Integrated lesson in the preparatory group: “An unusual box with a fairy-tale world. “Journey to the land of knowledge Final lesson in the preparatory group for teachers

Organization: MBDOU " Kindergarten villages of Nizhny Kumor"

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, Kukmorsky district, Nizhny Kumor village

Summary of the integrated lesson in preparatory group.

Topic: “Journey to the Islands of Knowledge”

View: educational activities

Type of educational activity: integrated.

Children's age: 6-7 years

Priority educational area: cognitive development

Form: group

Target: Identification of knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils of the preparatory group for school over the past period of the school year.

Tasks :

1. Educational tasks: Reinforce counting to 10; practice quantitative and ordinal counting; answer questions. How many? In which place?; consolidate the ability to work with the Voskobovich square, arrange figures; consolidate the ability to solve and compose arithmetic problems; consolidate the ability to work in a checkered notebook; consolidate the names of the days of the week; consolidate the concept of modes of transport.

2. Developmental tasks: to promote the formation of mental operations, speech development, the ability to argue one’s statements, develop ingenuity, visual memory, attention, associative thinking;

3. Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in mathematical knowledge; to cultivate independence, the ability to understand an educational task and carry it out independently.

Integration educational areas : speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Objectives of integrated educational areas:

Area “Speech development”:

1. Educational: consolidate the names of read fairy tales and literary characters, authors of fairy tales.

2. Developmental: develop dialogical speech, the ability to answer questions; ability to reason; develop imagination and memory.

3. Educational : cultivate interest and love for fairy tales

Area of ​​Artistic and Aesthetic Development":

1.Learning tasks : continueintroduce children to a new drawing technique - sand painting.

2.Developing:develop creativity, cognitive activity, attention, fantasy, imaginative and logical thinking, tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills hands

3. Educational:cultivate independence, accuracy and interest in sand painting; bring up moral qualities(kindness, responsiveness)

Methods: gaming, practical, verbal, visual, surprise moment.

Techniques: questions, instructions, encouraging assessment.

TSO, equipment: projector, screen, presentation, music.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations. Didactic games: “name the neighbors”, “count how many”, “find the answer”; reading fairy tales, drawing with colored sand.

Demo material : map, ship, steering wheel, cap, binoculars, casket with sweets.

Handouts : Voskobovich squares, cards, checkered leaves, simple pencils, colored pencils, colored sand, cards with pictures of fish, cards with pictures of the sun, the sun behind a cloud, clouds.

Progress of the lesson:


The sun has woken up in the sky,

We guys smiled

We quietly close our eyes,

We raise our hands to the sky.

Let's take the rays of the sun

And we’ll bring it to your heart.

I am very pleased to see your faces and kind eyes. Let's start our lesson with a bright, friendly smile. Give your smile to the neighbor on the left, and then to the neighbor on the right, smile at me, and I at you.

Knock-knock! ( knock).

Educator: Who's there?

Hello. It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought you a parcel (a junior teacher enters, dressed as a postman).

Yes? I wonder who it's from. Thank you very much. (Postman Pechkin says goodbye to the guys and leaves).

(The teacher shows the parcel and opens it together with the children)

Educator: Look, what is this? Let's read this letter and find out who it is from. Listen carefully: “Dear children, I urgently need your help. The fish on my island have lost their color. Help them become bright and beautiful again, as before. I invite you on a journey by sea to the islands of knowledge. To save the fish, you need to complete tasks. And a magic map with tasks will help you on this journey. When you complete all the tasks and save my fish, you will receive gifts from me. They are waiting for you on the way interesting tasks. You must be attentive, judicious and quick-witted. I wish you good luck. Little Mermaid"

Guys, you want to help Rusalka. How can this be done? Where did the Mermaid invite us?

(Children's answers: Go on a trip).

But before we go on a trip, let’s first exercise our minds:

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair is (below the table).

If the road is wider than the path, then (the path is narrower than the road).

If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil is (shorter than the ruler).

If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread is (thinner than the rope).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother is (younger than the sister).

What about guys, can you go on a trip? What types of transport do you know? (children's answers: air, water, ground).

Educator: That's right, well done. So Ksenia suggested going on a trip by ship. Do you agree? But first you need to build it. Look, you have magic squares on your tables. What kind of square is this? ( Children's answer: “Voskobovich square”). Let's build a magic ship out of it. ( Children are building). What geometric figure does the boat look like? ( Answers: quadrilateral.)

