How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? Hangnails on the fingers: causes, treatment, prevention What causes hangnails on the fingers.

Almost every one of us has encountered such a small nuisance as a hangnail near a nail. However, not everyone knows that they only seem harmless. In addition to the fact that hangnails on the fingers create discomfort and look unsightly, they can become very inflamed and cause pain, and in the future they can break out. In addition, epidemiological data confirm that even through a small wound a dangerous infection can enter the body.

Causes of hangnails on fingers

The reasons for the appearance of hangnails on the fingers can be very different. Let's look at the most common ones.

When cleaning or washing dishes, it is very rare for anyone to protect their hands with rubber gloves. And in vain. The skin becomes very dry due to the effects of household chemicals. And the main risk factor for the appearance of hangnails is skin with roughened nail folds.

A poorly done manicure can also cause hangnails to appear on your fingers. This happens when a master who does not have sufficient experience injures the skin near the nail. Although if you don’t do a manicure and don’t take care of your nails at all, you can find the same problem.

Very often you can notice hangnails on the fingers of a child who has only recently been born. This is due to postpartum dryness of the epidermis.

Another common cause of this pathology is the bad habit of biting nails.

The reason can be much more serious - hangnails arise as a result of a dermatological disease, the focus of which is located near the nail fold.

A significant factor in the pathogenesis of the development of the disease, as a result of which the skin becomes very dry, are atopic dermatitis, eczema and others.

The formation of hangnails can be associated with dysbacteriosis, disruption of the functioning of any organs, or a deficiency of microelements ( gland and calcium) and vitamins A, E, B2 and nicotinic acid.

Complications and consequences

The main mistake that many people make when a hangnail appears is tearing it off. Such actions are dangerous because this place will become inflamed and cause pain; a secondary infection may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences and complications: paronychia and felon.

Paronychia is a purulent inflammation of the cushion near the nail. In severe cases, inflammation can lead to nail deformation or peeling. If the disease is mild, paronychia can be treated with medication and various procedures, but in advanced cases, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Paronychia is characterized by infiltration or suppuration, a local increase in temperature. Then the patient may complain of a tugging pain. Pus may ooze from the wound. When the process can be brought under control and the treatment produces results, you may notice the appearance of cavities or a disturbance in the shape of the nail.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the fingers. Typically, staphylococcal infection plays a major role in infection. Complications of this disease are extremely dangerous, including sepsis. With panaritium, severe pain, swelling, and increased temperature appear at the site of inflammation. In the most difficult cases, there is a significant increase in body temperature and severe intoxication. In severe forms, the prognosis may be unfavorable regarding further restoration of the functioning of the fingers.

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Diagnosis of hangnails on fingers

There is usually no need for any specialized diagnostics. When, with proper care, hangnails appear on your hands again and again, you need to consult a specialist. An experienced dermatologist, armed with the results of additional tests (biochemical blood test, analysis of microelements, analysis of dysbacteriosis), will be able to establish the true cause of the development of this pathology.

Treatment of hangnails on fingers

In case of vitamin deficiency, complex therapy for hangnails is carried out, which will include physiotherapeutic procedures (most often, local darsonvalization) and taking vitamin preparations.

Treatment of hangnails on fingers at home

If you notice a hangnail on your finger, the best solution is to cover the area with a band-aid and cut it off at home. As a last resort, you can carefully cut off the skin with nail scissors, and then treat the wound with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chloramphenicol).

Before removing the hangnail, soak your fingers in warm water for a few minutes. Then the skin will have time to steam and it will be easier to remove the hangnail without consequences.

If, after removing a hangnail, the skin begins to become inflamed, you can resort to using deperzolone, oxycort, geocortone, or another similar topical antibiotic.

Traditional treatment

There is no doubt that the best way to fight is prevention. If hangnails do appear, folk treatment offers many recipes.

The simplest and most effective means of treating hangnails on the hands are baths. Preparing a bath is very simple, and it also takes excellent care of the skin of your hands and nails. Any warm vegetable oil is suitable for the bath, but olive oil is ideal. The bath can be done as often as you like, even every day. If hangnails have already appeared, you need to add regular soda to the bath. For prevention, you can take baths with sea salt and the addition of essential oils, for example, orange and tea tree. All baths - oil, soda, salt - will help in the fight against hangnails. You can alternate different baths, but do them regularly.

