How to cut your baby's hair at home. Necessary tools and equipment. Don’t give your baby haircuts that are difficult to style.

An adult in need of a haircut can go to a hairdresser or salon on his own. But how to cut a baby's hair? This could be a problem. Small children do not sit still for a single second. They constantly spin around, trying to grab sharp scissors, and can easily get hurt or injured.

Haircut at the barbershop

Today, in many cities there are special children's hairdressers. Most often, they are located in large shopping and entertainment centers next to the children's playroom.

Attentive and sociable specialists specially trained in child psychology work here. This is part of the professional level of the master. If he cannot win over the baby, the haircut will most likely not take place.

The atmosphere in such hairdressing salons resembles a games room. There are a lot of toys here, and the walls are decorated with bright drawings. Furniture and equipment can also interest a child.

How to properly cut a child's hair at home

Hairdressers where you can cut your baby's hair are most often located quite far from home. It is inconvenient to go there with a child, and in winter it is also cold, there is a danger of catching a cold. In the photo you can see the stages and features of a child's haircut.

You can watch the video for more details:

So, when should you cut your baby's hair for the first time? The answer to this question depends on several factors:

  • hair length;
  • child development;
  • character of the baby.

Children's hair grows at different rates. For some babies, as early as six months, hair gets into their eyes and interferes with their ability to see. Other toddlers, even at one year old, have hair that barely covers their heads.

You cannot cut a child's hair before he learns to sit upright. If your child is shy and fearful, then it is better to postpone the first haircut until the baby learns to distinguish between real and imaginary danger.

When exactly to cut a child's hair is up to the parents to decide. Only they are able to weigh all the pros and cons and make the right decision.

Giving a boy a haircut with a clipper

It is better to cut a little boy's hair with a clipper. It's quite simple if you meet a few conditions. First of all, the child must be in good mood. If your baby is upset, excited, colicky, or excited new toy, it’s better to postpone the haircut right away.

Both parents must take part in the haircutting process. One should hold the child and entertain him, and the other should cut his hair. Set the machine attachment to its maximum height. You can turn on a cartoon for your baby or sit him in front of a mirror.

You should start cutting from the back of the head, lifting the hair with a comb. After this, you need to move on to processing the temples and crown. When new hairstyle will be ready, praise the baby. Next time he will enjoy getting his hair cut.

Princess with long hair

If you have a little daughter, you only need to cut her hair with scissors. Many mothers want their daughters to have long hair. But hair falls in the eyes and prevents the child from playing and exploring the world. Babies, as a rule, do not like hairpins. They pull hair and cling to clothing, especially in kindergarten. In this case, you can cut only the girl’s bangs.

The baby is one year old, it's time for his first haircut

The child is one year old. He already understands many words well and loves when people talk to him. And now it's time for the first haircut. You can first show such a child the scissors and demonstrate their work. Watch a video of children's haircuts together. This way your child will better understand the event that is happening to him.

While in the process of cutting your baby's hair, remain calm and focused. Do not make sudden movements - the baby may get scared and get hurt. It is better to use a spray bottle to wet your hair. Choose a cartoon in advance that your child will enjoy watching. And be sure to praise the baby for good behavior.

Video on the topic of the article:

Cutting a haircut at home is not an easy task, especially if we are talking about cutting a child’s hair and you have absolutely no skills as a hairdresser.

However, if you follow certain rules and recommendations, this task will not seem too difficult to you.

The main thing in this matter is the proper preparation of the child.

Features of home haircut

It is very difficult even for a professional hairdresser to cut a child's hair.

Even if you decide to do without visiting a hairdresser and want to call a specialist to your home, this can don't make it easier task.

Regardless of whether you cut your child's hair yourself or contact a specialist, it is important to consider one important feature when cutting children's hair: the child may react to this process with distrust and fear.

IN in this case cutting with a clipper at home, in a cozy and familiar environment for the child, is a calming factor, but do not forget that this fragile calm can be easily disturbed by a careless movement.

