How to punish your wife's lover and is it necessary to do it? Verdict: guilty, must be punished. How to teach your lover a lesson How to scare your wife's lover

What should a real man do if it turns out that his wife is cheating? This question is asked by everyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. There are many different emotions and desires here. On the one hand, I just want to punch the face of the person with whom my wife cheated. On the other hand, a man may not stoop to such a method of punishing his wife’s lover. A site for a male audience, the site will sort out the question of what to do for a man who has learned about his wife’s infidelity, and whether he needs to take revenge on his wife’s lover.

Usually men in all centuries solved all their problems like men. If something is wrong, then fists are used. Even women were conquered in this way before. Current times have changed. Different moral standards and right and wrong methods for solving problems have emerged. A man can oscillate between his instinctive desires to fight with his lover and not fall on his face through such base, animal behavior. What should a man do if he wants to take revenge, hurt his face, or destroy everything?

As always, psychologists advise starting a business by thinking everything through carefully. That’s why we are rational beings, to first think, reason, weigh the pros and cons, and then act.

Start by thinking about these questions if you find out your wife is cheating:

  1. What kind of relationship do you want to continue with your wife? This question affects how you behave if you don’t want to be an idiot in the eyes of your woman if you decide to keep her close. Some women would like their husbands to show character, that is, to fight for them. Other women, on the contrary, love it when men act more sophisticatedly and prudently. Thus, if you decide to stay with your wife who cheated on you, then you need to act the way she would want in this situation. If you decide to divorce your wife, then act as you see fit.
  2. What action would you not be ashamed of? Do not forget that everything done with your wife’s lover will remain not only in the memory of the cheaters, but also in your memories. You will then return to the situation as you did with your wife’s lover, experiencing certain emotions. Imagine that 10 years have passed since you found out that your wife was cheating. Looking back on this situation 10 years later, how would you evaluate your own actions? What would you like to see in your behavior? In what case will you be proud of yourself even after 10 years? You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself.
  3. How will your actions be assessed by people whose opinions you value? Know that people with whom you are in regular contact will know about your situation. If they can't approve of your behavior, then you're setting yourself up. Consider how people important to you will react to your actions. You need to be sure that they can understand you and be proud of you.

Of course, each situation is individual, so it is difficult to say unequivocally “don’t do anything, forgive me” or “punch the cheaters in the face.” Each man will decide for himself what to do. And we’ll just look at what comes of it.

Standard reaction

If we look at the standard reaction of men in situations where they find out or, even worse, catch their wives in bed with other gentlemen, then everything is very simple. No one will doubt that a man will get into a fight and start “punching in the face” of the one with whom his wife is sleeping. Is it possible to somehow condemn a man for such an act? Most likely, even a lover who has been “punched in the face” will understand the behavior of the deceived husband. He will not blame his husband for deciding to assault him, since, most likely, he would have done the same in his place.

“Hit the face” is a long-established pattern of male behavior. They will not think, make three-story plans on how to take revenge on their wives. Imagine a situation where a husband comes home, finds his wife with her lover, gets offended, slams the door, and then spends months thinking about how to annoy her lover. This won't happen. If a man catches his wife cheating, his first impulse will be to punish his offenders.

However, there are other situations when a man actually turns around and leaves his wife, blaming only her for everything. The following principle applies here: the one who cheated is to blame for everything. Moreover, from childhood such a man could be raised with slogans that he is the best and always right. Thus, the man will not even think about the situation. He will blame his wife for everything, forgetting that wives don’t just walk away from their husbands.

A relationship is the responsibility of both partners. If someone begins to cheat, it means that the second partner is helping him in this. Of course, the blame still lies with the one who cheated. But still, one should not turn a blind eye to what his partner was to blame for, who, with his actions or words, attitude, could calmly push him to cheat.

Wife's disappointed expectations

Why ? A man must understand that the disappointed expectations that she has from the very beginning can push her to betrayal. When a girl meets a guy, she imposes on him to fulfill some of her expectations. She expects him to be able to make her life happier, more colorful, more interesting. It’s also not uncommon for men to start promising women stars and mountains of money. However, time passes, and the woman sees nothing of what she hoped for or what her husband promised her.