If there is slight inflammation, hot pepper will help. It is cleaned of stems and seeds, and vodka is poured into the pepper itself. A finger with a hangnail is dipped in pepper so that a small amount of vodka remains in the pepper, and a bandage is made. It is better to leave the bandage on all night. If the wound still hurts because of it, then the bandage should be kept on as long as possible.

Heat cocoa butter and honey mixed in equal proportions in a water bath and apply to your hands.

You can make beer compresses: apply cotton wool previously soaked in heated beer.

If you lubricate your fingers with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil, then the wounds will heal quickly, and the skin near the nail plate will soften.

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Herbal treatment

To make hangnails on your fingers heal faster, apply a compress of crushed fresh chicory leaves to the wound twice a day. The compress is bandaged and left for a while.

Bandages are also made from shredded wheat. It is applied to the wounds, covered with a cabbage leaf, and then bandaged. This bandage is done twice a day.

Indoor plants can also help deal with hangnails. For example, Kalanchoe juice is famous for its antiseptic properties and ability to relieve inflammation. Thanks to the use of Kalanchoe, hangnails will quickly heal, and your hands will look much more attractive.


Women whose skin vessels are located close to the surface and male hormones in excess have rough cuticles. If you cut it deeply, the cuticle will give a ragged edge, which can cause hangnails later. Then it is better to cut it off not completely.

Be careful with the tools you use to perform a manicure. If the tool becomes dull, the cuticle will not be cut, but will be torn off - and, as a result, burrs will appear.

The best prevention is careful and regular skin care:

  • Minimize contact with harsh chemicals.
  • take softening herbal baths weekly;
  • regularly lubricate the cuticle with a specialized nourishing agent;
  • if the skin has come into contact with household chemicals, apply nourishing cream;
  • After washing your hands, dry your skin;
  • When cleaning or doing laundry, wear rubber gloves;
  • In winter, pay extra attention to hand care. During this period, the skin dries out and becomes chapped faster, so do not forget about hand cream.

The appearance of a hangnail not only spoils the appearance of the hands, but also interferes with the performance of everyday actions, clinging to everything that comes across - gloves, tights and other clothing. And if it tears the adjacent skin, then a big problem is just around the corner. However, to forget about hangnails on your hands forever, you just need to be patient and don’t forget about regular skin care, proper nutrition and protecting your hands from contact with household chemicals.

If in childhood we are not particularly bothered by hangnails on our fingers, then older girls perceive them as a disaster. They spoil the appearance of well-groomed hands and manicured fingers. So few women treat them as an annoying little thing. Note that men's hands (as well as children's hands) are also not decorated with hangnails. And they sometimes appear even on the most well-groomed hands.

It’s good if the burrs are not deep and quickly go away, seemingly on their own. It is much worse if they begin to become inflamed, and sometimes even fester. Then this becomes a serious problem requiring medical intervention. So where do they come from? And is it possible to somehow fight them? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do burrs appear?

There are many reasons for the appearance of hangnails on fingers. Our hands, as you know, never get bored! Even if we have household appliances in our household arsenal, we are still forced to use all kinds of cleaning products, cook, wash, etc., etc. And we don’t sit idly by at work either. What causes hangnails to appear?
  • Household chemicals. These products perfectly clean off dirt, but at the same time have an aggressive effect on the skin of the hands. Even the most modern powders, gels and pastes that we use during washing and cleaning dry out the skin. Thinned hand skin loses its elasticity, and hangnails appear on it.
  • The habit of biting your nails also causes wounds that are invisible to the eye to appear on the skin near the nails.
  • Working in an office can also lead to the formation of hangnails. It would seem like a clean job that doesn’t hurt your hands! Paper also dries out the skin, and you can cut yourself with paper. Microtraumas on the fingers and dry skin can also cause them to appear.
  • People with stomach or intestinal problems also often develop hangnails. And the reason for this is a lack of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Trim manicure. A manicure done incorrectly or too frequently can also lead to the appearance of hangnails. And what? Slightly injure the skin near the nail or push the cuticle too deep - and here’s an unpleasant surprise for you!