Right. What else can you call this figure ( Trapezoid). Well done. So the magic ship is ready, we are setting sail. And in order not to get lost at sea, one by one on a small boat, we will all sail together on a large ship. (A pre-prepared ship opens.) Guys, who is in charge on the ship? ( Captain). That's right, that means we also need a captain. ( Children choose a captain.) Guys, how do we know where to sail? Where can we go and look? ( On the map. Let's look at the map together) We take our seats. Countdown. (Children count from 5 to 10 and back).

Guys, I see the island "Merry Count". Do you want to know what surprise awaits us on this island?

(We leave the ship, the children sit down at the tables).

Here is the first task-game: “Count, paint.” Count how many pencils?

Write in the square how many pencils ( 10 ). What number did you write ( 10 ). Why? (Because there are 10 pencils in the picture). Color the third pencil blue, the fifth green, the seventh yellow, and the ninth red. Which one is green? (On the fifth). Which place is the yellow pencil? (On the seventh). Now exchange leaves with each other and we will check ( look at the screen). Well done.

Next task: Take a checkered piece of paper and a simple pencil. We need to write a “Graphic dictation”. What happened? (Ship).

And now you have to decide fun puzzles. Let's remember what the task consists of? ( condition, question). The problem asks a question that answers the question: how much? Listen to the task: 5 dolphins swam near the ship, 5 more swam. How many dolphins are there? (10)

Second task:There were 9 boxes of chocolate on the ship. You have eaten 8 boxes of chocolate. How many boxes of chocolate are left? (1)

What a great fellow you are. Now come up with a problem yourself and write a solution. Well done.

The fog of time descended on the sea. We cannot sail further in such fog. But we need to hurry, the fish are waiting for us. Guys, the fog wants to test us, whether we know the days of the week. To get out of the fog, you need to answer the questions: What day of the week is today? What day of the week was yesterday? What day of the week will it be tomorrow? What day of the week is before Tuesday? What day of the week is after Wednesday? Name Tuesday's neighbors? Name Thursday's neighbors? Name Sunday's neighbors? Name Monday's neighbors? Name Wednesday's neighbors? What day of the week did we go on our trip? Well done! You answered all the questions correctly. And the fog receded. We can continue our journey. Now guys, let's move on, take your seats. We sailed to another island.

I see the magical island "Fairy Tales". Guys, do you like fairy tales? Who reads fairy tales to you? What tasks do we have to solve on this island? How will we know? That's right, we have a magic card. Game “Correct the name of the fairy tale”

Give the correct name of the fairy tale and literary characters: The Indian Princess, Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf, Fear has Big Ears, Vasilisa the Foolish, Koschey the Fearless, Pasha and the Bear, At the Dog's Command, Sister Alyonushka and Brother Nikitushka, Elena the Ugly, The Toad Princess, A wolf and seven tiger cubs. What a great fellow you are!

Riddles “Name the name and author of the fairy tale”:

1. “Soap, soap, soap

I washed myself endlessly

I washed off both the polish and the ink.

From an unwashed face."

Who is he? ( Moidodyr from the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky)

2. “He walked and walked, tired and said: “I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie” ( Masha and the Bear)

3. “A girl appeared in a flower cup. And there was that girl, a little bigger than a marigold, in a nutshell, that girl was sleeping. The girl saved the swallow from the cold ( Thumbelina from the fairy tale by H. H. Anderson)

4. “Buckets come into the house with water

The oven runs by itself.

What kind of miracle really is this?

This tale is about...

(At the behest of the pike, Russian folk tale)

Answer without prompting. Who is the author of this fairy tale: In the fairy tale

5. “Cat on two legs

Walks in red boots

6. “A golden shiny comb over the mirror water

The witch is tearing through her hair and amusing herself with a gray lock. (“Water”. G. Tukay). Well done. The guys guessed all the riddles and completed all the tasks.

Children, take your seats, we are heading to the next island. Guys, we've been swimming for a long time. Well, stand up and look to the right to see if the island is visible, then to the left, 2 times in both directions. ( Not visible) Oh, our ship has been sailing for a long time. After all, the fish are waiting for us, they need our help. We need to help our ship: we raise our hands up and wave. Now let’s all blow together to make the ship sail faster. Well done.

And now I see “Mermaid Island”. What awaits us on the last island? Look guys, what happened to the fish? ( They've lost their color) We urgently need to help them. (Children use colored sand to paint fish.) Well done.

Oh, look who came to us (Mermaid appears on the screen).

Mermaid: Hello guys. I am very glad that you completed all the tasks and reached my island. And thank you very much for my fish, which you decorated so beautifully. And for your efforts, I have prepared a surprise for you, which you will find on the seashore, near your ship. Well now, goodbye.