  • She thought that they would have their own house or apartment, but, as it turns out, he doesn’t need it at all.
  • She wants to have many children, but he may not want to have them at all.
  • She wanted to live a luxurious life, but her husband did not want to bother himself with earning a lot of money.

If a woman realizes over time that her hopes will not be met in a relationship with her husband, then she may begin to look at other men. Is the gentleman whom the wife noticed guilty of the fact that she chose him as the fulfillment of her desires that her husband did not realize?

Since you are not going to “punch the face” of your wife, who, by the way, caused a lot of negative emotions by his actions, and her lover, then you should think about whether this person is really to blame. He might not even know that his companion was married. Even if the lover knew about your presence, he could not resist her pressure and desire to sleep. Imagine yourself in his place, when a woman throws herself on your neck when you don’t want it. Sooner or later you will want to take advantage of the situation and sleep with her.

The husband should understand that he was offended not by his lover, who could simply not resist the woman who was hanging on him (otherwise, how would he sleep with her if she didn’t want it herself?), but by his wife, who herself decided to sleep with another man.

Psychologists advise every couple to communicate with their significant other before getting married in order to understand what they expect from each other. After all, for some reason everyone is silent and expects their partners to figure everything out themselves.

  1. Talk about the responsibilities and roles that everyone in the family should have to avoid problems.
  2. Discuss what desires each of you wants to realize by having a soulmate.
  3. Take a sober look at the person you want to connect your destiny with to understand whether he really has the qualities that you supposedly see in him.

All people want to live happily. Everyone is looking for ways to achieve their happiness. And usually people are ready to commit betrayal if their hopes are not realized by their spouses with whom they have connected their lives. This applies to both men and women.

Cheaters find lovers because they think that now they will definitely be able to get what they do not get in their family. However, often lovers also do not give what they want. The husband may find out about his wife's infidelity and even forgive her. However, if the wife continues to suffer because of her unfulfilled desires, then soon she will cheat again.

Revenge on a lover in this case will only be a consequence. You are struggling with what has already happened, although you need to eliminate the causes of betrayal.

Revenge - humiliation or restoration of justice?

Why should a man take revenge? Ask yourself this question before you go punch someone in the face. Realize that after a fight you will only get temporary pleasure. And then what? The problem won't go away after you punch your wife's lover in the face. She will find herself another lover. She will be disappointed in you because you could not win her over with your actions. You will leave on your own, but you will not take anything good out of the situation.

It’s better not to hit your lover’s face, who may not be guilty of anything, but to figure out why the betrayal happened. You don’t have to forgive your wife, but you shouldn’t humiliate yourself through revenge either. Do you think that by your actions you will restore justice? But who did you decide to beat? The person will get it for nothing, since he may not even know you. To restore justice, you need to deal with your wife and take revenge on her, and not on your lover.

Men who have experienced their wives cheating are given the following advice:

  • Don't deal with lovers, they have nothing to do with it.
  • If you have saved your family, then forget about your wife’s betrayal, do not try to put pressure on the feeling of guilt.
  • Think about what your fault was that provoked the betrayal, so as not to repeat the offenses again.
  • Taking revenge on your opponent will not help you. You won’t get your loved one back this way, or she may not know anything at all.
  • Talk to your wife to understand the reasons for her actions.
  • If you decide to forgive your spouse, then do it sincerely.
  • If you want to talk it out, then do it with your spouse, friends or a psychologist.
  • You can either separate from your wife or save your family, which is up to you personally.

Bottom line

If your wife cheated, then beating her lover is only temporary satisfaction that will not solve your problem. Lover will leave, but the problem will remain, which lies in your broken relationship and your wife’s bad behavior. It’s better not to waste your energy on fights, so as not to make a fool of yourself, but to deal with your wife, who betrayed you.