Hangnails on your fingers not only spoil the appearance of your hands, but also cause some discomfort. Often they are simply bitten off or torn off, which should not be done under any circumstances. Such actions can provoke inflammation of the cuticle and more. So, how should you get rid of hangnails?

Rules for deburring

When a hangnail appears on your finger, it is best not to try to tear it off or bite it off with your teeth. Firstly, you are unlikely to be able to do this painlessly, and secondly, there is a risk that the skin will peel off even more and deeper. If possible, you just need to cover your finger with a band-aid in the place where the skin peels off. If you have sharp nail scissors or tweezers in your cosmetic bag, then cut off the hangnail and disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate it with brilliant green or iodine, or simply spray it with perfume.

At home, before removing a hangnail, you need to steam your hands a little. Make a warm one for your hands and hold your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes. You can add chamomile decoction to your bath water, which acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

After that, proceed with removal. It is much easier to cut it off from softened skin. In addition, this procedure will be painless. To avoid causing subsequent peeling of the skin, cut the hangnail horizontally, bringing the blades of the scissors directly under the root. And do not pull back the peeled skin, otherwise the hangnail will come off and the skin tear will become even deeper.

Special pliers will help you get rid of a hangnail. However, for those who do their own manicure or who simply need these tweezers. They will not apply to you if hangnails often appear on you or your loved ones.

If, despite proper care, hangnails still appear on your fingers, then pay attention to the general condition of the body. Drink plenty of fluids (plain, clean water is best). Eat more fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. In the off-season (autumn and spring), take complex vitamins.

And don’t forget that manicure is necessary not only to maintain the beauty of your hands, but also to prevent the appearance of hangnails on your fingers. If possible, use the services of professional craftsmen. Well, if this is not possible, then purchase a high-quality manicure tool. Remember that the miser pays twice! But you shouldn’t skimp on health and beauty. Stay beautiful always and in spite of everything!

Why do hangnails appear on fingers? Every woman wants to look perfect and mesmerizing. For many modern ladies, the beauty of their hands is almost in the first place in creating the ideal image. A beautiful manicure and well-groomed skin not only lift your spirits, but are also a woman’s calling card. Men who take good care of their appearance also visit nail salons. They are no strangers to hand care at home. However, troubles such as cuts, scratches and burrs cannot be avoided. And if mechanical injuries heal very quickly, especially when using hand cream, then tearing the skin of the nail fold is a problem that is worth paying attention to.

Hangnails on fingers. Causes

In addition to injuries during the manicure procedure, there are other causes of hangnails on the fingers.

Let's look at them:

  1. Vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins tocopherol, retinol, as well as any macro- and microelements. This is the most common reason due to which skin nutrition is disrupted and the nail fold is detached.
  2. Dry hand skin and insufficient nutrition are also risk factors. The skin around the nail plate becomes thinner and cracks.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene.
  4. The habit of biting nails is one of the first reasons why hangnails appear on a child’s fingers.
  5. Aggressive effects of household chemicals.
  6. Temperature changes. By the way, being outside without gloves in the cold season dries out and freezes the skin, slowing down the regeneration process, which negatively affects the treatment of hangnails.
  7. Manicure done unprofessionally (with cuts and microtraumas).
  8. Decreased immunity.
  9. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Why do hangnails appear on fingers, what vitamins are missing in this case? Most likely, the body lacks B vitamins.

Advice: when removing a burr yourself, follow the rules of hygiene - at least wash your hands and wipe your palms and tools with alcohol. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing associated problems, such as suppuration.

Treatment methods

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? Many eliminate them and forget about the problem immediately after the wound heals. But what to do if hangnails appear constantly and do not go away for a long time? This is a serious issue simply because an open wound is a direct route for infection and an open door for the development of inflammatory processes with various consequences. The success of therapy depends on the correct method and drug chosen.

What should a girl do if a hangnail appears on her finger? Treatment should begin when the cause of your illness and associated factors are determined. Because in case of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of hangnails will go away after you adjust your diet and balance your diet.

Removing a hangnail is carried out with nail scissors, which should be used to carefully trim the desired area of ​​skin (do not tear it off!). As a disinfectant, you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, essential oils - tea tree or cedar. If desired, apply a patch and do not expose the affected area of ​​skin to household chemicals. For washing dishes and cleaning, it is best to use gloves or a fingertip.

