What should a person look like? Human appearance

And yet what does it look like, and who can answer this question? Since I work most with people, or rather with their appearance, I conducted my own research. If before this question I had never thought about it, now I had to look at it from a different perspective. I completely reviewed my wardrobe and discovered that many things in it are simply dear to me, not because of the price for which the item was purchased, but because of its meaning. I paid attention to my haircut and realized that it had not changed for many years. Well, with shoes it turned out to be a little easier, despite the fact that size 39 is always unavailable in our stores. Naturally, I started with myself and my loved ones, then moved on to the wider public.

I can say one thing with certainty: there are no ideal people, both men and women. Well, at least I haven't come across one yet. But I can also say with the same accuracy and confidence that any person strives to be better and more stylish, regardless of gender and age. Questions are often asked: what should a modern person look like? There is only one answer - he must be beautifully and stylishly dressed. Impeccable hairstyle and not strong perfume. Well, the last but not unimportant factor is shoes. All of the above is unfortunately difficult to maintain in such an impeccable form, especially during the morning rush hours of our metropolis. But the question remained open. Many imitate our pop stars, that is, almost naked, many maintain their own style without changing their habits. The existing stereotype about their appearance, people begin to force themselves into uncomfortable things, believing that they are not worthy of wearing more open, comfortable and stylish things. As we get older, we begin to feel that this thing is too bright for me. I have heard enough of such expressions and statements from people. We could go on and on about the reasons for this perception and underestimation of one’s own appearance. Many, on the contrary, overestimate their merits. Where and how to determine the line of decency, the development of one’s own taste? With such a huge flow of consumer products, especially those made in China, it is difficult to learn to look stylish and confident. And besides, a generation grows up and sees what their parents and the parents of their friends wear. How can we find ours with such a small and not entirely worthy assortment of clothes and shoes. The most important thing to look more stylish is to first pay attention to your reflection in the mirror. Reevaluate and find what is valuable in yourself. After all, the Almighty gave us a dress for life. They just need to be used carefully, protected and decorated. Do we really need clothes and shoes only to protect ourselves from cold and frost? Of course not. All this is also necessary in order to hide some of the shortcomings of our appearance, which means that clothes decorate us and make our body more beautiful. But, even if a person is beautifully and fashionably dressed, and his hair is not entirely fresh and well-groomed, then the very idea of ​​the person changes completely. Harmony and balance are disrupted. Still, I made the most important decision for myself from my research. The main thing is that the clothes, even if they are not expensive, are in accordance with the overall appearance and are in harmony with the shoes and, of course, with the hairstyle. An important factor is that without a well-designed haircut or hairstyle, any clothing loses its meaning and luxury. An imbalance occurs, the harmony and combination of all three components is disrupted. It remains to summarize. A modern person should be neatly dressed, have clean shoes and, of course, find his own hairdresser who will select the appropriate hairstyle for your style. And yet the most important thing in the modern world is not to imitate anyone, but to be and have your own, unique image. We cannot set a single template image for everyone. Each person is an individual person and, accordingly, you need to work with him individually. Believe in yourself, always remember that you are a unique, individual person. Contact specialists for advice and help, but do not forget about your own desires and dreams. Find your harmony and style. Life will then be brighter and more worthy. We wish you a successful choice and success in changing your appearance.

There are several aspects that the concept of “healthy person” includes. All of them can be divided into three groups:

physiological (biological).

The last factor is the most obvious. It reflects the state of the organs and systems of the body, which manifests itself not only at the functional level, but also externally.

Appearance of a healthy person

Researchers identify a number of appearance features that can be used to judge whether everything is fine or something wrong with a person’s health. Among the most pronounced external indicators are:

Skin: it should be rich in color, firm, elastic, smooth and free of all kinds of rashes; dull, reddened, flabby, excessively oily skin is a sign of disorders;

Nails: first of all, they must be strong, with a smooth surface and not flake; color – pink, and in the regrown part – white or ivory;

Hair is an indicator of the health of the nervous system and vital energy; thickness and shine are features that you should focus on; the presence of hair on the legs is also an important indicator of health;

Eyes: should be even, smooth, evenly pigmented and free of blemishes; spots, redness of the pupil, yellowish color around it, bruises under the eyes and other changes may be evidence of problems with the stomach, heart, kidneys, etc.;

And the chin: in a healthy person they are well defined; this is a sign of good psychological endurance;

Shoulders: they should be proportional; shoulders one higher than the other indicate greater development of organs located on the side that is lower, or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

All these are the most obvious signs of a healthy person.