Educator: Let's say thank you to the Rusalka and say goodbye to her. Well, guys, what surprise was Rusalka talking about? ( Let's go look for a surprise - a box with chocolate coins).

This is the end of our interesting journey. It's time for us to return to our beloved kindergarten. How will we get back there? ( Children's response). Right. Take your seats and let's go.

I see our kindergarten. Here we are. Let's all go out. Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Which island did you enjoy the most? Who will you tell about it?

And now I want to know how you feel after our trip? Everyone come to the table. ( There are cards on the table: sunshine, sun behind a cloud, cloud. Children choose cards). I see that you are all in a sunny mood. Do you want to please our guests? Then give them a cheerful and sunny mood too.

List of used literature:

1. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. "Formation of elementary mathematical representations» school preparatory group. – M.: Mosaic – synthesis, 2016.

2. Educational games by Voskobovich: Collection teaching materials/ V.V. Voskobovich, L.S. Vakulenko. – M.: TC Sphere, 2015.

Target: formation of cognitive activity, creativity of children, development of their personality through various types activities.

Training tasks:

  • Continue to learn how to compose arithmetic problems and write down their solutions, develop the ability to identify a condition, question, answer, solution in a problem;
  • Practice counting: even and odd;
  • Reinforce knowledge of the sequence of days of the week;
  • Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square;
  • Develop spatial concepts, the ability to navigate on a plane;
  • Reinforce with children the properties of geometric shapes (color, shape);
  • Strengthen your knowledge of number sequences;
  • Learn to give complete answers to the teacher’s questions.

Developmental tasks:

  • Create conditions for logical thinking, intelligence, attention;
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, fantasy;
  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

  • To develop the ability to understand a learning task and interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work:

  • Guessing riddles, solving arithmetic problems, logical problems, calendar monitoring, individual work, REMP classes.

Vocabulary work:

  • Stranded, lawn.

Methodical techniques:

  • Calming exercise before class;
  • Gaming (use of surprise moments);
  • Transformation;
  • Visual (use of illustrations);
  • Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children);
  • Incentives, lesson analysis;
  • Relaxation.

Equipment: Numbers, signs, geometric shapes, board, flannelgraph, letter, ball, bottle with a note, ball, cloud, disk with magic music, trays with semolina, balloons, tables, candy, flowers, toys: gnome, dog, castle.

Handout: notebooks, pencils, checkered sheets.

Demo material: carrots, hares, flowers, math game, numbers from 0 to 10.

Individual work:

  • Cultivate self-control (Arseniy, Vlad B.);
  • Activate responses (Katya, Milana, Farid);
  • Monitor when solving problems (Alyosha, Katya).

Lesson structure

  • Motivation – game situation – “Journey to the kingdom of knowledge”;
  • Warm-up;
  • Game “Our numbers are not enough”;
  • Problem solving;
  • Consolidation of geometric figures (attention, visual memory, consolidation of knowledge of the properties of geometric figures), unconventional drawing(finger on semolina);
  • Orientation in space (flannelograph);
  • Fizminutka;
  • Sequence of days of the week (reinforcement);
  • Orientation on a sheet of paper ( graphic dictation);
  • Literacy (composing sentences according to a diagram, parsing words into syllables);
  • Relaxation;
  • Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Good afternoon!

First, let's stand in a circle,

So much joy around!

We'll all join hands

And let's smile at each other

We're ready to play!

The meeting can begin!

- Oh, someone sent us a letter?! Maybe this is a ray of sunshine that caresses our face? Maybe it was a sparrow that dropped it while flying?

Children: Yes, it's a bird! So beautiful and fabulous!

Educator: Do you want me to read it?

There is trouble in my country

I need your help

I invite all children

Get on the road soon

Tests await you

Difficult tasks

Hurry to our mathematical kingdom of knowledge

And put things in order.

Queen of knowledge.

Educator: Well, are you ready to hit the road? Can you overcome all the obstacles that you may encounter on the road? Before we hit the road, let's do a warm-up.

Educator: If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair...?

Children: That chair is below the table.

Educator: If the road is wider than the path, then the path...?

Children: The path is already on the road.

Educator: If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

Children: That pencil is shorter than a ruler.

Educator: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...?

Children: That's a thread thinner than rope.

Educator: If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother...?

Children: That brother is younger than his sister.

Educator: Well done, then let's go! We'll set off on the road with the help of a magic ball, where it rolls, we'll follow it there. Oh, kids, he jumps out of my hands.

Magical music. Beautiful cloud.

"The Kingdom of Numbers"

(I throw the ball, it rolls towards the cloud. The children look at the cloud, on which the numbers from 0 to 9 are written in disparate order, various signs, two numbers are missing. Then turn the cloud over, and the children reconstruct the number series from memory and express their guesses which numbers are missing. After this, the cloud is turned over again, and the children check the correctness of their answers.)

