visit, we communicate at the table. This takes an average of 2-3 hours, and all this time we have different goodies standing in front of us and want to chew something.

I came up with several rules for eating at a party, which helped me not to refuse food, try absolutely everything I want, and chew for 2-3 hours without overeating. The most joyful thing for me was to feel that my jeans were no longer digging into my stomach, that I felt light and did not have to worry that I had gained another fold of fat in one evening. Here are my rules:

1. Just try everything that is on the table, without trying to get enough of it. For example, there are a lot of different sweets in a vase and you want to try each variety; there are 2 types of cakes, pastries and various other desserts on the table. If you eat all the candies you want to try, a piece of cake, and one of each dessert, it will definitely be too much. So I take the candy, cut off a piece of it, and give the rest to my husband (friend, child) to try. It’s the same with all piece sweets. I just cut the cakes into tiny pieces. It turned out that I tried absolutely everything I wanted without overeating.

2. Eat salads and other savory dishes with a small spoon (or scoop with a large spoon, but just a little at a time), chewing slowly, not forgetting to communicate. I liked eating salads: it was very convenient to prick one pea at a time with a fork and chew it - a spoonful of Olivier could be eaten for quite a long time.

3. Don't drink food. This fills, stretches the stomach and ultimately gives incredible heaviness. In addition, when from the very beginning of the meal I began to wash down my food, then I wanted to do it all the time.

4. Drink tea in small sips. Also because an empty mug from quickly drunk tea means that they will pour you more, and this is an extra 200-300 ml. fluid in your stomach.

What we see and what we think

Most of my excess weight went away in the first month. In the second, I lost weight more slowly, because... there is little fat left. My friends, who tried to become slim with the help of various pills, did not believe me that I was losing weight without drugs. It seemed to them that it was impossible to achieve such results just like that. Someone considered me a super-strong-willed woman, and someone, when meeting me, asked me a question: “What’s wrong with you, you’ve lost so much weight! Are you sick?

Coinciding with the period of losing weight was the need to take my daughter to an early development school, which was a forty-minute drive from our house. Just at that time, her classes began at 12.30, therefore, we left at about 11.30 - a time when we still didn’t want to have lunch. I fed my daughter, had a light snack before leaving, and we hit the road. We returned home closer to dinner. So 3 times a week I was left without lunch.

During this period, I “squeezed” all the juices out of myself and weighed 60 kg. I understood that this was an abnormal weight for my body, because I felt constantly slightly dizzy. In addition, this weight affected my face - I began to look not as fresh as before.

Another discovery for me was that not only the food you see can trigger active processes in the body, causing appetite, but even talking about food. At early childhood school, we talked with other moms while we waited for our children to finish their classes. I noticed that closer to lunch time our conversations smoothly turned to gastronomic topics: we shared recipes, advised each other on delicious dishes, etc. After that, my stomach began to hurt, as one mother put it, “it was devouring itself” - talking about food developed my imagination and, therefore, stimulated my appetite.

From further experience, I realized that in order to stop wanting to eat an extra pie, which seduces you with its appearance and makes you salivate, you just need to move away from it and not see the object of temptation. And, of course, it is advisable to switch your thoughts from food to something else. Literally after a few minutes the desire to eat something else goes away, even if it was so strong that it seemed impossible to resist.

Two candies

To feel comfortable, I gained 5 kg and began to weigh 65 kg. Of course, I gained a little fat on the sides, but the dizziness went away, my stomach stopped hurting, and people from the outside began to say that, well, this is a different matter - my face began to look much more attractive.

It wasn’t difficult for me to maintain weight, and before my second pregnancy I easily ate according to my own plan: I ate when I wanted, what I wanted, but just a little at a time.

At that time, we sold sweets in our stores, which helped me not to eat extra sweets while drinking tea. It was soft chocolate covered toffee. They were round, the diameter of a 5-ruble coin. And their consistency made it possible to bite off the candy in tiny pieces and chew it for a long time, washing it down with tea.

As a result, it took me only two of these sweets to make a mug of tea. And there was absolutely no feeling that I was deprived of sweets. I couldn’t stretch all the sweets this way, not even all the toffees, and I really regret that these Ukrainian sweets aren’t available in Russia now: I liked the taste of them too. Over time, when people asked me to talk about my method of losing weight, I jokingly began to call it “Two Candies.”

Many who have never decided to try to eat the way I told you are afraid that they will not have enough willpower, that they will go hungry all day, that they will not eat a portion half the size of their usual and will not be able to refuse from a huge piece of cake for dessert. Those who tried to “catch the wave” and stay on it easily lost weight, wondering how easy it really is and how much more we eat than our body needs.