What factors influence a person’s health and appearance?

Among the factors that most strongly influence a person’s health (and, accordingly, his appearance) are the following:

ecology of the area of ​​residence;

If the first two aspects do not depend on a person, then the third is completely in his hands. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes:

Physical activity;
compliance with the rules of proper nutrition;
sleep lasting at least 6-8 hours;
giving up bad habits - taking drugs, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, etc.;
good psychological climate in the family.

Compliance with these rules is the key to a healthy appearance.

Success in business depends on the competence of a business person, his professionalism, hard work and many, many other factors. Some of them influence the achievement of the desired result directly and directly - knowledge of the matter, experience, but we are not talking about them now. Indirect factors also influence success, and it is precisely the factor that determines the effectiveness of business relations, success in business contacts, contributes to the creation of the necessary working atmosphere and influences a person’s image.

Appearance- This is a person’s calling card. Every self-respecting person considers it his duty to take care of his appearance and certainly cares about the impression he makes on everyone around him. This state of affairs seems absolutely true and correct, because there are certain criteria by which appearance is assessed. And for successful career advancement, it is simply necessary to create a certain image that corresponds to the position that a person occupies in society. Otherwise, no matter how qualified and experienced the employee is, he will not be able to advance highly in his career.

Why? Because a person in a society must accept the laws adopted in that particular society. And taking care of your image is one of the rules, compliance with which is a guarantee of success.

Dress like who you want to be, not who you are. Everything, including the way you dress, should have a purpose. Since you must wear clothes, make sure they ensure your superiority. Clothes not only tell people who you are, but also reflect your aspirations.

Clothing as a means to success has always been a part of business life. Business is largely built on visual images. Your appearance is your Brand.

Most people seeking to make a dizzying career are guided by the opinions and actions of others, those who have already managed to achieve success in the business field. Of course, this is the most reasonable approach, since this is how you can choose the right model of behavior. For a long time, numerous studies have been conducted on how clothes and the appearance of the interlocutor influence people. It is no coincidence that since ancient times there has been a proverb: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their mind.”

And all the results of studies conducted on the basis of surveys of various people show that a sloppy appearance, clothing that is not suitable for a strictly defined occasion, causes others to dislike this or that person. Subconsciously, when assessing such an interlocutor or employee, people have the opinion that his mental and business abilities are at the same low level as his appearance.

In addition, the negative impression is aggravated by the fact that others do not understand how a sane, self-respecting person can pay such little attention to his own appearance. In this case, it seems that the person himself treats himself with disdain, and if so, then, of course, others will treat him the same way.

Obviously, in addition to clothing, the manner of carrying oneself, which includes even seemingly insignificant little things, such as gestures, movements, and voice, is of no small importance for creating the necessary image. Every gesture and movement can be interpreted by the interlocutor as a manifestation of weakness, uncertainty, or, what is much worse, as a manifestation of disrespect for others. The image of a business and successful person is, first of all, self-confidence, one’s best qualities and virtues.

Increasingly, we come to the conclusion that the formation of our own image is an integral part of successful self-realization. Within five seconds, you present yourself either the way you want, or the way your interlocutor sees you. If you are interested in creating the impression of a high-status professional who can be trusted and is worth a lot, then you must learn to create an appropriate image.

How to “make” your image work for yourself?

The path to business success is a strict correspondence between your business image and your profession. Sometimes it is more difficult for a woman to form the image of a business person than for a man. The color scheme of a woman’s business style should not exceed 4 colors. 2-3 colors are considered the best, and with 4, two of them should be close in tone. The business style is based on multifunctional colors: black, dark blue, white, gray, beige. Then restrained, little emotional: brown, burgundy, gray-blue, sea green, bottle, emerald, mustard, sand, dark purple. Pastel colors predominate in light shades: all shades of beige, purple, blue, gold, etc.

The main task of the color scheme in business style clothing is to create a neutral or inviting background for successful negotiations.

Thus, the predominance of dark tones in the combination of clothes adds solidity to you.

The predominance of light shades sets the mood for positivity, the conversation can move in a more friendly direction.

A contrasting combination of dark and light creates a neutral background for conversation.

Man's appearance is of paramount importance for achieving a positive business image.