If you plan to cut your child's hair yourself, try to turn this process into a fun and exciting game: this will distract the child.

It is also worth considering the following points:
  • avoid sudden movements, as this can not only frighten the child, but also lead to injury;
  • Before you cut your child’s hair at home with scissors, you shouldn’t wet the hair too much: the fact is that wet hair they seem longer than dry hair, so if you wet your hair too much, you can make a mistake with the length;
  • Even if your child is calm and feels quite comfortable, you need to reassure one more person - yourself. Excitement and uncertainty can lead to not the best results.

How to properly prepare the instrument?

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary tool.

To cut a child's hair you will need:

  • special hair scissors;
  • comb;
  • spray bottle for wetting hair.

Ordinary scissors may not be suitable: you need to buy special scissors for haircut.

They are sharper and better suited for this type of work. how to cut a boy's hair at home If necessary, you can additionally use thinning scissors.

As for the hair clipper, you shouldn’t buy the first cheap model you come across.

Firstly, pay attention to models that work not from the mains, but from a battery: it will be more convenient for you to cut your child’s hair anywhere in your apartment, and you will not be “tied” to sockets.

Second important point– choose from cars with adjustable head: This will allow you to control the length of the haircut.

Before cutting, all the necessary tools should be laid out so that you can have access to them, but the baby should not reach them.

Preparing a child for a haircut

This is perhaps the most difficult stage, and psychological preparation is very important here.

It is no secret that most children are afraid of haircutting tools; the sound of the clipper seems especially unpleasant and frightening to them.

In this case, the fact that the child’s own mother or father will cut the child’s hair is an advantage: the child completely trusts you and understands that you cannot intentionally hurt him.

If this is the child’s first haircut at home, it is advisable to give him a short “tour” at the hairdresser before it. This way you can show that a lot of people visit hairdressers and get their hair cut, and at the same time people do not experience discomfort at all.

But even if the child is mentally prepared for a haircut, another problem may arise: he may refuse to wash his hair.

As a rule, all parents can quickly find a way out of this situation, but if it is not you, but an invited hairdresser, who will cut your child’s hair, take care of the child’s clean head in advance so that this problem does not arise during the hairdresser’s visit.

It is very important to remember one simple rule: if a child does not want to do something or is afraid, such processes need to be arranged in the form of a game.

It is difficult to say how you can turn a haircut into a game - everyone may have their own methods for this, but distracting a child or encouraging him to sit quietly while cutting is quite easy. For example, many parents play their child’s favorite movie or show before getting a haircut.

Also important convince the child The point is that no matter how dangerous the cutting tools may look, they pose no threat. Before cutting, you can let your child hold the scissors and clippers (under your supervision, of course).

If possible, you can cut off some hair from your head - this way the child can make sure that nothing bad will happen.

And one more thing: try constantly support Contact the child, talk to him, calm him down. This will help distract him and the baby will behave calmly.

On the technical side, in addition to the tools, you also need to choose place for haircut. You should not cut your child's hair in a room with carpet or carpeting: it can be extremely difficult to clean hair from them.

The best option is a room with linoleum, and if the size of your bathroom allows, you can cut your child’s hair there too.

Choosing a hairdresser for a home haircut

Grooming children at home today is a fairly popular service, and if you do not feel determined to cut your child’s hair yourself, you can turn to professional hairdressers.

Speaking about a hairdresser as a specialist in working with people, it is worth remembering that such a master should be a bit of a psychologist, especially when it comes to working with children.

A good children's hairdresser will be able to carry out preparatory work concerning the psychological side and described in previous section articles.

However, when choosing a hairdresser, you should focus on other factors:

1. When applying for the services of hairdressers through advertisements, you need to find out how competent the specialist is: ask him experience, ask about place of work and length of service.

2. Before cutting your child’s hair at home, it is advisable to interview friends and acquaintances: perhaps some of them have already used such services and will recommend you good master.