Photo - photobank Lori

Every day a woman faces many temptations: to sleep longer, to buy a new handbag, not to wash off her makeup before bed. But the easiest way for ladies to succumb to the desire to enjoy something tasty. Is it possible to resist luxurious pasta or fragrant pastries? How to deal with the main enemy of the figure - cake? It’s not surprising that many women are looking for an answer to the notorious question: how to learn to eat less? Let's try to find the answer together.

From one extreme to another

It is no secret that for women who find it difficult to control their appetite, the easiest way out is to “tie their stomach in a knot.” Ladies literally deny themselves everything, eating pitiful crumbs for lunch and not having dinner at all. All these sacrifices are aimed at a good goal - losing weight, but after fasting for a week, a woman most often begins to sweep away everything in her path.

Why is this method dangerous? First of all, this will not bring the desired result, because the lost kilograms will turn back a hundredfold at the end of the hunger strike. Secondly, such a diet, like any other, causes harm to the body in the form of stress and a spoiled stomach. It is not for nothing that nutritionists do not recommend prescribing dietary programs for yourself; it is dangerous for a layman to joke with such things. Then how to learn to eat less to lose weight?


According to psychologists, it is not entirely correct to ask the question of how to learn to eat less. You need to ask yourself: why do you want to eat more and more?

Why do you feel so drawn to sleep after a hearty lunch? It turns out that when you overeat, the stomach requires a lot of effort to digest a huge amount of fast food, candy and sweet tea. All this takes away precious energy from the body. After all, the existing reserves of gastric juice are not enough for the entire lunch.

But our body is designed simply beautifully - it can adapt to everything. And the stomach will certainly stretch over time, and will also begin to secrete an increasing amount of liquid for digestion, causing serious hunger. And over time, it becomes more and more difficult to fight your appetites. But how can you learn to eat little? Isn’t time irretrievably lost? Well, there is always a way out. Let's look at the right ways to deceive the body.

Eat breakfast yourself

You don't need to know how to eat less when it comes to breakfast. This is exactly the case when you can act in the opposite way - try to get enough. Before lunch, all the calories received will be used up. But the supply of energy received in the morning will not allow the body to crave sweets and buns an hour later. Still, you shouldn’t get carried away with junk food in the morning - breakfast should be healthy. You can accustom yourself to fruit salads with cottage cheese or yogurt, and an alternative to oatmeal is delicious muesli with berries.

Don't eat if you don't feel hungry

You shouldn’t start eating if it’s time for lunch or dinner and your body doesn’t feel it. It’s not at all necessary to go to a cafe with a friend if you don’t feel like eating at all - it’s better to just take a walk. Finally, at the first sign of hunger, you can drink plain water. Surprisingly, we tend to confuse hunger with thirst.

Don't eat anything that doesn't cause appetite

Trying to lose weight, many people switch to the healthiest food possible - exclude fried and salty foods, rid the refrigerator of mayonnaise and fatty ribs. But as a rule, in this case, the question of how to learn to eat less disappears on its own - healthy food only causes disgust and does not go down your throat.

Nutritionists advise not to use violence on the body and not to eat unpleasant foods. Otherwise, such a regime will not bring the expected results. Food should bring pleasure, entice with smells and appearance, provoke salivation and, as a result, promote healthy digestion.

What to do if nothing attracts you except pies and fries? In this case, you can divide the portion into several parts and try to stretch out the treat throughout the day. Why not make your food a little safer by adding healthy snacks? You can also replace some harmful elements in food, for example, adding olive oil to salads instead of mayonnaise.

Don't get distracted

Surprisingly, TV contributes to obesity. Scientists have found that when watching an interesting film or program, a person gets so carried away that he can unnoticed eat twice the prescribed portion. This also applies to snacks or snacks - they simply disappear in front of the TV.

The harm of television is also that a person spends less time eating. Nutritionists advise eating slowly, prolonging the pleasure. On average, this process should take at least 20 minutes. When watching an interesting movie, you can get through it in 10 minutes, which is bad for the body. If you have dinner or lunch in peace and quiet, then the question of how to learn to eat little will disappear by itself.