When determining the nature of clothing, one must be guided by basic principles:

  • accuracy
  • neatness
  • conservatism
  • restraint
  • formality
  • traditionalism

If your image doesn't have the best impact on your career, instead of being sarcastic, make it work for you. Find your style that reflects your personality, matches your status, business environment and conveys a sense of professionalism, polish and reliability.

Therefore, if you are not serious about how you look and what you wear, it is time to reconsider your views on this significant point and change your appearance.

« Only the most undiscerning people do not judge by appearance." Wilde O

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What is success in life and how to become a successful person? Almost everyone has pondered this question. To date, millions of books have already been written on this topic, and magazines with “successful people” smiling on their covers are often displayed in shop windows.

A person is made by his habits, so you only need to acquire. They will pull you to the top, while the habits of losers can quickly plunge anyone to the very bottom. It is necessary to constantly engage in self-development, sports, and pay attention to psychology. The Internet resource http://constructorus.ru/ contains a lot of materials on these topics. Join the large number of people who don't want to live a gray life.

  1. When you fall, always get up. Don't give up after a small or even major failure. Only weak people do this, and strong individuals learn from their mistakes.
  2. Take risks. A person never regrets what he did, but regrets that he was afraid to take a risk and missed the chance.
  3. Believe in yourself. Don't believe what other people say about yourself.
  4. Follow your dreams and set big goals. A person who lacks self-confidence chases small goals.
  5. Take action. Always engage in self-development. Only losers put everything off until “tomorrow,” fearing change. Act even despite the fear of something new, despite ignorance.
  6. Look for offers and opportunities. And agree to them, get into the habit of saying “yes” to something scary more often. A lazy person will only look for excuses.
  7. Motivate yourself. Don't wait for a "push" from someone else. You can only become successful on your own.
  8. The main thing in everything is patience. Remember that it is impossible to quickly and without putting in effort, or putting in a minimum of it. Work for your dream so that your dream can work for you in the future. Wanting the whole world at once and immediately is the main sign of a loser and an unreasonable person. Only regular hard work, the path through mistakes and failures - and then your goal will be achieved.
  9. Manage your time wisely. Important and urgent matters cannot be put off on a distant shelf.
  10. Forget about fear of responsibility. Be proactive. Only those who do a lot for it can become successful. Water does not flow under a lying stone!

What should a successful person look like?

Of course, appearance and the ability to present oneself in any business are also an integral part of this kind of people. Firstly, the main quality is always competent and delivered speech, as well as the ability to interest people.

Expand your vocabulary, start reading more, or take special courses to improve your speech. A person is always betrayed by the way he expresses his thoughts. And in practice, what happens is that no one wants to have anything to do with a bad interlocutor.

Secondly, watch how you dress. Chasing millions, you have to look the part. Know your worth. Third, pay attention to how your body looks. Not one piece of clothing can hide flaws and illnesses, so be sure to

Becoming successful is not easy, and you need to devote your whole life to it. But, if you do this and pass on the knowledge to your children and grandchildren, then many generations in your family will be proud of you.

Many of us have never thought about what a “business person” is. Ask someone you know to give an accurate and complete definition of this concept, and you will see that most people will find it difficult to answer this seemingly simple question.

But if you ask about what a business person should look like, the overwhelming number of answers will begin like this: “This is a man in a suit.” Of course, politeness, a neat, smart appearance, and many other factors will be mentioned. But the main, integral attribute of his appearance will almost unanimously and without hesitation be called a suit.

It is safe to say that it has become the “work clothes” of a business person. In it, business people sit down at the negotiating table, make visits, it is customary to go to a restaurant in it, and so on - it’s impossible to list everything!

We can say that a suit is a person’s “calling card”. After all, first of all, they look at how a person is dressed. Very often, the first impression remains in the memory of people we meet for a long time. Therefore, neglecting your appearance is an unforgivable mistake. It will be difficult for you to change the image that a person created when he first met you.

For example, neatness and smartness in clothing are very often associated with organization in work, with the ability to value one’s own and other people’s time. And, conversely, laxity is a synonym for fussiness, forgetfulness, that is, qualities that are usually regarded negatively when communicating with people.

It has long been the custom that men dominate everywhere: they lead regions, are directors of enterprises, and production managers. What about the woman? She provides support and takes care of the family. However, the wife, mother and housewife begins to understand that she is missing something, she cannot realize all the creative potential inherent in her. In no country in the world has the eternal dispute about the right of women to participate in the public and state life of the country on an equal basis with men been resolved naturally through formal voting or distribution of responsibilities.