How can you take revenge on your lover’s wife on your own? Family happiness is what each of us dreams of. We sometimes spend years building our happiness. Maybe, happy family, healthy children, loving husband or a wife is the meaning of life for many of us. Nobody wants to lose what they have been trying to achieve for so long. The relationship between a man and a woman has always been contradictory. Men don't always understand women and vice versa. But still we cannot live without each other. But life is unpredictable. Today your loved one may say that he loves you, and tomorrow you will find out about his betrayal. In such situations, women often justify their men, and place all the blame on their rival. Although, in my opinion, the guilt of both is obvious. But situations are different, sometimes rivals learn from their wives that their beloved ones are not free at all. But still, women resolve conflicts in their own way. But women are creative people and no man can guess what might come to their mind. Therefore, men should be careful with these treacherous and vindictive women.

You often hear about a girl who started dating a guy, the relationship lasted long and wonderfully, but suddenly, her beloved turns out to be married. And not only is he married, but he also has two or three children. How do men manage to disguise themselves like that? How do women fail to expose them sooner? Either women are so stupid that they don’t notice anything around them, or men are just good actors. I think we will never know the exact reason. If you have already fallen in love with a man, of course, you don’t want to lose him. The only method that will help you achieve this is to eliminate your lover's wife.

Many women consider it a good method to take revenge on a lover's wife

But does your man want this? Men get very used to stability and have a hard time parting with it. Therefore, they do not decide to divorce so often.

But they have no idea how to do this. And they do all sorts of stupid things. If you decided to take revenge on their lover's wife, then choose your methods wisely. Why not turn to black magic? Real magic to cope with a task quickly, efficiently, in a short time. After many years of practice, I can say that more than half of the magician’s visitors are women.

And their reasons for coming to spoil are the same - to spoil their rival

They come with the firm mindset that a magician should bring damage to their rival, but they are still constantly interested in the question: how to damage a rival? They explain it this way: “What if it comes in handy.”

Independent actions can be downright dangerous. Family and love are worth fighting for. This is exactly what we have been doing all our lives. When the one and only one is not nearby, we do everything to find him. When we feel that we are losing it, we do everything to eliminate the reasons. And when the cause is a woman, the methods should be carefully considered. Magic has a reliable way damaging your opponent, combating this cause. But will it be right? If you are in doubt, consult a reliable, real magician. He will dispel all doubts.

There are a huge number of conspiracies in magic:

  • for love,
  • for separation,
  • for loneliness,
  • to your health
  • and rituals to take revenge on the lover’s wife.

And they all exist for a reason. Each ritual of revenge on a lover’s wife has its own purpose and gives its own result. That is, you will know exactly what will happen to the person. It seems stupid to me to take revenge on my lover's wife. Basically, she is a victim of this whole situation. All responsibility lies with you and your lover. The two of you must fight for your happiness, without causing pain to an innocent person. But I know that wives can do a lot of trouble to their husbands’ mistresses, for which they deserve revenge. And if you did not suspect its existence, then you are the victim. This should be a reason to turn to a black magician.

If you are reading this article on how to safely take revenge on your lover's wife, I also know that people want to take revenge for everything. But this is not correct. Any revenge on lover's ex-wife has a basis. And a quarrel with your husband or neighbor is not a reason to turn to black magic. In addition, you need to learn to overcome difficulties on your own. Life is full of obstacles. But this does not mean that every day you should run to a magician and thus solve problems. Magic is designed to solve difficult and serious issues of how to take strong revenge on the wife of a beloved lover.

