Green coffee bean extract for weight loss. Green coffee extract for weight loss How it works for weight loss

Hello, dear girlfriends. I am glad to welcome everyone who is interested in information about green coffee, because today we continue the conversation on this topic. We will talk about green coffee capsules.

My dears, we have already talked more than once about the benefits of green coffee. And they found out that it is one of the best products for weight loss, because it contains useful substances, mineral salts and vitamins, accelerates metabolism and the breakdown of fats.

Green coffee is usually sold as beans. But recently, green coffee capsules have become popular. Green coffee capsules are a dietary supplement and have their pros and cons compared to the bean drink.

Benefits of green coffee capsules

  1. Convenient to use. No need to grind and cook.
  2. Precise in dosage - each capsule contains a certain amount of useful substances.

Agree, it’s a big advantage that you don’t have to worry about how much you need to take and. I took the capsule and everything was ok - I received the required dose of nutrients)

Cons of green coffee capsules

  1. A large number of low-quality products and fakes.
  2. Not suitable for green coffee drinkers.

I will not make comments on the second point; I myself like to sit with a cup of coffee in front of the computer. But regarding fakes, everything is true. When you buy beans, you see green coffee beans. And when you buy capsules, what’s inside may be completely different from what you’re buying.

Otherwise, the effects on the body of green coffee capsules and coffee beans are exactly the same:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • decreased appetite;
  • fat burning;
  • removal of cholesterol;
  • strengthening the immune system.

And, of course, cheerfulness, energy and good mood.

Frequently asked questions about green coffee capsules

What does green coffee capsules look like?

Various manufacturers produce coffee extract in transparent green capsules. As in the picture for this article.

How many green coffee capsules are in a package?

The number of capsules varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. More often there is a package containing 60 capsules and designed for 30 days. 2 capsules per day.

Is coffee capsules effective?

Nutritionists believe that high-quality coffee capsules from well-established manufacturers are very effective. This product contains, in addition to coffee extract, beneficial additives, vitamins, and antioxidants. The capsules contain a higher content of chlorogenic acid.

Which coffee is better - beans or capsules?

Coffee beans and capsules have fans. It depends on personal preference. However, in high-quality capsules the concentration of nutrients is higher.

How does coffee capsules work?

There are 4 types of effects on the body: 1) stimulates the nervous system, helps to tolerate a low-calorie diet (by the way, read about); 2) Regulates sugar levels, reduces appetite; 3) Saturates the body with vitamins and antioxidants; 4) Normalizes digestion, promotes the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Are there any side effects of coffee capsules?

Yes, coffee in capsules, like coffee beans, has a number of side effects: 1) excessive effects on the nervous system; 2) leaching of beneficial intestinal microflora; 3) increased blood pressure; 4) dehydration of the body.

Coffee capsules are a very convenient form of release. Many companies produce green coffee concentrate in capsules, since they are stored well and compactly, retain their properties for a long time and are easy to use.

In order to achieve obvious results in losing weight, it is enough to take 1-2 capsules per day. The amount depends on the concentration of coffee extract and related substances.

Another important factor is your starting weight and the weight you want to achieve. In any case, it is better to discuss dosage and duration of use with your therapist.

If you, dear girls, have already managed to gain accompanying ailments along with excess weight, then consulting a specialized specialist before taking green coffee capsules is simply necessary.

How to take green coffee capsules?

Capsules should be taken half an hour before meals with water. The duration of treatment depends on the result you want to achieve. Usually the period of admission lasts at least a month. Then you can take a break.

As a rule, the packaging of coffee capsules contains a detailed description of the product and instructions for its use. The standard instructions look something like this:

Indications for use: To reduce and control body weight.

Dosage: Adults: 2 capsules per day. Take before meals. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

Adverse reactions: Allergies, upset stomach, increased blood pressure.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, protected from sunlight.

Results from green coffee capsules

Studies conducted abroad have proven the effectiveness of green coffee capsules. By combining coffee drinking with physical activity and diet, you can achieve truly amazing results in losing weight and normalizing your weight. By the way, girls, there is also such a form of release of these dietary supplements as

Here are some reviews about green coffee capsules.

Yulyana, 23

I took coffee capsules 2 times a day, before meals. In 2 months I lost 4 kilograms. I will note the lightness, mobility, and good mood after using this product.