Little secrets

Nutritionists highlight not only the principles of healthy eating, but also some tricks that mislead the body and force you to eat less:

  • Fresh air. As surprising as it may sound, we are able to feed on oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, after a walk in the fresh air a person eats less food. But with a big appetite.
  • Small plates. How to learn to eat small portions? You can use a psychological technique - set the dinner table with small dishes. A number of experiments have proven that people inevitably put more food on larger plates. Accordingly, he eats more. They will do the same with a small plate - fill it to the brim. But it will hold much less food. This advice can also be applied to prepared foods sold in packages.
  • Change of interior. It turns out that warm tones and bright colors whet your appetite. If your kitchen is painted red or orange, managing your diet will be more difficult. Why not paint the walls blue or green? If the housewife categorically does not consider this option, you can get by with small sacrifices. For example, dilute the interior with decorative elements of cool colors.
  • Out of sight! Harmful snacks or sweets should be hidden away so that they do not attract attention. If there is a bowl of candy at work and it is impossible to get rid of it, invite your colleagues to replace the vase with a less attractive one.
  • Hobby as a way out. How to learn to eat less if, apart from food, there is absolutely nothing. To prevent thoughts about food from annoying you every minute, it is recommended to distract yourself with some activity. Why not get into sports or dancing? Any interesting activity will do, as long as it takes as much time as possible and distracts you from food.

Firstly,you have to want it. Often it is explicit or hidden reluctance that is the main obstacle. We “love” food, we like the process, we feel good after a hearty lunch, even when we feel “bad.”

Calmly, at your leisure, think about the current abundant and future more meager diet, weigh the pros and cons. Convince yourself of the significance of the arguments in favor of malnutrition and the insignificance of the arguments against it for yourself. Until this happens, the mind will always find a reason to eat another pan of borscht.

Secondly, work on your fears.

Lose weight, evaporate, get sick, die, dry out, weaken, be left without muscles, hair and teeth. Fears of deficiency are the most convenient and popular because of the ease of perception: you have problems with the thyroid gland - the problem is iodine deficiency, anemia is caused by iron deficiency, and the fact that you are dry is nothing more than a protein deficiency... And although it is clear to anyone that it’s nonsense that everything is much more complicated (more complex), that the body is not a storehouse of amino acids and minerals, but a living being, but our brain takes advantage of this, clinging to the thought “the more, the better,” “it’s better to get too much than not get enough,” etc. . In fact, everything is exactly the opposite.

The body only needs (stimulation) from life itself. Through thoughts, air and water; and only then macro and microelements and nutrients.

Life = energy = action = movement.

Set the water in motion. Maybe with thoughts. You can motivate yourself with sports. You can get sick. The result is identical: life as a process.

Metabolism is the process of exchange. Entry-exit-replacement.
As long as (if) you are active, you will live. Nothing else matters. Including food, especially in large portions and often. So much and often that you even read this article :).

Food is about togetherness.The process of unity with what gets inside.
In other words, if you can cope with the fear of death (from malnutrition in general, or not getting enough of something specific) - you can easily move on to the next point. If you fail, fear will not allow you to develop in this direction.

The best cure for fear is to eat something. And this process makes the goal itself meaningless. You need to get rid of fear. Including - out of fear of eating a lot.

Our task is to use fear to our advantage: to get to know it and make friends. It is important to remember: fears have a habit of returning and accumulating. Therefore, we don’t put it off, and right now we get to know what we don’t know yet, what scares us. We are looking for information.

Third step.When you feel mentally ready, you can move on to the applied part.If there is no fear, then there is no suffering.A clear understanding will appear: what is wrong with me, why I feel thirst, hunger or appetite, and what is the difference between them.
The most common practical solution to eating less is portion restriction. I do not recommend this method at the initial stage. At least until the main thing is implemented: reduce the frequency; or, in other words,maximize pauses between meals.

The most common and promoted way is to learn to eat dinner earlier. But implementing it is not so easy: many of us are used to having a delicious dinner and filling up late, right before bed. And this is natural. The second option is not so popular:have breakfast later- we take it into service.

Fourth, you need to rest more. It is rest, and not excessive stress, that allows you to bring your metabolism to balance: an even and constant flow of nutrients and timely cleaning.

But here’s the problem - complete, deep rest and cleansing are possible only after appropriate loads. Therefore, the more you eat (and weigh) today andThe less you want to eat tomorrow, the more intense your activities should be. This is fifth.

Once the habit of eating less takes root,and this is at least 3 months, activity can begin to decrease. As soon as fuel consumption decreases, the desire to replenish its reserves will again appear. Such is the swing: we can either fill the tank or burn its contents. And it’s very stupid to do this at the same time, but many people do just that. To the point that they carry a fuel tanker with them on a trailer (obesity).That is, the sixth- it's about maintaining balance.

The main condition for malnutrition is to be light. In every sense. Become your lungs.

Breathe instead of eat.
Taste instead of eat.
Enjoy every bite, take your time.
Don't overeat, but get drunk.
Accumulate fat for a day or a week, not for a year or a decade.

