Integrated lesson “Easter - Bright Sunday of Christ. Summary of the lesson "Easter" in the preparatory group The topic of Easter in the preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU No. 4 “Buratino”
Location: Yaroslavl region, Tutaev city



Systematize children's ideas about the Easter holiday;

Continue, call

children's desire to learn even more about Easter celebrations;

Introduction to children's dictionary with explanation of lexical meaning

words “Kulich”, “Easter”;

  • to educate and its traditions, the ability to honor and


Interactive whiteboard;

Basket with Easter treats (Kulich, Krashenki);

Illustrations on the theme “Easter”

  1. Organizational and motivational stage

Children enter the group, the teacher invites them to gather together in the center on the carpet.


This morning you already greeted each other and said hello. Let's greet each other again before class, but in a different way. How do you suggest? (Christ is Risen - Truly Risen)

Why exactly in these words? (It’s Easter week, after Easter 40 days you can greet each other like this)


Easter week brings us a lot of joy, pleasant surprises.

—Have you noticed anything new in the group? (A beautiful basket appeared on the table of surprise).

What do you want to do? (see what's in it)

I'm also very curious what's in it.

(children take out objects, naming them)

Maybe all these items can be called in one word? (Easter)

  1. Main stage

How do you know these are Easter items? (children's statements)

What is Easter? (children's statements)


Easter is the most main holiday church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from everything bad. This is a celebration of hope for the future, the victory of Good over Evil. This is the time when everyone should think about their actions: good and bad, they should understand what they did wrong and correct it. God loved people so much that he came into the world to save them. He taught people to be. But evil people did not want Christ to save people. They captured Him and killed Him by nailing Him to the cross. But Christ conquered death, he rose from the dead, so all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” And they are answered “Truly He is Risen!” Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature; they observe the traditions of their people on Easter: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and make Easter.


How did your family celebrate Easter? (children's stories)


On Easter, the whole family gathered at a common table and gave each other gifts. And there were always Easter treats on the table. These treats were illuminated in the temple the day before. It is customary on Easter to kiss each other three times when they meet - to say Christ.

(looking at illustrations on a large easel)


And on Easter, people carefully watched the weather.

A cloudy or snowy night on Easter means the year will be fruitful.

On Easter, rain with thunder means a rich harvest.

Clear weather for Easter means a dry summer.

And if the weather was gloomy, then people called the sun with special calls.

Article title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.

Physical education minute

Bucket sun, (hands up, stretching)

Look out the window! (hands folded in front of you)

Sunny, dress up! (show the dress)

Red, show yourself! (turn around)

Sunshine, sunshine, (reaching out)

Look out the window (look out)

Shine a little light (flashlights)

I'll give you some peas!


Guys, how many of you know why on Easter it is customary to give an egg painted red? Why should there be Easter on the Easter table? Why Easter cake?

Do you want to know? (children's answers)

I don't know the answer to these questions, I need help. Can you help me, explain?

Where can we find the answer to our question?

Let's turn to the Internet, ask a question that interests us, and see what information the Internet gives us.

(watching an episode from the film “Easter” on Channel 1, 2011)


Why egg? Why red?

Why Easter?

What interesting things did you remember about Easter cake?


Who do you think might have left us this basket of Easter treats? (children's options)

Or maybe just a passerby? Why? (at Easter it is customary to treat colored eggs and Easter cakes)

Is it only necessary to give gifts to people on Easter, to share with those who have nothing?

(we need to be generous, caring, attentive to those around us, to the poor and disadvantaged)

Have you ever shared something with others?

Tell us about it (children's stories)

— How do you propose to dispose of the treats in the basket? (children’s options, we choose one of all by voting - the minority obeys the majority)


On Easter people had fun and played games with colored eggs.

What Easter games do you know? (children’s answers and looking at illustrations on the easel)

And we will play the game “Carry it, don’t drop it”

(Children are divided into 2 teams, in turn each team carries an egg on a spoon, runs around the counter, returns and passes the egg to the next player in the spoon. The team that runs faster and does not drop the egg wins.)


It's customary to give gifts at Easter, I want to give you one too. unusual gift. Only those who know how to be friends, be attentive to their comrades, and work in a team can see it.