You can recognize a future businesswoman at school: she is a capable girl, but, according to teachers, sometimes with hooligan habits. But in fact, she is simply protesting against school drill, fighting for her freedom, striving for knowledge and power at the same time. She often behaves like a boy, because already in adolescence she is oppressed by the difference in requirements for the two sexes. She proves her right not to be a good girl, as is often required of girls at school. And studying comes easily to her, even if she sometimes doesn’t learn her lessons. The first difficulties appear at the institute.

Often the selection committee acts, as they say, on the basis of gender: girls are given less preference in exams than boys. As one old professor said, there is no need to waste time on young ladies. After graduation, they will still marry wealthy men, will not work, and will take care of the house and children. Only young men can be raised to be true scientists, and it is not a pity to waste time and effort on them.

But the future businesswoman is not at all going to limit herself to diapers and the kitchen! However, you cannot convince teachers, and therefore it is sometimes more difficult for a girl to go to college than for a boy. Especially where there are few young men or where the specialty is initially considered “male”. And if such a girl nevertheless makes her way and enrolls, then you can be sure: in terms of intellectual abilities, she is much higher than those young men who were accepted with her.

In the past, such girls became Komsomol leaders, but now they are starting to break into business from their student days. They confidently move towards their intended goal - the boss’s chair.

1. Image is the path to success

“You're greeted by your clothes” goes the old saying, because the clothes you wear may not make you easily recognizable, but they speak volumes nonetheless. The choices you make when creating your own image shape a certain opinion about what you think about yourself. People form their opinion about you within the first few seconds just by looking at you. It is very important what first impression you make.

If you know that you are well dressed, well-combed, and in reasonable physical shape, then you will positively radiate confidence.

“Although from time to time each woman feels that she has to work in a “man’s world,” this does not mean that she needs to dress the same as men.” Fortunately, with the help of accessories, even a formal suit can be made uniquely feminine. By showing a creative approach, every woman can always give her appearance softness and make it purely individual.

It is very important that the item fits well - it is better to let it be a little looser than too tight, because if the item is too small for you, it will certainly wrinkle.

“When choosing a minimal wardrobe for all occasions, a woman should take into account color combinations so that she can vary the various details of her clothing. You just need to carefully select the two basic colors that suit you best, and it becomes possible to create up to forty combinations with only about a dozen things on hand.”

The secret of good taste lies in the choice of clothing accessories, because they provide an opportunity to express your “I”. With the help of accessories, you can change the same suit, adapting it for different seasons and occasions. Having found her individual look, a woman can vary it with the help of belts, jewelry, scarves, lace collars or moderate use of artificial flowers.

When it comes to jewelry, good taste should not depend on what is currently fashionable and what is not. Jewelry should highlight a woman's appearance without drawing attention to herself. Good taste comes from skillfully using a few great-looking pieces of jewelry. The basic rule is to get rid of anything that is too shiny, that wobbles, that flickers in the light, that rings or makes noise, or that distracts attention from your face and what you are saying.

As for shoes, most women involved in business circles or engaged in some other fields of activity like simple pumps, but we should not forget that shoes with perforated patterns on the toe and sides and stacked heels also look good. Shoes of bright or variegated colors and heels of unusual shapes are unacceptable.

Makeup has only one purpose: it is designed to help show a woman her natural beauty. It should emphasize the advantages and slightly obscure the shortcomings. It should not attract attention, but at the same time it should match the color of the skin, hair, eyes - in short, it should present the woman in the best possible way, but it must be borne in mind that makeup is a purely individual thing, and the technique of applying it, in in particular, depends on the relief and contours of the face.

Hairstyle plays an important role in the appearance of a woman, so hair should frame the face in a dignified manner, but should not dominate the female appearance, obscure attractive features or attract undeserved attention, because the hairstyle should give shape to the head, creating a soft, natural, attractive background for facial features.

Having once found an attractive style, a woman can stick to it for at least several years, while appearing in a new guise every day.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and respectability

Neat, tastefully dressed, smart - this is the appearance of a business person who is favorably perceived by surrounding partners and clients. And the point here is not some kind of sophistication of taste, but the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

Nowadays, many men take the advice of fashion designers into account. The fundamental principles when putting together a wardrobe, in their opinion, should be the versatility of clothing. If you have a lot of things in your wardrobe that are rarely used, then your wardrobe is not built correctly.