Camilla, 27 y.o.

Coffee capsules are very convenient. No need to grind and cook like grains. In addition, by taking capsules on a schedule, you get used to eating on a schedule. This order promotes weight loss.

Jane, 31

Coffee capsules give excellent results. But you need to be wary of fakes. Be careful when purchasing the product and follow the instructions.

I think the last review was an excellent result of our conversation)

And now it's time to say goodbye. I wish all blog readers to be healthy and beautiful. The conversation about the benefits of green coffee will definitely continue. See you again!

Always yours Anna :)

Green coffee extract is a concentrated source of chlorogenic acid and is currently used as a supplement for heart health and weight loss; has a weak or moderate effect. Basic Information Green coffee extract is a supplement and/or food product obtained from green coffee beans. The chemical composition is basically the same as coffee beans, but green coffee extract has a higher content of a molecule called chlorogenic acid; Chlorogenic acid is a phenolic compound bound to quinic acid. The chlorogenic acids from green coffee extract are easily absorbed and they and their metabolites (such as ferulic acid) share many of the properties of green coffee extract. In theory, taking chlorogenic acid should have the same beneficial effects as green coffee extract (and vice versa). Oral intake of green coffee extract may slightly reduce body weight in overweight or obese people (the mechanism of action is unknown, but it is thought to be related to preventing the absorption of carbohydrates from the intestines after meals), but the extent of weight loss is not reliable at this time indicator; No studies have yet been conducted in thin people. Several studies suggest that "heart health" is improved by increasing vasoreactivity and lowering blood pressure; green coffee extract has beneficial effects in people with poor vascular function or high blood pressure; but this property may be a band-aid effect (one study noted that improvements disappeared 2 weeks after stopping the drug), which is due to a ferulic acid metabolite. Green coffee extract has health benefits, but the benefits attributed to it are not as effective as other supplements.

Not to be confused with: Chlorogenic acid (main ingredient)

It should be noted:

    If you are allergic to coffee beans and coffee extract, you may have an allergic reaction to green coffee extract

Green coffee extract: instructions for use

The dosage of green coffee extract (GCE) is based on the content of chlorogenic acid, which in isolated form is recommended to be taken in the range of 120-300 mg. Based on this, the recommended dose of green coffee extract is approximately:

    1,200-3,000 mg at 10% chlorogenic acid

    600-1,500 mg at 20% chlorogenic acid

    240-600 mg at 50% chlorogenic acid

At this time, the exact optimal dosage of isolated chlorogenic acid and ESA is unknown.

Sources and structure


Roasted green coffee beans can promote chlorogenic acids to form lactone structures, chlorogenic acid is found in blood plasma regardless of whether roasted beans or raw extract are used.



After taking 400 mg of decaffeinated green coffee extract (170 mg of chlorogenic acid), the absorption rate of chlorogenic acids and phenolic compounds exceeds 30%, which is quite high.


Following oral administration of isolated 5-caffeoylquinic acid, sufficient plasma levels of caffeic and ferulic acid are detected, although blood levels of 5-caffeoylquinic acid itself are lower than detectable even at 200 mg/kg; which implies a fast metabolism. Caffeic acid and ferulic acid peak at 6 and 9 hours after ingestion of 200 mg/kg 5-caffeoylquinic acid at 179 ng/ml and 174 ng/ml, respectively, with detectable levels observed up to 24 hours. Caffeoylquinic acids are 44% phenolic compounds in human blood (31.3, 7.5 and 5.2% for 3-, 4- and 5-, respectively) and 55% chlorogenic acids, with dicaffeoylquinic acids and ferulic acids making up the remainder. A human study using 400 mg of green coffee extract (170 mg chlorogenic acid) noted high interindividual variability, although Tmax for most phenolic compounds was 3-4 hours (2.5 for p-coumaric acid). When taking 170 mg of chlorogenic acid, Cmax is 14.8+/-11.7 µmol/l.