(children receive a puzzle picture for coloring “Kulich”)


You and your friend can choose a piece of Easter cake, color it, and then we will assemble a beautiful Easter cake together.

  1. Evaluative-reflective stage


What new things did you discover during the lesson?

Why were you surprised? (it turned out not just a cake, but an adventure game, we can come up with a game ourselves)

When were you happy?

Maybe you were sad? Why are you sad?

What else would you like to do this Easter week?

(ring bells, bake small Easter cakes and treat them to friends, sing Easter songs, play Easter games)

To remember the things to do during the holiday week, write them down on the board using pictures. (children choose and attach pictures with images to the magnetic board: Easter cake, bells, notes, colored eggs)


I want to thank you all for the lesson, and I’ll start with...

(we gather all the children in a chain of applause)

Title: Easter holiday in kindergarten. Summary of GCD for the preparatory group.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, folk holidays, Educational games, Outdoor games, Preparatory group

Introduce pupils to the Orthodox legend about the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, the victory of life over death;
Introduce children to the art of miniatures on eggs - Slavic Easter eggs.
Give an idea of ​​the specifics of composition and ornamental structure.
Teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of products.
Learn to draw on a three-dimensional form.
To introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Materials for the lesson:
Exhibition of painted eggs (pysanky and their images);
Colored napkins;
Eggs made using papier-mâché technique from a plastic egg;
Hand wipe;
Glue brush;
Egg stand.

Preliminary work:
A conversation about painted eggs and the holidays of Easter.
Looking at patterns.
Making eggs using papier-mâché technique.
Twisting colored napkins into small flagella and making “snails” out of them.

Progress of the lesson
Under the sound of Easter bells, children go to the play area of ​​the group, where there is an exhibition of Easter eggs.
V.: - Guys, tell me how the bells ring?
D.: -Joyfully, solemnly, festively.
V.: That's right, guys. These bells ring in honor of the bright Orthodox holiday Easter.
Tell me guys how you spent your Easter days.
D.: - Moms baked Easter cakes, we helped paint and decorate the eggs. We went to church to light eggs and Easter cakes; Treated their family and friends with Easter eggs.
V.: - Look, guys, at our exhibition. Here are the different Easter eggs that you brought to class: here are wooden, and porcelain, and patterned eggs, as if woven from metal lace, and eggs made of fabric, and embroidered with beads, and others that you managed to find.
Children admire the eggs and answer what they are made of.
V.: - What did the craftsmen and craftswomen need to be able to do in order for them to produce such beautiful products?
D.: - Mastery, talent, skill, love for one’s work.
V.: - That's right, guys! Do you know why the egg is the main Easter gift?
Children give their answers.
V.: - Listen, guys, to the story about Mary Magdalene and the first red Easter egg.
The teacher reads an excerpt from Bible stories to the children.
“After the Resurrection of the Savior, His disciples went all over the world to tell people about Christ and teach people faith.
Among the Lord's disciples there were also women, one of them - Mary Magdalene - went to preach the word of God to the city of Rome and entered the palace to the emperor. Once upon a time, Maria was noble and rich, so they knew her in the palace and let her through. In those days, when people came to the emperor, they had to bring an expensive gift. Maria had nothing with her except a simple chicken egg. Having greeted the emperor, Mary handed him her modest gift, saying:
I was once rich
And she brought valuable gifts.
Today I am rich only in faith
In the Savior and Lord Christ.
What can I give today?
Here is a gift - an egg, a symbol of life.
Christ is risen!
The Emperor answered Maria:
How can anyone be resurrected?
This is incredible, impossible.
Only then would I be able to believe in Sunday,
If only this testicle would turn red.
Suddenly everyone froze in amazement, and one of the emperor’s servants exclaimed:
Oh, Emperor, look quickly!
The testicle turns pink, but no, it darkens.
Oh miracle! It turned bright red!
Truly Jesus Christ has risen!”
And so, guys, a bird’s egg can actually be called a symbol of life, because from this seemingly inanimate egg, more like a pebble, a living chick can hatch. Of course, for this, the egg does not need to be taken from the mother hen, who must hatch it, warming it with her warmth.
But a chicken egg doesn’t last long, and I’d like to preserve the joy of the holiday. How do you think this can be done?
D.: - Make an egg yourself and decorate it, paint a plastic egg, a wooden one, a cardboard one.
V.: - How many answers you gave me. Today we will also be able to decorate the egg that you made using newspaper and glue using the papier-mâché technique. But to make our work more fun, we need to recharge ourselves. Stand up, guys, around me and we’ll do a little exercise with you.
Physical education minute.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –
We need to sit down and stand up.
Spread your arms wider.
Bend over – 3, 4.
And jump on the spot.
On the toe, then on the heel.
This is how we do exercises.
V.: - Now I see that you have rested and can start working, come in, sit down in your places, at your desks.
The children take their seats.
V.: - Guys, we made flagella from colored napkins in advance. Look how I roll them into a “snail”, so that it doesn’t unravel, I fix the end with glue, and coat one side of the “snail” and glue it to the surface of the egg. Then I choose the next strand of a color so that I get a pattern on the snail egg.
The teacher asks the children to repeat how the snail is made and attached to the egg.
The children get to work. Finished works are displayed on a beautiful tray for admiring and viewing.
After finishing the work and examining the resulting eggs, the children put everything back in its place from their table.

