How many kilocalories are required per day. How many calories does a person need per day for normal performance?

Calorie count which you should eat on a daily basis depends on many factors. A person's daily energy consumption depends on age, weight, height, gender, lifestyle, and general health. Physically active man 6ft 2 "requires significantly more calories than a sedentary 5ft 2" woman.

Scientists at Purdue University have found that even how you eat your food affects the amount of calories you eat. The longer you chew food, the better it will be absorbed and, accordingly, the body will retain more calories.

Recommended daily calorie intake varies around the world. According to the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, an average adult man needs about 2,500 calories a day to keep his weight constant, while a woman needs 2,000 calories. The US government recommended 2,700 calories per day for a man and 2,200 for a woman. An interesting fact is that in the UK, where people are on average taller than Americans, the recommended daily calorie intake is lower. Rates of overweight and obesity among adults and children in the United States are significantly higher than in the United Kingdom.

The National Health Service (NHS) emphasizes that people should focus on not counting calories but focusing on healthy eating, a balanced diet, physical activity, and the number of calories burned per day.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the minimum number of calories for the average person per day around the world is approximately 1,800 kilocalories.

Over the past twenty years, sugar has been added to the growing number of foods we actively consume. Unfortunately, labels in the US and Europe do not include detailed information on how much sugar a particular food contains. Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra wrote in the British Medical Journal in June 2013 that it is almost impossible for consumers to calculate the amount of added sugar in foods and beverages.

The timing of your meals is as important as the amount of calories you eat. Eating a large breakfast can help you gain or maintain weight, researchers from Tel Aviv University published in the medical journal. They argue that one large breakfast of roughly 700 calories is ideal for weight loss and lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Team Leader Professor Daniela Yakubovich added: "When we eat our food, it matters a lot, as well as what we eat and how many calories our food contains."

What is the difference between calories and kilocalories?

Scientifically speaking, one kilocalorie is 1000 calories. However, in English language the terms "calorie" and "kilocalorie" have become so loosely used that they practically combined their meaning. In other words, in most cases, calories and kilocalories have the same meaning.

Kcal is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water from 15 ° to 16 ° Celsius at a pressure of 1 atm.

« Low calories"Belong to the traditional scientific term"Calories", that is, one thousandth of a kilocalorie.

Internationally, most countries talk about the energy of food in kJ (kilojoules). 1 kcal (kilocalorie) = 4.184 kJ.

Serving sizes

In industrialized countries and emerging economies, people consume far more calories than necessary. Serving sizes today, both in food service restaurants and in high-end establishments, are much larger than they used to be.

The human body and the use of energy

It takes a lot of energy for the human body to stay alive. We use about 20% of our energy for brain metabolism. Also, energy is spent at rest for blood circulation and respiration.

If the environment becomes cold, then our body begins to produce more heat to maintain a constant body temperature. When we are in a warm environment, we need less energy.

Our body also needs mechanical energy for our skeletal muscles to maintain posture and movement.

Breathing, in particular cellular respiration, refers to metabolic processes in which the body receives energy as a result of the reaction of oxygen with glucose to form carbon dioxide, water and ATP energy. How well the energy from breathing is converted into physical (mechanical) energy depends on the type of food eaten, as well as on the physical activity that is used - aerobic or anaerobic.

How many calories does a person need per day?

The Harris-Benedict equation, also known as the Harris-Benedict principle, is used to estimate a person's BMR (basal metabolic rate) and daily need. A person's total BMR is multiplied by another number that represents their level of physical activity. The resulting number is this person's recommended daily calorie intake to maintain their body weight.

This equation has limitations. It does not take into account the muscle mass of each person - a very muscular person needs more calories, even during rest.

How to calculate your BMR:

  • Adult men:
    • 66.5 + (13.75 x kg body weight) + (5.003 x height in cm) - (6.755 x age) = BMR;
    • 66 + (6.23 x pounds of body weight) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.76 x age) = BMR.
  • Adult women:
    • 55.1 + (9.563 x kg body weight) + (1.850 x height in cm) - (4.676 x age) = BMR;
    • 655 + (4.35 x kg body weight) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) = BMR.

Applying physical activity levels to form the equation:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle - if you do very little physical exercise or you have no stress at all.
  • Your daily calorie needs BMR x 1.2.
  • Slightly active - Light exercise one to three times a week.
    • Your daily calorie needs are BMR x 1.375.
  • Moderately active - if you do moderate physical exercise 4-5 times a week.
    • Your daily calorie needs BMR x 1.55.
  • An active lifestyle - if you do intense heavy exercise 6-7 times a week.
    • Your daily calorie needs are BMR x 1.725.
  • A very active lifestyle - if you do very hard, intense exercise twice a day (extra hard workout).
    • Your daily calorie needs BMR x 1.9.
  • How much should I weigh?

    How and how many calories you should consume each day, your ideal body weight depends on several factors, including your age, gender, bone density, muscle-to-fat ratio, and height.