Cardiovascular Health


Use of 180-720 mg/kg green coffee extract (28% chlorogenic acid) acutely reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats for more than 12 hours in a dose-dependent manner (6.8-12.5%), with high doses showing effects even after 24 hours ( 5.7-11.1%); There was also a decrease in heart rate that only occurred at high dosage in the control group (Wistar Kyoto rats), this is due to the presence of 5-caffeylquinic acid, which is broken down into ferulic acid (the active component). The active ingredient in green coffee extract, ferulic acid, increases the effect of drugs that lower blood pressure (Nicardipine, Captopril and Prazosin). A study that used green coffee extract (480 mg) with 30.9% chlorogenic acid (140 mg) daily for 12 weeks noted a decrease in heart rate (8%), diastolic blood pressure (7%), and systolic blood pressure (8%). %) in men with hypertension; changes occur from week 4 to week 12 and return to the previous level two weeks after stopping use. Another study (20 healthy men with impaired vasoreactivity and blood pressure) also noted improvements with green coffee extract (140 mg chlorogenic acid in liquid drink) for 4 months, with a 69% increase in the rate of reactive hypermia in response to the plethysmogram, while while using a placebo this indicator decreases slightly; there is a trend towards a decrease in pressure (from 115/69 to 110/63), but the statistical significance is quite low. Low doses of the substance lower blood pressure in prehypertensive patients, according to one study; but this is a temporary effect, the mechanism of action occurs through chlorogenic acid, which is broken down to ferulic acid. Also increases vasoreactivity.

Effect on glucose metabolism


Short-term use of 10 chlorogenic acid-rich green coffee (10 g ground coffee, 4-4.5% chlorogenic acid, total 400-450 mg) lowers glucose AUC by 7% 120 minutes after ingestion in response to 25 g sucrose. A study of people with prehypertension also measured blood glucose levels. As a result, there was no significant reduction in glucose levels in people with elevated glucose levels (but not prediabetes; 89-109 mg/dL) when taking 480 mg of green coffee extract for 12 weeks (30.9% at 140 mg chlorogenic acid).

Effect on fat mass


Supplementation of 0.5-1% green coffee extract from the total diet slows weight gain in mice, while isolated caffeine and chlorogenic acid only tend to do so. The study authors noted that chlorogenic acid can reduce triglyceride accumulation in the liver (caffeine has no effect), and caffeine reduces circulating triglyceride levels after an olive oil test (mice given olive oil; chlorogenic acid has no effect). Metabolites of chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid increase the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver. The meta-analysis found that only three of the 5 human studies using green coffee extract measured weight as a primary outcome, and the results of these studies were variable and highly imprecise (only one was published in Medline, the other two were for commercial companies, and only one of them was published online, it can be downloaded in pdf format); the average weight loss was 2.47 kg according to this meta-analysis. A study published in Medline found that weight loss in obese people over 12 weeks (using 11g green coffee daily with 440-495mg chlorogenic acid) was 5.4+/-0.6kg (control group lost 1.7+/- 0.9 kg; effectiveness is significantly lower), while fat mass decreased by 3.6%, which is approximately 80% of the total weight loss. Only one study, which was conducted prior to the meta-analysis, looked at weight loss in humans using ECDs. The study recorded weight loss (not as a primary study parameter) and noted that when using 0.48g ESA for 12 weeks (140mg chlorogenic acid) there was no change in weight, but studies carried out after (therefore excluded) noted weight loss in overweight people (n=16) after taking 700 mg (2 doses of 350 mg) green coffee extract with 45.9% chlorogenic acid. All subjects were randomized to receive 350 mg, 700 mg, and placebo at different times for 8 weeks, and weight loss was only associated with periods of green coffee extract use. There is limited evidence that chlorogenic acid and its source, green coffee extract, cause weight loss. Although numerous studies have conflicts of interest with independent studies, the latter also show little weight loss in overweight people (no studies have yet been done in lean people).

Effect on oxidation


Glutathione, an antioxidant enzyme whose activity is induced by the diterpene ester kahweol palmitate and its monoacetate kahweol; Caffeol can also induce enzyme activity, but palmitate, which is bound to it, slows down this activity. Taking green coffee extract for 12 days at 20% of the total diet of rats increased glutathione activity in the liver by 5 times compared to the control group (less peak activity in the intestinal mucosa), a result replicated in another study using 2. 5 mg of any isolated diterpene.