Educator: Well done! One obstacle has been overcome, and the ball rolls further, forward behind it. And the ball brought us to "The Kingdom of Geometric Shapes." Every magical land has its treasures. Residents of a mathematical country call them geometric figures. Here they are in front of you, let's look at them. Tell:

  • How many figures are there that have no corners? Name them.
  • How many quadrangular figures? Name them. Show me...and you...
  • How many triangular shapes?
  • What is it called single figure?
  • How many figures are not yellow?

Finger gymnastics.

Let's start doing magic

Open the doors to a fairy tale

Although the lock is very strong

Metallic and grippy

We'll spin it first

And then we blow three times

Let's shake one, two, three

Unlock the door lock.

Educator: Guys, the gate doesn’t open, let’s blow on the lock again. From our blow, only these airy, light, transparent, multi-colored balls swayed, swaying, they want to tell us something (I take the balls). The balls are extraordinary, they have hints (objects from geometric shapes are drawn on the balls).

Educator: One, two, three, four, five

We all love to draw

About everything, about everything

We want to know

And become artists.

(Children draw figures on semolina with their fingers)

Educator: The ball rolled further, and the “Kingdom of Tasks” appeared ahead.

(Attached to the board is a Whatman paper with a picture: five hares are playing with a ball, and three more hares are walking towards them.) The teacher makes up a problem: How many hares play ball? How many more are coming to them?

Questions for children:

  • Highlight the conditions of the task;
  • Repeat the question for the problem;
  • How will we solve the problem?
  • What is the answer to the problem?
  • What action is the task for? (addition).

Educator: So: the task consists of, tell Nastya, what parts? What do you think? Is it possible to solve a problem without asking a question? When we put the + (show) icon in the answer it is put > or< , а когда — (показать)? Молодцы! Откройте тетради на той странице, где заложена закладка, посмотрите внимательно на картинку, подумайте, составьте все задачу по ней, и запишите в тетрадь.

Educator: You know how to compose and solve a problem. Look, the ball is jumping out of my hands again, he wants to play with you.


A game for attention “Oh, yes, it’s a game of counting and that’s all.”

How many times can we clap our hands (8)

How many times will we stamp our feet (10)

We'll jump so many times (3)

We'll bend over now (7)

We will sit down exactly this long (4)

Oh, yes, the score is a game and that’s all.

Educator: The ball is rolling, rolling. Oh, children, be careful, there is a river ahead, how can we get to the other side? Let's go by the even numbers (the numbers are scattered in discord, they advance carefully). It's great that we all moved. This was a very difficult obstacle, but we overcame it. Hooray! (there is a bottle with a note on the shore).

We read: “Our ship ran aground,

And the sailors all week

They ate the caramel broke."

Educator: To help, we need to clearly answer the questions. Let's use the ball to answer all the questions.

Game “Name the days of the week”:

  • How many days were the sailors stranded?
  • Why do you think so?
  • What day of the week is today?
  • What was it like yesterday?
  • What will it be like tomorrow?
  • What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?
  • What day of the week is before Tuesday?

Educator: I will name the day of the week, and you will answer what it is.

Educator: The ball again jumped out of my hands and rolled. Well done, we are moving forward quickly, look, you can see the castle ahead "Kingdom of Time" (the ball stops in a clearing where there are flowers and a flower bed - a seven-flowered flower bed). Residents of the country of Mathematics not only love everything mathematical, they are very fond of nature. How beautiful this lawn is! What a variety of colors! Inhale their scent, be careful not to step on them. And one is the most beautiful with different beautiful petals (I take one petal - it says “the castle is guarded by an invisible guard”) you need to find out who it is and name him. To do this, you need to sit at the tables, take pencils, a sheet of paper and listen carefully to the teacher. If you complete the task, the flowers will come to life (drawing in cells under dictation).

2 – up; 2 – right; 1 – up; 2 – right; 1 – up; 1 – right; 4 – down; 6 – to the right; 2 – up; 1 – right; 8 – down; 1 – left; 3 – up; 1 – left; 3 – down; 1 – left; 3 – up; 4 – left; 3 – down; 1 – left; 3 – up; 1 – left; 3 – down; 1 – left; 6 – up; 2 – left.

Educator: Who guards this castle? (Dog).

The Queen of Knowledge appears.