You stubbornly avoid answering. Translate everything into theory. Okay, I’ll ask you a more specific question, I hope after the 10th time you’ll answer without excuses. So the development of the embryo emphasizes that all of nature was created by one person? why is this in the embryo? For what? Why not immediately after cell division make a human embryo, since it itself did not originate from anyone? why does he look like a fish? an amphibian, a primate? and only then per person? Can someone see this without instruments? or is this some kind of perversion? Why are people often born very similar to animals? with tails, fangs, not upright, with thick hair? After all, all people descended only from people, do not intersect with animals, but can be born similar to them? How does your faith explain this? Just punishment and so on, no need. I'm finally waiting for a logical explanation and not fantasy. I repeat about jugs and bowls... make a clay jug without clay and water, well! doesn't work? those. The jug and the bowl have one beginning, the development came from the lower and diverged later. If you go deeper, then initially any jug was at the beginning clay, then a mass of water, then a simple shape, then round, then a jug, then a handle is attached to it, a pattern is applied and it appears in its final form. Don’t you notice that there is evolution here too! This evolution can be stopped at any place... just make a jug... put it aside, then attach a handle to it and it will have a handle, then put a design on it or not... but there is a final jug, the most developed of all. Now about space. You have no facts that humanity has flown. And judging by its development, it could not fly in principle. There are also no tales about global floods and the rebirth of humanity. Now about rock paintings. A person always draws what he sees, right? Why are pyramids and other primitive objects still preserved, but there are no parts of aircraft or spacecraft? Why do people who have aircraft, know how to do trepanation, have primitive sewerage and pipelines, did not know how to make glass and did not light their houses with electricity? Maybe it was all not human and not from here? that’s why all the ships flew away and the remains and nothing at all were preserved except for really primitive mechanisms? How to combine high intelligence and, excuse me, eating from a pork trough? And lastly, you don’t know how to use sarcasm, don’t try to do something you don’t understand, it turns out... how to put it, it’s not very nice. Once again I look forward not to theoretical arguments and attributions to your faith, but to real answers. Once again.