Goal: 1. To form an idea of ​​the folk artistic culture, to show its national identity.

2. Learn, first, to think about the sequence of your actions, to meaningfully use the elements of painting.

3. Improve skills in working with the tool.

Material: eggs, painted in different ways(collection material and works by adults); sketches-models of painting elements; diagrams of the method of dividing the surface of an egg (on a white board); basket with eggs and markers (brought by a girl in a Spring costume).

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Soon a wonderful spring holiday called Easter will come to us. It has been celebrated in Rus' for a thousand years. Easter is a celebration of the victory of life over death, the triumph of spring, sun, warmth over winter cold. This is a holiday when good defeats evil.

Special food has been prepared for Easter for a long time: Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, colored eggs. These are the beautiful painted eggs that were customary to give on this holiday. Giving was considered a sign that you forgive the person all the insults, that you like him, that you do not hold a grudge against him.

Easter eggs were considered wonderful, magical, because from an egg you get new life.

Both real and wooden eggs are painted. Each in its own way. This is what the masters do. Even in Rus' they painted easter eggs made of gold and precious stones(show illustrations). These were real works of art. They were given to the royal family, and now they are kept in museums. This beautiful white egg with blue patterns is porcelain. It was made by craftsmen from the city of Gzhel.

We saw pictures on some of the eggs. Name which ones? (Houses, cockerels, churches, etc.).

Educator: And other eggs are painted with patterns that came to us from ancient times, when people did not know letters and did not know how to write. With the help of patterns they conveyed their thoughts. The most important element of the patterns is the image of the sun, which was almost always painted on the top of the egg. Why?

Educator: Guess what signs the sun was depicted with?

Educator: What does this sign mean? (Water).

Educator: Without water there will be no life. In spring the birds return to us. How would you depict them in a pattern?

Educator: And if there is a lot, then it will turn out like this.

Educator: What do you think this pattern means?

(Knock on the door, the girl Vesna comes in).

Spring: - I am Spring-red,

I came to you

With the clear sun,

With green grass

With melt water,

With songs and dances.

Educator: Welcome, come to us, dear guest!

Spring: Thank you! I brought you a basket full of white eggs, and also bright markers, so that you can prepare gifts for Easter.

Educator: Stay with us, Spring is red!

The felt-tip pen does not like haste or inaccuracy, because the line cannot be erased. First, decide how you will paint the egg. Draw pictures or come up with a pattern. (Children's statements).

Educator: In order to place everything in the right place, the craftsmen first make thin lines that divide the surface of the egg into “fields”. Like this. (Show diagram). It can be done differently.

Your egg should bring joy to the person you give it to. It’s great that you have wonderful gift baskets. (A story about the beliefs that existed in Rus' in the miraculous power of the Easter egg: it was believed that it saved from trouble; it was rolled on the face so that the face was clean and beautiful; eggs were rolled on the backs of domestic animals so that they would not get sick, etc.).