Antiseptic ointments or aerosols are always useful for further wound care - they will prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

If suppuration does occur, and local medications do not help, you should make an appointment with a surgeon at any clinic so that he can make a prophylactic incision.

All this can be avoided if you provide your hands with proper care. To prevent the appearance of hangnails, use manicure baths with a solution of soda or a decoction of herbs.

Oil bath

What to do if hangnails appear on your fingers? How to treat them? If the problem is dry skin, you can use alternative methods to eliminate it.

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? Using an oil bath on your hands will have a softening effect, which will prepare the skin for further procedures. The recipe is simple: you need to slightly heat the oil. Anything from apricot kernel, tea tree and others will do. You should dip your fingers in it for 15-20 minutes. The skin will soften and the procedure will go smoothly and painlessly. Using nail scissors, trim the keratinized tissue without touching the healthy tissue. The procedure should be done for 7 days.

Bath with soda and salt

How to get rid of hangnails on your fingers? A soda bath will not only soften the cuticle, but also cope with inflammatory processes. Place 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, cut off the burrs and lubricate the wounds with sea buckthorn oil.

Sea salt without flavorings is used in various cases; removing hangnails and disinfecting the skin is no exception. To do this, you need to dilute 200 grams of salt in 1 liter of water, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and cool. Keep your hands in a warm bath with sea salt for 10 minutes. Dry and disinfect your finger, remove dead skin and spread with peach oil (any oil can be used).

Aloe remedy

Houseplant lovers often grow medicinal plants. If you have aloe or kalanchoe, feel free to take advantage of their healing properties. How to get rid of hangnails on fingers using this plant?

Chop its leaves, apply to the wound and fix. Leave your finger like this for several hours. This method can be used even in case of an abscess. For treatment, repeat the procedure daily, for prevention - once every 10 days.

Bath with chamomile infusion

If the wounds after hangnails begin to become inflamed, a good option would be to use a bath of chamomile decoction. Although its preparation takes a lot of time, the result exceeds expectations.

Add 3 tablespoons of chamomile to 2 liters of water, boil, let it brew and strain. Keep your hands in the resulting broth for about 15 minutes until completely cooled.

What needs to be done to prevent hangnails from appearing?

We have already found out what to do if hangnails appear on the fingers and how to treat them. But what to do when the problem has already been solved and you want it not to arise again in the future? If you are convinced that you are not deficient in vitamins, are you sure that your diet is correct and your diet is not compromised? Then follow simple rules that will serve as a good preventive measure against the appearance of a minor nuisance - hangnails:


Now you know why hangnails appear on your fingers. We examined the reasons for their occurrence and methods for solving such a problem.

When the skin on your hands looks flawless, your mood improves and your self-confidence appears, resulting in increased productivity in your life. Allow yourself not to think about unpleasant little things - love yourself and be happy!

The main reason for the appearance of hangnails is dry skin, which occurs with frequent contact with water, household chemicals, paper, as well as wind and frost. An unbalanced diet, or more precisely, a deficiency of fats and vitamins A and E, may also be to blame for the lack of moisture.

Those who like to bite their nails also suffer from hangnails, as this unsightly habit weakens the nail bed and leads to microtrauma to the skin around the nail plate.

A poorly done manicure can also play a role, especially if the cuticle is cut off.

Finally, the state of health in general and the digestive system in particular plays an important role.

If you watch your diet, take care of the skin of your hands and do not have the habit of biting your nails, but hangnails still do not go away, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

How to prevent hangnails

The best means of prevention is to protect your hands from anything that dries your skin, as well as regular use of moisturizing cosmetics. Therefore, it is advisable to do all housework with rubber gloves and apply cream to your hands as needed, and not just before bed.

Make sure your diet includes foods rich in fats and vitamins: fish, vegetable oils, nuts, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Get a hygienic manicure regularly, preferably unedged. Instead of cutting the cuticle, rub special oil into it and gently push it with an orange stick to the base of the nail. If you can’t completely avoid trimmed manicures, do them as rarely as possible so that the skin has time to recover.

Not . This not only leads to the formation of hangnails, but also increases the risk of infection of the wound by bacteria living in the oral cavity. And getting bacteria into your mouth from your hands can have very unpleasant consequences.


