Information report on working with parents in preschools. Report on work with parents Report on work with parents in preschool

In the modern age information technologies, we, educators, have to not stand still, but look for new ways and forms of working with the parents of our students.

I am looking for new forms of working with the modern family, but I do not forget about those that have already been tested and have proven themselves in work. I set goals for myself that involve openness, close cooperation and interaction with parents. Both traditional and innovative forms help me involve parents in the educational process, become full partners in raising children and active participants in joint events held in the group.My interaction is simply impossible without taking into account the interests and requests of the family.

We live in dynamic times. Parents are often busy with activities and do not participate in life as actively as they would like kindergarten. The problem of involving parents in a single space child development in kindergarten I decide in three directions:

  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • involving parents in the activities of the kindergarten;
  • joint work to exchange experience;

I set a goal for myself - to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process. To achieve this goal, coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, I work in close collaboration with preschool specialists to solve the following tasks;

I establish partnerships with the family of each student;

I unite the efforts of family and kindergarten for the development and education of children;

I create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, positive attitude for communication and friendly support of parents and students;

I activate and enrich the skills of parents in raising children;

I support the confidence of parents (legal representatives) in their own teaching capabilities.

I work with parents using a differentiated approach. I take into account social status, family microclimate, parental needs and the degree of parental interest in activities preschool, I improve the culture of pedagogical literacy.

In my work to establish contacts with parents, to solve the problems of raising and developing a child, I use the following forms of work:

  • informational and analytical (questionnaires, testing, visiting pupils at home, questions and answers);
  • cognitive ( parent meetings; consultations; conversations; discussions; joint enrichment of subjects - spatial environment; classes with the participation of parents; exhibitions of children's works produced jointly; participation of parents in preparation for the holidays; design of photomontages; holding Open Days);
  • visual - informational (folders - moving, parent's corner, photo exhibitions, library - moving);
  • leisure (holidays and entertainment, health days, excursions, exhibitions, creative competitions, exhibition of family collections).

More often I use traditional forms of working with parents, but with the introduction of new forms:

Parent meetings 3 times a year;

Group and individual conversations;

Creative reports from teachers and children to parents (matinees, concerts);

Consultations for parents;

Open days.

Parent meetings – I often use forms such as round table, pedagogical living room. I carefully and seriously prepare any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents. I want to see parents not just as participants in the meeting, but as good friends, colleagues and partners who, together with me, are interested in the development of children and their upbringing. An important role in preparation is played by questioning, which allows us to identify the interest and competence of parents on the topic of the meeting. It allows me to collect diverse material, choose forms of presentation of this or that information (presentation, slide show, photographs, etc.). At the end of the meeting, I always wonder whether the information received by parents was useful, timely, and sufficient. If not, the work continues jointly or individually. We talked with parents on various topics: about adaptation to kindergarten, about instilling morality, patriotism, about spirituality, about preparing for school and many other things, and we solved problem situations. As a result, parents' interest in parenting issues has increased significantly, we began to understand each other better and more often see each other as helpers. Also, the number of parents attending meetings has increased, looking for answers to questions about raising a child in the context of a teacher and specialists.

In teaching practice I use different kinds visibility, including parent corner. In it I place informational materials: rules for parents, announcements, kindergarten events. Here I also post information sheets with announcements about meetings, upcoming events, and express gratitude to parents for their participation in the affairs of the kindergarten, group, and assistance provided. Parents are especially interested in information about what our children and I will be doing during the month in all types of education and training activities. As a result, I noted that parents began to take an interest in the life of their children in kindergarten and try to consolidate the material they have learned at home, take the initiative to find information on children’s websites, and share their successes and failures in matters of education. This helps me a lot when working with children.

It has become my tradition in working with parents: for every holiday or significant event to draw up information stand . In it I post a story about an event or holiday, Interesting Facts, poems, sayings and proverbs, photographic material, crafts made by children and the teacher, children and parents, statements by the children themselves on a given topic. I try to make it bright and colorful. Such stands were decorated for Mother's Day, New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Family Day, Apple Day, etc. Children and parents really liked them. Parents presented their works with undisguised pleasure and pride. As a result, joint creativity brought families together, made it possible to discern talent in their child, and raised the authority of parents to a high level. And I was happy about this cooperation.

Parents, feeling the warm and friendly atmosphere of the kindergarten, became active participants in other events. They willingly showed their skills and talents in leisure, on holidays: Mother's Day « Day March 8”, dads participated in the competition: “Come on, dads!”, and together with children “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, “Day of Knowledge”. We also did not leave grandparents unattended; we prepared a concert for them on the “Day of the Elderly” and organized “Grandma’s Gatherings”. I organized an exhibition of works on painting icons with beads, made by Alina Eichler’s grandmother, which made children and parents proud of their family. As a result of the work I did, parents became more open to communication and became active participants in various competitions. The emotions arising after the event and the memories of it united big and small. The participation of families in competitions enriched family leisure and united by a common cause.

Landscaping and arrangement of the site also took place together with parents and children. Together we laid out flower beds and planted seedlings grown at home, together we watered and cared for them. Parents showed creativity in making decorative items, helping to place and hang them. Parents and children, together with the teacher, have a need to continue doing good deeds. From here arose stock. As a result, the following campaigns were held: “Let’s decorate the kindergarten for City Day,” “Plant a tree,” “Making a Christmas star,” “A feeding trough for every little bird,” “A parcel for a soldier,” etc. Cooperative activity teachers, parents and children united us, allowed the best human qualities to manifest themselves, taught children the experience of interaction, trust, and aroused a sense of pride in their relatives. Adults have the opportunity to interest the child by their example, to teach them to be careful about things, attentive to people, caring about their kindergarten, the city, and all living things. Children not only observed the actions of adults from the sidelines, but were also active participants.

As a result of the close partnership between me and my parents, I have seen progress in raising my children. They became responsible, responsive, disciplined, neat, and monitored the cleanliness and safety of equipment.

I believe that the most effective is an active approach in the interaction of parents, educators and children. Parents gladly responded to the request to accompany their children on an excursion to the Labinsky bakery and performances at concerts in the House of Culture. Parents, thanks to interaction with the teacher and participation in the life of the group, kindergarten, gained experience in cooperation both with their child and with a team of teachers and parents of other children.

It has become an interesting form of cooperation, new and in demand. conducting master classes . I conducted master classes to help parents organize children's activities at home ( unconventional techniques drawing, working with natural and waste material etc.), games in the evenings and on weekends, holidays, master class “Politeness around us.” Parents demonstrated their achievements in raising children. We held such a master class on labor education. I offered to conduct a small lesson for colleagues, the same parents. The parents themselves explained how to instill hard work in their children: one mother told how her daughter takes care of her shoes, the second - how she cleans the room, the third - how her son takes care of animals. Parents who love their child are always happy to show him off best sides. And, most importantly, parents give practical, effective advice. We always summarized all the information received and drew conclusions. The student’s mother, Elena Nikolaevna Kopylova, conducted a master class with the children: “Making a Christmas star.” As a result of our multifaceted joint activities, positive communication emotions emerged, parents became more sociable, relaxed, confident in the positive experience of their upbringing, and were happy to share their skills.

I regularly spend consultations with parents on the topic of raising and educating children, including involving a kindergarten nurse and specialists. For example, consultations were held: “Flu and ARI, their prevention”, “Children’s infections”, “How to raise healthy child"; “The role of physical exercise in the development of a child,” “Formation of health-saving motor behavior,” “Music in the life of a child.” I attach particular importance to consultations aimed at ensuring safe behavior on the street, at home, on the water, in the forest, fire safety. I offer advice to parents:

“Child safety on the street”, “Discipline on the street is the key to safety”, “Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road”, “Home alone!”, “How to behave in dangerous situations” and others. I selected consultations at the beginning of the school year and are included in the plan for working with parents.

To improve the educational process and inform parents, the kindergarten has created its own website, where regulatory documents of the preschool educational institution, reminders and consultations, news from the life of the kindergarten, etc. are posted. I have personal blog where I post useful information for parents, I introduce them to the rich and interesting life of the garden. Thus, parents have a new home interlocutor and consultant on the most pressing issues and troubling problems. Parents got the opportunity to express their point of view, ask questions, and, finally, simply find out the necessary and useful information. In the “Kaleidoscope” section, I posted a photo report about the life and activities of children in the garden. In the “Masterwork” section I place samples of work on visual arts, I advise you on what you can do with your child at home. I communicate with parents and through the website whatsapp . Parents like to view video and photographic materials from the life of children in kindergarten. This is a new stage in my work with parents. New, modern forms jobs are in great demand by parents. I received a lot of positive feedback.

The activities carried out showed positive dynamics, as follows:

  1. 1. Parents showed a strong interest in the content of the educational process with their children. The number of questions to me, as a teacher, concerning the child’s personality, his interests, abilities and needs has increased. 62% of parents take part in educational activities;
  1. 2. Parents have become more thoughtful about certain methods of education. The number of parents attending parent-teacher meetings and actively participating in joint events, holidays, and promotions has increased to 70%. The joint activities of parents, teachers and children had a positive impact on education;
  1. 3. The desire of adults for individual contacts with educators and specialists has increased.
  1. 4. parents are confident that the preschool educational institution will always help them in solving pedagogical problems;
  1. 5. Parents, based on the results of observations of the child’s activities in kindergarten, can choose and form, already in preschool age, the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary.
  1. 6. According to the monitoring results for the 2015–2016 academic year, 87% of parents are satisfied with the quality of educational services provided by the preschool educational institution.

Head of municipal preschool A.A. Chumburidze

educational autonomous institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 22

city ​​of Labinsk municipality

Labinsky district

Date of:

The interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family will provide a beneficial effect on the good adaptation and integration of preschool children in various types of life activities in the interests of social formation personality.

Work on introducing innovative forms of interaction with families into the pedagogical process continues, but the result is visible: children begin to treat their families with pride and respect, and parents, thanks to interaction with the teacher and participation in the life of the kindergarten, gain the experience of cooperation, as with their child , and a team of parents and educators. And we, educators, receive invaluable information about child-parent relationships in the family, in which lie the causes of many children's problems.

in enriching the subject-spatial environment, in landscaping and landscaping the site

Report on work with parents in senior group № 7

For 2015-2016

Teachers: Astashina O.O.

Andrianova S.G.

Establishing cooperation and partnership between the kindergarten and the family is of great importance. Only by joining their efforts can parents and educators provide their child with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting, meaningful life at home and in kindergarten, help develop his basic abilities, the ability to communicate with peers and ensure preparation for school. To effectively interact with your family, the desire to cooperate is not enough.

The fundamental point in the interaction between group teachers and parents is the study of the family through questionnaires, interviewing parents in order to determine their social status. Not only personal conversations and questionnaires, but also their independent selection of topics for discussion from an approximate list of questions for each section of the program proposed by the teacher help to identify parents’ requests, their problems and difficulties in matters of raising and educating children. Taking into account their wishes and suggestions, we plan work with the family.

It is important to involve parents in the process of raising and developing children so that they become active participants rather than passive listeners. For this purpose, we use various forms of working with them.

At different age stages of development of children in our group, the most effective forms of cooperation with parents were parent meetings: “So we have become a year older,” where they revealed age characteristics development of children, ways to develop their communicative qualities.

At the thematic meeting “The health of the child is in your hands”, together with parents, we discussed issues of introducing children to healthy image life, organization of sports leisure, sports club in kindergarten. Recommendations were given for equipping a sports corner at home. Questioning parents “Do you know your child?”, “What kind of parents are you?”, “The influence of the family atmosphere on the development of the child” made it possible to obtain information about the problems that parents face in everyday life, to identify their desires and hopes for the future child .

During the year, the following consultations were prepared: “All about the development of children’s speech”, “All about baby food", "Game as a means of education", "How to spend a weekend with a child", "Child's independence preschool age» .

An interesting form of establishing trust and mutual understanding between preschool educational institutions and families are exhibitions of joint creativity of children, parents and educators on various topics. Holding such exhibitions as: “Mom’s Hands”, “Factory of Santa Claus”, “New Year’s Fantasy”, “Medicines of the Future”. The regular organization of photo exhibitions “It’s good in our garden” introduced parents to the life of a preschool educational institution and the activities of their children.

An important link in the system of joint work between the kindergarten and the family is the involvement of parents in direct participation in the work of the kindergarten; organizing holidays and entertainment: " Golden autumn", "Mother's Day", "New Year's Ball", "Defenders of the Fatherland Day", "Maslenitsa", "Dance Marathon".

Parents receive the necessary information on the issues of raising and educating children through visual information materials: screens, stands, folders and slides.

From the folder - moving “Help children remember the rules traffic", parents became acquainted with the method of introducing preschoolers to road safety rules. At the end of the year, a meeting was held on the topic “What have we learned in a year”, where parents could see what knowledge and skills their child had acquired during the year.

Usage various forms working with families allowed us to awaken a sense of disposition and trust among parents in the kindergarten.

Analysis of work with parents in grade 5 “B”

KSU ssh. them. Vikhreva with DMC

for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Class teacher: Gaivoronskaya O.E.

One of the main directions in the work of a class teacher is working with parents. It is from the relationship between class teacher and the parents of students depend on the successful education and upbringing of the child. Establishing contacts with students' parents is the beginning of everything.

Whether you want it or not.

But the point, comrades, is

That first of all we are parents,

And everything else comes later.R. Rozhdestvensky

An old school aphorism says: “The most difficult thing in working with children is working with their parents,” so working with parents and society was put at the forefront to realize the task of creating conditions for “openness” of the school, expanding and strengthening pedagogical interaction. composition and parents.

The work was carried out in the following areas.

1. Meetings of the parent committee.

2. School-wide parent meetings.

3. Class parent meetings.

4.Organization of parental education

5.Organization of a hotline “Helpline”

Parents, as participants in the educational process, are actively involved in the management of school life through parent committees of classes and schools, and parent meetings.

List of the parent committee of grade 5 "B".

1. Chairman: Abdukerimova Munira.

2. Ashirova Munira

3.Eminova Lutvie


Classroom parent meetings

Class Parent Committee

Carrying out preventive work with students under intra-class control

Participation in preparation and holding of meetings

Preparation and holding of holidays and sporting events

Conducting hikes and excursions

Monitoring parental satisfaction of parents of grade 5 “B”.




4, 9





The child's upbringing.


The health of the child.


The child's educational success.




The table shows that the overwhelming majority of parents are satisfied with the activities of the school, but problems remain, to the solution of which the teaching staff of the school, working in the 5th “B” grade, directs their efforts. The monitoring results are stimulating and encourage action and further development.

Over the past period, 6 parent meetings were held. At them, issues of an organizational nature were considered, the results of the quarters were discussed, etc. The parent committee worked closely with the class teacher. Together with them, school-wide events were held - “Cinderella’s Ball”, “Kindness Will Save the World”. Also, parents helped in the design of self-knowledge room No. 13, the adjacent school territory, providing material assistance - the purchase of roses and flower seeds - and physical assistance. Members of the parent committee visited socially disadvantaged familiesyi (Balabanova Anastas ii, Viktor Bashkatova, Georgiy Piperopulo).

It is gratifying to note that when collective events were held at school, some parents did not take the position of an outside observer, but were active participants in the events - they helped in sewing costumes and Indian dance rehearsals

(Abdukerimova Munira, Abdukerimova Guzel), in the general cleaning of the office before the start of the school year (Darvankulova Sandugash, Eminova Lutviye, Abdukerimova Munira.) They took an active part in the school-wide fair-sale event, prepared dishes of Russian cuisine.

Success in the education of schoolchildren is associated with the interest of parents in organizing the life activities of children at school, therefore close teacher-parent-student relationships should be strengthened.

Suggestions for working with parents for the next year:

    Conduct open class events.

    Involve parents in parent-teacher meetings and various events.

    Hold more events that bring students and parents together.

    Organize an interactive lecture for parents.

    Inform parents more about the achievements of our school during the school year, using various internal and external sources of information (school newspaper). Use new forms in working with parents (parent gatherings, conference of family projects).

    Joint cleanup days to clean the school and village areas.

Name of parent and student




Relationships between parents and teachers.

The attitude of school teachers towards the child.

The attitude of the students in the class towards the child.

The relationship between parents and child at home.

The child’s attitude and educational work.

The child's upbringing.

The health of the child.

The child's educational success.


Monitoring parental satisfaction

Full name of parent and student:




Relationships between parents and teachers.

The attitude of school teachers towards the child.

The attitude of the students in the class towards the child.

The relationship between parents and child at home.

The child’s attitude and educational work.

The child's upbringing.

The health of the child.

The child's educational success.


KGUssh. Them. Vikhreva with dmc s. Shelek, Enbekshikazakh district, Almaty region.

Report on work with parents in grade 5 “B” for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Class. hands: Gaivoronskaya O.E.

Report on work with parents 2014-2015.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational organization

Kindergarten No. 11 is a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of pupils

GO Verkhnyaya Pyshma

Annual work report

on interaction with parents

MADOO kindergarten No. 11

2014-2015 academic year

The goal was aimed at strengthening interaction with parents in the joint implementation of the educational process in kindergarten, through non-traditional forms of work.

1. In order to familiarize parents with the premises of the kindergarten, with employees and specialists working in the organization, a tour of the kindergarten was held for parents of newly arrived children “Hello, kindergarten!”

2. An exhibition-harvest fair “Gifts of Autumn” was organized. The exhibition featured families working together to design the fall harvest using poetry and advertising.

3. In the photo report “Memories of Summer!” Parents and children shared their impressions, stories about summer vacation spots, and interesting events that happened to them in the summer.

4. In order to prevent children’s road traffic injuries, entertainment was held with the participation of parents and children of preparatory school groups “Be careful of the road!” As well as a creative competition for the best application, drawing according to traffic rules “The road through the eyes of children.”

5. In order to assist parents in performing articulatory gymnastics exercises with their child, a speech therapist teacher organized logo training “ Articulation gymnastics- the key to correct sound pronunciation"

6. For Mother’s Day, the children, together with their teachers, decorated photo frames, homemade frames “Portrait of my mother”, photo newspapers with congratulations “Our mothers are the most...”.

7. A psychological living room was organized by a teacher-psychologist to help parents develop creativity baby

8. Day of Good Deeds “Our little friends!” was organized with the aim of involving parents in the joint production and installation of bird feeders.

9. In order to attract parents to the design of groups for the New Year, a Father Frost Workshop was organized. Parents and children made garlands, beads and decorated groups.

10. A compiled card index of games “We Play at Home”, with tips, suggestions, recommendations for using games at home, on the street, different types activities with the child helped parents spend interesting time with their children during the winter holidays.

11. A speech therapist teacher conducted a workshop for parents, “Such different words,” with the goal of involving parents in search activities and increasing parents’ interest in the correction process.

12. For Defender of the Fatherland Day, musical and physical education entertainment was held with the participation of dads, in the form of competitions, and an exhibition of wall newspapers was organized “ Better than dad no friend!”