if you don't want to listen, just say so. I’m just trying to explain it to you logically, but you don’t want to listen to anyone but yourself. You would take my statements and refute them with facts and not just shout that everything is wrong. Even you don’t have answers to all the questions posed - you don’t think that the embryo evolves in the mother’s stomach, adapting to the environment? The fact that there are genetic mutations and failures does not confirm or refute evolution - errors and failures are everywhere, and if you consider that the failure occurs under the influence external factors(alcohol, tobacco, drugs, environmental pollution, etc.) then why is it not God’s punishment? and the fact that the failure can be in any direction also shows that animals are sometimes born with a human face, but this does not mean that animals originated from humans.
As for without water and clay - so water and clay are an analogy of a cell. A cell is what all living things are made of, including plants - this is the building material from which everything is made. And when you describe the process of making a jug, you show precisely its creation and not evolution (evolution is the mutation and adaptation of an adult organism to the influence of changing external factors). In other words, if a mug, under the influence of hot tea, began to adapt to the jug so that hot drinks were not poured into it - this is evolution.
About space - to claim that humanity could not fly into space earlier based only on a separate section of history is pure ignorance. If you read the Vedas, there is a mention of aircraft and even division of them into space and terrestrial ones. Once again about the Mayans and their drawing of a helicopter and an airplane - could it be that the drawing was made before the disaster? and where did they go anyway? And by the way, I’m very surprised, as a builder, that you consider pyramids a primitive object. Even now, with our technologies and construction machines, we will not be able to repeat them - since the stone was polished after it was laid, and at the same time the stones were selected in such a way that when they lay on top of each other, it was difficult to insert a pin, and without any solution. And the purpose of the pyramids is still unknown - it was then that Tutankhamun restored the destroyed parts of the pyramid (as evidenced by the different masonry of the walls - the stones on one wall were perfectly fitted and on the other they were clumsily laid and made) and adapted them for his own tomb.
Well, again you are missing the possibility of a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Let's think about what will happen if tomorrow there is a disaster with a bunch of survivors. That man will continue to fly into space? will save the drawings of the airplane and spacecraft? But will these drawings be preserved on paper even after a thousand years? But a drawing of children of survivors hollowed out in a cave is easy. Why in a cave? So think about it: can you build a modern house without all the factories and building materials? can you at least produce cement without being primitive? How much do you know about the installation of at least sewerage and water supply in your own home? How many ways do you know to supply water to your home in the absence of electricity? Or do you know how to make a generator in the absence of copper and iron factories? or can you make wire at home? I’m sure that even getting a fire without matches is already a problem for you, but I’m generally silent about making glass. So it turns out that with high intelligence, survivors will happily eat from a pork trough if there is food there.
And the survivors will also be preoccupied with survival (getting skins and food - since there are no factories and a refrigerator with food anymore) and will not be able to pass on their little knowledge (within a small group of people) to their grandchildren, even writing and reading at most, and then because of the low value this knowledge in the process of obtaining food in the wild and it will be lost only to be reinvented after millennia.
In general, take scientific works based on all the inexplicable facts and findings, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. Previously, there was even a series of brochures called Knowledge with a scientific approach to every inexplicable find including the Mayans and pyramids and a hammer from pure iron (pure iron is still not able to be obtained) and rivets from titanium (they began to process it at the end of the last century) and geographical maps all over the world, made before Columbus’s voyage, including Antarctica without ice cover (the accuracy of which was only recently verified using an echo sounder).
I listen to you every time and ask you the same questions for the 10th time. You either theoretically invent something, then avoid answers, or ignore it. If you don’t have answers to my questions, first of all, don’t forward them to me. I repeat once again, your faith is no proof of anything! Didn't I provide you with the facts? Those. embryo development, archaeological excavations, are not facts for you? Let me ask the question: How does the development of an embryo confirm the existence of God? God the geneticist? Those. he monitors every birth, but doesn’t have time to punish adults? if there are deviations, is it God's punishment? What kind of ignorance? It is ignorant to believe in something without the existence of some facts. As always, you have only assumptions. If humanity flew into space, at least some artifacts must remain. You can't fly into space on boulders of stone, it's not like trepanning skulls. Here! The evolution of animals is an adaptation to the environment, but this evolution has a limit, strength and other things, so the brain began to develop in animals! It is not just the fittest that survives, but the smarter ones!!! Who knows that it is easier to do the smart thing, find a cave, make a fire, than just sleep in the snow and rely on your own warmth. About the drawings, I said, you apparently are not attentive, I will repeat to you. If there were such devices, where is anything from them, except for the drawings? those. various antiquities have been preserved, but parts and mechanisms are missing? evaporated? Where is the evidence that someone with great intelligence and technical means did not help people build the pyramids? not earthlings, but aliens? Then it’s clear why everything in humans is overwhelmingly underdeveloped and primitive, and why there are no machines and mechanisms, they were taken by aliens. What an electoral disaster you have, it took away all your equipment! thinking worldwide then? intellectual meteorite? highly developed tsunami? Now about personalities. I know very well about the sewer system in my house, I did it myself. I am also well versed in mechanisms, internal combustion engines and electric engines. For me it is not at all a problem to light a fire in such conditions where you will die of hunger and cold. I repeat the question for completion. Where did at least some parts and parts of machines, aircraft, spaceships go? Regarding time and decay, iron products that are much older than the pyramids have survived to this day, and often in almost excellent condition. where are the factories for the production of these machines, metal casting, etc.? also evaporated in a mysterious and mystical way? again a smart disaster? Why did you destroy the products selectively? I will repeat it several times. Maybe you will see, I don’t need to expose your faith to anyone in general with tales about many worldwide catastrophes from your book. I'm finally waiting for an answer to at least one question. Regarding scientific literature and the unknown. Who said that it was all done by man or humanity? Blind faith again? If a person did this and went into a cave, became stupid to the point of animals and the cave, how could he return, without evolution, to the knowledge that he had lost? And again the question is, where are the remains of mechanisms, apparatus, factories for the construction of these things, for the production of metals, minerals, etc., etc.? Where? disappeared? so selectively and consistently, or did people create mechanisms out of thin air, like believing and materializing, and then, after death, everything dematerialized? I look forward to answers to such simple questions.
Do you even read what I write or just skim it? I don’t tell facts, I tell a theory just like you - you also don’t have facts, but embryo development proves absolutely nothing. But many archaeological excavations lead to exactly my thoughts - it feels like you are not at all interested in these very excavations and are trying to build your evidence on those excavations that you were told at school - look beyond your nose.
Also, you don’t even know the essence of evolution and are trying to argue. So, with evolution, it is the survival of the strongest, not the smartest. It makes no sense that you will be smart if your stupid and strong neighbors take your food away and you die of hunger. That is why in nature animals are strong and hardy, but not smart.
As for why the factories were not preserved - we don’t know, maybe the development of man was so great that factories were not needed and everything was produced by some kind of energy (back again, why were the pyramids needed?) and what man now knows is 1% of those knowledge. By the way, there was such a scientist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century, so what he did with electrical energy still remains a mystery, how did he do it? (read at your leisure - the Tunguska meteorite is also associated with his name).
Before arguing, did you even read anything other than a school textbook? otherwise I got the impression that I was arguing with the school curriculum. And in general, read at least something other than the embryo.
Good luck. If you cannot refute at least one of my assumptions other than “all this is not true,” then I have nothing to talk to you about.
P.S. If you understand the internal combustion engine, assemble it with my own hands in your garage, but not from engine spare parts, but from scrap metal, and just let the engine itself lie nearby as a sample (and at the same time, you should also make devices for metal processing yourself in your garage, because where will you get this after a disaster), and if it starts and when he goes, I will be the first to admit that I was wrong and in any disaster nothing should be lost.