Give preference to nail polish remover without acetone. Products with ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol and propylene carbonate do not dry the skin as much. It would be nice if the liquid contained glycerin or oil extracts.

Do not overuse quick-drying nail polishes, as they not only quickly harden themselves, but also instantly dry out the skin around the nail.

How to properly remove burrs

If it’s too late to do prevention and unpleasant pieces of dry skin are puffing up on your hands, then there’s nothing left to do but get rid of them. But removing does not mean biting off, tearing off or tearing off. Here's how to do it correctly:

  1. Soak your fingers in a bath of warm water and a few drops of vitamin E or olive oil.
  2. Trim the hangnail flush with the skin using sharp scissors or nail clippers. Do not pull or pull: this may injure the skin. And try not to cut off too much so that a wound does not form.
  3. Lubricate the cut with antibacterial ointment: this will prevent infection and speed up healing.
  4. If you had to remove a large hangnail that had become severely torn from the skin, cover the cut with a band-aid.
  5. If the patch is of no use, moisten the cut. Vitamin E or moisturizer is suitable for this. Apply the product several times throughout the day, especially after contact with water.

What happens if you get hangnails, and how to treat it

A hangnail that is not treated in time can lead to inflammation of the nail fold, also called paronychia or periungual felon. If the skin around the hangnail is red, swollen, or purulent, this indicates a bacterial or fungal infection.

At the initial stage of inflammation, when the area around the hangnail is red and slightly swollen, warm water baths can help. They need to be done 2-3 times a day.

If after 3-4 days the inflammation does not go away or progresses, you should consult a doctor. You will most likely be prescribed a course of antibiotics, and if it does fester, you may need to drain the infected area of ​​skin.

If you are diagnosed with fungal paronychia, you will be prescribed appropriate antifungal medications.

Such an unpleasant problem as hangnails on the fingers is certainly familiar to each of us. It should be noted that it is only at first glance that they seem to be a safe phenomenon. In addition to the fact that they cause a lot of inconvenience, hangnails become inflamed and painful when they become infected, and if they are not treated properly, they can lead to an abscess. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this problem, but proper care and prevention will help prevent such a problem from occurring.

Reasons for appearance.
It should be noted that hangnails may be present on the fingers and toes. The main culprits of this problem are the lack of regular care for the skin of the hands and nails, as well as the bad habit of biting nails. A significant role in their occurrence is also played by chemical detergents and cleaning products, which we use every day in everyday life, washing powders, and prolonged contact of hands with dirty water. In most cases, women forget about protecting the skin of their hands and do not use household gloves when cleaning and washing, which contributes to the appearance of hangnails: the skin surrounding the nail plate begins to dry out, becomes rougher, and as a result, cracks appear.

Out of habit, many of us, when a hangnail appears on our finger, try to tear it off or pick it out with our fingernail. Remember! Under no circumstances should this be done, even if this trouble arose at the most inconvenient moment and causes a lot of inconvenience. It is better to be patient and at home, maintaining sterility, carefully remove the hangnail. Tearing them off the fingers can lead to injury to healthy skin tissue, and as a result, to tearing, resulting in a focus of inflammation. Untreated hangnails can contribute to the development of inflammation of the nail fold (“paronychia”) or, even worse, inflammation of the finger (“felon”).

The cause of the appearance of hangnails on the fingers can also be more serious problems - various disorders in the body. In particular, with a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body, and when it is weakened, hangnails become a common occurrence. In addition, hangnails can occur against the background of gastrointestinal diseases and dysbacteriosis. Therefore, if hangnails appear frequently, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and undergo the necessary treatment.

By the way, this problem worries the male part of the population much more often, which is due to the tendency of men’s skin to be dry and rough. In addition, according to most men, hand skin care is a purely feminine activity and is not for men.

If, despite all precautions, the skin is cracked and burrs still appear, it is imperative to remove them. To do this, you should first steam the skin, for which a warm bath is perfect. You should add a little essential oil to the water, in particular bergamot or lemon oil. If you don’t have such oils, you can use regular vegetable oils. You should keep your hands in this bath for no more than fifteen minutes. Then, using special nail clippers, carefully trim off the burrs. The movements should not be pulling or tearing; you must bite, otherwise injury to healthy skin will occur.