3. When you meet a hairdresser, pay attention to his appearance : good hairdresser he must look neat himself.

How to cut your child's hair yourself: video

Video about cutting a child's haircut at home:

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In order for your child to have a stylish look, it is not at all necessary to go to the hairdresser. In addition, not every child feels good in an unfamiliar environment; he feels much better in a home environment.

If you have already acquired a clipper, then we can tell you how you can cut your child’s hair at home yourself. There are a number general rules that will help you successfully complete the task.

How to properly cut a child's hair with a clipper?

How fashionable is it to cut a child's hair with a clipper? Today there are many options that will satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious children. Let's look at the most common techniques for popular haircuts.

How to cut a child's hair with a clipper - master class

Option 1.

You can use one or more attachments for the machine. Using the larger attachment, the main hair line is cut. Then, using the attachment short hair, hair is removed from the temporal and occipital areas. For a smoother transition, lift your hair with a comb and cut again.

Option 2.

Start cutting from the parietal area, moving along the conditional stripes to the left, then to the right. After each pass with the machine, comb your hair with a comb.

Then cut the hair from the back of the head. Next is the edging at the temples. Too much long bangs can be cut using scissors.

Don't be discouraged if things don't turn out the way you imagined. Small mistakes can be eliminated with scissors. As you gain more experience, your skill will increase.

Don't forget to praise your baby and show him how beautiful he is now!

Men don't really like going to the hairdresser. They don’t have enough time, and they don’t have the desire. To make your husband forget about this annoying necessity, learn how to cut his hair with a clipper. Then he will be happy, and you can choose his own hairstyle. And we will tell you how to cut a man’s hair correctly with a clipper. You'll love it!

Preparing the tools

Before you learn how to cut a man’s hair with a clipper, prepare your tool. The working surface must be lubricated with a special lubricant. Otherwise, the machine will not cut the hair, but pull it out.

Those who are just mastering this new hairdressing wisdom can be advised to watch the corresponding video at the end of our article.

Nozzles, scissors, clippers

The choice of attachment depends on the desired hair length. But before you pick up the clipper, keep in mind that if your man has long hair, then first you will have to cut it with scissors.

At this stage of cutting, you don’t have to try too hard, because the final result will be achieved with the help of a clipper. The only requirement is that the scissors must be sharp.

For beginner home craftsmen, it is better to purchase a machine with a powerful battery. This will allow you not to think about the time of cutting, but to focus on quality. And the machine will not stop at the most crucial moment.

Let's understand the basics: cutting against hair growth and changing attachments

You need to start cutting your hair from the back of your head. Point the machine from bottom to top and you will get a kind of trimmed paths. After the back of the head, you need to move to the crown. It is correct to cut this area in the direction of hair growth.

The attachments can be changed during the cutting process. For example, if you need to leave more length on the top of the head than on the back of the head, then it is better to take another part. The temples are usually cut with a smaller attachment, which is also used to trim the hair on the neck.

The temporal zone is treated especially carefully. It should be even and smooth, especially in the area near the ears. You can treat your temples and neck with a clipper without an attachment, but this is dangerous for novice hairdressers and their clients. A machine without an attachment is very sharp and can injure a man.

How to cut bangs

The most difficult hairstyle to do is with bangs. If you need long bangs, then you need to trim them with scissors. You can cut your bangs with a clipper, but to do this you need to choose the largest attachment. If the bangs remain long, then using a machine you can trim them evenly without using scissors.

First of all, you need to protect your eyebrows by placing a piece of bandage on them and covering them with a band-aid. The bangs should be lifted in sections using a comb, leaving hair above it that needs to be cut. The cut should be made with a machine over a comb; it will turn out smooth the first time.

Halfbox - haircut for strong people

One of the most popular hairstyles that can be done using a clipper is the half-box. It suits all men, except those with too thin and elongated faces.