Queen of Knowledge: Hello guys! You completed all the difficult tasks because you were persistent and attentive. How proud I am of you! Look guys, what interesting gifts! How many syllables are in the word "doll"? (2) How else can you check? (using claps). How many vowel sounds are there in this word? (2). Why? (because there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels). How many syllables are there in the word ball? (1). How many vowel sounds? (3). Tell me guys, what should we call these items, in one word? (Toys). That's right, toys. And here is the second task from me, tell me, what is a proposal? (These are two, three, four or more words that are friends with each other).

I have the queen of knowledge

There are countless assistants

Among them there is one wonderful gnome

He brought you a card with diagrams as a gift.

You will show your skills

Make sentences with the words.

This Scientist Gnome asks you to make sentences using diagrams with the word toys. Tell me what each stripe in the sentence means? (that's the word). What does the first sign in a sentence mean? (This is the beginning of a sentence and is capitalized.) What do we put at the end of a sentence and what does it mean? (., sentence ended). Well done guys, you completed this task. I give you these toys, you will play in kindergarten.

Let's take a little rest. Now let’s sit down on this magical lawn. Let's hold hands, close our eyes, turn our faces to the sun. Feel, the first ray touched Nastya, the second ray hit the stream. The stream began to gurgle, rang and ran to Vlad and Farid. You feel good, you bask in the sun, you have become kinder, wiser. And now you have opened your eyes, unclasped your hands, look what happened, these magical flowers have turned into candies, take them. This is a gift from the inhabitants of the mathematical country. Goodbye, I have to go.

Educator: We all played happily

Learned a lot of new things

Look at the clock

It's time for us to go to the group.

To return, you need to say the odd numbers 19-17-15-13-11-9 -7-5-3-1 (showing).

Our journey has now ended. I really liked it, it was interesting. What do you remember most? What did you like? What were we doing in the land of mathematics? How they crossed the river.

Tea party.

Antonina Anatolyevna Kurysheva, teacher, MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 70”, Engels, Saratov region, Russia;

Kantsedal Alla Borisovna, teacher, MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 70”, Engels, Saratov region, Russia.

Program content:

1) To strengthen in children the ability to compose descriptive stories using mnemonic tables (diagrams), use them to describe the seasons, and tell them fully and expressively.

2) Practice choosing antonyms; proverbs

3) Fix the nominative and genitive plural of nouns.

4) Develop interest and love for works of oral folk art.

5) Cultivate attention, encourage children to give independent interpretations.

Equipment: painting “house”, 8 locks, painting “family”, chest with kinder surprises (proverbs), traces of wild animals, riddles, diagrams (season “spring”) dummies “vegetables”.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter and greet the guests.

Educator: Hello guys!

Children stand in a circle.

We are funny guys, we are preschool kids,

We don’t offend anyone, we know how to care.

We will not abandon anyone in trouble, we will not take away, but we will ask.

(arms to the sides, holding hands and shaking hands firmly)

Let everyone have a good time, turn around, turn around

And smile at each other (smile at each other).

Educator: Children, you and I worked conscientiously throughout the year, played various games, learned to construct beautiful sentences, compose and tell fairy tales, short stories, poems, riddles, and proverbs. Let's remember everything we learned in class. Today we will work and play.

Look what a beautiful house! It is not simple, but magical. How many castles are there?

Children, do you want to get into this magical house?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: And for this we must open every castle, and the castles are also magic (on the back of the task).

Castle No. 1

Children, what seasons do you know?

Children's answers (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

What time of year are we in now?

Children: Spring.

Pure saying: on - on - on - spring has come again.

no – no – no – we are very happy about spring.

Educator: Remember the signs of spring.

Children: The sun is warm. Buds appear on tree branches. Birds fly from warm countries.

Castle No. 2

Educator: Children, what wild animals live in the forest?

(Children's answers) Hare, fox, bear, hedgehog, wolf.

Children's story about animals.

Educator: - Now, identify the tracks of wild animals. Name fairy tales involving wild animals. (“Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”)

Castle No. 3

Didactic game “One - many”

(The teacher suggests a word, and the children put it in the plural).

Ant - many ants, cat - many cats,

Car - many cars, son - many sons

Tulip - many tulips, house - many houses,

A table is many tables, a chair is many chairs.

Castle No. 4 “Vegetables and fruits”


1) In the summer there are fresh, green,

And in winter there are yellow, pickled cucumbers in a barrel.

2) Round, red, I grow on a branch.

Adults and children love me.

Didactic game:“What grows under the ground and above the ground?”

Castle No. 5.

- Children, what poems of Agnia Barto do you know?

(Children's story) (“Bear”, “Bunny”, “Horse”, “Boat”, “Our Tanya”)

Castle No. 6.

- Children, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)

Guess the riddles.

1) Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans

She is looking for them, calling them.