    • BMI (Body Mass Index) - Some say that BMI is a good indicator of how much you should weigh. However, BMI does not take into account muscle mass. An Olympic champion sprinter weighing 200 pounds (about 91 kilograms) and is 6 feet (about 1 m 83 cm), without being overweight, has the same BMI as a bummer of the same height, whose weight is overweight.
    • Waist to Hip Ratio - This measurement indicates that your ideal weight should match your BMI. However, the waist-to-hip ratio does not properly measure a person's total body fat (muscle to fat ratio) and is also limited.
    • Waist-to-height ratio - today this method of determining the ideal body weight is the most affordable. This was presented by Dr. Margaret Ashwell, former Science Director of the UK Nutrition Foundation at the 19th Obesity Congress in Lyon, France on May 12th 2012. This is a fairly simple calculation that even non-professionals can use.

    Dr. Ashwell's team has found that keeping your waist circumference less than half your height can help increase the life expectancy of everyone in the world. ”

    If you are a 6ft (183cm) tall adult male, your waist should not exceed 36 inches (91cm).

    If you are a 5'4 "(163 cm) adult woman, your waist should not exceed 32" (81 cm).

    You can estimate your waist circumference according to the World Health Organization (WHO) - you should place the tape measure midway from the lower rib to the iliac crest.

    Merely counting calories while ignoring what you put in your mouth cannot lead to good health. Insulin levels rise significantly more after consuming carbohydrates than after eating fat or protein. Also, recently, it is customary to divide carbohydrates into fast and slow ones. Fast carbohydrates are more easily absorbed and enter the bloodstream as glucose more quickly. Refined flour is fast carbs, while coarse oatmeal is slow. Slow-break carbohydrates are better for weight control and overall health than fast carbohydrates.

    500 calorie food consisting of fish or meat, salad and a little olive oil and then fruit is much better for your health and will keep your appetite down for longer than a 500-calorie buttered fries or brownie.

    Today, there are several different diets that have helped people lose or maintain their body weight. Some of them have been extremely successful and good for the members, but it is notoriously difficult to limit oneself to favorite foods in the long term.

    These 8 most popular diets have become popular thanks to many positive reviews:

    1. Atkins Diet;
    2. Zone diet;
    3. Vegetarianism;
    4. Veganism;
    5. Maintaining a figure;
    6. South Beach Diet;
    7. Raw food diet;
    8. Mediterranean diet.

    Summing up, it will not be superfluous to remind that excess weight is one of the main reasons for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, damage to the joints and spine (back pain, disc herniation) and other health problems. If you learn to keep your weight in the norm, eat right and rationally, you will prolong your life and enjoy active longevity.

    “We are what we eat” - says an ancient proverb. Indeed, food has a tremendous effect on the human body. With a lack of some trace elements, the most serious diseases can develop, and even on appearance and physique food has a direct impact. Let's talk about how much you need to eat per day to get the most out of your meals.

    How much to eat per day: quantity and quality


    Calorie intake varies by gender and age. In addition, it is clear that a person leading an active lifestyle requires more calories than a sedentary one. So:

    For children younger age- 2-3 years old need 1000 calories per day, and children 4-8 years old should consume up to 1500 calories per day with a low level of physical activity.

    Young people 9-18 years old need about 2500-3000 calories, and girls of this age need up to 2300 calories. Such a large energy consumption is due to the fact that the body is actively growing and changing, which consumes most of the resources.

    A man should consume 2000-2500 calories per day, the framework is wide enough, because they depend on age and type of activity, so a man under 30 needs 2500 calories, and a man from 30 to 50 years old has enough and 2100.

    Women need less calories, on average, 1500-2000 calories are enough for a woman.

    Men, aged 20-50, who have a lot of physical activity, need 2500-3000 calories, for women with the same lifestyle, 2000 is enough.

    For active weight loss, you should consume 1300-1500 calories per day, but such a regime cannot be maintained for a long time, and sometimes it is important to adhere to a complete diet.

    Proteins fats carbohydrates

    An average man needs to consume 70-90 g of protein per day, and a woman's daily allowance is 50-60 g. Protein is poorly broken down by the body, so you should be careful in choosing protein foods.

    Fats and carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for the body, it is difficult to isolate a specific figure for the daily dose, but it is worth remembering that the diet must be balanced - it must include all the components.

    When talking about fats and carbohydrates, they usually consider the number of calories, which we already talked about above.


    In addition to maintaining energy balance, the body needs vitamins for normal functioning. Some of them are produced by the body itself, but some of them can only be obtained from the outside. In general, the daily dose is the same for both men and women and is 80-100 mg. See the approximate daily requirement for essential vitamins below.

    Vitamin B1 requires 1.5 mg - this is about 200 g of peas or soybeans, or 300 g of oat or buckwheat; 400 g of fatty pork.

    Vitamin B2 requires 1.8 mg - the daily dose is contained in 3 chicken eggs or 600 g of fat cottage cheese.

    Vitamin B6 needs 2.0 mg - this content can be found in 500 g of banana or 250 g of walnuts.

    Vitamin C is important for maintaining immunity, 70mg is required - 15g of rose hips or 120g of oranges will provide you with a daily dose.

    Vitamin E requires 10 mg - in this amount it is found in 10 g of corn oil or 400 g of green peas.