If there is no hangnail, but the skin around the nail plate is very rough, then using a sanding file you can remove the rough layer. At the end of the procedure, the sanded area should be treated with a disinfectant solution, in particular a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

If hangnails cause severe discomfort, it is recommended to moisturize them with cream or lubricate them with medicinal ointment at night. This will help soften the skin and make it easier to remove hangnails.

Folk remedies.
The most common remedy is baths for hands and nails. Oil baths are very beneficial for the skin and are highly effective. They require little time, so they can be used daily. It is necessary to heat a little vegetable oil (olive, almond, sunflower, etc.) and hold your hands in it for twenty minutes. The oil softens and nourishes the skin, preventing the formation of this unpleasant problem. The oil can simply be rubbed into the skin of your hands and nails and left overnight, wearing cotton gloves.

For existing hangnails, a warm soda bath is recommended. It is prepared like this: a tablespoon of soda is diluted in 500 ml of water. Keep your hands in this bath for ten minutes. As soon as the skin has steamed, you need to cut off the burrs with gentle movements. If the hangnail bleeds, treat with a disinfectant, and then apply olive oil to the skin of your hands and cuticles for five minutes, after which the skin should be blotted with a cosmetic or paper napkin.

A bath with sea salt and essential oils of bergamot and lemon also prevents the appearance of hangnails. Baths should be done constantly. They can be alternated.

Houseplants such as aloe and kalanchoe can also help fight hangnails. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing properties, these plants help heal the skin around the nails and heal existing cracks. For treatment, you should grind several clean and dry Kalanchoe leaves. The resulting slurry should be applied to the tips of each finger, and wrapped with cling film on top (also each finger separately). This kind of mask must be left on for several hours, so it is best to do this procedure at night. You can evaluate the effect after several procedures: the skin will become elastic, and you will forget about this problem. Just to maintain the effect, you should not forget to do the procedure at least once a week.

Cosmetic preparations for the treatment of hangnails.
There are no special cosmetic preparations intended for the treatment of hangnails, since everything necessary is contained in creams for the care of the skin of the hands, cuticles and nails. The cream should be applied to the base of each nail and rub in with light massaging movements until it is absorbed. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every day, and if necessary, several times during the day (after washing dishes, cleaning, etc.).

To eliminate this unpleasant problem, you should constantly and carefully care for your own hands, nourish, moisturize and soften them with creams, use medicinal oils, herbal and oil baths, and also, if possible, reduce interaction with an aggressive environment. With even the slightest contact with detergents, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands using liquid soap or, better yet, baby soap, because it contains moisturizing and bactericidal substances. In addition, it does not dry out the skin so aggressively. After this, the skin should be thoroughly dried with a towel and a moisturizing or nourishing oil-based cream should be applied.

Trimming manicure is considered the most effective preventive method, since during the procedure the cuticle is completely cut off. Carrying out this procedure regularly will help you forget about this unpleasant problem. You can also do a manicure at home, but in this case you should not overuse cuticle softeners. In addition, we should not forget about the sterility of the instruments used during manicure. It is best to use professional manicure tools, since they are made of medical steel and are perfectly sharpened.

By the way, quick-drying nail polishes are harmful and can cause hangnails. Therefore, you should not abuse it.

It is very important to maintain a drinking regime, since a lack of water in the body leads to dry skin, which leads to cracking and the appearance of hangnails.

You can use tea tree oil as a moisturizer and antiseptic against hangnails.

Before leaving the house, especially in the cold season, you should lubricate the skin of your hands with a protective oil-based cream for half an hour.

In spring, the skin needs vitamins, so take vitamin and mineral complexes for skin, hair and nails.

Nutrition against hangnails.
Eating daily helps prevent this problem. In particular, your daily diet should include more foods that contain vitamin A or retinol (carrots, best eaten with sour cream). This substance perfectly moisturizes the skin and stimulates its restoration process. You can replenish the reserves of this vitamin in the body with the help of a pharmaceutical preparation, an oil solution of vitamin A.

As a result, we can conclude that regular care, proper nutrition and protection of hands when conducting household and other work will relieve such an unpleasant phenomenon as hangnails.