Learn to use already accumulated supplies. And for this you still need to learn how to mobilize/dissolve them. This is discussed in detail in the course “Lightness without Diets”.

Your Pavel Bogacci

P.C.The wise men decided to hold one of the following live/online meetings on this topic to answer questions that arise. Please stay tuned for announcements.


A wise selection of articles on the topic of excess weight:

— Losing weight at any cost -

—Where does excess weight come from? -

— The relationship between food and health -

We all know very well the easiest way to lose weight. Yes, yes, I’m talking about eating less. Oh, if only high-calorie foods would be confiscated at the checkout counter in the store, but no, no one cares! Everyone just smiles sweetly. Everything except my scales. Honest down to the gram. Once again, seeing the number 60, I decided that I couldn’t live like that and it was time to act.

There are many ways to tame your appetite. At one time I tried all the main ones. Not everyone helps. But let's talk about everything in order.

About oatmeal and pu-erh

I started by purchasing a popular hunger-suppressing tea and a pound of oatmeal, which was supposed to keep me full for a long time (thanks to its soluble natural fiber with beta-glucans, according to the Internet). And you can’t eat a lot of it without butter and sugar - it should have worked.

I put the waffles and cookies away so that looking at them would not produce the appetite hormone ghrelin, and made pu-erh tea. I drank two cups. I tried to feel the aftertaste. Apart from the feeling of damp earth, I felt nothing. But I didn’t want any more waffles. I went to bed.

Not so! The seagulls were more invigorated than coffee! I fell asleep at two o'clock. This morning I woke up hungry and angry. Libra pretended that nothing had happened.

I cooked oatmeal with dried fruits. A large bowl. I was able to handle three spoons. I took out the jam, but it didn’t taste any better. The oatmeal taste spoiled everything. I drank coffee without anything and went to work.

About lemon water and green tea

A colleague brought cookies with almond crumbs and jam. And she loudly told how exactly she baked it. I blacklisted her, poured water from the cooler and went to the next department out of harm’s way. I drank a glass, hoping to deceive my stomach with a feeling of fullness; I really wanted cookies. I drank more. To enhance the effect, I added a slice of lemon, which, thanks to the pectin, was supposed to drown out all my desires. Apparently, I added too much. Because heartburn was added to the feeling of hunger.

Antacids saved me from heartburn, work saved me from cookies. For lunch I made oatmeal without sugar and green tea with antioxidants to speed up my metabolism. The stomach was already happy about this.

About vegetables and fiber

For dinner I made a vegetable salad. Lots of fiber, few calories: just what you need, as nutritionists say. The salad was tasty, but something was missing. I had an idea of ​​what it was, but I resolutely rejected thoughts of the French bun and meatloaf from the refrigerator. I made pu-erh tea. I looked at him. The taste of damp earth appeared naturally. I didn't feel like eating or drinking at all. The effect was impressive.

I fell asleep early. I dreamed of Chinese and Tibetan monks in bright clothes. They traded tea and exchanged it for oriental sweets.

Woke up hungry. But the scales pleased me. I decided not to give up.

About essential oils and photos for motivation

I walked to work and bought several essential oils at the pharmacy to reduce my appetite. Maybe the oils would have given the desired effect over time, but the management caught me sniffing. Twice. They noted a bottle of water on the table and a pale appearance. The boss called him on the carpet and interrogated him with passion. Forcibly sent to lunch. A cruel man.

In addition to diet and aromatherapy, I decided to use a visual stimulus to reduce my appetite. I put a screensaver on my desktop with an indecently overweight woman. The first two days her shape was terrifying and saved me from a heavy lunch and dinner. By the end of the third day she didn't seem so plump to me, by the end of the week I found her attractive. A person gets used to everything, that's a fact.

About the main thing

The incident went out with a friend when I refused three times to go to a cafe and my favorite tiramisu. My first thought was that I didn't want to see him. The second is that there is something wrong with me. And as a form of rehabilitation, I was taken to the Moscow region for sketches. Everyone painted there: both artists and those who were not artists at all. It was such a wonderful feeling that I hadn’t experienced since my sister gave me a synthesizer, and I spent nights wearing headphones, remembering everything I learned in my distant childhood. That trip seemed to wake me up. I didn’t torture myself with hunger, food just became somehow less important. Besides her, there was so much else that I didn’t notice for so long or pushed aside for an indefinite future. Evening walks and dance classes, paints and brushes, and days when I can go to the pool with my sister have become significant. I got my electronic piano out again and don't just play at night. I still love to eat, but it doesn't stress me out anymore.

I once asked a friend, do I need to lose weight? “I don’t care,” he answered completely seriously, “as long as you smile.”

Yulia Kolycheva