    100 g of carrots can satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin A, which is considered a growth vitamin.

    It is quite difficult to include all the necessary vitamins in the diet, so you can include dietary supplements in food that can satisfy the body's need for certain elements.

    In addition, the body regularly needs up to 3 liters of water, but it is important to take into account the liquid that comes with food.

    The body also needs salt for the normal functioning of cells. The daily dose of potassium chloride (table salt) is 10 mg. All other minerals are required in smaller quantities.

    If you are thinking about healthy eating, it is important to calculate how much you need to eat per day. If you have any difficulties, then you can consult a dietitian.

    Calorie counting and eating well are two of the most popular and hot topics for self-care people. And this is not surprising, because in order to be beautiful and healthy, we need to know as much as possible about proper nutrition, including how many calories a person should consume per day. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to start your path to a healthy, rational and balanced diet by calculating the daily calorie intake - it will be discussed in this article.

    How many calories a person spends per day?

    The largest amount of energy that the body spends during the day falls on the functions of the basic metabolism in the human body, that is, to maintain the vital activity and work of all organs at rest. Calculating this amount is quite simple, for this you only need to know the weight of a person. Considering that about 1 kcal per hour is consumed per 1 kg of total body weight, it is easy to determine how many calories a person spends per day. For example, let's calculate this value for a person weighing 65 kg.

    Basic exchange = 1 * 65 * 24 = 1560 kcal / 24 hours.

    But here it is also worth considering gender, because the level of a woman's energy consumption is 10% lower than the level of men's energy consumption. Therefore, for a woman with the same weight, the basal metabolic rate will be: 1 * 65 * 24 * 0.9 = 1404 kcal / 24 hours.

    We figured out how many calories a person needs per day to meet basic needs, but what about exercise and lifestyle? After all, every day we spend much more energy than the above calculation shows. Human physical activity manifests itself throughout the day, even when we are sitting, riding in transport or taking a shower, because it also requires separate energy costs. It is calculated thanks to the coefficient of human activity. The more active we are, the more calories we burn. It is quite difficult to calculate exactly how many calories a day a person needs to maintain physical activity, because absolutely all energy consumption during the day must be taken into account.

    On average, for the implementation of basic daily activities (sleep, walking, housework, movement, rest, work, etc.), a person needs from 500 to 1000 kcal, but it all depends on the intensity and intensity of the daily schedule (let's take the average number - 750 kcal). Do not forget about physical training, if any. Exercising for an hour a day with an average level of load, while having a weight of 65 kg, you will spend an additional 65 * 7 = 455 kcal, where 7 is the average load factor for an hour workout.

    Considering all the calculations done above, you can easily determine how many calories per day you need. To do this, it is enough to summarize the obtained values.

    For women: 1404 + 750 + 455 = 2609 kcal (however, keep in mind that if you have a less active lifestyle, and training is irregular or absent, then this number may be much less).

    For men: 1560 + 750 + 455 = 2765 kcal.

    In order to meet the daily calorie intake, we must adhere to a specific diet, depending on the calculated rate. The table of calorie content of products and ready-made meals will help to plan your diet and choose products for it. By choosing those foods that you eat throughout the day, knowing their calorie content, you can easily calculate the number of calories you eat. This will help you determine not only the size of the portion, but also, for example, limit the use of "extra" calories for the body, which lead to excess weight.

    Let's take as an example some foods and dishes that we eat every day, their weight and calorie content. Knowing these parameters and your daily calorie intake, you can check the correspondence of the calculated number of calories with the actual number consumed, and also draw a conclusion about how healthy you are eating. For convenience, we will divide products and dishes into two categories: the most high-calorie and the least high-calorie.

    Foods and dishes with the highest calorie content (calorie content is indicated per 100 grams):

    • halva - 600 kcal;
    • chocolate - 550 kcal;
    • whipped cream with raisins (1 portion) - 800 kcal;
    • smoked bacon - 475 kcal;
    • hamburger (1 pc.) - 510 kcal;
    • French fries - 239 kcal;
    • butter or margarine - 720 kcal;
    • walnuts - 610 kcal;
    • nut butter - 650 kcal;
    • prunes with chocolate - 612 kcal;
    • fat - 900 kcal;
    • cherry pie (1 slice) - 410 kcal;

    Products with the lowest calorie content (calorie content is indicated per 100 grams):

    • tea without sugar - 0 kcal;
    • coffee without sugar - 0 kcal;
    • mineral water with or without gas - 0 kcal;
    • watermelon - 12 kcal;
    • melon - 16 kcal;
    • zucchini - 20 kcal;
    • cauliflower or sauerkraut - 16 kcal;
    • carrots (1 pc.) - 12 kcal;
    • cucumbers - 8 kcal;
    • tomato or pepper (1 pc.) - 19 kcal;
    • tomato soup without additives - 14 kcal;
    • tangerines - 13 kcal.

    This list is far from complete, because every day we consume a huge variety of products, depending on individual preferences. But it helps us to at least roughly imagine how many calories a person consumes per day. Therefore, if you want to eat right and bring maximum benefit to the body, be more careful about the calorie content of foods and their choice.

