How to find the perfect lover

A mistress is the total product of chance and a man's mood: everything begins by chance and develops by itself. But getting lovers, just like leaving them, needs to be done delicately and wisely.

Where to find it?

Experienced men can recognize a potential lover in a woman within the first five to ten minutes of communicating with her. The average mistress is a single, unmarried woman at the peak of physical and sexual activity: beautiful and charming. But expensive perfumes, clothes or flashy appearance do not always serve as signs of a “priestess of love”. In fact, you can make any woman your mistress: give her attention, interest her with money or position. In the end, put the whole world at her feet! Just one question: is the effort being put into this too much? After all, how many problems can a lost mother of a family cause?! Although, the more impregnable the fortress, the more you want to become its absolute master. As a rule, women who lack male attention in their personal lives become mistresses. And married people - sadly, but true - are no exception. In this case, two trump cards appear in your hands at the same time. First, a woman needs your attention. Secondly, this lady is ready to project her love and care to anyone who may need it. At the same time, we advise you not to confuse women who are romantically inclined to feelings with courtesans who are pursuing purely material gain.

Take it away from someone else

A lady who is pleasant in all respects is, as a rule, not free. She is either already married or already someone's mistress. And the higher the status of her lover, the more he wants to get this same lady himself. But you shouldn’t fall into despair about her being busy with others and the lack of opportunity to get her hands on such a treasure. Usually mistresses are lonely women with sadness in their eyes. Why? Yes, simply because their partners constantly do not have enough time for them. Try to spin on three fronts: a prestigious job, an unbreakable stronghold of a family with an “exemplary” father at the head, and then there’s a mistress, for whom you have to devote at least seven hours a week. Usually mistresses are given a lot of attention and honor only at first. Over time, their partners become increasingly short of free time. Women who have no right to be indignant accept these conditions of the game and simply quietly wait day after day for the call of their beloved. The fact that someone does not have enough time for his mistress becomes an undeniable advantage in conquering this very woman. Even though you can't offer her a trip to Ibiza, even though you have less money and a less enviable position than her previous partner.

But you have one very, very valuable quality - you are ready to offer her much more attention than she has now. The attention and care that a woman like her deserves.

Subtle delights

It is very difficult to explain exactly what a married man feels when he has an affair with another woman. - Passion and adventurism that have disappeared from family life. Fear of exposure of adultery and adrenaline rush in the blood due to the game on two fronts. All this greatly warms up a man, forcing him to perceive life in line with a more turbulent flow. An additional piquancy of the relationship is given by the realization that the mistress must be satisfied. If not financially, then certainly physically. The whole beauty of a relationship with a mistress is that the wife is a more or less permanent and unshakable partner. But with a mistress you have to make maximum masculine efforts and gallantry. Otherwise, she might get offended and leave for someone else. The fact that someone does not have enough time for his mistress becomes an undeniable advantage in conquering this very woman.


When our wives once again arrange a scene of jealousy for us, you often wonder: “Or maybe I really should have a mistress, so that there’s something to it?” We hasten to disappoint - mistresses still have the same jealousy. The only priceless difference is that they are quiet. They are silent because they cannot lay claim to you. They can't yet. But believe me, no less passions rage in their hearts. True, such feelings are characteristic only of those ladies who truly love their partners. In the case of using lovers exclusively as wallets with ears, ladies do not have to suffer from the feelings tearing at their souls.

Why are they angry?

Again, because you never have enough time for it. Even when it seems to you that you are spending almost all your free time on her, she remains dissatisfied, demanding your attention again and again. Why? Yes, simply because while you are not around, she does not go to boutiques and theaters. She spends all her free time either with you or waiting for a phone call. Again from you. A full-bodied woman in the prime of her life and at the very peak of her sexual desires cannot help but be irritated by the fact that she is constantly left alone. If your lover is not irritated, then either you pay all her bills on time, and she finds a refuge for her heart in someone else, or again, you pay absolutely all her bills, and there is a refuge in her heart for only one person - yourself, beloved.

Almost resentment

When a mistress leaves a man for another, “the same,” “no better,” and so on, she automatically becomes the cause of incredible resentment on his part: “So much money, so much effort!” But what if you look at it from the other side? Oh, how many pleasant moments and thrills she was able to give! If after the departure of your mistress there remains regret, it means that this woman was still able to bring something special into your routine life, something that you now so lack. She may have taught you a few lessons that would have been difficult to learn by following the beaten path.

Find her a match

If you are tired of the relationship, do not rush to abruptly leave your lover. It’s better to find a replacement for her instead of yourself and, gradually cooling your ardor towards her, unobtrusively push her to a new partner. No, this doesn't sound like passing the baton. It’s just that a woman who suddenly becomes lonely is capable of many stupid things that you may not even know about. When a mistress has a lot of free time, she subconsciously tries to occupy it with thoughts about her loved one (even if he is no longer nearby). And then ridiculous calls to the home of the ex-partner begin, silence on the phone, “random” meetings in various places. A woman is a creature who will never finish a novel until she clearly has the opportunity to start another. A woman’s love should be, if not demanded, then certainly projected onto some object of dreams. Therefore, if you dare to break off the connection, try to find a worthy object of desire for your mistress.

But not all ex-lovers are so open in their complaints against you. The second version of a woman's resentment is quiet anger. Resentment that she was abruptly and categorically deprived of attention/money/man. They may begin to take revenge on you through subtle intrigues and gossip. At the same time, you risk finding out about such disgrace at the very end of the action.