Oddly enough, the modern business world is conservative when it comes to fashion. During working hours, it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions, and the tones of suits in the summer should be lighter than in the winter. Suits in bright colors, as a rule, are not worn during working hours.

The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. The color of the tie is also important. There is a rule that the tie should be the same tone as the shirt and suit, but lighter or darker, or the suit and tie should be in contrasting colors.

In a business setting, it is not recommended to wear shirts with short sleeves, as it is considered elegant to have the cuffs of the shirt visible under the sleeves of the jacket (about two centimeters). Although, of course, in very hot weather you will look more natural in a short-sleeved shirt than in a suit, constantly wiping the sweat from your face.

2. The appearance of a woman

For a woman who wants to succeed, it is very important to remember her appearance, moreover, to put it at the service of business. First of all, about clothes. Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut, discreet colors, and versatility. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and luxurious trouser suits with patterns reminiscent of impressionist paintings are quite suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work means ruining your career.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. You can only afford a dress in hot weather and only in a plain color.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, and two or three blouses. It is advisable to change clothes often, because the same thing, worn every day, gets boring and “quenches” your mood.

You cannot shorten your skirt excessively, blindly obeying fashion. Also, you should not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight sweaters, jeans). It may turn out that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are primarily asking to be convinced of the beauty of your figure, and not of your business qualities.

Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should organically complement a business suit. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant. There should be as little jewelry as possible, but at the same time, you can’t give them up altogether. It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should only be noticeable at close range. Experts recommend buying more preventive cosmetics than decorative ones. Perfume should be used in such quantity that its smell is barely perceptible. And, of course, it must be a good perfume.

But most importantly- this is your individuality. It's not about how you dress, but how you feel. If you smile and listen carefully to your interlocutor, and don’t go overboard with little feminine tricks like “playing with the eyes” or “accidentally” exposing your knee, success is guaranteed. However, sometimes women’s tricks don’t hurt. But everything is in moderation.

Women at receptions and business meetings should adhere to strict lines and soft colors.

Shoes For receptions, wear leather or suede shoes, with any comfortable heel; for evening receptions, wear evening shoes.

Gloves: The shorter the sleeve of the evening dress, the longer the gloves.

Handbag: for daytime receptions - leather, for evening - a small one made of brocade or suede.

The color and density of the material should correspond to the season, as well as the occasion for which the reception is being held. In summer, thinner and lighter materials are used, in winter, darker and denser ones.

3. The appearance of a man

In our country, for a long time, wearing a tie or suit was considered the prerogative of large officials of the party apparatus and top bosses. If a suit was worn by a simpler person, then it was considered almost shameful; They were often contemptuously called “intellectual”, “bourgeois”.

This attitude towards the suit was formed by several generations who treated this type of clothing with distrust, and often simply never wore it.

Breaking false stereotypes, I would like to consider all aspects and rules of wearing a suit, starting with the most basic and general principles and ending with the standards now accepted in most developed countries.

Don't be surprised if some of the truths given here seem elementary to you - after all, there are people who don't know this!

The norms that should be adhered to are arranged, as it were, in order of “complication” - from the simplest rules that apply in general to the entire suit, to its details - tie, shirt, etc.

By dressing according to the proposed rules, you will never lose in appearance to those who are dressed “in fashion.”

Rule 1. Never wear a suit and sports shoes at the same time.

The fact is that these are things that are incompatible in their purpose. Sports shoes cannot be used together with clothing that no one ever wears for sports. There is a combination of incompatible things.

Rule 2 . When wearing a suit, do not take a sports bag.

It is advisable to carry papers and necessary things in a suitcase, briefcase or folder. If the need arises, choose a plain bag, without bright patterns or stickers, preferably a dark color.

Rule 3: If you wear a suit, always wear a tie.

A tie is required for a suit. A business suit cannot be worn without a tie. Exceptions to this rule are sports jackets, which can even be worn over a T-shirt. But such jackets are practically not used in business communication.

It is completely unacceptable to wear double-breasted jackets without a tie. It's like wearing suspenders without pants.

Rule 4. A shirt worn with a suit must have long sleeves.

Wearing short-sleeved shirts in a business setting is not recommended, since it is considered elegant if the cuffs of the shirt are visible from under the sleeves of the jacket by about 1.5–2 centimeters.

Rule 5. Do not allow the end of the tie to be visible, protruding from behind its front part.