In the classic version, the occipital area is cut with a machine with the smallest nozzle. Longer hair can start either quite low or much higher, closer to the crown. The half-box haircut comes with or without bangs. This hairstyle is not suitable for curly haired guys.

When you shouldn't shave a man

If the back of the head is uneven and has noticeable protrusions, then it is better to take a larger attachment, then the hair on the back of the head will be longer and will cover the imperfections. There should be no moles, scars or birthmarks on the back of the head.

In a classic half-box, the back of the head is practically shaved, and long hair starts from the top line of the ears. The parietal area is also shaved in the box. But at home, you can move away from the strict classics.

It is advisable to think through the details of your hairstyle in advance. This will save time during the haircut process and nerves after it.

It’s very easy to cut a man’s hair yourself. You just need to know its features and priorities. Haircut at home will save your time and money.

Video on the topic of the article

It’s a good article, but it’s better to cut your hair with a clipper; it’s dangerous to cut very young children’s hair with scissors. By the way, not just any machine will do either; almost all adult models pull out hair. This is not because they are of poor quality, but because they are simply not intended for thin children's hair. To cut a child's hair, it is better to use a special children's clipper with ceramic blades. This will make your work easier and keep your hair healthy.

We cut hair specifically with a children's clipper, it is silent and safe, it's called Codos BabyTreem 838. We bought it a year ago and we still can’t get enough of it. The baby boy already asks for a haircut when he sees her)

We also recently bought one and have the same story. Fell in love with the car at first sight.

We also have BabyTreem 838! In general, if you decide to cut your children’s hair yourself in the future, then take this particular clipper. It’s comfortable, doesn’t make noise, can work wirelessly, and, most importantly, doesn’t pull children’s fine hairs. That’s why children don’t sit quietly when they get their hair cut with regular adult clippers, because they all pull their hair, without exception, because they have blades They are designed to cut normally only coarse hair, this does not mean that they are bad, they are just not intended for children.

We also have Kodos Baby, I never thought that clippers with ceramic blades were so different from regular ones. I don't know what we would do without her :)

I have a little daughter, and she is absolutely deathly afraid of scissors. What cartoons and admiring a new hairstyle! We actually went to the hairdresser once, I would be happy to pay for a haircut, it’s just a scandal. I cut the bangs when the child is sleeping. The rest of the hair has been uncut for a year and a half, I would like to at least just trim it, but I have no idea how to do this.

How lucky you are to have a girl. I have exactly the same story, only I have a son...

I cut my child’s hair with a clipper myself. No amount of cartoons or persuasion helps. The towel does not protect, the hair still falls on the shoulder and back, everything is itchy. I cut them and blow them out with a hairdryer at the same time. When your hair falls on your face, the nightmare begins. The child does not understand that you just need to close your eyes and that’s it. I wanted to take her to a children’s hairdresser, but I’m not ready to pay 500 rubles for a child’s haircut.

It has always been a problem for me to cut my child's hair. I waited for the day of visiting the hairdresser with trembling, anticipating a prolonged childish hysteria. But one fine day I decided to end it and bought a typewriter. Now we get our hair cut at home and without hysterics. In order for him to sit still quietly and calmly, I give him a tablet. And I learned how to cut a child’s hair with a clipper the first time.

I have never cut my children's hair myself. Yes, and I think that this should be done by a professional. The hairdresser does it much faster because... there is a skill. And if you do the haircut yourself, there is a chance to cut it in shreds. I have been taking my son to the salon since he was a year old. They have a special high chair for children. In the form of a typewriter, the son was captivated by the game while he was getting his hair cut. And for older children they turn on the TV.

The most difficult thing in my opinion is that no matter how the child turns his head when cutting his hair, persuasion is unlikely to help. By the way, about the cartoon, it’s rightly noted, since my brother watches them all the time with bated breath and doesn’t turn around; while watching, I would cut his hair myself, but it’s still scary if the scissors are sharp.

It doesn't help, does it? What to do?