Quite often, our partners, for whom we have the warmest feelings, cause us pain: they offend, lie, betray. At such moments the question often arises: how to take revenge wife's lover or husband's mistress for an insult, or perhaps you want to take revenge on your own lovers. And if you decide to take revenge, the main thing is not to overdo it. Remember that the main purpose of revenge is to let off steam. There is no need to hatch an ominous plan for a long time, or completely devote yourself to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bvengeance. Such actions in any case imply negativity. Constant concentration on pain and grievances places a burden on a person’s internal state, making him irritable and unable to fully enjoy life. Let your revenge be creative, at least for you.

In harmonious relationships, people can survive anything. However, the most terrible betrayal is treason, which destroys even the strongest unions. If a love triangle has formed, the deceived one usually suffers the most from the disclosure of the affair. If you are the “deceived” one, your desire for revenge is natural. However, psychological studies show that more than 80% of people regret their revenge as a result. Therefore, first you need to wait for the emotions to pass, so as not to regret your actions in the future.

The desire for revenge for betrayal is a normal, defensive reaction. But what will your revenge change? Will you be able to maintain the same relationship? Definitely not. Will it make you feel better? Yes, but not for long. Revenge will not bring any positive result, but will only spoil your karma and waste your emotional resources. Therefore, before planning revenge, think about how much you need it.

We are developing a plan for revenge on former partners

Often, in a fit of anger, men and women offended by their partners ask the question “ How can I take revenge on my lover? / mistress? » and scratch their cars and send complaints to the tax authorities. And then, apart from triumph in their own eyes and a short-term feeling of satisfaction, they receive nothing. To prevent this from affecting you, remember: you need to take revenge beautifully, ideally with benefit for yourself:

  1. First, find a worthy replacement for your ex-partner. How to punish a lover or mistress? Find a new partner! But not out of spite, but for the soul. May he be better than your ex-love in every way.You will let off steam, perhaps even fall in love, and this will help remove the painful burden of resentment from your soul.After all, now you have the right to be with whoever you want, right? And the hurt pride of your ex-partner is a nice bonus.
  2. Secondly, remember that the best revenge is indifference. Thoughts of resentment and constant reminders only cause pain and destroy you from the inside. Find yourself a hobby, engage in self-development, make new acquaintances. Now you are free and can devote yourself as much as you like to what you want. Let your lover or mistress regret losing you. Demonstrating that your ex-partner’s “offense” did not hurt you in any way, but only gave you a reason to become better, will definitely hit his self-esteem.
  3. Thirdly, small dirty tricks in the end are honey for the soul. How else to punish your lover/mistress? For example, you can withdraw money from your ex-partner's credit card and give it to an animal shelter; sell cool branded clothing and transfer the funds to some orphanage. Let the offender shake with anger, but you will do a good deed.

We are developing a plan for revenge on the spouses' lovers

If we are talking specifically about treason, then almost everyone thinking about how to punish his wife's lover/husband's mistress . Often, in a fit of anger, people cannot control their self-control; they are haunted by the thought that justice must prevail, which means that they must take revenge. The triumph of justice, of course, will be imaginary. But if this helps you calm down and eventually come to your senses, there are standard tips for such a case:

  1. Ruin the homewrecker's life with minor troubles. Crush bread on the roof of the car, scratch the front door, whatever - any dirty tricks that are committed regularly will cause inconvenience. The main thing is not to leave your own traces, so that an invitation to the local police station does not come as a surprise.
  2. Make friends with a homewrecker. If you are not familiar with your wife's lover/husband's mistress, then you need to make friends and find out their interests. For example, go to one gym. After a while, the person will tell you that he is in a relationship with a married woman / married man. You can watch your triumph at a family dinner, where your lover will be invited. This situation will confuse and seriously frighten you.
  3. Ruin the reputation of the homewrecker(s). Even if you want to keep everything to yourself, it is necessary to disclose information about the betrayal committed. At work, in the gym, in the salon - homewreckers will be condemned everywhere. In society, cheating is not encouraged.
  1. Make attempts to quarrel between the “doves”. You can send love SMS messages supposedly from another man/woman or send flowers. All people, even those who cheat themselves, do not tolerate betrayal of themselves.

Either way, these methods of revenge are negative. It is preferable to use creative methods:

  1. Never fall face first into the dirt. Thinking about how to take revenge on your husband's mistress or your wife's lover, you always need to remember your own reputation. Humiliation, sending angry SMS messages, making threats, especially making appointments and trying to injure the offender - all this will indicate your weakness. And threats and beatings are generally a violation of the law and will bring even more serious problems on you.
  2. Outdo your husband's lover/wife's lover. Find a way to cross paths with this person somewhere. And at such “random” meetings, your former partner should clearly understand that you are superior to his new companion (companion) in all respects. You should look your best, be smiling and happy, ideally with a new partner. For such meetings you must have nerves of steel, but the happiness that you radiate, even imaginary, will seriously anger the offender. Let him see what he has lost.
  3. Never blame yourself for being the victim of betrayal. Continue to live and enjoy every day. Don’t stay alone with yourself for a long time, let new people, new emotions, sensations into your life. Having dealt with revenge, pay attention to yourself. Change your image, environment. Everything old is out. Let life begin again. Then your thoughts will become clear, and it will be easier to recover.
  4. Try to benefit even from such a disastrous situation: make repairs in the apartment, buy a subscription to gym, join a volunteer organization, go into space as a last resort. Direct your energy in a direction that is useful for yourself and for those around you. As a result, you will not feel remorse, and the result will only make you proud of yourself.

Novels tend to end, and their ending is rarely without emotion. It's one thing when you left your young man, and completely different when he left you.

In this case, you may want take revenge on your ex- for treason, for insult, for betrayal. How to teach a lover a lesson and do it beautifully?

Is it worth doing?

No matter how scoundrel your ex-boyfriend, taking revenge on him is by no means a noble thing. Think about it, do you really want to teach the person a lesson, or is it just another impulse of emotion?. You can imagine that you have already taught your lover a lesson– did it bring satisfaction or not? Calm down, perhaps the next morning you will stop even thinking about the fact that you wanted to take revenge yesterday.

Maybe you're just as guilty

Consider the fact that you may be equally or even more to blame for the person's abandonment of you. In this case, if a girl (that is, you) wants to take revenge on her ex, it will be simply the height of meanness. A if a man took advantage of you, but did not say that he was already married, this is already a reason to teach him a lesson beautifully- for betrayal.

Plan everything

So, you understand that taking revenge on your lover for leaving you, for example, is a necessity, and not just something that your emotions dictate. Choose a revenge option so that no one except the man gets hurt. After all if you tell your lover's wife, now former, that you had a connection with them, you will make her suffer first of all.

Ruin his reputation

The method, of course, is far from being for righteous people, but if you decide to take revenge... Damage your ex's reputation by opening a profile on some popular dating site on his behalf and indicating a contact phone number, calling supposedly from a sexually transmitted disease clinic, and so on.. It bears repeating that this the method is far from moral.

Play on a person's weaknesses

Knowing his weaknesses, you can always put pressure on a person, forcing him to do something he doesn’t want. For example, a thrifty person can be provoked into making additional financial expenses, while a sociable person can be provoked into limiting his circle of contacts. In general, it all depends on what your lover has a weakness for.

Make him regret leaving you

You should become the woman he considers ideal. To do this, reconsider your views on correct makeup, change your clothing style and so on and so forth. Looking at you, he will understand that he left in vain., and will probably try to get you back. You answer in no way don’t agree - it will be the best revenge. And no one else will suffer except this person. And you will still find someone worthy