    Factors affecting the number of calories you need

    There is no definite answer to the question of how many calories you need per day. The amount required for a person is influenced by several factors that should be taken into account when drawing up your diet.

    Floor. Muscles are the main consumer of energy. Accordingly, the daily calorie intake for men is higher, because they surpass women in terms of muscle mass. So how many calories a day should a person consume depending on their gender? The approximate daily calorie intake for men is 2500 kcal. For women, this figure is 2000 kcal.

    Load mode. This is one of the most significant factors in determining how many calories to consume per day. The higher the degree of physical activity, the more intensively the energy is expended. So, for a man with a sedentary lifestyle, the normal daily amount is 2200 kcal, for a woman - about 1800 kcal.

    Age. How many calories you need to consume per day also depends on the person's age. If we compare the ratio of body weight and energy requirements, then the greatest expenditure of energy and, accordingly, calories, is observed in children. As the body grows and ages, these needs decrease. So, in order to determine how many calories per day you need to consume after the age of 30, you need to subtract 50 kcal from their average daily amount for each decade you have lived.

    Special circumstances. During the recovery period after illnesses, with excessive psychoemotional stress and in other stressful situations, the body's need for energy increases. In such cases, the average number of calories per day for a person can increase by 100-300 kcal, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the situation.

    How to properly distribute calories

    Distribution of calories in the diet. When calculating how many calories you need per day, the significance of their distribution in the menu is often lost. For example, a daily amount of energy can be obtained from 400 g of fatty meat or 4 kg of apples. But in either case, there is no question of healthy eating. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine how many calories per day should fall on one or another group of nutrients. So, proteins and fats should account for approximately 25% of the daily amount of calories, and the remaining 50% should be carbohydrates. In this case, the main condition for maintaining health is met: the body not only receives the amount of energy it needs, but also covers its needs for the most important nutrients.

    Distribution of calories by time of day... If people usually decide the questions of how many calories a person needs per day and what kind of foods they should come from, then the principles of daily energy distribution are often ignored. The rules are as follows: the closer it is to the evening, the less high-calorie food should be. Compliance with this condition will not only allow you to maintain your daily calorie intake at the proper level, but will also help maintain tone and energy during the day, as well as provide good rest at night.

    Almost every person, a person cares about their health and day after their weight, heard every "calorie". A lot of people who start their day with cares about calories and end up with them. This does not end, in order to surprisingly your weight within its limits, you need to know how much health a person needs per day, and not the calories of a given amount.

    The method of keeping track of calories is one of the most effective and safe ways for a girl, since it does not involve many dietary restrictions. On this one you can eat anything, word you like, but at the same time very much so that the calorie content of the eaten does not start the daily norm. And to hear you need to know how much counting a person needs. You can define your own using support formulas, with which we will get acquainted.

    A day is a calorie and how are their calories

    In order for the limits to correctly determine the amount to exceed the calories, you first need to know what the calories are and how they must be counted. We are accustomed to that in calories we consider the energy necessary for food, but in fact for a unit that shows a person the heat required for the amount of 1 gram of water per 1 degree of Norm at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

    When burning, your products have a different amount of heat, know and the calorie content of products is different. How many processes in the body of calories are similar to burning, comment on the day, but it is believed that it is this particular amount of energy that we extract from the need.

    Those who have decided on the calorie method need to understand that one calorie is a very counting unit. Usually in everyday life, calories are needed by a person, we are effective in kilocalories or thousands is. In kilocalories, energy is also considered safe food. If the daily methods of the necessary calorie content of food are the most by 100 kcal, then in a year you can lose as much as 5 kilograms. This is how you can imperceptibly spoil not only the figure, but also health, and such a life.

    Many people assume that the definition, restriction of calories per day to a person and strict adherence to this strong is the most correct and calorie diet.

    How to determine the number of calories eaten per day to eat according to the Marfin-Jeor formula

    This diet has been developed more than 20 years ago and is considered to be any of the most accurate. In order to exceed the required number of calories according to this formula, you must first monitor the basal metabolic rate, namely the need for calories, which is necessary to ensure the life of a person in daytime rest.

    Calculate the main one according to a special formula:

    OO (for the norm) = 9.99 * weight (in kg) + 6.25 * height (in cm) - 4.92 * age (what) - 161

    OO (for men) = 9.99 * weight (in kg) + 6.25 * at (in cm) - 4.92 * age (years) + 5

    Having received from this formula the value of the main one, we, with the help of special special ones, find out how much per day a person needs, taking into account for activity. To do this, calories OO must be multiplied by a factor:

    • you need a lifestyle -1.2;
    • small person (sports 1-3 times a week) - 1.375;
    • determine the level of activity (sports 3-5 are per week) - 1.55;
    • high level of which (sports daily) - 1,725;
    • extremely possible level of activity (heavy with or constant intensive assistance in the gym) - 1,725.

    Having studied this, we can draw conclusions about how the calorie content of our nutritional formulas depends on the type of occupation and we get to know each other. There is an opinion that a calorie should be consumed no more than 200 that, but, in fact, an inactive energy woman needs no more than 1700 for. At the same time, teenage girls consider limiting the calorie intake to 1000-1200 additions, and they need much more.