Natalya Khatipova

Summary of integrated GCD for implementation educational field“Cognition”, “Artistic creativity” in preparatory group.

Topic: “Easter has come to visit us”

executor: teacher: Khatipova N.V.

head of the art studio: Bocharova E. R.

Target: introduce children to the Easter holiday - this is a holiday of glorification of Jesus Christ;

Cognition: explain the content of the Orthodox Easter holiday;

talk about the festive traditional preparations of Christians and the celebration of Easter;

Communication: promote the development of a monologue form of speech;

Reading fiction : improve the development of artistic perception;

Artistic creativity: to promote the development of children's creativity by painting eggs using a feather, “pysanka” (wooden stick). To consolidate knowledge about the symbols used when painting eggs, to paint eggs yourself

Music: introduction to the art of music through listening to: “Easter bell ringing”, “folk choral chants”;

Socialization: introduction to the traditions of the Russian people.

Educational: cultivate interest in Russian customs.

GCD move:

Part 1: Vocal: Hello, dear guests, guys!

We gathered together in a circle!

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

What do friends usually do?

Children: They are playing.

V-l: So today you and I will play travel. Do you like to travel? I’ll tell you where we’ll travel a little later. In the meantime, look at what a nice sunny day it is outside the window and here we are warm and happy from our smiles. Hear (an audio recording of nature sounds is turned on). What enchanting sounds. What time of year are such sounds typical for (children discuss).

V-l: Absolutely right. This spring has come to us and brought warmth, nature is awakening from winter sleep. How do you understand the expression “awakening nature” (children’s reasoning)

Inflammation: Spring air is fresh and clean

The first leaf is turning green.

The earth is visible in the thawed patches

Streams run around, ringing.

A gang of free sparrows

Drives a crow out of the bushes.

Spring is preparing its parade.

The whole world is happy for a cheerful spring!

Song: Spring is a holiday! And what spring holidays you know (children list). Guys, spring has brought us another big and bright holiday, which is always celebrated once a year on Sunday. Did you guess it?

Children: It's Easter.

V-l: Absolutely right. Easter is the most important holiday for Christians. The day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Maybe some of you are familiar with this name - Jesus Christ? Tell me about it. (children tell stories if they wish; children were given home small excerpts from the life of Jesus Christ in advance and they became acquainted with their parents). Easter is a holiday of the victory of good over evil, a holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, all people rejoice and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is risen!”, “Truly risen!”

Who will read us poems dedicated to this wonderful day (children read poems)

This holiday is kind and bright

He brings us hope.

All children will be happy

Yes, all honest people.

Happiness, joy just flows

And people say:

The holiday is called Easter

Easter is such a ritual!

From the land of distant swallows fly,

They chirp merrily and tell people:

“People, wake up! Spring is coming to us!

And with spring and Easter brings us joy!”

The bells are ringing

People glorify that holiday

WITH kind words and bow

People hugging

“Christ lives! Christ is risen!” -

Carries a warm breeze.

Easter is so wonderful

A lesson for everyone's heart!

V-l: Well done, guys! These wonderful poems were written by E. Shalamova. Guys, which of you, in your families celebrate this glorious day? Please tell me. (children talk).

On this day, it is customary to give Easter eggs to family and friends. Easter egg is a symbol of life. (shows a dish with Easter eggs). This holiday was very revered by our ancestors. Who are the ancestors? (children reason). Our ancestors, the Russian people, always celebrated Easter solemnly and cheerfully, but somewhat differently than we, modern people. Do you want to know how Easter was celebrated in the old days?

V-l: Then let's take you on an excursion into the past. This will be our journey, which I told you about at the beginning of the lesson. Traveling through time. Let's stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. They say that on Easter the sun shines. If the sky is clear and blue, it means there will be a good harvest. Let's call the sun, it will help us find ourselves in the past. (children walk in a circle, saying sentences)

The sun is red, burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird,

Light up our land

Swim like a fish into the sky

Revive our land!

Keep all the children in the world warm and healthy!

Help us find ourselves in the past!