The best way to ensure that the protruding end is not visible is to thread it through the loop, which is almost always found on the back of the front of the tie. It often happens that the tie is too long, and the long end comes out from under the front part from the bottom. This should also not be allowed; it should be put away in a shirt.

Rule 6. Don't stand out with your clothes during working hours.

This is one of the basic rules. In everyday conversation, a discreet suit is considered good manners.

There are several points that make up this rule.

a) Don't wear suits that are too light. The most common suit colors for each occasion are navy blue and charcoal gray.

b) Do not wear colorful or dark shirts.

c) Choose ties that are not too bright and without flashy patterns.

d) Wear dark-colored socks.

Rule 7 . If you don't know which shoes or shirt to choose, then choose a white shirt and black shoes.

Following this rule. You can't go wrong in choosing the color scheme. Black shoes and a white shirt can, in principle, be worn with suits of any color. If you have any doubts about the correctness of your choice, know: by following this rule, you will almost certainly win.

Rule 8. When tied, the tie should touch the lower end of the belt buckle.

This rule helps you look as elegant as possible. A tie tied very short looks funny, and a tie that is too long makes the suit look out of proportion.

Rule 9. The width of the tie should be commensurate with the width of the lapels of the jacket.

The fact is that the element of a business suit that is most susceptible to the whims of fashion is a tie. Fashion rarely changes the very principle of a tie, but quite often affects its color and width.

The width of the tie changes periodically according to fashion requirements. Therefore, before putting on a suit and choosing a tie, carefully ensure that the width of the tie does not in any way exceed the width of the lapels, and, accordingly, that the tie is not too narrow.

Rule 10. The tie should be lighter than the suit and darker than the shirt.

This is also one of the basic rules. The best color scheme is achieved when the tie is the same color as the jacket, but lighter than it and darker than the shirt.

In order to follow these rules, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort - it’s quite simple. But it also happens: a person knows all these rules, and his suit is beautiful, but it doesn’t look good, no matter how you look at it. Most often, the reason for this situation is the wrong color of tie, shoes or shirt. In order to avoid this, I provide a table of color compatibility of costume elements.

Suit tone Shirt Tie Shoes Socks
Grey White, light blue Any color Black Matching tie, black
Dark gray White, light pink Transitional, red-black. Black Black
Dark blue White Maroon, white, blue and red stripes Black Maroon, dark. blue
Black White Silver-gray, red-black Black Black, light gray, dark purple
Dark brown White, beige, light pink Green-brown stripes or pattern, red-black, transitional Brown Brown, burgundy
Light brown White, light pink, light brown Green, burgundy, transitional Coffee Bordeaux, light brown
Sand Light blue, pink Dark blue, motley Light brown Light blue, light brown
Dark green Ivory, light pink Brown, red and green stripes (pattern) Dark brown Dark brown
Dark blue White, ivory White, blue and red stripes, motley Dark brown Grey, burgundy

These are 10 basic rules. They must be adhered to in order to look elegant and tasteful.

I would like to dwell in a little more detail on a seemingly simple question - how to wear a suit?

Here are some simple tips:

1) Wear light suits during the day, but in the evening give preference to dark suits.

2) In a formal setting, the jacket is buttoned.

You can completely unbutton your jacket buttons while having dinner or while sitting in theater chairs. When getting up, you need to fasten your jacket with the top button.

3) Have two handkerchiefs with you. The first one – “working” – is located in the trouser pocket; it is used for its intended purpose. The second one is always absolutely clean - in the inner pocket of the jacket. It is designed to wipe glasses, remove specks that have gotten into the eye, etc.

4) A bow tie, used at formal occasions or major holidays, is only worn with dark suits.


It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relationships. The clothes and behavior of a business person are his calling card.

You don't have to wear a trendy suit. It is important that the suit is in good condition, not hanging like a bag, and the trousers should not resemble a greasy old accordion. The costume must be in place and at the right time. If negotiations with partners are scheduled for daytime, a light suit will do. Pants and jacket can be of different colors. But if negotiations take place in the evening, the suit should be dark, the shirt should be fresh and well ironed, the tie should not be flashy, and the shoes should be cleaned.

The elegance of a business man is determined by his shirt, tie and shoes, not by the number of suits he owns.

Women should stick to strict lines and soft colors at business meetings. Hairstyle, makeup, and jewelry should organically complement a business suit. For receptions and dinners after 20.00 evening dresses are worn - more elegant and open. But the most important thing is your individuality.