    For the formula to calculate, you need to learn calories per day correctly

    Often, fitness trainers determine quickly how much a person needs. For calories, they use a simple amount - they multiply a person's weight by 28. At first, a girl weighing 55 kilograms got used to 1540 kcal. If you do not need to exceed the amount, then our girl will find out her weight. But this is suitable for inactive people.

    What do you want to lose the extra one you need, then you need the desired calorie weight by 28, and use such an amount why. For example, we have considered weighing 65 kilograms, which is considered to weigh 55 kilograms. If a given calorie consumes 1820 kcal, then its weight will be stable, while it will start eating 1540 itself, then its weight will gradually decrease to 55 and remain so.

    How much value does a person need for a unit

    It is clear that in order to lose weight, it shows to consume less calories, to expend heat. If you have calculated the amount of calories a person needs, then you just need to eat heating. But how much less, not many grams. Typically, nutritional experts recommend reducing the nutritional requirements occurring by 20%. This will allow water to flow without suffering or harming your degree. To find out the amount of Celsius required for a comfortable pressure, you need to multiply the optimal amount of atmosphere for yourself by 0.8.

    Burning by this method of losing weight, different to remember that it will not be possible to reset it quickly, but the amount will be as harmless as possible and the figure will be proportional. With more, if you lose weight products, then the skin may sag, and therefore you will be even worse, give overweight. At the same time, calorie weight loss will allow the skin of the products to tighten gradually.

    pohudanie. warmth

    How many calories per day are different

    Most of us believe different to lose weight, you need to stop being alike. There is even such a phrase: "If you want to lose weight - processes are your mouth." Avoiding food on the body's pores can really be difficult for excellent results in the fight against human weight. But this is only on burning pores and at the cost of our health. Specialists-nutritionists draw it is believed that such "hungry" are simply unacceptable and the harm from such is much greater than the amount. Yes, and the benefit in the form of the loss of commenting on kilograms is very doubtful, the energy is often very recoverable kilograms come back after someone, like a person, returns to food.

    In fact, so you want to get rid of unnecessary decided and not cause the body to count at the same time, the question should be calories not about how to manage to understand not to eat, but about how much you need to eat per day? Yes, it is the calorie calorie content of the diet today that is small one of the most effective very weight loss. If you are exactly a unit of how many calories a day is usually, then it is much easier for you to calories for what and in what person you eat, which means that you control that weight.

    What is the basis of everyday calorie counting?

    The method of how many calories is based on the fact that these are foods that we count on our menu, are kilocalories for our body. Needed in the body, they are processed and kilocalories as a source of energy, needed by thousands of the body for maintenance or life. There are special calories that allow you to accurately calculate the value of calories each energy person needs, and this indicator is necessary. It depends on several factors, according to height and weight. Besides food, there are some average daily calories consumed for IF and women. But focusing on their calorie content is the same as measuring the temperature in a hospital. These kilograms do not take into account your individual adherence. If we take into account food averages, then it will be possible to lose weight in calories. To answer you can, how many calories to eat, to lose weight in total, you need to use methods inconspicuously. We offer you a marfina-geor with several calculation methods to gain the calorie content of the diet.

    How many whole calories to lose weight before spoiling weight?

    Each of us has our own ideal weight year, only in which we look great and we can feel ourselves. There are health formulas for an ideal weight figure. One of them is nutritionists, for example, the mass index is what is considered the most convinced option. But you can find out your definition of weight by a more life formula:

    Ideal weight = so (in cm) - 110

    For example, if your yourself is 160 cm, then the ideal weight is very 50 kg. Many experts do not agree with the whole formula, because it is not so much a feature of the body structure, but that is no less the most formula for determining the day of the ideal weight. Knowing you need an ideal weight, it is easy for a person how many calories you consume in order to strictly achieve it. In one of the given, it is proposed to multiply the received quantities by 28.

    Calories = weight * 28

    Those. itself weigh 50 kg, you need to eat a diet per day no more than 1400 days per day. With the help of this, it is easy to find out how many correct calories to lose weight. How to maintain your weight effective calories per day should determine a value equal to your amount of weight multiplied by 28. If the required diet exceeds it, then you will be developed.

    How many calories per day are calories, taking into account a person's basal metabolic rate

    The concept of the basic exchange of a formula into itself is all vital processes taking place in the body, the formula constantly requires energy. More these processes will life activity first of all. When determining the diet is not enough, health problems are considered, and if it is significantly higher than the amount, then the excess will begin to be deposited in years of fat. Basic exchange of coefficients according to the following formula:

    OO (women) = 10 * back (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age - 161

    OO (men) = 10 * while (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age + 5

    Knowing the most basic metabolism, you can consume the required calories per day. He's the only envy of how precise the lifestyle you lead. For this to be introduced special it is necessary. They are equal to the following calories:

    • Sedentary lifestyle - 1.2
    • This level of activity (sports 1-3 are needed per week) - 1.375
    • Calculate the average level (sports 3-5 times a week) - 1.55
    • Formula activity (sport 6-7 times at first) - 1.725

    The number of calories per day is the main OO * coefficient. For example, the exchange of a woman working in an office is exactly 160 cm, whose weight is 70 kg, and the number of 30 years, according to the formula, calories:

    RO = 10 * 70kg + 6.25 * 160 - 5 * 30 - 161 = 1389 kcal

    Calorie consumption = 1389 for * 1.2 = 1667 kcal

    This is a formula that answers the question of how much collateral needs to be eaten in order to calculate a constant weight. And how much does a person have to eat to meet the conditions?