(magical music sounds - then a bell chime-audio recording is heard and round dance chants are heard in the background)

Part 2: The teacher and the children move to the other half of the group, which is housed in the style of a Russian hut. The Hostess (the head of the art studio, dressed in Russian folk costume) comes out to meet them with the children, dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Educator: Hello, hostess, little children (bow)

Housekeeper: Hello, dear guests: good fellows, beautiful maidens! You are welcome, come in. Guests are always welcome in my house.

Child (in Russian folk costume): On this Bright Week

You here, in your little room,

We are glad to invite you, friends!

We will be one family -

Happy Easter!

Voss: Thank you for the kind word, for the invitation. What should I call you, dear hostess?

Housewife: So they call me Grandma Arina, and these are my granddaughters, my assistants and my mischievous grandson. And who will you be, dear guests? From what regions did they come? The clothes you are wearing are very outlandish.

Voss: We have arrived to you from the future. We would like to know how you celebrate Easter. Maybe you can help us?

Household : Why not help? Here, sit down, we will sing, play, and remember the old days.

Child: Grandma Arina, what is this beautiful bell ringing?

Household : Well, Easter has come to the house, children, and people are rejoicing. This bell ringing is called the Easter Blagovest, which means “good news”, Christ is Risen!

1 child: Church bells ringing

It is heard over Russia,

And in the ditch everything is more alive

A cheerful stream winds.

The morning east is brighter, like warmth on a spring holiday!

A sprout reaches towards the light,

Glory to the joy of Happy Easter!

Child 2: The gospel is buzzing everywhere,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Household Easter, kids, is the most joyful holiday, the most important.

Voss: What rituals are associated with this holiday?

Household So let my granddaughters tell you about this, they know everything.

Sophia: For Easter they prepare dishes that you won’t try again throughout the year: they prepare Easter cakes, Easter cakes, pies, bake hams, but fish dishes are not put on the table.

Karina: Before Easter on Maundy Thursday, they clean the house, put on festive clothes, light chandeliers, lamps, and candles in the house.

Elvina: Easter is a family holiday, but when we went to visit, we were sure to celebrate Christ. This is the custom of universal kissing, saying: “Christ is risen! He is truly risen” and presented each other with colored eggs.

Nastya: On Easter, people go to church to bless Easter cakes, but little children and old people stay at home.

Voss: What an interesting story you tell, but the guys and I also know a lot. We will tell you about Easter signs. (children tell)

1. You can’t throw or pour outside the window on Easter; Christ walks under the windows.

2. Frost on the first day of Easter means a bountiful harvest.

3. And if it rains on Easter, spring will be rainy.

4. And if a beautiful girl hits her elbow on Easter, it means her darling remembered her

Household Wow, smart guys, everything is right. Why are we still talking, please, dear guests, to the table?

Here we have a golden-crust Easter cake!

A pile of colored eggs on a tray!

Milk in a jar, a feast like in a fairy tale!

Because the holiday is Happy Easter!

We feel good together and our lunch is fun!

Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Part 3.

Voss: Grandma Arina, what unusual, beautiful eggs you have on your table, I can’t take my eyes off them. Why are they lying in the grass?

Household : Expensive egg for Christ's day. It is impossible to imagine a bright holiday without a colored egg. And young grass is the awakening of life, the beginning of spring. Why do we give each other colored eggs, do you know?

Children: Because the egg is a symbol of new life, bright and pure.

Household :On Easter in Rus' they painted eggs and painted them with all the colors of the rainbow. Why are you, granddaughter, standing on the sidelines and keeping quiet, somehow shy of red girls? Come on, come here and tell the guests about our Easter eggs and painted eggs.

Child (boy in Russian folk costume)

How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday-

Grandma is painting her testicles - I’ll help her too!

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty, I paint with pysanka quietly

Cross, sun, flowers.

Here are “painted eggs” - this is the name for eggs painted in one color, and those painted with a pattern are “pysanka”, those painted with specks are “speckled”, and these eggs, on which the pattern seems to be scratched, are called “drapanki”

Vosp: Guys, how interesting, isn’t it? We, modern people, also keep the tradition of coloring eggs, but we do it differently. Let's show the owners modern testicles and tell them. (children talk a little about how eggs are decorated and offer a dish with decorated eggs). Grandma Arina is surprised and praises.