Safety and toxicology


Green coffee extract, either as a supplement or as a stand-alone product, may cause a respiratory reaction, which is a sign of allergens. Occupational allergic reaction type I can be caused by ground green coffee beans, which may be due to the presence of the allergen "Cof A 1". This allergen is different from the castor bean allergen (both plants are known to cause occupational allergies) and is found in Congolese, Arabica and Liberica coffees. Green coffee extract may cause allergies in individuals who have an allergic reaction to other coffee-related products.

Green Coffee Bean is a green coffee extract that is a source of chlorogenic acid. The use of dietary supplements helps burn fat tissue.

Composition of green coffee extract

Green coffee extract contains the following components:

  • Tannin. Responsible for removing heavy metals, accelerating tissue repair, improving stomach function, and strengthening blood vessels.
  • Theophylline. Promotes normal blood circulation, stabilizes cardiac activity, has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Chlorogenic acid. Is an antioxidant. Restores metabolic processes, is a preventative against diabetes, has a positive effect on the circulatory system and digestion, and stimulates the breakdown of fats.
  • Lipids. Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Amino acids. They increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels, and moderate appetite.
  • Alkaloids, essential oils, tannins. They soothe, have an antibacterial effect, normalize digestion, and have a positive effect on the respiratory system.

Green Coffee Bean also contains a lot of fatty acids:

  • linoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • arachidonic;
  • linolenic;
  • oleic;
  • stearic;
  • Behenova.

In addition, green coffee extract is rich in proteins, organic acids, di- and monosaccharides, minerals, and phenolic compounds.

The effect of drinking green coffee extract

Green Coffee Bean has the following effects on the body:

  • promotes fat burning, while reducing the load on internal organs, in particular the heart;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • fills with antioxidants;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • improves liver function;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • has a beneficial effect on memory;
  • causes a surge of vigor and energy;

The principle of action for losing weight

Due to the presence of chlorogenic acid in the dietary supplement, the absorption of glucose in the small intestine is prevented. Therefore, the amount of absorbed sugar decreases. A decrease in blood sugar levels causes the body to turn to its own reserves, that is, it begins to burn fats to get energy.

Method of taking green coffee extract

The powder has a bitter taste, so it is better to swallow it with plenty of water (250 ml). It is recommended to take the supplement twice a day, 500 mg. A daily dose of green coffee extract contains 5 times less caffeine than regular coffee extract.

The product is not a medicine.
We do not recommend using the products for persons under 18 years of age.
Before you start taking any product, be sure to consult a specialist!

    Green coffee has gained popularity as a drink for people wanting to lose weight. Avid coffee lovers are unlikely to expect the alluring and invigorating aroma of real coffee from this product. The depth of taste is also difficult to assess by analogy with a cup of strong espresso.

    Marketers claim that the drink helps in weight loss. Let us say right away that this is indeed the case, but only in the case when we are talking about real grains that have not undergone heat treatment. What is offered in stores and on the Internet today does not always have the properties advertised. The fact is that green coffee does not reach us in fresh form and what we are dealing with are dietary supplements, where the percentage of chlorogenic acid (the very substance that everyone talks so much about) is negligible.

    Does green coffee exist and what does it consist of?

    Few people understand what green coffee actually is and how to prepare it correctly. Essentially these are ordinary coffee beans that have not undergone heat treatment.

    During research, scientists came to the conclusion that green coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which has a number of beneficial properties that overlap the benefits of caffeine. It is preserved precisely due to the lack of heat treatment. Although the caffeine content in green beans is three times less than in roasted beans, scientists decided that it can be reduced further so that the beneficial properties of the acid manifest themselves better. Therefore, sometimes additional processing is carried out - decaffeination, i.e. caffeine removal. This is fundamental to the beneficial properties of green coffee. According to research by scientists and doctors, 300 mg of caffeine is the maximum daily dosage for a person.

    Chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can rejuvenate the cell due to the balance of redox processes in it. It has a number of positive properties:

    • promotes detoxification;
    • dilates the walls of blood vessels;
    • restores proper liver function and protects this organ;
    • reduces blood pressure.

    Thanks to chlorogenic acid, cells increase sensitivity to insulin. This helps slow the absorption of sugars from foods, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes even with chronic overeating.

    In addition to a small amount of caffeine, the product contains the beneficial substance tannin. Its effect is almost identical to the first, but the drink contains even less of it:

    • tannin increases blood pressure as a result of vasoconstriction;
    • reduces capillary permeability, increases their stability, prevents the risk of developing hematomas and bruises;
    • has antiseptic properties, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • accelerates wound healing, as blood clotting increases.