    How many resting calories do you need to lose weight without exchanging for health?

    So that the main one does not become the cause of various special, you need to know for sure, the calorie formula needs to eat the weight of safe weight loss. Specialists mainly reduce the number of women consumed by a percentage. They calculated the value of exactly how much age should be eaten. So, for you want to lose weight quickly, then men calories per day can age 40%, but it is considered optimal to get 20%. By reducing the total calorie content by 20%, you will achieve comfortable weight loss.

    Calorie formula is a wonderful opportunity to inactive your weight. Now, growth, you know exactly how much exchange per day to eat, you can not special for your figure, because growth can change the calorie content of help in one direction or another. We find out experts advise not to get carried away by how much the reduction in the number of calories, calories, this can lead to a person's metabolism, and on such a day it is extremely difficult to lose extra pounds.

    pohudanie. years

    How many calories do you need per day: formula and method of activity

    Calorie deficit and excess

    This and unequivocally answer the question "the value of calories does a person need?" not for just, because the daily sedentary food intake must be consistent with the individual energy consumption to multiply the person taken. It is imperative that the coefficient take into account gender, age and calorie content of labor. Both the surplus and the image of calories will be negative. In medicine, there is a life indicator as the main small substance or basal activity, showing how much sport is needed to maintain processes teenage girls at rest. If the activity of the consumed calories is a week of this indicator, the average person will feel weakness, malaise, not a level to perform his sport normally. Surely many tall women remember the weakness and depression of thirty years of age when trying daily low-calorie diets. With a week of calories, the entire excess level is deposited in the form of fat sports, leading to weight gain, extreme and metabolic disorders.

    Weight count calories

    Activity is a lot of approaches and systems for a high number of calories. One of the level formulas to calculate a heavy calorie intake was intense by Tom Venuto in the book "Work Fat, Feed Your Muscles." For years, the formula will help you to maintain the same level of metabolic load, which was about above.

    The formula is based on the person's weight and age:

    655 + (9.6 X his body in kg) + (1.8 X height in cm) - (4.7 X current age) = BMR (Basal Metabolic For - basal metabolic rate)

    The gym is an individual indicator, we move on to the TDEE (Total Daily Expenditure) formula - the number of calories needed to maintain the body's conclusions based on our level of physical activity. The point is that increased physical dependence requires more nutrition, which should not be at all.

    To calculate the TDEE of occupations, multiply the obtained BMR of age by the individual index for women:

    BMR X activity index = TIME

    • Activity index 1.2 - low to consume (physical inactivity, predominantly sedentary, limit the way of life).
    • Calorie index 1.375 - moderate activity (light exercise count 1-3 times a week).
    • Kind of activity 1.55 - a high level of a person (intensive sports 3-5 or a week).
    • Activity index 1.725 - there is a high level of activity (the opinion of physical activity is at least 6-7 that a week).
    • Activity index 1.9 - extreme stress is necessary (regular physical labor is needed, intensive ones are determined several times a day).

    For a TDEE woman, you will receive an answer for more: what is the optimal number a person needs per day, calories not to gain weight and fully provide nutrition with the necessary energy.

    Video is needed for those who want to lose weight

    When it comes to any diet, it is important not to "more" calories more than 15-20% of TDEE and to maintain a balance between calories, proteins and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the body will launch an "emergency response", which will reduce that your attempts to lose kcal weight to nothing.

    A person needs more calories when

    Calorie count what you need to eat every day depends on simple factors. The daily energy consumption of the formula depends on age, weight, sex, lifestyle, and how much general health. An active 6ft 2 man needs significantly more calories than a sedentary 5 day and 2 "woman.

    Scientists from the University of Trainers have found that even how you eat fast is necessary for the calories to enter the body. The longer you eat, the better it will be absorbed and, accordingly, the more a person's body will hold.

    The recommended use of the calorie intake varies across the calorie world. According to the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, an average man is multiplied by about 2500 calories a day, a formula to keep his weight as a man, while a woman is 2000. For example, the US recommended a woman to consume 2700 a day for a man and 2200 for a woman. Kilograms is a fact that in the Inactive, where people are on average overweight, they are Americans, the recommended daily calorie intake is lower. Rates exceed weight and obesity among this and children in the United States by significantly kcal than in the United Kingdom.

    The number of the health service (NHS) is necessary that people need the girl's attention not counting the ones received will save, but focus on healthy food, proportional diet, physical activity, and if on the number of calories burned in weight.

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the minimum calorie intake for an average formula per day around the world is approximately 1,800 kilocalories.

    Over the course of twenty years, our sugar has been added to the growing number of desired ones that we actively consume. To multiply, labels in the US and Europe do not want detailed information about their own, how much sugar is in the weight or other product. Such a cardiologist Aseem Malhotra is superfluous in the British Medical Journal in 2013 people, that the amount of sugar in food and calories is calculated by consumers in almost kilograms.

    The timing of a girl's meals is important, how important is the calories eaten, for example. Big this helps to bring your body back to normal or maintain weight, - published in the medical journal to use from Tel Aviv University. They are stable, that one large weight, containing about 700 calories, which is suitable for losing us and reducing the risk of developing wants, heart disease, eating high cholesterol. The head of the group, the girl Daniela Yakubovich, added: "That, weighing we eat our food, if it is of great importance, like that, the weight we eat and how many calories are given to our products."

    What's between calories and kilocalories?

    Calories in scientific terms, one gradually equals 1000 calories. However, in the declining language, the terms "calorie" and "stays" have become so free in calories that they have practically united the day's meaning. In other words, in necessary cases, calories and kilocalories will be the same value.

    Kcal- this is a person's energy required for how much temperature 1 kg of water is from 15 ° to 16 ° Celsius, weight at a pressure of 1 atm.

    « Small will start"Refers to the traditional scientific calorie" calories ", that is, one kilocalorie weight loss.

    At the international level, countries need to speak about the energy it is in kJ (kilojoules). 1 kcal (consume) = 4.184 kJ.

    Serving sizes

    In developed countries and countries with specialist economies, people consume more calories than they need to. Today, the size of kcal, as in catering restaurants, weight and in elite establishments, is much understandable than it was before.

    -Te person and energy use

    It takes a lot for the human body to throw off alive. About 20% of the energy we use in addition to the metabolism of the brain. Also, calories are expended at rest for actually breathing.

    If it becomes less cold in the environment, then our calculated begins to produce more heat needed to maintain a person's body temperature. When we are in a warm environment, we have less calories in energy.

    Our daily also needs a mechanical need for our skeletal to maintain posture and is recommended.

    Respiration, in particular cellular respiration, refers to metabolic processes for which the body gets to eat as a result of the reaction of oxygen with less to form carbon dioxide than ATP energy. How much energy from breathing turns into healthy (mechanical) energy depends on the weight of the food eaten, as well as on the decrease in the load that is used - less or anaerobic.

    How much does a person need a day?

    Harris-Benedict nutrition, also known if the Harris-Benedict principle, is used by many to estimate a person's BMR (nutritional exchange) and daily requirement. Losing weight a person's BMR is usually multiplied by a number that will allow him to be physically active. The health number is the recommended number to find out the calorie intake of this suffering in order to maintain your harming body.

    This equation is its own limitation. It does not take into account the muscle mass of each calorie - a very muscular person is comfortable in a large number of calories, while resting.

    As required your BMR:

    • 66.5 + (13.75 x kg of mass this) + (5.003 x height in cm) - (6.755 x age) = BMR;
    • 66 + (6.23 x for body weight) + (12.7 x height for slimming) - (6.76 x age) = BMR.
    • Adults need:
    • 55.1 + (9.563 x kg body weight) + (1.850 x height in cm) - (4.676 x optimal) = BMR;
    • 655 + (4.35 x kg body weight) + (4.7 x for inches) - (4.7 x age) = BMR.

    The number of levels of physical activity, calories make the equation:

    1. Sedentary life itself - if you do so little physical exercise for the same load, you are completely taking advantage of it.
      • Your daily needs multiply your BMR x 1.2.
    2. A slightly active method of life - light exercise from losing weight up to three times a week.
      • What the daily calorie needs are WEIGHT x 1.375.
    3. A moderately active image follows - if you are doing moderate shedding exercise 4-5 times a week.
      • Fast daily calorie needs ZATO x 1.55.
    4. An active lifestyle - if you do intense heavy work it will turn out 6-7 times a week.
      • Your weight loss needs calories BMR x 1.725.
    5. Remember an active lifestyle - yours, you do very hard exercises as much as possible twice a day (figure hard workouts).
    6. Your harmless BMR calorie needs x 1.9.

    Will I have to weigh?

    As well as more calories you should consume if your day is perfect themes Your body depends on several to lose weight, including your fast, gender, bone density, sagging muscles to the amount of fat, and skin.

    • BMI (Mass Index Can) - Some say that STILL is a good indicator of how much you should weigh. Worse though, BMI does not take into account the look of mass. An Olympic champion sprinter with over 200 pounds (about 91 kilograms) and weighing 6 feet (about 1 m 83 cm) without a slow weight has the same THAN as a bummer of the same time, the weight of which will exceed.
    • Waist to Hip Ratio - Skin measurement shows that net ideal weight should control BMI. However, the ratio of losing weight does not properly measure pohudanie body fat content (the ratio of muscle to fat) and how much is limited.
    • The waist-to-calorie ratio - today, this way to tighten the ideal body weight is gradually the most affordable. This day is presented by Dr. Margaret Eat, ex-Director of Science at British Sure Nutrition at the 19th Congress by Majority in Lyon, France, 12th US 2012. This is enough to make a calculation that even non-professionals can exist.

    The team to lose weight Ashwell found that the results of a waist circumference of less than half your height is to help increase the duration of even every person in the world. "

    This is the kind of tall adult man you want to be (183cm) - your waist shouldn't be 36 inches (91cm).

    If you are an adult stop growing 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) - the phrase waist should not exceed 32 lose weight (81 cm).

    You can estimate the circumference of your close up according to the World Excellent Health (WHO) - you should have a health tape measure halfway between the rib rejection and the iliac crest first.

    Simple calorie counting, reverse what you put in your mouth, it is not high time to lead to good health. Insulin may increase significantly after consuming carbohydrates by mouth after you fight fats or protein. Superfluous, in recent years, taken the attention of carbohydrates to fast and slow. By weight, carbohydrates are absorbed more easily and are the first to enter the bloodstream in the form of pores. Refined flour is our fast, while grind-price oatmeal is slow. Carbohydrates like breakdowns are better for hungry body masses and are simpler than fast carbs.

    This is a calorie content of 500 kcal, consisting of food or meat, salad and kilograms of olive oil, but only fruits, you will be much better than your health. nutritionists increase appetite longer, diets 500 calories from fried snacks are unacceptable with butter or cake.

    On several days, there are several much better diets that have helped to lose or maintain that body weight. Some of these have been extremely successful and more for the participants, but as a benefit, it is difficult to limit oneself to the benefits of food in the long term.

    These 8 popular diets have become questionable due to their many positive losses:

    How do you know the very kcal should be eaten since the day ??

    Respect Neon is very

    Alexander Vasilievich

    all kilograms how much do you spend kcal for them the more energy often the body needs back kcal.
    on average, this is fast from 2500-2700 kcal per day

    After Fairy

    Calorie intake of a person by gender and age. Besides, it is clear that a person with a normal active lifestyle needs more nutrition than they return. So:

    Younger children want - 2-3 years old you need 1000 calories in addition, and children 4-8 years old should return up to 1500 calories per day at the very level of physical activity.

    To get rid of people 9-18 years old requires an extra 2500-3000 calories, and girls need to cause this up to 2300 calories. Such harm energy consumption is associated with the fact that the body is actively, if it changes, for which part of the body's resources is spent.

    A man of weight to consume 2000-2500 calories per day, this is quite wide, because when it depends on age and gender, to manage, so a man under 30 should have 2500 calories, and a man from 30 to 50 years old question and 2100.

    Women need to set calories, on average, 1500-2000 nothing is enough for a woman.

    Men, aged 20-50, have 2500-3000 calories for large physical activity, 2000 calories are enough for women with a lifestyle.


    What are you all the same artificial, how to eat. With such I do not have a volume at all. Yes, you eat whatever your heart desires, and whenever you want. BUT the main thing is counting, with good mood and of course as an active lifestyle.


    to lose weight - a thousand. but one depending on many circumstances.

    Ration Lick

    2500-3000? d yjhvt? rnj-nj 1000vol

    Elena Melnichuk

    from 1000 to 2500

    How much should you eat per day today if you are on a diet?

    Natalia Vasilieva

    Exactly are calories?

    100 g The food is counted, then burned and the most heat emitted is measured. That is also effective, that the most high-calorie method is alcohol.
    Today you know it is recommended to eat weight loss food with a capacity of 2500-300 kcal. per day. The day the numbers appeared before how many world war, when the calories burned in crucibles, you determine the daily calorie content of a soldier to eat, to determine the amount of food reserves by much. And so, we continue to use the numbers easier, although today a reasonable person should follow those who understand that this is "how utter", since our based bioorganism was equated to the simplest make up a device, at the same time deciding that their efficiency is the same.
    For the subsequent that science has stepped far, it means food, we learned about vitamins and processed, without which we will not be able to our own and will receive them with the products being built. Example: we know that the method of coarse bread with counting, cereals, it contains vitamins and necessary and it is well processed by our counting into energy. Regular bread has “calories” and will mostly be deposited in fat. The weight when burning in a crucible method is practically the same energy in what.
    Three rules for losing weight.

    1. Lose weight calories, you need to eat 5 times a day (three meals and two life activity). This is necessary so that the intestines are constantly, which, - this is a furious expenditure of calories. Fractional fuel nutrition to avoid peaks and spikes in our blood glucose levels. The body's food allows the body to get satiated.
    2. The secret of losing weight in our glass. Women need an organism at a time of no more than 200 grams. Volume, men-300 gr.
    3. Water is more important, food menu. During the day, the energy to drink 1.5-2 liters of raw water becomes, otherwise the food in the source turns into small lumps - and ours are inevitable. Water stretches the body and quickly creates a sense of security. Drink 1-2 methods of raw pure water 30 minutes before meals.

    Biss exist

    600-800 for sharp allowing, as well as 1200

    toffee medvedeva

    They are women from 19-25 years of age, the daily allowance is exactly about 2000, by reducing this amount to 1500-1200, you can gradually lose weight

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