Voss (addressing “modern” children): Would you like to learn how to paint eggs yourself? Maybe we can ask the hostess to teach us?

Household Why not help? I see that you are good people, you are interested in what is dear to our hearts. And I need helpers, because I need to decorate and paint eggs, oh, how many I need: for myself, for friends, for neighbors, so as not to offend anyone. After all, when you paint eggs, you seem to forget about everything bad and dream only about the good and kind. Come, dear guests, to this little room, and then let’s begin.

(story by the head of the art studio about methods, methods of coloring, tools, showing samples, independent work of children)

Household (after completion of work): And the Russian people also came up with many games with paints and Easter eggs. Before you eat an egg, you need to play with it:

Come on, brag about your skill!

My task is very simple

Quite possible for anyone.

Take an egg and put it in a spoon

And you will run with him a little.

Whoever runs first is the winner!

P/i “Egg in a Spoon”

Vos: With Easter in Rus', fun entertainment began: both old and young rode on carousels, danced in circles, played folk games. Let's play Russian too folk game"Nikanoricha."

Vosp-l: What a fun and joyful time we had, didn’t we guys? We learned so many new things, thank you, Grandma Arina, kids.

Household You're welcome, good luck! What do you remember most about your visit to me?

Voss: What is the first thing you want to tell your parents? Truly a beautiful Russian holiday (children share their impressions, talk about what they heard and saw).

Vocal: People, illuminated by the holiday, look at the world with a smile and believe that after Easter everything will be better. Let us try to make our world cleaner and kinder!

(At the end of the lesson there will be a festive tea party).

MKDOU "Podgorensky" kindergarten No. 1"

teacher: Nikolenko Alena Sergeevna

Abstract of OOD on cognitive development

in the preparatory group

“Easter is coming!”


To introduce the national ritual holiday - Easter, its customs and traditions;

Introduce preschoolers to the Orthodox legend about the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday;

To foster a desire for kindness, truthfulness, mercy, love of neighbor, obedience and hard work. Develop friendly communication skills, the ability to distinguish between moral and immoral.

Form aesthetic taste; develop imagination and fantasy.

Material: vase, willow branches, bows, dishes with colored and painted eggs, bell. Music – ringing of bells, folk music. Illustrations dedicated to the holiday - Easter. Gouache different colors, squirrel brushes No. 1, 2, 3, palette, finished Easter egg products, empty egg shells, beads, napkin, jar of water. Audio recording “Easter Annunciation”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Hello my dears! I did not come to you empty-handed. What did I bring? To find out, guess the riddle:

Spring has not yet sewn

Forests, meadows shirts,

Only fluffed up the willows

Curly lambs.

Golden lambs

Running along thin branches -

Cheerful, lively,

Like little children. (Willow branches.)

Do you know what Christian holiday was celebrated on Sunday?(children's answers )

This is Palm Sunday, the last one before Easter. In preparation for it, people decorated their homes. By this time, the leaves on the trees had not yet appeared, but the fluffy willow branches are pleasing to the eye. The willow was illuminated in the church and it was believed that it had the power to heal and protect people. I will touch each of you with branches so that you grow healthy, obedient and intelligent.

I suggest putting willow branches in a vase and decorating them for Easter. (Children decorate branches with bows )

2. The story “Maundy Thursday”

The eve of the strictest last week of Lent - Passion, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

The Orthodox Slavs had many customs dedicated to the days of the Great Week. Thus, Maundy Thursday is traditionally called “clean”, and not only because on this day every Orthodox person strives to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and accept the sacrament established by Christ.

During services on this day, the most important gospel event is remembered: the Last Supper, at which Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, thereby showing an example of brotherly love and humility. From this day until Sunday, church services in all Orthodox churches will be dedicated to the memory of the earthly suffering of the Savior.

On Maundy Thursday, the folk custom of cleansing with water was widespread - swimming in an ice hole, river, lake or dousing in a bathhouse before sunrise. On this day they cleaned the hut, washed and cleaned everything. In the North and Central Russia, it was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate homes and barns. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected humans and animals from diseases.