13. Marathon “Good deeds masters!” took place in each group, with the goal of involving parents in the labor education of children, developing the desire to do as many useful things as possible for others.

14. By March 8, teachers, together with children, issued family newspapers “We mom's helpers", with congratulations, drawings

15. Theatrical performance “The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood” new way"was dedicated to the week of theaters and took place with the participation of parents and children of school preparatory groups.

16. The “Young Firefighters” entertainment was carried out with the aim of preventing fire safety, developing in parents a serious attitude towards developing in children the ability to handle various household appliances, and skills in the event of a fire. An exhibition of mini-posters “Be careful with fire!” was organized, designed by parents and children of all age groups. Folders on fire safety prevention were prepared, articles and materials on fire safety rules at home and in the natural environment were placed in corners for parents.

17. Final entertainment “How our children have grown up and what they have learned in a year” was held in all age groups in the form of reporting concerts, with the aim of providing information about the successes and achievements of children during the school year.

18. Entertainment: “It’s so good that there is a family that protects me from any troubles,” dedicated international day family, held with the aim of preserving, uniting and strengthening friendly relations in the family.

19.All age groups have been updated parent corners. They contain information in two sections: everyday life groups and current work on raising children in kindergarten and family. There are folding folders, screens, pedagogical crosswords, experiments family education, "information baskets", oral

20. At the request of parents, we organized individual consultations for parents with teacher-psychologist, speech therapist teacher.

21.The mailbox for parents “You ask, we answer” continued its work. Parents could ask the educational psychologist any questions they were interested in through their mailbox and receive answers.

For participation in family creative competitions, parents were thanked for their assistance to the kindergarten and active participation in the life of the kindergarten.

Parents, together with children and teachers, actively participated in clearing snow from areas and in landscaping and landscaping areas and the territory of the kindergarten.

Educational work in this direction contributes to the socialization of children, their awareness of themselves as future parents, strengthens relationships in the family, and develops an attitude toward family values.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, parent lectures are held for parents, the topics of which are varied. School-wide thematic meetings:

  • “School is mine, yours, ours”
  • “Joint work of family and school to create safe life activities for students”
  • "Prevention of suicide among adolescents"
  • “Responsibility of minors and parents for committing offenses”
  • “The role of parents in the process of choosing a profession and self-determination of children”
  • “How to motivate a child for successful educational activities »
  • "Children's health is in our hands"
  • “Legal and economic protection of the child’s personality”
  • “Family is the basis for the spiritual and moral education of children”
  • “Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents”
  • "Family day" ( summer rest children, traffic rules, director’s report on the school’s work for the year, organizational issues)

The school-wide parent committee (which includes the chairmen of class parent committees) held meetings once a month. At the meetings, issues of training and education, the safety of schoolchildren, assistance to families in socially dangerous situations, preparation and holding of school-wide holidays, provision of students with educational and fiction, school renovation, plans for the next school year. Parent-teacher meetings for grades are held regularly. The school constantly provides possible assistance to parents of students. These are, first of all, pedagogical consultations, parent meetings, individual conversations about the characteristics of age and methods of approach to raising a child, the prevention of suicide, the use of substances, neglect and delinquency, the preservation and promotion of health, i.e. pedagogical education of parents.

  • Participation in the city Guardian Day.
  • Exhibition of drawings, dedicated to the Day mother.
  • Participation in the regional competition of postcards and photographs “Oh, how wonderful - this is the word mother!”
  • Joint trips of students and parents to theaters, on excursions to Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky.
  • Help from parents in landscaping the school grounds and other sponsorship assistance.
  • Celebration “Student Success”.
  • Regional campaign “White Flower” to provide assistance to the Trinity Church in Yakhroma.
  • Participation in family competitions of various types (sports, artistic creativity)
  • Active participation of parents in the educational process of the school (attending regional events, open lessons, holidays, cool hours At school).

Underway individual work with parents of students who need constant supervision.