    Thanks to the combined effect of caffeine and tannin, a person feels cheerful after drinking the drink. But still, chlorogenic acid plays a major role in the benefits of the finished drink. 1 liter of green coffee contains approximately 300-800 mg of the substance. The quantity is directly related to the method of brewing the coffee.

    Acid interferes with absorption and inhibits the process of fat accumulation. This is an important detail for people trying to lose weight. Just like caffeine and tannin, acid stimulates the central nervous system, filling a person with vivacity and energy. In addition, this substance is an antioxidant that prevents the effects of free radicals on body cells. This property prevents the development of cancer.

    Positive properties of green grains

    Due to its chemical composition, green coffee brings many benefits to the body. The increased content of antioxidants and microelements promotes a tonic effect. Chlorogenic acid helps actively fight extra pounds, cellulite, fungal diseases, and cleanses blood vessels. It has a pronounced antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Green coffee extract is used to strengthen hair and elasticity of skin.

    Useful qualities are manifested only if the product is properly collected, stored and prepared. If the technology is violated, all declared properties are lost.

    By properly preparing and consuming the drink, observing proportions and a sense of proportion, you can achieve the following results:

    • Increased performance and physical endurance. Energy is directed in the right direction thanks to increased production of adenosine. It relieves nervous tension from cells.
    • Increasing blood pressure in case of persistent hypotension due to the normalization of cerebral blood vessels.
    • Stimulation of metabolic processes and the production of gastric secretions. Coffee is contraindicated in this case for patients with gastrointestinal problems.

    These effects will appear if the daily norm is not exceeded. In case of overdose, a negative effect and unpleasant consequences for the body may occur.

    Side effects, contraindications and harm of green coffee

    Green coffee has a strong effect, so you need to be extremely careful when consuming it.

    An overdose is fraught with unpleasant side effects:

    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • irritability;
    • headaches and dizziness;
    • lack of sleep;
    • sudden mood swings;
    • loss of strength.

    Even a small amount of caffeine can lead to addiction over time. This is why you need to be careful with this product.

    There are a number of contraindications for drinking green coffee:

    • hypersensitivity to caffeine (as a rule, it manifests itself in nausea, increased blood pressure, general weakness and arrhythmia);
    • apnea;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • nervous disorders, increased excitability or depressed state;
    • high blood pressure;
    • breastfeeding period;
    • childhood.

    In large quantities, green coffee can cause uncontrolled diarrhea. In turn, this will lead to a number of unpleasant consequences for the body.

    Green coffee and weight loss

    Scientists from the USA have identified the benefits of unroasted coffee beans for weight loss. Having discovered a high content of chlorogenic acid in its composition, they concluded that it can help in the fight against excess weight. The fact is that acid has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, reducing glucose levels. This makes the processes that burn excess fat work. In addition, chromium, which is part of grains and baked goods, also reduces appetite and hunger.

    However, using a nutritional supplement disguised as green coffee is ineffective. The products offered in pharmacies today are not a real product, but only a dietary supplement that contains a small amount of green coffee extract. By itself, it does not contribute to weight loss, except under the conditions of a proper diet and dosed physical activity. Nothing more.

    To start, you can fry the grains a little in a dry frying pan, no more than 15 minutes. Then grind them. For a standard serving, you usually take 1-1.5 tablespoons of coffee per 100-150 ml of water.

    Water is heated in a pot or ladle, but not brought to a boil. Then the ground grains are placed there and cooked over low heat, stirring occasionally. The foam that appears indicates the drink is ready. Boil it for a couple more minutes and then remove from heat. In this case, the water will be colored green. Coffee is poured into a cup through a sieve.

    Green coffee differs significantly from the usual black drink in taste and aroma. However, it is useful, especially if you drink it half an hour before meals - in this case, it manages to start all the vital processes and set the person up for active activity, giving vivacity and energy.

Contents of the article:

Green coffee extract is a simple and effective way to improve metabolism in the body, which means losing weight and improving overall well-being. This is a natural product, its effect has been known for quite a long time, but simply chewing coffee beans will not bring much benefit, so its release form is an extract that reaches our digestive system in the form of 500 mg capsules. Manufacturers have carried out the necessary testing under clinical conditions and capsules with the extract have received the necessary certificate, which means they are completely safe for human health.

Price and where to buy Green Coffee Bean Extract

I have not seen this product in Russia or other CIS countries either in pharmacies or online stores. You have to order on English-language websites and wait 2-4 weeks for delivery, but it’s worth it. The price of one jar of green coffee extract is very varied, you can find 400 mg and 60 capsules for $7.5, and up to $32 for 800 mg (but there may be something else, for example “Chlorogenic acid”). As a rule, the average price for a quality product is around 20–25 dollars for 60 capsules of 500 mg of one green coffee bean extract. To search for stores, type into Google in English and you will be shown many online stores.

Beneficial properties of green coffee extract

The problem of excess weight is solved in different ways: by following a diet with low-calorie dishes, playing sports, and taking special dietary supplements that break down fats. The latter includes the product - green coffee and. Green Coffee Bean Extract contains amino acids that accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

The properties of coffee have been known for a very long time. But in most cases, they only consumed a drink made from its roasted grains. Not very long ago, green coffee beans began to be used as a dietary product for weight loss. But the extract from them is a modern product, more effective and harmless to health, and is already popular in many countries around the world.

Green coffee bean extract is a 100% natural product without additives or chemical impurities. It retains caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and natural oxidants. They are quite enough to give tone, replenish lost energy, enhance metabolic processes, and eliminate congestion.

Reducing excess weight is achieved by removing toxins from the intestines and eliminating toxic substances. Green coffee extract in capsules copes well with this task.

Using the weight loss product is very simple and does not require medical knowledge or consultation with a doctor. Green coffee extract has no contraindications for use, but exceptions are possible for people with individual intolerance to the product.

Composition of Green Coffee Bean Extract

The composition in this product and the active working formula are the same. Capsules (30 pcs.) contain only extract of unroasted coffee beans with chlorogenic acid (within 60%).

The simplicity of the product is more of a plus than a minus in the process of improving your figure. Green coffee extract acts gently and not aggressively, gradually burning excess fat cells. And if its effect seems insufficient to you, you can always resort to additional means or Dietary Supplements.

How to use green coffee extract

Release form: 500 mg capsules. This is very convenient because there is no bitterness and does not interfere with regular food intake (for those who do not like the taste of coffee). In the instructions for use, the manufacturer describes the following steps:

Use green coffee extract in courses. The minimum course is two weeks.

For weight loss, take one capsule twice a day with meals. Drink with a glass of water. If the desired result does not occur, the course is repeated.

Reviews of Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee has long been known for its fat-burning properties. And therefore it has long been used for weight loss. Its extract does not need to be brewed and its effectiveness is slightly higher than that of the drink, since it is a concentrate, which is why it is popular. Buyers of capsules with this extract leave a lot of positive reviews. For example…

Vladislava, 25 years old

There is not enough time to stay slim: there is no time to go to the gym, there is no time to eat normally. In order to stay in shape, I started taking green coffee extract in capsules. I am very pleased - there is an effect (the weight not only does not increase, but is somewhat lower than expected), there are no fat folds on the stomach, and it does not require a lot of time (no brewing or preparation). I bought it at the pharmacy on the recommendation of my personal nutritionist.

Alena, 31 years old

I won’t hide it: I constantly use dietary supplements to burn fat and avoid gaining weight this way. Without exercise, my body is not as slim as I would like, but at the same time it is not at all loose. In the morning I eat muesli and drink a capsule with green coffee extract, it acts mildly and does not even increase blood pressure. I first tried this product when my friend came from New York, she bought me a couple of jars of this product there. The price for a jar of strands is 22–30 dollars (depending on the manufacturer and the dose “400–800 mg”). Then I ordered online for delivery. I recommend it.

Gregory, 39 years old

I'm fat. I can’t play sports, but I can do evening walks. On the recommendation of a friend (therapist), in order to lose excess weight, I add the dietary supplement green coffee bean extract, which burns incoming fat and already stored fat. I lost 4 kg in 2 weeks: I drank capsules 2 times a day, eliminated sweets, my bowel movements returned to normal, and I began to enjoy walking 3 km. Green Coffee Bean Extract really helps and it's better than drinking coffee itself!