There was also a belief that eggs laid on Holy Thursday and eaten on Easter protected against illness, and the shells of eggs buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protected livestock from the evil eye and any misfortune. People cleaned the yards, scrubbed and cleaned the house, went to the bathhouse, bought provisions, prepared lush Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter cakes.

On the evening before Easter, everyone went to the temple, where a large service was held all night. That’s what it’s called – general vigil. “Vigil” – from the verb “to watch”: to be attentive, not to sleep. Children did not sleep together with their parents on this sacred night; they were also taken to the temple for the holiday, even the smallest ones.

Everyone, without exception, begins the Easter holiday in the family with the words: “Christ is risen” and answers: “Truly he is risen.”

Do you still have such customs in your family? (children's answers)

2. Conversation “Easter is a bright holiday”

We are preparing for the next holiday - Easter.

The heart gets used to troubles -

But when the demon gallops away,

Descends to us on wings

Easter bright from heaven.

Russian Easter, ancient,

With diversity and crowd,

Genuine, epic -

The one we celebrate as a family.

Easter is the most important holiday of the church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from everything bad. This is a holiday of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. God loved people so much that he came into the world to save them. He took upon himself all the bad deeds (sins) of people. But evil people did not want Christ to save people. They captured Him and killed Him. But Christ conquered death, He rose from the dead, so all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” And they answer “He is truly Risen!” Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature.

It was on this day that people could enter the church belfry and touch the magical bells, not only for adults, but also for children - this happens once a year. You can do this today too. But you can go up to the belfry when you know exactly what you want to ask. This is a request that might help someone. Not trivial, but very important: about recovery, salvation and the like.

Ask for the most cherished things, but silently, in complete silence.

Let us also listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells.

What mood did you feel after hearing the bell ringing? (Joyful, upbeat, festive, solemn)

How do your families prepare for Easter? (Children's answers: they decorate the house, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs.)

3. Physical education minute.

The first spring games and round dances begin with Easter week. Let us also stand in a round dance and call out to spring.

Shine, sun, brighter,

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer,

and spring is sweeter!

Mushrooms will grow in the forest.

There are beans in the garden,

There is rye and barley in the field.

The green thing in the garden is hops.

Spring, red spring!

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy,

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With deep roots,

With abundant bread! (They lead a round dance)

4. Game “Egg Rolling”

On the eve of Easter, children and adults paint and paint eggs. The egg is a symbol of the sun, spring and the birth of a new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope.

Look at our festive table. There are Easter eggs and painted eggs here. - How are they different? Show where pysanky (painted eggs) are and where krashenki (simply painted eggs) are.

At Easter they play with eggs. And you and I will play one such game, “Egg Rolling.” Whose egg rolls further down the hill wins.

(Folk music plays)

This dish contains a variety of pysanky and krashenkas. You will all take turns now approach him and take one egg each with your eyes closed. And I will reveal the secret meaning of the egg you received, what awaits you next year.

(Children take turns coming up and taking one egg with their eyes closed, the teacher explains its meaning to everyone.)

Red - red is the color of joy, joy awaits you next year.

Green – symbolizes spring and nature. You will be in a spring mood all year.

Motley - from freckles.

With pine - against illness, for health. May you be healthy.

With yellow ears - for harvest.

With the house - for housewarming.

With an oak leaf, you will be strong.

With a bunny - this symbol means courage.

With an Angel - for good, from evil. Good will follow you all year.

With a star means that you will be good and obedient.

So we found out what awaits you next year.

5. Productive activity

Guys, do you want to make Easter painted eggs for your family?

We have everything prepared for work, I invite you to show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter holiday with an interesting pattern.

( Children paint eggs to the audio recording “Easter Blagovest”)

6. Summing up

View your work (exhibition)

What makes your souvenirs so special?

What were you thinking when you prepared them?

With what feelings did you decorate Easter eggs?

I think your souvenirs are wonderful, wondrous, magical, beautiful.

Well done, you worked very hard, and the result of your work is your souvenirs, which you will give to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter.