How to access web education through government services. How can parents access the electronic diary - virtual school

Since January 2017 MSSMSH named after. Gnesinykh moves to a new one electronic magazine/MRKO diary. You can familiarize yourself with the basic rules for working with the electronic diary/journal (ED) of MRKO in the section of the same name below.

In accordance with Order No. 140/OD dated December 22, 2016, the introduction of an electronic journal/diary is carried out in 2 stages. At stage 1 (from January 12, 2017), teachers of general education disciplines begin working in the electronic diary/magazine. At stage 2 (from September 1, 2017) teachers of music theoretical disciplines.
Dear parents, if you do not have access to the Internet, try to solve this problem by the end of January 2017!

You can send all your wishes regarding the operation of the new electric railway to the Moscow Department of Education or the Moscow Government through the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

Basic rules for working with an electronic diary/journal (ED) MRKO

1. Student's Diary created automatically upon his admission to the College.
2. Teachers and parents (guardians) can work with the Diary.
3. Parents (guardians) can work with the diaries of all their child students.
4. To begin with, parents (guardians) must obtain robots with the Diary from the class teacher login and password.
5. Teachers can access EZD through the main page EZD MRKO .
6. Parents can go to the Diary only through the official website of the Moscow Mayor (section "Services and Services")
Please note that students and parents access the Diary ONLY through the official website of the Moscow Mayor!
Not through the College website or the MRKO website, not through the portal of government services of the Russian Federation, namely through the portalofficial website of the Moscow Mayor!

To do this, the parent must have their own account on the Moscow Mayor’s website - that is, in other words, they must register on it!
To register and gain access to EZD MRKO, you only need your full name and email address to which you have access.
At the same time, parents can access EZhD from one personal account on the website of the Moscow Mayor - it is enough to create several accounts in it for both parents to access.
If only one person will constantly log into the Electronic Railway from a computer, then after logging into the Electronic Railway for the first time, you can save the link to the site in your browser bookmarks - in the future you will be able to access the Electronic Railway directly from this bookmark!
If parents log into EZD from the same computer, BUT from different browsers, then you can also make direct links for yourself through bookmarks in these browsers.

I. Thus, the first thing parents who are not yet registered on the official website of the Moscow Mayor need to do is go through the registration procedure in the “Services” section:
1. Click the "Register" link to go to the page with the registration form for a new portal user.
2. Enter your last name, first name and patronymic (optional).
3. Enter a real email address to which you have access - you will immediately receive a registration confirmation request!
4. Create a login (you can leave an email address). Pay attention to the input language!
5. Create a password (more than 7 characters, can only consist of numbers and separator characters, for example phone number 123-45-67). Pay attention to the input language and letter case! If you want to see what you entered, click on the eye icon on the right side of the password entry field.
6. Be sure to include a security question and answer.
7. If you do not want to indicate the number mobile phone, then uncheck the “Enter mobile phone number” item.
8. Check the box next to "I accept the agreement" and click the green "Register" button.
9. If everything is entered correctly, a new page will open where you will be asked to enter a confirmation code sent to the email you specified.
10. Congratulations - you have registered your personal account on the official website of the Moscow Mayor!

Please note that the initial registration procedure is described above, after which you will receive access only to part of the services of the official website of the Moscow Mayor, one of which includes the access service to EZD MRKO!
To receive the full range of services from the Moscow Mayor’s website, you will need to go to your profile and indicate SNILS and some other mandatory information about yourself.

II. So, you are registered on the official website of the Moscow Mayor and want to enter the MRKO Diary:
1. Log in to the website in the "Services" section
2. Find the service “Electronic student diary (SSD)” in the popular services block or open the “Education, Study” block and find this service there.
3. On the new page, click on the blue “Get service” button on the right.
4. In step 1 “Entering data to access the diary,” enter the account name “Parent” or, if you have already logged into the Diary before, select the desired account. You can add a new account - select "Add account" in the list of accounts.
If you are adding a new account, then enter the login and password for the Diary given to you at the College and click the "Continue" button.
5. Click the "Done" button.
6. If you added a new account, you may have to wait a little while for the data to be processed. In any case, waiting too long to enter the Diary (more than a minute) indicates a problem - we recommend leaving the public services portal, logging in again and repeating the procedure for logging into the Diary!

If you have lost or forgotten your login/password to enter the Diary and/or cannot recover your password, contact the administrator of the College website in the Academic section (room C-I-6)

Pros and cons of an electronic diary

The advantages of using electronic documents are undeniable. Let's list them.

1. Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress every day. All sorts of tricks, like “forgot the diary, lost it, didn’t ask anything,” no longer work.

2. Parents don't need to once again come to school, look for the class teacher, a magazine, to get acquainted with the overall picture of the child’s progress.

3. The “brainwashes” after class are cancelled. parent meetings, in which parents “en masse” receive all the positive and negative information about the child over a long period of time.

4. Parents don’t call again to the class teacher, they don’t “catch” a subject teacher on the street to find out “how is mine?”

5. Class teachers do not call parents once again to inform them that “something needs to be done.”

6. Talk about what electronic diary, an electronic journal is an encroachment on the privacy of a child, have no basis. The confidentiality of this academic record system is incomparable to that of a paper system. Just the study of the same magazine by all parents of the class, suggesting an inevitable comparison of results educational activities all students, and is an example of a not very correct situation.

7. Maintaining electronic documents is another incentive for teachers and parents to continue mastering information technology.

Nothing is absolutely cloudless, and the introduction of an electronic diary also has its downsides. Let's list them too.

1. Not all parents yet have free daily access to the Internet.

2. The technical equipment of our school is quite good, there is access to the Internet, but technical problems will most likely arise.

3. Keeping a diary is an additional burden on the teacher. Resolving this problem is a separate matter.

Perhaps the rosy mood will fade after the start of the practical stage of mastering the electronic diary, as unforeseen problems will come to light, but so far they all seem completely solvable.

Pros: convenient, clear

Disadvantages: not always filled on time

In modern schools, an electronic diary has become a common thing. Advanced educational institutions have been using this convenient innovation for several years. In small provincial and rural schools the electronic diary or journal has just begun to be introduced.

In fact, this is a necessary and very convenient invention. Children do not always submit diaries in class, and the teacher does not always have time to give grades. Sometimes it turns out that you find out about the quarter grade just before the end of the quarter, when it is too late to correct anything.

We also live in a small provincial town called Yelets. The school where my children study is an ordinary one, located on the outskirts, almost in the suburbs. For several years they promised us to introduce electronic diaries; they collected the necessary data from students. As a result, happiness happened at the beginning of 2017: the children finally brought pieces of paper from school with their own logins and passwords.

Passwords and logins are automatically generated and are a meaningless (for us) set Latin letters and numbers. It’s not possible to remember, well at least the computer remembers.

Each child’s data is printed on two pieces of paper: one receives student, and the second- stays with the teacher.

Our logins were prepared two years ago, all this time something was being finalized on the site, and we only got the opportunity to use the diaries now.

How to enter the electronic diary?

In fact, everything is very simple. Not only can a child (and our children today are advanced), but so can grandparents.

We enter the site address into the search engine (it should be given at school). In our case it is:

This page pops up: “Electronic diaries and magazines.”

There are two columns here: login and password. Enter your child’s details and click “Login”.

When the browser asks you if you want to remember it for the first time, click “remember.” You don't have to enter complicated characters every time.

At the bottom there is a line “Login through ESIYA” for students over 14 years old.

If you forgot your password, you can restore it. Everything is standard.

After entering your data, you will be taken to your child’s page.

The first thing that pops up is always the lesson schedule. Here, in theory, homework should also be indicated (at least there is such a column). But in reality it was never indicated. Teachers have no time for this.

The schedule can be viewed for any day of the week. You can find out the details of the teacher who teaches each subject.

But for parents, the most interesting page is “Grades”

Simply select the appropriate item in the sign on the left.

Here you can see the child’s grades in each subject, just like in a magazine. The average score is displayed on the right, which is very convenient, you immediately understand what grade you can get in the end.

My son, as always, has complete variety. There are also twos and fives.

Unfortunately, teachers are in no hurry to post grades in the electronic diary. It’s good if they mark it at the end of the week, or even at the end of the quarter.

Thus, the whole good meaning of this idea is lost.

If you pay attention, there is a list on the left:




In the "School" section you can see the details of your school and full list teaching staff and other employees of the educational institution.

In the "My class" section there is a list of all students and the class teacher.

The “Portfolio” item has the following sub-items:

    creative works

    my hobbies

    Unified State Exam and OGE

    physical training


The student fills out all this himself.

In the "Profile" menu you can specify your email and set an avatar.

Overall, the idea is very good and useful. But in our school the implementation is still rather poor.

General impression: It’s very convenient if teachers fill out on time

Tags: How to log in, electronic log, instructions, log progress

To monitor a child’s progress at school, previously it was necessary to regularly look through a paper diary, number the pages in it so that he could not tear out the pages from bad grades. The Moscow State Services portal decided to make this task easier for parents and created an electronic version of the diary. Now you can view the information in it in any place where there is Internet, and the child himself will not even know how often you look into it. In this article we will look at detailed instructions on using an electronic student diary.

To use this service, you will need to fill out information about yourself. We have already considered these instructions in more detail, so we immediately go to the Moscow government services website. We are taken to the page of the most popular services, among which there is an electronic diary, but do not rush to click on the desired service. We need to enter your login and password for your personal account. To do this, in the upper right corner, find the “login” button and click on it.

On the page that opens, go down a little and find the option to log into the site using a government services account. (underlined in red in the image).

If, after entering your login and password, you receive an authentication error message (but you definitely entered the correct data), then simply open the main page of the site with the most popular services. In the upper right corner, instead of the “log in” button, there should be the inscription “personal account”. If you see the “login” button again, check the correctness of the data entered and the keyboard layout (perhaps you are simply entering your login and password in a different language). In popular services, find the item “Electronic student diary” and click on it.

In addition, you can find this service in the section "Education - secondary general"

We get to the page with detailed description services. Here we will learn about who can use the student’s electronic diary, the cost of the service and what data is required for this. The service can be used by parents or legal representatives of the child; it is absolutely free, and to view the diary you will need a login and password, which can be obtained from the class teacher. If you have already received them, then click on the red “receive service” button.

If this is the first time you want to view your child’s diary, then select “new account”, come up with a name for it and enter your username and password.

Now click on the “go to diary” button and you will see a form in front of you that is very similar to the old paper version of a school student’s diary.

You can now view your child's grades for a specific subject, all grades for a specific date, or final grades for the quarter. As you can see, there is nothing complicated and you just need to spend a few minutes to enter the diary for the first time. If you still have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments and we will try to answer your questions.

Today you can use the services provided by the city services portal pgu mos ru (pgu mos ru) by visiting the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

This situation is related to the ongoing integration process, which was completed recently, as a result of which the services of the pgu mos ru Internet resource have now become available on the website of the head of the capital.

Home page

You can access the services you need using the corresponding tab in the main menu. It is worth considering that for those who have previously registered for PGU Mos Ru, this procedure will not be required again, since all existing personal accounts have been saved, and therefore you can log in to the site using your previous logins and passwords. By the way, this applies to both individuals and legal entities.

The same applies to using the Moscow State Services mobile application.

The total number of services available on the site is 160, of which the most popular is the electronic diary pgu mos ru (of the 380 million requests, half relate to this particular service).

To go to the pgu mos ru electronic diary service, you can use the “Education” tab presented on the left side of the page that opens. Next, you will need to select the link “General average”, and then “Electronic student diary” (former pgu mos ru electronic student diary for residents of the capital and the Moscow region). All this is reflected in the “Catalog” tab of the Moscow Mayor’s website.

Due to the fact that the electronic diary service is the most popular, it can also be found in the “Popular” section of the catalog of all available services.

Student's electronic diary

To log into the electronic diary, you will first need to carry out the user registration procedure to gain access to the information resources of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. As a result of registration, the user will be able to gain access to a number of information resources of the capital, including the former City Services Portal (pgu mos ru), the Our City portal, the Autocode portal and the Moscow Parking portal.

To register, you will need to enter the required data, including your last name, first name, patronymic (optional), email address (it is recommended to indicate your own address, and not a corporate or someone else’s, since if you need to recover your password in case of its loss, a corresponding email will be sent to the specified address message).

User registration

You should also indicate the login that will be used to log into the system, which has certain requirements (it is recommended to use an email address as a login). You will also need to come up with a password consisting of at least six characters (Latin letters and numbers), and then confirm. You should also select a security question and provide an answer to it (this will be needed if you need to contact technical support). Here you will also need to indicate your mobile phone number (used to log into the mobile application, as well as to contact the user in case of problems with access to information resources). To confirm your mobile phone number, you will be sent an SMS with a code.

If necessary, you can also use the links provided in the upper right corner, which reflect registration questions with answers to them, as well as instructions for registering a personal account as a legal entity.

After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to access the services of the previous city services portal - PGU Mos RU. To do this, enter the username and password specified during registration. You can also log in to the portal using your individual personal account insurance number (SNILS). If, when you try to log in, you find that you have forgotten your password, use the option to recover it by clicking on the “Forgot your password?” link.

You can also log in using the State Services portal, which provides access to government services, the electronic signature of a legal entity, as well as social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter.

In order to log into the electronic diary pgu mos ru Moscow region and Moscow, you will need to enter the login and password received from your class teacher in a single personal account. Specifying this data will only be required once; in the future, it will be automatically saved in your personal account, which will make it easier to log into PGU Mosru personal account electronic diary.

Parents of the student, as well as their legal representatives, can apply for access to the service. The Electronic Diary service is completely free, access is provided continuously throughout the academic year.

As a result of using the Electronic Student Diary service, you will receive timely complete and reliable information regarding student performance. In addition, the diary is a source of information about events organized in an educational institution, as well as a platform for interaction between participants in the educational process.

By the way, it is possible not only to create, but also to delete an account. To do this, you will need to go to your Profile, select the “My Data” tab, then select the unnecessary account and click “Delete”.

If you lose your login or password required to log into the electronic diary, you will need to contact the class teacher or diary administrator in the appropriate educational institution. It is impossible to recover a lost username and password on your own. If necessary, you can change your password in your personal account. You can also use one login and password to log into the electronic diaries of several children. To do this, you should contact your class teacher or diary administrator.

To obtain information about the electronic diary on the official website of the Moscow Mayor, you can use the existing search bar, where you just need to specify keywords that describe the purpose of your search.

If necessary, you can also use the “Questions and Answers” ​​section, which contains information on the most popular topics and frequently asked questions. To find the information you need, you can use the proposed filter by question, where you should select the topic “Electronic Diary”. In addition, you can use the “I’m looking” line, in which you specify a keyword or phrase that describes the desired results of your search.