And on the way tears are shed. (Fedora) Fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”

2) And the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit) Fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

3) Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya) Fairy tale “At the command of the pike.”

4) Waiting for mother with milk

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who were these

Little children? (Seven little goats) Fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

5) Over my simple question

You won't spend much effort

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Made it from logs. (Papa Carlo) Fairy tale “The Golden Key”

Castle No. 7.

Make up a sentence with the words (mom, cat, girl, sun, computer)

Castle No. 8.

Didactic game: “Say the opposite”

Close - open, close - far,

Winter - summer , thick – thin,

heat - cold, go to bed - get up,

laugh - cry, gentle - rough,

bitter - sweet, wet - dry.

- Children, you and I have opened all the magic castles, and now you and I find ourselves in a magical house. (I open the curtain on the board). Painting.

Children, who lives in this magical house? (Questions about the painting) In a word, what can you call this painting? (family) Which one? Who's older? Who is younger? What are they doing? (Children's story)

Look, grandma sent us a chest. What could be in the chest?

Magic kinder surprises with proverbs.

Educator: - Children, you and I must read these proverbs now; they are not fully written.


1) When I eat…………(I am deaf and dumb)

2) An apple from an apple tree…………… (doesn’t fall far)

3) Labor feeds………………(but laziness spoils)

4) It’s good at a party………………(but at home it’s better)

5) Prepare the sleigh in the summer……………..(and the cart in the winter)

6) What will be born in the summer………………(useful in the winter)

7) You can’t pull out……………(and the fish from the pond) without difficulty.

8) Make yourself at home………………(but don’t forget that you are visiting)

9) Bread is father, and water……………(mother)

10) Knew how to start,………………….(know how to finish)

Lesson summary: Did you like the lesson? What was difficult for you?

Final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group

Subject: "Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Target: consolidate the knowledge acquired during the year: ordinal and backward counting within 10, the idea of ​​time (day, week, month, year), systematize children’s knowledge of how to compose arithmetic problems and write down their solutions using numbers; expand and consolidate computational skills in solving examples; consolidate the ability to find neighbors of a given number; consolidate knowledge about the seasons.

Develop children's cognitive interest, thinking, memory, imagination, expand vocabulary preschoolers.

To develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

Develop the ability to listen and not interrupt each other.

Equipment: simple pencils, numbers from 1 to 10 (cards), cards for each child with numbers - neighbors, an envelope with a letter, a snowball, 5 red balls and 2 yellow, bees and flowers (examples), colored pencils (red, green), cards for each child, where the numbers are randomly located, didactic games etc.

The summary was compiled by:

Ivashchenko Raisa Petrovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Goroshek"

With. Poltavka

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Today we will have an unusual lesson. Today we will go to visit fairy tales.

Let's remember and name fairy tales that have numerals in their titles:

"Twelve Months"

"The Three Little Pigs"

"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

"Three Bears"

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

"Three Nuts for Cinderella"

"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"

"A thousand and one begin"

Educator: Well done. So let’s go and visit the fairy tale “12 months”.

Mystery. The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead

House in the snow. White houses

At night she came to us... (winter)

What time of year was it before that?

What's next?

What time of year will you go to school?

How old will you be?

Educator: Let's play. And for this I will need this snowball. (throw to the children one by one, and they answer)

What is the number after 6? (7)

What is the number that comes before number 3? (2)

Name a number that is greater than 5 by 1? (6)

Name a number that is 1 less than the number 8? (7)

Name the days of the week

What is a year divided into? (for months – 12)

What parts is a month divided into (weeks)

How many seasons are there (4) – winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Educator: Guys, let's go and visit Nif-Nif. What fairy tale is he from? That's right, "The Three Little Pigs." He knows that we will soon go to school and wants to test us.

Game "Guess what's extra?"

Winter, Wednesday, spring, summer, autumn.

One, two, circle, four, five.

Plus, minus, five, equal.

Circle, square, December, triangle.

Cup, spoon, cap, plate.

Bedside table, wardrobe, chair, socks.

Doll, drum, ball, mother.

Game “Put a bee on a flower”

On the bee is an example, on the flower is the answer.

Educator: Guys! The postman gave me a letter from a girl who has seven brothers. What's her name? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) She sent us joke questions.

    Three fluffy cats

They lay down in the basket.

Then one came running to them

How many cats are there together? (4)

    Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake and scream loudly.

Well, quickly count -

How many babies are in the water? (6)

    There were 4 apples and 1 pear on the table.

How many vegetables were on the table? (not at all)

    The birch tree has 5 branches on the left and 5 branches on the right, each with 3 apples. How many apples are there in total?

    Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha, and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have? (1)

    What do rabbits eat at the North Pole? (nothing, they are not there)

    How many chickens did a rooster hatch if he laid five eggs (not how many, eggs are laid by chickens)

    How does a rooster crow in England? (crow)

Educator: Well done guys, you answered correctly. We set off further, Mikhail Ivanovich goes to the meeting. Guys, what fairy tale is he from?

Children: "Three Bears."

Educator: Guys, Mikhail Ivanovich is wondering if you like solving problems?

Educator: The bear had 5 red balls and two yellow balls. How many balls did the bear have?

Repeat the task.

State the conditions of the problem. What does the problem say? (about balls)

What can you say about the number of red balls? (there are five of them)

What do we know about yellow balls? (there are 2 of them)

Name the question of the task.

What do you need to find? (how many balls does the bear have)

What action will we take to do this? (addition)

What sign is this? (+)

How to write it mathematically? (5+2)

How many balls did you get? (total 7 balls)

Have we answered the question? (Yes)

Educator: Guys, we are a little tired. Let's take a rest.

Physical exercise game.

There is a hut in a dark forest, standing backwards.

Grandmother Yaga lives in this small hut.

The nose is the same, the eyes are the same, and with a broken leg.

Oh, Grandma Yaga, we are not afraid of you.

Go away, go away, don't come to us again.

(children perform movements according to the text)

Educator: Guys, you smell something delicious. A mother goat is waiting for us to visit, what fairy tale is she from? (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”) She baked a lot of pies, and you and I need to help divide them so that there is enough for everyone.

(Dividing the circle into 4 parts)


Educator: Guys, I suggest you relax and listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, “At the Fireplace” (listen). Do you know what a kamelok is? Kamelok is the Russian name for a fireplace in a noble house or some kind of hearth in a village dwelling. On long winter evenings the whole family gathered around the fireplace. In peasant huts they wove, spun and weaved lace. At the same time, they sang sad and lyrical songs. In noble families, the whole family played music by the fireplace. Reading out loud:

"And a corner of peaceful bliss

The night was covered in darkness.

The ember goes out in the fireplace

And the candle burned out"

A.S. Pushkin

Educator: Guys, what was the music like? Did you like it, did you relax?

The music “Our Heroic Strength” plays. The hero Ilya Muromets comes to visit. He says: “Shall we compare our wits and ingenuity?”

Game "The numbers are lost"

Numbers enjoy walking so much that they even get lost.

(play in rows)

5, 6, 7….. 8, 10; 6, 7, 8…..10.

8, 7, 6…4; 5, 4, 3….1.

Game "Circle the numbers"

Which are less than 5 green; more than 5 – red.

Game "Numbers - neighbors".

Children are given tables with numbers. We need to find neighbors.

Ilya Muromets gives children “Mathematics”.

Integrated lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preparatory school preschool educational institution group"Spring mood"

Summary of an integrated lesson at a preschool educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Age group: preparatory group.

Subject:"Spring mood"


    Clarify and generalize ideas about characteristic features spring, expand children's knowledge about spring, enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic.

    Develop children's speech, imagination, logical thinking.

    To cultivate in children the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature through the active use of folklore (riddles, chants).

    continue to teach children to draw a fluffy willow using the “poke” and “wet” method. Strengthen the ability to draw, use brushes of different thicknesses in your work, and place the drawing across the entire sheet. Cultivate accuracy and perseverance.



To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team;

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.


To consolidate in the minds of children the signs of spring and seasonal changes in nature.


Activate children's vocabulary;


Develop a sense of responsibility for the environmental situation on Earth;

Strengthen movement coordination skills.


Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health through physical exercise.

Didactic material:

Demo: pointer - a ray of sunshine, a projector and slides for it - spring trees and bushes, the sun, a bear crawling out of a den, migratory birds, spring streams.

Dispensing: paints, brush, unfinished drawing with and image of bushes.

Preliminary work. Conversations about spring. Learning riddles, chants, poems, songs with dance moves. Reading fairy tales. Observations on seasonal changes in nature in spring on a walking area in the park.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall and take their seats to the sound of the melody of the song “The Coming of Spring” by W. Mozart against the backdrop of birdsong.

Hello children! My name is Alexandra Nikolaevna and I am very glad to meet you all.

And now I invite you to guess the riddle and you will find out what time of year our lesson today will be devoted to.

Comes with goodness
Blows with warmth
Red in the light of the sun,
And her name is... (spring).

Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited). What mood do you get when you talk about spring? (Fun, good, perky, beautiful, ...). The earth also comes to life in spring. Look what icicles appeared in our group. They are not simple, but magical; spring hid its questions in them. If you answer them correctly, a spring picture will appear on the screen. Sunny bunny will help me choose the guys who will pick the icicles.

The teacher, using a pointer like a ray of sunshine, calls the children one by one. They tear off icicles, on back side which the questions are written. The teacher reads out the question and the child answers it. The picture “Spring” appears on the screen


Who are called the messengers of spring? (Birds)

How does the sun shine in spring? (The sun begins to shine brighter, it becomes warmer)

Where does the snow disappear in spring? (The snow begins to melt from the sun's rays and turns into streams)

What happens to trees in spring? (The sap begins to flow, leaves appear on the trees)

How does the behavior of wild animals change in spring? (Bears, hedgehogs, hare and squirrel come out of hibernation and change the color of their coat, etc.)

What kind of spring work do people do? (Pruning trees in gardens, arable work, sowing, planting trees, building birdhouses, etc.)

- What are the first flowers to appear on thawed patches? (Snowdrops.)

Guess what I'm going to tell you about today.

The very first day of spring,

The very first one.

At the edge of a pine tree

Bloomed..... (willow)

That's right, it's a willow. In spring it blooms before everyone else. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming tree, full of strength, can convey health, strength, and beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, especially the catkins, the blossoming buds, were considered healing, endowed with special powers.

I touch the children with willow branches and say: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.”

Now let’s have a little rest, everyone stand in a circle.

After this, the children will stand in a circle and dynamic pause"Tree in the forest."

These are trees in the forest Hands raised and waved.

The wind blows away the dew Elbows bent, hands shaken.

These are the birds flying towards us, Let's wave our hands smoothly

Wings folded back Children perform movements in accordance with the words.

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree ,

Right - tilts left.

One - tilt, two - tilt,

The maple leaves rustled . (A. Baeshko)

Children, come closer and admire the blossoming willow branch. What a beautiful branch, touch its earrings. What are they? What are they like?

Children, what shape are the earrings? How are they located? (one at a time). Look at the branches? (long, short, straight).

Unfortunately, the charm of the flowering willow is short-lived. Soon it will fade and the lambs will fall off. How can we preserve its beauty for ourselves and our loved ones for a long time? (Draw). Let's put willow branches in a vase.

Willows are located on thin dark branches. They seemed to be glued to the buds and twigs one by one. Willow oval and round shape.

Educator: How can we convey the fluffiness of the willow? How do you think? Today a brush will help us - a bristle. What is the name of the method of painting with this brush?

Children: poke, poke. The brush leaves a “prickly” furry mark.

Educator: today I will show you how to draw fluffy willow clumps. (shows and tells at the same time)

Hold the brush like this:

Is it difficult? No, it's nothing!

Hold it straight up

And press gently.

Up, down, up down -

Better press the brush!

There is a fluffy mark on the leaf

Willows are more magnificent - no!

On one branch, one at a time, using gouache we draw white lumps with a “poke”. And while the gouache is not dry, “wet-on-wet”, with a semi-dry brush and black watercolor, draw a bud from below in the form of a small circle. Then we take black gouache and put a light “poke” on top of the kidney. Black paint, spreading over the white, “makes” the bud three-dimensional with tonal veins. The main rule is to do it before the white gouache dries. Therefore, we draw white willow in small quantities on one branch, then on the other one at a time.

Children, do you understand everything?

Let's start drawing!

(children do the work, the teacher helps those who have difficulty.) All children's work is hung on a stand. Guys, what wonderful drawings we got.

Educator:“The earth loves care. The plant is the decoration of the earth. The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland” such in beautiful words Russian people talk about love for nature. (Slides spring nature) Let us, children, always remember that the beauty of the earth depends on how a person will take care of and love Mother Nature. And at the same time, an observant person can learn a lot from her. I’ll tell you now what you can learn from nature.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The sun teaches kindness.

Nature has it all year round

Need to learn.

Well, and all the forest people

Teaches strong friendship. (V. Orlova)


Children, please tell me, did you like our lesson? What mood did you have at the end of our lesson? What do you remember?

Each of you has emoticons on the table, if you liked our lesson, raise the sun, if you didn’t like it, then raise the cloud.

Dear guys, it was a pleasure to meet you and communicate, thank you for your active participation.

I hope that our lesson was useful and educational for you.


1. “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, 2014.

2. “We play, draw and sing” Kartushina M.Yu., Integrated activities for children 5-7 years old. - M.: Publishing House “Scriptorium 2003”, 2009.

3. “A set of classes for the development of musical abilities in preschool children” N. V. Korchalovskaya. – M.:ARKTI, 2008.